H. Öztaş AYHAN - Department Of Statistics


H. Öztaş AYHAN - Department Of Statistics
H. Öztaş AYHAN
Emeritus Professor of Statistics
Department of Statistics
Middle East Technical University
Email: oayhan@metu.edu.tr
Phone 1: +90 312 210 53 14
Phone 2: +90 312 210 29 60
Fax: +90 312 210 29 59
Office : Statistics, Room 140
URL: http://stat.metu.edu.tr/people/h-oztas-ayhan
B.Sc.: University of Istanbul, TR. 1969
M.Sc.: University of Aberdeen, UK. 1974
Ph.D.: University of Wales, UK. 1978
SPFS : University of Michigan, USA. 1981
Survey statistics
Agricultural statistics
Health statistics
Survey sampling techniques
Survey research methodology
Design and analysis of sample surveys
Categorical data analysis
Survey error models
Academic Positions:
1979–1981, Research Associate, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University. Ankara,
1981, Visiting Scholar, Sampling Section, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research,
University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
1982–1986, Instructor on Social Statistics, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University.
1986, Assistant Professor of Applied Statistics, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical
University. Ankara.
1986–1988, Associate Professor of Biostatistics. Earned from Inter-University Council of Turkey
Through Examination.
1988–1992, Associate Professor of Applied Statistics (Tenured), Department of Statistics, Middle
East Technical University.
1990-2012, Affiliated Faculty, Archaeometry Program, The Graduate School of Natural and
Applied Sciences, Middle East Technical University.
1992-2012, Professor of Applied Statistics (Tenured), Department of Statistics, Middle East
Technical University.
2000 & 2001, Instructor on “Sampling Methods and Designs”. Essex Summer School in Social
Science Data Analysis and Collection. University of Essex. Colchester, England, UK.
2013 – present, Affiliated Faculty, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University.
Administrative Positions:
1989 - present, Country Representative for Turkey, International Association of Survey
Statisticians, Bordeaux, France
1989 - 1992, Statistical Advisor for Methodology to the President, State Institute of Statistics
(Turkish Statistical Institute), Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey, Ankara (On loan from the
Middle East Technical University)
1990 – 1992, Director, Technical Services Department, State Institute of Statistics, Prime
Ministry (On loan from the Middle East Technical University)
1991 – 1995, Associate Head of Department, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Arts and
Sciences, Middle East Technical University
2001 – 2007, Head of Department, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Middle
East Technical University
2001 - 2007, Director, Statistics Graduate Program, Graduate School of Natural and Applied
Sciences, Middle East Technical University
2007 - 2009, Deputy President, Turkish Statistical Association, Ankara, Turkey
2009 - 2012, Head of Department, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Middle
East Technical University
2009 - 2012, Director, Statistics Graduate Program, Graduate School of Natural and Applied
Sciences, Middle East Technical University
Professional Services:
1990 – 1992, Chairperson, National Committee of the 1991 General Census of Agriculture for
Turkey. State Institute of Statistics, Ankara
1990 – 1992, Chairperson, Agricultural Statistics Committee. State Institute of Statistics
1990 – 1992, Chairperson, Data Collection Development Techniques Committee. State Institute
of Statistics
1990 – 1992, Chairperson, Sub-committee for the Response Reliability Survey of the 1991
Agricultural Census. National Committee of the 1991 General Agriculture Census of Turkey.
State Institute of Statistics
1990 – 1992, Member, National Committee of the 1990 General Population Census of Turkey.
State Institute of Statistics
1990 – 1992, Chairperson, Sub-committee for the Response Reliability Survey of the 1990
Population Census. National Committee of the 1990 General Population Census of Turkey. State
Institute of Statistics
1994, Senior Statistical Consultant, Statistics Division, U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization,
Rome, Italy.
