Ayhan Çelik - biocat.arel.edu.tr


Ayhan Çelik - biocat.arel.edu.tr
Ayhan Çelik
(Associate Professor of Biochemistry)
Gebze Institute of Technology
Department of Chemistry
Muallimkoy Campus, P.O. Box: 141
41400, Gebze, Kocaeli, TURKEY
Tel: +90 262 605 3124
Fax: +90 262 605 3101
DOB: 30 Jan 1973
1997 - 2001
PhD. in Bio-Organic Chemistry, University of Leicester, UK
Title: Utilising Heam Enzymes in Catalytic Oxidation Chemistry (With Prof. Paul M. Cullis
and Dr. Emma L. Raven)
Project: Studied on the exploration of potential applications of metalloenzymes in
biotransformations and other industrially relevant processes. In particular, two enzyme
systems were studied; cytosolic pea ascorbate peroxidase and cytochrome P450 from
Bacillus megaterium.
1995 - 1996
MSc. in Analytical Science, University of Hull, UK
Broad based degree, encompassing study of chromatography (e.g. HPLC, GC, and CE),
spectroscopy (e.g. Uv-vis, IR, AA, AE, NMR, and SEM), spectrometry (e.g. MS, LC-MS, GCMS) and electroanalytical chemistry (e.g. voltametric methods). (With Prof. Alan
Townshend and Dr.S. Lancaster (BP Chemicals)
Project: Research project involved the development of a flow injection (FI) procedure for
the determination of impurities in products of organic acids. Significant improvement was
achieved over the existing method in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and sample’s numbers
(40-fold). The method is exploited by BP Chemicals, Hull.
1989 – 1993
BSc. in Chemistry (1st Class Hons.), Karadeniz Technical University,
Professional Experience
2008Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Gebze Institute of
Technology, GEBZE, TURKEY
2007- 2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Gebze Institute of
Technology, GEBZE, TURKEY
2005 – 2007 Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford,
Researched on a feasibility study into the formic acid economy: Bio-catalytic approach
2002 – 2005 Research Associate-Research Fellow, School of Chemistry, University
of Edinburgh, EDINBURGH, UK
Researched on “Deracemisation processes for the manufacture of chiral sulfoxides using
DMSOR from R. capsulatus”. Techniques used including cloning, screening, protein
expression and purification together with conventional synthesis methods.
Directed evolution biotechnology to develop oxidative enzyme processes. Methods used for
an efficient biocatalyst generation including; saturation / random mutagenesis on
cytochrome P450 enzymes, development of novel HTS methods.
2000 – 2002 Research Assistant, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh,
Research focused on cytochrome P450 Enzymes, derived from Actinomycetes, as an
efficient hydroxylation biocatalysts. Whole-cell and purified enzyme systems were studied
for fine chemicals synthesis.
Administrative Duties
Faculty board member, Gebze Institute of Technology,GEBZE, TURKEY
2010-2012 Advisory board member of Consistent Education Appliance and Research Center,
Gebze Institute of Technology, GEBZE, TURKEY
Scientific Duties
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics,
OMICS-Cloning & Transgensis
Turkish Journal of Biology
Journal of Molecular catalysis B: Enzymatic
Biotechnology Progress (ACS journal),
Turkish Journal of Chemistry
Awarded a scholarship from Turkish Ministry of Education for studying PhD (1997).
Awarded a scholarship from Turkish Ministry of Education for studying MSc. (1995)
Awarded a prize due to ranking as the first from the top among the students who graduated
from KTU, Chemistry Department (1993).
Associate Member of The Royal Society of Chemistry (AMRSC) (2001-2006)
Member of Biotechnology Society of Turkey (2009-)
IT Skills/Other Training
Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Office programs. Proficient in a range of Chemistry and
general software packages including ChemDraw, ISIS suite, NMR packages, and Origin,
EndNote etc.
Certificate in Genetic Modification Work, 2003, University of Edinburgh.
Course on Enhancing Writing Skills, 2003, University of Edinburgh
Interpretation/Translation, GLS Ltd., (English < -- >Turkish)
Research Interest
Protein Engineering, Enzyme structure/function relationship, Biocatalysis, Biotransformation, High
Throughput Screening (HTS), Enzyme kinetics, Immobilization, Novel assay developments,
Synthetic organic chemistry, Analytical chemistry,
with view to
• Enzymes catalysed reactions of importance in organic synthesis, particularly asymmetric
and stereoselective transformations in fine chemical synthesis.
