enterprise europe


enterprise europe
enterprise europe
Mission on the field of materials
technology for Eureka/Eurostars
24th January 2013
Istiklal Street No:142, Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Index in alphabetical order of all participations
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Materials Research Centre
CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology
Kertak Nanotechnology
Research and Testing Institute Plzeň
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, New Technologies – Research Centre
Department of Human body modelling
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, New Technologies – Research Centre
Department of Engineering of Special Materials
VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials,
Department of Physical Chemistry and Theory of Technological Processes
VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials,
Department of Metallurgy and Foundry
VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials,
Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre
VUK Panenské Břežany
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Materials Research Centre
Area of interest
Type of programme
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
Partner We would like to act as
Type of activity
Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Type of organization
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) Short description of the organization
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
Contact person
Materials Research Centre (MRC) is a regional research center
of excellence, focused on applied research in material science.
The research is concentrated on advanced materials such as
organic semiconductors for organic electronics and photonics,
biomaterials and biocolloids, silicate and ceramics materials.
The whole research team consists of two research leaders, 18
senior researchers, 34 junior researchers, postdocs and
approx. 50 PhD students.
Development of new materials with specific electrical and
optical properties focus on new electronic components for
organic electronics and photonics. Synthesis of advanced
organic monomers and polymers; their characterization and
application in different products such as organic photovoltaic
cells, organic lighting devices, smart textile solar cells, organic
sensors and others.
Excellence: Tailoring synthesis of target molecules,
preparation of thin organic multi-layered structures,
characterization of optical, electrical and mechanical properties,
stability and other parameters of organic materials. Printing
technologies. Application of developed materials in variety of
FP7 project DEPHOTEX target to development of photovoltaic
textiles based on novel fibres and organic semiconductors as
an active layer.
Jozef Krajcovic, Ph.D.
Email: krajcovic@fch.vutbr.cz, tel. +420 541 149 433
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Type of programme
CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology
Area of interest
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
We would like to act as
Type of activity
Type of organization
Short description of the organization
Coordinator Partner
Partner Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) SME
CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology is a joint
project/research institute of the Brno University of Technology,
Masaryk University and five other partner institutions in Brno.
This top project to build a modern scientific research
infrastructure - CEITEC - is founded on the mutual synergies of
seven research programs. Brno University of Technology is
responsible for two of these, which given their size and
expertise are very important programs, for which modern
laboratories will be built and equipped, including clean rooms of
the highest class, at the Pod Palacky Vrch Campus of the Brno
University of Technology:
• Advanced Nanotechnologies and Microtechnologies
• Advanced Materials.
Advanced Materials
The program of Advanced materials will be focussed on
advanced (functional and structural gradient, nanostructural
and smart) ceramic materials, polymers, metals and
composites. Basic research will be focussed on advanced
methods of synthesis (or preparing) of advanced materials and
multifunctional composites with polymeric, ceramic, silicate or
metallic matrixes, characterization of their structures on various
dimensional scales and quantifying structure-property-function
relationships on the various structural levels Combined
research in the field of advanced ceramic materials, polymeric
composites and metallic composites will be focussed on
applications in medicine, electrical engineering, power
engineering, engineering, chemistry and building engineering.
Research groups:
• Advanced Ceramic Materials
• Materials for Sensors and Technological Processes
Control Systems
• Advanced Polymers and Composites
• Advanced Metallic Materials and Metal Based
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Structure and Phase Analysis
Advanced Nanotechnologies and Microtechnologies
The research is focussed on the area of nanotechnologies
covering materials and structures to be exploited in
nanoelectronic and nanophotonic applications. The research
involves the preparation, characterization and analysis of the
properties of nanostructures enabling active application of
principles, which determine unique and specific properties of
nanostructures. Attention will be paid to the research of 2D –
OD nanostructures produced by lithographic (top-down)
methods and self-organizing (bottom-up) methods. The
research will consider semiconductor nanostructures, magnetic
and metallic nanostructures, nanotubes and nanofibres, supramolecules and nano-electronic material on the edge of Moore's
law etc..
Research groups:
• Functional Properties of Nanostructures
• Submicron Systems and Nanodevices
• Experimental Biophotonics
• Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructures
• Development of Methods for Analysis and Measuring
• X-ray micro CT and nano CT
• Optoelectronic Characterization of Nanostructures
• Micro and Nanotribology
• Plasma Technologies
• Transport and Magnetic Properties
• Synthesis and Analysis of Nanostructures
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
CEITEC BUT offers broad area of expertise in following areas:
the fabrication and nanocharacterization of nanostructures, new
materials, polymers, composites, metals and ceramics, robotics
and processing, X-ray, micro and nano CT, plasma
technologies, biophotonics, nanodevices and smart devices,
sensors etc.