1997 – 2001, Council Member, International Association of Survey Statisticians, Bordeaux
1998 – 2000, Member, National Committee of the 2000 General Population Census of Turkey,
State Institute of Statistics
2000 – 2001, Member, Editorial Committee, IASS Jubilee Commemorative Volume on Landmark
Papers in Survey Statistics. International Association of Survey Statisticians. Bordeaux, France
2001, Technical Editor, Household Labour Force Survey: Concepts and Methods Manual,
International Centre for Research and Training. State Institute of Statistics
Visiting Positions:
1990, Visiting Researcher, Social Surveys Division, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys,
London, England, UK.
1990, Visiting Researcher, Statistical Research Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Suitland, MD, USA.
1995, Visiting Researcher, Statistical Methods Division, Statistics Finland, Helsinki, Finland.
2000, Visiting Researcher, Research and Development Department, Statistics Sweden,
Stockholm, Sweden.
2000, Visiting Researcher, Statistics Division, United Nations, New York, USA.
2006, Guest Professor, Statistics Department, Centre for Survey Research and Methodology
[Zentrum fur Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen (ZUMA)], Mannheim, Germany.
2007, Visiting Professor, Department of Statistical Science, University College, University of
London, London, UK.
2007, Visiting Researcher, Methodology Institute, London School of Economics and Political
Science, University of London, London, UK.
2011, Visiting Professor, Department of Probability and Statistics, School of Mathematics and
Statistics, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
2012, Guest Professor, Survey Design and Methodology Department, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for
the Social Sciences, Mannheim, Germany
Books and Monographs:
Ayhan Ö, A Balamir, S Cerit, M Coruh, S Kavadarli, G Kunt, M Peker, A Toros, M Ulusoy & S Uner,
eds. (1980), Turkish Fertility Survey 1978. First Report, Vol. 1: Methodology and Findings.
Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies Publication. Ankara: Turkish Historical
Society Press. 213 pp. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr
Ayhan Ö, A Balamir, S Cerit, M Coruh, S Kavadarli, G Kunt, M Peker, A Toros, M Ulusoy & S Uner,
eds. (1980), Turkish Fertility Survey 1978. First Report, Vol. 2: Statistical Tables. Hacettepe
University, Institute of Population Studies Publication. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Press.
442 pp. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr
Toros A & Ö Ayhan (1984), Handbook of Writing and Producing Thesis.
First Edition; Ankara: Offset Fotomat Press. 63 pp.
Second Printing; Ankara: State Institute of Statistics Press.(1991) http://www.tuik.gov.tr
Tuncbilek E, S Uner, A Toros, S Cerit, M Ulusoy, Ö Ayhan, A Hancioglu, B Akadli, I Kulu & T Unalan
(1986), Population, Family and Health 1983. Hacettepe University, Institute of Population
Studies Publication. Ankara: Semih Offset Press. 32 pp.
Tuncbilek E, S Uner, A Toros, S Cerit, M Ulusoy, Ö Ayhan, M Peker, B Akadli,
A Hancioglu, I Kulu & T Unalan (1987), Turkish Population and Health Survey 1983.
Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies Publication. Ankara: Semih Offset
Press. 117 pp. https://www.bibliomed.com.br/lib/emailorprint.cfm?id=12808&type=lib
Ayhan HÖ, N Cilingiroglu, N Karatas, Z Oztek, H Pekcan & A Toros (1995),
Health Services Utilization Survey in Turkey. Ankara: Ministry of Health Press. 296 pp. [ISBN:
975-8088-01-7] http://www.saglik.gov.tr
Yuksel Y, Ö Ayhan, M Cebi & H Unal (1995), Forest Products Industry. State Planning
Organisation Publication No. 2376. Ankara: State Planning Organisation Press. 202 pp.
[ISBN: 975-19-0993-7] http://www.dpt.gov.tr
Ayhan HÖ (1996), Guidelines for the Improvement of Statistics on Women.
United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization, Statistics Division & Women and
Population Division Institutional Manual [D/W0022E/1/5.96/1000]. Rome: FAO Press.
