Serhat GUVENC - Kadir Has Üniversitesi


Serhat GUVENC - Kadir Has Üniversitesi
(Current as of 28 May 2015)
Serhat GUVENC, PhD
Kadir Has Caddesi
Cibali 34083 Istanbul
Phone: 212-5336532 (ext. 1632)
Facsmile: 212-5336515
Sept. 2010 – Present
Kadir Has University, Istanbul
International Relations Department
Professor (September 2014 Associate Professor (September 2010- August 2014)
Administrative Responsibilities:
Vice-Dean of Faculty of Economics, Administrative and
Social Sciences (April 2014 Chair of Foreign Languages Department (January 2015 Coordinator for Foreign Languages Instruction (September
2010 – 2012)
Coordinator for Graduate Studies in International
Relations (August 2011- June 2014 ).
Fall 2014
Boğaziçi University
Adjunct Professor of International Relations
2000 – 2010
Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul
International Relations Department
Associate Professor (April 2009-August 2010)
Assistant Professor (February 2004-April 2009 )
Lecturer (September 2000-January 2004)
Administrative Responsibilities:
Coordinator, EU Studies Undergraduate Programme
Director of Graduate Studies in Political Science and
International Relations (2004-2005);
Assistant Chair, International Relations Department (20012002).
Fall 2009 &
Summer 2008
Koç University, Istanbul
Adjunct Professor of History
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
The Department of History
Visiting Assistant Professor (April-June 2006)
Visiting Scholar (Sept. 2005 - March 2006)
Koc University, Istanbul
Dean of Students Office
Coordinator, Placement and Student Exchanges
Koc University, Istanbul
English Language Center
Coordinator/Assistant to Director
2015 -
Enerji ve Diplomasi (national refreed journal), Editorial Board
2013 -
Milli Güvenlik ve Askeri Bilimler Dergisi (national refreed
journal), Editorial Board Member
2008 –
Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, İstanbul (SSCI-covered)
Managing Editor, 2014Associate Editor, 2008-2013
Kanatlar (Aviation Magazine), Ankara
Partner and Editor
Warships International Fleet Review, UK
Istanbul-based Photographer and Correspondent
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul
PhD in Political Science and International Relations
Dissertation: Rise and Demise of a Strategic Partnership:
In Search of Context for the Post-Cold War U.S.-Turkey
Relations, 1990-2003
Marmara University, Istanbul
European Community Institute
MA in European Studies
Thesis: Turkish-Greek Disputes and the Reflections on
Turkey-EC Relations during the Cold War, 1959-1989
Marmara University, Istanbul
BA in International Relations
Summer Fellow, Summer Seminar in Military History, U.S.
Military Academy at West Point, 1-24 June 2004, New
York, U.S.A.
Summer Fellow, Patterns of Cooperation in SEE and the
Black Sea, ELIAMEP Halki International Seminar, 30
August 2001-5 September 2001, Halki, Rhodes, Greece,
Fellow, Educational Management Seminar, jointly
sponsored by the Israeli Foreign Ministry and Ministry of
Education, the Galillee College, Netanya, Israel, (MarchApril 1997).
With Dilek Barlas, Türkiye’nin Akdeniz Politikası (1923-1939): Orta Büyüklükte Devlet
Diplomasisi ve Deniz Gücünün Sınırları (Turkey’s Diplomacy and Naval Policy in the
Mediterranean (1923-1939), (İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014).
NATO’da 60 Yıl: Türkiye’nin Transatlantik Güvenliğe Katkıları (Sixty Years in NATO:
Turkey’s Contributions to Transatlantic Security, (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Yayınları, 2013).
(Guest Editor), Special Issue on “Türkiye’nin Üyeliğinin 60. Yılında NATO: Değişim,
Dönüşüm, Süreklilik” (60 Years of Turkey’s NATO Membership: Change
Transformation, Continuity) Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Vol. 9, No. 34, (Summer
With Dilek Barlas, Turkey in the Mediterranean during the Interwar Era: The Paradox
of Middle Power Diplomacy and Minor Power Naval Policy, (Indiana: Indiana
University Turkish Studies, 2010).
Birinci Dünya Savaşına Giden Yolda Osmanlıların Drednot Düşleri (The Ottoman
Quest for Dreadnoughts on the Eve of the First World War), (İstanbul: Türkiye İş
Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2009). (revised second edition published in May 2011).
“The Cold War Origins of Turkish Motor Vehicle Industry: The Tuzla Jeep, 19541971,” Turkish Studies, 15:3, (September 2014): 536-555.
With Lerna Yanık, “Turkey’s Involvement in the F-35 Program: One Step Forward,
Two Steps Backward,” International Journal, 68:1, (Winter 2012-13): 111-129.
With Soli Özel, “NATO and Turkey in the post-Cold War world: between Abadonment
and Entrapment,” Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 12/4 (2012): 533-553.
With Dilek Barlas, “Turkey and the Idea of European Union during the Interwar
Years” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 45, no. 3, (May 2009): 425-446.