The Brno University of Technology participate/d in nearly 50
This year the BUT applied for 6 FP7 projects.
Contact person
Ing. Jan Ostřížek, Ph.D.
Email: jan.ostrizek@ceitec.vutbr.cz, tel. +420 777 821 894
Web: www.ceitec.eu 5
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Type of programme
Area of interest
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
We would like to act as
Type of activity
Type of organization
Partner Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) Short description of the organization
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
COMTES FHT is a private non-profit research organization
carrying out research and development in the area of materials,
nanotechnologies and engineering design. We closely
cooperate with industrial partners helping them solve their
technological problems. We provide services starting with the
analysis of the problem cause (metallographical analysis),
proposal of the solution with the verification by computer
simulation and ending e.g. utility model or patents or verified
We offer (look for) cooperation in EUREKA/EUROSTARS
projects based on investigating and finding solutions for
technological issues. We are able to implement a new design
and technologies in mechanical engineering, the automotive
industry and power engineering. We can measure material data
including fatigue testing for the simulations in our own
mechanical laboratory. Our specialized group of forming is
responsible for prototype production and the realization of
experiments related to the development of new forming
technologies. We are able to develop new high-strength steels
and other metallic materials.
Looking for industrial partners (SMEs) that need help in above
mentioned fields. We are also looking for SMEs aimed at
Our company is experienced in investigating various national
and international projects. Since the establishment of the
company in 2000 we have investigated many EUREKA
‐ Components from high purity steels for power engineering
‐ New solutions of formers (FORMINGTOOLS),
‐ Manufacture of thin-walled high-strength components
‐ FeNi alloys manufacture optimization,
and EUROSTARS projects
‐ 7D08007 - Novel methods of heat treatment and thermo-
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
chemical treatment of tools and machine parts,
‐ E!4261, TECTECH
as coordinators and partners as well.
At present we are working on two EUREKA projects
‐ E! 6737 Research and development a new technology of
cold precision forming as replacement the cutting
‐ E! 6743 Development of new methods of repairing large
forging dies by means of special welding methods.¨
We also have experience with the participation in FPs projects
‐ FP5 - Intelligent welding of power generation components
‐ FP6 - Design of Semi hot Process Chain (DesProCh),
‐ FP6 - Integration of Manufacturing Systems for MassManufacture of Miniature/Micro Product (MASMICRO)
and RFCS programme
‐ 7C09055 - Improvement of the internal wall surface of
seamless tubes by optimisation and anticipating
management of the mandrel bar operation and supervision
of the internal tool process.
Contact person
Ing. Martina Boehmová
Email: martina.boehmova@comtesfht.cz,
tel. +420 377 197 314, www.comtesfht.com 7
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Kertak Nanotechnology
Area of interest
Type of programme
Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
We would like to act as
Type of activity
Research Training Tech. development Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Participant Profile
Type of organization
Short description of the organization
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered University Research Organization SME Enterprise (non SME) Other:
Kertak Nanotechnology s.r.o. (Ltd.) is a supplier of high
quality inorganic and organic nanofibers and nanofiberous
products manufactured by industrial-scale technology operated
by exclusive partner, company Pardams.r.o. Thanks to the
exclusive relationship, unique technology and know how we
take the position of the world leader in supplying of high quality
and performance inorganic “ceramic” and organic
“polymer” nanofibers.
Kertak Nanotechnology is introducing novel nanofiberous
material to the market through its global distribution
network, cooperating with Universities, R&D institutions
and private companies, whereas Pardam is a producer of
nanofiberous materials and also R&D partner working on
development of new nanofiberous materials and final
applications for inorganic and organic nanofibers.
We offer our services to our partners who are willing to test and
develop products based on nanofiberous materials.
Development of new nanofiberous materials for application in
(Lithium-ion batteries “separators, anodes, cathodes”, Fuel
cells, sensors, catalysts, composite materials and filtration
membranes “water and air purification”).
Optimization of parameters of nanofiberous materials in
accordance to customers needs
Development of new products based on nanofiberous materials
– ceramic separators, catalytic pellets, filtration membranes
XRD / SEM / BET analyses
Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
Electrospinning and Forcespinning technology for development
of nanofiberous materials are used in our company
As a partner we are applying for projects within FP7 together
with Fraunhofer Institute in Berlin and other institutions.
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Contact person
Mgr. Jan Buk
Email: buk@kertaknanotechnology.com
Tel. +420 734 436 633
www.kertaknanotechnology.com 9
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Type of programme
Area of interest
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
We would like to act as
Type of activity
Type of organization
Short description of the organization
Partner Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) SME
The company MATEX PM, s. r. o. was founded in 2005 by two
research scientists: Mr. Tomáš Mužík and Dr. Stanislav
Němeček, IWE.
