AYFER KARAKAYA-STUMP - Home | societyforiranianstudies.org


AYFER KARAKAYA-STUMP - Home | societyforiranianstudies.org
The College Of William and Mary
Lyon G. Tyler Department of History
Williamsburg, VA
138 Stanley Dr.
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Assistant Professor, Lyon G. Tyler Department of History, The College of William & Mary
Andrew W. Mellon Post-doctoral Fellow at the Society for the Humanities & Instructor at the
Near Eastern Studies Department, Cornell University
Spring 2008–09
Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies & Instructor at the Near Eastern
Studies and Cultures Department, Harvard University
Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008
Cambridge, MA
History and Middle Eastern Studies
Advisor: Prof. Cemal Kafadar
Specialties/ Examination Fields: Ottoman History, Islamic History, Medieval European History,
Dissertation: Subjects of the Sultan, Disciples of the Shah: Formation and Transformation of the
Kizilbash/Alevi Communities in Ottoman Anatolia
M.A. Ohio State University, 1996
Columbus, OH
Islamic History
Advisor: Prof. Carter V. Findley
M.A. Thesis: The Emergence of a Feminist/Nationalist Discourse in Pre-Republican Turkey:
Case Study of Kadın Magazine (1908-1909)
B.A. Bilkent University, valedictorian, 1993
Ankara, Turkey
Political Science
Fellowships, Grants and Awards
• National Endowment for Humanities (NEH)/American Research Institute (ARIT) Advanced
Fellowship for Research in Turkey, Fall 2013.
• Koç University, Center for the Study of Anatolian Civilizations, Senior Residential Fellowship,
2009 (declined).
• Turkish Studies Association, Sydney Fisher Graduate Student Paper Prize: “The Forgotten
Dervishes: The Bektashi Convents in Iraq and Their Kizilbash Visitors,” 2007.
• Harvard University Whiting Dissertation Fellowship, 2005-06.
• Institute of Turkish Studies (ITS) Dissertation Writing Grant, 2004-05.
A. Karakaya-Stump, p.2
• Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University Derek Bok Center for Teaching and
Learning, Spring 2004.
• Harvard University Kirkland Fellowship for dissertation research, 2002-03.
• American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) Fellowship for dissertation research, 2002-03.
• Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University Derek Bok Center for Teaching and
Learning, Spring 2002.
• Harvard University Graduate Student Council Grant for dissertation research, Summer 2001.
• ITS Pre-Dissertation Fellowship for research and language training in Ottoman Turkish,
Summer 2000.
• Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship for Arabic Language Study, Ohio State
University, Summer 1999 and Summer 1995.
• Harvard University Center for Middle Eastern Studies Summer Grant for research in Turkey,
multiple times since 1999.
• FLAS Fellowship for Arabic Language Study, Ohio State University, 1997-98 and 1996-97.
• FLAS Fellowship for Persian Language Study, 1996-97.
• Fulbright-Hays Group Study Abroad Award for Arabic Language Study, Summer 1995.
• Tuition Waiver Award, Bilkent University, 1990-93.
“The Wafāʾiyya, the Bektashiyye and Genealogies of ‘Heterodox’ Islam in Anatolia: Rethinking
the Köprülü Paradigm,” Turcica (forthcoming in 2013).
“Alevi Dede Ailelerine Ait Buyruk Mecmuaları,” in Eski Türk Edebiyatı Çalışmaları VII:
Mecmûa: Osmanlı Edebiyatının Kırkambarı, ed. Hatice Aynur et al., 361-379, Istanbul: Turkuaz
Yayınları, 2012.
“The Forgotten Dervishes: The Bektashi Convents in Iraq and their Kizilbash Clients,”
International Journal of Turkish Studies, 16, no. 1&2 (2011).
“Documents and Buyruk Manuscripts in the Private Archives of Alevi Dede Families: An
Overview,” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 37, no. 3 (Dec. 2010): 273-286.
“16. Yüzyıldan Bir Ziyaretname (Yazı Çevirimli Metin-Günümüz Türkçesine ÇeviriTıpkıbasım,” [A Ziyaretname from the 16th Century: Transcription-Translation-Facsimile] in In
Memoriam Şinasi Tekin, ed. by George Dedes and Selim S. Kuru, a special issue of the Journal of
Turkish Studies = Türklük Bilgisi Araştırmaları 31/II, no.1-2 (November 2007): 67-79.
