Helin Başak International Art Festival (2013)


Helin Başak International Art Festival (2013)
Helin Başak International Art Festival
The art is a way in where people can express their potentialities and their ideas,
and while they produce and obtain results together, they also make changes and
acquire new tools and capacities. Once the art can be seen as a social role, it can
also, abolish the barriers that exist between the social groups. Those who come
from the poor and the voids of the suburbs and live far from the city centers can
have in Başak Culture and Art Foundation the access to culture and art by
opening a chance to them show their own competences. According to this
perspective, the aim of BSV consists in help the people from the poor suburbs in
İstanbul by developing their own skills and struggle together, in order to break
the barriers between social levels.
Since the year of 2002, when Başak Culture and Art Foundation was founded,
thousands of children, youngsters and women start for the first time on their
lives, to include artistic works to their daily activities. We look for work as a
collective team, in order to obtain better results that one person alone couldn’t
get easily. Furthermore, we can together produce work with more quality and
with more joy. In this context, in all the works we do, we look for abolish the
barriers and try to achieve the connection between different people and work
areas. All people can share what they produce with enthusiasm; our four most
close works of the world included diversity of cultural meetings, where we work
to express emotions. This way, together our strength increases, and by
increasing it, all of us can gain…
During ten years of collective work and gains, we started to open our works to
international field, with the objective of gain the attention of the people. We see
our neighbors as a big family, volunteers and friends in where all of us are
invited to join to the festival. So, ‘’Helin Başak International Art Festival’’ was an
approved idea.
In the period of 2 to 7 of September our foundation festival center will mainly
extend to the Kozyatağı cultural center in the park of the Republic 80 decade at
the Kayışdağı neighborhood, the Yoğurtçu Park in Kadiköy, Prestij Street in
Ataşehir and the Gezmiş park of Deniz-Ataşehir. İn these places will occur the
activities related to the ‘‘Helin Başak International Art Festival’’.
The preparations to June 2013 will start with ‘’artistic English’’, ‘Theater’’,
‘Historical Theorem Media and Movies’’, ‘’music group of women and children’’,
‘’Animation’’, and ‘’Stop Motion’’. The Social and Cultural Life Development
Association (SKYGD), and Penalty Execution System in Civil Society and Refuged
Children (CİSST) have as goals, the presentation of the children’s works and
talents in the festival.
With the support of the Swedish consulate and the council of Ataşehir city we
could program our festival to the beginning of September, which is determined
around 2-8. However, our applications to the next festival be made on the Gezi
park being succeed, we couldn’t receive an answer. As an example, and for the
final concert, we apply two times to the Municipally of the big city of İstanbul and
it was rejected. Additionally and in spite of the administration of the penitentiary
accepted festival program of the CİSST to be made at the Maltepe penitentiary,
the Ministry of the Justice didn’t approve it. For this reason, the festival of CİSST
was made in alternative places such as: ‘’Geri Dönüşüm İşçileri’’ – ‘’Anterior
Transformation Hardworkers’’ and the ‘’ÇekÇek Günleri’’ – ‘’Days of Handcart’’.
Although our program is already being defined and sent, we have still to
determinate the date of its concretization.
In spite of the obstacles, for the first time the organization and the definition
brought all amateurism. According to this, we lived a big excitement period.
During 10 years of work, we can gather to present in our festival ‘’Başak Culture
and Art Foundation 10th year and Çekçek Günleri - Days of Handcart’’,
photograph exhibitions, the atelier works ‘’Düş ya da Gerçek’’ – ‘’Dream or
Reality’’ from the refuged children of the SKYGD, as well as, drawing and painting
We aim to bring our festival to the streets, parks and avenues by presenting
kinds of different activities such as exhibitions of drawing and painting, theater,
carnival and circus shows that can be made by the mixing of different cultures
and languages. All people who decide to join our activities, they aren’t just
audience. They can also be a part of the show. We thank for all the people who
wants to participate and join to our festival, which objective consists in creating
a collective environment in where the main idea is ‘all of us are a part of the
festival by the way we can interfere with it’.
