1 I know that it is freezing, but I think we have to walk I keep waving


1 I know that it is freezing, but I think we have to walk I keep waving
I know that it is freezing, but I think we have to walk
I keep waving at the taxi's, they keep turning their lights off
But Julie knows a party at West side where some actors loft
Supplies are endless in the evening by the morning they'll be gone,
Havanin dondurucu oldugunu biliyorum fakat sanirim yurumek zorunda kalacagiz.
Taksilere durmalari icin el salliyorum onlar da farlarini sonduruyorlar.
Fakat Julie 'nin bildigi Bati Yakasi'nda bir parti var. Bazi aktorler burada (uyusturucudan) ucuyorlar.
Temin edilen seyler aksamlari sonsuz fakat sabahlari hic kalmiyorlar.
When everything is lonely I can be my own best friend
I'll get a coffee and the paper, have my own conversations
with the sidewalk and the pigeons and my window reflection
The mask I polish in the evening by the morning looks like shit
Etrafta hic birsey kalmadiginda kendimin en iyi arkadasi olabilirim.
Bir kahve ve bir gazete alacagim, ve kaldirimla ve guvercinlerle ve penceremdeki yansimalarla bir
sohbete baslayacagim.
Aksamlari parlattigim maske, sabahlari cok kotu gozukuyor.
And I know you have a heavy heart, I can feel it when we kiss
So many men stronger than me have thrown their backs out trying to lift it
But me I'm not a gamble, you can count on me to split
The love I sell you in the evening by the morning won't exist
Ve biliyorum ki sen duygularini kalbinde cok yogun yasiyorsun, bunu opustugumuzde
Benden daha guclu insanlar sirtlarini onu kaldirmaya calismak icin kullaniyorlar.
Fakat ben bir bahis degilim, bana bu konuda guvenebilirsin.
Sana aksam verdigim askim sabaha kalmayacak.
You're looking skinny like a model with your eyes all painted black
Just keep going to the bathroom, always say you'll be right back
Well, it takes one to know one, kid, I think you've got it bad
But what's so easy in the evening by the morning's such a drag
Bir manken gibi zapzayif duruyorsun ve gozlerini siyaha boyamissin.
Banyoya gidiyorsun hemen donmen kosuluyla
Birinin bunu anlamasi gerekir, bu sende kotu bir aliskanlik olmus.
Aksam cok kolay olan sey sabah cekilmez bir hal aliyor.
I got a flask inside my pocket, we can share it on the train
And if you promise to stay conscious I will try and do the same
We may die from medication, but we sure killed all the pain
But what was normal in the evening by the morning seems insane
Cebimde bir sise var, trende beraber kullanabilecegimiz
Eger ki sen ayik kalmaya soz verirsen ben de ayni seyi yapmayi deneyecegim
Butun bu dozlardan olebiliriz fakat kesin olan bisey varsa o da aciyi yok ettigimizdir.
Aksam normal bir olay sabah delice gozukuyor
And I'm not sure what the trouble was that started all of this
The reasons all have run away, but the feeling never did
It's not something I would recommend, but it is one way to live
Cause what is simple in the moonlight by the morning never is
Butun bunlari baslatan sorun neydi tam bilmiyorum
Butun sebeplerden kactim fakat histen degil
Tavsiye edebilecegim birsey degil fakat bu da yasamanin bir yolu.
Cunku ayisigi vurdugunda basit gorunen sabah hic de oyle degildir
And what's so simple in the moonlight now it's so complicated
And what's so simple in the moonlight, so simple in the moonlight
So simple in the moonlight...
Ve ayisigi vurdugunda cok basit gorunen sey simdi cok karmasik
Ve ayisiginda cok basit olan sey, ay isiginda cok basit
Ayisiginda cok basit"
,"That's What Friends Are For
Arkadaslar bunun icindir
And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say That I do believe I love you
And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today and then if you can remember
Ve ben boyle hissedecegimi hic dusunmemistim
Sandigim kadariyla
Memnunum ki sana seni gercekten sevdigimi inandigimi soyleyebildigim sansa sahibim
Ve eger gidecek olursam
Gozlerini kapat ve dene
Bugun hissettigimiz gibi ve gor ki hatirlayabiliyor musun
Keep smilin' keep shinin'
Knowing you can always count on me for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Gulumsemeye devam et, parlamaya(nese sacmaya) devam et
Su aklinda olsun ki bana herzaman guvenebilirsin
Iste arkadaslar bunun icindir
Iyi ve kotu zamanlar icin
Bir sonsuz kez daha yaninda olacagim
Iste arkadaslar bunun icindir
Well you came and opened me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you
And then for the times when we're apart
Well then close your eyes and know
These words are coming from my heart
And then if you can remember
Tamam geldin ve acilmami sagladin
Simdi cok daha fazla gorebiliyorum
Ve boylelikle sirasi gelmisken tesekkurler
Ve ayri kaldigimiz zamanlar icin
Tamam gozlerini kapa ve sunu bil
Bu kelimeler kalbimden geiyor
Ve eger sen hatirlayabilirsen
Keep smilin' keep shinin'
Knowing you can always count on me for sure
That's what friends are for
In good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
Ohh That's what friends are for
Keep smilin' keep shinin'
Knowing you can always count on me for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Gulumsemeye, parlamaya devam et
Bana her zaman guvenebilecegini bilerek
Arkadaslar bunun icindir
Iyi ve kotu zamanlar icin
Yaninda bir sonsuz kez daha olacagim
Arkadaslar bunun icindir
Keep smilin' keep shinin'
Knowing you can always count on me oh for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and for bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Gulumsemeye, parlamaya devam et
Bana her zaman guvenebilecegini bilerek(unlem)
Arkadaslar bunun icindir
Iyi ve kotu zamanlar icin
Yaninda bir sonsuz kez daha olacagim
Arkadaslar bunun icindir"
,"burdaki turistlere bu aksam fotografini gosterip bu benim askim dedim. cok sevindiler ve hoslarina
gitti!senin yerin cok farkli zeynep
Tonight I showed your picture to the tourists here and said this is my love. They got happy and liked
it. Your place much differs Zeynep."
,"arkadaŞIm Mustafa'nIn da dediĞi gibi bu konu kafa karIŞtIrIcI.bana gŞre bŞyle bir konu Üzerinde
fazla durulmamalI ÇÜnkÜ daha Üzerinde yoĞunlaŞamamIz gereken Çok hassas konular var.
As my friend, Mustafa has stated, this subject is quite baffling. If you ask me we should not insist on
this topic, because there are many more sensitive subjects we've got to intensify on."
FAREWELL(also: Anything Goes)
Kapılar kapandıbak işte.
YÜreşim sıkıştıhÜzÜnle.
Sevincim iÇimde buz oldu.
Kalakaldım Şyle sessizce.
Doors have closed, just see
My heart has depressed with sorrow
My happiness has frozen inside
I've just stayed still in silence
Tanıdıktı, yalnızdık oysa.
Haklısın belki yolunda.
Hazırdım bu kez mutluluşa.
Nereden Çıktışimdi ayrılık.
In fact, loneliness was something familiar
In fact, you're right maybe, in your ways
I was prepared for happiness this time
Why do we face this loneliness now
Şyle boş, Şyle boş ki bu dÜnya
GÜneşim sandım seni oysa.
Girdabın iÇinde yaşarken.
Yakamoz yakamoz Çakar aklıma.
I was so empty, so empty inside
I thought you were my sun, though
While living in a vortex
It flashes like moonlight onto my mind.
Susadım sana tek bi'nefeste.
Yaşadım aşkımıbir hevesle.
GŞzÜmÜn ŞnÜnde durma n'olur.
Yaşamak Şyle zor ki bu bedende
Thirsty for your love in a single breath
My love was experienced in a fad
Please keep away from my eyes
It is so hard to live in this body of mine
Hadi yoluna eyvallah.
Mutlu ol gÜlÜm inşallah.
Sen biten gÜnÜn ardında.
Bi'başına kalma inşallah
Now go your way, farewell
Be happy My love(rose is exact) I wish
You, after the ending day
I hope, don't get alone
Hadi yoluna eyvallah.
Mutlu ol gÜlÜm inşallah.
Sen biten gÜnÜn ardında.
Bi'başına kalma inşallah.
Farewell, go your way
You be happy, I wish my love
You, after the ending day
I hope, don't get alone
Kapılar kapandıbak işte.
YÜreşim sıkıştıhÜzÜnle.
Sevincim iÇimde buz oldu.
Kalakaldım Şyle sessizce.
The doors have closed, see now
My soul is depressed, see now
My happiness has frozen inside
I've just become steady in silence
Tanıdıktı, yalnızdık oysa.
Haklısın belki yolunda.
Hazırdım bu kez mutluluşa.
Nereden Çıktışimdi ayrılık.
Loneliness was something,familiar, though
Maybe you're right in your ways
I was, this time,poised for happineth
Why the hell separation now
Şyle boş Şyle boş ki bu dÜnya
GÜneşim sandım seni oysa.
Girdabın iÇinde yaşarken.
Yakamoz yakamoz Çakar aklıma.
I was so empty, so empty inside, in this world
I thought you were my sun, though
While living in a vortex
Moonlight(twice) flashes onto my mind
Susadım sana tek bi'nefeste.
Yaşadım aşkımıbir hevesle.
GŞzÜmÜn ŞnÜnde durma n'olur.
Yaşamak Şyle zor ki bu bedende.
Thirsty for your love in a single breath
I experienced my love in a fad
Please keep away from my eyes
It's so hard to live in this body of mine
Hadi yoluna eyvallah.
Mutlu ol gÜlÜm inşallah.
Sen biten gÜnÜn ardında.
Bi'başına kalma inşallah
Farewell, go your way
I wish you be happy(God Willing)
You, after the ending day
do not be lonely, I wish(God Willing)
Hadi yoluna eyvallah.
Mutlu ol gÜlÜm inşallah.
Sen biten gÜnÜn ardında.
Bi'başına kalma inşallah.
Farewell, go your way
I wish you be happy
You, after the ending day,
do not get lonely, I hope"
,"The artist is American to the bone (b. 1949). As his first album titled 'Greetings from Asbury Park
NJ' refers, the artist (a.k.a. BOSS) is from Freehold,New Jersey. He was born to a bus driver father and
a secretary mother. His father wanted him to be a lawyer and thus study at college. He,in his teens,
grew long hair and his father did not like that. He was born to be a rock star and even in a new style
called Heartland Rock,his own definitive style. There are other Heartland Rockers such as Bob Seger
but the Boss got his fame in his patriotic(American) penned, American working class lyrics. And so
dense there is so much thinking on them needs to be done by the listener to gain the essence of his
dramatic songs. He is so deep one can not predict how deep he is. I have witnessed B. Springsteen
mentioned in many movies like 'The River'. He won his first Grammy when he composed the 'Streets
of Philadelphia' Movie Soundtrack. He did what Dylan couldn't and Dylan did what he couldn't. Bob
Dylan's maze of lyrics mean nothing to the ordinary listener, Springsteen's do. And the mix of rock
and roll and the indepth lyrics pin down the listener.
Springsteen among some other musicians worked with a musician named Steve Van Zandt and the
saxophone virtuoso Mr. Clarence Clemons, who fused his saxophone into the RnR like no one.
DISCOGRAPHY: 1973 Greetings from Asbury Park NJ 1973 The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street...
1975 Born to Run 1978 Darkness on the Edge of Town 1980 The River 1982 Nebraska 1984 Born in
the U.S.A. 1986 Live 19751985 1987 Tunnel of Love 1992 Human Touch 1992 Lucky Town 1992
Plugged: In Concert 1993 Lucky Town Live 1993 In Concert/MTV Plugged 1995 The Ghost of Tom Joad
2001 Live in New York City
Albums (i've got)
This is the debut album from the Boss. Blinded by the Light and Growin' Up are the two sweet tracks.
Mary Queen of Arkansas is a slow one. Lost in the Flood is the harbinger of what is to come on BORN
TO RUN album. For You is my favorite track. Spirit in the Night is like a jazz piece. The last track tells
how it is hard to be a saint in the city.
PLAYLIST: 1. Blinded By the Light 2. Growin' Up 3. Mary Queen of Arkansas 4. Does This Bus Stop at
82nd Streetş 5. Lost in the Flood 6. The Angel 7. For You 8. Spirit in the Night 9. It's Hard to Be a Saint
in the City
This album was produced in a very low budget. However the success was so effective that Boss
appeared simultaneously on Newsweek and Time magazines as a phenomenon after the launch of
his third album (the title album). 'Thunder Road' , penned to a woman to persuade,who is afraid to
come along with the hero. The hero says , 'i know it's too late but we can make it if we Run'. Stunning
lyrics(available down)! 'Tenth Avenue Freezeout' features saxophone work by Mr. Clarence Clemons,
a saxophonist turned old time heavyweight boxer. An injury ended his professional boxing career.
The third song 'Night' and the fourth : 'Backstreets' need the attention of the listener. This is not pop
music, remember. All through the recordings orchestration is employed. Just like Roy Orbison did in
his times. Roy Orbison and Woody Guthrie, 2 musicians Boss was influenced by. The title track says it
all:'We are the working class and we need to run and lose no time to make a living.' 'She is the One' ,
'Meeting across the River'a slow song evolve into the ending track , the exciting, lustrous 'Jungleland'.
And i believe the most complex song is this album ender. This record is , i believe, an essential.
PLAYLIST:1. Thunder Road 2. Tenth Avenue FreezeOut 3. Night 4. Backstreets 5. Born to Run 6. She's
the One 7. Meeting Across the River 8. Jungleland
""just great"" would be sufficient to express this album in words. In the beginning 'Badlands' thunder
into your ears , talking about the perdition of a man in his Badlands , where he hates to be and is in
fact the Hell of a man's worst dreams. They make the poor man do the heavy work and the man
complain. Adam and his son Caine are the topics of his second song Cain is the first vampire,a son of
who slayed his brother . 'Something in the Night' is a slowly progressing ballad. 'Candy's Room' is no
more than three minutes long but what a little more than 2 minutes pinner. My love affairs reminds
me Candy. The tempo now is subdued in 'Racing in the Streets' and then uptempoed in the 6th song,
'The Promised Land' namely. 'Factory' is one of the ,i think ,the lowkeys of this album.'Streets of Fire'
precedes the 9th song(see below) and, the eponymous track ends the album. The last track is
another lowkey if i may say what i believe.
PLAYLIST: 1. Badlands 2. Adam Raised a Cain 3. Something in the night 4. Candy's Room 5. Racing in
the Street 6. The Promised Land 7. Factory 8. Streets of Fire 9. Prove It All Night 10. Darkness on the
Edge of Town
BORN in the USA(1984)
The definitive 80s album from the Boss. Born in the USA is a satirical song talking about Vietnam.
Reagan blithely used it as a campaign song. Cover Me , he was covered before, rightş Darlington
County is the lowkey. Working on the Highway is rock n roll. Downbound Train, I'm on Fire, No
Surrender, Bobby Jean, I'm Goin' Down, Dancing in the Dark,My Hometown. All in a row.
PLAYLIST: 1. Born in the U.S.A. 2. Cover Me 3. Darlington County 4. Working on the Highway 5.
Downbound Train 6. I'm on Fire 7. No Surrender 8. Bobby Jean 9. I'm Goin' Down 10. Glory Days 11.
Dancing in the Dark 12. My Hometown"
,"The band is of American origin. Founded in 1965 Jacksonville, Florida, they are the pioneers of the
phenomenon known as SOUTHERN ROCK, leading just after the ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND. Homing 3
lead electroguitarists, they have taken ABB's cue to rocking harder and shorter jamming. Ronnie Van
Zant was the major force, composing and singing before he died in plane accident along with some
other members of the band in 1977. Many find his lyrics witty. For me good lyrics with good music
plus southern style , boogey you loose! With and without Ronnie LYNYRD SKYNYRD rule.
The band took their name from the 3 founding members' highschool gym teacher named 'Leonard
Skinner'. The LYNYRD SKYNYRD pronunciation is as (leen .ard .skin .nard). Ed King and Gary
Rossington are among the founding members.
The major difference between L.Skynyrd and the ABB is, ABB had long improvisational playing which
sometimes extended to 40 minutes without losing any note. L Skynyrd plays as well but their songs
are of shorter nature. I find L.Skynyrd
making a more popular southern rock. (In fact Southern Rock is never a popular styleyou can not
persuade everyone to listen to their music because mostly people would prefer listening to
Madonnaeasily consummable music.)
DISCOGRAPHY: 1973 Pronounced LehNerd SkinNerd 1973 Smokes 1974 Second Helping 1975 Nuthin'
Fancy 1976 Gimme Back My Bullets 1976 One More from the Road 1977 Street Survivors 1978
Skynyrd's First and...Last 1988 Southern By the Grace of God: Lynyrd Skynyrd... 1991 Lynyrd Skynyrd
1991 1993 The Last Rebel 1994 Endangered Species 1996 Freebird: The Movie 1996 Southern Knights
1997 Sweet Home Alabama 1997 Twenty 1997 What's Your Name 1998 Lyve 1999 Edge of Forever
2000 Christmas Time Again 2001 One More From the Road 2001 Street Survivors 2001 Pronounced
LehNerd SkinNerd
Albums (i've got)
Debut album from raunchy boys of the South. Lynyrd rocks the way ABB rocks except their songs are
of shorter nature. Jamming is not as essential to Skynyrd as is to ABB. For only Freebird, let alone the
others, this album is essential. I Ain't the One is the very first song in the cd and it is cleverly penned
and composed. Tuesday's Gone is prone to many covers. It is a slow one. Gimme Three Steps is
humorous. Simple Man is another slow number. Things Goin' On has antiSemitist lyrics.
PLAYLIST: 1. I Ain't the One 2. Tuesday's Gone 3. Gimme Three Steps 4. Simple Man 5. Things Goin'
On 6. Mississippi Kid 7. Poison Whiskey 8. Free Bird
The album opens with the legendary 'Sweet Home Alabama' a genius piece by Ronnie Van Zant. The
following song 'I need You' takes the rhythm down, i do not like its position in the playlist. Don't Ask
Me No Questions and Workin For Mca rock. Mca is the new label of the band. The Ballad Of Curtis
Loew is about a white haired black man who has recently died. Swamp Music is a rocker. The Needle
And The Spoon tells about the damages of the drug addiction. Call Me The Breeze is a J.J.Cale
cover.This last song is my favorite.
PLAYLIST: 1. Sweet Home Alabama 2. I Need You 3. Don't Ask Me No Questions 4. Workin For Mca 5.
The Ballad Of Curtis Loew 6. Swamp Music 7. The Needle And The Spoon 8. Call Me The Breeze
Saturday Night Special is a cheap hand gun that you can enter a bar with. Cheap bars are called
honky tonks. Cheating women make you mad. Railroads are good places to write a song on. I'm A
Country Boy, so whatş If you are on the hunt, that means you are seeking foxes. Am I Losin', if you
are a loser that is right. Whiskey RockA Roller,rock n roll and booze.
PLAYLIST: 1. Saturday Night Special 2. Cheatin' Woman 3. Railroad Song 4. I'm A Country Boy 5. On
The Hunt 6. Am I Losin' 7. Made In The Shade 8. Whiskey RockA Roller
Nuthin Fancy is an indicator that the band has taken wrong directions. In their Nuthin Fancy album
what they did was hard rock. With Gimme Back My Bullets, they are on the right Southern Rock
Trend. The Southern rock came to a choking point by the mid 70s, for, virtually, every substyle was
attempted and every fine tune created. Every Mother' Son bears resemblance to Simple Man on the
debut. I love this song. Double Trouble, is a fine song as well, but more lively and vibrant. Searching is
to be employed by the band in their many lyve efforts in the remaining days of the career of second
nontrivial bands among the Southern rock bands. Check out the other songs to see why I have the
opinion that the Southern rock genre had come to a halt. If you are a diehard fan, yes, you get an
essentially good album. But I suggest you go for the earlier efforts by these raunchy boys from
PLAYLIST: 1. Gimme Back My Bullets 2. Every Mother' Son 3. Trust 4. I Got The Same Old Blues 5.
Double Trouble 6. Roll Gypsy Roll 7. Searching 8. Cry For The Bad Man 9. All I Can Do Is Write About It
PLAYLIST: Disc: 1 1. Workin' For MCA 2. I Ain't The One 3. Saturday Night Special 4. Searching 5.
Travellin' Man 6. Simple Man 7. Whiskey RockARoller 8. The Needle And The Spoon 9. Gimmie Back
My Bullets 10. Tuesday's Gone 11. Sweet Home Alabama Disc: 2 1. Gimme Three Steps 2. Call Me The
Breeze 3. T For Texas (Blue Yodel No. 1) 4. Sweet Home Alabama 5. Crossroads 6. Free Bird
Just after this album is prepared Ronnie Van Zant dies in a plane crash with 3 other band members.
What's Your Nameş is the first mediocre track. That Smell is one of the best songs of this last
masterpiece album of the Skynyrd. After the accident clashing with the issuing of this album the band
was torn apart. I Know a Little is a fast one, listen to it. There is a Merle Haggard cover Honky Tonk
Night Time Man .
PLAYLIST: 1. What's Your Nameş 2. That Smell 3. One More Time 4. I Know a Little 5. You Got That
Right 6. I Never Dreamed 7. Honky Tonk Night Time Man 8. Ain't No Good Life
Album after breakup of the band. Containing previously unreleased material. Down South Jukin' is an
appetizer. The album has previously unreleased version of Things Goin' On.
PLAYLIST: 1. Down South Jukin' 2. Preacher's Daughter 3. White Dove 4. Was I Right or Wrong 5. Lend
a Helpin' Hand 6. Wino 7. Comin' Home 8. Seasons 9. Things Goin' On
LYNYRD SKYNYRD 1991 (1991)
Do not buy this album.
PLAYLIST: 1. Smokestack Lightning 2. Keeping the Faith 3. Southern Women 4. Pure and Simple 5. I've
Seen Enough 6. Good Thing 7. Money Man 8. Backstreet Crawler 9. It's a Killer 10. Mama (Afraid to
Say Goodbye) 11. End of the Road
Acoustic Skynyrd.
PLAYLIST: 1. Down South Jukin' 2. Heartbreak Hotel 3. Devil In The Bottle 4. Things Goin' On 5.
Saturday Night Special 6. Sweet Home Alabama 7. I Ain't The One 8. Am I Losin' 9. All I Have Is A Song
10. Poison Whiskey 11. Good Luck, Bad Luck 12. The Last Rebel 13. Hillbilly Blues
Masterful lyve album. However there is too much noise from the crowd. I am making a collection of
different versions of FreeBird.
PLAYLIST: 1. Workin' for MCA 2. I Ain't the One 3. Saturday Night Special 4. Whiskey RockARoller 5.
Travelin' Man 6. Searching 7. What's Your Nameş 8. That Smell 9. Gimme Three Steps 10. Call Me the
Breeze 11. T for Texas (Blue Yodel No. 1) 12. Sweet Home Alabama 13. Free Bird 14. Dixie Bruce
,"The band is American from GeorgiaMacon. And was founded in 1968. Duane Allman and Gregg
Allman cofounded the band, hence the name ALLMAN BROTHERS. The group went through many
lineup changes. The first lineup:Duane is the guitarist along with Mr. Richard Forrest Dickey Betts(he
is a very talented person and is my favorite). Gregg plays the organ, piano and vocals. Jaimoe Jai
Johanson (a former Otis Redding drummer)percussion. Mr. Butch Trucks is the other drummer. Berry
Oakley is the bassist. Duane Allman died in a traffic accident(motorcycle) soon in 1973. Berry Oakley
died a few blocks away and similar manner sometime around when Duane demised.
Their 'Brothers and Sisters'(1973) album was dedicated to a BROTHERBerry Oakley. As many other
albums were dedicated to mostly a lost member. There are also some other tribute songs to their
members from other groups, for instance LYNYRD SKYNYRD's 'Free Bird' is a tribute to the passed on
We see D. Betts as the lead/slide guitarist and also the singer after the death of Duane. After Duane's
death there was a lack of a guitarist so the band added session keyboardist Chuck Leavell on their
'Brothers and Sisters' album. Dickey Betts released some solo albums. He is the composer of the
most splendid instrumental compositionslike 'Jessica', 'In Memory of Elizabeth Reed', 'High Falls'
IMoER is a tribute to Miles Davis.
Also Gregg Allman married twice to Cher and at end divorced again. Duane Allman played the slide
guitar on Eric Clapton's DEREK AND THE DOMINOES's 'Layla'.
The ABB still is alive, issuing albums, performing live acts. Their lineup is prone to many changes,
adding and letting go other musicians. These guys nowin 2002 are in their fifties. Still producing and
As the founder of what is called SOUTHERN ROCK, they are heroic monuments.
I still don't know if i should mention this but Mr.Dickey Betts is involved in a couple of incidents
beating and threatening his wife(around 2002). And the band is trying to kick him out of ABB.
DISCOGRAPHY: 1969 The Allman Brothers Band 1970 Idlewild South 1971 Live at Fillmore East 1972
Eat a Peach 1973 Brothers and Sisters 1975 Win, Lose or Draw 1976 Wipe the Windows, Check the
Oil, Dollar Gas 1979 Enlightened Rogues 1980 Reach for the Sky 1981 Brothers of the Road 1990
Seven Turns 1991 Shades of Two Worlds 1991 Live at Ludlow Garage: 1970 1992 An Evening with the
Allman Brothers Band 1994 Where It All Begins 1995 2nd Set 1996 Fillmore East, February 1970 2000
Peakin' at the Beacon
Albums (i've got)
This album smells Southern Rock. Anyway,Idlewild is a place in South America. What is Southern
Rockş Well, as far as i know countryrock and bluesrock mingled with South American lyrics(those
about the life in the south). The album opens with 'Revival'(meaning of revival:to become alive again)
my first Southern Rock experience. Just like its title it is a refreshing song, makes the listener
cheerful. 'Don't Keep Me Wondering' comes the second, 'Midnight Rider'a very popular ABB song
and 'In Memory of Elizabeth Reed' follow. These three are all enjoying to listen, the last one being
instrumental. Maybe you have heard of Willie Dixon, he is the bluesman who before was a
heavyweight boxer, and then he learns to play the bass guitar. Dixon is the creator of 'Hoochie
Coochie Man'(hooch=marijuana,cooch=a
woman's genitals), their 5th song in the album. Drums here are unbelievable, make your blood boil.
Also Berry Oakley is the singer in this song. It is supposed to be the best blues rock song sung by a
white man. Gregg Allman sings the rest of the songs. 'Please Call Home' is a slow blues rock example(i
don't like this much). Album ends with 'Leave My Blues At Home'.Dickey Betts is the creator of
'Revival' and 'In Memory of Elizabeth Reed', whereas all others by Gregg Allman.(of course except
'Hoochie Coochie Man' which is by Willie Dixon). Also on the album cover the black person may seem
to be a woman he is a man.All Men.
PLAYLIST: 1. Revival 2. Don't Keep Me Wonderin' 3. Midnight Rider 4. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed 5.
Hoochie Coochie Man 6. Please Call Home 7. Leave My Blues at Home
This is a MUST HAVE live album except i think the first 3 tracks are the lowkeys. These first three
songs are of bluesrock type. And believe when i say they mar the beauty of what is to come in the
rest of the album. Buy this for only last 4 tracks. And see what jamming is all about. And a flawless
one. You Don't Love Me is inexplicable. Instrumentation, virtuosity, versatility. Hot 'Lanta reminds me
of the soundtrack of the soap opera Streets of San Francisco. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed is a long
great instrumental. Whipping Post by Gregg Allman is from the debut album of the band.
PLAYLIST: 1. Statesboro Blues 2. Done Somebody Wrong 3. Stormy Monday 4. You Don't Love Me 5.
Hot 'Lanta 6. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed 7. Whipping Post
This album is the last Duane Allman album. This album shines with One Way Out and it is a cover.
Ain't Wastin' Time No More, the opener, is a good song. Les Brers in A Minor is a great instrumental,
opening slow and going fast. Mountain Jam is a boring, very long jam. Melissa by Gregg Allman is a
nice ballad. Blue Sky is also a good number from the Bros. All others are mediocre tracks to me but it
is arguable.
PLAYLIST: 1. Ain't Wastin' Time No More 2. Les Brers In A Minor 3. Melissa 4. Mountain Jam 5. One
Way Out 6. Trouble No More 7. Stand Back 8. Blue Sky 9. Little Martha
The boy on the cover is depicted as a kin to the band personnel on the inner page. There is a small
girl at the back of the cd cover. In this album which is a tribute to recently died bassist Berry Oakley,
we see Oakley in 3 of the songs. Lamar Williams is the new bassist in 4 other songs. Les Dudek is
another added guitarist. We see 4 songs 'Ramblin Man', 'Southbound', 'Jessica' and 'Pony Boy'
composed by D. Betts. Others are by Gregg Allman. 'Wasted Words' opens the album. The very
popular 'Ramblin Man'(rambling=wandering) and 'Come and Go Blues' and 'Jelly Jelly' take us to
'Southbound'. 'Southbound' is a vibrant boogeey song.The instrumental epic 'Jessica' makes you
wonder how such a harmony in instrumentation and complexity are possible. 'Pony Boy' features
slide guitar playing by Mr. Dickey Betts.
PLAYLIST: 1. Wasted Words 2. Ramblin' Man 3. Come And Go Blues 4. Jelly Jelly 5. Southbound 6.
Jessica 7. Pony Boy
Allman Bothers on the fall. Louisiana Lou And Three Card Monty John , a fast one. High Falls , above
standard instrumental. This album is the indicator that ABB can not come up with any classic albums
like their early and mid70s albums. However, the instrumental wizard D. Betts shows no sign of
weariness on writing the High Falls. High Falls is comparable to In Memory of Elizabeth Reed, Les
Brers in A Minor and Jessica. Country style turned Allman Brothers, on this album, can not cheer up.
These guys are Southern Rockers, the genre constricted by the mid70s, and this album clearly bears
that mark. This album can be bought just because of its date(that is in range of 70s albums). But the
question is does it worth the buckş ABB's decline signs surface as they enter the 80s, that is truely
due to the fact of a constricted genre. Maybe you should get yourself an 80s effort by Molly Hatchet,
PLAYLIST: 1. Can't Lose What You Never Had 2. Just Another Love Song 3. Nevertheless 4. Win, Lose
Or Draw 5. Louisiana Lou And Three Card Monty John 6. High Falls 7. Sweet Mama
A naive try to recapture the faded essence of the band`s jamming.An incomparable album to LIVE AT
FILLMORE EAST. But I should mention that the cd has selections from Brothers And Sisters album
which does not truly include long jam songs. Wasted Words is played the way it should be, that is:
slow. But if you prefer a vibrant song jump to Sothbound.Sothbound is as brilliant as the studio
version, and it truly is
a classic. Ramblin' Man is another live gem here. In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed is shorter than it is on
LIVE AT FILLMORE EAST, this is a drawback, in my opinion. The great epic Jessica finishes the show.
PLAYLIST: 1. Introduction 2. Wasted Words 3. Southbound 4. Ramblin' Man 5. In Memory Of
Elizabeth Reed 6. Ain't Wastin' Time No More 7. Come And Go Blues 8. Can't Lose What You Never
Had 9. Don't Want You No More 10. It's Not My Cross To Bear 11. Jessica"
,"The band is from England. The English pioneers of heavy metal did really rock hard. The leader the
guitar virtuoso is Ritchie Blackmore. They jammed hard. Roger Glover is on the bass. With Jon Lord
on the organ. Their drummer Ian Paice got involved in one of John Mc Cartney's solo efforts. A great
DISCOGRAPHY: 1968 Shades of Deep Purple 1969 Concerto for Group and Orchestra 1969 Deep
Purple 1969 The Book of Taliesyn 1970 Deep Purple in Rock 1971 Fireball 1972 Machine Head 1972
Made in Japan 1973 Who Do We Think We Are 1974 Burn 1974 Stormbringer 1975 Come Taste the
Band 1976 Made in Europe 1977 Deep Purple 1977 Last Concert in Japan 1977 Power House 1980 In
Concert 1980 New Live & Rare 1981 Deep Purple in Concert 1982 Live in London 1984 Perfect
Strangers 1985 Fireworks 1987 The House of Blue Light 1988 Nobody's Perfect 1990 Slaves &
Masters 1991 Deep Purple 1992 In Concert '72 1992 In Concert 1992 Live and Rare 1992 The Battle
Rages On 1994 Come Hell or High Water 1994 In Concert '70 1994 Live '85 1995 Live in Califonia
1976: On the Wings of a Russian Foxbat 1996 King Biscuit Flower Hour 1996 Live at the California
Jam, 1974 1996 Mk III: The Final Concerts 1996 Purpendicular 1997 Live at the Olympia '96 1998
Abandon 1998 Butterfly Ball Wizards Convention 1998 Child in Time 1998 Knebworth 1985 1998 The
Gemini Suite 1999 In London 2000 Days May Come and Days May Go: The 1975 California Rehearsals
Purple 2000 Live at the Royal Albert Hall 2001 Machine Head 2001 This Time Around: Live in Tokyo
'75 CMC International 2001 Under the Gun Polygram International 2002 Listen Learn Read On 2002
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 2003 Bananas 2003 California Jam 1974 2003 Deep Purple and Friends
2003 Gemini Suite Live 1970 2003 Live in London 1974 2003 Live in Stockholm 1970 2004 Final
Concert 2004 Live in Paris 1975 2004 Live on the BBC 2004 New, Live and Rare, Vol. 2 2004 Total
Albums (i've got)
This is one of the masterpieces of the band. On the cd front cover the band members are depicted as
carved into the mountain Rushmore. Cool faces. In the
original cd there are first 7 tracks. I have the 25th anniversary edition with 20 tracks. Additional
tracks are fun. Admittedly i hate Child in Time. Many people like that song. Speed King maybe
pointed the way to Highway Star. I am not sure. Jam Stew is high up in tempo with guitar ripping and
PLAYLIST: 1. Speed King 2. Bloodsucker 3. Child in Time 4. Flight of the Rat 5. Into the Fire 6. Living
Wreck 7. Hard Lovin' Man 8. Black Night 9. Studio Chat 10. Speed King 11. Studio Chat 12. Cry Free
13. Studio Chat 14. Jam Stew 15. Studio Chat 16. Flight of the Rat 17. Studio Chat 18. Speed King 19.
Studio Chat 20. Black Night
This is a hardrocking studio masterpiece by one of my favorite bands. With Highway Star you are
taken to a truck on the highway and believe me you feel you are inside that truck speeding and you
are the king of the road. The second, third and fourth songs are not as good as the memorable riff of
Smoke On the Water. Lazy and Space Truckin' rock hard as they jam. People keep on saying that the
riff of Smoke on the Water is a mark in metal community. Space Truckin' is to be covered by
OVERKILL in their Coverkill album.
PLAYLIST: 1. Highway Star 2. Maybe I'm a Leo 3. Pictures of Home 4. Never Before 5. Smoke on the
Water 6. Lazy 7. Space Truckin'"
,"x=1+(1/x) denkleminin cozumudur 1,618...
Bu oran Antik Yunan'da yapilmis bir cok eserde vardir. Bu orani saglayan geometrik sekillerin en
Estetik olduguna inanilir. Mesela bir dikdortgenin boyunun, enine orani bu sayiyi veriyorsa(1,618....) ,
o dikdortgen altin orandadir denir. Veya herhangi bir sekil. Guzellik boyle aciklanmistir."
,"An opposition Senator in the Old Republic, Po Nudo represented the Aqualish
people of Ando. He was present at Count Dooku's treasonous meeting of the minds
on Geonosis that saw the formal formation of the Confederacy of Independent
Eski Cumhuriyet'te bir KarsItlIk Senatoru, Po Nudo, Ando'nun Aqualish HalkI'nI temsil etti. Nudo, Kont
Dooku'nun iktidar karsItI, Geonosis'in dusunceleri farklI insanlardan olusan toplantIsInda vardI. Bu
toplantI BagImsIz Sistemler Konfederasyonu'nun metodik olusumuna tanIk oldu.
During the Clone Wars, Nudo served on the Separatist Council, the board of
executives that funded and governed the Confederacy of Independent Systems under
Count Dooku and General Grievous. The former Senator was killed by Darth Vader
when the Sith mastermind behind the Clone Wars no longer had need for the
Klonlama SavaslarI suresince, Nudo, AyrIlIkcI Konseyi'nde, Kont Dooku ve General
Grievous(Grief=Uzuntu, Grievous=Uzuntulu)'In emri altInda hizmet etti. Bu konsey B.S.K.'nIn yonetici
ve fon saglayIcI borduydu. Eski Senator, Darth Vader(Death Father) tarafIndan ne zaman ki Sith'in
basI ve Klon SavaslarI'nIn kilit adamI(arkasIndaki adam) AyrIlIkcIlar'a ihtiyac duymamaya baslamIstI,
The Aqualish of Ando have fostered a disdain for the Republic for decades. Upon
first contact, violence broke out between the Republic and Andoan natives. The
Republic initiated a demilitarization of the Andoan people for which the
Aqualish have long been resentful.