MATEX PM first focused on chemical analysis of metals and
non-metallic specimens, and on metallography and mechanical
testing of materials. It was the first company in the Czech
Republic to use a laser scanning confocal microscope (by
LEXT) and a laser spectrometer (by LIBS) for commercial
applications. In 2009, the demand for laser processing led
to building a laser processing shop. In the Czech Republic,
our company is unique in offering commercial laser processing
of materials: welding, hardening and custom cladding. We
operate as a „job-shop“. Every job is unique and often requires
modifications to the standard processing procedure. We
develop these procedures at our own laboratories to customers’
material and process specifications. Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Processing of metals by a power laser
We perform custom processing of metals by a power laser on a
„job-shop“ basis. We were the first company in the Czech
Republic offering this technology for:
- laser hardening of moulds, tools, gears, turbine blades and
various machine parts
- laser cladding with wear resistant or corrosion resistant
- laser welding of components for the transport, rail transport,
automotive, power and building industries. (Certification: ČSN
EN 15085-2 CL2, ČSN EN ISO 3834-2)
We also offer:
chemical and microstructure analysis of
consultancy and technology development
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
our own transport of moulds and other parts with
mass under 1.4 tons
overhead crane with a12.5 tons capacity
mobile laserwork station
For more information about our company visit our
website www.matexpm.com.
Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
Contact person
Doc. Ing. Stanislav Němeček, Ph.D.
Email: nemecek@matexpm.com, tel. +420 737 424 542,
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Type of programme
Area of interest
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
We would like to act as
Type of activity
Type of organization
Short description of the organization
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Coordinator Partner
Partner Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) SME
PILSEN TOOLS s.r.o. was founded in 1999. The company took
over activities of companies SKODA Tools and SKODA Repair
machine tools. PILSEN TOOLS s.r.o. has continued on more
than eighty years tradition of these companies. Original
company name was ŠKO-TOOLS and the company has used
current name since December 2008.
The company has 170 employees, owns technological
development, design, technology and trade.
The company is focused on the development and production of
special tools (clamping, cutting, control), special gauges,
injection molds, preparations, single purpose equipment,
renovation of large machine tools, welding, etc.
It has own resort of heat treatment with surface treatment line
for alkaline blackening, workplace of description components by
laser and 3D measuring machine for check.
The company applies the latest technology of manufacturing.
Cutting tools (hobs, broaches, etc.) are made from powerfull
high-speed steel, including powder steel. The company uses
progressive geometry and wear resistant layers to cutting tools.
Applied thin layers and heat treatment processes are
continuously optimalized on the basis of solutions of
development projects.
PILSEN TOOLS s.r.o. exports own products to whole world
(centres). The company's products are mostly supplied to firms
with production of power equipment (SKODA POWER DOOSAN, SKODA Nuclear Engineering, SKODA ELECTRIC,
BRUSH SEM, GE, etc.), transportation equipment (SKODA
WIKOV, etc.), or other disciplines (Sowa Tool, KENNAMETAL
Europe GmbH, MWM Mannheim, ZETOR TRACTORS, etc.).
PILSEN TOOLS s.r.o. solves development projects related to
own production. The projects are focused on the use of new
technologies to improve productivity, quality and
competitiveness of their products. The company also develops
new products and cooperates with research institutes,
universities and companies in the Czech Republic and abroad
on this development.
The aim of the projects is research of new production
technologies, optimization of heat treatment and chemical-heat
treatment of speciál tool's materials, development and
application of simple and multi-component thin surface layers
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
for the selected materials and material systems, attainment
optimal behavior tools and machine parts in various kinds of
stress during operation.
The aim of development is the applied use of the results in the
production of heavy-duty machine parts, cutting, forming,
pressing and assembly tools. Another aim of development is
productivity and environmentally friendly production, saving
material by manufacturing blanks by forming, laser cutting and
water jet cutting, application of new materials, materials with a
wear-resistant surface saturated resistant elements (nitriding ,
carburising, etc.), manufacture of machinery parts for machine
tools, textile machinery and mining, energy, etc.
Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
Contact person
PILSEN TOOLS s.r.o. offers these activities in projects:
- Coordination of solutions in cooperation with other
- Cooperation in design of products, solved areas and modes
- Production of samples and instruments for laboratory and field
- Cooperation in the analysis of wear and other properties of the
samples and technologies
- Execution verification tests and evaluation of results
- Development and production of special test equipment and
- Implementation verified technologies and developed products
into manufacturing
EUREKA E!3030 FORMINGTOOLS ,,New Design and
Technological Solution of Forming Tools”
EUROSTARS E!4261 TECTECH ,,Novel methods of heat
treatment and thermo-mechanical treatment of tools and
machine parts” 07/2008 – 06/2011
Ing. Fajt Josef, CSc.- Head of Product Development
Tel. +420 378 134 005, +420 737 225 553
Fax: +420 378 134 392
E-mail: fajt@pilsentools.cz
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Type of programme
Research and Testing Institute Plzeň
Area of interest
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
We would like to act as
Type of activity
Type of organization
Partner Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) Short description of the organization
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
Výzkumný a zkušební ústav Plzeň s.r.o. (herein after referred to
as Research and Testing Institute Plzen) is involved in
research, development, and accredited testing focused on
improving in service reliability and service life of power
engineering devices – vibration diagnostics, noise reducing,
material tests, residual service life assessment, etc. Complex
solving of the problems related to operational loading, reliability
and service life of road and rail vehicles – computer
simulations, testing room tests, operational measurements.
Accredited testing and measurements for a wide range of
customers. Computing in the field of strength, dynamics, fatigue
damage, crashworthiness, aerodynamics and thermo
mechanics. Research and development of thermal sprayings
for both primary production and renovation including their
industrial applications.
We offer (look for) cooperation in EUREKA or EUROSTARS
projects based on investigating and finding solutions for
technological issues. We are able to implement a new design,
technologies and methodologies in mechanical engineering,
both the automotive and railway industry and power
engineering. We can measure material data including fatigue
testing for the simulations in our own mechanical laboratory.
We do strength and fatigue life tests of structures and their
parts, fatigue tests of structural materials at the temperatures
up to 1000°C, seismic resistance and vibration resistance tests.
Our specialized group is able to do strain gauge measurements
of stresses as well as accelerations under the service
conditions, calculation prediction of the operational fatigue life.
We are well equipped and able to perform a measurement of
technological and residual stresses.
Looking for industrial partners (SMEs) that need help in above
mentioned fields.
Our company is experienced in investigating various national
and international projects. We have investigated many
EUREKA projects
‐ LOGCHAIN FOOTPRINT - Relating the environmental
footprint of a vehicle to the cost of maintaining the
‐ EUROBOGIE - Advance rail suspensions using fibre
reinforced plastics
‐ EQUIMOTOR - New Generation of Engines of Reduced
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Enviromental Impact Adapted to Work with Nonconventional Fuels and Lubricants
as coordinators and partners as well.
At present we are working on two EUREKA and Eurostars
‐ E! 1841 Advanced rail suspensions using fibre
reinforced plastics
‐ E! 7691 Ecobogie: a new GRP bogie with low noise
We also have experience with the participation in FPs projects
‐ FP5 - XPECTION: Innovative Assesment and
Monitoring System for Residual Service Life
‐ FP5 - Enhanced Vehicle Passive safety network
‐ FP6 - APROSYS-Advanced Protection Systems
‐ FP6 - TNE3-CT-2003-506257 APSN - Advanced
passive safety network
Contact person
Ing. Jan Chvojan, Ph.D.
Email: chvojan@vzuplzen.cz, tel. +420 737 237 993
Web: www.vzuplzen.cz
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Type of programme
Area of interest
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
We would like to act as
Type of activity
Type of organization
Short description of the organization
Coordinator Partner
Partner Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) SME
The SVUM Joint-Stock Company was established as of 1
January 1994, by the privatization of the former National
Research Institute for Materials in Prague (SVUM). This
Institute was founded in 1949 and it has gradually risen to
become the leading Research Centre in the area of metallic
materials, plastics, and their testing. The privatization process
in 1994 retained the original abbreviated name of SVUM
together with the graphic trademark.
SVUM a.s. is a private research organization that specializes
mainly in the research and development of metals, plastics,
composites, and the testing of their properties in the accredited
SVUM a.s. participates regularly in the research projects
supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the
Ministry of Industry and Trade, Technology Agency of the
Czech Republic, the Czech Science Foundation, and
international projects supported by the European Union
(Framework programmes of European Commission, COST,
EUREKA, etc.)
Main activities:
a) Research and development activities, basic and applied
research – examples:
• Research and development activities, basic and applied
• metals, plastics, composites
• treatment technologies and heat treatment procedures
• counseling, consultant's reports, supervision, lay
• damage analyses of investment units, structural parts
and tools
• quantification of defects in the component service lives
and investment units, and service life prediction
b) Testing - accredited laboratories
• accredited laboratories under - CSN EN ISO/IEC 17025
• certificate from General Electric Transportation-Aviation
c) Welding
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Testing organization No. 2 CWS ANB for welder tests
welded structure inspection - accreditation as per CSN
EN ISO/IEC 17020
• welded components certification
• research and testing of welds
d) Editing activity
• documentation bulletins from the area of materials
(metals, plastics, composites) and their treatment
• expert retrievals
e) Technology and production
• The actual implementation of the research and
development activities is oriented towards Dpt. 2 Fluoroplastics Treatment and Magnets.
