“Ball Movement” Game Design Concept Workshop Team Group


“Ball Movement” Game Design Concept Workshop Team Group
“Ball Movement” Game Design Concept Workshop Team
Group Leader: Iris Zervoulakos
Francis Calairo: Video Game Design is my program because I like video games and
building a career on video games is something that I could do for a living.
Juan Garcia-Harris: I chose Video Game Design as my program because I am very
interested in the video game industry (specifically the artwork side of things).
Another big interest I have is playing electric guitar, and I have considered pursuing
a career in music.
Talon Hathy: I chose Video Game Design as my program because I like to play video
games, although I prefer hanging out with my friends over games. I also love to
Colby : not available
Cristian Orozco: I am an average guy.
Adam Rifat: I am proficient in Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator,
and Scratch. I am currently studying JavaScript and the GameSalad platform. I
intend to go into computer science and information technology fields after high
Troy Welling: I chose Video Game Design as my program because I am really
interested in the design process of creating games. I am also an avid gamer. I play
games such as League of Legends and Counterstrike: Global Operations.