When a flurry of secessions began spreading throughout the galaxy, sparked by
Count Dooku and his growing Separatist movement, the planet Ando left the
Republic. Po Nodu brought his resource rich world and holdings into the
Separatist fold, even though other Aqualish colonies were very critical of the
move and remained loyal to the Republic.
Ando'nun Aqualish HalkI onlarca senedir Cumhuriyet'e(Republic) nefret besliyordu. Ilk
karsIlamalarInda Reepublic ve Andoan yerlileri arasInda siddet basladI. Republic, bunun uzerine,
Andoan HalkI'na, ki bu halk Aqualish HalkI tarafIndan uzun suredir hic sevilmiyordu, karsI
silahsIzlanma ve askeri birliklerinden arInmasI yonunde hazIrlIk baslattI. Galakside bir ayrIlIk ruzgarI
yayIlmaya basladIgInda, ki bu akIm Kont Dooku ve O'nun buyuyen AyrIlIkcI Hareketi'nin eseriydi,
Ando Gezegen'i Republic'ten ayrIldI. Po Nudo kaynak zengini dunyasInI ve elindeki herseyi AyrIlIkcI
kanada aktardI hatta bunu diger Aqualish Kolonileri'nin cok dusunerek Republic'e baglI kalmalarIna
ragmen yaptI.
Never far from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's side was his hauntingly pallid
aide, Sly Moore. Laconic, with a piercing gaze, Moore occupied a position
similar to Sei Taria's role in Supreme Chancellor Valorum's administration.
Hicbir zaman Yuksek Bakan Palpatin'in yanIndan ayrIlmayan ve insanI hayrete dusurecek kadar soluk
yardImcIsI Sly Moore vardI. Az konusan Moore, delici bakIsIyla Yuksek Bakan Valorum'un
yonetimimdeki Sei Tara'nIn pozisyonuna benzer bir pozisyondaydI.
Sly Moore's taciturn demeanor kept her inner agenda unknown to most of her
colleagues, though it was whispered that she possessed a very strong ambitious
drive. Some gossiped that she somehow eliminated Sei Taria's from public office,
paving her ascent to the Supreme Chancellor's side, though nothing conclusive
has ever come to light.
Moore's enigmatic countenance derives from her Umbaran heritage. She is from a
breed of nearhumans hailing from a shadowed planet deep in the Ghost Nebula.
Umbarans have an eerie reputation for being able to influence perhaps even
control the minds of others.
Sly Moore'un sessiz hali O'nun ic dunyasInI bircok yandasIna kapalI tutmasIna yarIyordu., ama
soylenti oyduy ki cok hIrslIydI(icinde). BazIlarI O'nun Sei Taria'nIn, bir sekilde Ýdari ve Halkla ilgili
birimden atIlmasInI sagladIgI ve boylece de Yuksek Baskan'In yanIna
kadar olan yukselisini surdurdugunu soyledi ama kesin olan(kanItlanan) hicbirsey yoktu. Moore'un
gizemli yuzu Umbaran HalkI'nIn bir uyesi olmasIndan dolayIydI. Moore, Ghost Nebula'da(Hayalet
Bulut Kumesi) saklI bir gezegenin insanagenetikolarakyakIn IrkIndan gelmekteydi. Umbaranlar soyle
bir tanInmIslIga sahiptir ve bu biraz garip birseydir: baskalarInIn akIllarInI etkileme, hatta kontrol
etme yetisindedirler.
Moore's piercing gaze can only see in the ultraviolet spectrum, and her
seemingly colorless shadowcloak is in actuality adorned with intricate patterns
visible only to her and similarly sighted beings.
Moore'un delici bakIsI(uzun bakIs) sadece morotesi spektrumu gorebiliyordu ve neredeyse renksiz
golgepelerini, aslInda karIsIk paternler ki bu paternler sadece
O'na ve O'nun gorusune benzer goruslu olanlara gorunuyordu.
Of all of the Supreme Chancellor's aides, Moore is said to be the closest, and
privy to the Chancellor's deepest secrets.
Moore, denilene gore butun Yuksek Baskan'In yardImcIlarI arasInda, O'na en yakIn ve Baskan'In en
bilinmeyen sIrlarInI biliyordu.
With an athletic build, an exotic beauty, and deep cerulean hue, Aayla Secura
stood out among the many faces of the Jedi ranks. She was a Jedi Knight during
the twilight years of the order, and operated out of the Jedi Temple on
Coruscant. During the Separatist crisis that threatened to split the Republic,
Secura was a member of a 200Jedi strong taskforce sent to the distant world of
Geonosis to rescue captive Jedi. In the massive battle that ensued, Secura was
one of the few survivors. She was brusquely marched by Geonosian warriors into a
circle of Jedi survivors to await execution.
Atletik yapIsI ve etkileyici guzelligiyle ve derin masmavi goruntusuyle, Aayla Secura sayIca cok olan
Jedi rutbeli askerler arasIndaydI. Duzen'in AlacakaranlIk Seneleri'nde bir Jedi Sovalyesi idi ve
Coruscant'taki Jedi TapInagI'nda hizmet etti. AyrIlIkcI kriz Republic'i parcalamak uzere oldugu
donemlerde, Secura, 200 Jedi'den olusan gucbirligi uyesiydi ve uzak dunya Gonosis'e kacIrIlmIs bir
Jedi'yi kurtarmak uzere gonderilmisti. Yaklasan guclu savasta Secura, sag kalanlardan biriydi. Kabaca
Geonosian savascIlarI tarafIndan Jedilerden olusan ve idamI bekleyen grubun arasIna goturuldu.
The sudden arrival of clone trooper
reinforcements spared her that fate. Secura would then lead her own squad of
clone troopers into the thick of the Geonosian battle, her lightsaber shimmering
in the billowing dust, forming a luminescent beacon for the trained Republic
infantrymen to follow.
Klon Birlik Destekleyiciler'in ani gelisi O'na bu gelecegi saglamIstI. Secura daha sonra Klon
birliklerinden olusan grubunu Geonosia savasInIn ortasIna goturmustu. IsIk KIlIcI, dalga dalga gelen
toz icinde egitimli Republic askerlerine adeta bir fener gibi yol gosteriyordu.
Like her fellow Jedi, Secura became a general during the Clone Wars, leading
clone trooper infantry on numerous campaigns in the epic conflict. During the
Outer Rim Sieges, she was stationed on the colorful world of Felucia, trudging
through the overgrown underbrush of the Commerce Guild planet with the valiant
Star Corps clone troopers under her command.
Secura yandas Jediler gibi Klon SavaslarI'nda general olmustu, Klon birligini(piyadeler) bir cok
gorevde(buyuk cakIsma) kullanmIstI. DIs Kenar KusatmalarI boyunca Felucia'nIn renkli dunyasInda
mevzilenmisti. Ticari
Birlik(Guild) gezegeninde, asIrI buyumus calIlIklarInI yararcasIna, cesur YIldIz SavascIlarIna liderlik
As General Secura approached the opposing Separatist forces, Chancellor
Palpatine activated Order 66 on Coruscant, and contacted Aayla's clone officer,
Commander Bly, via hologram. The executive command identified the Jedi as
traitors to the Republic. Bly loyally carried out the order, raising his blaster
rifle against his Jedi general.
General Secura karsIt AyrIlIkcI kuvvetlere yaklastIkca, Baskan Palpatine Emir 66 yI Coruscant'ta aktive
etti, ve Aayla'nIn klon gorevlisi Kumandan Bly'a hologramla ulastI. Gerceklestirilmesi gereken emir,
Jediler Republic'e isyan ediyor, gerekeni yapIndI. Bly, sadaktle emri uyguladI ve patlatIcI silahInI Jedi
generaline dogrulttu.
In a moment of distraction, as a native Felucian bird took wing and drew Aayla's
attentions skyward, Bly and his troops opened fire, riddling Secura's body with
blaster bolts and killing her.
Bir anlIk dikkat kaybIyla ki bu kayIp bir Felucian ucagInIn(havatasItInIn) havalanmasI sonucuydu,
Aayla'nIn dikkati goge cevrildi. Bly ve birligi ates actI ve Secura'nIn vucuduna mermilerini bosalttIlar
ve Secura oldu."
,"Nanomanyetikler yardıma
Charles Q. Choi
Gecen 30 senede, yongalar uzerindeki tranzistorler milyonda birine indi, bu arada da bu yongaların
uzerindeki manyetik elemanlar ancak 1000'de birine kuculebildi. Bu da onları, bircok devre
semasındaki, en buyuk, en cok ısınan, en az verimli birimler haline getirdi.
'' Bilgisayarlardaki en cok bolgeyi onlar kaplıyorlar. Cep telefonları dunyasındaki cep telefonları
boyutundalar.'', diyor Inframat Sirketi nanomateryaller firması, Farmington, Conn.'daki Sef Teknoloji
Uzmanı Danny Xiao.
Inframat'tan ayrılarak baslı basına yeni bir firma olacak olan firma, magnetleri en az onda birine
indirebileceklerini soyluyor ve belki de 100'de bir. Bunu da milyarda bir metre olan magnetik parcacık
yuklu kompozitlerle basaracagını soyluyor. Eger, ki mumkun gorunuyor, bu tip nanokompozitler,
yongaların ustunde uretilebilirse, muhendisler daha kucuk, esit derecede onem tasıyan, ve diger her
komponentten daha az ısınan bilgisayarlar dizayn edebilecekler.
Farmington'da olan baska bir firma, Embedded( Gomulu ) Nanomagnetics, halihazırda bir elektronik
deviyle ortak oldugunu soyluyor. Bu dev firma, onder cep telefonu ureticisi, ve 2 hava defans sistemi
kontraktcısı, adını da gizli tutuyor. İlerideki 24 ayda, en az bir firmaya teknolojisini lisanslamayı
Manyetik elemanlar onemlidir, cunku guc akısını duzenlerler, her komponentin gerekli voltajı
almasını saglarlar ve akımdaki ani cıkıslardan devreyi korurlar, gelen giden sinyallere yon vererek,
antenlerin hem alıcı hem de verici olarak calısmalarını saglarlar.
Piller Dahil
Tokyo'nun kuzeyinde bir havaalanında, 16 Temmuz'da sadece A4 pilleriyle insanlı ucus rekorlara
gecti.Bu alanda cok cekisme yok, fakat ucak sponsoru, Matsushita Elektric Ind. Co.( Osaka ), 160
bataryanın tumunu uretmistir ve basarıdan gurur duymaktadır. 54 kg'lik ucak, o yaz gunu 31 metre
kanat genisligiyle, pilotsuz, 391.4 metre ucmustu.
Havada 59 saniye kalmayı basardı ve 5.2 metre yukseklige eristi. Matsushita Tokyo Teknoloji
Enstitusu'ndeki ogrencilere ucak dizayn edip, hayata gecirmelerini ve yeni Panasonic Oxyride
Bataryalarını bu ucakta kullanarak, herkese gostermelerini istedi. Firmanın dedigine gore, enerjiyi
anında tuketen Alkaline bataryalara gore daha ustundu bu piller( Dijital kameralar, ornegin).
Bataryalar karmasık Alkalin kimyası kullanıyorlar ve bu durumda daha incetanecikli filler ( elektronikte
semikonduktor terminolojisi, arastırınız ) ve yeni bir tur Nikelbazlı Katod kullanılıyor.
,"Biz universitede Kendi notumuzu yukseltmek icin, 'objection' saatlari olurdu sınavların ve gider
Kendi eserimiz olan sınav kagıdımızı savunurduk. Not yukseltmeye calısırdık. Ama dedigim gibi Kendi
cıkarlarımız vardı :)"
,"Bu sitede, ben de buna uymak uzere, herkes birbirini yiyor. Yararlayıcı sozler sarfediliyor.
Sayın Arkadaslar,
Lutfen cevirilerimizi yapalım. Elimizden geldigince birbirimize ve baskalarına faydalı olmaya calısalım.
Yanlıs gordugumuz yerleri kibarca gosterip, 'Boyle olsaydı daha iyi olurdu, Arkadas' vb. cumleler
Gercekten kırıcı olup sonra da uzuntu duymak cok kotu.
Ben diyorum ki ' Evet İngilizce biliyorum ve yardım alıp, yardım vermek istiyorum'.
Yshoo Answers'da oldugu gibi puan sistemi de yok bu sitede.
Tamam kabul, ''herkes'' bu sitede iyidir. Sen benden, o senden, ben senden. Sorun yok. Show'a gerek
,"Butun Herkese nezaket ve ilgileri icin Tesekkur Ederim.
Ayrıca, ama son olarak degil, muhace kardesimizin duzeltmesi de pek Guzel olmus.
Herkesin, eoner,Alikarabulut, muhace, hectorius, site adminleri ve aklıma gelmeyen ama Herkesin
icinde oldugu listede, karsılık beklemeden ceviri yapan, ceviri yaptıran butun arkadaslara mutlu bir
haftasonu dilerim."
,"'Bob' bir palindrome ve aynI isimle ''Weird Al'' Yankovich isimli bir parodi ustasInIn bir sarkIsInIn
Palindrome bulma isini bir programa yaptIrabilirsiniz. Palindrome'larla tanIsmam da ilk bu vesileyle
AsagIda bir palindrome(tersten okunusu, duzden okunusuyla aynI) sarkIsI, 'Bob' var.
Size yabancI gelen kelimeleri yazIp, karsIlIklarInI aramaya. Hatta bir ceviri denemesine ne dersinizş
Ýlginc buldugum bu sarkIyI Sizlerle paylasmak istedim :)
Varsa Sizler de, palindrome'larInIzI yazmaya ne dersiniz :)
I, man, am regal a German am I
Never odd or even
If I had a hifi
Madam, I'm Adam
Too hot to hoot
No lemons, no melon
Too bad I hid a boot
Lisa Bonet ate no basil
Warsaw was raw
Was it a car or a cat I sawş
Rise to vote, sir
Do geese see Godş
""Do nine men interpretş"" ""Nine men,"" I nod
Rats live on no evil star
Won't lovers revolt nowş
Race fast, safe car
Pa's a sap
Ma is as selfless as I am
May a moody baby doom a yamş
Ah Satan sees Natasha
No devil lived on
Lonely Tylenol
Not a banana baton
No ""x"" in ""Nixon""
O, stone, be not so
O Geronimo, no minor ego
""Naomi"", I moan
""A Toyota's a Toyota""
A dog, a panic in a pagoda
Oh, no! Don Ho!
Nurse, I spy gypsies run!
Senile felines
Now I see bees I won
UFO tofu
We panic in a pew
Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo
God! A red nugget! A fat egg under a dog!
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog"
Kovalar, temelde guclu ve ilgi ceken bir kisilige sahiplerdir. Hemen hemen hep akıllı, ozsozlu, acık ve
mantıklı, hızlı, hareketlidirler ve sahsiiddialı olmamakla birlikte ısrarcı olurlar ve kendilerini dısarı
vururken, sebep, olcululuk ve kuru kuruya ( mimikten yoksun ) bir saka anlayısı gosterirler.
Birisinin, kendi dostluk veya sevgisine sayan olduklarına karar kıldıklarında, bu kisi uzerinde, hemen
hemen hipnotik ( etkili ) ve dayanılmaz bir akli cekim yaratırlar. Ve kendileri de, partnerleri icin ( dost
ya da sevgili ), herseyi ugurlarına verebilecek, inatcı dost ya da sevgili olurlar ve onlara hayatta sadık
kalırlar. Ne var ki, aldatıldıklarında, kızgınlıkları buyuktur. Hayalkırıklıgında ise affetmezler.
Tutulmayan sozlerde, butunsuzluk, gizlilik veya kurnaz bir tehditkar sessizlik gosterirler ki bir anda
patlama yaparak sivrilirler. Butun bunlar Kova'nın kotu yonleridir.
Renk secimi turkuazdır. Alımlı turkuaz, benim yıldız tasımdır, ismi Fransızca ''Turquoise'' den gelir ve
manası, eski Pers ( simdiki İran ) mahallerinde bulunan :
''Turkiye'''dir. ( turquoise does not occur in Turkey but was traded at Turkish bazaars to Venetian
merchants who brought it to Europe )"
,"Draw on idle screen (Sabit/hareketsiz ekranda kimin kimle oynadıgını gosteriniz)
Draw player also when phone is in home (idle) screen.( şşş= Hangi oyuncunun hangi oyuncuyla
oynadıgını telefon hareketsiz ekranda belirdiginde de gosteriniz)
Display remaining time (descending) if checked, or normal (ascending) if unchecked. (kalan zamanı,
kontrol edildiyse azalan sekilde gosteriniz, veya normal (artan sekilde) kontrol edilmediyse gosteriniz)
Your version is up to date.. ( Surumunuz gunceldir)
If checked, connection will be kept active while program runs, otherwise connection is closed after
short time.(Kontrol edildiyse, program calısırken, baglantı surecektir, diger turlu kısa bir sure sonra
baglantı duser)
Time after which nonresponding connection is closed (timedout).(cevapsız baglantı
kapandıgından(zamanı doldugundan) sonra gecen zaman)"
,"Bu forum konusunda Symbian C++programcIlIgIna giriste kafanIzda olusacak sorularIn tam
cevaplarInI bulabilirsiniz.
Ilk olarak forum.nokia.com sitesinden Symbian C++SDK yI indiriniz(uyelik ister). indirilen dosya 128
megabyte kadardIr haberiniz olsun. kablolu baglantIsI olan bir arkadastan indirdim ve cd ye yazdIm.
Bir sonraki adImda pc'ye programI kurunuz, eger ki Visual C++IDE veya emulatoru kullanma isterseniz
VC6 sisteminizde kurulu olmalIdIr. ( yalnIz telefon u komut satIrIndan VC6 olmadan derleyebilirsiniz)
Bu kurulum aynI zamanda JavaRuntime 1.3 oldugunu sandIgIm versiyonu da kuracaktIr. AynI
zamanda ActivePerlkurulacaktIr ki bunu da derleme yazIlarInI calIstIrmak icin
kullanabilirsiniz.(vs,vs...). Emulator denilen program da N7650 icin kurulacaktIr.
Dokumantasyona bakInIz, ozellikle de baslangIcla ilgili satIrlara. Nesne oriente programcIlIgIna
yeniyseniz ( ya da ilerletmek istiyorsanIz ) temel kurallarI yazan saglam bir bolum vardIr.
YakIn zamanda helloword aplikasyonunu elde edecek kucuk bir yazI ekleyecegim. Eger parmaklarInIz
kasIlIrsa ornekleri deneyebilirsiniz. Lutfen sabIrlI olunuz.
Edited ( Degistirilmistir )
AsagIda kucuk bir ilk surum rehber vardIr ve bu rehber metin halinde bulunmaktadIr.
BaslangIcla ilgili problem yasarsanIz asagIdaki forum konusuna yazInIz. ( herseyi yerli yerinde
bulundurmak istiyorum, boylelikle insanlar ilk geldiklerinde nereye gideceklerini bulabilsinler ve siz de
umarIm yardImcI olursunuz. )
1.1 isimli ilk gozden gecirilmis mini rehber artIk vardIr ve telefon derlemesi icin bolumler icerir
veayrIca VC6 kullanImInI acIklar.
1. Added info on emulator. ( Emulator uzerine bilgi eklenmistir )
2. Added clarification on VC6. ( VC6 i acIklayIcI metin vardIr )
3. Added clarification for 'Series 60' SDK. This is the one I am using.
(Seri 60 SDK icin acIklamalar/belirlemeler vardIr. Bu benim kullandIgIm seridir )
Revised. ( Tekrar gozden gecirilmistir)
1. Added Miniguide.( mini rehber eklenmistir )
2. Added link to 'Problems getting started'. ( Baslangcta yasanabilecek problemler iliskin link vardIr )
1. Corrected statement on VC6 requirement. ( VC6 gereksinimi icin duzeltilmis arguman vardIr )
2. Uploaded revision 1.1. Will keep revision 1 until rev 1.2 or more comes along. :) ( revizyon 1.1
upload edilmistir. revizyon 1 , revizyon 1.2 ya da dahabuyugu gelncee kadar kullanIlacaktIr )
Rev 1.1, adds section on compiling for the phone and sis file creation.
) Rev.1.1 yeni bir bolumle gelir ve bu bolumde telefon derlenmesi ve sis dosya olusturulmasI uzerine
yazIlar vardIr.
TIP!!: You can run the script 'Series60\Epoc32\Data\change_7650_skin.pl' to make the emulator look
like 7650 (recommended only for 1028x768 screens though)
Ipucu: 'Series60\Epoc32\Data\change_7650_skin.pl' emulator u 7650 gibi olacak sekilde kulanma icin
yazabilirsiniz ( aslInda sadece 1028 e 768 boyutundaki ekranlar icindir/tavsiye edilir)
Edited 12 Nov 2002
Reposted the Miniguide rev 1.1 since it was unavailable after the host change.. (I know it has been a
few weeks since, but I was moving to Sydney :) )
Mini rehber rev. 1.1 i tekrar postladIm/yazdIm cuku host degistiginden beri yoktu. ( Biliyorum ki
birkac hafta oldu ama Sydney e tasInIyordum )
Edited 1 Mar 2003
Reposted the Miniguide after complaints that it wasnt available. Sorry for the delay.(mini rehberi
tekrar postladIm cunku bu konuda, bulunmamazlIgI gibi sikayetlerle karsIlastIm. Gecikme icin ozur
,"Leonard decided to resign and gamble , on Virginia 's saying yes to him>ise :
Virginia'nIn, teklifini ( Leonard'In yaptIgI ) kabul etmesi uzerine, Leonard isinden istifa edip, bu iliski (
nisan/evlilik vb.) riskini almayI tercih etti.
de olabilir. context lazIm."
,"5.1 The Term of this Agreement shall be twelve (12) months commencing on the Effective Date.
The Agreement shall automatically renew for an additional twelve (12) month term without further
documentation or agreements being necessary.
Bu anlasmaya ait hukum(ler) 12 ay olmak uzere efektif ( etkin ) tarihte baslayacaktIr / yururluge
girecektir. Baska dokumantasyon veya anlasma olmadan ( Antlasma ), fazladan 12 ay daha
5.2 In the event Distributor has failed to meet the Minimum Order requirement with respect to any
month, then, subject to written notice given by Netvision 013 Barak, Distributor‘s rights shall cease to
be exclusive and Netvision 013 Barak shall be entitled to contract with any other party for the
distribution of the Cards in the Territory.
DagItIcInIn minimum siparis gereksinimini aya bagImsIz karsIlayamamasI durumunda, Network 013
Barak tarafIndan yazIlI ihbarname verilmemesi halinde, dagItIcI firmanIn haklarI artIk inhisari
olmayacak ve Network 013 Barak baska gruplarla, cards ( belgeler ) In bolgede dagItImI icin kontrat
5.3 At the end of each twelvemonth term, Netvision 013 Barak shall be entitled to revise the
Minimum Order for the newly commencing twlevemonth term. From time to
time Netvision 013 Barak and the Distributor shell set of the new Minimum Order not less than
ninety (90) days prior to the date of the expiration of the thencurrent term.
Her 12 aylIk sure sonunda, Netvision 013 Barak Minimum siparisi gozden gecirmeye hak kazanacak (
yeni baslayacak olan 12 aylIk surec icin ). Zaman zaman Netvision 013 Barak ve DagItIcI Firma yeni
minimum siparis miktarInI 90 gunden az olmamak kaydIyla, o zaman aralIgIna ait bitis ( expiry )
tarihini onceden belirleyecektir.
,"Companionate love The affection we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply entwined.
Discrimination >bunun zIttI.
A negative action toward members of a specific social group.
Empathy >evet bu degil.
A feeling of compassion and tenderness upon viewing a victim's plight.
False consensus bias The tendency to exaggerate how common one's own characteristics and
opinions are in the general population.
Ingroup bias The tendency to give more favorable evaluations and greater rewards to ingroup
members than to outgroup members.
Interpersonal attraction A person's desire to approach another individual.
Intimacy Sharing that which is inmost with others.
Matching hypothesis The proposition that people are attracted to others who are similar to them in
particular characteristics, such as attitudes and physical attractiveness.
Passionate love A state of intense longing for union with another.
Positivity bias The tendency for people to evaluate individual human beings more positively than
groups or impersonal objects.
Representativeness heuristic The tendency to judge the category membership of people based on
how closely they match the ""typical"" or ""average"" member of that category.
Selfverification The process of seeking out and interpreting situations so as to confirm one's
Social identities Aspects of a person's selfconcept based upon his or her group memberships.
Belki de aradIgImIz '' Socially Identitive with '' dir..."
,"Bir tane java oyun var, bu oyun etkinleŞtirme hatasI veriyor, Şzel bir siteden indirdim sadece benim
telefonda ÇalIŞIyor, bunu BINPDA kIrabilir mi ş Acaba oyunu versem ulaŞtIrabilirmisinş
nasIl olabilir ş
There is a javabased game, which gives validation/activation error. I downloaded it from an exclusive
site and it works only on my phone. Can BINPDA crack itş Could you possibly transmit it if i give it out
to you."
Ne tÜr hayallerin , hep serbest olan
bu yaĞmurda peŞindesin sen
OlasIdIr ki gŞzyaŞlarInI tutuyorsun
YalnIzlIĞa savaŞ aÇtIgIn bir yerlerde
YalnIzlIk tamam, sen de benim gibi deĞiŞmedin
Uzun yoldan gidiyorum ama bir Şekilde bu yolu seviyorum
Mutluluk ya da neŞe duyduĞumda
Mutlaka Seni hatIrlayacaĞIm
Bu rengarenk mevsim
Mutlaka bu hissiyatI verecek bana
FarklI olduĞu halde bilindik hislerden
hayranlIk, aŞk, ya da nefret fakat
beni almanI istiyorum
o guzel akIŞIna
Kelimelerin ya da verilmiŞ basit sŞzlerin eksikliĞi yerine
ÝstediĞim elimdeki sIcaklIk ve sadece ikimizin olduĞu zamanlar
EĞer ki mutsuz hissedersen
EĞer ki geleceĞi biraz olsun gŞremezsen
Bana guvenmeni istiyorum ve ben mutlaka
burada seni dÜŞÜnmeye devam edeceĞim
Mutluluk ya da neŞe duyduĞumda
Mutlaka Seni hatIrlayacaĞIm
Bu rengarenk mevsim
Mutlaka bu hissiyatI verecek bana"
,"Tum ''th'' ile biten sozcukler ise, rhyme etmese de soyle :
bt, bth
feldspar, feldspath
felspar, felspath
sitz bath
,"miss :
1 vurmayI, eriŞmeyi veya temasI gercekleŞtirememek
2 yoklugunu hissetmek veya yok oldugu sonucunu cIkarmak
3 Elde edememek
4 kacmak, kacInmak
5 dIsInda bIrakmak
6 anlayamamak, hissedememek veya tecrube edememek
7 yapamamak ya da katIlamamak
1 archaic : to fail to get, reach, or do something alamamak, ulasamamak veya birseyi yapamamak
2 : to fail to hit something atIsta tutturamamak
3 a : to be unsuccessful ( basarIsIzlIk ) misfire ateŞleyememek, atIŞI kacIrmak, yanlIs yere ates etmek
–missable \‚mis„b„l\ adjective
–miss a beat : to deviate from regular smooth performance the company changed ownership without
missing a beat genel basarIyI kaybetmek
–miss out on : to lose a good opportunity for missed out on a better job iyi bir fIrsatI kacIrmak
–miss the boat : to fail to take advantage of an opportunity fIrsattan yararlanamamak
missing :
absent; also : lost missing in action yok veya kayIp
1 to be deficient or missing time is lacking for a full explanation eksik veya yok Zaman, tam anlatIma
izin vermiyor
2 to be short or have need of something he will not lack for advisers birseyin azlIgI veya birseye
ihtiyacta olmak DanIsman yoklugu cekmeyecek
transitive senses : to stand in need of : suffer from the absence or deficiency of ihtiyacta olmak :
yoklugun veya azlIgIn / eksikligin cefasInI cekmek
lacking : istiyor olmak veya eksikligini duymak, ihtiyacta olmak
Onu dinlemezsen cok sey kaybedersin : You will be missing the boat of great advises by him / her if
you are not concentrating on what she / he says.
missing ve lacking arasIndaki fark :
missing : kayIp, kacIrIlmIs, eksik : genel manasIyla
lacking : eksik veya tamamen noksan
Onu dinlemezsen cok sey kaybedersin : You will be lacking a lot if you are not listening to his / her
advices. > buradaki anlam bozuklugu, sizin olmayan birseyi kaybedememeniz.
You are lacking / missing good attributes. Ý
yi ozelliklerin az (yok) / tamamen yok
'You missed the target' : Hedefi kacIrdIn
ama 'you lacked the target' diyemiyoruz cunku lack, Turkce'deki anlamIyla sahip olunan ya da
olunmasI gereken ozelliklerin noksanlIgI veya yoklugu.
You missed a good opportunity Ýyi bir fIrsatI kacIrdIn.
You are missing a line on this plot Bu cizimde, cizgiyi ( geometrik )cizmemissin / dIsarda bIrakmIssIn.
You are missing the point Tam anlamIyorsun
You missed school today Bugun okulu kacIrdIn.
You lacked school diyemiyoruz ( okul eksikligin var manasI var, sanki okula sahiplik varmIs gibi )
The soup lacks salt CorbanIn tuza ihtiyacI var
The soup misses salt Sanki corba, tuzu kacIrmIs mana bozuklugu var. Ya da tuz icinde cok miktarda
varmIs da tuz cIkarIlmIs corbadan.
Missing, kayIp ya da eksik Missing documents : Eksik, veya yok olan belgeler
Lacking, yokluk noktasInda olmak veya birseyin hic olmamasI Lacking documents : Eksik belgeler (
getirilmemiŞ belgeler manasInda)
We are in lack of oil : Petrole ihtiyacImIz var
We are missing oil : Sanki petrol varmIs da kaybolmus gibi
What you are missing is a big deal AvantajIna olacak anlasmayI kacIrIyorsun
What you are lacking is a big deal Sanki anlasmalarImIz varmIs da eksikmis gibi...
Lack, elinde olmayan seylerin eksikligi veya noksanlIgI
You lack power Hic / yeterli gucun yok
Miss, elinde olmus olan seylerin azalmasI veya kaybolmasI.
You miss power Sanki gucun vardI ve birazInI ya da tumunu kaybettin.
AklIma bu ornekler geliyor..."
,"innate, inborn, inbred, congenital, hereditary
Bu sIfatlar bir kisinin ya da seyin dogus veya baslangIcIndan beri sahip oldugunu ima eder.
innate : dogaya, karaktere ya da bunyeye esas
innate common sense / dogustan gelen sagduyu
inborn : birseyin dogustan beri var oldugunu vurgular
inborn intelligence / dogustan gelen zeka ( akIllIlIk )
inbred : eskiden ( uzun sure onceden ) yapIlan egitim ya da iliskilendirme ile yerlesik olan ozellikler.
an inbred love of music / muzigin egitimini veya sevgisini uzun sureden beri tasIma durumu
congenital : fetal gelisim esnasInda elde edilen karakteristik ya da bozukluk ifade eder / ya da bir
kisinin yerlesik ozellikleri, dogal gorunucek kadar yerlesmisse.
a congenital disease / dogustan gelen hastalIk
a congenital liar / dogustan yalancI
hereditary : Biyolojik kalItImI ifade eder
a hereditary heart anomaly / kalItsal kalp anomalisi ( bozuklugu )
Ref : http://www.bartleby.com/61/2/I0150200.html"
,"Science of medicine is one of the healthrelated sciences which aims at humans getting
knowledgeable about their innerstructure, and finding cures to diseases. In the evolving of this
concept, doctors and professors play roles. Emergence of medicine had been largely depending on
curative herbs. The living Man thus recuperated. And integrating this with belief in God, Man
believed it was Godsent. However arising from such a belief, medicine systematically has been an
everevolving science and heading to be an occupation. It had been born in different civilizations, with
Egypt, China, India, Greece and Iran being the essential ones. In some regions, thosandsofyears
employed medicine systems still today can find a place close to biomedicine. The most general
medical system, biomedicine largely has been European centered during the 18th Century. The focii
countries have been England and the States in the post1900's development of clinical medicine. As a
branch, medicine ( medical ) science has been host to many other branches. For me, general surgery
is the most crucial branch of them all. Because you have the opportunity to be knowledgeable on
each of the branches. There is also the forensics, and it is possible to examine carcasses of humans
and gain insight into humans' own systems."
,"Fear of Bird Flu
The reason that so few people have died from HSN1 virus is that, the virus can hardly propagate from
human to human. However, it is being feared that the virus will mutate and cause an epidemic much
like the 1918 epidemic. Countries take great measures against it and invest on extraordinary
Dog Cloning
Scientists who have cloned sheep, pigs, mice, cattle and horses, have cloned man's best friend ''dog'',
for the first time. It has been stated that dogs are the most problematic animals in cloning, any living
thing can be cloned with the inclusion of humans.
Broken Heart
The stressrooted ''broken heart syndrome'' happens when, like: a beloved person has departed and
people usually confuse it with the heart attack. On a research made on a group of people where the
majority were women, it was found out that adrenaline rise, which temporarily paralyses the
myocard or the stress hormones cause the syndrome. Broken heart syndrome is temporary and
leaves no permanent damage in the heart.
Fighting AIDS
WHO, was aiming to supply 3 million AIDS patients, with lifesaving antivirus medicine last year.
Although the aim is not covered totally, a month before the end of the year, it is widely regarded to
be successful. 14 of the countries which have been deeply effected by the disease, have supplied at
least half of their patients with the medicine."
,"Dear Sir / Madam
My name is …, I'm a 26 year old student at Freshman level at .. University Journalism Department.
When I found out this kind of volunteering I immediately realized that I wanted to be part of it. With
this letter I would like to apply as a volunteer participant in your EVS Project. I would like to bring you
closer to how deeply I yearn to become a part of your team and why I think you would make a great
decision in choosing me.
You are probably asking yourself why I'm so confident about myself and what uses I can offer more
than someone elseş As I have already mentioned, I am a student of Journalism and on the other
hand, this will be my second degree. I have studied history for 4 years. History has also always
captivated my interest. It is history that made of the world what it is today. The rich European history
is very fascinating. And there are also many interesting aspects about today‘s Europe.
I'm a highly motivated, hardworking, tolerant and dynamic individual with expressed communication
and organisational skills. During my time as a student I gathered up a big amount of experience in
working with people in a wide range of jobs (from being a promoter, to a hostess, and a waitress) I
have lived in the UK as au pair for 2 years. During that time ,I have had the opportunity to improve
my English . I also volunteered as a teaching assistant ,I was helping Turkish originated children to
learn and improve their Turkish. I have kept myself busy .Doing all that, I learned that I enjoy working
with people and that it fully satisfies me. And I'm really good at it. I can easily adapt in any work
environment and in group work. An individual work that requires an initiative and a responsible
person with a sense of personal organisation do not cause me any trouble ; I act equally good in both
surroundings and I cope effectively with all kinds of demands put before me.
I'm computer literate and I speak, read and write English and a little bit of Persian. But I also think
that there's a lot more work before me to achieve a level of a perfectly spoken Persian.
In private, I like sports and dancing. Depending on the degree of free time I have, and my mood, I do
cycling, and I run, too. Also I adore reading. Whether it's daily or weekly press, and all sorts of
magazines, novels, some Internet sites – from yellow pages to scientific articles, arts to love themes –
I swallow it all in one breath. Any gathering or activity of all sorts, including people spending time
together, will always draw my attention. I'm a big movie lover and I enjoy listening to music. And if
you add a good cup of coffee with a piece of cake accompanying it, plus my family and friends, with
whom I share all my interests and some free time, that makes my winning choice.
I'm sure you have already got an idea of how much I would like to come and become a player in your
team, but all the same, I shall use one more opportunity to express how strongly I desire to volunteer
in your EVS Project and how I'm convinced I have a lot to contribute with my experience and
personality as your team member. The changes and all the adjustments that I would confront do not
frighten me, moreover, they would keep me challenged. For all the potential shortfalls that will occur
I'm willing to compensate for them with my maximum effort and doing my best. I'm very ambitious,
prepared to learn and ready to adopt new skills. I would be very grateful if you give me the chance to
represent all my qualities and ambitions in person. As I have mentioned before, this opportunity
means a lot to me and represents a big possibility in enriching myself as a person as well as
developing myself in a professional sense.
I thank you for your time reading this letter and I eagerly await a positive response. If you have any
questions, please do contact me through or through my personal email address
Biraz deĞiŞiklik yaptIm ama kullanacaksanIz iyice okuyup karar veriniz. DoĞruluĞu ya da duzgunlugu
iÇin garanti veremem."
,"The differentation in size and shape of deformation in dependence on shape of extrudate
crosssection and extrusion load is especially visible in the case of extrusion of nonaxisymmetrical
This differentation results in the complex nature of flow. The flow is consequential from change with
circular section of the billet on noncircular section of extrudate and various configuration of
deformation zones. The flow is to comparison with extrusion of axisymmetrical crosssection
Deformasyonun ebat ve sekil ozelliginin ekstruzyon urunu kesiti ve ekstruzyon yukune baglIlIktaki
farklIlIgI en cok ekstruzyonun aksisimetrik olmayan ( eksene gore simetrik olmayan ) kesitlerinde
Bu farklIlasma kendini karmasIk akIs ozelligine baglI gosteriyor. AkIs, ekstruzyon urununun dairesel
olmayan kesitlerindeki blok kesitindeki degisimle ve deformasyon bolgelerinin bircok farklI olusumu
ile ortaya cIkIyor. AkIs, aksisimetrik ekstruzyon urunu kesitinin ekstruzyon tipine gore degisim
,"Please let us admonish the firm and SGS.