“Irak’taki Bektaşi Tekkeleri,”[Bektashi Convents in Iraq], BELLETEN 71, no.261 (August 2007):
“Sinemilliler: Bir Alevi Ocağı ve Aşireti,” [The Sinemillis: An Alevi Saintly Lineage and Tribe]
Kırkbudak 2, no.6 (Spring 2006): 19-59.
“Kızılbaş, Bektaşi, Safevi İlişkilerine Dair 17. Yüzyıldan Yeni Bir Belge: Çeviriyazılı MetinÇeviri-Tıpkıbasım,” [A Document from the Seventeenth Century Concerning Relations Between
the Kizilbash, the Bektashis and the Safavids: Transcription-Translation-Facsimile] in Festschrift
in Honor of Orhan Okay, a special issue of the Journal of Turkish Studies = Türklük Bilgisi
Araştırmaları 30, no.2 (2006): 117-130.
A. Karakaya-Stump, p.3
“The Emergence of the Kızılbaş in Western Thought: Missionary Accounts and Their
Aftermath,” in Archaeology, Anthropology and Heritage in the Balkans and Anatolia: The Life
and Times of F.W. Hasluck 1878-1920, vol. 2: 329-353, ed. David Shankland. Istanbul: Isis Press,
“Women, Gender and Feminist Movements: Turkey,” in Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic
Cultures, ed. Suad Joseph et al. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2003.
“Debating Progress in a ‘Serious Newspaper for Muslim Women’: The Periodical Kadın of the
Post-Revolutionary Salonica, 1908-1909,” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 30, no.2
(November 2003): 155-181.
“Alevilik Hakkında 19. Yüzyıl Misyoner Kayıtlarına Eleştirel Bir Bakış ve Ali Gako’nun
Öyküsü,” [A Critical Reading of the Nineteenth Century Missionary Records Concerning the
Alevis and the Story of Ali Gako], Folklor/Edebiyat 29, no.1 (March 2002): 301-324.
“Osmanlı Feministleri,” [Ottoman Feminists] Cumhuriyet Dergi, no. 579, April/27/1997.
Book Reviews
The Alevis in Turkey: The Emergence of a Secular Islamic Tradition by David Shankland, New
Perspectives on Turkey 33 (Fall 2005).
The Private World of Ottoman Women by Godfrey Goodwin, The Middle East and South Asia
Folklore Bulletin 14, no.2 (Spring 1998).
Deconstructing Images of the Turkish Woman ed. by Zehra Arat, The Middle East and South
Asia Folklore Bulletin 14, no.3 (Autumn 1998).
Works in Progress
Book Project: Religion and Imperial Politics in the Early Modern Middle East: The Ottomans,
the Safavids and the Kizilbash Communities in Anatolia.
Critical Edition and Translation of Vilayetname (Hagiographic vita of Haji Bektash, the founding
saint of the Bektashi Order), team project with Dr. Mark Soileau from Albion College and Dr.
Helga Anetshofer-Karateke from the University of Chicago.
Transcription of an Ottoman treatise entitled “The Kizilbash Communities in Romania,” with
Alişan Akpınar from Istanbul University.
Conference Papers and Professional Talks
“Ebussuud, Confessionalization and the Kizilbash/Alevi Communities in the Ottoman Realm,”
invited paper presented at the worskshop History of Ottoman Thought Meetings-II: Ebussuud and
his World of Thought, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Dec. 16-18, 2011.
“The Vefa’iyye, the Bektashiyye, and Genealogies of ‘Heterodox Islam’ in Anatolia: Rethinking
the Köprülü Paradigm,” paper presented at the conference Alevi-Bektashi Communities in the
Ottoman Realm: Sources, Paradigms, and Historiography, Bogazici University, December 13-
A. Karakaya-Stump, p.4
15, 2011.
“The Anti-Kizilbash Campaigns of the 16th Century and the Crystallization of the Ottoman Sunni
Identity,” paper presented at the 45th Middle East Studies Association Conference, Washington
D.D., December 2011.
“Why were the Kizilbash Persecuted?: Ottoman Politics of Difference and the Kizilbash/Alevi
Communities,” invited lecture presented at the Ottoman/Turkish seminar, Columbia University,
March 2011.
“Rethinking the Kizilbash Movement and the Rise of the Safavids in Light of New Evidence,”
paper presented at the 44th Middle East Studies Association Conference, San Diego, November
“Revisiting the Köprülü Paradigm: Genealogies of Heterodox Islam in Anatolia,” presented at the
conference Turks and Islam, Indiana University, Sept. 2010.
