CEYHUN YÜKSELİR Osmaniye Korkut Ata University


CEYHUN YÜKSELİR Osmaniye Korkut Ata University
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University
Bachelor of Arts: Atatürk University, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Language
and Literature, 2005 / ERZURUM
Master : Atatürk University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of English Language
and Literature - Linguistics, 2008 / ERZURUM
Doctorate : Atatürk University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of English
Language and Literature - Linguistics, 2012 / ERZURUM
Professional Experience
Instructor. Atatürk University, School of Foreign Languages, ERZURUM, 2005 - 2012
Instructor, Dr. Atatürk University, School of Foreign Languages, ERZURUM, 2012 - 2013
Assist. Prof. Dr. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, School of Foreign Languages,
OSMANİYE, 2013 - 2014
Assist. Prof. Dr. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Faculty of Science and Letters,
Department of English Language and Literature, OSMANİYE, 2014 -
Administrative Positions:
Atatürk University, School of Foreign Languages, Institute of Science and Technology,
Coordinator of Graduate Prep-Classes, 2007 - 2009
Atatürk University, School of Foreign Languages, Coordinator of Undergraduate PrepClasses, 2009 - 2011
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, School of Foreign Languages, Director, 2013 –
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, School of Foreign Languages, Department Head, 2013 –
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, International Relations Office, Coordinator, 2013 –
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Member of Faculty Board,
2014 –
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Department of English Language and Literature,
Department Head, 2014 –
1- (MA)
Effective Techniques in Vocabulary Teaching - 2008
2- (PhD)
The Emotional Experiences of Turkish University Students: Exploring the Role of Academic
Emotions and Academic Achievement in Self-Regulated Learning - 2012
Professional Development
XXI. National Congress of Linguistics, Mersin University, 10 – 11 May 2007,
Oxford University Department for Continuing Education and Oxford University Press,
Teacher Training Program, 2010, ERZURUM
İKMEP, 2009 – 2010, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Malatya
3rd Black Sea ELT Conference: A Bridge to Technology, Ondokuz Mayıs University,
2012, SAMSUN
2nd ELT Conference: Bringing Grammar to Life, Hasan Kalyoncu University, 2013,
Ideals and Realities: Continuing Professional Development for Preparatory Year
Instructors, 2014, ANKARA
14th International Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium, Dokuz Eylül
University, 2014, İZMİR
Scientific Research Project, ELT, Cinema Hall Infrastructure Project, 2011
Scientific Research Project, Language Learning, Cinema Hall Infrastructure Project,
Scientific Research Project, ELT, Learning English is Easy, 2012
Scientific Research Project, ELT, Lexicography, 2012
Other Positions
Prime Ministry Foreign Commerce, Interpreter, 20 – 21 August 2008, ERZURUM
Atatürk University, 1. (ESRUC), 28 – 31.05. 2010, ERZURUM
TÜBİTAK - Ulakbim, Associate Researcher, 23.07.2014 - 30.06.2015, ANKARA
Atatürk University, Institute of Physical Sciences, Certificate of Appreciation, 2007
Atatürk University, Faculty of Science, Certificate of Appreciation, 2010
Scientific Support Award, Best Scientific Research Project, 02 May 2013
Member, English Language Teaching Society, INGED, 2014 –
Embassy of the United States, Certificate of Achievement, Academic and Creative
Writing Intensive Workshop, February 9 – 13, 2009, ERZURUM
Certificate of Participation, ESRUC, 2010, ERZURUM
Certificate of Participation, ESRUC, 2011, ERZURUM
Certificate of Attendance, 3rd Black Sea ELT Conference, 2012, SAMSUN
Certificate of Attendance, 2nd ELT Conference, 2013, GAZİANTEP
Certificate of Attendance, Ideals and Realities: Continuing Professional Development
for Preparatory Year Instructors, 2014, ANKARA
Certificate of Participation, 14th International Language, Literature and Stylistics
Symposium, 2014, İZMİR
Foreign Languages
English: Advanced
French: Intermediate
German: Beginner
Book Chapters
Yükselir, C., İngilizce Öğretmenlik Alan Bilgisi, English to Turkish Translation, Prof.
Dr. Leyla Harputlu, Ed., Alan Bilgisi Yayınları , Ankara, ss. 377-400, 2013
Yükselir, C., ÖABT-İngilizce Soru Bankası, Approaches in Language Teaching, Prof.
Dr. Leyla Harputlu, Ed., Alan Bilgisi Yayınları , Ankara, ss. 3-16, 2014
Yükselir, C., İfade ve Kelime Seçimleri Sözlüğü, Prof. Dr. Kamil Aydın, Ed.,
Erzurum, 2015
Yükselir, C. (2011). "A comparative evaluation of three effective vocabulary
teaching techniques by means of contributions to vocabulary learning in foreign
language", Journal of Kazım Karabekir Education Faculty, Vol 23, 179-220.
Yükselir, C., & Harputlu, L. (2014). "An investigation into EFL prep-class
students’ academic emotions". Journal of Language and Linguistics Studies, 10(2), 100119.
Yükselir, C. (2014). "An analysis of the perceptions on academic emotions and
emotional experiences in English language teaching". International Journal of English
Language Education, 2(2), 269-278. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5296/ijele.v2i2.6617
Yükselir, C. (2014). Nycz, Krzysztof / Madej-Cetnarowska, Monika (ed.): "A Close
Look at Ludwik Fleck’s Philosophy of Science with a Special Reference to Thought
Collectives and Thought Styles". Thought Styles and Collectives. Nowy Sącz: Wyd. PWSZ.
(Neophilologica sandeciensia 8).
Yükselir, C. (2014). “An Investigation into the Reading Strategy Use of EFL Prepclass Students”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 158, 65-72, 14th International
Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium, Dokuz Eylül University, 15-17 October,
2014, İzmir / TURKEY.
Uçar, S., Yükselir, C. (2015). "The Effect of Corpus-based Activities on VerbNoun Collocations in EFL Classes" , TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational
Technology. (14)2, 195-205.
Yükselir, C. (2011). “Teaching a Word in the Production and Comprehension
Tests: Pre-Test and Post-Test”, First International Research Conference on Education, 19
March, 2011 at the Faculty of Education, International Black Sea University (IBSU), Tbilisi /
Yükselir, C. (2012). “An Evaluation of Self-Regulated Learning in the
Educational Context”, 3rd Black Sea ELT (INTERNATIONAL) Conference entitled
“Technology: A Bridge to Language Learning”, 15-17 November, 2012 at Ondokuz Mayıs
University Kurupelit Campus, Tepe Hotel, Samsun / TURKEY.
Yükselir, C. (2013). “The Perception and Importance of Academic Emotions and
Emotional Experiences in English Language Teaching”, 1st International Interdisciplinary
Conference on Challenges in Language entitled “Language in Culture and Culture in
Language - New Horizons”, 26-27 September, 2013 at Pantswowa Wyzsza Szkola
Zawodowaw, Nowy Sącz / POLAND.

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