With Dilek Barlas, “Atatürk’s Navy: Determinants of the Turkish Naval Policy, 19231939” The Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 26, No. 1 (March 2003): 1-35.
With Dilek Barlas, “To Build a Navy with the Help of Adversary: Italian-Turkish Naval
Arms Trade, 1929-1932,” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 38, No.1 (October 2002): 143168.
“F-35 Müşterek Taaruz Uçağı Projesi ve Türkiye,” (F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and
Turkey) Bilge Strateji, 6/10, (Fall 2014): 27-34.
“Seçimler, Başkanlar ve Türkiye-ABD İlişkileri,” (Elections, Presidents and TurkeyUSA Relations,” Görüş 76, (Aralık 2012): 47-53.
With Sıtkı Egeli, “NATO’nun Füze Savunma Sistemi ve Türkiye,” (NATO’s Missile
Defense System and Turkey), Ortadoğu Analiz 40, (April 2012): 19-30.
“Osmanlı Bahriyesinin İlk Deniz Uçağı: ‘Curtiss F Boat’ ve Deniz Havacılığının
Temelleri,” (Ottoman Navy’s First Aircraft: ‘Curtiss F Boat’ and Foundations of Naval
Aviation,) Bilgi ve Bellek 7, (January 2007).
“Düşünce Kuruluşları ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Disiplini,” (Think-Tanks and the
Discipline of International Relations), Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 4, No. 15, (Spring
2007): 137-144.
“Beyond Rapprochement in Turkish-Greek Relations,” Exotierika Themata (in Greek),
No. 13, (April 2004): 67-77.
“Yabancı Arşivlere Göre Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında Deniz Kuvvetleri” (Turkish Navy
in the Early Republican Era), Deniz Kuvvetleri Dergisi, No. 586, (March 2003): 3-11.
“Building a Republican Navy in Turkey, 1924-1939,” International Journal of Naval
History, Vol. 1, No. 1 (April 2002) at
“11 Eylül Sonrasında Dünya: Ulus Devlet, Küreselleşme ve Terörizm,” (World After
9/11: Nation-State, Globalisation and Terrorism) Görüş, No. 49
(November/December 2001): 8-15.
“17 Ağustos Depremi Sonrası Türk-Yunan İlişkileri: Beklentiler ve Olasılıklar,”
(Turkish-Greek Relations in the Aftermath of the 17 August Earthquake: Expectations
and Possibilities) Sosyal Demokrat Değişim, No. 14, (1999): 39-53.
“Turkey’s Changing Perception of Greece’s Membership in the European Union,”
Turkish Review of Balkan Studies IV, Annual (1998/1999): 103-130.
“Bir Soğuk Savaş Sembolü Olarak Jeep’in Türkiye Serüveni: 1954-1972,” (Jeep as a
Cold War Symbol in Turkey: 1954: 1972) in Siyasetin Bilimi: İlter Turan’a Armağan
(Science of Politics: A Tribute to Ilter Turan), eds. P. U. Semerci, N. İncioğlu and B.
Erozan, (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2015).
“Turkey” in The Encyclopedia of Military Science, Vol. 4, ed. G. Kurt Piehler, (SAGE
Publications, 2013): 1478-1482.
“Kore Savaşı ve Türk Ordusunun Dönüşümü, 1950-1960” (Korean War and Turkish
Military Transformation) in Kore Savaşı: Uzak Savaşın Askerleri, (Korean War:
Soldiers of a Distant War) ed. M. A. Tuğtan, (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Yayınları, 2013): 81-96.
(With Dilek Barlas), “Turkey and the Idea of Regional Integration in Europe: The
Interwar Experience, 1923-1939” in History and History of Civilizations, Proceedings
of ICANAS 38, (Ankara: Atatürk, Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, 2012): 589-594.
With Soli Özel, “Turkey: Model, Order-Setter, or Trade-Partner” in Ideational and
Material Power: The Role of Turkey and the Gulf Cooperation Council,”
Mediterranean Papers 13, Washington DC: The German Marshall Fund, June 2012):
“ABD Askeri Yardımı ve Türk Ordusunun Dönüşümü: 1942-1960,” (the US Military
Assistance and Transformation of the Turkish Military) in Türkiye’de Ordu, Devlet ve
Güvenlik Siyaseti, (The Military, the State and Security Policy in Turkey), (eds.),
İsmet Akça and Evren Balta Paker, (Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayinları,
2010): 255-284.
With Dilek Barlas, “Atatürk’ün Donanması: Bir Cumhuriyet Kurumu Yaratmak, 19231938,” (Creating a Republican Institution: Ataturk’s Navy:, 1923-1938) in Türkiye’de
Ordu, Devlet ve Güvenlik Siyaseti, (The Military, the State and Security Policy in
Turkey), (eds.), İsmet Akça and Evren Balta Paker, (Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi
Üniversitesi Yayinları, 2010): 223-253.