In the occasion of the brokerage event in Istanbul in January
2013, SVUM a.s., Praha, we express the interest and readiness
to participate in a Eureka or Eurostars project including a
considerable effort in preparation stages of the proposals. We
would be interested to participate as a project partner. It there
was an interest of a project consortium that SVUM should be a
co-ordinator, we could use our large and long-time (already
more than 20 years) experience in participation in various and
numerous European projects.
SVUM would be particularly interested to participate in projects,
where we are able valuably contribute in the fields of research
and testing, including accredited tests needed for certification
processes of resulting project prototypes and products. Our
research activities are large, from fundamental research of
structure and properties of different structural materials and
their treatment, in particular properties linked to service
conditions, durability, safety and reliability. High level of SVUM
expertise in different fields of research and testing of materials
and components can be documented, besides others, by
numerous recent publications including those in worldwide
journals with high impact factors. In Eureka projects, this
expertise can be utilized for applied research and development.
Examples of our expertise are shown in the description of our
company and in examples of projects, where we participated or
Though we do not provide specific proposals of projects at the
moment, some examples of themes can be outlined as follows
(but not exclusively):
- high strength light weight railway axles with surface
treatments under press fits resistant to fretting fatigue
(together with railway industrial partners),
- development of advanced methods of rehabilitation of high
pressure pipelines to increase their carrying capacity,
safety and reliability,
- advance methods of welding (in transport, including e.g.
laser welding) to reduce weight and increase safety and
- advanced methods of surface treatments (coatings, laser
- use of composite materials in new fields of industry,
particularly transport, to reduce weight and impact on
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Concerning the development of various technologies or
materials, we could find a suitable Czech or European partner
or industrial end-user either on a subcontracting basis or as a
regular project consortium partner.
Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
Contact person
EC-JOULE2-Programme: Project "Development of
Advanced Blades for Integration into Wind Turbine
Systems" (4th Framework Programme)
HIDA Applicability – High Temperature Defects
Assessment (5th Framework Programme)
NANOCOAT – Nanostructured coatings via
environmentally friendly deposition techniques for
demanding tribological applications (5th Framework
Rotor Blades – Qualification for "European Specialist for
the Processing of Composites“ (Programme Leonardo da
3D-LightTrans – Large scale manufacturing technology for
high-performance lightweight 3D multifunctional composites
(7th Framework Programme)
2BFunTex – Boosting collaboration between research
centres and industry to enhance rapid industrial uptake of
innovative functional textile structures and textile related
materials in a mondial market (7th Framework Programme)
Ing. Ivo Černý, Ph.D.
Email: ivo.cerny@seznam.cz, tel. +420 222 724 098,
+420 602 254 826
Web: www.svum.cz
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, New Technologies – Research Centre,
Department of Human body modelling (MLT)
Area of interest
Type of programme
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
Partner We would like to act as
Type of activity
Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Type of organization
Short description of the organization
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) SME
New Technologies - Research Centre (NTC) is an independent
university institution at the faculty level. The Centre supports
R&D activities in the West Bohemian region with a close
relation to the Czech and international research and
development teams.
The department Human Body Modelling offers stress and
deformation analysis concerning human tissues for given load,
mainly for injury assessment, using computational systems
based on the finite element method (FEM). The department
develops own scalable human body models based either on
multi-body system (MBS) approach or using the finite element
method. The models enable description of human behaviour
and response for impact loading such as car accident is. Whilst
the MBS model is useful for fast analysis of the phenomena,
the FEM model enables detailed analysis of human body
behaviour including injury prediction. Moreover, the MBS model
accommodating muscles is useful for the ergonomy and
comfort analysis.
Further, the department focuses on development of algorithms
and software (http://sfepy.org) for modelling materials with
complex structure and mass redistribution. It deals mainly but
not only with biological material related to the human body
model. Another application is piezo-phononic materials
modelling and optimization where the homogenization methods
are also developed, or ab-initio computations of various
properties of atoms, molecules, grains, nano-crystals and
further nano-structures.
The department has also knowledge and experience
background in the field of development of electric devices,
software and IT systems (e.g. development of mainly microprocessor controlled electric systems used for data
measurement, transmission and processing, control etc.).
The department has knowledge and experience with design
and development of multi-platform software for PC (control,
data transmission, visualization and analysis) and software for
micro-processor systems, so. Based on the knowledge, ideas
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
can be transferred into functional devices.
