Prof. Cengiz OKMAN - Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler


Prof. Cengiz OKMAN - Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler
Professor, Department of International Relations, Yeditepe
University ,
B.A.: Ankara University , Faculty of Political Science; 19611965
M.A. : New York University , 1967 January -1969 June
Ph. D. : New York University, 1969-1974 June
Associate Prof . : Marmara University, 1987
Professor: University, Department of International Relations,
Marmara University 1994
--Chairman of Department of International Relations, Işık
University, 2003 October-2008 November
--Chairman of Department of International Relations Marmara
University. (1998-2004).
--Deputy Head of EU Institute 1994-1998.
--During graduate studies in the Law Library/ National and
International Documents Section (New York University),
responsible for technical coding, ordering, process and control of
a) the official documents of the UN, b) the Congressional
documents and c) the Department of State documents. Two years
of work on the University pay roll.
Work and Training
--One month of intensive theoretical and practical training and
research program on “national security” organized by the
National Strategy Information Center (New York), Fritz Thyssen
Foundation (Cologne) and the Ministry of Culture of SchleswigHolstein, in August l980; Kiel-Germany
--Taking part in the group of the “Founding Resident Fellows” at
the Institute for East-West Security Studies for 13 months
(September l982- October l983). In the same period, joining
common work-projects in Bucharest and Bonn as the
representative of the Institute.
--As the full time member of the Turkish Naval War School,
initiator and supervisor/lecturer of the extensive program on
“military strategy” organized on the basis of 6 credit course per
year, as well as assuming the academic responsibility of 3 credit
courses on “geopolitics”, “strategic planning”, “national security
and “civilian military relations” consecutively; January l976
through September l987.
--“Deputy Director” at the Institute of Eurpean Union in Marmara
University, 1990-1994.
--“Chairman of the Department of International Relations” in the
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Marmara
University, 1995-2003.
--“Chairman of the Department of International Relations”, Işık
University, 2003-2009.
--Professör in the Department of International Relations, Faculty
of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Yeditepe-2009-
Prices and Awards
--Full fellowship provided by the Turkish Ministry of Educational
Affairs towards the fulfillment of the masters and doctoral studies
in the US.
--13 months of full fellowship provided by the IWSS (Institute for
the East West Security Studies), New York (l982-l983).
--One month of full fellowship by the NSIC (National Strategy
Information Center, New York) for a “national security program
in Kiel , August l980.
--Full fellowship arrangements by the ELIAMEF (Greece) for
paeriodic l5 to 21 days of studies, 1983-84.
--Financial price provided by the related EU office for a coproject organized under the auspices of the ELIAMEF
____________________ _____________________________________________________
--Yeditepe University
Introduction to International Relations (BA)
Security Process Since WW II (BA)
Conduct of Foreign Policy (BA/MA)
Security since the End of the WW II (BA)
İntroduction to Political Sciences (BA)
Courses undertaken: in International Peace-Keeping Operations (MA)
Turkish Foreign Policy (BA)
cumulative order
International Politics (BA)
International Law (BA)
Theories of International Relations (Phd)
--Naval War School
Since 1976
Military Strategy
Selected Woks
• Strateji Teorisine Giris , 2nd print( Istanbul ; Deniz Harp Okulu
Matbaası , 2000
• Strateji teorisine Giris ( Istanbul ; Deniz harp Okulu Matbaasi ,
• Askeri Strateji : Deniz Stratejisi ( Istanbul ; Deniz Harp Okulu
Matbaası , 1980), Cilt 5
• Askeri Strateji : ( Istanbul ; Deniz Harp Okulu Matbaası ,
1980), Cilt 4.
• Askeri Strateji : ( Istanbul ; Deniz Harp Okulu Matbaası ,
1979. Cilt 2-3.
• Askeri Strateji : ( Istanbul ; Deniz Harp Okulu Matbaası ,
1978), Cilt 1.
• “The Cyprus Phenomenon: A Turkish View,” Analysis of
Articles in
Current Events New York ; City College of New York ,
international arbitrary Association for the Study of Nationalities, May 1996)
• “Turkish Foreign Policy; Principles, Rules, Trends; l814-2003”
in Turkish Foreign Policy in Post Cold War Era, ed., by İdris Bal
(Florida; Brown Walker Press, 2004), pp. 5-27
•”Iceland,” in European security: A survey of national
Perceptions and Policies, (New York; Institute for East West
Security Studies, 1983), pp. 119 – 131.