“Osmanlı Bahriyesinin Drednot Çağını Yakalama Girişimleri: 1908-1914/The Ottoman
Navy in the Age of Dreadnoughts: 1908-1914, in Osmanlı Donanmasının Seyir
Defteri/The Logbook of the Ottoman Navy, (ed.) Ekrem Işın, (Istanbul: Pera Müzesi,
2009): 45-63.
”Türkiye’nin Dış Politikası ve Düşünce Kuruluşları,” (“Turkey’s Foreign Policy and
Think-Tanks”) in Sivil Toplum Örgütleri ve Dış Politika: Yeni Sorunlar, Yeni Aktörler,
(NGOs and Foreign Policy: New Issues, New Problems, New Actors), (eds.) S. CeritMazlum and E. Doğan, (İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları, 2007): 159-180.
”Turkey in the EU? The Long Countdown to ‘D-Day’” in Turkey Between the
European Union and the Middle East, Symposium Proceedings, (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv
University Press, 2006): 49-55.
(With Oya Memişoğlu),”Turkey and the Regional Security,” in Turkey and the EU
Enlargement: Process of Incorporation, eds. R. Griffits and D. Özdemir, (Istanbul:
Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2004): 215-230
(With Oya Memişoğlu),”Regionale Veiligheid,” in Turkije in Europa: Turkije en
Lidmaatschap van de Europese Unie, eds. R. Griffits and D. Özdemir, (Utrecht:
Uitgeverij Lemma BV, 2004): 193-206.
“Bir Dış Politika Aracı Olarak Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri: Yetenekler ve Uygulamalar,”
(Turkish Armed Forces as an Instrument of Foreign Policy) in Türk Dış Politikasınn
Analizi (Analysis of Turkish Foreign Policy), (ed.) F. Sönmezoğlu, (Istanbul: Der
Yayınları: 2004): 895-933.
“The Limits and Possibilities of a Military Role for the EU in the Middle East,” in
Unraveling the European Security and Defense Conundrum, (eds.) J. Krause, A.
Wenger and L. Watanabe, (Bern: Peter Lang: 2003): 163-188.
“TSK’nin Sınırötesi Girişim Yetenekleri: Ulusal Güvenlik Politikasında Yeni Boyut,”
(Turkish armed forces’ cross-border operational capabilities: new dimension in
national security policy) in En Uzun Onyıl: Türkiye’nin Ulusal Güvenlik ve Dış
Politikasında Doksanlı Yıllar, (eds.) Gencer Özcan, Şule Kut, (Istanbul: Boyut
Yayıncılık, 1998): 135-167.
“Why do Leaders Lies: the Truth about Lying in International Relations by John J.
Mearshimer” Uluslararası İlişkiler 10/39, (Fall 2013): 159-163.
“1 Mart’ın Anatomisi,” review of Murat Yetkin’s, Irak Krizinin Gerçek Öyküsü (İstanbul:
Remzi Kitapevi, 2004), Foreign Policy (Turkish edition), (March-April 2004):110-111.
“Seçimler ve Türk Dış Politikası,” (The Elections and Turkish Foreign Policy) Haber
(Turkish monthly in Denmark, March 2014.
”Ucu Açık Bırakılmış Yapıcı bir Belirsizlik,” (Open-ended or Constructively
Ambiguious?) Star Gazetesi, (7 October 2004).
With Sadi Tekelioğlu, “Tyrkiet: Vejen mod EU fortsetter. EU-skepsis eller ej,” Politiken
(Danish daily), (20 November 2003).
”Motorlu Uçuşun 100. Yılında Müzeden Gökyüzüne,” (From the Museum to the Sky
on the 100th Anniversary of Powered Flight), Turkish Wings (formerly Kanatlar) 9,
(November-December 2003): 32-34.
”Hezarfen Havacılık Şenliği 5 Yaşında,” (The Hezarfen Air Fete at 5), Kanatlar 7,
(July-August 2003): 66-71.
“İnadına Akrobasi,” (Aerobatics against all Odds), Kanatlar 7, (July-Aug 2003): 62-65.
”SG Hava Komutanlığı: Sahillerimizi Havadan Koruyanlar,” (CG Air Command:
Airborne Defenders of our Coasts,” Kanatlar 5/6, (May-June 2003): 27.
With Levent Başara and Tuncay Deniz, “THY 70 Yaşında…”, (Turkish Airlines at 70)
Kanatlar 5/6, (May-June 2003): 40-63.
”Lufthansa’dan Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı Çözümler,” (Innovative and Creative Solutions by
Lufthansa), Kanatlar 4, (January-February 2003): 50-53.
“Dünyayı Bir Çift Kanat Arasından Görmek,” (View of the Earth though a Pair of
Wings) Kanatlar 3, (October-November 2002): 30-37.
“Bir Uçak, Bir İnsan ve Bir Öykü, B-24D Hadley’s Harem)” (An aircraft, a Man and a
Story: B-24D Hadley’s Harem) Kanatlar 3, (October-November 2002): 72-80.