“Gender and Sexuality as Sectarian Markers: The Alevis versus the Sunnis in Turkey,” invited
lecture presented at the workshop Gender, Sexuality and the Question of the ‘Islamicate’ Across
Turkish-Persian Landscape, Harvard University, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Apr. 2010.
"Politics of Sufism: The Bektashi Convents in Ottoman Iraq and their Kizilbash Clients," invited
lecture presented at the Near Eastern Studies Department Colloquium, Cornell University, Apr.
“Vefailik ve Anadolu Aleviligi” [The Wafa’iyya and Anatolian Alevism], invited lecture
presented at the DemGeist Lecture Series, Alevi Institute, Ankara-Turkey, Dec. 2009.
“The Vefa’i Order, the Bektashi Order and the Making of “Heterodox” Islam in Anatolia,” paper
presented at the 43th Middle East Studies Association Conference, Boston, November 2009.
"Rethinking Ottoman Anatolia and the Rise of the Safavids in Light of New Evidence," invited
lecture presented at the Comparative Muslim Societies Lecture Series, Cornell University, Oct.
“Anadolu’da Vefailik ve Vefai Kokenli Alevi Ocaklari” [The Vefa’i Order in Anatolia and Alevi
Ocaks of Vefa’i Origin], lecture presented at the Museum Lectures Series, Bosphorus University,
Istanbul-Turkey, July 2009.
“Mysticism and Imperial Politics: The Making of the Safavids’ Kizilbash Constituency in
Ottoman Anatolia,” lecture presented at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies Sohbet-i Osmani
Lecture Series, Harvard University, July 2009.
“Documents in the Private Archives of Dede Families and Their Potential to Shed Light on
Important Aspects of Alevi History,” invited lecture presented at the workshop Reception
Processes of Alevi Ritual Practice Between Innovation and Reconstruction, Heidelberg
University, Germany, October 2007.
“The Forgotten Dervishes: The Bektashi Convent in Iraq and Their Kizilbash Visitors,”
paper presented at the 40th Middle East Studies Association Conference, Boston, November 2006.
A. Karakaya-Stump, p.5
“A Critical Account of the Emergence and Normalization of the Category of Syncretism for
Defining the Kizilbash/Alevi Belief System,” paper presented at the 36th Middle East Studies
Association Conference, Washington D.C., November 2002.
“Selahattin Asım ve ‘Türk Kadınlığının Tereddisi, Yahud Karılaşmak,’” paper presented at the
conference Women in the Ottoman World, Koç University, Istanbul-Turkey, September 1996.
“A Comparative Discussion of the Early Turkish Feminist Movement,” paper presented at the
11th Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference, University of Chicago, April 1996.
“The Origins of ‘Serious Feminism’ of the Republican Woman: Case Study of Kadın Magazine,”
paper presented at the 29th Middle East Studies Association Conf., Washington, D.C., Dec. 1995.
“Ayfer Karakaya ile Alevi Belgeleri Işığında Bektaşilik, Safevilik ve Vefailik Üzerine” [With
Ayfer Karakaya about the Bektashis, the Safavids and the Wafa’i Order in Light of Alevi
Documents], Interview conducted by Erdal Gezik, Munzur, no: 34 (2010/1).
Teaching Experience
College of William & Mary, Assistant Professor
• History of the Middle East I: From the Rise of Islam to 1400
• History of the Middle East II: From 1400 to Present
• Women, Gender and Sexuality in Middle Eastern History
• Religion and Imperial Politics in the Early Modern Middle East:
The Ottoman and the Safavid Empires
• Nonconformism and Dissent in Islamic History
• History of Coffee and Coffeehouses
Cornell University, Instructor
• History of the Ottoman Empire
• Women, Gender and Sexuality in Middle Eastern History
• Religion and Imperial Politics in the Early Modern Middle East
Harvard University, Instructor
• Introduction to Ottoman Turkish
Additional Teaching Experience
Harvard University
Head Teaching Fellow & Teaching Fellow
• The Middle East and Europe since the Crusades: Relations and Perceptions (Spr. 2004, Spr.
2002, Spr. 2000).
• Islamic Civilizations Seminar: Approaches to Middle Eastern Studies & Islamic
Civilizations Pro-Seminar: Approaches to Middle Eastern Studies (Fall 2000 & Fall 2001).
• Women, Feminism and History (Spr. 1999).