“Portugal ”, in European Security: A survey of National
Perceptions and Policies, pp. 175-189
Articles in
international published •“Turkey ”, in European Security: A Survey of National
Perceptions and Policies, pp. 205-223
• “Albania”, in European Security. A Survey of National
Perceptions and Policies, pp. 365-377.
• “Spain” Cengiz Okman and Kerry McNamara, – in European
Security: A Survey of National Perceptions and Policies, pp. 189205
Articles published in
national books
“Cyprus” Cengiz Okman and Yannis Valinakis , in European
Security: A Survey of National Perceptions and Policies, pp.
• “ NATO Stratejileri ve Türkiye bakimindan Sonuçlari ,” in
Türkiye’nin Savunması (Ankara; Dis Politika Enstitüsü , 1987)
slr . 83-109
• “Atatürkçülüğe Topyekün ve Genel Strateji Düzeylerinde
Yaklaşımda Göz Önüne Alınacak Temel Boyutlar” in TC İnkilap
Tarihi ve Atatürkçülük Öğretiminin ilk eve Yöntemleri Seminer
Raporu (İstanbul; Deniz Harp Okulu Matbaası, l989), pp.69-75.
• “Recent Changes in NATO’s Military Posture With Due
Emphasis on the Southern Region; A 40th Anniversary
Perspective (Ankara; Dış politika Enstitüsü, 1990), pp.39-98
• “İkinci Meşrutiyet Dönemi Dış Politika Ortamı ve Askeri
Yapının Evrimi,” Bildiriler; 4 Askeri Tarih Semineri (Ankara;
GnKur. Askeri Tarih ve Stratejik Etüt Başkanlığı, 1989), pp. l735
• “Değişen Dünyada Silahlanma ve Türkiye’nin Ulusal Güvenlik
Stratejisi” in Yeni Uluslararası gelişmeler Açısından Türkiye!nin
Stratejik Öncelikleri (İstanbul; Hava Harp Okulu Yayınları,
1993), slr. 159-179
• “Su Sorunu ve Orta Doğu’da Stratejik Durum” in Su
Sorunu,Türkiye ve Orta Doğu (İstanbul; Bağlam Yayınları, l993),
• “Türkiye’nin İç ve Dış Güvenliği Üzerine,” YeniTürkiye,l998,
No. 23-24, pp. 1495-l502
• “Alman Dış politikası’na Jepolitik Bakış” in Çıkarlar,Çatışmalar,Çözümler; Tarihten Geleceğe Türk Alman İlişkileri,
ed. By Erhan Yarar (Ankara; Ajans Türk Matbaacılık, l999),
Slr. 83-l4l
• “AGSK Yapısında Karar Alma Süreci ve Diğer Uluslararası
Örgütlerle İlişkiler” in Avrupa Güvenlik ve Savunma Kimliği,
Avrupa Birliği ve NATO İlişkilerinin Geleceği ve Türkiye’ye
Etkileri (Ankara; GnKur. Askeri Tarih ve Stratejik Etütler
Birliği, 2001), slr. 127-165
• “Soğuk Savaş Sonrasında Türkiye’nin Stratejik Yöneliş Esasları
Üzerine” in Uluslararsı Çatışma Aalanları ve Türkiye’nin
Güvenliği, ed. By Gamze Kona (İstanbul; IQ Kültür Sanat
yayıncılık, 2004), slr. 427-447
--“Turkish Foreign Policy: Principles, Rules and Trends, 18152009”, in Türk Dış Politikası, Umuttepe Publications, 2011, pp.