I talked to Jackie, she said he / she probably did not take this subject into serious consideration. But,
with the specimens we have, the tape seems unbound to the plastic part. The customer can put it in
place in the way she / he pleases. Moreover, even if put in place, it can easily be taken off and put in
the reverse position.
If you clarify the topic, we could warn the firm accordingly
As Emir has stated the tape hook and loop, out of the device, comes upside down. Jacky's attended
the SGS inspection, have not they figured it outş
The arm tape of PMP product, when first taken out of its box, I think the hook and loop part comes
off upside down. I doubt it will be returned as customer complaint. Could you possibly take a new
product as a specimen and check it and confirm.
If needed let us warn the firm on the new orders.
To inform you and awaiting comments from you."
,"You spoil my soul.
You tarnish me.
Immolation isimli Grubun sarkI sozlerinde geciyor.
4. Tarnished
Spoil the soul, Spoil the flesh
Inhaling sin to survive
Leaving grace behind
Feel the dirt under your skin
Feel the filth work it‘s way in
You are the guilty
You are the shamed
You took the good
Threw it away
Destroyed your life
And those you‘ve betrayed
You have been tarnished
Forever tarnished
AyrIca dini yazItlarda :
King James Bible
For the LORD will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them."
,"Cok kaynak bulamadIm bu konuda, bir sitede ise 'terminative verb' lerle daha cok kullanIldIgIndan
bahsediliyor. Yani sonu olan fiiller : Fiil devamlI degilse. Mesela take, do, get ... gibi ama go, hate.. gibi
sonu olmayan fiillerde kullanIlmadIgIndan bahsediliyor. Kesin bir bilgi yok.
're' yi basa alacaksanIz anlam karmasasI yasamamaya bakIn. 'Store' : depolamak, restore :
iyilestirmek ve tekrar depolamak.
'cover' : ustunun ortmek, recover : iyileŞmek ve tekrar ustunu ortmek,..
Esas manalarIn onceligi var.
Bir kaynakta ise 're' ile baslayan su fiiller tanImlI, bir goz atIn isterseniz :
NOT : Kaynaktaki butun 're' ile baslayan fiiller. Kurala uymayanlar da var edit edemedim uzgunum :)
(f.) tekrar emmek veya icine cekmek.
(f.) uzatmak; elini uzatIp almak veya alarak verm
(f.) tepki gŞstermek, tepkimek; tersine hareket e
(f.) tekrar yururluĞe koymak, tekrar calIŞtIrmak.
(f.) (read) (red) (i.) okumak, kIraat etmek; anla
(f.) tekrar duzeltmek, yeniden duzenlemek, yeniden
(f.) tekrar (uyeliĞe, ŞĞrenciliĞe) kabul etmek."",
(f.) tekrar teyit etmek, tekrar doĞrulamak."", 1);
realize, (Ing.) ise
(f.) anlamak, tasavvur etmek; idrak etmek; gercek
(f.) (delik) geniŞletmek; (den.) kalafat icin ara
(f.) yeniden canlandIrmak."", 1);
(f.) bicmek, orak ile bicmek, hasat etmek; mahsul
(f.) kaldIrmak, yukseltmek, dikmek; inŞa etmek, b
(f.) yeniden silahlandIrmak; modern silahlarla do
(f.) yeniden duzenlemek, yeniden tanzim etmek. re
(f.) usa vurmak, uslamlamak, muhakeme etmek; sonuc
(f.) guvenini tazelemek, tekrar temin etmek; (bak
(f.) (reaved veya reft) eski zorla elinden almak,
(f.), (i.) iskonto etmek, indirim yapmak, tenzilA
(f.) (led, ling) isyan etmek, ayaklanmak, karŞI ge
(f.) carpIp geri sIcramak, geri tepmek; yansImak,
(f.), (i.) azarlamak, paylamak, tekdir etmek; (i.
(f.) (ted, ting) curutmek; (huk.) delillerle redde
(f.) inat etmek, karŞI gelmek, boyun eĞmemek. reca
(f.), (i.) geri caĞIrmak; hatIrlamak, anImsamak;
(f.) sŞzunu geri almak, vaz gecmek, caymak. recant
(f.), (i.) Iastik kaplamak; (i.) kaplanmIŞ lastik.
(f.), (i.), (k.dili) Şzetlemek; (i.) Şzet."", 1);
(f.) Şzetlemek. recapitula'tion (i.) Şzet. recapit
(f.) yeniden dŞkmek; yeniden duzenlemek; yeniden
(f.) cekilmek, geri cekilmek; uzaklaŞmak; vaz gecm
(f.) almak; kabul etmek; haber almak; anlamak, ka
(f.) karŞIlIklI hareket etmek, karŞIlIĞInI yapmak,
(f.) ezberden okumak; nakletmek, hikAye etmek, der
(f.), eski ehemmiyet vermek, Şnemsemek, dikkat gŞs
(f.), (i.) geri istemek veya caĞIrmak; ziraate elv
(f.) boylu boyuna uzanmak; arkaya dayanmak, uzan
(f.) tanImak, kabul etmek, teslim ve itiraf etmek
(f.), (i.) geri cekilmek; irkilmek; seĞirdim yapma
(f.) yeniden toplamak, yeniden yIĞmak; kendini to
(f.) hatIrlamak. recollection (i.) hatIra; hatIrla
(f.) emanet etmek, havale etmek, tavsiye etmek, s
(f.) (ted, ting) tekrar tetkik etmek uzere heyete
(f.), (i.) karŞIlIĞInI vermek, mukafatlandIrmak;
(f.) barIŞtIrmak, aralarInI bulmak; razI etmek; uz
(f.) tamir edip yenilemek; Islah etmek."", 1);
reconnoiter, (Ing.) tre
(f.), (i.) araŞtIrma yapmak, incelemek, tetkikte
(f.) tekrar tetkik etmek, hakkInda tekrar duŞunme
(f.) yeniden tertip etmek, tekrar kurmak. reconst
(f.) tekrar inŞa etmek, yeniden yapmak veya terti
(f.) eski haline dŞnuŞturmek."", 1);
(f.) yazmak kaydetmek; deftere kaydetmek; banda al
(f.) nakletmek, hikAye etmek."", 1);
(f.), (i.) tekrar saymak, yeniden hesap etmek; (i.
(f.), (i.) telafi etmek; zarar Şdemek; (huk.) eld
(f.) yeniden dŞŞemek; tekrar kapatmak; dŞŞemesini
(f.) tekrar ele gecirmek, geri almak, bir daha bu
(f.) yeniden yaratmak, ihya etmek. recrea'tion (i
(f.) canlandIrmak, dinlendirmek, eĞlendirmek, haya
(f.) ŞikAyete karŞI Şikayet veya iftiraya karŞI i
(f.) nuksetmek (hastalIk). recrudescent (s.) tekra
(f.) ordu veya donanma icin nefer kaydetmek, acem
(f.) tashih etmek, duzeltmek, Islah etmek; tasfiy
(f.) sIhhat veya kuvvetini tekrar kazandIrmak veya
(f.) tekrar olmak, tekrarlamak (olay, hastalIk);
(f.) geriye veya aŞaĞI doĞru eĞmek. recurvate, re
(f.) (kullanIlmIŞ maddeleri) yeniden iŞleyip kull
(f.) yazI haline koymak; tashih edip basIlmak ici
(f.), (leh.), up ile duzenlemek; boŞaltmak; arabul
(f.) kIrmIzIlaŞtIrmak, kIrmIzIlaŞmak."", 1);
(f.), (i.), eski, (leh.) ŞĞut vermek, nasihat etme
(f.) bedelini verip geri almak, rehinden kurtarma
(f.) yeniden iyi hale koymak, yenilemek. redinteg
(f.) yeniden salIk vermek; (mektuba) duzeltilmiŞ
(f.) secim bŞlgelerini yeniden sInIrlandIrmak."",
(f.) iki misline cIkarmak; tekrarlamak; yansIlamak
(f.), (i.) neticelenmek; gerektirmek, vesile olmak
(f.), (i.) doĞrultmak, tashih etmek, duzeltmek; ha
(f.) azaltmak, indirmek, kIrmak, kucultmek; Şidde
(f.), (s.) tekrarlamak; iki kat etmek; (gram.) kip
(f.), (i.) tekrar aksetmek, yankIlamak, aksettirme
(f.) yeniden eĞitmek; eĞiterek Islah etmek."", 1);
(f.), (i.) buhar veya buĞu yaymak; fena koku yaym
(f.), (i.) dŞnmek, cabuk dŞnmek; sersemlemek, baŞI
(f.), (pol.) tekrar secmek. reelection (i.) tekrar
(f.) tekrar girmek; yeniden kaydetmek veya ettirm
(f.) yeniden deĞerlendirmek; yeniden gŞz Şnune alm
(f.) (reeved veya rove) (den.) bir halatIn ucunu
(f.) tekrar sorguya cekmek. reexamina'tion (i.) t
(f.), (i.) tekrar ihrac etmek; (i.) tekrar ihrac
(f.) vermek, isnat etmek, hamletmek; gŞndermek, ha
(f.), (i.) tekrar doldurmak; (i.) herhangi bir ka
(f.) tasfiye etmek, saf hale koymak; inceleŞtirmek
(f.), (i.) tekrar kullanIlacak hale koymak, tamir
(f.) aksetmek, yansImak; ayna gibi hayalini gŞste
(f.) geriye cekmek veya bukmek; yansItmak."", 1);
(f.) kesilmiŞ ormanda yeniden aĞac dikmek. refores
(f.), (i.) Islah etmek, reform yapmak; yenileyip d
(f.) yeniden teŞkil etmek, yeni Şekle koymak, duz
(f.) IŞInlarI kIrmak. refract (İng.) angle kIrIlm
(f.), from ile kendini zaptedip cekmek, bir Şey y
(f.) tazelemek, yeniden canlandIrmak, hayat vermek
(f.) soĞutmak, buzdolabI icinde dondurmak veya don
(f.) yakIt ikmal etmek."", 1);
(f.), (i.) alInmIŞ parayI geri vermek, Şdemek; te
(f.) kabul etmemek, reddetmek, vermemek, razI olm
(f.) yeniden fitil yerleŞtirmek."", 1);
(f.) yalanlamak, delillerle curutmek. refutable (s
(f.) tekrar ele gecirmek, yeniden kazanmak; tekrar
(f.), (i.) mukellef ziyafetle aĞIrlamak, muhteŞem
(f.) dikkatle bakmak, dikkat etmek; itibar etmek,
(f.) kaydetmek, deftere gecirmek, tescil etmek; gŞ
(f.) istifraĞ etmek, kusmak, geri cIkarmak."", 1);
(f.) pazarda veya panayIrda tekrar kAr ile satmak
(f.) geri cekilmek, ricat etmek. regression (i.)
(f.), (i.) teessuf etmek, muteessif olmak, kederle
(f.) intizama koymak, duzenlemek, usulune uydurma
(f.) nizama sokmak, tanzim etmek,duzenlemek, yolun
(f.) kusturmak, geri cIkarttIrmak; istifraĞ etmek
(f.) tamir etmek, onarmak; yeniden ehliyetini ver"
,"Evliya Celebi
Celebi The Traveller
Traveller, author and researcher Evliya Celebi was born in 1611.
Evliya Celebi whose real name is Dervish Mehmed Zilli, in the year 1611, was born in Kutahya
according to some sources and in Istanbul, UnkapanI to others. His father, Dervish Mehmed Zilli was
the head of the jewellery artists in the palace.
His family migrated from Kutahya to settle down in UnkapanI. After taking a private primary
education, he studied at the madrasah. He learnt gilding, calligraphy and embroidery arts from his
father. He underwent to the service of Murad the IV th through the help of his uncle Melek Ahmed
In the introduction part of his brilliant work 'Seyahatname', he writes about once seeing Hz.
Mohammad in his dream, and in spite of claiming an intercession ( Şefaat ) that he mistakenly said
'Travel ( Seyahat ) ya Resullah ( Prophet of God )'. And mentions that Hz. Mohammad bestowed him
the gift of being able to travel and see the far away countries.
Upon this dream, he started off to travel in Istanbul at the first place and write down what he heard
or saw. In 1640's he traveled in Bursa, Izmit and Trabzon. In 1645, he went to Crimea to BahadIr
Giray's side.
He went on distant journeys with the important persons of the government and joined the wars as a
letter carrier, a messenger.
In 1645, before the war ended with the takeover of Yanya, he was a missionary of Yusuf Pasha. In
1646, he took the job of being an accountant of Defterzade Mehmed Pasha. He journeyed to Eastern
provinces, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
He once was given the mission of carrying letters to the khan of Revan. For this reason, he journeyed
in Gumushane and Tortum districts. In 1648, he returned to Istanbul to travel to Damascus with
Mustafa Pasha and traveled there for three years.
After 1651, he began to travel in Rumeli and for a time he was in Sofia. Between the years 16671670
he traveled in Austria, Albania, Tesselia, Kandiye, Gumulcine and Selanik precincts.
In the time period exceeding 5 decades, he made researches on how people live and people's distinct
features. His travels, other than leaning on observatory quotations and tellings, lean on nontrivial
observations and commentaries as well.
Seyahatname not only encompasses a peculiar area of study but also everything related to people.
When examined prosewise, in the Ottoman society, and especially the widely popular prosestyle in
the Ottoman Literature, he had not associated his writings with prose.
In Divan Literature, prose was another thing, and was put into words with embellishments. Evliya
Celebi as an author broke this rule. He was closer to daily conversations and adopted a style that was
easy to write and talk.
The style was fluent, thrilling, sometimes frolicky and satirical. He did not go on to only to convey
what he heard or saw but also added his commentaries, and thoughts, thus making travel authoring
gain a new comprehension.
The success he shows in storytelling lies in the wellemployment of the technique he uses. He does
not limit storytelling in a peculiar period of time. This happens once as the author plays with the time
flow of events and quotes.
Evliya Celebi, tells of two happenings of the same timeperiod as if he saw them both at the same
time. Thus, he gets rid of the concept of time. In his Seyahatname, he illustrates information and
documentaries that could as well be topics of research.
Amongst these, stories, folk songs, folkloric poetry, quotations, tales, manis, differences in accent,
folkloric plays, dressing styles, weddings, belief, neighboring ethique, treatments of society and
objects of art cover up a special place.
Besides folkloric information, he talks about the various structures such as regional houses, mosques,
fountains, inns, palaces, Turkish baths, churches, monasteries, towers, castles, city walls, roads and
synagogues. He tells about the years of the construction, the builders, the one who ordered the
buildings to be built and the ones who restored them.
Evliya Celebi, talks about the surroundings of the building, the weather around and everything
related. Thus incorporating vividity into the subject and creating a wholeness with the ambience.
Another attribute of Seyahatname is that it gives place to styles of living of people of different places,
living styles, behaviors, agricultural works, ornaments, and instruments in detail.
In some sections, he mentions the gubernatorial attribute of the district, ancient families, elders,
poets, players, and missionaries in various parts in detail. The work is important languagewise.
He uses the local tongue when he conveys the happenings and observations. These samplings have
been useful in language researches, usage and spreading areas of words.
Although his Seyahatname became largely famous, scientifically Evliya Celebi has not been the
subject of a resarch or work. He is thought to have died while on return from Egypt or in Istanbul."
,"According to WWFTurkey data, 1 million 300 thousand hectares of wet land (an area,
approximately 3 times as large as Lake Van) have disappeared during the last 40 years. This number
is equivalent to half of Turkey's water resources.
The International Mathematics Conference will be held at SabancI University between 17th and 21st
of September. ""About 50 mathematicians from various countries among which are Germany, Spain
and the USA with the inclusion of Turkey will attend the Functional Analysis and Complex Analysis
diye cevirirdim :)"
,"AyrIca, '' but '' da durumu bozmakta, Asya'nIn bazI bolgelerinden bahsedilirken, birden '' but ''
kullanIlarak yine Asya'dan bahsedilmiŞ. '' but it is in Africa... '' gibi apayrI bir kItadan bahsedilseydi, ''
but '' kullanImI uygun olurdu. Diye dusunuyorum ..."
,"A clotheshorse (often written as two words, ie clothes horse) also known as a winterdyke or a
clothes maiden, refers to a frame (usually wooden, metal or
plastic) upon which clothes are hung after washing to enable them to dry. Compare with washing
The name clothes horse was in use by 1800.
For several decades, the term has been used to refer to people who are overly concerned or
obsessed with dressing fashionably.
clotheshorse, clothes horse, winterdyke, clothes maiden.
Ref :
AyrIca diger manalarInda lostruh'a da katIlIyorum."
,"Evet haklIsInIz. ' Require ' cevirisiyle ilgili bir sorun var. ' demand ' olarak algIladIm. Ama ' need '
sanIrIm siz daha iyi biliyorsunuzdur ki ben Almanca bilmem. Kimse yardIm etmemisti, ben de
translator kullandIm. Bu post cok eski sanIrIm. Siz nasIl bu posta ulastInIz ş
Concepts On Aging
AGE: Is divided into 2, the biological and chronological age. Although the chronogical age is the same
in all humans, biological age varies from individual to individual.
Chronological Age : Sum of all the years starting from birth to the present.
Biological Age : The indication of the biological step in time units.
Aged: WHO has chronologically considered aging, in 1963, and divided into 3 stages.
The Middle Aged : ( 45 49 years old )
The Aged : ( 60 74 years old )
The High Aged : ( 75 + years old )
Accordingly, anyone above 60 is said to be aged.
The Senectitude : Is the increase of death chance due to aging, time dependence of individual's
power to adapt to the changing environment and the organism's depreciation in potential of building
a balance between interior and exterior factors. In other words, senectitude is a normal physiological
concept and is the incompensable make for physical and psychological strengths without ever again
to restore.
AGING : Is a period of the being to end of life of the living. It can be sectioned into 4 stages.
3Halt and Regression Start
Aging should not only be considered as the change in physical outlook. One must think of a person
with the interior and the appearance as a whole.
Aging, frequently brings up pains, paralysis of mind, confusion. The feeling of being not connected to
the society, thoughts of isolation, introversion, and functions of the body, since they are suicidal
changes, the aged need to be dealt with these changes with outside help.
Senectitude, is a stage where the person goes through problems and where the time of living is
completed. Aging, is the beginning of dissolution, the back evolution where behaviors go back to the
primordial, and a start of regression."
,"(Neil Diamond)
Kentucky Woman
She shines in her own kind of light
She looks at you once in a day
And what's wrong is alright
And I love her,
God knows I love her
Kentucky Woman
She gets to know you
She gets to hold you
Kentucky Woman
She ain't the kind to turn
at the drop of her name
Well all the things she does
they turn you on just the same
And I love her,
God knows I love her
Kentucky Woman
She gets to know you
She gets to hold you
Kentucky Woman
I don't want much
The Good Lord's earth beneath my feet
A gentle touch
Cause that one girl in life is sweet and good
There ain't no doubt, I'm talking about
Kentucky Woman
She gets to know you
She gets to hold you
Kentucky Woman
Kentucky Woman she shines in her own kind of light
She looks at you once in a day
And what's wrong is alright
And I love her, yes I do, I love her
Kentucky Woman
She gets to know you
She gets to hold you
Kentucky Woman
Kentucky Woman
Kentucky Woman
Kentucky Woman
Kentucky KadIn'I boyledir :)"
,"Je n'ai pas peur de la route Faudrait voir, faut qu'on y gote Des mandres au creux des reins Et tout
ira bien l Le vent nous portera Ton message la Grande Ourse Mme s'il ne sert rien va Et la trajectoire
de la course Un instantan de velours Le vent l'emportera Tout disparatra mais La caresse et la
mitraille Le vent nous portera Et cette plaie qui nous tiraille Le palais des autres jours D'hier et
demain Gnetique en bandouillre Le vent les portera Des chromosomes dans l'atmosphre Et mon
tapis volant dis ' Des taxis pour les galaxies Le vent l'emportera Le vent nous portera Tout disparatra
mais Ce parfum de nos annes mortes Infinit de destins Ce qui peut frapper ta porte On en pose un et
qu'estce qu'on en retient' Le vent l'emportera Pendant que la mare monte Et que chacun refait ses
comptes Des poussires de toi Le vent les portera J'emmne au creux de mon ombre Le vent nous
portera Tout disparatra mais"
,"Half of the increase in EU Aid for Trade is specifically targeted toward the African, Caribbean and
Pacific countries (ACP), .
A) unless ( if not ) the European Commission set up this programme to promote investment and
technology flow in these countries
B) although ( raĞmen ) the EU has used trade to advance its development cooperation objectives in
the ACP nations for decades
C) with which ( the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) ) the EU is negotiating regional
Economic Partnership Agreements designed to remove all tariff and quota barriers to the EU market
D) which ( Half of the increase in EU Aid for Trade ) could have enabled the leastdeveloped countries
to use trade more effectively to achieve their development goals
E) because the European Commission allocated billions of dollars for cooperation with nonACP
,"Yoo estagfurullah, tabii haklIsInIz hata olunca uyarmak iyidir.
Ama SayIn Eloglu, "" community "" , birden fazla insan barIndIrIyor ve cogul gibi kullanIlabilir.
Birkac ornek cumle izninizle :
The platoon have wiped their enemies off this earth.
The group have done great deeds.
Mor ve Otesi are a band from Turkey."
,"Arkadaslar, vikipediye wikipedia'dan ( en.wikipedia.com ) veya baska dillerden hangilerini
biliyorsanIz cevirilerinizle katkI yapmaya ne dersiniz.
Bunu baslatmak isterim, bilemiyorum daha once boyle thread var mIydI. Ve bilmiyorum burasI thread
acmak icin uygun bir yer mi. Ama ceviri yapan arkadaslar, vikipediye katkI saglamak isterlerse, lutfen,
buraya yazsInlar.
Benim katkIm :
Autotomy ( Yunan auto = kendi, tomy= kesmek ) veya kendi uzuvunu kesip atmak, hayvanlarIn bir
veya daha fazla uzvunu bilerek kaybetmesidir. Genellikle, avcI ( predator ) dan kurtulmak icin yapIlIr.
KayIp olan govde organI daha sonra rejenere olabilir.
Geckolar, skinkler ve diger kertenkeleler, kuyruklarInI feda ederek, kacabilirler. AyrIlan kuyruk,
hareket etmeye devam eder ve avcInIn dikkatini uzerine alIr, boylece de kurban kacar. Birkac haftada
kuyruk bolumsel olarak yerine gelebilir. Yeni bolum, kIkIrdaktan olusur ( kemik degil ) ve bu kIsmIn
deri rengi daha farklI olur. Genelllikle daha koyu renkli ve hic ya da daha az patternli.
Ototomi, kertenkelerde omurgadaki ozel zayIf bolgelerle imkan bulur. Esas olarak, kertenkele
bolgesel kuyruk kasInI kasar ama omurga ayrIlIr, kuyruk degil. KanamayI azaltmak icin Sphincter
kaslarI ( Caudal atardamar ) civarInda kasIlIr.
Diger hayvanlar, ahtapotlar, yengecler, deniz yIldIzlarI, Istakozlar ve orumcekler, hayatta kalmak icin,
uzuv kaybedip, rejenere edebilirler. Ototomi, bazI ahtapotlarda, hayatta kalmak ve uremek icin
kullanIlIr. Ozel ciftlesme uzantIsI ( hectocotylus ) erkekten ciftlesme sIrasInda ayrIlIr ve disinin mantle
boslugunda kalIr. Eviscerasyon, deniz hIyarlarInIn , baskI altInda, ic organlarIndan kurtulmasI da bir
cesit ototomidir ve kaybolan organ zamanla yerine gelir.
BazI bal arIlarInIn igneleri ozel bir durumdur. AyrIlan igne gangliona sahiptir ve igne kurbana daha da
girer ( igne saftI hareket eder. ), zehir kesesi de, igne ayrIldIktan sonra ehir salgIlamaya devam eder.
Bircok ototomi durumundan farklI olarak, arI bir sure sonra olur ( yenilenme olmaz ). Butun gercek
bal arIlarI ( cins : Apis ) bu ototomi cesidini barIndIrIr. Baska hicbir igne sahibi arI, yellowjacket
esekarIlarI, Meksikan Bal wasplarI ( esekarIlarI ) da rejenere olmaz ki igneleri kancalIdIr.
Kralice bal arIsInIn ignesinde kanca yoktur ama ototomi de gorulmez. Bal arIlarInIn erkekleri,
ciftlesme sIrasInda ototomiye ugrar, genital organ kralicenin icinde kalIr ve daha sonraki erkek arIlar
bundan kurtulmalIdIrlar. Erkek arIlar, ciftlesme sonrasI olurler."
,"Son ziyaretimizde anlattIgImIz gbi, TR'de deneme yapIp, orada teknigin kullanIlIslIlIgInI gormek
istiyoruz boylelikle de size teknik gereksinimlerini ve kontrollu sonuclarI gosterebiliriz. Bu amac icin,
en kIsa zamanda bize bildiriniz ki kayIt ya da diger resmi izne ihtiyacImIz
olacak mI cunku ( tuzak + bocek cekici + bocek zehiri ) kullanacagIz TR'de, ya da direkt kullanabilir
Denemelerde iyi sonuclar icin 45 hektarlIk alanlara ihtiyac var. Lutfen boyle uygun bircok alan
bulmaya calIsabilir misiniz ş SanIyorum denemeleri ilk meyvelerini en kIsa zamanda verecek
narenciye turlerinde yapmak en iyisi, Agustos gibi topraklara tuzaklarI kurabiliriz. ZamanImIz olsa da
bu sorularIn cevaplarInI en kIsa zamanda ogrenmeliyiz ki denemelere baslayalIm ( organize edelim )."
,"Odeillo gÜneŞ IsIsIyla calIsan kazandan fazla uzakta olmayan Themis gÜneŞ enerji kulesi MayIs
1983‘te Fransa(FransIz Cerdagne) Targassonne‘da EDF tarafIndan aÇIldI.
2 MW‘lik guc Üretimine sahipti. (YaklaŞIk 45 milyon avro) 300 milyon FransIz frankIna mal olan
inŞaat, 1979‘da baŞladI.
KendiliĞinden elektrik tÜrbini Üreten, soĞutucunun ( eriyik tuzlar ) termal enerjiyi buhar
jenaratŞrÜne taŞIdIĞI 100 metrelik kulenin en ÜstÜndeki kazanI kaynatan (soĞutucu tÜpler ile oyuk
dizgini ) 201 ayna dizinine dayanIr.
DŞkme tuzlar potasyum nitrat (%53), sodyum nitrit ( %40) ve sodyum nitrat (%7) idi.SoĞutucu agent (
sogutucu ) giriŞ derecesi 250 °C ve ÇIkIŞ derecesi 450 °C idi.
Buhar jeneratŞrÜndeki buhar Üretimi 50 bar basIncta ve 430 °C idi.
Themis 3 sene boyunca guc Üretti ve 1986 Haziran'Inda kIsmen soĞutucunun kullanIm zorluĞu
nedeniyle Üretimi durdu.
Themis 20 yIldan uzun sÜre etkisiz ( uykuya dalma tam manasIyla ama burada tabii ki kullanIlmamasI
) hale geldi, bazen bilime hizmet amaÇlI kullanIldI, atmosfere Çarpan gama IŞInlarInI ŞlÇen bir
Cherenkov Hava Teleskopu.
Bu ceviri tamamIyle xscorpionax'a ait ve muthis cevirmis, ben sadece "" furnace "" ve "" power ""
cevirileriyle oynadIm. UmarIm bana kIzmaz xscorpionax."
,"Funk adIna, hardrock adIna yapIlacak herseyi yapIyorlar. 2000 yIlInda "" Californication ""
albumunu cIkardIklarInda ve satIn alIp dinledigimde, "" Ýste Otherside da bir Under the Bridge gibi
klasik olacak"", dedim kendi kendime.
Ama adamlar durmadIlar, "" By the Way "", sonra da "" Stadium Arcadium "" geldi.
Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic 'teki "" Give it Away "", klibi olsun superdir.
Sevgili sivilsaka ve karahindibag, bunlarIn vokalisti filmlerde de aktorluk yapmIs. Sylvester Stallone'la
bir filmde oynamIs cocuklugunda Anthony Kiedis.
Flea ise bir bass ustadI. Frusciante, bir senede 7 solo album cIkaracak kadar uretken. Chad Smith,
zaten onsuz olmuyor :)
"" Soul to Squeeze "" diye bir Coneheads film muzikleri vardIr. Muthistir.
Zaten Californication sarkIsIna cektikleri klip super.
Muzik durmuyor, surekli gelisiyor. Metalin her turunun piyasayI ele gecirdigi bu zamanlarda RHCP,
daha sakin ve daha guzel muzikler yapmayI beceriyor.
Ama daha once de dedigim gibi classic lineup yapIyor bunu. AdamlarI Frusciante bir terk etti, adamlar
duzgun album yapamaz oldular.
Hep sunu dusunmusumdur, adamlar saglam muzik yapIyorlar ve birinin adIna "" Californication ""
diyorlar. Keske Turk sanatcIlardan da evrensel muzik yapIlsa ve biz de ulkemizi en azIndan sarkI
adlarIyla tanItabilsek.
YazIsmak isterseniz RHCP hakkInda, burada yazIsalIm :):)
SaygIlar, Sevgiler..."
,"gelmeni isterim tabiki
Sure, I do want you to come.
gelirsen seninle yaŞarIm
I'll live with you if you come
seni arkadaŞIma verdim
I gave you ( your number ş ) to my friend
iyi eylenceler sana
Have fun
ben verdim adresi arkadaŞa
I gave the address to my friend
iÇinde yaŞayan
Living inside
uzaklIk sevgIyIde bItIrIyor
Distance kills love
izin verirsen
If you let
yIĞInI deĞildir
It is not the heap
Let them not see
See you when you come
senin hakkinda cok dÜŞÜnÜyorum
I always think about you"
,"Although to a small degree, all the species have been affected by the condition.
All the species have been affected by the condition, but scantly.
Even to an inconsiderable degree, conditionally, all the species have gotten their due.
However little, all the species have been affected by the condition."
,"Sevgili SivilŞaka, Kiedis'in cocukken oynadIgI film F.I.S.T. miŞ.
AyrIca daha baska filmlerde de oynamIs.
Fortune Faded i nasIl buluyorsun ş Gercekten ritmik, kulaga hos gelen muzik yapIyorlar, degil mi ş
Snow Hey Oh ! da cok hosuma gidiyor. Ama Stadium Arcadium, almIs olmama ve ipoda atmama
ragmen cok dinleyemedim. "" Dani California "" da, Frusciante'nin solosunun geldigi yeri bayagI
adrenalin arttIrIcI buluyorum.
Bi de "" Californication "" dan sonra gelen "" Easily "", bircok Turk Grubu, bar tipi yerlerde calIyor
MTV'de TOP TEN olurdu, 10 sarkI aynI gruptan arka arkaya. RHCP olunca zaplayamIyorsun da.
Sen sadece RHCP mi dinler ve begenirsin ş Cunku ben ilk baslarda Led Zep ile baslamIstIm bu rock
seruvenine. Surekli LZ dinlerdim. "" No Quarter "" albumu paso :)
Ama ciddi manada, guncel muziklerde RHCP bir numara, bence. Eglenceli muzik, zaten muzik de
eglendirmeli, degil mi :)
AslInda dedigin gibi Kiedis cok super bir vokalist, ama her uyesi ayrI bir yetenek. Flea'nIn contribute
ettigi grup dIsI calIsmalar sayIsIz...
Frusciante, zaten Kral :)
Smith, hele John Bonham'dan falan calIyor ki ( Drum Homage ) Live in Hyde Park'da, stli kopya.
Mukemmel , Harika...
Sen de yaz, ben de yazayIm. Herseyi bir anda tuketmeyeyim. AslInda cok da iyi bilmiyorum Grubu.
Ama Cidden Hosuma gidiyor.
"" Dani California "" da nasIl Kiedis kIlIktan kIlIga giriyor, degil mi ş :)
Taa eskilerde "" What Hits ! "" diye bir kasetlerini almIstIm ama populerlikleri sanIrIm "" BSSM "" ile
basladI, "" Give it Away "", "" Californication "" la da tavan yaptI.
"" By the Way "" de "" Zephyr Song "" hosuma gidiyor...
Senin de oralarda bir yerlerde oldugunu bilmek guzel..."
,"1 Byzantine Empire's blocking Ottoman Empire's progression and growth in Rumelia.
2 The need to conquer Istanbul to bridge between Anatolia and Rumelia.
3 Istanbul's unique situation in the Land and Sea Commerce.
4 Mehmed the 2nd's thought to meet Hz. Mohammad's hadith which is : "" Istanbul will surely be
conquered. What a splendid commander is the commander who conquers and what a splendid army
is the army which conquers her ""
5 In order to make big gaps in the strong walls of Istanbul, unprecedented cannons were cast.
6 Wheeled spires were constructed to enable smoothness in climbing of soldiers to the walls.
7 A fleet was readied to help the siege.
8 Rumelian Hisar was built against Anatolian Hisar( citadel ) to help cut the aids from the Black Sea to
Byzantine land.
9 With the conquest of Istanbul, Medieval Age ended to open the New Era.
10 Ottoman's Building Era ended, Rise Era began.
11 The connection of Silk Road to Europe was captured.
12 Ottoman Empire's reputation elevated in the Islamic World.
13 Caused the annihilation of feudalism and fortification of centralist kingdoms."
,"Those parted lovers know detachment
Parted lovers live the penitence
Two hearts beat in two far cities
Aware that he / she is being waited for in a far away city
Day comes ache in your heart, your hand reaches letters
Day comes, you'll look for me, eyes focused away
Summer comes, heat of the seaside roads at night
At each step you look for me, your eyes focused away
May the wind take my love to its lap
Over mounts and hills, reach your hair
Parted lovers know detachment
You are my soulmate
I'd feel if you forgot
If you had forgotten, you would not haunt me each morning
I came back to see you
Long time since you've been gone
Wherever you go
Keep my picture in your bag and my laughter in your mind
I did love you
I thought it'd end, it didn't
Elimden geldigince cevirmeye calIstIm."
,"In this thesis what are examined are the parameters which affect the fabrics that are produced on
the tubular knitting machine and how the parameters change the fabric's traits.
We tried to illustrate the errors that take place on Tubular Knitting Machine throughout production
and its causes.
We targeted to assist for determining the parameters that lead to the maximum usage of the fabric
before manufacturing knitted fabrics, the fabric traits have to be determined according to their usage
areas,and then the fibre, surface of the knit and finishing have to be chosen.
As a result, the usage of the fabric is maximized.
Eger hala online sanIz, Turkce metini verirseniz ugrasmak isterim."
,"In this thesis body, the extent of upto how the parameters that affect the quality of the fabric
produced on the tubular knitting machines change the fabric quality, has been studied.
We tried to investigate on the malfunctionings within the tubular knitting machines and map (
illustrate ) them. We studied the inefficacy of malfunctionings on the fabric quality and found out
ways to resolve them.
We aimed to determine the parameters that need to be changed to meet the desired quality, and we
aimed those to be of future use.
For the reasons stated above, before manufacturing of knitted material, the requirements proper in
usage areas, and along with these, fabric, knitting surface area and finishing operations should be
determined in order for mass production. Thus, the maximum efficiency can be obtained on knitted
,"Rica Ederim, Kardesinize basarIlar dilerim .
Bir nokta daha var
He may not be able too busy with his studies
cumlesine virgul eklemek zorunda kaldIm, diger turlu manasIz oluyordu cunku.
ve will i may yaptIm. BayagI bir oynadIm sanIrIm :)
He may not be able, he is too busy with his studies.
gibi yorumladIm.
ve baska bir nokta da su an dikkatimi cekti
He is been going > He's ( has ) been
gibi olsa gerek."
,"Siz anlamdan uzaklasIldIgInI soylediginiz icin "" equiweigh "" e gecis yaptIm. Google'da ise sadece
bir sayfada geciyor "" equiweigh "". Evet, haklIsInIz hiÇ de rastlanmayan bir fiil. AyrIca baska hiÇbir
sozlukte de bulamadIm. Ama manayI vermek iÇin equi oneki sanIrIm en uygunuydu :)
Beni cesaretlendiren de google aramam oldu."
,"1 Suyu acInIz
ilk kullanImda, en kIsa mesafe ( menzil ) ( 2.5 metre, akIs basIncI 2 bar genis arazi sulamasI icin )
2 OK dugmesine basInIz, yesil LED ( IsIk ) yanacaktIr.
3 ProgramI seciniz : menu dugmesine basIlI tutunuz, ta ki gerekli IsIklar (v 1 veya ) yanIncaya kadar.
Gerekli programlardan 1 veya 2 secilmiŞtir ve su an programlanabilir.
4 Portakal rengi halkadaki Hortum baslIgInI solel ( saat yonunun tersi ) kIsmInIn sonuna kadar
ceviriniz ( p1 orneginde oldugu gibi ) ve sabit tutunuz.