Thanks Giving
The achieved concretizations of ‘Helin Başak International Art Festival’’ by the
participation of our children and with people’s contribution;
The Swedish big consulate in İstanbul for the provided financial support.
The performances made by the Social and Cultural Life Development Association
(Sosyal Kültürel Yaşamı Geliştirme Derneği) and the Penalty Execution System in
the Civil Society Association (Ceza İnfaz Sisteminde Sivil Toplum Derneği) that
give strength to our festival.
To all the Media and Film provided by the atelier of History Theory, the
professor Tül Akbal Sualp from the Bahçeşehir University (BAU), the professor
Fatoş Adiloğlu, the Associate professor Tolga Hepdinçler and Erkan Büker. To
the researcher Leyla Bektaş and supervisor Gülengül Altıntaş, Ömer Sualp, Semih
Bedir with Cüneyt Bozkurt; the BAU Atelier of travelling and communication VYZ.
The common project with Ataşehir City Council and specifically, for rigorous
work and cooperation with our encouragement to the friends and the work of
Gelen Sekreter Turan Dolu.
The contributor from the İstanbul Anadolu Yakası Dersimliler Association to our
The Municipally of Ataşehir and the Boss of Ateşehir Culture, Volkan Aslan.
The Sportive Club of Kayışdağı.
The Municipalizes of Kadiköy, Maltepe and Kartal,
The Organizations of BDP Üsküdar and Ataşehir district
The technical works of Elif Ezgi Balıkçı at Kozyatağı Kültür Müdiresi, in the
municipally of Kadiköy.
The Switzerland Union Başak Association
The Ankara Literature Teachers Association,
All the sincerity offered by Rugeş Kırıcı in the Final Program,
The final concert by the Group of Agire Jiyan,
The Group of Semah and the Karacaahmet Sultan Association.
Aslan Hazreti and his team,
The Group Kara Güneş,
The Travelling Musician group,
For all the youth groups from England, The Netherlands and Hungry who joined
to our international festival and offered their support and the Kalentura
Drumband and Hungarian Juggling Association,
The Women Music Group ‘Koma Awazên Jinan’ in collaboration with Theater and
children music groups,
The volunteers of European Voluntary Service (EVS) program by all the works
made at BSV,
The Researcher-Writer Handan Çağlayan for his contribution,
To Serok Demircan for her support in producing brochures and placards,
To Sayın İmge Yıldırım by his contribution for the translation,
To Meral Fakir and Haskar Çağlar
And, furthermore, for the participation of Sayın İsmail Beşikçi and to the BDP
representative of İstanbul, Sayın Sebahat Tuncel, our thanks.
Çekçek Günleri – Handcart Days (21st – 31st August, 2013)
The participants, who prepared the ‘’Geri Dönüşüm İşçileri – Anterior
Transformation Hardworkers’’ were the instructors Berivan E. Korkut, Sinan
Akcan, Songül Karatağna and Abdurrahim Erbek. At the center of our foundation,
founded in the neighborhood of Kayışdağı, in the district of Maltepe, the anterior
transformation of the storages that provided the ateliers with age between 12-18,
with the participation of approximately 32 persons. The objective was to express
the anterior transformation works by the youngsters and children on the
themes: ‘’Narrative and drama creator’’ and ‘’Pictured Narrative’’. In the
Exhibition Room, during the Culture as Part of Kozyatağı Center (Kozzy)’s
Festival, and according to the anterior transformation hardworker, a short
documentary with pictures, text and narratives was created by the children and
Düş ya da Gerçek – Dream or Reality (30th July – 23rd of August)
In collaboration with Social and Cultural Life Development Association (SKYGD),
The Helin Başak International Art Festival could join 60 youngsters. The
Windmill house of Children and Youngsters made tales, stop motion and
drawings representing the children and youngsters who are asylumseekers/refugees). The festival ‘’Düş ya da Gerçek’’ – ‘’Dream or Reality’’ was
made under the instruction of Fırat Bingol and Ayşe Görür.