“11 Eylül’de Atlantik Üzerinde,” (Over the Atlantic on 9/11: A Passanger’s View)
Kanatlar 2, (August-September 2002): 56-61.
With Levent Başara, “Havacılığın Kalbi İstanbul’da Attı: AIREX 2002,” (AIREX 2002
in İstanbul), Kanatlar 2, (August-September 2002): 32-41.
“S-2E ile bir Pazar Uçuşu,” (a Sunday Flight), Kanatlar 1, (June-July 2002): 32-35.
“Turkish Naval Aviation” Air Forces Monthly (September 2001): 32-37.
“Turkish Submarine Pioneers” Warships International Fleet Review
(August/September 2001): 49-50.
“Eastern Promise,” Warships International Fleet Review, (Oct/Nov 2000): 21-23.
“Deniz Havacılığın Türkiye’de Seyri,” (Evolution of Naval Aviation in Turkey)
Savunma ve Havacılık, Vol. 14, No. 80, (Sep 2000): 28-33.
With Levent Başara, “Turkish F-104 Training, Part I,” Zipper, (April 2000): 32-36.
“Sea of Troubles or Harmony,” Warships International Fleet Review, (April 2000): 2831.
“Burying the Hatchet: United by NATO, divided by History,” Warships International
Fleet Review, (Winter/February 2000): 44-48.
With Levent Başara, “Turkish Army Aviation,” Air Forces Monthly (July 1999): 50-56.
With Levent Başara, “Jandarma Hips,” Air Forces Monthly (May 1997): 39-41.
“EU-Turkey Relations: Between Marriage and Divorce - Prospects for Recovery”
Turkey: What Next? An assessment in view of the General Elections on June 7,
2015, Navarino Network and CIES at KHAS, Piraeus Conference Center,
Thessoloniki, Greece, 25 May 2015.
“A Conceptual Overview to Hybrid Warfare,” Hybrid Warfare: Implications for GRF
and JTF HQs Seminar, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Turkey (NRDC-T), Istanbul,
Turkey, 21 May 2015.
“Mübadele Kültürü,” Mudanya Lezzet Şenliği: Mübadele Paneli, Mudanya, Turkey, 17
May 2015.
“Bir Yapıcı Belirsizlik Metni Olarak Lozan Antlaşması ve Mübadele” Mübadil Kentler
Söyleşileri, Lozan Mübadilleri Vakfı, Istanbul, Turkey, 9 May 2015.
“The Submarine Activity during the Gallipoli Campaign: The Turkish Perspective,”
AE2 Project Silent ANZAC Closing Conference 2015, AE2 Commemorative
Foundation, The Maritime Musuem, İstanbul, Turkey, 20 April 2015.
“Governance and Democratization II: ‘The Turkish Model’” In Search of a Model for
the Middle East – A Comparison of Turkish and Nordic Experiences, Conference,
Lund University Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund, Sweden, 16 April 2015.
“Fly me to Headlines: Representation of Aerial Encounters during the Syrian Conflict
in the Turkish Press,” International Conference on Conflict, Terrorism and Society,
Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, 8 April 2015.
“The Rise and Demise of Middle Eastern State System,” Civil-Military Interaction
Seminar, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Turkey (NRDC-T) , İstanbul, 12 February
“The Cold War and the Birth of Turkish Motor Vehicle Industry: The Tuzla Jeep
Experiment,” Professorship Talks, KHAS University, Istanbul, 30 December 2015.
“Tarihsel and Bölgesel Perspektiften Türk Dış Politikasında Yalnızlık” (‘Loneliness’ in
Turkish Foreign Policy in Historical and Regional Perspectives” Uludağ Conference
on International Relations VI., Uludağ University, Bursa, 25 November 2014.
“Deniz Silahlanma Yarışları ve I. Dünya Savaşı’na Etkileri” (Naval Arms Races and
Coming of the First World War), I. Dünya Savaşı’nın 100. Yılı Sempozyumu, TESK,
Kadiköy Belediyesi, İstanbul, 1 November 2014.
“Türk Dış Politikasında ‘Büyüklük’ ve ‘Yalnızlık’” (‘Greatness’ and ‘Loneliness’ in
Turkish Foreign Policy), 1914-2014 Türk Dış Politikasının Sorunları ve İkilemleri
(1914-2014: Trials and Tribulations of Turkish Foreign Policy,” CIES and MARC,
Kadir Has University, Cibali, 22 October 2014.
“Uluslararası Stratejide Deniz Hava Gücü,” (Naval Air Power in International
Strategy) Centennial of Turkish Naval Aviation Conference, Naval Aviation
Command, Topel, Kocaeli, 20 June 2014.
“Maritime Security in the Black Sea,” ATHENA ’14: Security and Crisis Management
International Conference, Athens, Greece, 17-19 June 2014.
“Turkey between the EU and it Exceptionalism,” Global Politics Summer School,
CIES at KHAS, İstanbul, 9 June 2014.