5 2 dugmeyi; ""+"" ve """" menzil ayarInI p1'e ulasacak sekilde ayarlayInIz.
6 OK dugmesine basInIz ( 1 saniye boyunca ) ki boylelikle ilk nokta olan p1 hafIzaya alInacaktIr.
7 Hortum baslIgInI ( portakal renkli halka uzerindeki ) elinizle 2. sulama noktasIna ( mesela p2 )
ceviriniz ve sabit tutunuz.
8 ""+"" ve """" dugmelerini kullanarak 2. noktaya ( p2 ) yetisecek sekilde ayarlayInIz .
9 OK dugmesine basInIz.
Yesil IsIk ( diyot ) 1 saniye boyunca yanacaktIr , boylece nokta hafIzaya alInmIs olacaktIr.
10 7 den 9 a kadar olan asamalarI sag el ( saat yonu ) kIsIm son nokta varIlIncaya kadar tekrar ediniz (
p 10 orneginde oldugu gibi )
11 Menu dugmesine basInIz
KIrmIzI SED dugmesi soner, ve programlama nihayetlenir, ve yesi AUTO IsIgI 1 dakika boyunca yanar.
AUTO dugmesi her 10 saniyede bir yanIp soner.
12 Hortum baslIgInI cIkarInIz ve sulanmIs bolge sInIrlarInI kontrol ediniz.
13 SInIrlar dogru sulanmIs ise suyu kesiniz.
Bir Goz AtIslIk KullanIm
1 sprinkler i ( serpme aleti ) yerine yerlestiriniz ve su kaynagIna baglayInIz.
Art. 1559 : AcIk kapak
2 Verilen portakal rengi kaplama kapagInI sprinklerin baŞ kIsmIna yerlestiriniz ( Resme bakInIz )
3 kIrmIzI ayar halkalarInI kullanarak sulanacak yere gore kaba bir ayar yapInIz.
4 Suyu acInIz
5 Deneme sulamasI yapInIz ve gerekirse sprinkler kIsmInI ayar ediniz.
6 Menu dugmesini kullanarak kIrmIzI led i seciniz.
art. 8133: 1 veya 2. programI seciniz
7 Sprinkler tamamen uzamIs olmalIdIr. Gerekirse de "" + "" dugmesine basarak ( en az bir kez ) ,
sprinkler basInIn tamamen uzamasInI saglayInIz.
8 Hortum baslIgInI ilk / bir sonraki sulama noktasIyla hizalayIn ve sabit tutun.
9 Sulama uzaklIgInI + / dugmeleriyle ayarlayInIz ve ok dugmesine basInIz.
10 Daha uzak noktalarI sulamak icin : adIm 8'den itibaren tekrar ediniz
11 Butun sulanmasI gereken noktalar sulandIgInda, yesil AUTO ledini Menu dugmesiyle seciniz.
12 Suyu kesiniz
13 Portakal renkli kapagI hortum baslIgIndan cIkarInIz.
14 art. 1559 : KapagI kapayIp kilitleyiniz.
15 Suyu acInIz, programlanan bolge sulanacaktIr.
art. = article = "" Madde "" olarak dusunuyorum."
," Aiding in the preparation and closure of incentive file.
Support in the execution of Exportation Operation
Shipment of specimens inland and abroad
Aiding in transportation procedures
Filling the invoice and bill of consignment documents
Aiding in archiving
Aiding in Import Customs Procedures
Aiding in Exportation Logistics
Registry of Freight invoices
Checking refundment invoices and comparison with the records.
Preparation of customs declaration form and preparation of Import File.
Product Tagging
Merhaba, jargonlarI bilmemekle birlikte kaba taslak boyle cevrilebilir diye dusunuyorum.
Kolay Gelsin !"
,"In this research, characterization of culture and polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) of the
Enterococcus faecalis which has been isolated from milkteeth canals, and endodontically infectious E.
faecalis progenies' in vitro state of profiling sensitivity to differing antibiotics have been aimed. In this
study, 83 necrotic and asymptotic canal samples from 145 children varying between 5 to 13 years of
age and totalling 145, have been used. In the study which encompasses culture and Polymerase
Chain Reaction ( PCR ) methods, in 20 in 83 of canals and with PCR method 22, E. faecalis was found.
Results have shown that culture and PCR methods are sensitive in determination of E. faecalis found
in tooth canals. E. faecalis progenies which are immune to many common antibiotics can cause very
hardtocure infections. Isolates of 20 E. faecalis from 83 distinct tooth canals, have been profiled
in sensitivity to ampicilline, entromycine, chloramephenycole, vancomycine, canamycine,
metranidazole, azythromycine, tetracycline, clindamycine and streptomycine and according to
Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards ( NCCLS ), minimal inhibition concentration results are
sensitive, semisensitive or resistant. A high ratio of resistivity against Canamycine and Metranidazole,
however trivial resistivity against Amphycilline, Entromycine, and Vancromycine has been observed.
Progenies are found out to be sensitive or semisensitive to other antibiotics put to test."
,"0012 ile biten kartInIzdan 1.95 dolar ÇekilmiŞ.
Kart bilgileri dokumanInIzI 23 gunde kontrol ediniz ve 4 haneli paypal kodunu bulunuz, kartInIzI
onaylatmak iÇin bu 4 haneli kodu paypal hesabInIza giriniz.
Çekilen para geri odenecek ve onaylama sonucu para yollama, alma ve Çekme lmitleri kaldIrIlacak
verifiye uye olacaksInIz.
Eger bu bilgilere online ulasabiliyorsanIz, 23 iŞgunu iÇerisinde bulacaksInIz bu 4 haneli rakamI. Ya da
mail yoluyla size postalanmasInI bekleyiniz."
,"Firing continuously and randomly at houses.
""Strafe"" : Taramak ama uÇaktan ya da helikopterden. Ben de uzattIm.
the settlement areas, houses and the people there having been being fired at, continuously and
randomly > burada alanlar evler ve insanlar taranIyor."
,"Daha spesifik bir durum olup, ( Halktan / tebaadan / ulustan ) toplu halde bahsederken kullanIlIyor.
History of a People > Bir HalkIn Tarihi
A People at war > SavaŞtaki ( bir ) Halk
HalkI biraz da vurgulamak iÇin kullanIlIyor. Yani sIradan olmayan bir grup insan gibi..."
,"• By the 45/1 order, nominally, the indicated 10 hour interview has been lowered to 5 hours
• The prisoners have been poisoned from the food they ate
• The jail has far too many prisoners ( overcapacity )
• In a 260 prisoner capacity jail, that 400 have been resident and so that some of the prisoners have
to sleep on the ground.
• 10 hour of going out into field has been cut down, the food is of lowquality, sometimes that only
olives are served in breakfasts, and food like spaghetti
• That over the 12 prisoner limit capacity of a cell, 16 dwell
• That the electricity cost is being deducted from them
• The 10 hour interview activity in the Ministry of Justice's order is not being applied and only 23
hours of it have been let to make use of.
• Segregation between judicial and political prisoners. Eg : prohibitions on the attendance of
computer courses and of the library.
• The breaches on the application submitted to the Jail Attorney having been seldom replied to. And
that it is always the jail administration which is justified.
have been indicated."
,"Bir oyun baŞlatmak istiyorum. İngilizce kelimeler yazacaĞIz ve tIpkI Televizyondaki HafIza Teknikleri
Ýovu'nda olduĞu gibi, kelimeyi bir olayla ŞzdeŞleŞtireceĞiz.
Mesela oradaki bir Şrnek : Digress ( yoldan ÇIkmak okunuŞu Daygres ) > Bir tay var ve yolunun
ÜstÜnde gres yaĞI. Tay buna basar ve yoldan ÇIkar.
Tay Gres : Digress
Ýlk Kelime : KITE ( uÇurtma okunuŞu Kayt )
KÜÇÜk ÇocuĞun uÇurtmalara ilgisi vardIr. Hep kendine gazete kaĞItlarIndan uÇurtma yapar.
KaĞIt > KITE ( uÇurtma )
Oynamak isteyenler olursa Çok sevinirim. TeŞekkÜrler..."
take off > adam uÇaĞa bindiĞinde yalnIzdIr ve uÇak kalkarken "" tekim, tek, offf"" diye serzeniŞte
take off ( teyk off ) > kalkIŞ ( uÇak vb. hava araÇlarI iÇin )"
,"HarikasInIz whitelily, kimyager22, eloglu
Perili eve girmemeleri iÇin yaŞlI kadIn ÇocuklarI uyarIr : ― TEHLÝKELÝO EV; PERÝL Ý, Uzak
durun girmeyin ―
Peril ( okunuŞu pŞril ) Ã Tehlike"
,"GerÇekten kayIt iÇin neden 1 sene beklenmesi gerektiĞini anlIyoruz. EĞer 1 Ocak'a kadar
beklersek, 1 tam sene kaybederiz, boylelikle de bize kalan, en geÇ bu ay, sizin ŞartlarInIzla, deneme
Urunumuzun viyabilitesinin ( ŞmrÜnÜn ) anlaŞIlmasI iÇin ihtiyacImIz olan hedef ÇeŞitlilik, bilhassa da
ithal olandIr.
Lutfen yorumlarInIzI bize en kIsa zamanda bildiriniz.
Gelecek Ocak'a kadar, prosedur geregi, kayIt iÇin baŞvurmak iÇin bekleyeceĞiz. Gelecek hafta, bir
zaman tablosunu deneme amacIyla hazIrlayacagIz. Lutfen gelip gelmeyeceginizi ya da denemeyi
buraya yollayacagInIzI bize bildiriniz."
,"A: In the year 2000, 20 have lost their lives by stepping upon mines, 37 have been wounded, in
2001 – 13,39 ; in 2002 – 27, 53 ; in 2003 1937. ( first number indicates the loss of lives, second the
number of the wounded, and ― in ― the year, respectively. ) In 2004, 1846 and 17 great cattle
ruined. In 2005, 4872. In 2006, 30147. In 2007, 1554. And during the first six months of 2008, by the
mines and postwar pieces of explosives 1223, and 15 smallcattle were ruined.
B: ― We dwell in City X, Borough Y, Village Z. Z is 30 kms far from Y. We make a living out of farming,
greatandsmall cattle raise. Approximately, for a month, in Ý. ( G. Neighboring ) we have put up
about 15 tents and do animal raising, and graze our animals there. And got a legal written document
from B. To set up our tents. Early on 26th of June, we were a little away from Ý. District, and a
sudden explosion took place. After that,we went near our animals. And in order to preclude 15
smallcattle being ruined, we had to kill them and we sent the useful flesh to people we are familiar
with. For 5 goats ( smallcattle category ) were dead on explosion, we left them off there.
C: We have videos / photos after the two of the events. We will present them to you on a CD. As X,
we are insistent on our denizens leading a sustainable, normal life. The denizens, under the warrant
of the government, have no expectations to return to their yards and fields and try to make a living
out of it.
Unexploded Ammunition. Ammo unexploded."
,"ÇIlgIn FransIz'In yaptIĞI bu ÇIlgInca antikler ( antikalar ) bayaĞI ilgi ÇekeceĞe benziyor. Çileden
ÇIkarIr Fr antika yapmIŞ, bize de bakmak dÜŞer.
Frantic ( frentik ) >ÇIlgIn, Çileden ÇIkmIŞ."
,"Ýimdi olaya ŞŞyle bakalIm.
Durum 1 : AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > AyakkabI + Kasadaki Para = A + KP
Durum 2: AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > A + KP + 50 ( MESLEKTAÝINDAN GERÇEK 50 ALDI, M
Durum 3: AyakkabIcI ne verdi > A + 15 ( 15 burada para ÜstÜ )
AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > A + KP + 50 ( A + 15) = KP + 35
Durum 4 : AyakkabIcI, meslektaŞIna ne verdi > 50
AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > KP + 35 50 = KP15
ZARAR = Durum 1 Durum 4
ZARAR = A + KP ( KP 15 ) = A + KP KP + 15
ZARAR = A + 15
; A = 35
ZARAR = 35 + 15 = 50
Dipnot : Tabii ayakkabI maliyeti, satIŞ fiyatI olarak dÜŞÜnÜlÜrse ; Yani AyakkabI ( A ), 35 degerindedir
( YTL ya da herhangi para birimi, birim Şnemsiz )"
,"Bir de karI ne alIcInIn : bir ayakkabI ( 35 ) ve para ustu ( 15 ), kendinden ÇIkan biŞey yok ÇÜnkÜ
sahte para veriyor.
MeslektaŞ zaten masum.
Geriye de karIn ( universal ), zarara ( universal ) ait olmasI durumundan, ayakkabIcInIn zararInIn 35 +
15 = 50
olasI lazIm.
Mass can neither be created, nor destroyed :)"
,"Durum 1 : AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > AyakkabI + Kasadaki Para = A + KP
Durum 2: AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > A + KP + 50 ( MESLEKTAÝINDAN GERÇEK 50 ALDI, M
Durum 3: AyakkabIcI ne verdi > A + 15 ( 15 burada para ÜstÜ )
AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > A + KP + 50 ( A + 15) = KP + 35
Durum 4 : AyakkabIcI, meslektaŞIna ne verdi > 50
AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > KP + 35 50 = KP15
AslInda ilginÇtir, AyakkabI satIcIsI Durum 3 ( Para ÜstÜ ve ayakkabIyI, sahtekar mÜŞteriye verdiĞi an )
'te zarar da deĞil, yani zararI sIfIr. ( karI da A ( maliyet ) 35, karI var, mesela 30 birime mal ettiyse, 5
birim karI var )
Ne zaman ki yan dukkan sahibi geliyor ve paranIn sahte olduĞunu sŞylÜyor, SatIcI o zaman toptan 50
birim zarara uĞruyor.
PragbaharI, Şu aÇIdan bakarsak, SatIcInIn AyakkabI satIŞ fiyatI kadar zararI olabilir > SatIcI bu
ayakkabIyI 35 birime mal etmedi, hatta daha azIna mal etmiŞ olmalI. ( Kar AmaÇlI ). Ne var ki,
ayakkabIyI dÜzgÜn baŞka birine 35 birime satacaktI. Yani 35 birim esas alInabilir. Bu aÇIdan,
ayakkabIdan zarar edilen miktar, ayakkabInIn satIŞ fiyatI ; yani 35 birimdir."
,"Ne zaman ki yan dukkan sahibi geliyor ve paranIn sahte olduĞunu sŞylÜyor, SatIcI o zaman toptan
50 birim zarara uĞruyor.
Bunu okuyunuz lutfen. YukarIda Boyle yazdIm, alIntI yaptIm. Zarar 50 birim zaten matematiksel
ispatInI da yaptIm.
Bu aÇIdan, ayakkabIdan zarar edilen miktar, ayakkabInIn satIŞ fiyatI ; yani 35 birimdir.
Bu da yukarIdan alIntI. Yani diyorum ki, zarar 50 birim, ama pragbaharI'nIn dediĞine katIlmIyorum.
AyakkabIdan zarar 35 birim."
,"Ýimdi olaya ŞŞyle bakalIm.
Durum 1 : AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > AyakkabI + Kasadaki Para = A + KP
Durum 2: AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > A + KP + 50 ( MESLEKTAÝINDAN GERÇEK 50 ALDI, M
Durum 3: AyakkabIcI ne verdi > A + 15 ( 15 burada para ÜstÜ )
AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > A + KP + 50 ( A + 15) = KP + 35
Durum 4 : AyakkabIcI, meslektaŞIna ne verdi > 50
AyakkabIcInIn nesi var > KP + 35 50 = KP15
ZARAR = Durum 1 Durum 4
ZARAR = A + KP ( KP 15 ) = A + KP KP + 15
ZARAR = A + 15
; A = 35
ZARAR = 35 + 15 = 50
Dipnot : Tabii ayakkabI maliyeti, satIŞ fiyatI olarak dÜŞÜnÜlÜrse ; Yani AyakkabI ( A ), 35 degerindedir
( YTL ya da herhangi para birimi, birim Şnemsiz )
Matematiksel ispatI da bu..."
,"Arabic Institute ( IMA ) has been designed so that it is a dialogue building between what is called
traditional and what is called modernism. This dialogue is attempted to be built by production of
elements in Arabic architecture with new technology. With the photoelectric cells in the library‘s
glass sect, what has been aimed was to adjust the amount of light let in, with respect to the daylight
exposure. The crevice between the library and the museum opens to a vast area as the reflection of
inner court in Arabic architecture.
Additionally, a dialogue between ancient city texture and modern Paris is another one of what have
been aimed. For example, the structure is in simple prismatic form to adapt to Jussieu University
Building, and SaintGermain Boulevard template has been taken into consideration as the height.
Long metal striped glass sect imitates a window which has Venicestyle sunblinds. Sunblinds adjust
the amount of light in, with respect to the daylight exposure, incessantly, with their minimotors."
,"The Negotiations
The villagers heard a number of gunshots between 5 and 7 in the evening.
The fingers of both hands were blackened.
He was cutting wood and making his living out of it.
Incessant cannon ball firings and gunshots were heard.
Inquiry File
In the autopsy report it was stated that a 0.7 cm bullet in radius obtained from the victim's body was
sent out to forensics for investigation and it has been written that since the wounds caused by the
firearm in the left abdominal quadrant hit the clothes of the victim, to assess the definite shooting
distance and to determine points of entry, the holedout dress the victim wore during the incident
was decided to be sent to Ýstanbul Forensics Physical Expertise Department or to Gendarmae
Criminal Department for further examination.
Seriyi tamamlayalIm :)"
,"Evet sadece sanIrIm google araŞtIrmasInda ÇIkanlar birer yazIm hatasI ya da weak English.
putt (phttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/ubreve.gift)
n. A light golf stroke made on the putting green in an effort to place the ball into the hole.
v. putt•ed, putt•ing, putts
v.tr. To hit (a golf ball) with a light stroke on the green.
v.intr. To putt a golf ball.
Ref : http://www.thefreedictionary.com/putted
"" Putted "" domain inde bir golf terimine geÇiyoruz.
O Zaman , her zaman v1,2,3 = put
ama output ya da input ' ta outputted veya inputted da mÜmkÜn gibi gŞzÜkÜyor."
,"EĞer kabul gŞrÜrse bir sÜre iÇin yazacaĞIm kelime ile ilgili ( yine aynI kurallar geÇerli biten harfle
yeni kelime ), yeni kelimeler tÜretelim. ( Ki music ile ilgili yazIlacak kelime yeni kurallarI belirlesin )
Mesela ben "" MusiC "" yazarsam, bundan sonra "" music "" le ilgili kelimeler tÜretilsin. Mesela ""
CountrY "", "" YeomaN "", "" NewAgE "", "" Electronica "", "" AcousticS "", "" SciencE "" , ""
ErgonomicS "", "", "" ErgonomicS "", "" ( Music le ilgili kelime tÜretilmesi sona erdiĞinde, bir sonraki
kelime yazarI yepyeni bir kelime versin ) "" SafetY "", "" UnioN "" ( 'y' ile okunuyor , "" ... serisinde
olduĞu gibi.
Kelimem :
MaN ( İnsanoĞlu / BeŞer )..."
,"Pardon. Sorunuz http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum21/11685.htm bununla mI ilgili ş Ben de
site hazIrladIm, biraz html biliyorum. UmarIm yardImIm olur.
A header (""Contenttype: text/html; charset=windows1252"") InIn problemi ÇŞzebileceĞi yazIyor
( KIsrak ) mare 1 (mAr) Pronunciation Key
n. A female horse or the female of other equine ( related to horses) species.
mşre (influenced by forms of mearh, horse); see marko in IndoEuropean roots.>
,"AŞaĞIda bazI deĞiŞiklikler yaptIm. Ne var ki bazI cÜmlelerde ne anlatmak istediĞinizi
anlayamadIĞIm zamanlar oldu ve ben de en yakIn manayI vermeye ÇalIŞtIm. UmarIm iŞinize yarar. :)
Dear Ms .................,
This is ( person' s name ) from ( Company name ), Ýstanbul, Turkey. From now on, I will be in charge
for any requirements you may come up with.
I am happy to have the opportunity to introduce our organization as ( company name ), to your
respected company. Our company is based in Ý
stanbul / Turkey and produces all sorts of
readymade garments for men, women and children ( for exportation only ) and is ready to create
new and prospective business opportunities for importers, large wholesalers and brand name chain
stores in the global marketplace.
In terms of quality, we produce very high quality goods at very competitive prices and many other
advantages in connections with export quotas, searching, sourcing, developing, timing and many
other aspects as well.
We produce all sorts of readymade garments made out of 100% or in different combinations of
cotton, polyester, poly/cotton, polyamide, viscose, modal, mercerized, and many other materials as
well. On the other hand,we manufacture
pants in denim, gabardine, poplin, dyed garment and in all sorts of models.We are a company which
produces different clothes from knitting, weaving and, jeans .
We are specialized in manufacturing ―sports & casual wears‖ for brand and none brand name
companies with the related products such as tshirts, polo shirts, sweat shirts, track suits, shorts,
soccer & rugby equipment / gear , jogging suits, morning robes, pyjamas etc. which are printed,
embroidered and decorated in many other ways. And also we apply different fashion finishings like
simple, heavypiece washing, sand, stone, dirty and many more washing as per our customers'
Since our establishment, we have invested much in latest technologies for better quality products,
well fitgarments, proportional cutting, sewing, modern steam ironing system, quality control,
packaging and folding techniques.
Our aims and objectives are to help foreign societies and organisations provide high quality goods
and services at very competitive prices, to any destination around the globe and we are looking
further in terms of research and development.
We believe it is the main motto of our company, and it is also known and acknowledged by every
single staff at ..........
We are a very serious organization and we are open to negotiations with mutual business
corporation and growth between our companies. Please do not hesitate to contact us / me for any
further inquiries.
We thank you for your time and attention.
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your Faithfully."
,"Bazen filmlerde, bazen kitaplarda veya baŞka yerlerde gŞrmÜŞÜzdÜr bu kelimeleri. Peki bu
kelimeler nedir ve nereden gelmiŞtir ...
Sometimes we come across these words in movies, books or in various places. But what are these
words and where do they come from ...
Mayday ( okunuŞ "" meydey "" ) > Filmlerde yardIm isteyen pilotun veya gemi kaptanInIn kullandIĞI
kelime. Fakat May ( MayIs ) ve Day ( GÜn ) ile alakasI yok. FransIzca m'aider in okunuŞu. YardIm
isteme sinyali> "" Bana yardIm et "" ( Aid kelimesine dikkat ! )
""distress call,"" 1927, from Fr. m'aider, shortening of venez m'aider ""come help me!"""
,"Millennium ( Milenyum ) > Milyonu ÇaĞrIŞtIrsa da milli ( Latin, 1000 ) 'den gelen BİN YILLIK zaman
Although it connotes "" million "", in fact it means ( milli 1000, in Latin ) 1000 years of time.
milli, from mille, thousand.> "
,"A.M. > After Midnight
P.M. > Previous Midnight
A.M. > Ante Meridiem ( Ante Before ) ( Meridiem Noon )
P.M. > Post Meridiem ( Post After ) ( Meridiem Noon )
Ante> Şnce
Post > Sonra
Meridiem> ŞĞlen
—Usage note The abbreviation a.m. for Latin ante meridiem, meaning ―before noon,‖ refers to the
period from midnight until noon. One minute before noon is 11:59 a.m. One minute after noon is
12:01 p.m. Many people distinguish between noon and midnight by saying 12 noon and 12 midnight.
Expressions combining a.m. with morning (6 a.m. in the morning) and p.m. with afternoon, evening,
or night (9 p.m. at night) are redundant and occur most often in casual speech and writing. Both a.m.
and p.m. sometimes appear in capital letters, especially in printed matter.
Ref : http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/A.M."
The online adventure game of the highly acclaimed scifi movie.
Online bir "" macera oyunu "".
Macera oyunlarI, araŞtIrma, keŞif, bulmaca ÇŞzme gibi unsurlarI iÇeren, hikayeye odaklI bir ÇeŞit
video oyunu tÜrÜdÜr. Bu terim macere filmleri ya da macera romanlarIyla doĞrudan ilgili deĞildir.
Macera oyunlarInIn bÜyÜk bir ÇoĞunluĞu bilgisayar platformuna ÇIkmaktadIr. Ancak konsol temelli
macera oyunlarI da gŞrÜlmemiŞ deĞildir.
An adventure game is a type of video game characterized by investigation, exploration, puzzlesolving,
interaction with game characters, and a focus on narrative rather than reflexbased challenges. The
term originates from the 1970s game Adventure, and retains a narrow definition based on the style
of gameplay, and not the theme or subject matter (unlike adventure films and adventure novels).
The adventure genre's focus on story allows it to draw heavily from other narrativebased media, such
as literature and film. Adventure games encompass a wide variety of literary genres, including
fantasy, science fiction, mystery, horror, and comedy. Nearly all adventure games are designed for a
single player, since the heavy emphasis on story and character makes multiplayer design difficult.
The genre's popularity peaked during the late 1980s and early 1990s, when many considered it to be
among the most technically advanced genres, and it is now sometimes considered to be a niche
genre. According to the Entertainment Software Association, in 2006 Adventure Games comprised
5.7% of bestselling Computer Game Super Genres by units sold in the US, and 3.4% of Video Game
Super Genres, although it is not clear how the Super Genre was defined.
Games that fuse adventure elements with action gameplay elements are sometimes referred to as
adventure games (a popular example is Nintendo's Legend of Zelda series). Adventure game purists
regard this as incorrect and call such hybrids actionadventures. In Europe, games which fuse action
and adventure elements are sometimes called ""arcade adventure"" games. The term ""adventure
game"" is used with the same meaning in North America, Europe, and Japan, and is regarded as pure
genre in all regions.
REF : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventure_game
,"In my opinion, a songwriter is also a poet. So why don't you submit song lyrics of Songwriters,
which have all the characteristics of a poem.
""Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again""
Oh, the ragman draws circles
Up and down the block
I'd ask him what the matter was
But I know that he don't talk
And the ladies treat me kindly
And furnish me with tape
But deep inside my heart
I know I can't escape
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again.
Well Shakespeare he's in the alley
With his pointed shoes and his bells
Speaking to some French girl
Who says she knows me well
And I would send a message
To find out if she's talked
But the post office has been stolen
And the mailbox is locked
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again.
Mona tried to tell me
To stay away from the train line
She said that all the railroad men
Just drink up your blood like wine
And I said ""Oh I didn't know that
But then again there's only one I've met
And he just smoked my eyelids
And punched my cigarette""
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again.
Grandpa died last week
And now he's buried in the rocks
But everybody still talks about
How badly they were shocked
But me, I expected it to happen
I knew he'd lost control
When he built a fire on Main Street
And shot it full of holes
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again.
Now the senator came down here
Showing ev'ryone his gun
Handing out free tickets
To the wedding of his son
And me, I nearly get bursted
And wouldn't it be my luck
To get caught without a ticket
And be discovered beneath a truck
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again.
Now the preacher looked so baffled
When I asked him why he dressed
With twenty pounds of headlines
Stapled to his chest
But he cursed me when I proved it to him
Then I whispered, ""Not even you can hide
You see, you're just like me
I hope you're satisfied""
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again.
Now the rainman gave me two cures
Then he said, ""Jump right in""
The one was Texas medicine
The other was just railroad gin
And like a fool I mixed them
And it strangled up my mind
And now, people just get uglier
And I have no sense of time
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again.
When Ruthie says come see her
In her honkytonk lagoon
Where I can watch her waltz for free
'Neath her Panamanian moon
And I say, ""Aw come on now
You know you know about my debutante""
And she says, ""Your debutante just knows what you need
But I know what you want""
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again.
Now the bricks lay on Grand Street
Where the neon madmen climb
They all fall there so perfectly
It all seems so well timed
And here I sit so patiently
Waiting to find out what price
You have to pay to get out of
Going through all these things twice
Oh, Mama, is this really the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again."
,"...Nebel... :)
Sorry to involve English in this game but there is something of interest, at least to me, about this
Nebel >
nebula http://www.etymonline.com/graphics/dictionary.gif c.1420, nebule ""a cloud, mist,"" from L.
nebula ""mist,"" from PIE *nebh ""cloud, vapor, fog, moist, sky"" (cf. Skt. nabhas ""vapor, cloud,
mists, fog, sky;"" Gk. nephele, nephos ""cloud;"" Ger. nebel ""fog;"" O.E. nifol ""dark;"" Welsh niwl
""cloud, fog;"" Slav. nebo). Reborrowed from L. 1661 in sense of ""cataracts in the eye;""
astronomical meaning ""cloudlike patch in the night sky"" first recorded c.1730. As early as Hershel
(1802) astronomers realized that some nebulae were star clusters, but distinction of gas clouds from
distant galaxies was not made until c.1930.
Ref : http://www.etymonline.com/index.phpşsearch=nebula&searchmode=none"
,"Thank you all so much for playing my game. But I just would like to emphasize one thing. This is not
merely an Acronym game. So Please let us be more creative and avoid one to one ( verbatim )
encyclopaedic citations. Thanks to all once again. Now back in the game.
UFO > Unidentified Flying Object
An Unidentified Flying Object, or UFO, is the popular term for any aerial phenomenon that cannot
immediately be identified. Some definitions, such as the one used by the USAF, define a UFO as an
object unable to be identified after scrutiny, while other definitions define an object as being a UFO
from the time it is first reported as being unidentified, even though most subsequently become IFOs,
Identified Flying Objects.
My comments : Generally the fictitious UFOs are depicted as flying saucers and baffle human mind in
alleged sightings by masses of people or individuals. Books on UFOs are available from Erich Von
Daniken, the author.
GPRS > General Packet Radio Service
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a packet oriented Mobile Data Service available to users of
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and IS136 mobile phones. It provides data rates
from 56 up to 114 kbit/s. GPRS is a technology which is changing the present shape of mobile
My comments : Short for General Packet Radio Service, a standard for wireless communications.
The next word that Might Interest You > Pandemonium ( a scary word :) )"
,"What song ( English ) are you listening to, right now ş Any vocabulary that you would like to share
with us allş
Song : I am Bad, I am Nationwide
Album : DegÜello ( ""No Quarter"" )
Artist : ZZTop
Nationwide > Throughout the Nation > UlusÇa bilinen"
,"Roget's II: The New Thesaurus
Main Entry:whole
Part of Speech:adjective
Definition:Including every constituent or individual.
Synonyms:all, complete, entire, total
Ref: http://thesaurus.reference.com/browse/gross
"" BÜyÜk, MuhteŞem, KapsayIcI "" manasInda kullandIm."
,"You are a wealthy author. You investigate strange happenings.
While on a new case...
You wake up in your bed at your spectacular mansion, in your bedroom. It is early in the morning.
You have an unbearable headache.
You lift the shades. Now light enters your room. There is a studydesk in the room. It has 3 drawers.
There is the firstaid kit mounted on the wall against your bed.
The headache is killing you. You can not think clear.
What do you do next ş
1. Open drawers
2. Look in firstaid kit
3. Walk to the door"
,"You look in the firstaid kit, but it contains tincture diode, stitches and useless stuff. You need to kill
your pain and that you need a painkiller. You open the drawers, but still no painkiller. You can not
sleep. Headache worsens. You aim at the door, the headache is killing you. Outside a door opens to
the bathroom. You enter the bathroom. There is a sink, faucet, and a cabinet. What do you do next ş
Note : Please, for the sake of keeping the game going, try simple commands. At your command, I will
guide you. That's the way an adventure game works..."
,"So far, so good.
The headache dies as you take the shower. Now, you remember what just happened yesterday, and
that awful nightmare. In your nightmare, you saw your head explode and an egg inside crack open.
Might there be a plantation in your head. You are a seasoned writer and came across many strange
happenings before.
Outside the bathroom, behind a door, you hear strange voices. Trying to pry the door open, you fail.
It's all stuck. You need a tool. In search for a tool you go up into the attic. There is a chest.
What do you do next ş"
,"Sir, no :) I will be guiding, please ! No bears. Remember there was a door waiting to be opened
with some kind of tool. Ok, you take your pistol. But to open the stuck door, you need another tool,
do not you ş ( I suggest taking the crowbar as well ). You go down and stand in front of the door,
behind where you hear unutterable screams. You use the crowbar and pry the door open. There is a
filthy creature ready to attack you. What do you do next ş"
,"The creature follows you, running through the nowopen door and finds you just about running out
of your window . It gripes you by the sleeve of your pants. You have the crowbar and the pistol. You
try the pistol, it does not fire. Damn ! The creature is gruesome and slimy. Be quick, do something
before it gets you."
,"If it's what I understood >
Game Over ! The creature does not kiss back. It, instead, rips you to pieces :) :)
Do you want to revert back to last time you were Alive ş :) and see it to the end ş :) Y / N
Else If, you meant something else ( killed, not kissed ), please tell..."
,"Good choice, the lines were ( off / cut ) anyway :)
You look through the mirror. It is a Gate to the "" Other Side "". Do you dare to enter ş
What do you do next ş
1. Enter through the mirror.
2. You remember you have a pistol and shoot bullets at the glowing mirror.
3. Run to the yard outside and call for help.
( kimyager22, where are you şşş )"
,"Now you are in the "" Other Side "". It's dark everywhere. You search in your pockets for a lighter.
Thanks to God, you are a smoker. You light the lighter, the place is now dim. There are 2 tunnels.
What do you do next ş
1. Enter right Tunnel
2. Enter left Tunnel
3. Go back through the mirror."
,"As you walk blind into the darkness, you step upon a hole and fall down. It is a short fall and it does
not injure you. In horror, your eyes begin to get used to
darkness. In the wall before you, in the hole, there is a skeleton with an anchor and a rope in his
bony hands.
What do you do next ş"
,"The pistol for the first time, during your encounter with the creature did not fire, but it still will be
of help in the future. It is recommended that you keep the pistol. Any inventory is precious.
The rope and the anchor sit before you. You can use it to help your situation for you are trapped.
What do you do next ş
1. Take rope and anchor
2. Wait for some help to come
3. Try to figure out what is wrong with the pistol"
,"This is a new game ( My other games : The Ancient Enemy / Words of Interest / Kelimeleri NasIl
Ezberlesek ş / Words We Can Get Out of Songs ).
I shall provide you with a word. You are asked to use the same word ( with the freedom to add
auxiliary or complementary words such as; up, down , in, out, pride, honor, etc....) in a new sentence
but this time with the other meaning. When the game comes to a choke, I will give a new word.
Good Luck !
The First Word : Take
I take "" Simpsons, the Movie "" shall be in theatres by next year's end. > Take = Anlamak /
AnladIĞIm kadarIyla "" Simpsons "" gŞsterime, gelecek yIl sonunda girecek."
,"Cygnus is the Latin word for swan, romanized form of the Ancient Greek şşşşşş (kyknos) ""swan""
Ref : www.wikipedia.org
Next word that Might Interest You : Phantasmagoria"
,"Uzatmak istemem ama kalIp olduĞunu sŞylememiŞtim. Yani sŞylediklerim tamamen doĞru.
""Due"" sonrasI bir "" to be "" ya da "" to + v1 "" gelebilir. ÝŞyle ki : "" You are due to be back by
18:00 o'clock "" . Ya da "" He is due to come on time "". Şrnekler arttIrIlabilir.
due to
Likely to, announced as, as in Betty bought more of the stock, believing it was due to rise, or The play
is due to open next week.
Ref : http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/due%20to"
,"You figure out what's wrong with the pistol. The security lock was on. In hurry, and in all the panic,
you just ignored that.
( Yes you can take the skeleton, but please consider what he is holding. Those tools he has in hand
can get you out of the hole. )
What's your next move, Sir ş"
,"No, God Protect You. You are a respected personality. You use the anchor and the rope to get you
out of the hole. You throw the ropetied anchor to the
ledge and climb up. While climbing, you hear a thunder and notice a boulder falling upon you.
What is your next move ş"
,"Phantasmagoria >
Phantasmagoria (American pronunciation (help•info), also fantasmagorie, fantasmagoria) was a
precinema projection ghost show invented in France in the late 18th century, which gained
popularity through most of Europe (especially England) throughout the 19th century.
A modified type of magic lantern was used to project images onto walls, smoke, or semitransparent
screens, frequently using rear projection. The projector was mobile, allowing the projected image to
move on the screen, and multiple projecting devices allowed for quick switching of different images.
Frightening images such as skeletons, demons, and ghosts were projected.
from www.wikipedia.org
Next TERM : culdesac"
,"Many English words are analogous to Turkish words.
For Example, the English and the Americans use names such as : Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Michael > (
which in our Turkish language translate to ) Ýbrahim, Ýsa, Yakub, Mikail...
The player is asked to name the TR or EN similar of a word.
First Word : Abraham > Ýbrahim
Next Word : Benjamin"
,"take the lead : ( Şne / BaŞa ) geÇmek
Hussain Bolt took the lead in the 100 mt. run from the very beginning. > 100 mt.lik koŞunun daha en
baŞInda HÜseyin Bolt Şne geÇti."
,"As the torch touches the stalactites, they somehow catch fire and fall on the small creatures and
burn them all. A pungent smell fills the air. It is a deadly gas and you suffocate to death !