Historical Theorem Film – Media and History Atelier (03rd – 23rd August
This event was created by the academies of the Bahçeşehir University, the
Travelling Communication atelier and the In the Local Time (VYZ) atelier, in
duration of two weeks. In collaboration with the instructors: professor Dr. Tül
Akbal Sualp and Dr. Fatoş Adiloğlu, associate professors Dr. Tolga Hepdinçler
and Erkan Büker, researcher Leyla Bektaş and the supervisors Gülengül Altıntaş,
Ömer Sualp, Semih Bedir and Cüneyt Bozkurt, we could extend and share our
information and productions. For this reason the conclusion and documentary
about ateliers, works and courses is shown on a short film that was also
transferred to the Internet.
Artistic English Atelier (15th – 28th of August, 2013)
In cooperation with the instruction of Nicolas Fonseca and Kasia Lukasiewicz,
the ‘’Artistic English Atelier’’ could join around 30 children and youngsters.
These children could paint their own imaginations by improving their own
capacities. The final works produced by those who join to this atelier, whose aim
was to increase the sensibility and awareness, were shown in the 10th year
Animation Atelier (08th – 21st July, 2013)
By the instruction of Devrim İlkan Dinç, during the Animation Atelier was
possible to join 22 children. Based on the traditional relationship between
teacher and student, all the work was produced with the method of visual effects
in where a combination of technics was used. All the creations produced by
children during this atelier work, were presented in the drawing and visual
festival exhibition.
Theater Atelier (15th June – 28th August)
Under the instruction of Victor Nicole Ciobanu and Sinan Akcan, the Theater
atelier joined 12 children and youngsters with the creation of the performances
called ‘’Martılar Çocuk Topluluğu – Society of the Young Seagulls ’’ and ‘’Üzgün
Yüzüm – My Sad Face’’. These performances had the collaboration of the
Kozyatağı Cultural Center (Kozzy), Gönül Ülkü Gazanfer Özcan Stage and the BSV
Center in organizing a professional exhibition. Heinrich Theodor also adapt the
representations made by Sinan Akcan, and at the same time he shared them on
Women Music Atelier (01st July – 28th August, 2013)
With the instruction of Suat Kocabıyık, an interested musician and amateur, the
music atelier joined around 8 women. Due to his famous attributes, he founded
this women group, by training the voices in a professional way. This women
group called Koma Awazên Jinan, was brought to the Festival. The Kozyatağı
Cultural Center and the Deniz Gezmiş Park Stage was used for exhibiting this
magnificent performance.
Children Music Atelier (16th June – 28th August, 2013)
In collaboration with the instruction of Kadriye Kurt and Victor Nicolas Ciobanu,
to the Children music atelier joined children and youngsters, whose voices were
exercising in a professional way during the classes in the foundation. According
to this, was possible to improve talents. By the end of this work the ‘’Children
Music Group’’ was founded and performed for the first time in the Festival. The
Deniz Gezmiş Park and the foundation center showed interested in a future
Stop Motion Atelier (30th June – 28th August, 2013)
Under the instruction of Nicolas Fonseca and Undina Reinfelde, this atelier joined
4 youngsters, whose ages were between 15-17. Stop Motion was made with
photographs taken by a photograph machine that after were worked in
computer by frames that changed each second. After a rigorous work from part
of the youngsters a work consisted in visual actions named ‘‘the butterfly in the
Jar’’ a short movie was mounted. During the KKM exhibition this movie was
shown as well as it was transferred to the Internet.
Days of Festival – 2nd September – Monday
The Helin Başak Internatıonal Art Festival started with a cocktail in 2nd of
September 2013 at he KKM Exhibition Room. The representatives from The
Swedish consulate, Ataşehir city council, Penalty Execution System of Civil
Society Association (CISST), Social and Cultural Life Development Association
(SKYGD), supported the Foundation works. According to this, lots of invitations
were created for the open program that started with the audition of a short song.
The civil institution and the education world provided a big number of
invitations for opening the place, due to the big number of people who joined the
Festival. The Majority of these people were coming from BDP İstanbul
representative Sebahat Tuncel, BDP İstanbul minister’s wife Emrullah Bingöl and
CHP Ataşehir district Director. Academic groups from Yeditepe Universty,
Maltepe University, Bahçeşehir University and Bilgi University, as well as, the
agents Türkiye Barış Meclisi, Anadolu Yakası, Dersimliler Association and
Sinoplular Association, Diyarbakır Assoiations, Federations and Amasya
Associations were at the festival receiving the youngsters who came from
Europe with a cocktail. Furthermore, lots of people as well as, the members of
Kalentura Drumband and Hungarian Juggling Association joined the festival.