• Utilizing directed evolution strategies to improve the properties of enzymes in a targeted
manor (e.g. improved enantioselectivity & stability, wider substrate specificity)
• Development of novel, high throughput screening methods (HTS) for rapid evaluation and
selection of improved biocatalyst. (e.g. product/cofactor monitoring, use of surrogate
• Synthesis and characterisation of derivatives of substrates interested by traditional
• Studies on structure/function relationship in engineered enzymes.
Key Skills: Protein chemistry, analytical techniques, molecular biology (PCR, Cloning, Directed
evolution), cell culture and protein purification, enzyme kinetics (pre-steady state and steady-state
kinetics), HTS, synthetic chemistry.
Researcher, ‘Molecular engineering of the NADP+-dependent formate dehydrogenase
enzyme by using computational and experimental methods’ (funded by TÜBİTAK,112T538),
Budget: 161438 TL Date:2012-2014.
Principal Investigator, ‘Development of Nitroreductase/Prodrug based system for cancer
therapy’, (funded by TÜBİTAK,110T754), Budget: 234211 TL, Date:2011-2013
Researcher, ‘Biotechnological treatment of biowastes for the production of high-added
value products’ (funded by G.S.R.T. in Greece and by TUBITAK in Turkey), Project
Number: 109Y372 Budget: 225786 TL, Date:2011-2013
Researcher, ‘Polymeric nanoparticles as an efficient delivery system for phthalocyanine
based photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), (funded by TUBİTAK, 110M010),
Budget: 25000, Date:2010-2011
Researcher, A Feasibility Study into the formic Acid Economy: Biocatalytic approach.
University of Oxford, Budget:100000 GBP, Date:2005-2007
Researcher, ‘Deracemisation processes for the manufacture of chiral sulfoxides using DMSO
from R. capsulatus’, University of Edinburgh, Budged: 80000 GBP Date: 2002-2004.
Researcher, ‘Directed evolution biotechnology to develop oxidative enzyme processes’.
University of Edinburgh, Budged: 300000 GBP, Date: 2002-2003
Thesis Supervised
2013. Ph.D. Fatih Aktaş, ‘Coupled enzyme system for chiral alcohol synthesis’ (GIT,
2011. MSc., Betül Genç ‘Alcohol dehydrogenase-manyetic nanoparticles conjugates for
chiral alcohol synthesis’ (GIT, Chemistry)
2011. MSc. Gülden Aşçı, ‘Development of nitroreductase/prodrug based system for cancer
therapy’ (GIT, Chemistry)
Teaching Experiences
Courses tought at GIT
Nanobiotechnology (Chem771) (2008-)
Industrial Biocatalysis and Biotransformation (Chem 669) (2008-)
Biochemistry Labs (Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, GIT) (2013-)
Tutor for MSc. and PhD. Students; responsible for the day-to-day supervision of project students
at Edinburgh University (2001-2005), UK
Demonstrator for first and second year organic/inorganic labs at Leicester University (19972000), UK
Articles published in refereed journals
Çelik, Ayhan, Cullis, P.M., Lloyd Raven, E. “Catalytic Oxidation of p-Cresol by
Ascorbate Peroxidase” Arch. Biochem. Biophy (2000), 373,175.
Çelik, Ayhan; Cullis P.M.; Sutcliffe M.J.; Sangar R.; Raven E.L. “Engineering the Active
site of Ascorbate Peroxidase” European J. Biochemistry (2001), 268 (1), 78.
Raven E. L; Çelik, Ayhan; Cullis, P.M; Sangar, R and. Sutcliffe, M. J. Biochem. Soc.
Trans, (2001), 29, 105.
Roberts, GA., Çelik, Ayhan. et al.. “A self-sufficient cytochrome P450 with a primary
structuralorganisation that includes a flavin domain and a [2Fe2S] redox center”
J.Biol.Chem. (2003), 278, 48914
Ulukanli, Sabri, Çelik Ayhan, “Substrate–controlled diastereoselective aziridination of
alkenes using 3-acetoxyaminoquinazolinone in the presence of hexamethyldisilizane.”
Tetrahedron Letters (2005), 46(2), 197
Çelik, Ayhan; Speight, Robert E and. Turner, Nicholas J. “Identification of broad
specificity P450CAM variants by primary screening against indole as substrate”,
ChemComm.(2005), 29, 3652.