--“Framework Designs on Strategic Formations and Approaches
Today,” Geopolitical Trends in 21st Century, Kocaeli University
Publications, Kocaeli, 2011, pp. 1-16
--“Stability in Balkans in Historical Perspective”, Balkan Wars
After 100 years””, İstanbul; Kültür Yayınları, 2012), pp.36-60
Articles Presented in
•“Soviet Strategic Thinking and Militay Complex: Its Influence
on Sovıet Foreign Policy” A Paper Presented at the Christian
Albrecht’s University during the National Security Seminar cosponsered by the Schleswig Holstein Ministry of Cultural Affairs,
Center for Strategic Studies (New York), Christian Albrecht,s
University,, Kiel Germany, 1-30 August 1980
• “Turkey in the Emerging International System” • “ a paper
presented at Panteion University during the Seminar co-sponsered
by the American Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Panteion
University of Social and Political Sciences and the Brookings
Institute (USA), Athens, 17-20 June l990
• “Cooperation and Security in Europe, the Mediterranean and
Balkans” a paper presented during the Seminar organized by the
ELIAMEP; Halki-Greece, 23 August-13 September l993
• “An Approach to Turkey’s Policies Vis-à-vis Central Asian
States” a paper presented at the bi-annual conference on the
European Institutions and International Relations framework
organized by the ELIAMEP under the auspices of the EU Foreign
Ministries. Rhodes-Greece, 3-5 September 1993
• “On the Process of Disarmament Between Greece and Turkey”
a paper presented at the conference titled USA, Greece, Turkey in
the Emerging International System, co-sponsered by the
American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, the Brookings
Institute, Panteion University. Athens-Greece, l7-20 June l993
• “Peace and Security in the Balkans 70 Years After the
LausaneTreaty”, a paper presented during the symposium
sponsored by the ELIAMEP. Thessaloniki, Greece, 27-30
January 1994
• “Consideration of Militarization Clauses: From Lausanne to
Montreux and Beyond; an Approach from the Realistic point of
View”, a paper presented during the symposium on “the security
and Cooperation in the Balkans: 70 years after Lausanne Treaty”
organized by the ELIAMEP. ThessalonikiGreece, 27-30 December l994
• “The Process of Security and Stability in the Balkans in
Historical Perspective”, a paper presented during the seminar
,held on the “Balkans and Black Sea region: Political and
Economic Development and Prospects”, co-sponsered by the
Balkan and the Black Sea Society and Agrobusiness Bank. SofiaBulgaria, 13-15 September l994
• “The Black Sea Initiative and European Security Process: A
Theoretical Approch” a paper presented at the conference
organized by Institüt für Eurapaische Politik on” the Black Sea
Economic Cooperation: A New Reality for Turkey, Germany and
the European union . Bonn-Germany, 8-9 december l995
•“The Theoretical Aspects of the Balkan Security and the
Integration Process”, a paper presented at the Conference on Reintegration of Balkans into Europe organized by the Carl
Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung. Munich-Germany, May 13-15,
•“The Security Challenges of Eastern Europe; A Theoretical
Approach at Macro-level”, a paper prepared for the symposium
On Cooperation and Security in Europe, the Mediterranean and
Balkans, organized by the ELIAMEP. Halki-Greece, August 23September 23, l996
•“Greco-Turkish Relations and Cyprus Problem”, a paper
prepared for the conference series organized by the Inter college.
Nicosia-Greek Section Cyprus, 21-24 October 1996
•“The Black Sea Cooperation”, a paper presented at the Halki
International Seminar, sponsored by the Western European Union
Institute for Security Studies and the Representation of European
Commission in Greece. Halki-Greece, 7-14 September, 1996
•“Turkish Perceptions regarding the Black Sea Economic
Cooperation”, a paper presented to ELIAMEP. Athens-ecember,
Discussion Sessions
•“Open Panel on “ the prospects and the possible utility of the
military establishment in the civilian field”, An open forum with
the participation of delegates from the West Point Military
Academy and NATO; Columbia University; New York, March
•“International panel on “NATO at present and the Western
Security” with the participation of the delegates from East West
Security Studies (IEWSS-New York), ELIAMEP andNATO.
Astir place/ Athens, l6-l7 June l983
•”Together with the IEWSS members, taking part in the
coordination-meetings with delegates from Hungarian
ınstitutions. Bucharest-Hungary, 16-17 June l983
•“Together with the IEWSS (New York) group, participating in
the coordination-meetings on the East-West Security Dialogue,
Bonn-Germany, l9 June, l983.
Works Prepared for
National Programs
•“Atatürkçülüğe Topyekün ve Genel Strateji Düzeylerinde
Yaklaşımda Göz Önüne Alınacak Temel Boyutlar”, ( The Basic
Dimensions to be Considered In Approaching to Ataturkism at
General and Overall Strategy Levels) ; a paper prepared for the
semınar on the “principles and the rules of teachings on the
Turkish Revolution and Ataturkism, , organized by the Turkish
Naval War School, Istanbul 27-28 October, l989.
