Health, Culture and the Human Body


Health, Culture and the Human Body
2nd international and interdisciplinary conference on
Health, Culture and the Human Body
Epidemiology, ethics and history of medicine,
perspectives from Turkey and Central Europe
13 - 15 September 2012 · Istanbul · Turkey
The objectives of the
conference are
to identify critical issues in fields
of research and application selected
for the conference (aging, beginning
of life, sexually transmitted diseases
infectious diseases, migration and
to develop an interdisciplinary
perspective combining epidemiology,
ethics and history of medicine.
the conference schedule will
facilitate a constructive interdisciplinary exchange among the participants
across the whole spectrum of topics
and approaches involved. In addition,
this international meeting will be a
platform for initiating new research
Congress Venue
Kazlıçeşme Cultural Center,
Zeytinburnu Belediye Başkanlığı Bahçesi,
Abay Caddesi No 165, Zeytinburnu –
Hakan Ertin (E-mail:
Bülent Özaltay
M. Kemal Temel
Department of Medical Ethics and History of
Medicine, Istanbul University Medical Faculty
İlhan İlkılıç (E-mail:
Ahmet Göksu
Institute for History, Philosophy and Ethics
of Medicine Johannes Gutenberg University
Mainz, Medical Center
Rainer Brömer
Fatih University
Department of Philosophy, Istanbul
Hajo Zeeb
BIPS - Institute for Epidemiology and
Prevention Research, Bremen
14. - 15.09.2012
Istanbul University,
Rectorate Building Doctorate Halls,
Beyazıt - İstanbul
Hakan Ertin
Department of Medical Ethics and History of
Medicine, Istanbul University Medical Faculty
Phone: +90 (0) 537 495 29 99
The conference will be held under the
auspices of Prof. Dr. Yunus Söylet,
Rector of Istanbul University.
Funded by
Çobanoğlu, Nesrin (Ankara TR)
Dimitrova, Elitsa (Sofia BG)
Dingoyan, Demet (Hamburg D)
Doğan, Hanzade (Istanbul TR)
Donev, Dejan (Skopje MK)
Engin, Selçuk (Istanbul TR)
Ernst, Johanna Christine (Hamburg D)
Ertin, Hakan (Istanbul TR)
Gencer, Tuğba (Istanbul TR),
Göksu, Ahmet (Mainz D)
Gönç Savran, Temmuz (Eskisehir TR)
Gromwald Petersen, Signe (Copenhagen DK)
Güllüoğlu, Mehmet (Istanbul TR)
Hakeri, Hakan (Istanbul TR)
Haralambous, Sylva (Athens GR)
Heinz, Andreas (Berlin D)
Heyder, Clemens (Leipzig D)
Hosper,Karen (Utrecht NL)
Hüntelmann, Axel C. (Mainz D)
İlikan Rasimoğlu, Ceren G. (Istanbul TR)
İlkılıç, İlhan (Mainz D)
İnce, İrfan (Adapazarı TR)
İnce, Nurhan (Istanbul TR)
Kadıoğlu, Selim (Adana TR)
Kampf, Antje (Mainz D)
Kluge, Ulrike (Berlin D)
Koch, Uwe (Hamburg D)
Koponen, Päivikki (Helsinki FIN)
Koskinen, Seppo (Helsinki FIN)
Krasnik, Allan (Copenhagen DK)
Kressing, Frank (Ulm D)
Kümmel, Werner Friedrich (Mainz D)
Kutscheid, Petra (Dernbach D)
Laatikainen, Tiina (Helsinki FIN)
Metin, Sevtap (Istanbul TR)
Moeller, Esther (Mainz D)
Mösko, Mike (Hamburg D)
Mösla, Mulki (Helsinki FIN)
Nizamoğlu, Kaya Sami (Istanbul TR)
Odabaş, Sevim (Mersin TR)
Otto, Lene (Copenhagen DK)
Ovalı, Fahri (Istanbul TR)
Ögenler, Oya (Mersin TR),
Özay, Hüma (Istanbul TR),
Özkaya, Hilal (Istanbul TR)
Öztürk, Gulistan Bahat (Istanbul TR)
Panayotova, Yulia (Sofia BG),
Popovska, Dragica (Skopje MK)
Pöttgen, Saskia (Bremen D)
Rugolotto, Silvana (Amsterdam NL)
Sadat Mckian, Somaye (Tehran IR)
Saka, Bülent (Istanbul TR)
Samkange-Zeeb, Florence (Bremen D)
Sarı, Nil (Istanbul TR)
Sass, Hans-Martin (Washington USA / Bochum D)
Schulz, Holger (Hamburg D)
Schütte, Beate (Bremen D)
Serim, Işıl Baysan (Istanbul TR)
Smith Nielsen, Signe(Copenhagen DK)
Solovieva, Natalia (Helsinki FIN)
Sözen Şahne, Bilge (Ankara TR),
Stopfkuchen, Herwig (Mainz D)
Şahin, Soner (Istanbul TR)
Şahin, Yusuf (Ankara TR),
Şar, Sevgi (Ankara TR)
Şentürk, Recep (Istanbul TR)
Temel, M. Kemal (Istanbul TR)
Todorova, Irina (Sofia BG)
Kindly supported by
Topal Cevahir, Aslı (Düsseldorf D)
Topp, Sascha (Gießen D)
Tufan, Fatih (Istanbul TR)
Turkowska, Justyna Aniceta (Marburg D)
van der Geest, Sjaak (Amsterdam NL)
van Schayk, Merlijn (Utrecht NL),
Vourtsis, Andreas (Athens GR)
Weiste-Paakkanen, Annelie (Helsinki FIN)
Wünsch, Stefan (Berlin D)
Yalım, Yasemin (Ankara TR)
Yazan, Abu Ghazal (Mainz D, Paris F)
Yazici, Suzan (Copenhagen DK)
Yıldırım, Nuran (Istanbul TR)
Yolun, Murat (Adıyaman TR)
Yücel, Nurullah (Istanbul TR)
Zeeb, Hajo (Bremen D)
Come on t he Tr ail
of Ta s t e and Cul t ure
Gal‹p Yilmabafiar
Innovative Kommunikation & Design
Wiesbaden · Germany
HCHB / 08-2012 ·
Abel, Thomas (Bern CH)
Ackermann, Sabine (Bern CH)
Akın, Sibel (Istanbul TR)
Alexandrova-Karamanova, Anna (Sofia BG)
Altıntaş, Ayten (Istanbul TR)
Altıntop, Nevin (Vienna A)
Artvinli, Fatih (Istanbul TR)
Başağaoğlu, İbrahim (Istanbul TR)
Bedir, Murteza (Istanbul TR)
Beierlein, Volker (Hamburg D)
Bergelt, Corinna (Hamburg D)
Blaakilde, Anne Leonora (Copenhagen DK)
Bozzaro, Claudia (Freiburg D)
Brömer, Rainer (Istanbul TR)
Canavas, Constantin (Hamburg D)
Castaneda, Anu (Helsinki FIN)
Çekin, Murat Dinçer (Istanbul TR)

Benzer belgeler

Afişi İndir

Afişi İndir Congress Culture Center Beyazıt Campus 13.09.2014 : BETİM Center for Medical Humanities: Kızılelma Cd. Topçu Emin Bey Çıkmazı Sk. No. 30 Fındıkzade, Fatih - İstanbul Ayman Y. Atat (BETIM) Phone: +9...