Çelik, Ayhan; Sperandio, Davide; Speight Robert E and. Turner, Nicholas J.
“Enantioselective epoxidation of Linolenic acid catalysed by Cytochrome P450
BM3”Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, (2005), 3(15), 2688.
Karabuga, Semistan; Kazaz, Cavit; Kilic, Hamdullah, Ulukanli, Sabri and Çelik, Ayhan
“Imination of sulfoxides using 3-acetoxyaminoquinazolinone as nitrogen source in the
presence of hexamethyldisilazane” Tetrahedron Letters (2005), 46 (31), 5225.
hydroxylating biocatalyst derived from Actinomycetes”, Organic and Biomolecular
Chemistry, (2005) (16),2930-2934.
Çelik, Ayhan et al, “Substrate specificity of Cytochrome P450 RhF from Rhodococcus
sp”, ChemComm.(2006), 43, 4492.
Demir, Ayhan S.; Talpur, Farah N.; Sopaci, S. Betul; Kohring, Gert-W; Celik, Ayhan,
Selective oxidation and reduction reactions with cofactor regeneration mediated by
galactitol-, lactate-, and formate dehydrogenases immobilized on magnetic
nanoparticles, J. Biotechnol. 2011, 152, 176-183.
Çelik, Ayhan and Yetiş, Gülden, An unusually cold active nitroreductase for prodrug
activations,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, 20 (11), 3540–3550
Çelik, Ayhan and Aktaş, Fatih, A new NADH-dependent,zinc containing alcohol
dehydrogenase from Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israilensis involved in oxidations of
short to medium chain primary alcohols, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, (
2013), 89, 114–121
Hakan Karaoglu, Derya Yanmis, Fulya AY Sal, Ayhan Celik, Sabriye Canakci, Ali Osman
Belduz, Biochemical Characterization of a novel Glucose Isomerase from Anoxybacillus
gonensis G2T that displays a high level of activity and thermal stability Journal of
Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic (in press)
Celik, Ayhan ; Davies, Gideon John ; Ruane, Karen Mary ; Davis, Benjamin Guy, Novel
Enzyme, Pub Date:15.04.2010, Pub.No:WO/2010/041055, Int.Appl.No:
PCT/GB2009/051320, Int Filig Date:06.10.2009
Book/Book Chapter
(Translation) Instant Notes in Biochemistry 3rd Edition, (Hames D., Hooper N.), Taylor
Francis. (Section M: Nitrogen Metabolism,2009), Nobel:1479, ISBN:978-605-395-288-6
Tuğba Güngör, Ferah Cömert Önder, Mehmet Ay, Ayhan Çelik, Gülden Aşçı Yetiş,
Synthesis of nitro aromatic amide compounds for nitroreductase based cancer therapy,
44th IUPAC- World Chemistry Congres, p0175, 11-16 August 2013, İstanbul-Türkiye
Tuğba Güngör, Ferah Cömert Önder, Mehmet Ay, Ayhan Çelik, Gülden Aşçı Yetiş,
Synthesis of nitro aromatic sulfonamide compounds for nitroreductase based cancer
therapy, 44th IUPAC- World Chemistry Congres, p0181, 11-16 August 2013, İstanbulTürkiye
Gülden Yetiş, Ayhan Çelik, Mehmet Ay, Tuğba Güngör, Ferah Cömert Önder, Melek
Tercan Yavaşoğlu, Merve Kurt, Nitroreductase based pro-drug activation, 44th IUPACWorld Chemistry Congres, p1280, 11-16 August 2013, İstanbul-Türkiye
Gülden Yetiş, Ayhan Çelik, Mehmet Ay, Tuğba Güngör, Ferah Cömert Önder, Melek
Tercan Yavaşoğlu, Merve Kurt, A novel ssap-ntrb/pro-drug combination for cancer
therapy, 44th IUPAC- World Chemistry Congres, p1281, 11-16 August 2013, İstanbulTürkiye
Mehmet Ay, Ayhan Çelik, Ferah Cömert, Melek Yavaşoğlu, Gülden Yetiş, Synthesis Of
Some Prodrug Candidates For Nitroreductase Based Cancer Therapy, 10th International
Symposium on PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, P-60, June 26-29, 2012, ANKARA
Tuğba GÜNGÖR, Mehmet AY, Gülden AŞÇI YETİŞ, Ayhan ÇELİK, Kanser Tedavisi İçin