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
Contact person
The main purposes of our interest in cooperation are:
- Scientific and research activities in the above mentioned
- The possibilities of common publishing activities;
- The creation of new mutual scientific topics.
Ing. Luděk Hynčík, Ph.D.
Email: hyncik@ntc.zcu.cz, tel.: +420 606 148 958
Web: www.ntcu.zcu.cz
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, New Technologies – Research Centre,
Department of Engineering of Special Materials
Area of interest
Type of programme
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
Partner We would like to act as
Type of activity
Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Type of organization
Short description of the organization
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) SME
New Technologies - Research Centre (NTC) was constituted by
the Academic senate of the university as an independent
university institution at the faculty level. The Centre supports
R&D activities in the West Bohemian region with a close
relation to the Czech and international research and
development teams.
The department Engineering of Special Materials (ESM) is
focused on research and development of technology for new
materials – granular and fiber reinforced polymer composites,
systems based on aluminosilicate matrixes and their
modifications and polymeric membranes. Department activities
are focused especially on thermal analysis of polymer
composites by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (Q800),
Thermogravimetry Analysis (Q500), Thermomechanical
Analysis (Q400) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (Q200).
The department acquired recently new rotational rheometer
ARES-G2 and calibrated Wavelength Dispersive X-ray analyser
- Bruker AXS GmbH - S4 EXPLORER for chemical analysis.
The main purposes of our interest in cooperation are:
- Scientific and research activities;
- The possibilities of collective publishing activities;
- The creation of new mutual scientific topics;
In order to develop and promote cooperation we offer
laboratory equipment such as:
ARES-G2 - Rotational Rheometer - TA Instruments,
DMA - Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, Q800 - TA Instruments,
DSC - Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Q200 - TA
TG - Thermogravimetry Analysis, Q500 - TA Instruments,
TMA - Thermomechanical Analysis, Q400 - TA Instruments,
WDX analyser - S4 Explorer – Bruker,
ELISA - Enzymed Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (EIA)
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
FTIR – Nicolet 6700 (Raman),
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
SAXS-WAXS – Anton Paar
R&D of aluminosilicate binders with different types of filler and
various particle size distribution of the constituent aggregate.
Development of proper granular composite designed for
application as a heat barrier in folded sandwich structures.
Research and study the kinetics of aluminosilicate gels and
their modifications for geoceramic applications.
Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
Contact person
Synthesis and modification of high performance polymeric
membranes such as polyimides, poly(amide imides) for using in
fuel cell at high temperatures. To study the relationship
between the chemical structure and performance of
membranes, like water uptake, conductivity, thermal and
mechanical stability etc.
Ing. Tomáš Kovářík Ph.D.
Email: toko@ntc.zcu.cz
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
VŠB - Technical university of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials
Engineering, Department of Physical Chemistry and Theory of Technological
Area of interest
Type of programme
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
Partner We would like to act as
Type of activity
Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Type of organization
Short description of the organization
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) SME
The history of our Department dated as back as 1962 when the
working branch called the Physico-chemical bases of the
metallurgical processes was established at the ancient
Metallurgical Faculty of the Mining and Metallurgical University
in Ostrava. For many years this Department has been covered
by other departments such as iron-and coking and/or nonferrous metals, however, in 1990 independence was given as
Department of physical chemistry and theory of technological
At present our Department is inseparable part of the Faculty of
Metallurgy and Material Engineering of the VŠB-TU Ostrava,
nevertheless with whole-university activity. It provides teaching
students of bachelor (Bc.), master (M.Sc.) and doctoral (Ph.D.)
study in applications of physical chemistry raw material and
water treatment, in the field of metallurgy, of material, chemical
and physical engineering, of fire protection and of safety routes
in industry.
In the field of scientific and research activity our Department is
the only one college working and investigating site in the Czech
Republic dealing with the research of physical chemistry
properties of metallic and inorganic melts (phenomena of
crystallization, the thermodynamics, diffusion, viscosity and
surface tension), associated with mathematical modelling and
technological application routes. The research of our
department is also focused on study of thermophysical,
thermodynamical and kinetic properties of materials (mainly of
metallic systems). The department occupies with study of
phase transition temperatures, latent heats of phase transitions
and heat capacities (their dependence on temperature)
Most recently the research is focussed on the up-to-date
problems accompanying the technology of continuous casting
of steel and on investigation into properties of Ni-based
superalloys, Co-alloys, solders, Mg-alloys and on ceramic
materials (other inorganic materials).