•“Askerlik Mesleğinin Gelişimi”, (The Evolution of the Military
Profession), Gen. Kur. Bşk. (General Staff Org.),the Military
History Directorate, Ankara, October, l989.
•“Developments in the Eastern Europe and Turkey: the Military
Aspects”, a panel on, “Turkey under the light of the new
developments” organized by the Turkish Social and Economic
Reserach Foundation ; İstanbul, 11 November l989.
•“İkinci Meşrutiyet Dönemi Dış Politika Ortamı ve Askeri
Yapının Evrimi”, (the foreign policy environment in the period of
the Second Meşrutiyet and the evolution of the military
establihment) , a paper prepared for the 4th Military History
Seminar, organized by the Gen.Kur. Bşk (General Staff) ,the
Military History Directorate, Ankara, December l989.
•“Recent Changes in NATO,s Military Posture with Due
Emphasis on the the Southern Region”, a paper presented at the
seminar organized by the Dış Politika Enstitüsü (the Foreign
Policy Institutute) in commemoration of the NATO,s 40th
anniversary; Istanbul, November l990.
•“Değişen Dünyada Silahlanma ve Türkiye’nin Ulusal Güvenlik
Stratejisi”, (arming in a changing world and Turkey,s national
security strategy); a paper prepared for the symposium on “the
Turkish strategic priorities from the point of view of new
international develpoments”, organized by the Turkish Air
War School School; Istanbul, l6-l7 March.
•“Global Jeopolitik Evrimlesme Sürecinde Türkiye”; Degisen
Dünya Dengeleri Içinde Askeri ve Stratejik Açıdan Türkiye
konusunda düzenleneneBesinci Askeri Tarih Seminerinde
sunulan çalisma , (Turkey in the geopolitical evolutionary
process), a paper presented at the seminar on “Turkey from the
military and strategic stand-points in the global evolutionary
process”, Gen. Kur. Bşk. (General Staff), the Military History
Directorate; Ankara; November 1995…
• “GKRY'nin Iç Dinamikleri de Dikkate alinarak Yunanistan'in
hedefi ve bu hedeflere ulasabilmek için uygulayabilecegi
stratejiler üzerine”; (Taking Southern Cyprus Greek
Administration’s Dynamics into consideration, Greece’s goals
and the strategies that could be implemented in the fulfillment of
these strategies); a paper delivered during the symposium
organized by the Gen. Kur Bşk. (General Staff) on Cyprus; War
Academy, Istanbul, 1-2 December 1997.
•“AGSK yapisinda karar alma süreci ve diger Uluslararasi
Örgütlerle Iliskiler”,(Decision making process in the OESDI
structure and its relations with other international organizations),
a paper presented during the symposium on the “European
Security and Defense Identity and the Future of its Relations with
NATO and their Implications on Turkey”, organized by the
Gen.Kur.Bşk. (Gen. Staff Org.), the Military History Directorate;
Military Academy, Istanbul, 11-12 January 2001.
• “Changing Security Environmenté, a paper presented for the
symposium co-organized by the Marmara University and EuroArab Mobile University; Istanbul, 17-24 April 1993.
•“Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarının Dünya Siyasetindeki Gelişen
Önemi ve Ulusal Güç Tanımlamasındaki Yeri”,(Evolving
importance of the NGOs in the world politics and their place in
the definition of the national power), A Conference paper
prepared for the Armed Forces Academy; Istanbul, 11 december
• “Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Jepolitik Gelişmeleri ve Türkiye “ (Post
Cold war geopolitical developments and Turkey), conference
series organized by the Faculty of Political Science (Ank.Un.);
Ankara, March 2005.