Do you want to go back to the point where you were escaping ş Or Quit ş"
,"Bu oyunda da ( her ne kadar oynanmasa da :) ) genel bir terim soracaĞIm ve Sizler
Şrnek : Name 3 basic colors > Red, Green , Blue
SIra Sizde : Name the 4 Holy Books."
,"Bir fiil yazacaĞIm ve Bir Sonraki ArkadaŞImIz Fiili Yapan KiŞiye ait Kelimeyi yazacak. Bir sonraki
ArkadaŞImIza da bir fiil verecek. Ve oyun bŞyle devam edecek.
Şrnek : Lead > Leader
Next : Type"
,"And it is not acceptable that your truck driver came here and insulted our loading guys and the
controller and said that we have to work faster!
It is not a working way !
So please inform the driver that – if he would come here again for loading, he has to be normal and
show an other attitude than the one on that day, otherwise we are not willing to load him a second
Ve kamyon ŞŞfŞrÜnÜzÜn gelip yÜkleme yapan elemanlarImIzI ve kontrolŞrÜ aŞaĞIlamasI ve daha
hIzlI olmamIz gerektiĞini sŞylemesi kabul edilemez !
Yolu bu deĞil !
LÜtfen ŞŞfŞrÜnÜzÜ, eĞer bir daha yÜkleme yapmaya gelecekse, o gÜnkÜ davranIŞta bulunmamasI
yŞnÜnde uyarInIz. BaŞka Şekilde bir ikinci sefer, onunla ÇalIŞmayI dÜŞÜnmÜyoruz."
,"İngilizce'de kelimeler genelde kiŞinin cinsiyetine baĞlI olarak deĞiŞiyor. SIrayla ve kelimenin bir
bayana mI, bir erkeĞe mi ait olduĞunu belirterek, soru sorup cevaplama esasIna dayalI bir oyun.
Kelimeye TR aÇIklama da getirilebilir.
In English, titles usually vary from gender to gender. The player is asked to answer the title of the
opposite gender and ask another gender title, including whether if it is a "" she "" or "" he "". You can
include the definition, too.
I begin.
Steward ( He ) Stewardess ( She )
Next : Waiter ( He ) "
,"At the university, I remember once a professor told me that with Latin and Greek originated words,
one can form 1000s of English Words.
This game aims to find the possible combinations of Latin and Greek originated words. Any
combinations that can be suffixes, prefixes or a mixture of English, Latin and Greek roots.
Let's Begin :
tele ( Greek) = far off
vision = image
,"GerÇek dIŞI ya da imkansIzI anlatan "" if "" li cÜmleler.
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a mansion. > Bir milyon dolarIm olsaydI, bir kŞŞk alIrdIm. (
gerÇekdIŞI )
If I were you, I would not leave the house. > EĞer Ben, sen olsaydIm ( imkansIz ; dikkat "" I were "",
evi terk etmezdim )
If you left, I would be sad. > Gitseydin, ÜzÜlÜrdÜm ( gerÇekdIŞI ama olabilir )"
,"The discovery of penicillin is attributed to Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming in 1928. The
development of penicillin for use as a medicine is attributed to the Australian Nobel Laureate
Howard Walter Florey.
Who are the inventors of the Memristors ş"
,"If you walk toward a wall which is 1 metre away from you, first 0.5 mtr then 0.25 mtr and in a
That the next distance you walk is always half the previous distance you have walked toward that
,"You wouldn't understand
Not aware when loved ş
Didn't laugh when I told you ş
Our fortune bears longing, separation, didn't I say ş
You wouldn't undertand, you wouldn't. Wouldn't believe in destiny.
I thought you wouldn't be one of the heartless who torment.
I wish you be happy, beloved.
Even without me, I wish life treats you right
You bear the sin. You left a pair of weeping eyes behind.
Don't presume I have an empty empty heart.
Sorrows wane by time.
I don't say "" no "" to love
You'll see when you love again.
You wouldn't undertand, you wouldn't. Wouldn't believe in destiny.
I thought you wouldn't be one of the heartless who torment.
I wish you be happy, beloved.
Even without me, I wish life treats you right
You bear the sin. You left a pair of weeping eyes behind."
,"If you leave this house on this day
This heart, this life becomes rubbish to me
I am madly in love with you
When your crazy longing has sticked to my heart
Me, without you, without love, tell me beloved, how shall I survive
If you leave this house on this day
This heart, this life I would see as rubbish
I am deeply, madly in love with you
If I sadden, if I one day commit
If I give up with my promise
May my God take this life, I accept
My love I can not live without you, can not bear this heart
I will end this sorrow with a last impact, one single bullet"
,"Is one born a natural leader or does he become one later on ş It seems a quite simple question, but
the answer is not that simple. Special attributes like charisma and talent in solving problems can get
a leader chosen amongst a group of people.
First things first, leaders should bear the charisma and the air around them. They should be able to
use this magnetism that they have. Most people fall for charisma, believe the charismatic and follow
him. This carries a special importance for if the leader is unliked or unwanted, none of the followers
would be of use to this group which has an undesired leader.
Secondarily, good leaders have good communication skills in order to solve problems through
listening to people, and in defining the matters.
Finally, there exist more qualities to the all mentioned above. Although some are innate, learning
through a period is also possible."
," Bu da benim denemem
Trade has turned into a concept of globalism by the changing demands and needs due to the
developing technology. Rules of Trade of Goods and services in between countries have been
determined by International Trade Chamber ( MTO ) which had its foundation in 1919. Rules aiming
at being a common language in international trade, are being revised with respect to current
conditions, by MTO.
Trade between countries should not be looked upon as only purchasing of goods and services. While
the goods and services are being traded, vendors and clients in different countries take the risks of
the countries in turn. Countries, with the goods and services at hand and which are under a
monopoly, employ various payment methods to make their countries gain complementary income
and power. In this respect, each payment method has its cons and pros on both the exporter and
importer side.
In this piece of work, both economically and politically material payment methods utilized in external
trade ( exportation / importation ) have been acted upon by the updates by MTO and investigations
of the exporter and the importer kept in mind.
Keywords : Export / Import, Importer, Exporter, Payment Methods, International Trade Chamber."
,"On a steadily accelerating / decelerating ( constant a ) wagon, there is a mass suspended from the
ceiling on a piece of rope.
The mass in suspension moves some distance to the right or left and we put a ghost force to keep
statics right. However, as its name refers , this is some virtual force.
So what do you think is, what keeps the mass in static equilibrium ş
Hint : Is there static Equilibrium ş"
,"Beni En yardImsever Üye seÇen bÜtÜn arkadaŞlara TeŞekkÜr Ediyorum. Ne var ki, bence bu alanda
EN olmamalI.
Nomadturk, eloglu, xscorpionax, bezgin25, denise06, msky, karahindibag, omerkavrar, Ali Karabulut,
tll, liste uzatIlabilir. Herkes Çok yardImcI ve tek amaÇ yardIm etmek...
TeŞekkÜr Ediyorum."
,"Tosya is a town and a district of the Kastamonu Province in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. It is not
definitely known as to when Tosya was first built . However, some above the terran sources show
that it has 30004000 years of historical background. TOSYA went under the sovereign of Hittites,
Cimmerians, Lydians, Iranians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Danishmends, ÇobanoĞlu,
ÇandaroĞlu Beyliks ( Esquirecommand ) and Ottoman Empire. The region then underwent the
hegemony of PAFLAGONYA (Kastamonu) during the eras of Mongolians and Seljuks of Anatolia. The
name of DOCEIA was given to Tosya during the Byzantine era. Ptolemaios reported its former name
Tosya is an old city built on the E80 subway known as Silk Road and on the side ends of Mountain
Tosya city has a deep rooted tradition of textile industry. Evliya Çelebi, ―Turkish traveller and
writer also called DerviŞ Mehmed Zilli‖, told that ‗ All of the public means of living is by weaving
muayyer, because of this a lot of muayyer is bought and sold in bazaars. It was the second most
important center after Ankara, where the most widespread fabrics were produced. In 1950s buckram
production took start in the city. The city meets 50 % of the buckram demand of Turkey‘s market
place alone by itself. Except for the fact that waistband lining is used as ready made in trouser
production, bath glove woven from mohair and girdle which is thought especially good for backache
are produced in the city. Horn stalked knife ‗pocket knife‘ which identifies with the city in the name
of craftsmanship and whose typical shape was given by Rumelia immigrants settled in Tosya after
Balkan Wars, has a special place in craftsmanship. As it is rare and valuable it is widely accepted as an
important kind of knife by collectors.
The most important architectural piece of the town is the Abdurrahman PaŞa Mosque. In the public
statement, it is called ‗New Mosque‘. It was built in 1582, during the Reign of Murad the 3rd. The
famous Turkish architect Mimar Sinan
directed the construction of the mosque from Ýstanbul during his late ages. The mosque displays
characteristics of classical Ottoman architecture.
Besides, Tosya is famous for its rice. Tosya rice is grown in the restricted and fertile parts of the
Devrez Valley. The first paddy factory of Turkey was established in Tosya with the support of Mustafa
Kemal AtatÜrk. Tosya is also a highly developed city in terms of woodwork industry. Meeting the
demands of wooden door, wooden window, furnishing etc. in Turkey‘s market place, Tosya has a
large capacity of export in woodwork industry. Tosya City has also incomparable natural beauties. As
Tosya is located on a foresty area , it has a lot of splendid picnic spots. Tosya is a hidden treasure
which is worth seeing and has peerless natural beauties such as the Dipsiz Lake, Green Lake,
,"In order to be included in AD Garage System; Having at least the technology of 2 brands, having the
vision of the sector of your own, being open to development and training, and keeping customer
satisfaction on top to assimilate high quality service concept, are sufficient criteria.
All the liberal services which can display suitable manner to AD Garage concept and corporal being
can join AD. After acquisition of the title Ad Garage, taking the training the system requires, acquiring
spots compatible with the concept, showing the suitable manners the system offers in customer
affairs are prominently required.
Features of AD Garage System:
There are 3 standard types of AD Garage systems named A,B and C. A standard is AD plazas. These
are liberal spots, which are able to realize all the authorized service operations out of industrial sites
where the areas are 1000 1500 meter squares large.
B standard; close to popular inhabitance centers (Etiler, SarIyer, AtakŞy, BeŞiktaŞ, YeŞilkŞy, Kartal,
KadIkŞy etc.), situated by the important junctions, which can operate incity limits.
Every station with a standard has absolute functionality and size standards. For example, a private
service can only be included in AD if it is 300 meter squares. We aim to be at every place of the
sector in Turkey. We shall be in plazas, junctions and
industrial areas. Because we create alternative service operations for Turkish vehicle drivers.
Advantages of AD Garage System:
The services to be taken into AD Garage system, shall have the prerogative to be the ""AD Authorized
Service "", employing AD Garage concept and corporal structure. Since they shall be offering spare
part and service within guarantee, they shall provide a crucial competitive advantage against other
authorized services. Since they will be serving multiple brands, they shall have many more
customers. They shall prevail in the competitive arena with the System's training, technical support,
commercials and equipment support. They shall meet European standard service quality and acquire
more efficient and profitable working conditions with the structuring, personnel quality, visual details
and following and application of the advances in the administrative systems. Thus, they shall be
following an evergrowing trend."
,"AraÇ adaya nerden giriŞ yaptI
Which point/area did the vehicle enter the isle at ş
Hangi gÜmrÜk kapIsIndan giriŞ yapmIŞtInIzş
Which customs gate did you enter ş
Adada araÇ ile ne kadar sÜre kalmayI planlIyorsunuzş
How long do you plan to stay on the island with the vehicle ş
Burda daha kalmayI planlIyormusunuzş
Do you plan to stay longer here ş
AraÇ ile adada ne kadar sÜredir bulunuyorsunuzş
How long has your vehicle been on the isle ş
Son ertelemeyi ne zaman yaptInIzş
When did you make the last delay ş
Son iki yIlIn 1 yIlInI yurtiÇinde geÇirmemiŞseniz sÜreyi tekrardan uzatabilirsiniz
You may reextend the time period if you have not been for a year in the last two years in the country
Daha Şnce lefkoŞa gÜmrÜĞÜne gidip erteleme yaptInIzmIş
Have you visited Nicosia customs priorly for a postponement ş
ülkeye giriŞ ÇIkIŞlarInIzI gŞsteren belge ihtiyacInIz olacak bunu polis genel mÜdÜrlÜĞÜnden temin
In case you need the document of your inandout of the country actions, you can find it at Police
General Management Office."
,"Your Leave
I squandered with pride what was left in my hands
I bought flowers that did not cover my wound
Even pain makes the man conscious
I do not even have a rooted tree
Will burn the good, stare at the bad
When better, will waste me
Will flow into my heart from further up the road
I have no belief in love
I will have to taste the pain
Should seam the distance
When parted from you, from your finest part
I will have to dance two figures of bellydance
No sensation on the skin, no little sleep
Hearts galore is a need, too.
I believed in evileye, no belief in magic
I won't part
Now, get me out from your heart
I won't leave you in any place
I found you hard
No retreat from loving"
,"Hafta Tatili WEEK VACATION
Hastalik izin LEAVE OF DISEASE
Sosyal izim SOCIAL LEAVE
Cocuk Parasi KIDS' PAYMENT
Agi Indirim şşş DISCOUNT
Kidem RANK
Gelir Vergisi INCOME TAX
Damga SEAL
Kum Vergi şşş TAXATION
Toplam Brut kazancilar AGGREGATE GROSS INCOME
Yasal Kesintiler LEGAL DEDUCTIONS"
You won't get addicted to a thing, two eyes blind
Won't say "" If s/he is out of my life, I can't live ""
You won't say, that's it
You'll live through, that is
No need to talk the big talk
You won't love so much, for example. You'll fall apart if s/he loves less.
And anyway, generally, s/he loves you less
Less than you love her/him
Won't get hurt when you do not love excessively
When you do not own won't get belonged in addition
You won't even try to own your hands and feet
Pretend they are not yours
And when you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose
Pretend you can live without them
As an example, won't have many belongings home
You should be able to walk recklessly
If you'll own something for sure
You'll own the horizonline where the roofs meet the sky
You'll own the sky
The Sun, The Moon, the stars
The Northern Star shall be yours
You'll say : "" It's mine ""
If you want to own something absolutely
If you'll belong to, to colors
To orange or pink
Or belong to Heaven
You'll live without claiming a thing, belonging to a thing
Both as if it will slip away from your hands, palms
and as if life shall stay yours forever
You'll live pertinent, holding from an edge"
,"There is a wide groovy bridge where water runs in the groove. The legs of the bridge stand tall
from the ground.
There are mammoth ships cruising on the water over the bridge.
The buoyant force on the ships cancel out their weights.
A man claims, there can be as many ships and still the bridge would not collapse. Even a thousand
ships on water can float where their weights are kept in equilibrium by the buoyant forces, so that
the total force is zero on the bridge.
Why is this False ş Can you find where the man is wrong ş"
,"Oh no ! Another 1 :D
ab = 0
Start, a equals b.
Take b to the side of a.
Divide both sides by ( a b )
( a b ) by ( a b ) = 1
0 by ( ab ) = 0
0 = 1 şşş
A curious situation :rolleyes:"
,"Hello. I would like to remind you that we are one of your old customers. Your boss used to quote
lower prices for our customers, please bid a price keeping that in mind. We demand no commission
for our firm, just bid the most optimal price for our customers.
We would like to put doublebucket carts, 2 in 1 box dismantled, however you should put the missing
cardboards folded into the container so that we can reopen them here and screw to pack.
What I mean is, we shall put 2bucketed couples in one box, therefore space shall not be wasted and
other remaining parcels, for example when they should be 600 parcels shall make 300 as we are
willing to put 2 in 1. And we would like the other 300 parcels with the condition that they have our
brands inscribed on them. Time by time, missing parts come out of cardboards.
Screw, bolt, nut or the wheels of carts come out broken. For their compensation, in the invoice, could
you exclude them and send them ş Previously, I had told Wendy... We can get them mended as
,"In the century we are, economic and technological advances have maximized the competitive
superiority a country has to have. Exportation has a great power to make the countries competitive.
Especially, constrictions in the domestic
markets could be be diminished by firms getting inclined to foreign markets and can make big steps
towards countries' developments.
Conventionally, exportation is the most popular way to enter international markets. Because
exportation, in comparison to other means to attend international activities, is both requiring less
finance and labour force for it needs less investment. And embodies lower financial risks.
Tied to that, exportation is looked upon as the important means for profitability and growth by the
firms. With that, to succeed in the international markets, is not always easy for international
marketing environment is less complex, more different and versatile.
The approach of the firms to exportation as just to vend products to foreign markets can make the
exportation be limited to certain products and conventional buyers. Firms, in order to keep
themselves with longevity and be stable, are obliged to prospect for new markets, assimilate their
products and / or develop exportation goods, determine pricing strategies, opt for suitable
distribution channels and be prominent in the market.
In other words, they need to assess fundamental marketing strategies and find suitable strategies in
the same sense for they are the manufacturers of products to be out in the foreign markets. Thus,
exportation marketing strategies shall emerge as a factor which shall affect the success and
performance of the firms showing activities in the markets."
,"TV storyline, on one hand gives freedom to its spectators ( watchers ) and on the other hand, has a
structure consciously limiting them with special codes. When TV storyline has professionals who have
made it and when this is put together with the complicated structure of watching and
comprehending, the analyses in the area ( subject ) have got one degree up. As an individual
although it underlines the watcher, we have got to use this facility in a balanced way."
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""fall prisoners to"" iÇin yaklaŞIk 109 sonuÇtan 1 10 arasI sonuÇlar (0,12 saniye)
Arama SonuÇlarI
Chicana/o Art Book
Bu sayfanIn Çevirisini yap > It is a trap to create images that fall prisoners to the often shallow public
and institutionalized perception of what Chicano iconography should be. ...
mati.eas.asu.edu/community/ChicArt/ArtistDir/MorSan.html 8k Şnbellek Benzer sayfalar
Bypaths of Kansas History, Kansas Historical Quarterly, August, 1940
Bu sayfanIn Çevirisini yap > It is only the poorest and slowest of these horses which fall prisoners to
the wiles of the hunter. Many of them defy alike the swiftest and longest pursuit ...
www.kancoll.org/khq/1940/40_3_bypaths.htm 40k Şnbellek Benzer sayfalar
Digg You Do Not Wonna Be In Russian Army (Horror Stories with ...
Bu sayfanIn Çevirisini yap > ... stalin wrote laws saying that if soldiers retreat they would be executed.
also no russian soldiers were allowed to fall prisoners to germany. preved, ...
73k Şnbellek Benzer sayfalar
Bu sayfanIn Çevirisini yap > He said that we tend to fall prisoners to the Darfur crisis while talking of
Sudan while in reality Sudan is much more than conflicts. ...
www.jnu.ac.in/JNUNewsArchives/JNUNews_Nov_Dec07/seminars.htm 48k Şnbellek Benzer sayfalar
Eavesdroping an...'Alien' here: Islamic State Part 7: Establishing ...
Bu sayfanIn Çevirisini yap > Eventually they were to fall prisoners to Quraysh. ‗Abdullah ibn Jahsh
camped in Nakhlah watching out for Quraysh and while there one of their caravans ...
alien01bd.blogspot.com/2006/10/islamicstatepart7establishing_19.html 44k Şnbellek Benzer
Talkbacks The media messed up | Yair Lapid Ynet
Bu sayfanIn Çevirisini yap > Journalists cannot see themselves as major players in the democratic
game, and in that sense as public servants, and fall prisoners to ratings and ...
www.ynet.co.il/english/Ext/App/TalkBack/CdaViewOpenTalkBack/1,11382,L3293928,00.html 61k
Şnbellek Benzer sayfalar
4. Jesus' Prayer by the Cedron
Bu sayfanIn Çevirisini yap > The problem is that as soon as they think such thoughts, they cut
themselves from God Father and fall prisoners to the Enemy! ...
www.canardscanins.ca/theologydoc/jlw/jlwdoc.phpşid=4 30k Şnbellek Benzer sayfalar
Bu sayfanIn Çevirisini yap > We want these people captured dead or alive; not fall prisoners to them
or how retarded they truly are getting. Meanwhile, everybody looses their life ...
whoisalqaeda.blogspot.com/2009/01/toallarabnationsisraelandallg9.html 66k Şnbellek Benzer
Condemn The Babaric Attacks In Mumbai MuslimVillage Forums
Bu sayfanIn Çevirisini yap > Eventually they were to fall prisoners to the Quraysh. ‗Abdullah ibn Jahsh
camped in Nakhlah watching out for the Quraysh and while there ...
muslimvillage.com/forums/index.phpşshowtopic=47735&st=30&start=30 176k Şnbellek Benzer
Siege of Jerusalem, Notes
Bu sayfanIn Çevirisini yap > 102), is a passage in Vindicta Salvatoris reporting that eleven thousand
Jews killed themselves so that they would not fall prisoners to the Romans. ...
www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/teams/livnts.htm 215k Şnbellek Benzer sayfalar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sonraki
SonuÇlarIn iÇinde ara Dil AraÇlarI Arama ÝpuÇlarI
Google Anasayfa Reklam ProgramlarImIz ÝŞletme ÇŞzÜmleri Gizlilik Google HakkInda
,"The pertinent information of the person, who has graduated from xxx University's Architecture
Faculty, Architecture Department by the end of 2006 2007 Spring Term and whose graduation has
been approved by the Faculty of Architecture Administrative Board with the 04 / 07 /2007 dated (
Article 56 ) consensus, but whose diploma has not been prepared "" yyy "", is listed below.
This document has been submitted to yyy by his / her will.
Faculty :
Department :
Tuition Period :"
,"BazI ŞarkIlar derin manalar taŞIyabiliyor. EĞer olumlu karŞIlanIrsa, translations&translators
bŞlÜmÜne bazI sŞzleri ( Çok uzun olmamak kaydIyla ) yazalIm, tercÜme edelim ve bakalIm neler
Bob Dylan ( Don't Think Twice, It's All Right )
( Excerpt )
It ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe
That light I never knowed
An' it ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe
I'm on the dark side of the road
Still I wish there was somethin' you would do or say
To try and make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin' anyway
So don't think twice, it's all right"
3 water glass Ashurah wheat
half a waterglass rice
half a waterglass beans ( seeds )
half a waterglass chickpea
a quarterful of a waterglass grape without seeds ( a fistful )
56 figs
23 slices of orange shell
1 coffeecup full of rose essence ( a quarterful )
1 pack of vanilla
23 fistful of nuts or walnut and cinnamon
2 soup spoon coconut shave ( trivial )
56 glasswater of sugar
1. In the evening, wash and peel wheat and chickpeas and rinse in discrete large containers
2. Wheat, rice, fine minced orange shell are boiled together in a saucepot.
3. In a separate saucepan, wellboiled chickpeas and beans are added and are left to boil together for
a while.
4. Sugar is added, then washed grapes are put in.
5. 510 minutes Before removing from fire, small chopped figs, and rose essence and vanilla are
6. Separately emptied into small casings, and ornamented with ground nuts, cinnamon and coconut
NOTE : Before placing the ashurah in casings, boiled and peeled chestnuts can be added.
SHORT INFO : In Noah's Ark, Noah is said to have prepared ashurah when he ran out of provision"
,"One of the main goals of economic growth is elevating the lifestandards of all the people in the
METU has set up a swimmers' team in order to coach successful swimmers and then to support
As energy and material costs have gone up, Michelin has increased the price of tyres it produces upto
6 8 percent for automakers
South Pole's funny heroes who starred in Hollywood movies are facing extinction. Melting ice
prevents reproduction of penguins.
According to WWF Turkey data, in the last 40 years, approximately 1 million 300 thousand hectares
of wet area ( About thrice as big as Van Lake ) have been destroyed. This big a value corresponds to
the half of Turkey's water resources.
International Mathematics Conference shall be held at SabancI University between 1721 September.
"" Functional Analysis and Complex Analysis Conference "" shall be host to virtually 50
mathematicians from Germany, Spain and the U.S.A. as well as from Turkey"
,"In the 14th article of 5393 numbered Municipal code, under "" Municipality's mission and
responsibilities ""
With the condition that Municipality is locally mutual a) Roads and utilities, water and sewerage,
transportationlike civic infrastructure; environment and environmental sanitation, cleanliness and
solid waste,county constabulary, fire, emergency aid, rescue and ambulance; traffic within citylimits,
burials and cemeteries; forestation, parks and green areas, dwelling; culture arts, tourism and
presentation, elicit the services to improve economy and trade or get them realized.
In European Local Administration Stipulation which is accepted by our country, "" Local
Administrations are all fundamental to democratic regime, citizens' right to join public administration
is one of the democratic ideals, local administrations with genuine authorizations have to provide
effective and citizen closelyrelated administration and local administrations shall provide service in
favor of local populations' benefits, are described.
According to United Nations Education Science and Culture Organization ( UNESCO ) thousands of
languages are facing extinction. During 1990's world's linguistic legacy loss is encompassed largely in
Asia. The loss continues uninterrupted."
,"Osman 1
(1258 1324) Ottoman bey from around 13001324, while he was the ruler of his principality from
1293. Osman is often referred to as sultan, but this title was not introduced in the empire until 1394.
http://looklex.com/e.o/x/t.gifOsman was the son of Ertugrul, and inherited the position of ruler over
a principality with SŞgÜt as capital. He controlled an effective army, consisting of Muslim warriors
called ghazis. While the official purpose of the ghazis were to fight the infidels, they mainly resorted
to looting in enemy territory. The main opponent was Byzantium. During Osman's reign, several
Byzantine fortresses were conquered, among which Yenisehir.
http://looklex.com/e.o/x/t.gifHis main campaigns were sieging Nicaea (later, under the Turks
renamed to Iznik) and Brusa (later, under the Turks renamed to Bursa). Shortly before his death, he
conquered Bursa, which was made into capital of his kingdom.
http://looklex.com/e.o/x/t.gifWith his death in SŞgÜt at the age of 66, Osman was succeed by his
son, Orhan.
Our Great Ancestors: Ottomans, what had each PadiŞah doneş We studied them in our history
lessons and I find that it will be informative if the next person describes what Osman 1's successor
Orhan Gazi had done. And next explains the successor's deeds and the game continues... "
,"Often English words take negative prefixes or suffixes to revert a positive meaning to a negative
First Word : Face
Negation : Deface >
de·face /dş'feşs/ feys>
–verb (used with object), faced, fac·ing. 1.to mar the surface or appearance of; disfigure: to deface a
wall by writing on it. 2.to efface, obliterate, or injure the surface of, as to make illegible or invalid: to
deface a bond.
NEXT WORD : conduct"
,"Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you
Oh, can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you
Since you've gone I been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it's you I cant replace
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby, please...
Oh, can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every breath you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you
Every move you make
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
I'll be watching you
I'll be watching you
I'll be watching you
I'll be watching you..."
,"Now, there's wrinkles 'round my baby's eyes. And she cries herself to sleep at night. When I come
home, the house is dark. She sighs, "" Baby, did you make it Right ş"". She sits on the porch of her
Daddy's house, but all her pretty dreams are torn. She stares off alone into the night with the eyes of
one who hates for just being born.
Benim deĞil ama bence gayet derin..."
,"KadIkŞy's Emergence
KadikŞy as a place came to being B.C. 675. For a long time, it had been a location of Uskudar. In 1930,
it evolved into a borough. Its population is on the rise. In 1940, it was 58,000 in population, and in
order 1970, 241,000 and 1985 a large metropolis
with a 648,000 population. Ancient name of it was Kalkedon. Being one of the Istanbul Centrum's
central boroughs, occupies 44 km2 area with 130,972 inhabitants. It is within Istanbul City
Municipality boundary. It is on the South corner where Istanbul Strait can be accessed from Marmara
and is across Istanbul. With its environment, it boasts to be one of the nicest spots in Istanbul. Now
inhabited by 61,745 is a borough of Istanbul City.
FenerbahÇe ÝÜkrÜ SaraÇoĞlu Stadium : Stadium where FenerbahÇe FC plays his matches. It is one
of the 5 star rated stadiums identified by UEFA. The club came to being in KadIkŞy originally.
KadIkŞy Moda Nostalgic Tram: First served on 1st November. 4 trams operate between KadIkŞy
Moda line. The tram starts off from KadIkŞy Square, follows Autobus Private way and Bahariye
Street, returns on Moda Street to the Square of KadIkŞy. Daily expedition number is 81.
The balloon gives the opportunity of a 360 degree panorama of Istanbul view, 200 meters high from
the ground. Corresponds to 32 metres , or a 10 storey building's height.
HaydarpaŞa Railroad Station : Has an important aspect for KadIkŞy District, domestic and city
transportation. Some of the main transportation ways which go through some Anatolian spots and
incity places are through the KadIkŞy District. HaydarpaŞa Railroad Station is the first stop where
railways are connected between a number of Anatolian centers and Istanbul.
Haldun Taner Scene : One of the theaters which feature Istanbul City's Stageplays.
KadIkŞy Dock : Has an essential place as domestic and incity transportation are of concern. KadIkŞy
dwellers' majority use city lines vessels. The vessel docks are in HaydarpaŞa, KadIkŞy and BostancI.
KadIkŞy Matrimony Building : One of the most contemporary matrimonial buildings in Istanbul city
boundaries. BarIŞ ManÇo wedded here.
KadIkŞy Coastline : A place to feel serene and relaxed. Sit on the rocks and watch the sunset !
An uptodate snapshot from KadIkŞy Square."
,"Seven Days
Seven days, seven more days she'll be comin'
I'll be waiting at the station for her to arrive
Seven more days, all I gotta do is survive.
She been gone ever since I been a child
Ever since I seen her smile, I ain't forgotten her eyes.
She had a face that could outshine the sun in the skies.
I been good, I been good while I been waitin'
Maybe guilty of hesitatin', I just been holdin' on
Seven more days, all that'll be gone.
There's kissing in the valley,
Thieving in the alley,
Fighting every inch of the way.
Trying to be tender
With somebody I remember
In a night that's always brighter'n the day.
Seven days, seven more days that are connected
Just like I expected, she'll be comin' on forth,
My beautiful comrade from the north.
There's kissing in the valley,
Thieving in the alley,
Fighting every inch of the way.
Trying to be tender
With somebody I remember
In a night that's always brighter'n the day.
Copyright ©1976 Ram's Horn Music
Rolling Stones Gitaristi Ron Wood 'unda Slide On This ve Slide on Live albumlerinde bulunan derin
anlamlI ŞarkI."
,"Chocolate, just like coffee beans is going through its golden age. What's more, it is not a luxury
anymore, even 1 TL can buy a piece, maybe it is the cheapest pleasure.
Sharks resemble at the least a 450 million year evolution in progress. That period goes way before (
100 200 M years ) the existence of dinosaurs. We, the people, obtain data pertinent to sharks from
their fossilized dents.
Now the Western Poultry companies have taken their share from Amazons which has been
annihilated to be used in soya, furniture, paper, chow industries of developed countries. Trees have
been cut down, nature is unstable. The biological equilibrium, the agricultural and life culture of the
indigenous people whose lives accompany forests have been depreciated.
This year, now the 24 th Dune Marathon has been given a start the previous day with a delay owing
its occurence to bustling torrential rain. The 240 km marathon, given a start in Merzuga Desert, has
seen over700 competitors. In the hardest conditions in
the desert, generally on a walking pace, viers carry food and water in their backpacks. Water is
dispensed at specific locations.
Over 1.5 billion people live devoid of clean water on the terrestrial globe. 60 percent of the rivers
carry the "" overtheboundary"" trait and since there has not been a conclusion reached in the matter
of allocation of resources, water wars are on the rise. The Nile, Sheria, Indus, the Ganges are the real
main disputable rivers with which there is the FIratDicle ( EuphratesTigris ) River System."
,"BŞcekler Aleminde, zehirler birÇok kere ÇeŞitli gruplarda evrimleŞti. Bu birbirinden farklI gruplar
karIncalar, yabanarIlarIndan IsIran ( IsIrabilen ) bŞcekler, robber sinekler ve iĞneli tIrtIllara kadar
gidebiliyor. Zehirler, bŞceklere ŞzgÜn Şzellikler arz eder ki bu etki bÜyÜk boyutlarda olur, ve kÜÇÜk
ebatlardaki hayvanlardan salgIlanarak hedef organizmayI etkiler.
NOT : Robber Fly >
Insects in the Diptera family Asilidae are commonly called robber flies. The family Asilidae contains
about 7,100 described species worldwide. All robber flies have stout, spiny legs, a dense moustache
of bristles on the face (mystax), and 3 simple eyes (ocelli) in a characteristic depression between
their two large compound eyes. The mystax helps protect the head and face when the fly encounters
prey bent on defense. The antennae are short, 3segmented, sometimes with a bristlelike structure
called an arista. The short, strong proboscis is used to stab and inject victims with saliva containing
neurotoxic and proteolytic enzymes which paralyze and digest the insides; the fly then sucks the
liquefied meal through the proboscis. Many species have long, tapering abdomens, sometimes with a
swordlike ovipositor. Others are fatbodied bumblebee mimics. Adult robber flies attack other flies,
beetles, butterflies and moths, various bees, dragon and damselflies, Ichneumon wasps,
grasshoppers, and some spiders.
Ref : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robber_fly"
,"A homojunction is a semiconductor interface that occurs between layers of similar semiconductor
material, these materials have equal band gaps but typically have different doping (semiconductor).
In most practical cases a homojunction occurs at the interface between an ntype (donor doped) and
ptype (acceptor doped) semiconductor such as silicon, this is called a pn junction. This does not have
to be the case though, the only requirement is that the same semiconductor (same band gap) is
found on both sides of the junction, in contrast to a heterojunction.
Ref : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homojunction
Etimolojik olarak : Homo ( aynI ) Junction ( BirleŞme NoktasI )
EŞ birleŞme noktasI"
,"Ýstekli piyasasI TÜketime ( alIma ) hazIr piyasa
Ex : Genetically Engineered Plums May Not Find a Willing Market"
Two literary works dating from the end of the reign give a picture about Amenemhat I's death. The
Instructions of Amenemhat were supposedly counsels that the deceased king gave to his son during a
dream. In the passage where he warns Senusret I against too great intimacy with his subjects, he tells
the story of his own death as a reinforcement:
―It was after supper, when night had fallen, and I had spent an hour of happiness. I was asleep upon
my bed, having become weary, and my heart had begun to follow sleep. When weapons of my
counsel were wielded, I had become like a snake of the necropolis. As I came to, I awoke to fighting,
and found that it was an attack of the bodyguard. If I had quickly taken weapons in my hand, I would
have made the wretches retreat with a charge! But there is none mighty in the night, none who can
fight alone; no success will come without a helper. Look, my injury happened while I was without
you, when the entourage had not yet heard that I would hand over to you when I had not yet sat
with you, that I might make counsels for you; for I did not plan it, I did not foresee it, and my heart
had not taken thought of the negligence of servants.
REFERENCE : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenemhat_I"
,"Aybencim isteĞin Üzerine :)
labiate ,ated
lager beer
laissez faire
lammergeier, geyer
limburger cheese
lincoln green
octet , octette
offense , (Ing.) offence
opera bouffe
,"A branch of Cihan Companies Ltd., Trabzon Mining and Metal Industry Ltd. was founded in 1998 in
Trabzon. The initial activity of the company was to meet the demands of its own contingent vending
region Black Sea Region and East Anatolia region clients, purchasing flat steel products from the
group firm Cihan M&M. When it was 2006 it began a series of investments to enrich domestic
economy and assess the mines: magnesyte, chromide, manganese and diatomite in the Area which is
centered in Erzurum's AŞkale by the enterpreneur and investor features of its partners. Chromide ore
enrichment Facility has begun production by October 2007. Sinter Magneside Production Facility will
give a start to production by the mids of 2010. Salih Cihan is the current owner of the firm's 65%
share and the rest belongs to Mustafa YanmIŞ ( 35 % ). The company has 4 main ongoing activities.
These activities are :"
,"I have received your mail and comprehended. I guess the box in the middle has been marked
instead of the one on the left. It's not late to rectify this mistake. When it is 14th of May, we'll go to
the land office in your area and ensure
that the necessary changes are made. By the way, I'll have the door bell checked. If the problem
roots from the button panel in the building entrance, I'll have that fixed. However if the problem is
within the apartment, we will take care of it when you come. Hope to see you, have a nice day."
,"First things first, the mother should realize that the child is in the puberty period and should be
more tolerant, knowing that this period is not an easy one. The interrelationship must be healthy and
it requires unconditional love.
She should ask the kid's opinion on the subject, she should explain that at such an age, club and alike
are too early, she should express her own thoughts. She should be able to amalgate her feelings with
her thoughts. Such as : "" I think as such, I feel as such,etc. "", but you can do these during the
daytime. When you are of age, you'll be allowed to do whatever you like, you can even go out at
night but there is still time for that. Everyone can go, but this does not imply that you can go out, too.
Every family's got its own rules. You should show more patience to do these. You will go out to the
nightclub, but not now. If you want, we could go out together now and then.
The mother may reward the kid's subtle demeanours by taking the kid to the night club. Thus, the
kid's will shall be satisfied and the kid can be directed in a certain way. The kid may get demoralized,
could complain, however the mother, by making explanations to the kid and showing affection,
reserving her time and joining activities with the kid, can overcome the matter. She should not
quarrel with the kid, avoid a wordduel. She should show patience, regrade and should stick to her
words. In time, it will be assimilated.