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Laboratory of inorganic melts is focused on research of
molten oxide polycomponent systems and metallic melts. In this
context its long time orientation is on investigation of their
selected physical-chemical properties, namely surface and
inter-phase properties, densities, wetting angles, phase
transformations and viscosities. Research is performed
particularly on materials representing metallurgical slags and
CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 based casting powders and low melting metals
up to temperatures of 1600°C. The basic objective is to obtain
as the output an extensive database of material properties that
are applicable in primary research, as well as their
implementation into real industrial operational conditions.
The laboratory is equipped with the following instrumentation:
1/ High-temperature viscometer Anton Paar designated for
investigation of inorganic oxide melts in the temperature interval
from 300 to 1600°C. This device may work in rotating and
vibration modes, and apart from registration of dependences of
viscosities on temperatures and chemical composition it makes
it possible also to study Newtonian properties of melts. The
measuring range is from 3 mPa.s to 20 Pa.s and the error
declared by the manufacturer is of 0.5 %.
2/ High-temperature viscometer Theta Industries designated
for investigation of metallic melts and working also in the
temperature range from 300 to 1600°C. It is equipped for this
purpose by evacuable chamber. The measuring range is from 5
mPa.s to 20 Pa.s and the error declared by the manufacturer is
of 10 %.
3/ Original equipment designated for investigation of surface
and inter-phase properties on the interface molten steel –
molten oxide system, working on the principle of optical
registration of drops of the investigated melt with subsequent
software processing of the obtained image by application of the
Young-Laplace equation. Use of this methodology makes it
possible to obtain furthermore information on densities and
wetting angles of the investigated systems up to temperatures
of 1650°C.
4/ Equipment developed in the laboratory of inorganic
melts designated for research of phase transformations of
oxide melts by their shock cooling followed by an X-ray
diffraction analysis. These experiments may be carried out at
the temperatures up to 1650°C
Activities of the Laboratory of thermal analyses are currently
focused on the study area of inorganic materials, especially
metal systems. Scientific and research activities are oriented
mainly on research of thermo-physical, thermo-dynamic and
kinetic properties of metallic materials. The working site
concentrates primarily on the area of investigation of
temperatures of phase transformations (phase diagrams), latent
heats of phase transformations, and currently also of heat
capacities and their dependence on temperature, especially of
metallic systems in basic and applied research: model Fe-C
based alloys, steels, nickel-based super alloys, Co-alloys,
solders for high temperature applications, shape memory
metals, Mg-alloys.
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
The laboratory furthermore studies the oxide systems and new
nano-materials, in which also the thermal stability,
decomposition temperatures and other processes associated
with weight loss are investigated, in addition to the above
mentioned quantities.
The Laboratory of thermal analyses is equipped with the
following instrumentation for thermal analysis:
1/ SETARAM Setsys 18TM
2/ SETARAM MHTC, Line 96
3/ NETZSCH STA 449 F3 Jupiter.
These equipments provide a wide possibilities of investigation
of thermo-physical and thermo-dynamical properties. These
devices combined together offer use of several experimental
methods of thermal analysis: TG / DTA, TG / DSC, TG, c-DTA "calculated DTA" HF DSC (3D), DROP calorimetry (3D), DSC
(2D). It is possible to analyse the samples over the temperature
range from 20 to 2000°C at a heating/cooling rate set from 0.01
to 100 K/min. Experiments can be performed in an inert
atmosphere, reaction atmosphere, or in vacuum. Experimental
arrangement and sensitivity of the equipment makes it possible
to analyse samples weighing tens of milligrams up to a weight
of approx. 23 g
Members of the team of the laboratory of thermal analyses
participated and continue to participate in solution of numerous
projects carried out in the framework of basic and applied
research, within the national and international cooperation.
They are members of research teams of the projects carried out
within the Department of physical chemistry and theory of
technological processes, projects of the Faculty of Metallurgy
and Materials Engineering, university and inter-university
projects, as well as projects running within the framework of
international collaboration between scientific institutions:
GAČR (Grant agency of the Czech Republic), MPO (Ministry of
industry and trade of the Czech Republic), MŠMT (Ministry of
Education youth and sports), COST (European cooperation in
science and Technology), OP VaVPI (Operational Program
Research and Development for Innovations)-(RMSTC-project),
FRVŠ (University Development Fund).
Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
The presented research is based on the long-term scientific and
research activities of the Department of physical chemistry. The
investigatory team collaborates with professional working sites
in Czech Republic, as well as with foreign institutes oriented on
the given issues. Its high expert professionalism is documented
by numerous publications published in Czech Republic and
Eureka project - conmod No. 1867 "Optimization of quality of
continuously cast billets required for subsequent technological
Eureka project - coop No. 2716 "Creation of set of models for
prediction of technological parameters and thermal processes
for enhancement of TQM system"
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Contact person
Doc. Ing. Bedřich Smetana, Ph.D.