43 pp. Full Manual at: http://www.fao.org/docrep/w0022e/w0022e00.htm
Ayhan HÖ (1996), Directives Visant a Améliorer les Statistiques Concernant
les Femmes. Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture,
Division de la Statistique & Division de la Femme et de la Population Manual
[D/W0022F/1/6.96/1025]. Rome: FAO Division des Publications. 47 pp.
Ayhan HÖ (1996), Directrices Para Mejorar las Estadisticas Sobre la Mujer.
Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentacion.
Direccion de Estadistica & Direccion de la Mujer y la Poblacion Manual
[D/W0022S/1/7.96/1025]. Roma: FAO Direccion de Publicaciones. 47
pp. http://www.fao.org/icatalog/inter-e.htm
Ayhan HÖ (1996), Guidelines for the Improvement of Statistics on Women.
United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization, Statistics Division Women and
Population Division Institutional Manual [D/W0022Ar/1/7.96/550]. Rome: FAO Press.
45 pp. [in Arabic] http://www.fao.org/icatalog/inter-e.htm
Toros A, M Ecevit, I Gurkan & HÖ Ayhan (1997), Effect of Tourism on Social Environment
(Kemer–Alanya) 1995. Ministry of Tourism Publication No. 1997/1. Ankara: Ministry of
Tourism Press. 183 pp. [ISBN: 975-7139-16-5] http://www.turizm.gov.tr
Kudat A, BB Ozbilgin, N Kuleyin, I Yalcin & Ö Ayhan (1999), Social Assessment for the
Turkey Forest Sector Review. The World Bank, Social Development Paper No. 34,
Washington DC: The World Bank Press. 137 pp. Full Monograph at:
Ayhan HÖ, BA Ergocmen, A Hancioglu, A Icduygu, I Koc, A Toros, S Turkyilmaz,
T Unalan, S Uner & EK Yigit, eds. (2000), Push and Pull Factors of International
Migration: Country Report–Turkey. EUROSTAT Working Papers; Population and Social
Conditions 3/2000/E/no 8. Luxembourg: EUROSTAT Press. 131 pp.
Nathan G, TMF Smith, F Scheuren, G Brackstone, J-C Deville, Ö Ayhan & S Linacre, eds.
(2001), Landmark Papers in Survey Statistics. IASS Jubilee Commemorative
Volume. International Association of Survey Statisticians Institutional Publication.
Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics Press. 461 pp. http://isi.cbs.nl/iass/allUK.htm
Özcan C, O Gucelioglu, K Ersoy, HÖ Ayhan et al, eds. (2003), National Burden of
Disease and Cost Effectiveness Study. Household Survey Interim Report.
Ankara: Baskent University Press. 551 pp. http://baskent.edu.tr
Ayhan HÖ & I Batmaz, eds. (2007), Recent Advances in Statistics.
Ankara: Turkish Statistical Institute Press. 206 pp. [ISBN: 978-975-01606-0-8]
Ayhan HÖ & C Talu–Yozgatligil, eds. (2011), Proceedings of the 7th Statistics Days Symposium.
28–30 June 2010, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. Published:
March 2011. 147 pp.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Verma VK & Ö Ayhan (1980), Sample Design and Outcome. Appendix D in Turkish
Fertility Survey 1978 (O Ayhan et al, eds). First Report, Vol. 1: Methodology and
Findings. Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies Publication.
Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Press, pp. 178-185. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr
Ayhan Ö (1980), Sampling Errors for Selected Variables. Appendix E in Turkish
Fertility Survey 1978 (O Ayhan et al, eds). First Report, Vol. 1: Methodology and
Findings. Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies Publication. Ankara:
Turkish Historical Society Press, pp. 186-203. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr
Ayhan HÖ (1981), Sources of Nonresponse Bias in 1978 Turkish Fertility Survey.