Sometimes, she could allow the kid to go out with her friends for a time. Assessing a behaviour or
success, on weekends, she could let the kid entertain herself till 10:00 o'clock in the club."
,"The increasingly complex regulatory environment within which the collection, manipulation and
clinical use of peripheral blood stem cells operate demands that where possible, the procedures
involved are rigorously validated and monitored.
The presumably reflects the many variables inherent to the procedure and that the apheresis
product consists of mixture of several types of white cell of similar density, including lymphocytes,
monocytes and stem cells..
Periferik kan kŞk hÜcrelerinin gŞrev aldIĞI, toplandIĞI, elle iŞlendiĞi ( manipule edildiĞi ) ve klinik
kullanImInI iÇinde yer aldIgI arttIkÇa artan karmaŞIk dÜzenleyici sistemde, gerekli yerlerde
prosedÜrler detaylI Şekilde denetlenir ve izlenir.
Muhtemelen Şu gŞzlenir ki : bu prosedÜrden doĞan bir Çok deĞiŞken ve aforez olan ÜrÜn, bir Çok
tÜr benzer yoĞunlukta beyaz hÜcre, lenfosit, monosit ve kŞk hÜcre iÇerir."
,"New Testament ' tan sŞz ediyorsunuz sanIrIm. AslInda Israil ve Judah hakkInda bilgiler Old
Testament 'tan ve O da sanIrIm Tevrat. Biblical times, baŞka konularIn aÇIklamasI olabilir diye
dÜŞÜnÜyorum ve bir dÜzeltmeye aÇIk olduĞumu sŞylemek istiyorum."
An employee of our firm ......, in charge of foreign trade and foreign customer relations, shall attend
the .... Fair of your country's, in ,,,, City between the dates ...... . We kindly ask you to provide him /
her with the issued visa, and we warrant that, in case of his / her return before the visa expires, due
to any accidental or diseaserelated matters, all the expenditures shall be promptly met by our firm.
Our employee, in charge of foreign trade and foreign customer relations in our firm Mr. / Ms. / Mrs.
.... is given an amount of ...... salary on a monthly basis.
To your attention."
,"In the investigation carried out, It has been determined that the complainant came to ALTIN Hotel,
facilitating in Alanya District, X Resort with her boyfriend between the dates 115 August 2008, on the
very day of 15/09/2008 , around 11:00, she went up to her room to take a shower before she left the
hotel, and while taking a shower, an employee of the Hotel who introduced himself as Y, and in the
investigation who was found out to be E B, and 2 persons with him who allegedly raped herself.
The alleged occurence of the happening, the doctors‘ reports provided, the investigation carried out
by the gendarmae and without a tangible evidence other than the allegation of the complainant
which stands as a solid proof, there is no need for crime investigation to be carried out for the
The decision to complainant, to suspect and to Ministry of Justice International Foreign Affairs
General Directorate‘s 23/01/2009 dated IC205 numbered documents to be sent to International Law
and Foreign Affairs Directorate, in 15 days time after the decision declaration, according to CMK 173
and 223 articles, Z Severe Punishment Court Chairmanship, the complainant holds the right to object;
is the final decision."
,"Degranulation is a cellular process that releases antimicrobial cytotoxic molecules from secretory
vesicles called granules found inside some cells. It is used by several different cells involved in the
immune system, including granulocytes (neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils) and Mast cells, and
certain lymphocytes such as natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T cells, whose main purpose is to
destroy invading microorganisms.
hÜcresel bir olay olup, antimikrobiyel sitotoksik molekÜllerin, bazI hÜcrelerde bulunan salgI yapan
vezikÜllerden ( granÜller ), serbest bIrakIlmasI."
A refrigerant is a compound used in a heat cycle that undergoes a phase change from a gas to a liquid
and back. > BileŞke, IsI dŞngÜsÜnde faz deĞiŞtirir, gazdan sIvIya ve tekrar gaza. ( IsI verir, IsI alIr )"
,"24 The majority has said yes as a reply to this question. These people are the ones who want
themselves accepted in their positions. They are, in a large number pupils, teachers and company
managers. The ones with a no are the housewives and the unemployed portion who keep their
thoughts to themselves.
25 The majority has said yes to this question, these people are teachers etc., people whose ideas are
accepted by the portion they appeal. The ones with a no are students at an educational level who are
not afraid to make mistakes.
22Majority has opted for no. The ones with a no are people who have their day communicating with
others like teachers and students, etc. The one with a yes is unemployed and most probably
20These people want to hear instant responses, do not want to be busy with unnecessary utterings.
People who want to hear a prompt answer make up the majority. This is a consensus independent of
19 Majority has said yes. This showcases that the contemporary individual can empathize and realize
what others might be thinking.. The one with a no is a housewife, and since she is not in a
professional environment, she has poor communication skills."
,"a rumble, a gurgle or a low note
Herhangi bir sŞzlÜkte geÇmiyor. Lord of the Flies RomanI'ndan bir alIntI.
Bir ÇeŞit ses ( yansIma )
""The birds cried, small animals scuttered. Ralph's breath failed; the note dropped the octave,
became a low wubber, was a rush of air."""
,"Fenilalanin olabilir.
Phenylalanine (abbreviated as Phe or F) is an şamino acid with the formula HO2CCH(NH2)CH2C6H5,
which is found naturally in the breast milk of mammals and manufactured for food and drink
products and are also sold as nutritional supplements for their reputed analgesic and antidepressant
effects. Phenylalanine is structurally closely related to dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline) and
,"Burak Bey,
Benimki daha Çok Antalya'nIn daha Şnce gŞrÜlmemiŞleri oldu.,
Ne var ki :
The neverseenbefore of Antalya : Antalya'nIn daha Şnce gŞrÜlmemiŞleri, yani bir manada ilkleri
The best of me gibi, ya da the worst of what you can see gibi.
Of kullanImI bence doĞru. the ADJ of NAME.
Diye dÜŞÜnÜyorum."
,"2. Virtual Reality
VR, is a simulation model which grants its users an interactive medium with a dynamic environment
created by computers. Its description has three fundamental discerning features making it distinct
from VR (Pimental and Teixeira, 1993). Maybe the first of these is the feel of reality presented to
The user should be able to navigate anywhere in this environment which means he/she should sense
that he/she has the control. This can only be accomplished via interaction.VR applications have got
minimally to encapsulate VR glasses. This way, the user can determine his/her destination and the
direction he/she is looking through, interactively. It is possible to perform a walking action by the
integration of position tracking tools on these glasses in an environment created by computers.
The sense of sighting, without doubt, can be enhanced by the ability of displacing objects, feel of
physical tributes and hearing senses. Naturally, these possibilities bring up the technological tools
like DataGloves, which are a pair of special gloves, 3D sound concept and technological media
alike.(Sui vd.,2001). As a matter of fact it should be kept in mind that the environments alluded to,
are unreal, computer generated environments.
In a VR system, we need supercomputers to act in realtime. Here, computers emerge as Reality
Engines ( vision generators ). It should be able to enable the user to access the databases pertinent
to the 3D geometrics of objects, and coordinate all the sensory tools and hardware so far mentioned,
via application programs."
,"Virtuality stemming from its Latin correspondence "" virtualis "" has been used for things that do
not exist as concepts but as senses. TDK which has put to use the word "" sanal "" in Turkish which is
"" virtual "" in English is used for concepts, creations and environments which do not exist in the real
world. The term takes its root from the verb "" to pseudosense "". It all combines to a world unreal
and nonexistent. However, the opposite of reality is not pretention or falsified things. Taking its cue
from this point, Virtual Reality as a concept can not be thought of as an unreal lifeform. Contrarily, it
should be perceived as : over a virtual reality the sharp edges of the real world touch each other in
this environment."
,"3. BŞlÜm (Assembly Language)
Assembly Language is as close as you can come to writing in machine language, but has the
advantage that it's also humanreadable... using a small vocabulary of words with one syllable. Each
written instruction (such as MOV A,B) typically corresponds to a single machinelanguage instruction
(such as 11001001).
An assembler makes the translation before the program is executed. Back when CPU speed was
measured in kiloHertz and storage space was measured in kiloBytes, Assembly was the most
costefficient way to implement a program. It's used less often now (with all those kilo's replaced by
mega's or giga's, and even tera's on the horizon, it seems no one cares anymore about efficiency),
but if you need speed and/or compactness above all else, Assembly is the solution
Assembly dili makina diline yaklaŞabileceĞiniz en yakIn yazIm dilidir. Sadece bu da deĞil, insan da
okuyup anlar. tek heceyle birÇok kelime haznesi gibi. Her yŞnerge (MOV A,B gibi...) tek bir makina dili
komutuna denk gelir 11001001 gibi.
Derleyici program koŞulmadan Şnce Çevrimi yapar. CPU nun kHz hIzIyla ŞlÇÜldÜĞÜ ve hafIzanIn kB ile
ŞlÇÜldÜĞÜ zamanlarda program yapmanIn en az masraflI yolu Assembly idi. Mega ve Giga larIn,
hatta ufukta tera larIn olduĞu bir dŞnemde kimse verimliliĞi dÜŞÜnmez, fakat hIz ya da / ve kompakt
yapI herŞeyden Şnce geliyorsa bu dil ÇŞzÜmdÜr."
,"4. BŞlÜm (C Language)
SŞz dizim ve komutlarInI olaĞan makine dillerine benzer tutarak, birÇok nesil optimize eden
derleyicilerin ardInda olmasI ile, C hIzlI kod yazImInI okunumdan feragat ederek veriyor. Fakat hala
sizi sadece bir makinanIn izleyebileceĞi Şekilde cezbeder, fakat iŞ, deĞiŞtirme yapmaya ya da bug
gidermeye gelince problem yaŞanabilir.
Bedava ve ticari araÇlar ( ÇoĞu Şimdiki C++ I destekler ) hemen her operating sistemi iÇin ÇeŞitli
kaynaklarda mevcuttur."
B dilinin yeni versiyonu C ŞIk bir kodlanabilme gŞrevi Üstlenir. Bunu assembly ve yÜksek dÜzey bir
dilin kolaylIĞI ve taŞInabilirliĞi ile saĞlar.
5. BŞlÜm (C++ Language)
C++(C deki artIŞ komutu ) belki de Şimdiki desteklenen en gÜncel dildir. BirÇok ticari yazIlImIn dilidir.
AdI Üzerinde : C nin bÜtÜn ÜstÜn Şzelliklerine sahiptir ve daha da nesne yŞnelikli programlama
yenilikleri vardIr.
BŞylece hiÇbir kullanIcI birŞeyleri atIp yeniden yapmak zorunda kalmadI. RepertuvarlarIna istedikleri
tekniĞi ekleyebildiler. NY ( Nesneye YŞnelik ) Çilerden en iyileri nefret ederler ama bu tip bir baŞarIya
laf sŞylemek de zordur.
Bedava ve ticari kullanImlar deĞiŞik kaynaklarda mevcuttur hemen her iŞletim sitemi iÇin. ObjectiveC
C'ye NY bir yaklaŞIm saĞlar C'den farklI olarak. ( Smalltalk bazlI ) hala da ÇoĞunluk kullnIcIya
,"6. BŞlÜm (Java Language)
Java ( kahvenin argosu ) C++ In dizelenmiŞ bir versiyonudur, taŞInabilirlik iÇin tasarlanmIŞtIr. Ana
avantajI JVE nin olduĞu her yerde ÇalIŞabilmesidir. ( DiĞer diller iÇin geÇerli deĞil )
Sun tarafIndan belirlenmiŞ ve baŞka firmalara lisanslI satIlmIŞtIr, bŞylece web tarayIcIlarInda
ÇalIŞabilir. AynI Şekilde cep telefonlarI, desktoplar, web serverlar,... C++ gibi derlenmiŞ bir dile gŞre
uygulanIŞI hIzlI deĞildir.
Bedava ve ticari yazIlImlar deĞiŞik kaynaklarda vardIr. Microsoft Java desteĞini kaldIrsa da Windows
yeni sÜrÜmlerinden, kolaylIkla geri dahil edilebilir."
,"7. BŞlÜm (Pascal Language)
Pascal ( matematikÇi filozof Blaise Pascal ) Şnceleri iyi programlama yetenekleri iÇin kurgulandI fakat
Borland In az maliyetli IBM PC Pascal derleyicisine baĞlI olarak sInIf dIŞIna da taŞIndI.
BirÇok dilin aksine, Pascal bayaĞI yapIsal yaklaŞImlIdIr. Spagetti kodu denilen deŞifre edilemez kodu
engeller, ve Fortran ve C gibi dillerdeki kullanIcIlara bela olan basit hatalarI engeller.
Bedava ve ticari kullanImlarI, Windows, Mac, OS/2, AmigaOS, and Unixgibi sistemlerde vardIr. BBEdit
web sitesi editŞrÜ Pascal ‗da yazIlmIŞtIr.."
9. BŞlÜm (Visual Basic Language)
VB ( BASIC in grafiksel bir sÜrÜmÜ ) Microsoft un her iŞ ticareti dilidir. BASIC le macro dilleri olan MS
Office ve bazI hIzlI ÇalIŞan aplikasyon geliŞtirme dilidir.
Orijinal fikir, VBA kullanarak insanlarI macro yazmaya itmek ve sInIrlara gelindiĞinde bÜtÜn VB
programlama dilini onlara satmaktI.
Ne var ki, VB aplikasyonlarI diĞer ortamlara gelemez, ve siz MS un deĞiŞen dil spesifikasyonlarIna
tabiisinizdir. ( VB6 ya da Şnceki sÜrÜmdeki programlar VB.NET te dÜzgÜn ÇalIŞmaz. Sadece Windows
iÇin Microsoft‘tan bulunur."
,"All along the watchtower,
Princes kept the view,
While all the women came and went —
Barefoot servants too.
Outside in the cold distance,
A wildcat did growl.
Two riders were approaching, and
The wind began to howl.
GŞzlem Kulesi'nden dIŞarI doĞru bakarak. Bir Çizgi halinde."
,"Dear Folks, I wrote a sentence, you are to write another incomplete sentence as the following
posting person. So the next person completes the sentence of the previous one. Sentences are
subject to change with each new posting person.
Wish you the best of luck ;)"
,"big, bigleague*, chief, considerable, conspicuous, critical, crucial, determining, essential, esteemed,
exceptional, exigent, extensive, farreaching, foremost, frontpage , great, imperative, importunate,
influential, large, marked, material, mattering much, meaningful, momentous, necessary, of
moment, of note, of substance, paramount, ponderous, pressing, primary, principal, relevant, salient,
serious, signal, significant, something, standout, urgent, vital, weighty areas"
,". Vestel DIŞ Ticaret A.Ý.
Vestel Sirketler Grubuna baĞlI kuruluŞlarIn ÜretmiŞ olduĞu renkli televizyonlar
ve diger kahverengi/ beyaz eŞya ÜrÜnlerinin 1987 yIlIndan beri yurt dIŞIna
pazarlama faaliyetlerini yÜrÜtmektedir.
V.D.T. nin Şu anda yurt dIŞIna satIsInI gerÇekleŞtirmekten sorumlu olduĞu
ÜrÜnler, Vestel Elektronik bÜnyesinde Üretilen renkli televizyonlarIn yanI sIra, Beyaz
eŞya fabrikasInda Üretilen buzdolaplarI, ÇamaŞIr makineleri, fIrInlar ve klimalar,
Vestelkom da Üretilen uydu alIcIlarI, DVD playerlar ve Hend fabrikasInda Üretilen
LCD ve plazma plazma TV‘lerdIr. 1999 yIlIna kadar, monitŞr ve bilgisayarlarIn
pazarlama ve satIŞ faaliyetleri de V.D.T. satIŞ ŞrgÜtÜnce gerÇekleŞtirilmekte iken,
artIk Ýstanbul merkezli Vestel Pazarlama A.Ý.. tarafIndan gerÇekleŞtirilmektedir.
V.D.T. son yIllarda renkli televizyonlarIn yanI sIra Şzelikle uydu alIcIlarInda
satIŞ adetleri aÇIsIndan bÜyÜk rakamlara ulaŞmIŞtIr. ürÜn gamIna 2000 yIlInda
katIlan DVD player ve klimalarda da satIŞ ŞrgÜtÜne yoĞun gŞrevler dÜŞmektedir.
V.D.T. Şirketinin ihracatta oldukÇa baŞarIlI olmasI ve satIŞ rakamlarInI her yIl
katlamasInIn arkasInda Çok saĞlam temeller yatmaktadIr. Şzellikle Üretim Şzellikleri,
TÜrkiye‘nin coĞrafi konumu ve ihracat mevzuatI acIsIndan avantajlarI Vestel‘i, en
bÜyÜk pazarI olan Avrupa ve diĞer tÜm bŞlgelerde desteklemektedir. BŞylece Vestel,
dÜnya Şirketleri ile rekabet edebilecek gÜce sahip olmakta ve dÜnyanIn sayIlI
firmalarIndan biri konumuna gelmektedir. Avantaj yaratan noktalar ŞunlardIr:
Has been managing the marketing of colored TVs and other Brown / white goods of Vestel
Corporation to the foreign customers since 1987.
The goods VFSJV is currently responsible of vending to foreign markets are Vestel Electronics
manufactured color TVs, Refrigerators manufactured in their white goods production line, washing
machines, ovens, air conditioners, satellite receivers made in Vestelkom, DVD players and Hend
Factory manufactured LCD plasma TVs. Until 1999, marketing and sales of the monitors and
computers were under control of VFSJV. Now it‘s done by Istanbul based Vestel Marketing JV. VFSJV
among color TVs has in recent years specialized in sales of satellite receivers in big quantities, as well.
DVD players which joined the product spectrum in 2000 and air conditions put a great responsibility
on sales organization. Vestel Corp. is highly successful in exportation and multiplies its sales numbers
each year due to the strong foundations it has lying behind. Especially its production features, TR‘s
geographic situation and exportation laws make Vestel supported in other regions as well as the
biggest Market , Europe. Thus Vestel has become one of the most competitive in the giants‘ market.
These, below are the facts which create advantages:"
,"PÜr Matemetiksel aÇIdan bakIldIĞInda ise :
In mathematics, the word null (from German null, which is from Latin nullus, both meaning ""zero"",
or ""none""). Meaning of or related to having zero members in a set or a value of zero. Sometimes
the symbol Ø is used to distinguish ""null"" from 0."
,"""When God began to create heaven and earth, and the earth then was welter and waste and
darkness over the deep and God's breath hovering over the waters, God said, 'Let there be light.' and
there was light""(Genesis chapter 1:3)
The Book of Genesis (Greek: şşşşşşş, ""birth"", ""origin"") or Bereshit (Hebrew: şşşşşşşşşşş, ""in the
beginning"" ) is the first book of the Hebrew Bible/Christian Old Testament, and the first of five books
of the Jewish Torah or Pentateuch.
O.E., from L. genesis, adopted as title of first book of Old Testament in Vulgate, from Gk. genesis
""origin, creation, generation,"" from gignesthai ""to be born,"" related to genos ""race, birth,
descent"" (see genus). As such, it translated Heb. bereshith, lit. ""in the beginning,"" which was the
first word of the text, taken in error as its title. Extended sense of ""origin, creation"" first recorded in
Eng. 1604.
TanrI, GŞkyÜzÜnÜ ve dÜnyayI yaratmaya baŞladIĞInda, yeryÜzÜnde Çamur ve pislik ve derinlikler
Üzerinde karanlIk vardI ve TanrI‘nIn nefesi sular Üzerinde esti. TanrI dedi ki, ― IŞIk Olsun‖ ve IŞIk
meydana geldi ( Genesis BŞlÜm 13 )
Genesis KitabI ( doĞum, baŞlangIÇ, orijin ) veya Bereshit ( BaŞlangIÇta, Ýbranice ) Ýbrani İncili‘nin
ilk ve Hristiyan Eski Ahiti‘nin ve Yahudi Tavrat ve Pentaeuch‘unun ilk 5 kitabIdIr.
KELÝME GENESIS : BaŞlangIÇ, doĞum, Orijin
TÜretmeler :
(1) Generate üretmek / TÜretmek"
""pertaining to origins,"" coined 1831 by Carlyle from Gk. genetikos ""genitive,"" from genesis
""origin"" (see genus). Biological sense first recorded in Darwin, 1859. Genetics (patterned on ethics,
etc.) is 1872 meaning ""laws of origination,"" 1905 for ""study of heredity,"" a coinage of Eng.
biologist William Bateson (18611926).
Orijinler ( BaŞlangIÇlar ) ile ilgili"
,"Matrix Filmi'ni hepimiz biliriz. Peki manasInI merak ettiniz mi ş
Matrix : 1373, from O.Fr. matrice, from L. matrix (gen. matricis) ""pregnant animal,"" in L.L.
""womb,"" also ""source, origin,"" from mater (gen. matris) ""mother."" Sense of ""place or medium
where something is developed"" is first recorded 1555; sense of ""embedding or enclosing mass""
first recorded 1641. Logical sense of ""array of possible combinations of truthvalues"" is attested
from 1914.
KIsacasI, birŞeylerin geliŞtiĞi yer ya da ortam
Mater Mother ( rahim ) ile de ilgisi bulunmaktadIr."
,"Celeste > Celestial : GŞk ile ilgili
Celestial : c.1384, from L. cælestis ""heavenly,"" from cælum ""heaven, sky,"" of uncertain origin;
perhaps from PIE *kaidslo, from a root meaning ""bright."" The L. word is the source of the usual
word for ""sky"" in most of the Romance languages, e.g. Fr. ciel, Sp. cielo, It. cielo."
,"O zaman , Hocam diyoruz ki CYAN > bir Şekilde SiyanÜrle ilgili, deĞil mi ş
Cyan Cyanide :
cyanide http://www.etymonline.com/graphics/dictionary.gif 1826, coined from cyan, comb. form for
carbon and nitrogen compounds, from Gk. kyanos ""dark blue enamel, lapis lazuli"" (probably a
nonIE word) + chemical ending ide. So called because it first had been obtained by heating the dye
pigment powder known as Prussian blue (see Prussian)."
,"January is named after Janus (Ianuarius), the god of the doorway; the name has its beginnings in
Roman mythology, coming from the Latin word for door (ianua) January is the door to the year.
REF : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January"
,"Large dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic Period Mega tyrannosaurus şşş
Very large city; very large region made up of many cities/towns
love of great things; obsession with extravagant things Megalomania
large unit of computer memory Megabyte
funnelshaped device used to make the voice larger very large stone used in prehistoric structures in
Western Megalith"
,"Theres a sign on the wall
But she wants to be sure
'cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook
There's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Please analyze misgiven , mentioned here."
,"pre: Latin prefix meaning ""before""
(Before + take with) (v): To form an opinion before possessing full or adequate knowledge. ""I had
the preconceived (adj) idea that horse back riding would be easy.""
(Before + take) (v): To expect or assume without reason. "" I presumed that she would be late.
(Before + go) (v) To go before, to be in front of. ""The first graders preceded the other classes in line.
(Before + judgement) (n) I was prejudiced about Latin. I thought it would be boring, but it was not "
,"One who discriminates against or who is prejudiced against Jews. His friends scorned Greg's
antisemitic talk.
A medication that acts against acid indigestion. antacid (n)
(after + late born)(adj) Originally this word meant the latestborn, as the chield in a family. today it
means after a person's death. "" He received a posthumous award. (adv.)
The doctor made a post/pre mortem examination of the gunshot victim. "
God rested on an odd ( in the sense of numerals ) day. ( 7th day )
Which day is the Sabbathş
http://www.sabbathtruth.com/images/sabbath_purpose/dictionary.jpg""The seventh day is the
sabbath of the Lord thy God."" Exodus 20:10. ""And when the sabbath was past, ...very early in the
morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre."" Mark 16:1,2.
The Sabbath is not the first day of the week (Sunday), as many believe, but the seventh day
(Saturday). Notice from the above Scripture that the Sabbath is the day that comes just before the
first day of the week.
,"Don't come... Don't pierce into the walls of my soul, mind, blood, body anymore... Don't make me
passionate for your lips, every time I think of you...Don't wet my most discrete corners when I utter
your name...Like God's tears, every inch of my body is precious.
You've turned me into a waning city as you came closer, you'd be my unexplored even if I journey
inside you... You were my wicked season...There was no hope with you, that was why you were
irrefutable, my indispensible.
You've come very solid to me... You hit me inside... These tears come out of my rage. Don't you ever
take them unto yourself."
,"Artist: Fogerty John
Song: The Old Man Down The Road
Album: Centerfield
He take the thunder from the mountain
He take a lightning from the sky
He bring a strong man to his begging knee
He make the young girl's mama cry.
You got to hideyhide
You got to jump and run
You got to hideyhideyhide
The old man is down the road...
He got the voices speakin' riddles
He got the eye as black as coal
He got a suitcase covered with rattlesnake hide
And he stands right in the road.
You got to hideyhide
You got to jump up run away
You got to hideyhideyhide
The old man is down the road.
(Guitar Solo 1)
He make the river call your lover
He make the barking of the hound
Put a shadow 'cross the window
When the old man comes around.
You got to hideyhide
You got to jump and run again
You got to hideyhideyhide
The old man is down the road
The old man is down the road.
(Guitar Solo 2)
You got to, you got to, you got to hideyhideyhide.
Bunu da John Fogerty yanlIŞ biliyor olacak."
,"Eustachian tube
Eustace http://www.etymonline.com/graphics/dictionary.gif proper name, from L. Eustachius,
probably from Gk. eustakhos ""fruitful,"" from eu ""well"" + stakhys ""ear (of grain)."" Eustachian
tubes, in anatomy, so called for It. physician Bartolomeo Eustachia (d.1574), who discovered the
passages from the ears to the throat."
,"Isodynamic point
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mic_Point.svg.png http://en.wikipedia.org/skins1.5/common/images/magnifyclip.png
S and S' as common intersection points of circles of Apollonius.
In Euclidean geometry, every triangle has two isodynamic points, usually denoted as S and S'. These
points are the common intersection points of the three circles of Apollonius associated with the
triangle; hence, the line through these points is the common radical axis for these circles. The centers
of these circles are collinear; they all fall on the Lemoine line, which is perpendicular to the radical
axis defined by the isodynamic points.
The isodynamic points have other interesting geometric properties, e.g.,
Inversion with respect to an isodynamic point transforms the original triangle into an equilateral
The pedal triangle of an isodynamic point is also equilateral.
,"Dave Mustaine in one of his songs says : "" Liars' anagram is Lairs "".
To be more obvious: an anagram is the word or sentence or phrase rooting from some other
equilength ( characterwise ) word or sentence or phrase with the letters reused in an other order.
And they should be meaningful, too !
Eg :
NEVER has the Anagrams
En Rev
Please list down your Anagrams."
,"I want you, I am searching for you. You make me disappear with your oblivion, you are left behind.
But someone,too , destroys you. In fact, in this game, everyone destroys everyone. I destroy some
others, others destroy others. You destroy me, you destroy some others. I well know that, this
wound will stay open forever even if you do love me. And your wound will share the same fate even
if someone loves you. It will never heal ! Your palms will close to a void just like that schizoid.
Amazing thing... One of my latest favorites.
It's going to be an eerie farewell because you always stay inside of me. How far I go, you are with me
everywhere. Nothing left to say. I am leaving, goodbye.
It is a timing mistake I got that, wrong place, wrong woman, I am aware, my valentine."
,"Once again your party is reflecting the pss price. Your party denoted in your previous bill that you
reflect this cost because the ship had already left for its destination, but our party now sees that you
are trying to deduct this price from our party over again. In your previous bill, we informed our
clients with this price but each and every one of them know that this cost should be taken from the
other party. What is more, your party always insists that our party demand these costs under
nominally washing price, h/c and d/o price. But this time these prices are unacceptable."
,"Written by peter green.
Got a black magic woman
I got a black magic woman
Yes, I got a black magic woman
Got me so blind I cant see
But shes a black magic woman
And shes tryin to make a devil out of me
Dont turn your back on me baby
Dont turn your back on me baby
Yes, dont turn your back on me baby
Youre messin around with your tricks
Dont turn your back on me baby
cause you might just break up my magic stick
You got your spell on me baby
You got your spell on me baby
Yes, you got your spell on me baby
Youre turning my heart into stone
I need you so bad, magic woman, I cant leave you alone
Yes, I need you so bad
Well, I need you darling
Yeah, I need you darling
Yes, I want you love me
I want you love me
Whoa, I want you love me, ah
Whoh, yeah
Oh, whoa, baby
Yes, I need your love
Oh, I need your love so bad
I want you love me"
,"The Boy in Love melts with pain onto your face
Whenever I look at your face
The sweet tension in loneliness
Deepens the orphan lake rapidly
I know, my pains will not pass, this is such a green
Whenever I look into your eyes, I know
Supercedes both of us, that tale beyond the door
Me, fears of my heart's situations, I freeze
Like a little kid on a speedytrain
I become stoned looking at the faces that come and go
The shortness of life crashes into the glasses
Fire hastily spreads inside
Night falls, houses fill and be empty
The kid in love melts with pain into your face
Whenever I look into your eyes, I know
It supercedes both of us, the tale beyond that door
Cezmi ErsŞz"
,"Dear Alan,
I will try to explain a seemingly complicated situation in an ordered list.
1 2209 dated file is made up of 6768 and 192 numbered entries according to the daily Excel table.
However, they are ordered 6768 and 69 as entries in Thomas' texts. Number 192 entry is a repetition
of 05032009, however, since on that date we were not doing mutual business, we have not got
2 According to the 2309 file daily excel table, it is made up of 11245 and 617 numbered entries.
However Thomas' text has them in the order of 164517. The 112nd entry is a repetition of 07022009,
however same situation I have explained above is valid here, too. We have not got it since we were
not doing business together then. 617th entry is brandnew but does not appear in Thomas' texts.
This situation which is the nonexistence of the any most recent entry in the file, is perhaps not an
issue we have figured out only. The closeness of the mentioned dates stem from the fact that we are
antagonizing 22092009 as 192nd entry and 23092009 as 112th and 617th entries a.s.a.p. and wish
you the best of luck."
,"( Kim bu tatmin edilemez aŞkla ŞlÜ seven dayanIlmaz varlIk ş )
YaŞayan ŞlÜ KIz !
Kafeste Şfke
Ve sahneye *Şe
Devi dize getirmek
Ýpler kopsun
MezarlIk yaratIklarInIn
Bir dÜz ayakla ( argo polis )
Ýeytan'In kanadInda
üzerime sÜrÜn
ÝÇime gir
Benim iÇin Şl
YaŞayan ŞlÜ KIz
üzerime sÜrÜn
ÝÇime gir
Benim iÇin Şl
YaŞayan ŞlÜ KIz
SalaĞa tecavÜz
Ve hilkatI garibe itiŞ kakIŞ
Aynen bir kambur suyu ÇIkmIŞ
Duygusal bir ilmikte
Pislik Operasyonu
ZenginliĞi sevmeyi seviyorlar
bir SS ( Nazi Subay Schutzstaffel ) yosmasI
KorkunÇ sesler yapIyor
Psikoklon Jack
Halusinasyon gŞren politikacI
Donna Reed dÜŞÜnÜyor
DolarlarI yiyor
AltInayak makina
BaŞka bir Şeytani varlIk yaratIyor
O kadar GÜzel ki
Seni ŞldÜrmeye zorluyorlar
üzerime sÜrÜn
ÝÇime gir
Benim iÇin Şl
YaŞayan ŞlÜ KIz
üzerime sÜrÜn
ÝÇime gir
Benim iÇin Şl
YaŞayan ŞlÜ KIz
Derisinde kan var
GÜnah akIyor paÇalarIndan
Bir daha yap
YaŞayan ŞlÜ KIz
Derisinde kan var
GÜnah akIyor paÇalarIndan
Bir daha yap
YaŞayan ŞlÜ KIz"
Arkadaslar tezim iÇin cok Şnemli,zahmet edipde zaman ayIran olursa cok sevinirim.....
f. Vestel DIŞ Ticaret A.Ý.
Vestel Sirketler Grubuna baĞlI kuruluŞlarIn ÜretmiŞ olduĞu renkli televizyonlar
ve diger kahverengi/ beyaz eŞya ÜrÜnlerinin 1987 yIlIndan beri yurt dIŞIna
pazarlama faaliyetlerini yÜrÜtmektedir.
V.D.T. nin Şu anda yurt dIŞIna satIsInI gerÇekleŞtirmekten sorumlu olduĞu
ÜrÜnler, Vestel Elektronik bÜnyesinde Üretilen renkli televizyonlarIn yanI sIra, Beyaz
eŞya fabrikasInda Üretilen buzdolaplarI, ÇamaŞIr makineleri, fIrInlar ve klimalar,
Vestelkom da Üretilen uydu alIcIlarI, DVD playerlar ve Hend fabrikasInda Üretilen
LCD ve plazma plazma TV‘lerdIr. 1999 yIlIna kadar, monitŞr ve bilgisayarlarIn
pazarlama ve satIŞ faaliyetleri de V.D.T. satIŞ ŞrgÜtÜnce gerÇekleŞtirilmekte iken,
artIk Ýstanbul merkezli Vestel Pazarlama A.Ý.. tarafIndan gerÇekleŞtirilmektedir.
V.D.T. son yIllarda renkli televizyonlarIn yanI sIra Şzelikle uydu alIcIlarInda
satIŞ adetleri aÇIsIndan bÜyÜk rakamlara ulaŞmIŞtIr. ürÜn gamIna 2000 yIlInda
katIlan DVD player ve klimalarda da satIŞ ŞrgÜtÜne yoĞun gŞrevler dÜŞmektedir.
V.D.T. Şirketinin ihracatta oldukÇa baŞarIlI olmasI ve satIŞ rakamlarInI her yIl
katlamasInIn arkasInda Çok saĞlam temeller yatmaktadIr. Şzellikle Üretim Şzellikleri,
TÜrkiye‘nin coĞrafi konumu ve ihracat mevzuatI acIsIndan avantajlarI Vestel‘i, en
bÜyÜk pazarI olan Avrupa ve diĞer tÜm bŞlgelerde desteklemektedir. BŞylece Vestel,
dÜnya Şirketleri ile rekabet edebilecek gÜce sahip olmakta ve dÜnyanIn sayIlI
firmalarIndan biri konumuna gelmektedir. Avantaj yaratan noktalar ŞunlardIr:
Kalite: Vestel de ISO 9001 ve ihracat yapIlan Ülkelerin yerel standartlarIna uygunluk
belgeleri bulunmaktadIr.
Daha iyi kalite/ fiyat oranI: Uygun kabin tasarImlarI, geliŞmiŞ Şaseler ve teknolojik
geliŞmelere paralel, sÜrekli maliyet dÜŞÜrme ÇalIŞmalarI yapIlmaktadIr.
Estetik: Pazara yŞnelik tasarImlar, daha hIzlI tamIn ve daha az maliyet, daha kIsa
tepki zamanI sŞz konusudur.
Teknoloji: Modern ARGE faaliyetleri, yÜksek seviyeli urun Şzellikleri, elektronik
sektŞrÜnde 20 yIllIk uluslararasI tecrÜbe, kolay yedek parÇa ve servis sunulmaktadIr.
ÝletiŞim KolaylIĞI: CoĞrafik yakInlIk, Avrupa ile sIfIr zaman farkI, Avrupa
merkezlerine 3 saatlik uÇuŞ mesafesi ve Avrupa mantIĞI bulunmaktadIr.
SIfIr GÜmrÜk: ATR1 sayesinde en bÜyÜk pazar olan Avrupa PazarIna UzakdoĞulu
Üreticilere oranla daha avantajlI girebilmektir.
V.D.T. iÇerisinde bŞlgesel ayrIma gidilirken Şzellikle dikkat edilen konu,
benzer politik ve ekonomik Şzellikler gŞsteren Ülkelerin aynI grup iÇerisinde
tutulmaya ÇalIŞIlmasIdIr. Bununla birlikte kItalara gŞre gŞrev daĞIlImI da Şnemli bir
temeli oluŞturmaktadIr.
Vestel DIŞ Ticaret iÇerisinde, satIŞ ve pazarlamadan sorumlu genel mÜdÜr
yardImcIlIĞIna baĞlI bŞlgesel satIŞ gruplarI ÜÇe ayrIlmIŞ ve aralarIndaki gŞrev
daĞIlImI su sakilde oluŞturulmuŞtur:
EC – 1 + Okyanusya: Sorumluluk alanI; İngiltere, Fransa, Ýrlanda,
Ýskandinavya, Avustralya, Yeni Zelanda‘dIr.
EC – 2 + Amerika: Sorumluluk alanI; Akdeniz Ülkeleri, Almanya, Benelux
Ülkeleri, Amerika kItasIdIr.
Not – EC: Sorumluluk alanI; DoĞu Avrupa, CIS, BaltIk Ülkeleri, Balkanlar,
Orta DoĞu, AfrikadIr.
Vestel‘in hedefi yÜksek kalitedeki elektronik tÜketim maddeleri Üretiminde
faaliyetlerine devam ederken temel iŞ aktivitelerindeki karlIlIk ve ciroda sÜregelen
bÜyÜmeyi kontrollÜ bir Şekilde saĞlamaktIr..