A. Karakaya-Stump, p.6
Junior Tutorial Instructor
• History Department, Junior Honors Field Tutorial: Imperialism, Colonialism and Postcolonialism in the Context of the Middle East and Africa (Spr. 2002).
• History Department, Sophomore Tutorial (Tutorial introducing second year history
concentrators to different genres of history writing) (Fall 2001).
Ohio State University
Teaching Associate
• Introduction to Modern Middle East (Wint. 1998).
• Critical Issues of the Twentieth Century (Wint. 1996 & Wint. 1995).
• World History (Wint. 1993).
Other Professional Experience/Service/Development
May Seminar Participant, The College of William and Mary Charles Center, participated in a
week-long seminar focusing on designing and teaching writing intensive freshman seminars, May
Manuscript Reviewer for the Journal of Women’s History, 2012.
Member of the Organizing Committee, Boğaziçi-Harvard Conference on “Alevi-Bektashi
Communities in the Ottoman Realm: Sources, Paradigms and Historiography” Istanbul-Turkey,
December 2011.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Heidelberg University Shah Ibrahim Veli Symposium,
Malatya-Turkey, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2011.
Postdoc Leadership Program, Cornell University, Fall 2010-2011
Manuscript Reviewer for the Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, 2010.
Member of the Advisory Board for the project Women and Social Movements, International,
1840-present, Binghamton University, Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender,
Member of the Advisory Board, Alevi Institute, Ankara-Turkey, 2008- present.
Panel Co-organizer, The Formation and Transformation of Bektashi Communities,
43rd Middle East Studies Association Conference, Boston, November 2009.
Visiting Lecturer, Islamic Civilizations Seminar, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard
University, presented a lecture on the field of Ottoman studies for M.A. students in Middle
Eastern Studies, Fall 2008.
Panel Organizer, Searching for New Frontiers in the Study of Kizilbash Alevism,
36th Middle East Studies Association Conference, Washington D.C., November 2002.
Senior Teaching Fellow, Harvard University-Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning,
A. Karakaya-Stump, p.7
participated in a semester-long seminar that trains graduate teaching fellows in methods of
teaching, Fall 2001.
Book Review Editor and Member of the Editorial Board, Harvard Review of Middle Eastern and
Islamic Studies, 2000-2001.
Graduate Writing Fellow, Harvard University Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning,
participated in a semester-long training program that introduces graduate teaching fellows to
methods of improving undergraduate writing skills, Fall 2000.
Study Group Co-Founder and Coordinator, Rural and Urban Folklore of Turkey, Center for
Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, 1999-2002.
Panel Co-Organizer, Subaltern Groups in the Middle East, 30th Middle East Studies Association
Conference, San Francisco, November 1996.
Visiting Lecturer, Ohio State University, presented a lecture on the history of Ottoman women as
part of a course on Turkish Culture, Autumn 1997.
Research Associate, Ohio State University, Department of History, assisted Professor Leila J.
Rupp on a research project on the international women’s movements, Autumn 1993-Autumn
1996 (on and off for 6 quarters).
Language Programs Attended Abroad
• Harvard University-Koç University Cunda Summer School, Ayvalık-Turkey, Summer 2000:
Took courses in advanced Ottoman Turkish and Persian Palaeography.
• American University of Cairo, ALIF Summer Arabic Program, Cairo-Egypt, Summer 1999:
Took advanced level courses in Modern Standard Arabic.
• University of Virgina-Yarmouk University Arabic Program, Irbid-Jordan, Summer 1995:
Took upper intermediate level courses in Modern Standard Arabic.
Turkish (native); English (near-native); Ottoman Turkish (primary research language); German
(reading and some speaking); Classical Arabic (basic reading); Persian (basic reading); French
(limited reading)
Professional Memberships
American Historical Association
Middle East Studies Association
Turkish Studies Association
International Society of Iranian Studies
Cemal Kafadar, Vehbi Koç Professor of Turkish Studies
Department of History, Harvard University
Tel. 617-496-5389; E-mail: kafadar@fas.harvard.edu
A. Karakaya-Stump, p.8
Carter V. Findley, Humanities Distinguished Professor
Department of History, Ohio State University
Tel. 614-292-5404; E-mail: findley.1@osu.edu
Kim Haines-Eitzen, H. Stanley Krusen Professor of World Religions
Department of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University
Tel. 607-255-2519; E-mail: kjh10@cornell.edu

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CONTENTS # 36 Reading the Seyahatname as an Ethnographic Text or Regarding Evliya Çelebi as an Early Ethnographer Suavi Aydın