“Drednot, Denizaltı ve Deniz Mayınları,” (Dreadnoughts, Submarines and Sea Mines)
100. Yılında Birinci Dünya Savaşını Hatırlamak, İstanbul Üniversitesi Tarih
Araştırmaları Merkezi, İstanbul, 28 May 2014.
“Akademisyen Gözüyle,” (An Academics Perspcetive on Europe Day) Avrupa Günü
2014: Avrupa Sürecini Konuşalım, CIES, Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 8 May 2014
“Transatlantik Perspektiften Suriye Krizi: Kararsızlık mı Tutarsızlık mı?” (Transatlantic
Perspcetives on the Syrian Crisis: Undecided or Inconsistent?) Üçüncü Yılında
Suriye Krizi Konferansı, Marmara University IR Department and Turkish Foreign
Ministry SAM, İstanbul, 24 April 2014.
“Turkish Amphibous Operations during the Cyprus War of 1974,” Society for Military
History 81st Annual Meeting, Kansas City, US, 5 April 2014.
“The Questions of Aerial Drones Spurring Conflict and Regional Violence,” Robert
College International Model United Nations (RCMUN) Conference, İstanbul, 2 April
“Karadeniz, Boğazlar ve Gemiler,” (The Black Sea, the Straits and Warships)
Ukrayna Krizi ve Türkiye’ye Etkileri, CIES, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, 13 March
“F-35 Projesi ve Türkiye,” (F-35 Project and Turkey) BİLGESAM, İstanbul, 6 March
“Evaluation of Foreign Policy Dynamics” Aftermath of the Gezi Protests: towards the
day of elections,” 3rd Turkey Forum, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, 14
December 2013.
“Türkiye ve NATO,” (Turkey and NATO) Uludağ Conference on International
Relatiıons, Uludağ University and Turkish Foreign Ministry SAM, Bursa, 12
December 2014.
“Bir Yapıcı Belirsizlik Metni Olarak Lozan Antlaşması ve Türk Dış Politikası,” (An
Constructive Ambigious Text: The Treaty of Lausanne and Turkish Foreign Policy)
Lozan’ın Anlamları: Tarih, Hukuk ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Buluşması, Koç University
and İnönü Foundation, İstanbul, 25 October 2013.
“Siyasal bir Metin Olarak Lozan Antlaşması,” (The Treaty of Lausanne as Political
Text), Lozan’a Yeniden Bakmak: 90. Yılında Lozan Antlaşması, İstanbul Bilgi
Üniversitesi, Lozan Mübadilleri Vakfı, İnönü Vakfı, 27 September 2013.
“AKP’nin Ortadoğu Politikasını Anlayabilmek,” (Making Sense of the JDP’s Policy in
the Middle East) Sosyal Demokrasi Derneği and Fredrich Ebert Stifting, Ankara, 5
October 2013.
“Common Policy Agenda for the Balkans: View from Turkey” EU, Turkey and Russia
– Security Trends and Challenges in the Balkans, Bruno Kresky Forum, Vienna, 24
September 2013.
“Türkiye’nin NATO Üyeliği: Dış Politikaya Yük mü Katkı mı?” (Turkey’s NATO
Membership: An Asset or Burden Foreign Policy) Güncel Gelişmeler Işığında Türk
Dış Politikası: Zorluklar, Fırsatlar, Antalya Uluslarararası Üniversitesi Sosyal,
Ekonomik ve Politik Araştırmalar Merkezi (SEPAM), Antalya, 10 May 2013.
“Günümüzden Balkan Savaşlarına Bakmak,” (The Balkan Wars in Hindsight) İzmir
Ekonomi Üniversitesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Paneli, 26 April
“Ships, submarines and aircraft: Naval and aerial aspects of the Gallipoli Wars,”
lecture delievered at (a) Center for Arab and Islamic Studies, Australian National
University, Canberra, Australia, on 18 March 2013; (b) National Centre of Excellence
for Islamic Studies Australia, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, on
21 March 2013; (c) Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, on 23 March 2013.
“Role of Turkey in West Asia’s Security Dynamics,” 15th Asian Security Conference:
Emerging Trends in West Asia – Regional and Global Implications, The Institute for
Defense and Strategic Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India, 13-15 February 2013.
“Soğuk Savaş Sonrasında Türkiye-ABD İlişkileri,” (Turkey-USA Relations in the postCold War world) Yüksek Sevk ve İdare Akademisi (Advanced Command Academy),
Harp Akademileri Komutanlığı (Turkish War Academy), Yeni Levent, İstanbul 16
January 2013.
“Sivil-Asker İlişkileri ve Demokratikleşme” (Civil-Military Relations and
Democratization” uik Güvenlik Akademisi VII, Ilgaz, Kastamonu, 29 December 2012.
“War, Memory and Reconstruction: The Cyrpus War of 1974 in turkish Military
Historiography,” Contemporary Approaches to Cold War and post-Cold War
Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia, 7-8 December 2012.