Turkish Journal of Population Studies (TR) 2–3, 104 - 148. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr
Ayhan HÖ (1982), Methods of Variance Estimation in Social Surveys with Multistage
Sample Designs. Turkish Journal of Population Studies 4, 83 - 97.
Ayhan HÖ (1983), Research Method and Evaluation. Chapter 2 in Population and Family
Planning Activities During the Planned Period in Turkey. State Planning Organisation
Publication No. 1931. Ankara: SPO Press, pp. 6 - 15. http://www.dpt.gov.tr
Ayhan HÖ (1984), Homogeneity in Turkish Fertility Survey: Implications for Cluster Size
Derived from Homogeneity in Basic Survey Variables.
Turkish Journal of Population Studies 6, 99 - 118. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr
Tuncbilek E, S Uner, S Cerit, A Hancioglu, T Unalan, M Ulusoy, B Akadli, I Kulu, A Toros
& Ö Ayhan (1985), Report on the Baseline Survey for the 1985 Turkish National
Immunisation Campaign. Turkish Journal of Population Studies 7, 5 - 26.
Tuncbilek E, M Ulusoy, A Hancioglu, T Unalan, S Cerit, S Uner, A Toros, B Akadli, I Kulu
& Ö Ayhan (1986), The Vaccination Situation of Children Between 0–5 Years of Age After
the Accelerated Vaccination Campaign and a Comparison with the Pre campaign Results.
Turkish Journal of Population Studies 8, 5 - 36. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr
Ayhan HÖ (1987), Multiplicity Estimators for Multistage Sample Surveys: A Review.
Comm. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ankara, Series A1: Math. Statist.(TR) 36(2), 43 - 54.
Sayil I, L Gurakar & Ö Ayhan (1989), A Study on the Report of Suicide Events by the
Daily Newspapers in 1988. Mental Health and Treatment Foundation of Turkey
Publication No.1, Ankara, pp. 55 - 63.
Ayhan HÖ & S Ekni (1991), Coverage and Response Errors in 1990 Turkish Census
of Population. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute (NL) 54(1), 45 - 46.
Sayil I, A Oral, S Guney, N Ayhan, Ö Ayhan & H Devrimci (1992), Parasuicide in Ankara. Crisis:
Journal of Suicide Prevention (TR) [Special Issue: Suicide and Attempted Suicide in 1981 91] pp.
35 - 37. http://www.ankara.edu.tr/kutuphane/kriz_dergisi/c01_s2.pdf
Sayil I, A Oral, S Guney, N Ayhan, Ö Ayhan & H Devrimci (1993), A Study on the Attempted
Suicides in Ankara. Crisis: Journal of Suicide Prevention 1(2), 56-61.
Ayhan HÖ (1994), The Determination of Improvements for the Production of Gender
Disaggregated Agricultural and Rural Data in Turkey. PRAWANE News (Egypt) 1(2), 6-7.
Ayhan HÖ (1997), Alternative Estimators for Dual Record Systems. Bulletin of the International
Statistical Institute 57(2), 305-306. http://isi.cbs.nl/bulletin.htm
Ayhan HÖ (1997), Improvements of the Production of Gender Disaggregated Data.
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 57(3), 266-267. http://isi.cbs.nl/bulletin.htm
Ayhan HÖ (1997), Recent Developments in Census Undercoverage and Nonresponse.
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 57(3), 487-489. http://isi.cbs.nl/bulletin.htm
Ayhan HÖ (1997), An Overview of Nonsampling Errors in Household Surveys.
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 57(3), 492-493. http://isi.cbs.nl/bulletin.htm
Ayhan HÖ (1998), Survey Nonresponse Models and Applications in Turkey. In Official
Statistics in a Changing World. Stockholm: Statistics Sweden Press. pp. 155-158.