Nitroredüktaz/İlaç-Öncü Sistemlerinin Geliştirilmesi, 1.İlaç Kongresi, Antalya, 2013
Gülden Yetiş, Ayhan Çelik, Mehmet Ay, Tuğba Güngör, Ferah Cömert, Melek Tercan
Yavaşoğlu, Kanser Terapilerinde Kullanılmak Üzere Ssap-NtrB/ İlaç-Öncü (Prodrug)
Bileşik Birleşiminin Araştırılması, 1.İlaç Kongresi, Antalya, 2013
İlker Ün, N. Neslihan Bozkurt, Fatih Demirci, Ayhan Çelik, NMR Investigations of the
PrismylateDerivative(s) Obtained from Enzymatic Reactions,53rd ENC -Experimental
NMR Conference, April 15 - 20, 2012, Miami, Florida (Cambridge isotope-The best
NMR spectrum Price Winner and Students Stipends Price)
Aksakal F., Can H., Çelik A. “In Silico Prediction of Binding Affinities for CYP102A1Ligand Complexes”. 10. Kimyasal Fizik Kongresi (CPC-X), Ankara, 2012
Ayhan Celik, N. Saydan, ‘Polymeric nanoparticles as an efficient delivery system for
phthalocyanine based photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)’, 13th IPA
10-14, 2011,
Innsbruck, Austria
G.Asci, M.Göksel, Ayhan Celik, N.Saydan Intracellular Photodynamic Therapy with
13th IPA
International Photodynamic Association, May 10-14, 2011, Innsbruck, Austria
Fatih Aktaş, Ayhan Çelik Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis Bakterisinden Alkol
Dehidrogenaz Enziminin Klonlanması, Ekspresyonu ve Karakterizasyonu, 25. Ulusal
Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 2011 (Poster Price)
Betül Genç, Ayhan Çelik, Manyetik Nanopartikül Bağlı İkili Enzim Sistemi ile Kiral Alkol
Üretimi, 25. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 2011 (Poster Price)
Betül Genç, Gülden Aşçı, Ayhan Çelik, Nitroredüktaz Aktivitesinin Kolay ve Hassas
Tayini, 25. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 2011
N.Neslihan Gezer, Ayhan Çelik, One-pot Enzymatic Synthesis of Styrene oxide, 25.
Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 2011
Pınar Akkuş, Ayhan Çelik,Kofaktör Geri Dönüşümleri için Tüm Hücre Uygulamaları ve
Enzimatik Sistemlerin Karşılaştırılması, 25. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 2011
Çelik, Staphylococcus
Endüstriyel Lipaz Eldesinin Araştırılması, 25. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 2011
Özden Doruköz, Gülden Aşçı, Ayhan Çelik, Naciye Öztürk, NTR Enziminin Elektron
Transfer Mekanizmasının Elektrokimyasal Yöntemlerle İncelenmesi, 25. Ulusal Kimya
Kongresi, Erzurum, 2011
Demir AS, Talpur FN, Sopacı SB. Kohring GW, Celik A. Affinity Magnetic Nanoparticle
Reduction Reactions. 6
Nonoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010
Aşçı G., Saydan N., Çelik A. “Kanser Terapisinde Kullanılan Nitroredüktaz/İlaç-öncü
(prodrug) Sistemlerinin Geliştirilmesi” 24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 29
Haziran - 2 Temmuz 2010.
Genç B., Çelik A. “Kiral alkol Sentezine Yönelik Alkol Dehidrogenaz Merkezli Sistemlerin
Geliştirilmesi” 24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 29 Haziran - 2 Temmuz 2010.
F., Çelik
Ekspresyonu ve Saflaştırılması” 24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 29 Haziran - 2
Temmuz 2010.
Aşçı G., Yıkılmaz E., Saydan N., Çelik A. “Fotodinamik Terapide Kullanılmak Amacına
Yönelik Fotosensitayzır Yüklü PLGA Nanopartiküllerin Hazırlanması ve Kanser Hücreleri
Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Araştırılması” 16. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 13-16
Aralık 2009
Bozkurt N. Çelik A. “Endüstriyel Prosesler İçin Siklohekzanon Monooksijenaz (CHMO)
Enziminin Geliştirilmesi” 16. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 13-16 Aralık 2009.