--“Strategic Decision and Scenario Formation,” A study presented
in the course of a seminar in the Armed Forces Academies,
İstanbul, 3/7/2010
--“Political Power Analysis” A Study presented in the course of
the seminar direction in Armed Forces Academies, İstanbul,
--“Stability in the Balkans in Historical Perspective” a Study
presented in during the seminar on “100 Years after the Balkan
Wars” organized by the Kırklareli University, 11-13 May 2012
--“Contemporary Paradigms and Caos Theory”, A seminar
organized for the high-rank officers in Armed Forces Academy,
İstanbul, 9-10-2012 and 22/11/2012
Works in National
• “Birinci Perdesi Kapanırken Falkland Çatışma Süreci”,Deniz
Harp Okulu bülteni “, ( İstanbul; Deniz Harp Okulu Matbaası,
1982),pp. 3-15
•”Topyekün ve Genel Strateji Düzeylerinde Atatürk: Atatürkün Askeri Yönüne Üst Düzeyden Bir Bakış”,Stratejik Etütler
Bülteni, no 79, yıl 16, July 1982, pp. 92-110
•”Sovyet Güvenlık ve Siyasi Görüşlerinde Evrim”, M-5, no. 3,
June l984, pp. 25-28
• “Sovyetler Birliği: Sovyet Algılamaları ve Günümüzde Sovyet
Güvenlik Sorunlerı: inceleme serisi, kısık 1”, M-5, June l984, pp.
• “Sovyetler Birliği: Sovyet Algılamaları ve Günümüzde Sovyet
Güvenlik Sorunları; inceleme serisi, kısım 2”, M-5,
July l984, pp. 19-22
• “Sovyetler Birliği: Sovyet Algılamaları ve Günümüzde Sovyet
Güvenlik Sorunları; inceleme serisi, kısım 3”, M-5,
August l984, pp. 7-13
• “Savunma Bakanı Caspar W. Weinberger’in ABD Kobgresi’ ne
yıllık Raporu: kısım 1”, M-5 , ( the critical summary of the book
) no.5, 1984, pp. 9-14
• “Savunma Bakanı Caspar W. Weinberger’in ABDKongresi’ne
Yıllık Raporu: kısım 2” M-5, (the critical summary of the bookj)
no. 6, September 1984, pp. 20-28
• “Sovyet Doğal Gazı: Boru Hattı Bağlantısı ve NATO için
Sorunlar”, M-5 (a translation and critical summary ) no 5, August
1984, pp.43-47
• “Nötron Bombası: Gerçek veya Fantazi: kısım 1” M-5,(the
critical summary of the book), no 5, August l984, pp. 48-50
• “Nötron Bombası: Politik Görüşler ve Karşı Görüşler: Kısım 2”,
M-5, (a critical book summary) no 6, September l984, pp. 51-54
•“American ve Sovyet İstihbarat ve İç Güven Sistemleri: kısım
1; Amerikan İstihbarat ve Güvenlik Sistemi”, M-5, (critique) no
7, October 1984, pp.47-52
•“Amerikan ve Sovyet İstihbarat ve İç Güvenlik Sistemleri: kısım
2; Sovyetler Birliği Kontrol Sistemi ve İstihbarat Örgütlenmesi”,
M-5 ,, (critique), no 8, November l984,
pp. 52-56
• “Milli Güçlerin Satısal Değerlendirilmesi Hakkında Örnek Bir
Çalışma”, M-5 , (critique) no 8, November 1984, pp. 9-15
• “Sıcak Savaşlar: 1982 Lübnan Harbi ve Edinilen Deneyimler”, M-5 , (critique) , November l984, pp. 57-64
• “Son 10 Yılın Savaşları Hakkında Stratejik ve Taktik Değerlendirmeler: Kısım I, Stratejik Düzey”, M-5 , no 9, December
l984, pp. 50-58
• “Son 10 Yılın Savaş Deneyimleri: Kısım II, Taktik Düzey” ,
M-5 , no l0, January l985, pp. 58-68
• “Son 10 Yılın Savaşları Hakkında Stratejik ve Taktik Değerlendirmeler: Kısım III”, M-5 , (a review), no 11, February 1985,
• “NATO’da Yeni Bir Konvansiyonel Savunma Sentezine
Doğru: Giriş”, M-5 , no12, March l985, pp.48-56
• “NATO’da Yeni Bir Konvansiyonel Çatışma Sentezine Doğru:
Kısım I”, M-5 , no l3, April 1985, pp. 57-64
• “NATO’da Yeni Bir Konvansiyonel Savunma Sentezine
Doğru: Kısım II”, M-5, no l4, May l985, pp. l8-21