Email: bedrich.smetana@vsb.cz, tel. +420 597 321 594
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
VŠB - Technical university of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials
Engineering, Department of Metallurgy and Foundry
Area of interest
Type of programme
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
Partner We would like to act as
Type of activity
Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Type of organization
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) Short description of the organization
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
Contact person
Department of Metallurgy has huge experience in the field of
applied iron and steelmaking research. Long term tradition of
research cooperation with major steelmaking companies mainly
from the Czech Republic and other industrial partners. We have
also traditionally good cooperation with other universities mainly
within Central European Region.
Steelmaking processes: physical and numerical modelling
gas stirring, steel flow in metallurgical vessels, internal design
of tundish, continuous and ingot casting (flow, optimization of
casting and solidification), “cold/hot” physical models, numerical
All areas of mentioned research possibilities contain theoretical
studies, laboratory experiments, plant trials and experiments,
consulting of actual production technological problems.
1P04OE169/04; E!3580 (MŠMT - EUREKA: OE 214)
Ing. Karel Gryc, Ph.D.,
Email: karel.gryc@vsb.cz, tel. +420 597 323 533
Web: www.fmmi.vsb.cz/en/okruhy/katedry-a-pracoviste/618/
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
VŠB - Technical university of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials
Engineering, Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre
Area of interest
Type of programme
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
Partner We would like to act as
Type of activity
Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Type of organization
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) Short description of the organization
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered SME
Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre is a project
funded by the Operational Programme Research and
Development for Innovation.
The centre specializing in the preparation of highly pure
materials, special alloys, bio-medical materials, development of
materials for high temperature applications, and power
engineering, preparation of materials by advanced powder
metallurgy technologies (magnetic materials, friction materials,
composite materials, etc.), preparation of nano-crystalline
materials based on non-ferrous metals, their alloys and steels
prepared by severe plastic deformation, research of processes
running in the liquid phase of reactors that affect the utility
properties of materials, physical and mathematical modelling of
processes materials forming, including forging, and application
of the obtained findings in research and development of
technology of forming the components for nuclear power
engineering equipment. The complexity of technological
solutions of material-technological issues will be further
deepened by investigation of degradation processes of
investigated materials caused by corrosion, high temperatures,
stress states and embrittlement due to effects hydrogen, and
their impact on the degradation mechanism and safety at
operational application.
1. Single crystals of refractory metals – properties and
2. Alloys and intermetallic compounds for bio-medicine
applications. Preparation and study their properties.
Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
None Contact person
Doc. Ing. Bedřich Smetana, Ph.D.
Email: bedrich.smetana@vsb.cz, tel. +420 597 321 594
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Type of programme
VUK Panenské Břežany
Area of interest
Eureka Eurostars Preferred role in the project
Coordinator Partner
We would like to act as
Type of activity
Type of organization
Partner Research Training Tech. development
Management Dissemination Demonstration Other:
Participant Profile
University Research Organization Enterprise (non SME) Short description of the organization
Short project description OR
Expertise which is offered Previous Eureka/Eurostars or FP experience
VUK Panenské Břežany was founded on 1 January 1998 by
separation of the Division research, informatics and testing from
the Innovation Technological Centre - VUK, a.s. which has
been a successor of the Research Institute of Metals, s.p.
(VUK) founded in 1946 as the research institute for non ferrous
metals and co-operating directly with foundries. There is the
applied research in the area of new materials organised,
including materials with phases of the nanometric sizes
(precipitates), the development, treatment and optimising of
metals and their manufacturing/technological processes related
to products made of non ferrous alloys, including the
preparation methods for ultrafine-grain rolled materials by the
ARB method (Accumulative Roll Bonding). VUK also tests
mechanical properties (static, impact and fatigue ones) and
conducts metallographic and chemical analyses. It also
provides for a professional information centre in the area of non
ferrous metals and for services of a professional library,
technical consulting in the area of non ferrous metal standards
and the utilisation and replacing of materials.
Topics of possible cooperation:
1. Modification of structures and properties of aluminium alloy
mouldings and forgings with a focus on new ecologically
machinable alloys without lead
2. Research and development of copper alloys with enhanced
machinability and reduced lead content
3. Modification of structures and properties of aluminium
alloys strips in order to increasing of functional
Our company offers long-term experiences in structures
analysis by LM (Light metallography) and SEM (Scanning
electron metallography) methods and experiences in
measurement of mechanical and technological properties of
aluminium and copper alloys. We also offer know-how in
production, treatment and use of metallurgical products based
on aluminium and copper alloys.
Mission on the field of materials technology for Eureka/Eurostars projects
Contact person
Ing. Jiří Faltus, CSc.
Email: faltus@vukpb.cz, tel. +420 283 971 894
Web: www.vukpb.cz