The Preliminary Search Results of Cyanobacteria Flora of Thermal


The Preliminary Search Results of Cyanobacteria Flora of Thermal
Digital Proceeding Of THE ICOEST’2013 - , Cappadocia
C.Ozdemir, S. Şahinkaya, E. Kalıpcı, M.K. Oden (editors)
Nevsehir, Turkey, June 18 – 21, 2013
The Preliminary Search Results of Cyanobacteria Flora of Thermal
Areas in Sarayköy (Denizli), Turkey
Ö. Gül *1, O. Düşen 2 and H. Erduğan 3
Pamukkale University, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Department of Biology, 20017 Denizli, TURKEY.
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Department of Biology, Çanakkale, TURKEY.
Series of horst and graben features represent the wide spread tectonic activity of Aegean region. As the result, many thermal
springs are existed at this area. Thermal springs and hot water treatments have been used since early Roman times. When we
have a look on the history of thermal waters, we can see the importance in human health, and there are various usage areas
attracting attention such as developing beauty and health. Today, Thermal tourism sector is an important tourism industry in
Turkey and especially these sectors has been developing rapidly in Denizli. So, it is necessary to examine and put forward
their biological structure in a scientific point of view. The aim of this study carried out in Sarayköy (Denizli) and its
surroundings is to determine the relationship between the temperatures of thermal waters and the Cyanobacteria species and
to find out the physical and chemical properties of these thermal waters. In this study, samples are gathered from 14 stations
in 3 different thermal springs (Umut, Inaltı and Çavuşoglu) in Sarayköy district (Denizli) in a period of 12 months. As a
result of field and laboratory studies, 7 genera and 30 species belonging to 4 families were identified. As a result, with
detecting thermal Cyanobacteria species is expected to contribute to for the thermal algal flora of Turkey.
Keywords: Cyanobacteria; Denizli; Flora; Sarayköy; Thermal.
1. Introduction
Among the variety of living things algae are important because they are the first part
of the food chain they ensure ecological balance and contain the species which are important
indicator taxa in the determination of water pollution [16]. The numbers of algological studies
on inland waters have increased considerably in recent years. Blue-green algae
(Cyanobacteria) are prokaryotic organisms with a cosmopolitan distribution [11]. Thermal
springs and hot water treatments have been used since early Roman times and were in fact the
first examples of tourism accommodations. Turkey is the seventh-richest country in the world
in geothermal potential [2]. Turkey has a water network 145.000 km long and a large amount
of living in inland waters [16]. Thermophiles are microorganisms that live and grow in
extremely hot environments that would kill most other microorganisms. They can be isolated
from a number of marine and terrestrial geothermally-heated habitats including shallow
terrestrial hot springs, hydrothermal vent systems, sediment from volcanic islands, and deep
sea hydrothermal vents. They grow best at temperatures that are between 50-70 °C. They will
not grow if the temperature reaches 20 °C [1]. Microorganisms thriving in high-temperature
terrestrial and deep-sea hydrothermal systems have investigated by several authors. A
thermophilic Cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus in the temperature range 60-80 °C was
found [20]. Papke and colleagues studied two groups of thermophilic Cyanobacteria: the
unicellular Synechococcus and the colonial, filamentous Oscillatoria. The thermophilic
Cyanobacteria Thermosynechococcus elongatus and T. vulcanus, which were isolated from a
Japanese hot spring, grow optimally at ca. 57 °C. In these extreme environments, the
microbial and geochemical interactions are tightly interwoven, providing many of the basic
constituents for the primordial synthesis of organic molecules and for the evolution of
fundamental metabolic processes [2].Whether life originated at vents in the archaean age (3.82.5 Ga) and whether chemolithoautotrophic thermophiles are ancestors of life is unresolved;
however, hydrothermal environments probably did support the early evolution of
chemolithoautotrophs and thermophiles [1]. They are an integral part of the freshwater and
marine phytoplankton, and often have a dominant presence. In this study, the thermal fields in
the town of Denizli Sarayköy distributed sources Cyanobacteria species identification of
resources, with water temperatures to determine the relationship between species diversity.
2. Material And Methods
Cyanobacteria species were collected from the thermal fields (Umut, İnaltı and
Cavusoglu) in Sarayköy (Denizli) between August 2012 - January 2013. District of samples
collected within the scope of land Sarayköy (Denizli), the thermal fields (Umut, İnaltı and
Cavusoglu) stations are determined according to the characteristics of different regions and
the source (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3). This investigation was conducted with seasonal
samples. The samples were taken in 30-day periods. 14 research stations were chosen along
the thermal area. During the collection of samples of algae stations stratified layers of algae,
rocks and soil surfaces, taking care to scrape by, either directly or by taking water samples are
given culture.In addition while taking samples, some physical and chemical characteristics of
thermal were determined monthly. Stations water temperatures, provided that the same point
each month 0.10 °C to sensitive, precision digital thermometer measured up to 100 °C. All
collections were fixed in 4 % formaldehyde water. Most of specimens were identified either
by naked eye or after dissecting under a stereo microscope. Identification of algae species was
made with the help of the relevant literature. The determined taxa were listed according to the
system described by Algaebase.
Figure 1. Umut Thermal overview
Figure 2. İnaltı Thermal overview
Figure 3. Çavuşoğlu Thermal overview
3. Results And Discussion
Study material, August 2012 - January 2013 from the District of Sarayköy selected as
the study area (Denizli), the thermal fields (Umut, İnaltı and Cavusoglu) collected
Cyanobacteria are types. As a result of field and laboratory studies carried out so far a total of
seven genera and 30 species belonging to 4 families have been identified. Some of these
examples are shown below.