Vestel Avrupa‘nIn en bÜyÜk Üreticisi konumuna gelirken ÜrÜnlerinde yuksek
seviyede bir farklIlaŞtIrma becerisi geliŞtirmesinin bÜyÜk faydalarInI gŞrmÜŞtÜr.
MÜŞteri isteklerine gŞre ÜrÜnlerde yaptIĞI adaptasyonlar ve modifikasyonlar ile
mÜŞteri memnuniyetini yÜksek seviyede tutmaya ÇalIŞmaktadIr. Bu sayede ÜrÜn
ÇeŞitliliĞinde 1000 in Üzerinde farklI modele ulaŞIlmIŞtIr.
Avrupa TV pazarI temel olarak ikiye ayrIlmaktadIr; ilk grupta Çok bilindik
Sony, Philips gibi markalar yer almaktadIr. Bu grup, satIŞ adedinde pazarIn
%30‘una, deĞerinde (value) ise %50‘sine sahiptir. Bu pazarda Vestel‘in OEM bazlI
Üretimiyle yeri %20 civarIndadIr. PazarIn %70ini oluŞturan ikinci segment ise dÜŞÜk
fiyat ve hIzlI teslimat Üzerine kuruludur. Bu segmentte Vestel‘in payI %80‘dir. Bu
segmentte her sene fiyatlar %5.6 dÜŞmektedir.. Fiyat rekabeti Üzerine kuruludur. Bu
nedenle Vestel‘in satIŞlarInda iÇ pazarIn payI adette toplamIn %10‘u olmasIna
raĞmen, gelirde %15‘dir ve cironun %30‘unu oluŞturur.
Vestel basta Bbrand dediĞimiz ikincil markalara odaklanmIŞtIr. Bu markalar
daĞItImcIlar, perakendeciler veya posta ile sipariŞ alan Şirketler (Alba, Quelle,
Carrefour) iÇin tasarlanmIŞtIr. Fakat diĞer yandan, A sInIfI marka olan JVC, Hitachi
gibi markalar iÇin de Üretim yapmaya baslamIŞtIr. Bu B sInIf markalardan A sInIf
markalar iÇin Üretim yapmaya geÇiŞ stratejisini TV‘den sonra diĞer ÜrÜn gruplarI iÇin
de uygulamIŞtIr. Simdiki planI bu stratejiyi yeni TV serileri, Çok geliŞmiŞ, teknolojik
TV‘ler icin de kullanmak Üzerine odaklanmaktIr.
Hem iÇ hem dIŞ pazarlarda, Vestel diĞer tÜrk Üreticiler ile rekabet
icerisindedir, Turkiyede Vestel Beko‘nun arkasIndan %32lik bir Pazar payIna
sahiptir. Beko‘nun Pazar payI %42‘dir. Bugun Avrupa TV pazarI yIlda 35 milyon
seviyesindedir ve Vestel‘in Avrupa pazarIndaki yÜzdesi 2003‘te %16‘dan 2006‘da
%26‘ya ÇIkmIŞ durumdadIr. Beko‘nun da Avrupa‘daki Pazar payI ise %19‘a ÇIkmIŞ
bulunmaktadIr. TÜrk Üreticileri Vestel, Beko ve ProfiloTelra, Avrupa pazarInIn
%50‘sini karŞIlayarak Avrupa‘nIn Şnde gelen TV Üreticileri durumundadIrlar.
Yeni bÜyÜme stratejisi ile Vestel‘in amacI yeni teknolojiler, beceriler ve Pazar
bilgileri ŞĞrenerek maksimum dÜzeyde geliŞimi yakalamaktIr. Resmi ortak giriŞimler
ve ittifaklardan olduĞu kadar daĞItImcIlar ve Üreticiler ile resmi partnerlikler kurarak
da ŞĞrenme sÜrecinde fayda gŞrmektedir. Partnerlerinin uluslararasI deneyimleri ile
kendi lokal bilgilerini birleŞtirerek kendi becerilerini de geliŞtirmektedir. Bu strateji
doĞrultusunda Vestel ArGe ÇalIŞmalarIna da bÜyÜk Şnem vermiŞtir ve ABD,
Tayvan, UK, Ýsrail ve TÜrkiye‘de ArGe yatIrImlarInda bulunmuŞ, teknoloji Üsleri
aÇmIŞtIr. BŞylece Vestel DIŞTicaret A.Ý. ArGe faaliyetleri alIp bunu ilk kez ticarete
dŞken Şirket olmaktan, kendi ArGe ÇalIŞmalarI ile teknoloji yaratan bir Şirket haline
ArGe faaliyetleri iÇin yIllIk 50 milyon dolar bÜtÇe ayrIlmakta ve 700 ÇalIŞan
istihdam edilmektedir. AraŞtIrma ve geliŞtirme faaliyetlerine Çok fazla Şnem veren,
geliŞimin ve rekabet edebilirliĞin ancak teknolojik yenilikleri yakIndan takip etmek ve
Üretmek olduĞunu fark eden Vestel 11 adet ArGe merkezine sahiptir.
Bu merkezler
• Vestel Elektronik, Manisa
• Vestel Ctiy, Manisa
• Vestel KomÜnikasyon, Ýzmir
• Vestel USA,San Diego
• Vestel Taiwan, Taipei
• Vestel Hong Kong
• Cabot UK, Bristol
• Cabot Ýzmir
• Vestek Ýstanbul Teknik üniversitesi
• AydIn YazIlIm
• Vestel Savunma
1. Vestel‘in YurtdIŞI SatIŞ FirmalarI
a.Vestel Iberia İpanya ve Portekiz)
1998 Şncesi Ýspanya ve Portekizde daĞInIk mÜŞteriler bulunmaktaydI.
Toplam 60 milyonun Üzerinde bir nÜfusa sahip bÜyÜk potansiyeldeki Ispanya ve
Portekiz pazarlarInI en iyi Şekilde deĞerlendirmek Üzere 1998 de Madrid merkezli
―Vestel Iberia SL.‖ AdlI %100 Vestel‘in sahipliĞinde olan bir Şirket kurulmuŞtur.
Ýspanya ve Portekiz pazarlarI gerek tÜketici Şzellikleri gerekse ÜrÜn Şzellikler
gerekse coĞrafi ve kÜltÜrel aÇIlardan bÜyÜk benzerlikler gŞstermektedir. Bu nedenle
V.D.T iÇerisinde bu Ülkeler bir arada deĞerlendirilmektedirler. Vestel, Ýspanya ve
Portekiz de kesinlikle kendi markasI ile satIŞ yapmamakta, sadece mÜŞteri markasI
ile ÜrettiĞi ÜrÜnleri bu pazarlara gŞndermektedir. Bluesky, BasIc LIne, Techwood,
Teka, Aspes/Edesa, ElectrIc Co, Sanyo, Hyundai, Schneider, Singer, Weltstar,
MItsai Vestel Iberia‘nIn satIŞ yaptIĞI ve distrÜbÜtŞrÜ olduĞu markalardIr.
Vestel Iberia SL. Kurulmadan Şnce Vestel‘in bŞlgedeki mÜŞterisi olan bir
ithalatÇI firmanIn daĞItIm kanallarI kullanIlmakta, buna karŞIlIk ithalatÇI firmaya
komisyon verilmekteydi. GÜnÜmÜzde Ýspanya ve Portekiz pazarInda Vestel olarak
ÜÇ farklI daĞItIm kanalInda faaliyet gŞsterilmektedir. BŞlgedeki Vestel satIŞlarInIn %
75‘i hipermarketlere yapIlmaktadIr. Şzellikle Carefour ve Alcampo grubu bŞlge iÇin
satIn alma iŞlemlerini doĞrudan Vestel Iberia SL Üzerinden gerÇekleŞtirmektedirler.
Hipermarketler Çok gÜÇlÜ alIm gÜcÜne sahiptir ve Ülke iÇerisinde satIlan ÜrÜnlerin
model Şzelliklerini, fiyatlarInI belirleyen en Şnemli faktŞr olduklarI sŞylenebilir.
Televizyon, bu tur hipermarketlerde satIŞI arttIrmak iÇin Şnemli promosyon
aracI olarak kullanIlmaktadIr. Şzellikle 37 ekran gibi kÜÇÜk ekran TV‘ler,
hipermarketlerde oldukÇa dÜŞÜk fiyatlarla hatta maliyetine satIlmaktadIr. Bu tÜr
promosyonlar sayesinde Çok kIsa dŞnemlerde, Vestel ÜrÜnlerinde bÜyÜk satIŞ
adetlerine ulaŞIlmasI mÜmkÜn olabilmektedir. Fakat promosyonlarIn, uzun vadede
olumsuz bir etkisi ise pazarda ÜrÜn fiyatlarInIn son derece dÜŞmesine neden
Diger bir daĞItIm kanalI, bŞlgedeki Vestel satIŞlarInIn %20‘sInIn
gerÇekleŞtiĞi ithalatÇI konumundaki firmalardIr. Bunlar baĞImsIz kÜÇÜk
perakendecilere daĞItIm saĞlayan firmalardIr.
BunlarIn yanInda Vestel IberIa SL Üzerinden bÜyÜk perakendeciler ve zincir
organizasyonlarI (Media Market, Tien 21, Miro ve Conforoma, Benavent, Eldissa,
Ebesa, Dismar) Üzerinde daĞItIm gerÇekleŞtirilmektedir.
Vestel Iberia SL nin alt mÜŞterileri olarak aŞaĞIdaki firmalar sayIlabilir.
• Carrefour,
• Alcampo,
• Sanyo Ispanya/PortekIz,
• JoInco,
• Radiopopular,
• Sonae,
• SchneIder,
• Mediamarkt,
• Fagor,
• Teka
Vestel Iberia SL merkezcil ve dikey bir ŞrgÜtlenme yapIsIna sahiptir. Genel
mÜdÜre baĞlI bŞlÜmler muhasebe ve finansman, ithalat ve daĞItIm, teknik servis
Vestel DIŞ Ticaret A.Ý.‘den alImlarInI aĞIrlIklI olarak FOB olarak
yapmaktadIr. Yani V.D.T‘nin sorumluluĞu konteynerleri geminin kÜpeŞtesinden
geÇirip gemiye yÜklediĞi anda bitmektedir. Bu sebepten dolayI yÜklerin
(kanteynerlerin) sevk edileceĞi acente ve hattI Vestel Iberia SL. belirlemektedir ve
alt mÜŞterilerine en uygun limanlara sevkIyatlar gerÇekleŞtirilmektedir.
b. Vestel Italy S.r.l.
Ýtalya AvrupanIn en Şnemli liman Şehirlerindendir. Ýtalya‘nIn ÜÇ tarafInIn
denizlerle Çevrili olmasI ve limanlarInIn oldukÇa geliŞmiŞ olmasI bu bŞlgeye yapIlan
sevkiyatlarIn tamamInIn deniz yolu ile yapIlmasIna neden olmuŞtur. TIr
sevkiyatlarInda dahi roro lar ile taŞImacIlIk yapIlmakta ve Ýtalya‘nIn iÇ bŞlgelerine
limanlara kadar getirilen tIrlar sevk edilmektedir.
Ýtalya ithalatInIn %14‘ÜnÜ Almanya‘dan, %13 ‗ÜnÜ Fransa‘dan, %6 sInI
Hollanda‘dan, %5‘ ini ispanya‘dan, %23‘ÜnÜ AvrupanIn diĞer Ülkelerinden ve
%49‘unu da Avrupa dIŞIndaki Ülkelerden yapmaktadIr.
Vestel Italy faaliyetlerine ilk olarak NECO ismiyle baŞlamIŞtIr. 1997 yIlIndan
Vestel ile kontaĞa geÇen Şirkete aralIk 1997 de ilk ihracat gerÇekleŞtirilmiŞtir. Ýirketin
ismi 1999 da Vesdit olarak deĞiŞtirilmiŞtir. AĞustos 2001 yIlInda ise joint Venture
yŞntemiyle %51 i vestelin olmak Üzere faaliyetlerine ÝtalyaComo merkez olmak
Üzere devam eden bir Şirket haline dŞnÜŞmÜŞtÜr.
Vestel Italy Üzerinden Avrupa pazarIna ihraÇ edilen ve daĞItImI
gerÇekleŞtirilen ÜrÜnler
• Ctv,Tft,Plazma
• DVD ve Home Theathers
• BuzdolabI
• Klima
• ÇamaŞIr makinesIdIr.
Vestel Italy‘nin kendisine ait Inno Hit Inno Hit, Graetz, Autovox, Ultravox,
Schneider, Bluesky, Wegavox, Germanvox ve markalarI bulunmaktadIr.
Vestel Italy‘nin alt mÜŞterileri ise: COOP, Conforama, Carrefour, Italvideo,
UniEuro, Auchan, Consumer, Schneider, Mercatone Uno‘dur. Vestel Üzerinden
satIŞlar aĞIrlIklI olarak CIF (mal bedeli, navlun & sigorta )olarak yapIlmakta ve Vestel
tarafIndan belirlenen acentalar ve hatlar Üzerinden aĞIrlIklI olarak gemi sevkiyatI ile
ihracat gerÇekleŞtirilmektedir.
Vestel Italy‘Nin mÜŞterisi konumudaki firmalar aĞIrlIklI olarak gIda ve gIda
dIŞI ÜrÜnlerin satIldIĞI hipermarket zincirleridir. Perakendeciler sayesince tÜm
Ýtalya‘yI kapsayan baŞarIlI bir daĞItIm aĞI oluŞturulmuŞtur.
c. Vestel BenelÜx
BelÇika, Hollanda ve LÜxembourg devletlerinden meydana gelen ve benelÜx
Ülkeleri olarak adlandIrIlan Pazardan en etkili Şekilde faydalanmak ve pazara daha
etkin bir Şekilde nÜfuz edebilmek iÇin merkezi Rotterdam‘da olmak Üzere Vestel
BenelÜx Şirketi kurulmuŞtur. Ýirketin %50 ‗si Vetel‘e aittir. Vestel iŞtiraki olarak iki
ana ortak bulunmakta ve sekiz kiŞiden oluŞmaktadIr. AyrIca; teknik destek saĞlayan
anlaŞmalI bir Şirket ve depo olarak kullanmak iÇin anlaŞmalI olduklarI bayrI bir Şirket
Firma daĞItImlarInI merkezi ana depo Üzerinden yapmaktadIr. Bu pazarda
vestel BenelÜx; hem Vestel markasIyla hem de Techwood, Graetz, Tve, Palladium
markalarI ile atIŞlarInI sÜrdÜrmektedir. Ýirketin alt mÜŞterileri ise Blokker,
Neckermann Hollanda, Watson, Scheer & Foppen, Metro, De Block, Hon,
MediIamarket, Intergamma, Steenweg, Bcc, New Vanden Borre gibi firmalardIr.
Vestelden tÜm alImlar CFR (aÇIlImI cost and freight olan ve mal bedeli ve
navlun anlamIna bu terim ile satIcI belirlenen varIŞ limanIna malI gŞnderebilmek iÇin
gerekli tÜm giderleri ve navlunu Şdemek zorundadIr. Ancak malla ilgili yitik bir hasar
rizikolarI ile giderlerde gŞrÜlebilecek artIŞ, yÜkleme limanInda mallarIn gemi
kÜpeŞtesini geÇmesi anIndan itibaren satIcIdan alIcIya devredilmiŞ olmaktadIr)
olarak gerÇekleŞtirilmektedir.
d. Vestel France S.A.
Vestel‘in Fransa‘daki satIŞ ve pazarlama faaliyetleri Paris‘in gÜneyindeki Orly
merkezli Vestel France S.a. tarafIndan yÜrÜtÜlmektedir. Bu firma %100 Vestel‘ e ait
olup 1996 yIlInda kurulmuŞtur.
Mitsubishi, Sansui vb. markalarIn Fransa‘daki distrÜbÜtŞrÜ olan firma
ithalattan vezgeÇerek var olan mÜŞteri portfŞyÜ ve daĞItIm kanalI yapIsInI Vestel‘e
devretmiŞ ve bu Şekilde Vestel France S.A. faaliyete geÇmiŞtir. Vestel France‘nin
elemanlarI da bu distribÜtŞr firmanIn elemanlarIndan seÇilmiŞtir.
Fransa Vestel iÇin Avrupadaki en Şnemli daĞItIm kanalI olan hipermarket
zincirlerinin birÇoĞunun merkezi konumundadIr. Bu zincirlerin Avrupa‘da herhangi bir
Ülkeye yapacaklarI alImlarI ile ilgili anlaŞmalarI, hipermarketlerin merkezlerinin
bulunduĞu Fransa‗da dolayIsIyla Vestel France S.A. tarafIndan gerÇeleŞtirilmektedir.
EĞer alImlar Ýspanya, Almanya gibi Vestel‘in baĞlI firmalarInIn yer aldIĞI Ülkelerden
birine yapIlIyorsa Vestel France S.a.esas gŞrÜŞmelerden sonra baĞlantIlarI, o
Ülkedeki Vestel Şirketlerine aktarmaktadIr.
Fransa‘nIn Vestel‘in en fazla ihracat yaptIĞI Ülkeler sIralamasInda Almanya
ve İngiltere‘den sonra ÜÇÜncÜ sIrada yer almasInda Şzellikle dŞnemsel
promosyonlarla bÜyÜk miktarlarda alIm yapan hipermarketlerin etkisi bÜyÜktÜr.
Hipermarketlerin dIŞInda ev ÜrÜnleri ve mobilyalarIn satIldIĞI maĞaza zincirleri,
elektronik Şzel maĞaza zincirleri Vestel France S.A. nIn diĞer daĞItIm kanallarInI
e. Veseg Germany Gmbh
Almanya ekonomisi AvrupanIn en bÜyÜk, A.B.D ve Japonya'dan sonra
dÜnyanIn en bÜyÜk 3. ekonomisidir. 2005 yIlI ihracat rakamI 1,016 trilyon $ dIr. 82,5
milyonluk nÜfusu ile Avrupa‘nIn en bÜyÜk Ülkesi olan Almanya Vestel‘in satIŞ
yapmakta olduĞu Ülkeler arasInda Çok Şnemli bir yere sahiptir.
Vestel Almanya‘daki pazarlama ve satIŞ faaliyetlerini aĞIrlIklI olarak
Almanyada kurulmuŞ olan Veseg adlI Şirket aracIlIĞI ile sÜrdÜrmektedir. Almanya‘da
en bilinen markalardan biri olan Seg 90‘lI yIllarIn ilk yarIsInda Vestel‘in
mÜŞterilerinden birtanesi iken finansal ortak arayIŞI sonucu Vestel ile birleŞme kararI
verilmiŞ ve Veseg kurulmuŞtur. Veseg‘in %51‘i Vestel‘e %49‘u ise Seg firmasIna
Almanya‘ya yapIlan satIŞlarIn tÜmÜ Veseg Üzerinden yapIlmamaktadIr.
Almanya merkezli iki firma daha bulunmaktadIr ki bu firmalar Veseg kurulmadan
Şnce Vestel‘in ÇalIŞtIĞI firmalardIr ve hala araya Veseg dAhil edilmeden doĞrudan
V.D.T. Üzerinden ÇalIŞmaya devam edilmektedir.
f. Vestel Holland B.V.
Merkezi Rotterdamda bulunan Vestel Holland 01.01.1995 yIlInda
kurulmuŞtur. %100 Vestel‘ e ait olan bu Şirketin amacI bu bŞlgede satIŞ
gerÇekleŞtirmek deĞil, Avrupa pazarIndaki finansal olanaklardan ve ithalat
olanaklarIndan faydalanmaktIr.
g. Vestel UK
İngiltere‘de 1996 yIlIndan berI tek bir firma ile ÇalIŞIlmaktadIr ve bu firma,
Vestel Üretimi televizyonlarIn İngiltere iÇin tek yetkili ithalatÇIsI konumundadIr. Firma,
aynI zamanda elektrikli kÜÇÜk ev aletleri, temizlik aletleri, mutfak araÇlarI, radyo,
telefon gibi birÇok ÜrÜnÜn de ithalatInI yapmaktadIr.
Televizyonda, farklI olarak konumlandIrdIĞI ÜÇ markasI bulunan firma,
İngiltere iÇerisinde Çok geniŞ daĞItIm aĞIna sahiptir. Bu daĞItIm aĞI iÇerisinde
İngiltere‘nin bÜyÜk perakendeci gruplarI ve ÜrÜnlerin satIsInI hipermarketlerde de
yapan katalog firmalarI yer almaktadIr. Katalog firmalarI yIlda 2 kere katalog
basmakta ve bÜyÜk satIŞ rakamlarI olduĞu IÇIn oldukÇa cazip fiyatlar sunmaktadIrlar.
İngiltere‘ye tÜm sevkIyatlar firmanIn deposunun bulunduĞu Felixtowe
limanIna yapIlmakta ve oradan Ülke iÇerisine daĞItIlmaktadIr. FirmanIn satIŞ
gerÇekleŞtirdiĞi bazI perakendeci gruplarIn Ýrlandaya‘da olan daĞItIm kanallarI
sayesinde Ýrlanda pazarInda da Vestel ÜrÜnleri yer almaktadIr.
h. Vestel Romanya
Vestel, Romanya‘da dŞrt firma ile ÇalIŞmakta ve Manisa‘daki TV
fabrikasInda, firmalarIn kendi markalarIyla Üretimini yapmaktadIr. Romanya‘da
bitmiŞ ÜrÜnlere uygulanan vergilerin AB sÜrecinden Şnce yÜksek olmasI nedeniyle,
sevkIyatlar aĞIrlIklI demonte olarak yapIlmaktaydI, 1 Ocak 2007 AB ÜyeliĞinden
sonra bu bŞlgeye de demonte ÜrÜnler yerine tamamlanmIŞ mamÜlerin sevkiyatIna
aĞIrlIk verilmeye baŞlanmIŞtIr
i. Vestel Ýskandinavya:
Ýskandinavya Ülkeleri ÝsveÇ, NorveÇ, Danimarka, Finlandiya, Izlanda‘yI da
iÇeren Kuzey Avrupa Ülkeleri grubudur. Vestel, Ýskandinavya Ülkelerine Şzellikle
1997 yIlIndan sonra bÜyÜk Şnem vermeye baŞlamIŞtIr
Vestel, Ýskandinavya pazarIndaki mÜŞterilerinden hiÇbirisine Vestel
markasInda ÜrÜn vermemekte, her firmanIn kendi markasInda OEM (fason) Üretim
yapmaktadIr. Vestel tarafIndan Gotebourg‘a sevk edilen ÜrÜnlerin satIŞlarInI tÜm
Ýskandinavya Ülkelerindeki kendi alt mÜŞterilerine aktif Şekilde sÜrdÜrmektedir.
Ýskandinavya Ülkelerinin birÇok alanda taŞIdIĞI benzer Şzellikler daĞItIm
kanallarI iÇin de geÇerlidir. Hipermarketler, beyaz ve kahverengi eŞya satIŞlarInIn en
bÜyÜk oranda gerÇekleŞtiĞi kanallar olup, ihracatÇI firma ile iliŞkide bulunarak satIn
alma iŞlemlerini doĞrudan kendileri gerÇekleŞtirmektedirler. Vestel‘de yÜksek satIŞ
rakamlarIna ulaŞmak iÇin IsveÇ, NorveÇ ve Danimarka da Ülkelerinin en bÜyÜk
hipermarket zincirleriyle ÇalIŞIlmaktadIr.
Hipermarketlerin yanIsIra, bu Ülkelerde var olan diĞer bir tÜr daĞItIm kanalI
tÜrÜ de sadece elektronik ÜrÜnlerin satIsInIn gerÇekleŞtiĞi Şzel maĞazalardIr. Bu
maĞazalar, gelir dÜzeyi daha yÜksek olan sInIfa hitap eden ve ÜstÜn teknik Şzellikleri
bulunan ÜrÜnlerin satIldIĞI maĞazalardIr. ürÜn fiyatlarI da buna paralel olarak daha
yÜksektir ve dolayIsIyla daha yÜksek kar marjI ile ÇalIŞIlmaktadIr. Vestel‘in
Danimarka‘da yer alan bu tÜr bir mÜŞteri firmasI yaklaŞIk 30 maĞazasInda, Şzellikle
bÜyÜk ekran TV lerIn satIsInI gerÇekleŞtirmektedir.
Ýskandinavya Ülkelerine ihraÇ yapan firmalarIn tercih ettiĞi ÇalIŞma
yŞntemlerinden birisi de Ülkede bir acenta ile anlaŞmak ve o acentayI, Ülke iÇin tam
yetkili satIcI (exclusIve agent) olarak belirlemektir. UluslararasI bilinirliĞi olan birÇok
marka bu Şekilde ÇalIŞmaktadIr. Fakat acente ile marka sahibi firma arasIndaki
iliŞkiler Çok saĞlam temeller Üzerine oturtulmaktadIr. AksI taktirde iki taraf arasInda
anlaŞmazlIklar ÇIkabilecektir. Vestel‘In NorveÇ‘te yer alan bir mÜŞteri firmasI; Çok iyi
bilinen bir Japon markasInIn NorveÇ distribÜtŞrÜ iken, firmalar arasI ÇIkan sorunlar
sonucu NorveÇli firma; yabancI bir markanIn temsilcisi olmaktansa kendi markasInI
yaratmayI tercih etmiŞ ve Vesteli de bu konuda kendine OEM (fason) Üretici olarak
2. DiĞer Pazarlar:
a. AmerIka PazarI
Amerika kItasIna 1998 yIlIndan itibaren Şnem verilmeye baŞlanmIŞtIr. 1998
de Las Vegas ta gerÇekleŞtirilen CES (Consumer ElectronIcs Show) fuarI Vestel‘in
ilk kez ÜrÜnlerini sergilediĞi ve potansiyel mÜŞterilerle gŞrÜŞtÜĞÜ fuar olmuŞtur. 20
milyon adetlik renkli TV pazarIyla Amerika Şnemli bir potansiyel taŞImakla birlikte
gerek Amerika‘dakI ÜrÜnlerin teknik Şzelliklerinin gerekse kalite standartlarInIn son
derece farklI olmasI, bu pazara girmeyi zorlaŞtIrmaktadIr.
Ýu anda Amerika kItasInda iki firma ile ÇalIŞIlmaktadIr. Ýlki GÜney Amerika
dakI TV, audIovIdeo, dIsc player vb. Sharp, PanasonIc ÜrÜnlerinin distribÜtŞrÜ olan
Miami merkezli bir firmadIr. Bu firma Amerika genelinde kendi markasInI yaratmaya
ÇalIŞmaktadIr. MÜŞteri konumunda olan ikinci firma ise yine Miami merkezli ithalatÇI
bir firmadIr. Bu firma yine kendi markasI ile hem Amerika hem Kanada iÇin,
UzakdoĞu ve Meksika dakI Üreticilere TV yaptIrmaktadIr. Vestel ile ÇalIŞmaya 1999
yIlInda, ilk kez Kanada‘ya gerÇekleŞtirilmiŞ televizyon sevkiyatlarI ile baŞlamIŞtIr.
FirmanIn, hem Amerika hem Kanada da en Çok bilinen maĞazalar zinciri olan, KMart,
Walmart gibi zincirlere ÜrÜn satIIyor olmasI, Vestel In bu Şnemli daĞItIm
kanallarIna girmesini saĞlamIŞtIr. FirmanIn perakende zincirlerinden baŞka
kullandIĞI ikinci daĞItIm tÜrÜ bÜyÜk hipermarketlerdir. üÇÜncÜ ve son bir daĞItIm turu
ise, firmanIn maĞazalardan geri dŞnen ÜrÜnlerin depolandIktan sonra, onarIlIp tekrar
satIlmasI iŞlemlerinin yapIldIĞI sirketler anlamIna gelen refurbishment Şirketi
aracIlIgIyla yaptIgI satIŞlardIr.
b. Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda PazarlarI
Bu bŞlge Vestel iÇin Şzellikle ayrI bir Şnem taŞImaktadIr. Birincisi; bu bŞlgeye
satIŞ, dÜnya Üzerinde yeni bir kItaya daha satIsI baŞarmak anlamIna gelmektedir.
Ýkincisi; refah seviyesi yÜksek ve pazarInda kaliteli ve yÜksek sInIf ÜrÜnler (bÜyÜk
boy TV, dÜz kare ekran) bulunduĞu iÇin bu bŞlgeye satIŞ Vestel iÇin prestij
saĞlamaktadIr. ÇÜnkÜ ARGE departmanInIn, ÜrÜnleri Avrupa standartlarIndan daha
katI olan Avustralya gÜvenlik standartlarInI karŞIlayarak yeni tasarImlar yapabildiĞini
kanItlamaktadIr. üÇÜncÜ ve en Şnemli neden ise UzakdoĞu da, Çin, Malezya, Kore
gibi birÇok TV Üreticisinin bulunmasIna karŞIn Avustralya ya Çok daha uzak olan
TÜrkiye‘den Vestel‘in Avustralya iÇerisindeki rekabete baŞarIyla girebildiĞini
Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda bŞlgelerine Şzellikle Dubai ( jebel Ali Free Zone),
Yeni Zelanda (Auckland) limanlarIna konteynerler sevk edilmektedir. Vestel‘den en
fazla buzdolabI ihraÇ edilmektedir. Daha sonra ÇamaŞIr makinesI ihraÇ edilmektedir.
Şdeme yŞntemi olarak uzun sÜreli mÜŞterilerle vadesi 90 gÜne uzanan akreditiflerle
ÇalIŞIlmakta, riskli mÜŞteriler ile ise peŞin satIŞ yapIlmaktadIr. MamÜller en rekabetÇi
fiyat ile pazara sunuluyor. Çin dÜnyanIn hemen hemen her bŞlgesinde olduĞu gibi
bu pazara da girmiŞ bulunmaktadIr. Çin ile rekabet edebilmek iÇin ise firma kalite
politkasInI vurgulamaktadIr. AyrIca Vestelin satIŞ sonrasI hizmetinin de Çok iyi
olmasI, esnek Üretim sayesinde Çok ufak adetlerin dahi Üretilip sevkiyatInIn
yapIlabilmesi nedeniyle Şzellikle Çin ile rekabet edilebilmektedir.
c. Orta DoĞu ve Balkanlar PazarlarI
Vestel‘in Orta DoĞu‘da aktif olarak satIŞ gerÇekleŞtirdiĞi Ülkeler, satIŞ
miktarlarIna gŞre Ýsrail, Irak, BiIrlesIk Arap Emirlikleri, Suudi Arabistan, ürdÜn ve
LÜbnan olarak sIralanmaktadIr. Şzellikle Ý
srail, Irak ve LÜbnan‘da Avrupa ve
Amerika kItalarIndaki stratejilerden farklI olarak Vestel markalI ÜrÜnlerin satIŞlarI da
yapIlmaktadIr. Bu yÜzden bu bŞlgedeki mÜŞteriler pazarlama faaliyetleri aÇIsIndan
desteklenmektedir. Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda pazarI iÇin verilen bilgiler bu bŞlgeler
iÇin de geÇerlidir.
Şzellikle ürdÜn (Amman), MIsIr (Alexandria), Israil (Ashdod) gibi limanlar bu
bŞlgeler ihracat yapIlIrken kullanIlmaktadIr. Şdeme yŞntemleri de aĞIrlIklI olarak
akreditif ve peŞin Şdeme yŞntemleridir.
Bu bŞlgelerden Şzellikle Ýsraile satIŞlarIn bÜyÜk bir kIsmI elektronik
ÜrÜnlerinin satIldIĞI maĞazalarda, bÜyÜk sÜpermarket zincirlerindeki gIda dIŞI ÜrÜn
reyonlarInda gerÇekleŞmektedir.
ürdÜn‘e ise Şzellikle mamuller SKD (demonte) olarak sevkedilmektedir.
ürdÜn bitmiŞ ÜrÜnlerde %40, SKD ÜrÜnlerde ise %20 gÜmrÜk vergisi uygulayan bir
Ülkedir. Bu aÇIdan bitmiŞ ÜrÜn ithal eden firmalardansa fabrikasI olan Üretici
firmalarla ÇalIŞmak pazara daha avantajlI girmeyi saĞlamaktadIr.
d. Afrika PazarI:
Vestel‘in Afrika kItasIndaki faaliyetleri Şzellikle 1999 yIlI sonunda sadece bu
kItadan sorumlu olacak bir satIŞ ve pazarlama elemanInIn iŞe alInmasIndan sonra
daha bÜyÜk Şnem kazanmIŞtIr. Şzellikle Kuzey Afrika da Fas, Tunus ve Cezayir,
DoĞu Afrika da Kenya ve Etiyopya, BatI Afrika da Nijerya, FildiŞi Sahilleri, Gana,
gÜneyde, GÜney Afrika Cumhuriyeti, Vestel‘in sÜrekli olarak TV satIŞlarInda
bulunduĞu Ülkelerdir. Afrika, istikrar aÇIsIndan Çok fazla gÜven vermeyen bir kIta
olmasIna raĞmen Şzellikle ekonomik aÇIdan daha iyi dÜzeyde olan Kuzey Afrika ve
GÜney Afrika‘daki Vestel satIŞlarI sÜrekli artmaya devam etmektedir. Tunus ve
Etiyopya pazarlarIna satIŞlar, bu Ülkelerdeki Üretici ithalatÇI konumda olan firmalara
demonte ÜrÜn sevkiyatI Şeklinde yapIlmaktadIr. Tunus‘taki firmanIn kendi markasI
varken; Etiyopya‘daki firma Üretimini Vestel markasI altInda yapmaktadIr. GÜney
AfrIka‘da mÜŞteri konumunda olan firma ise hem Vestel hem de kendi markasI ile
ithal ettikleri TV‘leri Ülke ÇapInda elektronik zincir maĞazalarda satmaktadIr. Eskiden
bitmiŞ ÜrÜnlerle demonte ÜrÜnlere uygulanan gÜmrÜk vergileri arasIndaki fark fazla
iken, bu farkIn son yIllarda azalmasI sonucu GÜney Afrika ya bitmiŞ ÜrÜn TV ithalatI
Afrika pazarIna sevk edilen ÜrÜnlere Şzellikle gŞzetim firmalarI tarafIndan
gŞzetim talebi olmaktadIr. Bu bŞlgedeki firmalar ile de Vestel aĞIrlIklI olarak akreditif
Şdeme koŞulu veya peŞin Şdeme yŞntemlerini kullanarak ÇalIŞmaktadIr.
Has been managing the marketing of color TVs and other Brown / white goods of Vestel Corporation
to the foreign customers since 1987.
The goods VFSJV is currently responsible of vending to foreign markets are Vestel Electronics
manufactured color TVs, Refrigerators manufactured in their white goods production line, washing
machines, ovens, air conditioners, satellite receivers made in Vestelkom, DVD players and Hend
Factory manufactured LCS plasma TVs. Until 1999, marketing and sales of the monitors and
computers were under control of VFSJV. Now it‘s done by Istanbul based Vestel Marketing JV. VFSJV
among color TVs has in recent years specialized in sales of satellite receivers in big quantities, as well.
DVD players which joined the product spectrum in 2000 and air conditions put a great responsibility
on sales organization. Vestel Corp. Ýs highly successful in exportation and multiplies sales numbers
each year due to the strong foundations it has lying behind. Especially its production features, TR‘s
geographic situation and exportation laws make Vestel supported in other regions as well as the
biggest Market , Europe. Thus Vestel has become one of the most competitive in the giants‘ market.
These, below are the facts which create advantages:
Quality: Vestel holds the ISO 9001 and the local Standard compliance documents of the countries it
exports to.
Better Quality/ Rates : Subtle cabin designs, advanced chasisses and paralel to technological
advancements, continuous cost decreasing trials are being performed.
When going into regional distinction in VDT, the subject being held important is to group countries of
similar policies and economic tributes. With this, continental duty distribution holds place as a
solemn basis.
In Vestel Export commerce, sales and marketing responsible vice general managers bound regional
sales groups have been divided into three and the duty allocation is a s follows
EC_!+OCENIA: Area of Duty : England, France, Ireland, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand
EC_‘+America: Area of Duty : Mediterranean countries, Germany , Benelux countries and the
continent of America.
NOTE_EC: Area of duty: East Europe, CIS, Baltic countries, Balkans, Middle East and Africa.
Vestel‘s goal is to maintain profitability in the most basic work activities and sustain the evergrowing
revenue in a controlled manner.
Vestel, while going into the biggest producer of Europe, has seen the advantages of improving its
skills in discrimination in their products
According to customer demands the adaptations in its products and modifications aim to keep
customer satisfaction at high levels. Thus, in product versatility over a 1000 different models have
been developed.
Europe, as TV market is divided basically into 2. In the first group, there are very common brands like
Sony and Philips. This group, in terms of sales quantity 30% and in value is 50%. In the market, with
Vestel‘s OEM based production, its place is 20%. The secont 70% segment is based on low price and
fast delivery. The segment is 80% in terms of Vestel‘s share. Each year prices fall a 5.6%. It is based
on price competition. For this reason, although Vestle sales in domestic market is 10%, in terms of
income is 15% and revenue30%.