İn the KKM Exhibition Room were creating drawing, painting and interactive
exhibitions. In different areas and ways the participants showed their works and
performances, some of them called: ‘’Dilek Ağacı – The Tree of Wish’’, ‘’Işık ve
Hayalet – Light and Ghost’’, ‘’Krep Kâğıttan Resimler – the crepe image from the
paper’’, ‘’İstanbul Enstalâsyonu ve Hayvan Figürleri – İstanbul installation and
figures of animals’’, ‘’Manzara oluşturma – Creating the Landscape’’, ‘’10 Cümle
ve Resimler – 10 Sentences and Pictures’’. The 10th year of Başak Culture and Art
Foundation started with the ‘’Çekçek Günleri – Hancart days’’ and the ‘’Düş ve
Gerçek – Dream and Reality’’ Drawing and Painting exhibitions that remained
opened until 15th September.
3rd September – Tuesday
The second day activities, which were made in different addresses, had its own
first address at the foundation center at 11 o’clock. Under of the instruction from
the minister of Literature Teachers Association from Ankara, Gökhan Cengizhan,
children between 7-10 years old joined to the atelier.
The Theater representation ‘’Üzgün Yüzüm – My Sad Face’’ was shown at 18:30,
under the collaboration of Henrich Theodor Böll. The theater exhibition ‘’Çocuk
Martılar Topluluğu – Young Seagulls Community’’ was prepared with the
children and Youngsters in the Foundation by the supervising of Sinan Akcan.
The activities in the second address were the Brouhaha International Carnival
Group, the percussion community of Kalentura Drumband and the circus group
from Hungarian Juggling Association, dances and Juggling. These activities were
performed at the 80. Yıl Cumhuriyet Parkı.
4th September – Wednesday
In the 3rd day of the Festival, Brouhaha International Carnival Group, the
percussion community of Kalentura Drumband and the circus group from
Hungarian Juggling Association devloped different types of performances and
activities at the Yoğurtçu Parkı in Kadiköy. In the BSV center was made a concert
in where the Ankara Literature Readers association, the poetry members of Şen
Çakır ve Ali Karagöz, the youngsters music group ‘’Kırıntı’’ participated together.
5th September – Thursday
In the 4th day, were created the activities from KKM Gönül Ülkü Gazanfer Özcan
Stage, Drama show by Sinan Akcan and the anterior transformation hardworkers
with the named show ‘’Çekçek Günleri –Handcart Days’’.
Under the supervision of Suat Kocabıyık, the Women Music Group ‘’Koma
Awazên Jinan” and the children music group made their performances. One more
time the theater performances: ‘’Martılar Tiyatro Topluluğu – Theater Seagulls
community’’ and ‘’Üzgün Yüzüm – My Sad Face’’ were made and after that other
activities such as dance, rhythm and juggling were added.
6th September – Friday
The 5th day of Helin Başak International Art Festival, the activities were created
at the Pretij Street in Ataşehir with Carnival parade and street dance parties. The
Netherlands percussion community called ‘’Kalentura Drumband’’, the
Hungarian Circus group ‘’Hungarian Juggling Association’’ and the English
carnival group ‘’Brouhaha International’’ were made in the streets with activities
such as dancing and juggling.
7th September – Saturday
During the Festival a numerous group of artists joined in order to create a
magnificent final to the close programing. İn the park, the children made a
‘’street atelier’’ in where they started a final concert. To this concert, Agire Jiyan,
Iran and Azerbaijan melodies, Arslan Hazreti, Semah images, Karacaahmet
Sultan Dergânli, Karagüneş and other travelling musicians joined. Furthermore,
a final exhibition was possible due to the participation of our the BSV women
group Koma Awazên Jinan, BSV Children Group, the youngsters group who came
from Europe, dances and juggling shows.