“Turkish Naval and Amphibious Operations during the Cyprus War of 1974” Small
Navies Conference, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 21 October 2012.
“What Role for NATO?” Security and Democracy in the Eastern Neighborhood and
the Mediterranean South in the Wake of the Arab Awakening, International
Neighborhood Symposium, CIES, Heybeliada, Istanbul, 28 June 2012.
“Dış Politika’da Görünüm” (Foreign Policy Outlook) TÜSİAD Anatolia Meeting,
BUSİAD, Bursa, 7 June 2012.
“Chicago Sonrası NATO: Süreklilik, Değişim ve Dönüşüm” (NATO After Chicago:
Continuity, Change and Transformation), Anatolia: Six Decades of Turkey-NATO
Relations Conference Series, , UİK-NATO PDD, Zirve Üniversitesi, Gaziantep, 29
May 2012.
“A Tale of Two Dreadnoughts: The British Seizure of Reşadiye and Sultan Osman
and the Ottoman Decision for War in 1914,” The Ottoman Empire and the World War
I, The University of Utah, Turkish Studies Project Conference III, Sarajevo, Bosnia
and Herzegowina, Bosniak Institute and Hollywood Hotel, May 17, 2012.
“Future Enlargement: Whither Turkey?” Turkey on the European Doorstep, CIES and
EPP Group in the European Parliament, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, 11 May 2012.
“11 Eylül’den Arap Baharı’na NATO’nun Bölgesel Rolü,” (NATO’s Regional Role from
9/11 to the Arab Spring), Anatolia: Six Decades of Turkey-NATO Relations
Conference Series, UİK-NATO PDD Sakarya Üniversitesi, Sakarya, 7 May 2012.
“The Role of Turkey in North Africa” Seminar on Regional and External Dynamics in
North Africa in Light of the Arab Spring, Instittuto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and The
German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), Rome, Italy, 23 April 2012.
“Situation in Syria” 6th Robert College Model United Nations Conference, Robert
College, Istanbul, 5 April 2012.
“NATO’nun Füze Savunma Sistemi ve Türkiye’nin Güvenliği: Katkı mı, Yük
mü?”(NATO’s Missile Defense System and Turkey’s Security: Asset or Liability?)
Anatolia: Six Decades of Turkey-NATO Relations Conference Series, UİK-NATO
PDD Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Aydın, 23 February 2012.
“NATO’s Curent Capabilies against WMD Terrorism,” COE-DAT (NATO Center of
Excellence – Defense against Terrorism) Workshop on WMD Terrorism, Ankara, 31
January to 1 February 2012.
“Where is the new Turkey going in its Neighborhood” Conference, Turkey Facing
Herself and Others, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Stefan Batory
Foundation, Warsaw, 26 January 2012.
“How the New Turkey Sees itself,” Conference, Turkey Facing Herself and Others,
European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw,
26 January 2012.
“Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin Dönüşümü ve Türkiye’nin Güvenlik Politikaları,” (Military
Transformation and Security in Turkey), Global İlişkiler Forumu (GİF) Security
Working Group Meeting, Yapı ve Kredi Plaza, İstanbul, 20 January 2012.
“Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin Dönüşümü ve Türkiye’nin Güvenlik Politikaları,” (Military
Transformation and Security in Turkey), Security Academy VI - Turkish Council on
International Relations, Ilgaz, 24 December 2011.
“The Transformation of Turkish Armed Forces and Its Implications for National
Security,” Black Sea: Risks of Confrontation, Prospect for Cooperation, 10th Black
Sea Security Program Regional Workshop, Harvard Kennedy School, Executive
Education, hosted by CIES at Kadir Has University, Istanbul, October 5, 2011.
“Strategic Depth and Beyond: Torn between Values and Interests,” Turkey’s Strategic
Direction Following the Elections, Friedrich Ebert Stifting and Netanya Academic
College, 6 July 2011, Beit Sokolov, Tel Aviv, Israil.
“NATO and New Partnerships,” 2011 International Neighborhood Symposium,
Heybeliada, Turkey, 28 June-3 July 2011.
“Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramlarını Sinema Yardımıyla Öğretmek,” (Teaching IR with
Movies) 4. Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları ve Eğitimi Kongresi, (2nd International
Studies and Education Congress) Ilgaz, 19-22 May 2011.
“Are We Heading Towards a Multipolar Europe?” GLOBSEC 2011, Bratislava
Security Forum, 2-4 March 2011, Bratislava.
“Transatlantik İlişkilerin Güvenlik Gündemi,” (Security in the Agenda of Transatlantic
Relations) UİK Güvenlik Akademisi V – 21. Yüzyılda Uluslararası Güvenlik
(International Security in the 21st Century), Ilgaz, 16-20 December 2010.
“Kore Savaşı ve TSK’nın Dönüşümü” (The Korean War and Transformation of
Turkish Military) 60. Yılında Kore Savaşı, (The Korean War: 60 yeasr after), İstanbul
Bilgi Üniversitesi, 10 December 2010.