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Chroococcales
Familya: Microcystaceae
Genus: Microcystis Kützing, 1833.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District
İnaltı Thermal, 2. Stations,
N 370 55’ 627’’ E 0280 48’ 534’’, 183 m
(Figure4 )
Microcystis spp.
Figure 4.
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Synechococcales
Familya: Chroococcaceae
Genus: Coelosphaerium
Naegeli, 1849.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District, Çavuşoğlu
Thermal, 2. Stations,
N 370 55’ 666’’ E 0280 48’ 404’’, 168 m
(Figure 5)
Figure 5.Lemmermanniella
pallida (Lemmermann)
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Oscillatoriales
Familya: Pseudanabaenaceae
Subfamilya: Spirulinoideae
Genus: Spirulina
Kützing ex Gomont, 1892.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District
Çavuşoğlu Thermal, 2. Stations,
N 370 55’ 666’’ E 0280 48’ 404’’, 168 m
(Figure 6)
Figure 6. Spirulina subtilissima Kützing ex Gomont,
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Oscillatoriales
Familya: Pseudanabaenaceae
Subfamilya: Pseudanabaenoideae
Genus: Limnothrix
Meffert, 1987.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District
Umut Thermal, 2. Stations,
N 370 55’ 228’’ E 0280 49’ 742’’, 174 m,
(Figure 7)
Figure 7. Limnothrix meffertae Anagnostidis.
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Oscillatoriales
Familya: Pseudanabaenaceae
Subfamilya: Pseudanabaenoideae
Genus: Pseudanabaena
Lauternborn, 1915.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District
Çavuşoğlu Thermal, 2. Stations,
N 370 55’ 666’’ E 0280 48’ 404’’, 168 m
(Figure 8)
Figure 8. Pseudanabaena thermalis Anagnostidis,
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Oscillatoriales
Familya: Pseudanabaenaceae
Subfamilya: Pseudanabaenoideae
Genus: Pseudanabaena
Lauterborn, 1915.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District
İnaltı Thermal, 2. Stations,
N 370 55’ 627’’ E 0280 48’ 534’’, 183 m
(Figure 9)
Figure 9. Pseudanabaena biceps Böcher,
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Oscillatoriales
Familya: Pseudanabaenaceae
Subfamilya: Pseudanabaenoideae
Genus: Pseudanabaena
Lauterborn, 1915.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District
Umut Thermal, 1. Stations,
N 370 55’ 245’’ E 0280 49’738’’, 174 m
(Figure 10)
Figure 10. Pseudanabaena papillaterminata (Kiselev) Kukk,
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Oscillatoriales
Familya: Oscillatoriaceae
Genus: Oscillatoria
Vaucher Ex Gomont, 1892.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District
Umut Thermal, 1. Stations,
N 370 55’ 245’’ E 0280 49’ 738’’, 174 m
(Figure 11)
Figure 11. Planktothrix agardhii (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek.
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Oscillatoriales
Familya: Oscillatoriaceae
Genus: Oscillatoria
Vaucher Ex Gomont, 1892.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District
Umut Thermal, 1. Stations,
N 370 55’ 245’’ E 0280 49’ 738’’, 174 m
(Figure 12)
Figure 12. Phormidium okenii (C.Agardh) Anagnostidis & Komárek.
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Oscillatoriales
Familya: Oscillatoriaceae
Genus: Oscillatoria
Vaucher Ex Gomont, 1892.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District
Umut Thermal, 6. Stations,
N 370 55’ 228’’ E 0280 49’ 742’’, 174 m
(Figure 13)
Figure 13. Phormidium griseoviolaceum (Skuja) Anagnostidis.
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Ordo: Oscillatoriales
Familya: Phormidiaceae
Subfamilya: Phormidioideae
Genus: Phormidium
Kutzıng Ex Gomont, 1892.
Localities: C2 Denizli, Sarayköy District
Umut Thermal, 1. Stations,
N 370 55’ 228’’ E 0280 49’ 742’’, 174 m
(Figure 14)
Figure 14. Phormidium terebriforme Anagnostidis & Komárek.
Studies related to wetlands in our country for many years, carried out in detail.
However, these studies examined the sea, lakes, ponds, lakes, streams and work on the dam
appears to be predominant. Thermal water utilization in the face of increasing diversity
present in these waters to reveal the importance of bringing the scientific point of view, are
essential through. However, studies on the flora of Cyanobacteria in the thermal areas are
severely limited. Selected as the study area in the province of Denizli in 1966 as a similar
study previously conducted by the Pamukkale Thermal Water Microflora of Hüseyin GÜNER
works were found. As a result of field and laboratory studies carried out so far a total of 7
genera and 30 species belonging to 4 families were identified. The flora of the algae in
Sarayköy varied between stations and months. Among the species taken from all the stations,
species of Cyanobacteria were found in larger numbers at the all stations. The similarity in the
species composition of the algal flora in the stations was due to the similarity in nutrient and
temperature conditions throughout the study area. Since the samples were collected at the
same level, the photoperiod was also similar. The species found in our research and the results
were generally consistent with other studies on thermal areas in Turkey. The results of the
total distribution of stations among algae that reflect the highest level on the algal species
abundance were found in Oscillatoria, respectively and the less abundance was
Pseudanabaena and Limnothrix Coelosphaerium Observed in the division. Domestic and
foreign sources have been used for detecting the species [9-10-13-14-19-20-22]. Work to be
close to our area, and thermal studies because studies are important sources of İzmir and
Manisa. In these studies Manisa and distributed in spas around 25 species of blue-green algae
belonging to the group has been assigned [19]. Dikili district (Izmir) in spas has identified
eight genera and 19 species [18].
This study was supported by the Pamukkale University Scientific Research Projects
Unit (Project Number 2012FBE047).
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