The proposal of double consistency ındex (pdc)


The proposal of double consistency ındex (pdc)
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 17 pp…,… / 2004
The proposal of double consistency ındex (pdc) and
ıts proposition f or some variables
Çift-Tutarlik İndeksi Önerisi (Pçr) ve Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi
It has been empirically shown that the classification consistency indices developed in the criterion-referenced context have
been influenced by the position of cutoff score on the test distribution. A new index (cutoff score free) combining some traditional methods has been proposed, and a formulae has been developed (PDC). This new index (double consistency index) has
based on spliting of test items as odd-even items, calculating the
total score of each individual in two splits, sorting of these total
scores, and then evaluating agreement behween up-low 27% of
groups in each split. Analyses have shown that the index is influenced by n, k and the percent groups. The calculating index is
easier than the other indices; it can be applied to both dichotomously and polytomously scored tests, gives information about
classification and ordinal consistency of the test. But, it needs futher studies especially about its distribution function.
Key words: criterion-referenced assessment, double-consistency
index, classification consistency