[ISBN: 91-618-1023-1] http://www.scb.se/eng/publkat/publindex.asp
Ayhan HÖ (1999), Ethical Problems in Social Surveys. Journal of Nursing Research (TR)
1, 29-35. Full paper at: http://www.hemargedergi.org/1999_sayi1.htm
Ayhan HÖ (2000), Models of Response Error Components in Supervised Interview
Surveys. Invited Web Site Article, Section 6 in Statistics and Democracy.
Statistics Sweden, Stockholm. pp. 1-8.Full Paper at:
Ayhan HÖ, A Icduygu, T Unalan, A Hancioglu & AS Turkyilmaz (2000), Study Design.
Chapter 2 in Push and Pull Factors of International Migration: Country Report–Turkey
(HO Ayhan et al, eds). EUROSTAT Working Papers; Population and Social Conditions
3/2000/E/no 8. Luxembourg: EUROSTAT Press, pp. 5-20.
Ayhan HÖ, A Hancioglu, AS Turkyilmaz & T Unalan (2000), Sample Design,
Implementation and Outcome. Chapter 13 in Push and Pull Factors of International
Migration: Country Report–Turkey (HO Ayhan et al, eds). EUROSTAT Working Papers;
Population and Social Conditions 3/2000/E/no 8. Luxembourg: EUROSTAT Press,
pp. 112-131. http://www.nidi.knaw.nl/web/html/pushpull/link/indexlink.html
Ayhan HÖ (2000), Estimators of Vital Events in Dual Record Systems.
Journal of Applied Statistics (UK) 27(2), 157-169. Full Paper at:
Ayhan HÖ (2001), Statistics by Gender: Measures to Reduce Gender Bias in Agricultural
Surveys. International Statistical Review (NL) 69(3), 447-460. Full Paper at:
Ayhan Ö (2001), New Approaches to Social and Economic Indicators: Development for
Whom. Invited paper, First Kastamonu Cultural Symposium. Kastamonu University, Faculty
of Education Publication, pp. 419-432.
Ayhan HÖ (2003), Ethical and Legal Issues on Data Collection and Dissemination Stages for
Demographic Surveys in Turkey. Invited paper, Vol. 2 Ch. 9 in Third Conference on Turkish
Demography. Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies Publication No. NEEHU.03.02, Ankara: Semih Offset Press. pp. 1197-1206. [ISBN: 975-491-140-1]
Ayhan HÖ, O Gucelioglu, E Oksuz & M Colak (2003), Sampling Errors for Selected Study
Variables. Appendix 14 in Household Survey Interim Report. National Burden of Disease
and Cost Effectiveness Study (Ozcan C, O Gucelioglu, K Ersoy, HO Ayhan et al, eds.)
Ankara: Baskent University Press. pp. 475-490. http://www.baskent.edu.tr
Ayhan HÖ (2003), Combined Weighting Procedures for Post–Survey Adjustment in
Complex Sample Surveys. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 60(1), 53-54.
Ayhan HÖ & S Ekni (2003), Coverage Error in Population Censuses: The Case of Turkey.
Survey Methodology (CA) 29(2), 155-165. Full Paper at:
Ayhan HÖ & S Ekni (2003), Erreur de Couverture des Recensements de Population:
Le cas de la Turquie. Techniques d’ enquete (CA) 29(2), 175-186. Full Paper at:
Ayhan HÖ (2003), Models of Response Error Components in Supervised Interview–Reinterview
Surveys. Journal of Applied Statistics 30(9), 1047-1054. Full Paper at:
Ayhan HÖ & S Isiksal (2004), Memory Recall Errors in Retrospective Surveys: A Reverse Record
Check Study. Quality and Quantity (NL) 38(5), 475-493. Full Paper at:
Ayhan HÖ (2005), Sample Adjustment Weights for Internet Surveys: Restricted Access
versus Voluntary Participation. In Recent Developments and Applications in Social Research
Methodology (Dijkum C., J Blasius & C Durand, eds.). Leverkusen-Opladen, Germany:
Barbara Budrich Publishers (Audio CD), pp. 1-8. [ISBN: 3-938094-44-3].