"Turkish Reception of Idea of European Integration in Historical Perspective," World
Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES 2010), Barcelona, Spain, 22 July
“Think-tanks: New Faces and Voices in Turkish Foreign Policy?” Turkey’s Foreign
Policy in a Changing World, South East European Studies (SEESOX), St Antony’s
College, University of Oxford in Collaboration with Sabanci University, Oxford, (30
April-2 May 2010).
“Think-Tanks,” Qu va Turquie? Institutions d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, Saison de la
Turquie en France, Sciences Po, 16 December 2009, CERI, Paris.
“New Faces of Turkish Foreign Policy: Think-Tanks,” Wednesday Talk, Marmara
University Research Center for International Relations, 2 December 2009, Istanbul.
“Parliamentary Oversight of the Defence Budget: View from Turkey,” Changing
Relations between the Civilian Authorities and the Military, Organized by Istanbul
Policy Center at Sabancı University and Centre for European Security Studies (The
Netherlands), 26-27 October 2009, Istanbul.
“European Integration in Historial Perspective: Turkish Reception and Perception of
an Idea,” International Workshop on Re-Conceptualizing Turkey-EU Relations,
Organized by Marmara University, EU Institute and Universitat Bremen, 9-10 October
2009, Istanbul.
“Seeking Influence in Foreing Policy-Making: Turkey’s Experiment with Think-Tanks,”
the XXI IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Panel SS01.423– Turkish Politics
and Foreign Policy: Issues, Debates, Prospects and Constraints (Part Two),
Santiago, Chile, (16 July 2009).
“ABD Askeri Yardımı ve Türk Ordusunun Dönüşümü: 1947-1960,” (US Military Aid
and Turkish Military Transformation: 1947-1960), 1908’den 2008’e Ulus-Devlet ve
Ordu: Prof. Dr. Kemali Saybaşılı Anısına, (Nation-State and Military from 1908 to
2008), Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey, (12 March 2008).
“The Military Dimension in Turkish-Italian Relations: An Overview” An International
Conference on A Road for Europe: Via Ignatia, Past, Present and Future, İstanbul
Bilgi University, Dolapdere, İstanbul, Turkey, (14 January 2008).
With Dilek Barlas “The Idea of European Union and Turkey in the Interwar Years:
1923-1939,” International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (ICANAS 38),
Ankara, 12 September 2007.
“Türkiye’de Düşünce Kuruluşları ve Dış Politika,” (Think-Tanks in Turkey and Foreign
Policy), Sivil Toplum ve Dış Politika Uluslararası Konferans, Boğaziçi ÜniversitesiTÜSİAD Dış Politika Forumu, 23 May 2007, İstanbul.
“Düşünce Üretim Kuruluşları ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Disiplini,” (Think-Tanks and the
Discipline of International Relations,” II. Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları ve Eğitimi
Kongresi, (2nd International Studies and Education Congress), organized by
Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği ve Cyrpus International University, Kyrenia,
TRNC, 21 April 2007.
With Dilek Barlas, “A Middle Power in the Making: Turkish Diplomacy and Naval
Policy in the Balkans and Mediterranean between the two World Wars," 21st Annual
Middle East History and Theory (MEHAT) Conference, University of Chicago, 12-13
May 2006.
With Dilek Barlas, “Middle Power Activism: The Case of Turkey in the Mediterranean
between the Two World Wars,” Columbia University Seminar on Ottoman and
Turkish Studies # 551, Columbia University, New York, NY, 24 March 2006.
“Think-Tanks and Pursuit of a post-Cold War Foreign Policy Consensus in Turkey,”
Middle Eastern Studies Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C., 21 November
“Türkiye, Avrupa Birliği ve Ortadoğu’nun Dönüşümü” (Turkey, European Union and
the Middle Eastern Transformation) Italia e Turchia: Dalle Relazioni Bilaterali
all’Unione Europea/İtalya ve Türkiye: İkili İlişkilerden Avrupa Birliğine, Conference
organized by İstanbul İtalyan Kültür Merkezi, Universita di Roma La Sapienza and
Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Istanbul, 31 May 2005.
“II. Dünya Savaşında Türkiye’nin Askeri Durumu,” (Turkey’s Military Situation in
WWII) Sona Erişinin 60. Yılında II. Dünya Savaşı ve Türkiye (60th Anniversary of the
End of WWII and Turkey), Conference organized by İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi and
İnönü Vakfı, Istanbul, 3 May 2005.
“Turkey in the EU? The Long Countdown to ‘D-Day’,” Turkey: Between the European
Union and the Middle East, International Conference organized by The Moshe Dayan
Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 18 April
“Is Turkish-Greek Rapproachment Sustainable?” Turkish-Greek Relations towards
the EU Brussles Summit, Jean Monnet Conference/Workshop II at İstanbul Kültür
University, 10 December 2004.