• “Ulusal Güvenlik Konseptleri ve Uygulama”, M-5, no 15,
June 1985, pp. l0-l3
• “Ulusal Güvenlik”, M-5 , no 16, July l985, pp.21-24
• “Dış Politika Stratejileri Üzerine”, M-5 , no l6, July l985,
pp. 8-11
• “Ulusal Güvenlik: Ulusal Güç, Stratejik Planın Hazırlanması
ve Ana Güç Sahalarının Değerlendirilişi”, M-5 , no 17, August
l985, pp.48-53
• “Dış Politika Stratejileri Üzerine: Politik Stratejilerin İçine
Oturduğu Kalıplar”, M-5, no l7, August l985, pp. 11-16
• “Dış Politika Stratejileri Üzerine: Çatışma Çözümü”,
M-5, no 18, September l985, pp. l0-l3
• “Yıldız Savaşları: Uzay Stratejisine Yöneliş”, ( a critique)
M-5, no 18, September l985, pp. l7-22
• “Yıldız Savaşına Sovyet Karşı Önlemleri Açısından Bakış”,
M-5, no l9, October l985, pp. 9-20
• “Uluslararası Adalet Divanı”, M-5, no l9, October l985,
pp. l3-l6
• “Arnavutluk Güvenlik Algılamaları”, M-5, no l9, October,
pp. 4l-49
• “Makedonya: Türk Dış Politikasında Bir Manevra Unsuru”,
M-5, no 19, October l985, pp. 40-46
• “Hava Fotoğrafçılığı”, M-5, no 20, November l985, pp. 8-13
• “Varşova Paktı”, M-5, no20, November l985, pp. 43-46
• “Yıldız Savaşları Üzerine Pekin Kaynaklı Yorumlar”, M-5,
no 21, December l985, pp. l6-l8
• “Teknoloji ve Teknoloji Transferi”, M-5, no 21, December
l985, pp. 28-34
• “Savaşan Dünya, l985”, M-5, no 21, December l985,
pp. 28-34
• “Critical Remarks on NATO’s Defense Posture and Its
Implications on Turkey’s Defense,” (A 55 pages report) Dış
Politika, Enstitüsü, l989
• “-Bir Yayın Girişiminden Harp Okullarının Evrimleşme
Sürecine”, Silahlı Kuvvetler Dergisi, year ll2, January l993,
No 335, pp. 41-52
• “The Security Challenges of Eastern Europe; A Theoretical
Approach at Macro Level”, Marmara Journal of European
Community Institute, no 1-2, l993
• “Strateji Teorisi ve Askeri Teori: Körfez Savaşı Çerçevesinde
Bir İnceleme”, Silahlı Kuvvetler Dergisi, January 1994, year
113, no 339, pp. l7-30
• “Avrupa Güvenliği Üzerine: Ortak Savumamı Ortak Güvenlikmi?”, Süreç , September-December l995, no. l9-20, pp. l39-l54
• “Srtaejik Düşünce ve Kriz Süreci: Bir Kriz Perspektifinde
Stratejik Düşüncenin İncelenmesi”, Gümrük Birliği Sürecinde
Türkiye, no 21, January-April, l996, pp. 4-l7
• “Rusya’da Seçimler ve Sonrası Üzerine: Global Jeopolitik
Evrimleşme Süreci İçinde İkinci Büyük Geçiş Döneminde Bir
Durum Değerlendirmesi Aşamasında Rusya”, Gümrük Birliği
Sürecinde Türkiye, no 23, May-June l996, pp.36-54
• “Globalleşme Üzerine”, Vizyon, no 23, April l995, pp. 23-26
• “Soğuk Savaş Sonrası NATO’nun Rolü: Kuvvetler Dengesi_
nin Çadırı”, Savunma/defence , October-November l998,
pp. 54-57
• “Avrasya: Az-i-ya”,Dialog Avrasya, Spring 2000, pp. 28-34
• “AGSK ve NATO Üzerine Radikal Dönüşüm İkilemi”,
Karizma, April-May 2000, pp. 103-127
• “Sosyo-politik Dengeler ve Profosyonel Ordu”, Karizma,
June 2000, pp. 41-47
• “Bir Seri Ötekiler Dünyası”, Karizma, July_September 2000,
pp. l7-24
• “NATO Rusya’yı Ciddiye Almalı”, Ulusal Starteji, no l6,
January-February 2001, pp. 20-24
• “Statejik Yapılanma ve Yönelişlerin Esasları”, Görüş, June
2004, pp. 32-43
• “Bir Çerçeve Olgusu Olarak Su Sorunu”, Süreç, no 27, year
7, July-September 2006, pp. 7-24

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PDF - Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi

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