Ayhan HÖ & MQ Islam (2005), Sample Design and Allocation for Random Digit Dialling. Quality
and Quantity 39(5), 625-641. Full Paper at:
Gabler S & Ö Ayhan (2007), Gewichtung bei Erhebungen im Festnetz und über Mobilfunk: Ein
Dual-Frame Ansatz / Weighting for Dual Frame Surveys. Chapter 3 in ZUMA Special Band 13 on
Combining Mobile and Fixed Line Samples (S Gabler & S Haeder, eds.). Mannheim, Germany:
Centre for Survey Research and Methodology (ZUMA) Press. pp. 39-45. [ISBN: 978-3-924220-341] Full Paper at:
Batmaz I & HÖ Ayhan (2007), Introduction. Chapter 1 in Recent Advances in Statistics (Ayhan HO
& I Batmaz, eds.). Ankara: Turkish Statistical Institute Press. pp. 1-3. [ISBN: 978-975-01606-0-8]
Ayhan HÖ (2007), Special Techniques in Survey Sampling. Chapter 8 in Recent Advances
in Statistics (Ayhan HO & I Batmaz, eds.). Ankara: Turkish Statistical Institute Press.
pp. 103-113. [ISBN: 978-975-01606-0-8]
Ayhan HÖ (2007), Refereeing System and Related Problems in the Social Sciences Periodical
Publications. Invited Paper, Periodic Publishing in the Social Sciences 2007: Second National
Periodic Publishing Convention Proceedings. Ankara: ULAKBIM, The Scientific and Technological
Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), pp. 79-84.
Asan Z, Ö Ayhan, L Terlemez & S Senturk (2008), Comparison of Two Different Respondent
Groups with Web Based Questionnaire Survey. Anadolu University
Journal of Social Sciences (TR), 8(1), 15-24.
Ayhan HÖ (2008), Reverse Record Check. In PJ Lavrakas (ed.) Encyclopedia of Survey Research
Methods. Newbury Park, California: SAGE Publications, Inc. 2 Volumes, p. 764.
[Online ISBN: 9781412963947] DOI: 10.4135/9781412963947
Ayhan HÖ (2011), Non-probability Sampling Survey Methods. In M Lovric (ed.) Springer’s
International Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. Part 14, pp. 979–982. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
[ISBN: 978-3-642-04898-5] http://www.springer.com/statistics/book/978-3-642-04897-5DOI:
Kalaylıoğlu ZI & HÖ Ayhan (2012), The Use of Statistical Methods in Archaeometrical Researches.
In “Two Eminent Contributors to Archaeometry in Turkey: To Honour Prof Ay Melek Özer and
Prof Şahinde Demirci” (AA Akyol & K Özdemir, Eds). Homer Books and Publishing Co., İstanbul,
Turkey. Pp. 239–246. http://www.homerbooks.com/Product/ProductList/31?type=6
Türkyılmaz, AS & HÖ Ayhan (2012), Covariates of Unit Nonresponse Error Based on Proxy
Response from Household Surveys. Journal of Statistical Research 9(1), 53-64.
Ayhan HÖ (2012), Ethical Rules Applied to Questionnaire Surveys. Journal of Inference from n to
N, 2(9), 18-23.
Ünalan T & HÖ Ayhan (2013), Probability Sample Selection Method in Household Surveys When
Current Data on Regional Population is Unavailable. Statistics in Transition 14(2), 217-230.
Aşan Z & HÖ Ayhan (2013), Sampling Frame Coverage and Domain Adjustment Procedures for
Internet Surveys. Quality and Quantity 47(6), 3031-3042.
Proceedings and Periodicals:
Ayhan Ö (1989), Country Report for Turkey. The Survey Statistician (FR) 22, 40 - 41.
