The Bikini Car Wash


The Bikini Car Wash
The Bikini Car Wash
by Pamela Morsi
Kitabın siparişini verdikten sonra gelmemekte ısrar edince bende okuyacağım diye ısrar ettim haliyle. Aman be
neyine gerek senin ısrar :(
Beklentiye girmişim sanırım, sayfalar ilerledikçe sönmeye başladı o da. Aslında konu güzeldi ama bir yerde yetersiz
geldi. Karakterleri tam aktaramamış sanırım. Bir yerde adamdan kilolu bahsediyor sonra bildiğin seks abidesi
oluyor. Kız desen erkek fatma adam bakıyor bir içim su. Bir karar veremedim gitti. Tavırları da bir tuhaftı.
Bakıyorsun birbirleri için ölüyorlar sonra bakıyorsun tavırlar değişmiş. Bir garanticilik vardı sanki duygularda. Çok
aşık olsunlar ama mantık çerçevesinde olsun der gibi. Ne bileyim giremedim içine bir türlü. Çok esprisi de yoktu.
Gerçi bir Gibson beklersen alırsın boyunun ölçüsünü.
Yine de babasının hikayesine ba-yıl-dım. Andi ve Pete çık aradan moduna geçtim bir ara. Off çok iyiydi onlar ya. Bir
de kız kardeşi Jelly. Bir çocuk masumiyetindeydi. Hoş Andi açısından sevmedim. Benim öyle bir kardeşim olsa
bağrıma sokar orada yaşatırım. Keşke biraz daha insanı yazsaymış.
Başka kitabı çıkarsa karar veririz artık. En azından seri belasıyla uğraşmayacağız (:|Very enjoyable read about a
woman returning to her family in a small town. The main characters are very likeable and this is a "happy sighs"
story all around :)|An eye full and the perfect end of the summer beach read!!! The Bikini Car Wash isn't what it
really seems. I know some people will think, a bikini car wash? I don't want to read that! However, it goes beyond
that. It is about fighting for something you want and believe in- finding out who you really are and love. I always
love a good love story. Who doesn't? Pamela Morsi outdid herself with this one though!
I was stumped at first wondering what Pop was up to, sneaking around like that. I had my suspicions, but it was a
surprise! Jelly is such a lovable character, with her Law & Order dialog. The romance between Pete and Andi was
easy to see coming, but still very cute and romantic. I read this book in such a short time, Ms. Morsi writes with
such ease you don't even realize how fast the pages fly by!
When Andi comes home to help take care of Jelly after their mom has passed, she applies for a job at Gutherie's
When Andi comes home to help take care of Jelly after their mom has passed, she applies for a job at Gutherie's
Foods, to be only told she has too much experience. So her dad's old car wash has just been sitting there, wasting
space. She goes in front of the town counsel to ask if she could get it rezoned for a coffee shop, only to be denied.
So she has a bit of help coming up with the bikini car wash- but they get it going. Despite a lot of people in town
not wanting them to be clothed in so little -- In spite of all the negativity they end up pretty successful -I will leave the rest for you to find out, you make sure you put this in your beach bag and take it with you, or on a
long flight too! Enjoy!!!|I am a huge Pam Morsi fan. While I like some of her books better than others, I always
close a PM book glad that I read it and feeling enriched as a reader and enlightened as a writer. This holds true for
her older historicals and for her recent romance/women's fiction hybrids. Both Last Dance at the Jitterbug Lounge
and Red's Hot Honky-Tonk Bar were among my top reads for their year of publication. This one may not quite
reach that level, but there were many things I loved about this book.
First, Andi and Pete are adults with scars, faults, strengths, and the potential for growth. And grow they do. I could
write a paean to their relationship, which is as much about developing friendship as it is about exploding passion.
Shared laughter is a necessary part of true intimacy for me. One of the biggest reasons I believe in Andi and Pete
as a couple is that they can laugh together, something I see too rarely in romance.
And another reason to cheer: Jelly is a real person, not a cause in costume as a character.
I think I'll have some buttons made up to distribute randomly. They will say "Read More Morsi!"|I expected this to
be a fluffy romance, which it was for the most part. However, the rape of Cher-L by the owner of the strip club was
aboslutely unnecessary and used in her character arc as a lesson for a wanna-be bad girl. The word rape wasn't
used by any of the characters, but the she describes it as sex that she didn't want and felt powerless to stop, which
is rape. Pete, the nice guy of the story, tells her to get herself checked for STDs, but both feel the need to cover up
the incident, not reporting it the police, or getting counseling. It's this crap in stories that confuse the issue for
women who feel guilt and shame about assaults, thinking that somehow it is their fault or merely sex they
She ends the story with socially acceptable name, hair color, job, and boyfriend, with no reference to the long term
damage left by the rape.