“Turkey’s Road to the European Union,” Turkey: A Bridge or Breach to the European
Union, International Conference organized at Maynouth University, Ireland, 7 May
“Curtiss F-Boat ve Osmanlı Deniz Havacılığının Temelleri,” (Curtiss Flying Boat and
the Ottoman Naval Aviation,” 2nci Deniz Harp Tarihi Semineri, (Second Naval History
Seminar) organized by Donanma Komutanlığı (Fleet Command), Gölcük, Turkey, 2930 April 2004.
“Terörizmle Savaş ve Ortadoğu’da Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Stratejik Ortaklık
Deneyimi,” (War or Terror and Turkey-U.S. Relations in the Middle East: Strategic
Partnership Experience”) Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde Geleceğe Bakış, (Future
Perspectives on Turkey-US Relations), Boğaziçi University-TÜSİAD Dış Politika
Forumu, 27 April 2004, İstanbul.
“AGSP’nin Geleceği ve Türkiye” (ESDP’s Future and Turkey), Avrupa Birliği’nin
Geleceği ve Türkiye (EU’s future and Turkey), Heinrich Böll Foundation, 16-17 April
2004, İstanbul.
(With Oya Memişoğlu), “Turkey and the Regional Security,” Turkey and the EU
Enlargement: Process of Incorporation, organized by İstanbul Bilgi University and
Leiden University, 19 March 2004, İstanbul.
“Yabancı Arşivlere Göre Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında Deniz Kuvvetleri,” (Turkish Navy
in the Early Republic) I. Denizcilik ve Deniz Harp Tarihi Semineri, (First Naval History
Seminar) organized by Donanma Komutanlığı (Fleet Command), Gölcük, Turkey, 1820 February 2003.
“The EU and the Middle East: Will there be a Military Role for Europe?” European
Security and Defense Policy – Concepts, Prospects and Pitfalls, Internationales
Institute für Politik und Wirtschaft, Haus Rissen, Hamburg, Germany, 14-17 March
With Dilek Barlas, “Italy and Turkey in Naval Arms Race in the Mediterranean in
Interwar Years”, International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (ICANAS)
35, Montreal, Canada, 30 August 2000.
Researcher, ICELCT: Inter-Continental Exchange of Leadership in Conflict
Transformation, EU FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES Marie Curie Action, Implementer:
Sinem Akgül-Akmeşe.
Co-Implementer (With Mitat Çelikpala), NATO PDD funded project (ED 670/2011) for
Workshop Leading to Publicaton of Special Issue of Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi,
(Workshop held at Kadir Has University on 24 December 2011 and Special Issue on
Turkey-NATO relations was published in July 2012).
Researcher in TÜBİTAK-funded project (awarded in July 2012) on Crisis
Management in Turkish Foreign Policy, Implementer: Dr. Fuat Aksu (YTÜ).
Host Institution Coordinator, European International Relations Summer School 2008
(EIRSS 2008), organized by Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR),
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) in cooperation with Istanbul Bilgi
University, Istanbul, Turkey (7-19 July 2008).
Contributor, Lise Öğrencileri için Eleştirel Düşünce Projesi, Eğitim Reformu Girişimi
(Critical Thinking Project for High-School Students, Education Reform Initiative), on
“War”, January 2008.
Contributor, Coğrafya, Lise Yardımcı Ders Kitapları Projesi, TÜSİAD, (Geography,
High School Supplementary Texts Project, TUSIAD), 2001, Contributed with a
chapter on Turkey’s political geography to the book, Coğrafya, (İstanbul, TÜSİAD,
2001). (revised and reprinted in 2002 and 2004).
Boğaziçi Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies
Cambridge Review of International Affairs
Global Governance
Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi
International Studies Perspectives
METU Studies in Development
New Perspectives on Turkey
International Spectator
Turkish Studies
Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika
Uluslararası İlişkiler
Taylor and Francis
Evolution of Strategic Tought (graduate)
Turkey-EU Relations (undergraduate)
Turkey and the Cold War (mixed undergraduate-graduate)
Turkish Foreign Policy (graduate)
European Defense and Security Policy (graduate)
Current International Issues (English-for-Special-Purposes)
Introduction to International Relations (undergraduate)
Diplomatic History (undergraduate)
International Relations and Cinema (undergraduate)
Global Issues and International Relations (undergraduate)
Turkish-Greek Relations (undergraduate)
European Integration (undergraduate)
History and Politics of European Integration (undergraduate)
Politics of Military Strategy (undergraduate)
Modern European History (undergraduate)
Sağlam KOBİ (Resiliant SMBs), Advisory Board Member
European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES), Turkish
Foundation of Lausanne Treaty Immigrants – Board Member
Greek-Turkish Network, St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University
Middle Eastern Studies Association of North America (MESA)
National Defense University, NESA Center Center for Strategic Studies, Alumnus
International Political Science Association (IPSA)
Society for Military History (SMH)
Turkish Political Science Association
Turkish International Relations Association, Chief Auditor