Aişe Ünlü, Aziz Tanrıseven, Ayhan Çelik, Staphylococcus saprophytıcus lipaz için
rekombinant sistem geliştirilmesi, 23. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Sivas, 2009 (Poster
Pınar Akkuş ve Ayhan Çelik, Enzimatik İndigo Sentezi, 23. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi,
Sivas, 2009
Çelik, Ayhan; Cullis, P.M., Lloyd Raven, E. “Ascorbate Peroxidase Catalyzed Phenols
Oxidation: p-Cresol Oxidation”, RSC Perkin Division–Bioorganic Symposium, 1999,
University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Çelik, Ayhan; Raven, E.L.; Cullis, P.M. “Ascorbate Peroxidase as an Enantio-selective
Catalyst in Sulphoxidation”, IBDG Meeting, 2000, London, UK
Çelik Ayhan; Cullis P.M.; Sutcliffe M.J.; Sangar R.; Raven E.L. “Redesign of Ascorbate
Peroxidase”, Inorganic Chemistry Symposium, 2000, Wolverhampton Science Park, UK
Çelik, Ayhan “Tailoring Enzymes for Environmentally Benign Oxidation Reactions”,
Green Chemistry Symposium, 2000, University of Leicester, UK
Çelik, Ayhan; Cullis, Paul M; Sutcliffe, Michael J; Sangar, Rajesh and Raven, Emma
Lloyd, “Molecular redesign of the ascorbate peroxidase active site: enantioselective
sulphoxidation of thioethers by the wild type enzyme and its W41A variant” 5th
European Biological InorganicChemistry Conference, 2000, Toulouse, France.
Hussain, Haitham; Çelik, Ayhan; Ward, J; Turner, N. “Efficient Hydroxylation Catalysts
based upon P450 Enzymes Derived from Actinomycetes”. 12th International Conference
on Cytochrome P450, La Grande Motte 2001, France
Çelik, Ayhan; Turner, Nicholas J.; Flitsch, Sabine L.; “Terpene Hydroxylation catalyst
based on cytochrome P450 enzymes”, 18th Turkish national congress of Chemistry,
2004, Kars, Turkey.
Roberts, Gareth A; Hunter, Dominic J.B; Çelik, Ayhan; Chapman, Stephen K; Turner,
Nicholas J. Flitsch, Sabine L. “A self-sufficient P450 with an FeS center”, 7th
International Symposium on Cytochrome P450: Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 2004,
Hyogo, Japan.
Çelik, Ayhan, “The roles of Cytochrome P450 enzymes in production of fine chemicals”,
14th Biotechnology Congress, Eskisehir, 2005,Turkey.
Çelik, Ayhan, 'A biocatalytic approach to the formic acid economy', CBS Meeting,
Oxford University, UK, 2006
Invited Talks
Ayhan Çelik, Application of Nitroreductases in Enzyme/Prodrug Therapy, 26. Ulusal
Kimya Kongresi, Mugla, 1-6 Ekim 2012
Ayhan Çelik, Engineering Cytochrome P450 BM3 and Formate Dehydrogenase (FDH)
for Production of Human Drugs’ Metabolites, 1st Int. Symposium on Sec. Metabolites,
Chemical, Biological and Biotechnological Properties, September 12-15, 2011 / Denizli,
Ayhan Çelik, Multienzymes-magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles hybrid systems, 25.
Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 2011
Ayhan Çelik, Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Peptides, İU, ÇAPA Tıp Fakültesi, 14
Nisan 2010
Ayhan Çelik, Monooksigenaz Enzimleri ve Edüstriyel Uygulamaları, Eskişehir OGÜ, 23
Ekim 2009
Ayhan Çelik,
İnce Kimyasalların sentezi: Enzimatik Biyotransformasyonlar, Anadolu
Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, 12 Mart 2009
Ayhan Çelik,
Biyokimyasal Sentezler için NADPH Geridönüşümü,
Kongresi, Antalya, 2009
Zaman National Newspaper(2006, with Tuncer Çetinkaya)
Anadolu Agency (Jan.2013) (Topic: Enzyme-Prodrug Therapy, with Yunus
Emre Günaydın)
HaberTurk National TV (Topic: Biochemotheraphy, Akşam Raporu
with Ece Güner) (Jan.2013)

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