Ayhan Ö (1990), Country Report for Turkey. The Survey Statistician 23, 17 - 18.
Sayil I, C Sarman, C Atbasoglu, H Tugcu, Ö Ayhan, S Lostar & E Vardar (1990), A Study on the
Migrants from Bulgaria. Proceedings of the 26th National Psychiatric and Neorological Sciences
Congress. Izmir, pp. 221-227. http://www.ulusalpsikiyatrikongreleri.org
Ayhan Ö (1990), Country Report for Turkey. The Survey Statistician 24, 6-7.
Ayhan HÖ (1992), Developments in Sampling and Survey Designs for Official Statistics in Turkey.
Invited paper, Section 2 in Proceedings of the IAOS Third Independent Conference. International
Association for Official Statistics, International Statistical Institute. The Hague, Netherlands.
Ankara: SIS Press, pp. 1- 9. http://www.SingStat.gov.sg/IAOS/index.html
Ayhan Ö (1992), Country Report for Turkey. The Survey Statistician 27, 35 - 37.
Ayhan Ö (1993), Country Report for Turkey. The Survey Statistician 29, 17 - 18.
Ayhan HÖ (1995), Public Opinion Polls and Ethical Rules. Bulletin of the Association of Statistics
Graduates 8, 13-14. http://www.imd.org.tr/
Ayhan HÖ (1996), Improvement of Statistics Related to Women in National
Agricultural Censuses. Bulletin of the Turkish Statistical Association 3, 34.http://www.turkistatistik.org/yeni/
Ayhan Ö (1999), Country Report for Turkey. The Survey Statistician 40, 37-38.
Deliloglu RAS & HÖ Ayhan (2001), Use of Empirical Bayes Method in Small Domain Estimation.
Proceedings of the Second Statistics Congress. Antalya, Turkey. pp. 297-301.
Ayhan HÖ (2001), Gender and Statistics Briefing Note: Agriculture. Web Site Document, Expert
Group Meeting (New York), Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of
Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York. pp. 1-5.
Ayhan HÖ (2003), Effect of Errors in Dual Record System Estimates. Proceedings of the Third
Statistics Congress. Antalya, Turkey. pp. 256-259. http://www.imd.org.tr
Ayhan HÖ (2004), Unit Nonresponse and Post–Survey Adjustment Weighting in Turkish
International Migration Survey. Web Site Document, 15th International Workshop on Household
Survey Nonresponse. Maastricht, The Netherlands. pp. 1-24. http://cbsrndtest.vb.cbs.nl/workshop-nonresponse/papers.html
Ayhan HÖ (2004), Gender Statistics: Methods of Data Collection and Dissemination. Invited
paper, Proceedings of the Fourth Statistics Days Symposium, Kusadasi, Turkey.pp. 25-31.
Ayhan HÖ (2005), Components of Response Variance in Sample Surveys. Proceedings of the
Fourth Statistics Congress, Antalya, Turkey. pp. 423-428.http://www.imd.org.tr
Ayhan HÖ (2007), Country Report for Turkey. The Survey Statistician 56, 9-10.
Ayhan HÖ (2008), Covariates of Unit Nonresponse Error Components Based on Proxy Household
Information. Online Presentations, International Total Survey Error Workshop (ITSEW) 2008:
Multiple Error Sources and Their Interactions. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA. 14
pp. http://www.niss.org/ITSEW/2008/itsew2008home.html
Ayhan Ö (2010), Country Report for Turkey. The Survey Statistician 62, 2426. http://isi.cbs.nl/iass/allUK.htm
1987 - present, International Association of Survey Statisticians, Bordeaux, FR
1990 - present, Turkish Statistical Association, Ankara, TR
1992 - present, International Association for Official Statistics. Voorburg, NL
1993 – 1994, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, USA
1995 - present, Member (Elected), International Statistical Institute. Voorburg, NL
2005 - present, Honorary Council Member, Association of Statistics Graduates, Ankara

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