Vestel mainly has focused on B brand secondary products. These brands are designed for
distributors, retailers or companies accepting orders by mail ( Alba, Quelle, Carrefour). On the other
hand, For A class brands JVC, Hitachi and alike, production has been taking place.. From B class to A
class brands bridging strategies have been apllied for TVs and then other product groups. The current
plan focuses on building the strategies for new TV series, very advanced technological TVs.
In both domestic and foreign markets, Vestel is in competition with other Turkish manufacturers.
Vestel, after Beko has a market share of 32%. Beko‘s market share is 42%. Today‘s Europe TV market
is annually at a level of 35 million and Vestel‘s share in European market has increased form 16% in
2003 to 26% in 2006. Beko‘s European share has increased to 19%. Turk manufacturers Vestel, Beko
and Profilo Telra while meeting 50% of market demand of Europe are the leading manufacturers in
Europe in TV productions. With its newly introduced expanding strategy, Vestel‘s aim is innovations,
new skills and while learning market data reach a maximum level development. Formal joint
ventures and allies, distributors and manufacturers build formal partnerships and add advantages to
data learning periods. With its partners‘ international experiences and with its local data, it has been
improving its skills. In the direction of this strategy, Vestel has given a big value to ReDe Works and
the USA, Taiwan, UK , Israel and Turkey have seen investments in ReDe and bases of technology.
Thus, Vestel Foreign Commerce JV, has become from a company taking ReDe to commerce
To technology creation.
For ReDe annually a 50 million dollar budget is reserved and 700 employees are employed. Vestel
which has given much importance to ReDe and which has found out that only following technological
innovations and production is the key for improvement and competitibility, has 11 ReDe bases.
These centers are
*Vestel electronics, Manisa
*Vestel City, Manisa
*Vestel Communications, Ýzmir
*Vestel USA, San Diego
*Vestel Taiwan, tai pei
*Vestel Hong kong
*Cabot UK, Bristol
*Cabot, Ýzmir
*Vestek Istanbul Technical University
*AydIn Software Development
*Vestel Defence
1.Vestel‘s Foreign Sales firms
a.Vestel Iberia ( Spain and Portugal )
Before 1998, Spain and Portugal had scattered customers. A total of over 60 million population, to
evaluate best the markets in Spain and Portugal and which have a large potential, in 1998 Madrid
based ―Vestel Iberia SL‖ named 100% Vestel owning firm has been established.
Spanish and Portuguese markets show a great similarity in terms of client profiles , product features
and geographical and cultural angles. Fort his reason, VDT evaluates these markets in the same class.
Vestel strictly avoids to make its sales under its brand name in spain and Portugal, and only sends its
products produced by client brands. Bluesky, BasIc LIne, Techwood, Teka, Aspes/Edesa, ElectrIc Co,
Sanyo, Hyundai, Schneider, Singer, Weltstar,
MItsai are Vestel Iberia‘s sales product names and the brands which it distributes. Before Vestel
Iberia SL, Vestel was using an exporting company for its distribution channels, and was giving
commissions to importing firm.
Nowadays, in the spanish and Poruguese markets Vestel is active in 3 distinct distribution channels.
Especially Carrefour and alcampo Groups make their purchases directly via Vestel Iberia SL.
Hypermarkets have a strong buying power
and can be named as the most important factor in determining domestic sales of products, model
features and prices. Televisions are used as promotional in such hypermarkets to boost sales.
Especially 37‘‘ screen TVs are sold at production costs at these hypermarkets. With the help of such
promotions in very short terms, it is possible for Vestel to attain big sales numbers. But the main
negative effect of promotions in long terms are the suddrn fall of product prices in the markets.
Another distribution channel is the importing companies which regionally accomplish 20% of Vestel‘s
regional sales.
With these, Vestel accomplishes distribution to big retailers and chain organizations via Vestel Iberia
SL(Media Market, Tien 21, Miro ve Conforoma, Benavent, Eldissa,
Ebesa, Dismar).
As Vestel Iberia SL‘s subcustomers the following companies can be regarded
• Carrefour,
• Alcampo,
• Sanyo Ispanya/PortekIz,
• JoInco,
• Radiopopular,
• Sonae,
• SchneIder,
• Mediamarkt,
• Fagor,
• Teka
Vestel Iberia SL has a central and vertical organization structure. Tied to general management, the
sections are accounting, financement, import and distribution, and technical service departments.
Vestel Foreign Commerce JV makes it purchases heavily relying on FOB. This means, VDT is
responsible only when it is loading the ships. For this reason, containers‘ directors and lines are
determined by Vestel Iberia SL. The shipments to most Subclient proper ports are taking place.
Italy is one of the most important portal cities in europe. Since Italy is surrounded by seas in three
sides and that its ports are very advanced have caused shipment to this regions done over sea. In TIR
shipments and roros accomplish transportation and TIRs carry the goods to iner areas.
Italy makes 14% of its import from Germany, 13% from france, 6% from Holland, 5% from Spain and
23% from other European countries and 49% from outside Europe countries.
Vestel Italy had commenced its facilities under the brand name NECO. The firm which contacted
Vestel in 1997 had its first import in 1997. In 1999 the firm went through a name change to Vesdit. In
August 2001, by joint venturing, Vestel having 51% of shares has turned into a company which is
based in ItalyComo.
The products exported to European market and there distributed are
• Ctv,Tft,Plasma
• DVD ve Home Theathers
• Refrigerator
• Air Conditioner
• washing Machine.
Vestel Italy owned Inno Hit Inno Hit, Graetz, Autovox, Ultravox,
Schneider, Bluesky, Wegavox, Germanvox brands are available. The subclients of Vestel Italy are :
COOP, Conforama, Carrefour, Italvideo,
UniEuro, Auchan, Consumer, Schneider, Mercatone Uno.Via Vestel the sales heavily are
accomplished by CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight) and shipped over sea to Vestel determined
agencies and lines to places.
Vestel Italy‘s customers are generally food and nonfood selling hypermarket chains. By the retailers,
a successful distribution network is created containing Italy.
c.Vestel Benelux
Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg give the name to Benelux. To make advantage of these markets
and to beter penetrate to the market, Vestel Benelux Company is established which is centered in
Rotterdam. 50% of the company belongs to Vestel. Vestel has affiliating 2 main partners and 8
persons. Additionalyy, there exists a technical support company and a company for maintaining
goods ( depot ).
The company makes its distribution over central main storehouse. In this market, Vestel Benelux
continues its sales as both Vestel and , Graetz, Tve, Palladium. The subclients are
Blokker,Neckermann Holland, Watson, Scheer & Foppen, Metro, De Block, Hon,
Mediamarket, Intergamma, Steenweg, Bcc, New Vanden Borre. All purchases from Vestel are over
CFR ( Cost and Freight ). With this the seller should meet all costs and feight costs to send the goods
to destination port. However, lost damage risks and an increase in expenditures are transferred to
buyer after the goods pass through the ship‘s rail.
d. Vestel France S.A.
Vestel‘s sales and marketing facilities in France are done by SouthParis situated Orly centered Vestel
France S.a. This compnay 100% belongs to Vestel and was established in 1996.
France‘s distributor of brands Mitsubishi, Sansui and alike has given up on import and has transferred
its existing client portfolio and distribution channel structure to Vestel SA. The employees of Vestel
France have been chosen among the employees of this distributing company.
France is the host to many hypermarket chains of Europe which is important for Vestel France. Vestel
France SA makes the contracts of purchase to any European country for it is based in France where
most of the hypermarket centers are. If purchases are into countries where Vestel has partners like
Spain and Germany, Vestel France SA after solid negotiations transfers its contacts to the Vestel firms
in those countries.
With Periodical promotions, big quantity buyer hypermarkets effect is great for France being the
third after Germany and England.Vestel France SA has other distribution channels as home products
centers, furniture wholesalers and electronics store chains.
e. Veseg Germany Gmbh
German economy is Europe‘s biggest economy and after the USA and Japan, is the third biggest
economy in the world. 2005 export total ,s 1,016 trillion dollars. With its 82.5 million population, the
biggest European country Germany hold a firm place amidst which Vestel makes its sales to.
Veseg makes Vestel‘s marketing and sales activities in Germany mostly. One of the most recognized
brands Seg when in the first half of 90‘s was one of Vestel‘s clients, due to its seek of a financial
partner has decided on joining Vestel and thus Veseg was established. Veseg‘s 51% belongs to vestel
and 49% belongs to the firm Seg.
All the sales to Germany are accomplished via Veseg. There are 2 more Germany based companies,
these are the ones Vestel worked with prior to establishment of Veseg and still without Veseg
intervening directly acts over VDT.
Vestel Holland which is centered in Rotterdam was established in 01.01.1995. 100% Vestel‘s property
company does not aim to make the regional sales but aims to make use of financial opportunities
and import oppotunities in the European market.
Since 1996, there is only one company which is coworked with, in England and this company is the
sole importer of Vestel produced Televisions. The company, at the
same time makes the importation of electronic house gadgetry, cleansing goods, kitchen tools, radio
and telephone.
The firm which has differently located 3 brands, has a big distribution area within England. In this
network are England‘s biggest retailers and catalogue firms which accomplish their product sales in
hypermarkets. Catalogue firms annually press , twice catalogues and since there are big sales
numbers, they present very attractive prices. All shipments within England are to Felixtowe Port,
where the warehouse of the firm resides and distributed into the country from there. With the help
of some of the retailers the company makes its sales to, the distribution channels to Ireland exist and
thus there exist Vestel products in Irish market.
Vestel cooperates with 4 companies in Romania and makes its Television production in Manisa under
its brand name. For the reason that taxes levied on finished products before EU term, the shipments
were mainly unassembled. After 1st of June EU membership, finished products were in big quantities
shipped to the region.
Scandinavian countries are Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland, Northern Europe
countries. Vestel, especially after 1997 has been paying great importance to Scandinavian countries.
Vestel, in its client spectrum in Scandinavia never gives out Vestel branded goods, but each firm
makes in its brand name OEM production. The goods shipped to Gotebourg by Vestel are being sold
to its own subclients in an active manner.
Scandinavian countries‘ common points in many areas are valid for the distribution
channels.Hypermarkets, white and Brown goods sales are the channels where sales take place
enormously and make their own purchases via import companies. To attain big sales numbers of
Vestel, Vestel cooperates with the biggest hypermarket chains in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Other than the hypermarkets, other distribution channels are special stores where only electronic
goods are sold. These stores address highincome persons‘ class and are where superb technical
goods can be found. Relying on the fact, product prices are high and so that a higher profit margin is
valid. Vestel‘s such client store in Denmark about 30 of them, especially wide screen televisions are
One of the methods of operating of the firms exporting to Scandinavia countries is to make a deal
with an agency operating in the country and maket his agency a fully authorized seller (exclusive
agent ). Internationally recognized many brands work this way. But the relations between agency and
brand name holder should be firmly set up. Otherwise, there can occur clashes between parties.
When a Vestel‘s Norway client company was a distributor of a widely recognized Japanese brand,
due to internal clashes the Norwegian firm, other than being a representative of a foreign brand has
opted to create its own brand name and has chosen Vestel as the OEM manufacturer.
American continent has been paid full attention to since 1998. In 1998 CES ( Consumer Electronics
Show ) Fair taking place in Las Vegas has been the first ever fair where products of Vestel were
exhibited and connections to potential consumers were made. With its 20 million color TV market,
America holds a big significance. But what makes it hard to enter the market is the high technical
features and large quality standards of the goods marketed.
Now Vestel operates with 2 companies in the American continent. The first is South American TV,
audIovIdeo, dIsc player etc. Sharp, PanasonIc distributor Miami based firm. This firm is trying to
create its own brand name Americawide. The other Client is again a Miami based importer. This firm
has been asking for the making of the production of TVs to both America and Canada by Far East and
Mexican producers. It has begun to operate with Vestel since 1999, for the first time an export to
Canada of television shipments. Since the firm sells its products to very well known stores chains like
KMart and Walmart in America and Canada has enabled Vestel to enter these significant distribution
channels. The firm‘s distribution channel is big hypermarkets other than the retail chains.Thirdly and
lastly another distribution type is refurbishment which is the storage of returning goods from
markets and then fixing them to sell again in the market.
B AustralIa and New Zealand markets
This area has a special place for Vestel. Firstly, sale to this area means the accomplishment of sales to
another continent on the world. Secondly, it makes it perstigious for vestel to make sales to a highly
developed and marketwise top quality and class goods such as Wide Screen TVs, flat square screen.
This also proves that the ReDe department of Vestel is eligible for competing in Australian markets
hold taller standards with respect to European markets. And ReDe can make good enough designs.
The third and the most important thing is Vestel can compete in a market where there are other
manufacturers such as China, Malaysia, and Korea
To Australia and New Zealand areas, especially Dubai ( Jebel Ali free Zone ), New Zealand ( auckland )
ports, containers are shipped. From Vestel largestly refrigerators are being imported. Then comes
the washing machines. L/Cs of 90 day term credits are the payment options for longterm clients but
risky clients pay in cash.Products are being offered to the market with the most competitive prices.
China, like many other markets of the world seems to have entered this market , too. To compete
with China, the company takes on the policy of high quality. Other than that after sales support of
Vestel is very good and nonstiff production is available in Vestel and even very small quantities can
be produced and shipped. This makes Vestel to be able to compete against China.
Ordinally the active buyers in Middle east in due to their sales quantities are Israel, Iraq, United Arab
Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Lebanon. Especially different than the strategies available in
Israel, Iraq and Lebanon and Europe and America continents, Vestel branded goods are being sold,
too. Fort his reason, clients in these areas should be supported in terms of marketing facilities. The
data provided for Australia and New Zealand Market are valid in this region.
Especially Jordan ( Umman ), Egypt ( Alexandria ), Israel ( Ashdod ) ports are being put to use when
making exports to these regions. Payment options are heavily dependent on accreditive and cah.
Especially in Israel the sales are made through electronic gadgetry markets and nonfood sections of
big supermarket chains.
Jordan, especially receives goods in unassembled states. Jordan is a country which levies taxes of
40% for finished products and 20% for unassembled products. For that, other than the finished
products importing firms, it is beter to work with production firms which have factories in the sense
of profiting in the market.
After the year 1999‘s end Vestel‘s continent activities has gained a great significance after hiring a
sales and marketing employee. The countries in Northern Africa
Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, in Eastern Africa Kenya and Ethiopia, in West Africa Nigeria, Ivory Coast,
Ghana in the South, Southern Africa Republic are the ones Vestel sells its products to. Africa, when
thought in consistency does not give any assurance but North Africa and South Africa which are both
economically in good shape continue to buy Vestel‘s products. Tunisia and Ethiopia markets receive
products by shipments in unassembled form by producerimporter companies. Tunisian firm has its
own brand name; in Ethiopia the brand name in sales is Vestel. The client firm in South Africa sells
both its brand name and Vestel brand name imported TVs in electronic chain stores. When in the old
times the difference in taxes levied to unfinished and finished products were high, it was making for
Vestel to impport unfinished products to South Africa but lately finished TV export has increased.
The goods shipped to African market receive demand of observation by observatory companies. The
firms in this region pay by L/C or in cash to Vestel."
,"Tell me who's that writin', John the Revelator
Tell me who's that writin', John the Revelator
Tell me who's that writin', John the Revelator
wrote the book of the seven seals
Who's that writin' (John the Revelator)
Who's that writin' (John the Revelator)
Who's that writin' (John the Revelator)
He wrote the book of the seven seals
(O yes, tell me who's that writin') John the Revelator
(Tell me who's that writin') John the Revelator
(Tell me who's that writin') John the Revelator
wrote the book of the seven seals
Look, God walked down the hill one day
Called Adam by his name
And Adam wouldn't answer
'cause he was naked and ashamed
(Tell me who's that writin') John the Revelator
(Tell me who's that writin') John the Revelator
(Tell me who's that writin') John the Revelator
wrote the book of the seven seals
You know Christ (Christ) had twelve apostels (spirit willing)
Three he layed away (O but the flesh was weak)
He said watch me while I walked (Ooh)
While I go out and pray
Well Christ rose on Easter morning (Hallelujah)
Mary mother came down to see (the resurrection)
He said Go and tell my disciples (Ooh)
to meet me in Galilee
Who's that writin' (John the Revelator)
Who's that writin' (John the Revelator)
Who's that writin' (John the Revelator)
wrote the book of the seven seals
He wrote the book of the seven seals (Ooh)
Yeah, yes he did
Tell me why I'm shouting (John the Revelator)
Tell me why I'm shouting (John the Revelator)
Tell me why I'm shouting (John the Revelator)
(wrote the book of the seven seals)
Tell me what I'm shouting (John the Revelator)
Tell me what I'm shouting (John the Revelator)
Tell me what I'm shouting (John the Revelator)
(wrote the book of the seven seals)
(The revelation of Jesus) You know I thought I was a policeman
(The revelation of Jesus) An officer of the law
(The revelation of Jesus) But then I had a revelation
(The revelation of Jesus) Because of what I saw
(The revelation of Jesus) The air was always so gloomy
(The revelation of Jesus) Every day was dull and grey
(The revelation of Jesus) But now I see very clearly
(The revelation of Jesus) O, o, o, o happy day
(The revelation of Jesus) Jesus
(Jesus) Jesus
(Jesus) Jesus
(Jesus) Jesus
(Jesus) Jesus
(Jesus) My God my God
(Jesus) Jesus
(Jesus) Jesus
(The revelation of Jesus) My my my my my my
(Jesus) My my my my
(Jesus) My my my my my my my my
(Jesus) My my my my my God
(Jesus) Yeah yeah
(Jesus) My my my my my God
(The revelation of Jesus) O...
John the Revelator
Tell me Who's that writin' ş Who is he ş
Thank you."
,"You know the day destroys the night
Night divides the day
Tried to run
Tried to hide
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side, yeah
We chased our pleasures here
Dug our treasures there
But can you still recall
The time we cried
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
C'mon, yeah
Everybody loves my baby
Everybody loves my baby
She get(s high)
She get(s high)
She get(s high)
She get(s high)
I found an island in your arms
Country in your eyes
Arms that chain
Eyes that lie
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through, oww!
Oh, yeah!
Made the scene
Week to week
Day to day
Hour to hour
The gate is straight
Deep and wide
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through
Break on through
Break on through
Break on through
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What does "" Breaking on through to the other side "" mean ş
Thank you."
,"Whipping Post
Allman Brothers
I been run down, I been lied to,
I don‘t know why I let that mean woman make me a fool.
She took all my money, wrecked my new car.
Now she‘s with one of my goodtime buddies,
They‘re drinkin‘ in some crosstown bar.
Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel,
Like I been tied to the whipping post,
Tied to the whipping post,
Tied to the whipping post,
Good lord, I feel like I‘m dyin‘.
My friends tell me, that I‘ve been such a fool,
And I have to stand by and take it baby, all for lovin‘ you.
Drown myself in sorrow, and I look at what you‘ve down.
But nothin‘ seems to change, the bad times stay the same,
And I can‘t run.
Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel,
Like I been tied to the whipping post
Tied to the whipping post,
Tied to the whipping post,
Good lord, I feel like I‘m dyin‘.
Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel,
Like I been tied to the whipping post
Tied to the whipping post,
Tied to the whipping post,
Good lord, I feel like I‘m dyin‘.
,"Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 (Waters) 3:56
We don't need no education
We dont need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
We don't need no education
We dont need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
""Wrong, Do it again!""
""If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you
have any pudding if you don't eat yer meatş""
""You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddy!""
Sarcasm ş Even a Dark one :) ş"
,"Words by Robert Hunter; music by Phil Lesh
Look out of any window
any morning, any evening, any day
Maybe the sun is shining
birds are winging or
rain is falling from a heavy sky
What do you want me to do,
to do for you to see you throughş
this is all a dream we dreamed
one afternoon long ago
Walk out of any doorway
feel your way, feel your way
like the day before
Maybe you'll find direction
around some corner
where it's been waiting to meet you
What do you want me to do,
to watch for you while you're sleepingş
Well please don't be surprised
when you find me dreaming too
Look into any eyes
you find by you, you can see
clear through to another day
I know it's been seen before
through other eyes on other days
while going home
What do you want me to do,
to do for you to see you throughş
It's all a dream we dreamed
one afternoon long ago
Walk into splintered sunlight
Inch your way through dead dreams
to another land
Maybe you're tired and broken
Your tongue is twisted
with words half spoken
and thoughts unclear
What do you want me to do
to do for you to see you through
A a box of rain will ease the pain
and love will see you through
Just a box of rain
wind and water
Believe it if you need it,
if you don't just pass it on
Sun and shower
Wind and rain
in and out the window
like a moth before a flame
It's just a box of rain
I don't know who put it there
Believe it if you need it
or leave it if you dare
But it's just a box of rain
or a ribbon for your hair
Such a long long time to be gone
and a short time to be there
What are some uncommon words here, in this song, and are there any worth of etymological
analysis ş
Thank You."
,"I'll be damned, here comes your ghost again
But that's not unusual
It's just that the moon is full
And you decided to call
And here I sit, hand on the telephone
Hearing the voice I'd known
A couple of light years ago
Heading straight for a fall
Well we both know what memories can bring
They bring diamonds and rust
Yes we both know what memories can bring
They bring diamonds and rust
Now I see you standing all around with snow in your hair
Now we're looking out the window of a crummy hotel over Washington Square
Our breath comes in white clouds, mingles and hangs in the air
Speaking strictly for me, we both could've died then and there
Now you're telling me, you`re not nostalgic
Then give me another word for it
You were so good with words
And at keeping things vague
Cause I need some of that vagueness now
It's all come back too clearly, Yes I love you dearly
And if you're offering me diamonds and rust, I've already paid
Well we both know what memories can bring
They bring diamonds and rust
Yes we both know what memories can bring
They bring diamonds and rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and rust
What allusions are there here to Diamonds and Rust ş
Thank You."
,"Along deserted avenues
Steam begins to rise
The figures primed and ready
Prepared for quick surprise
Hes watchin for a sign
His life is on the line
Dogs whine in the alleys
Smoke is on the wind
From deep inside its empty shell
A cathedral bell begins to toll
A storm begins to grow
Amidst the upturned burnedout cars
The challengers await
And in their fists clutch iron bars
With which to seal his fate
Across his chest is scabbards rest
The rows of throwing knives
Whose razor points in challenged tests
Have finished many lives
Now facing one another
The standoff eats at time
Then all at once a silence falls
As the bell ceases its chime
Upon this sign the challengers
With shrieks and cries rush forth
The knives fly out like bullets
Upon their deadly course
Screams of pain and agony
Rent the silent air
Amidst the dying bodies
Blood runs everywhere
The figure stands expressionless
Impassive and alone
Unmoved by this victory
And the seeds of death hes sown
Sworn to avenge
Condemn to hell
Tempt not the blade
All fear the sentinel
Please analyze all the unknown words to you. Thank you."
,"In mathematics, a permutation group G acting on a set X is called primitive if G preserves no
nontrivial partition of X. In the other case, G is imprimitive
Matematikte, permutasyon grubundan X kÜmesinde aktif G, eĞer X e baĞlI bir nontrivial ( Şnem arz
eden ) olmama ŞzelliĞindeyse primitiftir. DiĞer tÜrlÜ imprimitif ( GeliŞkin ş ) "
,"Head lag is when there is slow development in the ability of the infants' spine/neck to support the
Yeni doĞan bebekte omurganIn ve / veya boynun kafayI taŞIma gŞrevini yerine getirmesi iÇin gerekli
geliŞiminin gecikmesi
Ref : head lag WordReference Forums"
,"Serhat Bey, sanIrIm buradaki anlam : Vehamete yol aÇacak anlam deĞerlendirme
Yani maĞdurlarI ikna etmeyecek, bŞylece de onlarI koruyacak. ÇÜnkÜ google'da tam cÜmleyi aratIp,
anlam olarak baktIĞInIzda, AĞIr ceza almayacak hatta davalardan kaÇInIlabilecek faillere durumu
zorlaŞtIrmak sŞz konusu."
,"Strain in mekanikteki karŞIlIĞI
integral ( dL / L ) = yani anlIk uzunluk deĞiŞiminin toplamlarInIn , o andaki uzunluĞa oranIdIr.
MÜhendislikte : delta(L) / Lsub0
Yani Uzunluktaki toplam deĞiŞimin orijinal uzunluĞa oranIdIr. Negatif ( compression ) ya da pozitif (
Stretching / Tension ) olabilir.
Pozitif bir bŞlenle stress( gerilimi ) tanImlar.
KIsaca , sanIrIm, etkiye verilen bir ÇeŞit uzunluktaki tepki diye yorumlayabiliriz.
strenuous, bu da "" zorlu "" demektir. ""characterized by great effort,"" 1599, from L. strenuus
""active, vigorous, keen."" Probably cognate with Gk. strenes, strenos ""keen, strong,"" strenos
""arrogance, eager desire,"" O.E. stierne ""hard, severe, keen"" (see stern (adj.)). Mocked by Ben
Jonson as a pedantic neologism in ""Poetaster"" (1601). Sense of ""requiring much energy"" is first
recorded 1671.
Strain > to modify in response to change, DeĞiŞime ayak uydurma"
,"Mickey Rourke'un 2008 filminin ŞykÜsÜ bir Pankreas DŞvÜŞÇÜsÜnÜn 57. yaŞlarI civarInda
YaŞIna gŞre hayli iyi gŞrÜnen Rourke artIk 20 yIl Şnceki Randy "" The Ram "" deĞildir.
Et reyonunda ÇalIŞan Randy "" the Ram "" in kIzIyla olan anlaŞmazlIklarI. Bir striptizci kadInla
yaŞadIĞI flŞrt ve diĞer olaylar + Bruce Springsteen'in bestesi olan "" the Wrestler "" ilginÇ bir
,"""Twisted Transistor""
Hey you, hey you, Devil's little sister
Listening to your Twisted Transistor
Hold it between your legs
Turn it up, turn it up
Low end is coming through
Can't get enough
A lonely life, where no one understands you
But don't give up, because the music do
Music do
Because the music do
And then it's reaching
Inside you forever preaching
F**k you too
Your scream's a whisper
Hang on you
Twisted Transistor
Hey you, hey you, finally you get it
The world ain't fair, eat you if you let it
And as your tears fall on
Your breast, your dress
Vibrations coming through
You're in a mess
A lonely life, where no one understands you
But don't give up, because the music do
Music do
Because the music do
And then it's reaching
Inside you forever preaching
F**k you too
Your scream's a whisper
Hang on you
Twisted Transistor
Music do, Music do
Hey you, hey you, this won't hurt a bit
This won't hurt a bit, this won't hurt
Says whoş Says whoş
Anesthetize this b**ch
Anesthetize this b**ch, anesthetize!
Just let me be
Between you and me don't fit
Because the music do
And then it's reaching
Inside you forever preaching
F**k you too
Your scream's a whisper
Hang on you
Twisted Transistor şşş"
,"You're lazy just stay in bed
You're lazy just stay in bed
You don't want no money
You don't want no bread
If you're drowning you don't clutch no straw
If you're drowning you don't clutch no straw
You don't want to live you don't want to cry no more
Well my trying ain't done no good
I said my trying ain't done no good
You don't make no effort no not like you should
Lazy you just stay in bed
Lazy you just stay in bed
You don't want no money
You don't want no bread
What is the meaning of lines in red bold characters ş Thank you."
,"Where would you be without music
You would be nowhere at all
We wouldn't be here doing this now
If you weren't having a ball
One for the road, sharing our load, show us the way
Can you imagine the silence
Not even the pink or white noise
Well thankfully we've got the license
To have us some fun with the boys
One for the road, sharing our load, show us the way
The melody line's fascinating
The rhythm is something divine
It sends our adrenaline racing
To see you all moving so fine
One for the road, sharing our load, show us the way
One for the road...
One for the road şş"
,"Bir de since in Because anlamI vardIr
Since he is an extremely aspiring scientist, he is regarded as the scientist of the century.
Because he is an extremely aspiring scientist, he is regarded as the scientist of the century.
Bir hayli gelecek vaad eden bir bilim adamI olduĞundan, O'na yÜzyIlIn biliminsanI olarak bakIyorlar."
,"We all came out to montreux
On the lake geneva shoreline
To make records with a mobile
We didnt have much time
Frank zappa and the mothers
Were at the best place around
But some stupid with a flare gun
Burned the place to the ground
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
They burned down the gambling house
It died with an awful sound
Funky claude was running in and out
Pulling kids out the ground
When it all was over
We had to find another place
But swiss time was running out
It seemed that we would lose the race
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
We ended up at the grand hotel
It was empty cold and bare
But with the rolling truck stones thing just outside
Making our music there
With a few red lights and a few old beds
We make a place to sweat
No matter what we get out of this
I know well never forget
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky şş What does the song tell us ş Thank you."
,"insan haklarI ihlalleri Human Rights Breaches
basin toplantisi Press Meeting
basin mensuplari Press members
basin aciklamasi Press Announcement / Release
yonetim kurulu uyeleri Members of the Management Board
bagimsizlik ve ozgurluk mucadelesi Independence and Freedom Struggle
faili mechuller ve yargisiz infazlar Anonymous Outlaws / Criminals and Executions without Judgement
keyfi gozaltilar Haphazard Probations
kotu muameleler Harsh Treatment
zorla adam kacirma Forced Kidnapping
UluslararasI Af ŞrgÜtÜ ve İnsan HaklarI Ýzleme ŞrgÜtÜ International Amnesty Organization and
Human Rights Watch Committee
İnsan HaklarI Merkezi Center of Human Rights
kapsamlI ve tarafsIz soruŞturmalar yÜrÜtÜlmesi Comprehensive and Fair Inquiries Execution
adalet ŞnÜne ÇIkarIlarak adil yargIlanma Fair Judgement before the Law
Turkiye'deki aydinlar The Intellects in Turkey
PS : Sadece tahmini bazI saptamalarImdIr. DoĞruluklarI tartIŞIlabilir."
,"Fleetwood Mac — Oh Well lyrics
Written by Peter Green.
I can't help about the shape I'm in
I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to
Oh well
Now, when I talked to God I knew he'd understand
He said, ""Stick by me and I'll be your guiding hand
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to""
Oh well"
,"Ticks lyrics
Every time you take a sip
In this smoky atmosphere
You press that bottle to your lips
And I wish I was your beer
In the small there of your back
Your jeans are playing peekaboo
I'd like to see the other half of your butterfly tattoo.
Hey that gives me an idea
Let's get out of this bar
Drive out into the country
And find a place to park.
'Cause I'd like to see you out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks.
I know the perfect little path
Out in these woods I used to hunt
Don't worry babe I've got your back
And I've also got your front
Now, I'd hate to waste a night like this
I'll keep you safe you wait and see
The only thing allowed to crawl all over you when we get there is me.
You know every guy in here tonight
Would like to take you home
But I've got way more class than them
Babe that ain't what I want.
'Cause I'd like to see you out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks.
You never know where one might be
There's lots of places that are hard to reach
I gotcha.
I'd like to see you out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you baby way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks.
I'd sure like to check you for ticks..."
I was tryin' to find my way home
But all I heard was a drone
Bouncing off a satellite
Crushin' the last lone American night
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out thereş
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out thereş
I was spinnin' 'round a dead dial
Just another lost number in a file
Dancin' down a dark hole
Just searchin' for a world with some soul
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out thereş
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out thereş
Is there anybody alive out thereş
I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to hear some rhythm
I want a thousand guitars
I want pounding drums
I want a million different voices speaking in tongues
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out thereş
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out thereş
Is there anybody alive out thereş
I was driving through the misty rain
Searchin' for a mystery train
Boppin' through the wild blue
Tryin' to make a connection to you
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out thereş
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out thereş
Is there anybody alive out thereş
I just want to feel some rhythm
I just want to feel some rhythm
I just want to feel your rhythm
I just want to feel your rhythm
I just want to feel your rhythm
I just want to feel your rhythm
I just want to feel your rhythm
I just want to feel your rhythm
Copyright © 2007 Bruce Springsteen (ASCAP)"
,"Believe me Friends, there is no such woman ;)
Got a black magic woman
Got a black magic woman
Ive got a black magic woman
Got me so blind I can't see
That she's a black magic woman
Shes trying to make a devil out of me
Don't turn your back on me baby
Don't turn your back on me baby
Yes don't turn your back on me baby
Stop messing round with your tricks
Don't turn your back on me baby
You just might pick up my magic sticks
Got your spell on me baby
Got your spell on me baby
Yes you got your spell on me baby
Turning my heart into stone
I need you so bad, magic woman
I can't leave you alone"
,"A 60's hit by the band Manfred Mann.
http://www.stlyrics.com/0.gifManfred Mann Do Wah Diddy Diddy Lyrics
There she was just awalkin' down the street, singin' ""Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do""
Snappin' her fingers and shufflin' her feet, singin' ""Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do""
She looked good (looked good), she looked fine (looked fine)
She looked good, she looked fine and I nearly lost my mind
Before I knew it she was walkin' next to me, singin' ""Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do""
Holdin' my hand just as natural as can be, singin' ""Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do""
We walked on (walked on) to my door (my door)
We walked on to my door, then we kissed a little more
Whoaoh, I knew we was falling in love
Yes I did, and so I told her all the things I'd been dreamin' of
Now we're together nearly every single day, singin' ""Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do""
Awe're so happy and that's how we're gonna stay, singin' ""Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do""
Well I'm hers (I'm hers), she's mine (she's mine)
I'm hers, she's mine, wedding bells are gonna chime
Whoaoh, I knew we was falling in love
Yes I did, and so I told her all the things I'd been dreamin' of
Now we're together nearly every single day, singin' ""Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do""
Awe're so happy and that's how we're gonna stay, singin' ""Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do""
Well I'm hers (I'm hers), she's mine (she's mine)
I'm hers, she's mine, wedding bells are gonna chime
Whoaohohoh, oh yeah
Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do, we'll sing it
Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do, oh yeah, oh, oh yeah
Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
,"A slow gem by Mr. Mark Knopfler
I can see what you're looking to find
In the smile on my face
In my peace of mind
In my state of grace
I send what I can
To the man from the ministry
He's a part of heaven's plan
And he talks to me
Now I send what I can to the man
With the diamond ring
He's a part of heaven's plan
And he sure can sing
Now it's all I can afford
But the lord has sent me eternity
It's to save the little children
In a poor country
I got my ticket to heaven
And everlasting life
I got a ride all the way to paradise
I got my ticket to heaven
And everlasting life
All the way to paradise
Now there's nothing left for luxuries
Nothing left to pay my heating bill
But the good lord will provide
I know he will
So send what you can
To the man with the diamond ring
They're tuning in across the land
To hear him sing
I got my ticket to heaven
And everlasting life
I got a ride all the way to paradise
I got my ticket to heaven
And everlasting life
All the way to paradise"
,"Penned down by Chad Smith, Anthony Kiedis, John Frusciante, Flea and a one Crazy Town member
( can't recall the name ), here is the Butterfly...
Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly
Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly
Such a sexy,sexy pretty little thing
Fierce nipple pierce you got me sprung with your tongue ring
and I ain't gonna lie cause your loving gets me high
So to keep you by my side there's nothing that I won't try
Butterflies in her eyes and looks to kill
Time is passing I'm asking could this be real
Cause I can't sleep I can't hold still
The only thing I really know is she got sex appeal
I can feel too much is never enough
You're always there to lift me up
When these times get rough I was lost Now I'm found
Ever since you've been around
You're the women that I want
So yo, I'm putting it down.
Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly
come my lady you're my
pretty baby ill make your legs shake
you make me go crazy
Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly
come my lady you're my
pretty baby ill make your legs shake
you make me go crazy
I don't deserve you unless it's some kind of hidden message
to show me life is precious
Then I guess it's true
But to tell truth, I really never knew
T'll I met you... See I was lost and confused
Twisted and used up
Knew a better life existed but thought that I missed it
My lifestyle's wild I was living like a wild child
Trapped on a short leash paroled the police files
So yo. what' s happening nowş
I see the sun breaking down into dark clouds
and a vision of you standing out in a crowd.
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly
come my lady you're my
pretty baby ill make your legs shake
you make me go crazy
Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly
come my lady you're my
pretty baby ill make your legs shake
you make me go crazy
Hey sugar momma, come and dance with me
The smartest thing you ever did was take a chance with me
Whatever tickles your fancy
Girl it's you like Sid and Nancy
So sexy....almost evil Talkin' about butterflies in my head
I used to think happy endings were only in the books I read but
you made me feel alive when I was almost dead
You filled that empty space with the love I used to chase
and as far as I can see it don't get better than this
So butterfly, here is a song and it's sealed with a kiss
and a thank you miss.
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
so come and dance with me
uhhhhh ha uhhh ha
Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly
come my lady you're my
pretty baby ill make your legs shake
you make me go crazy
Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly
come my lady you're my
pretty baby ill make your legs shake
you make me go crazy
Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly
come my lady you're my
pretty baby ill make your legs shake
you make me go crazy
Come my lady
Come come my lady
you're my butterfly
come my lady you're my
pretty baby ill make your legs shake
you make me go crazy
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
uhhhhhh ha uhhhhhh ha
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me"
Album's version
Two, three, four
Have you ever seen a one trick pony in the field so happy and free
If you've ever seen a one trick pony then you've seen me
Have you ever seen a one legged dog makin' his way down the street
If you've ever seen a one legged dog then you've seen me
(Then you've seen me) I come and stand at every door
(Then you've seen me) I always leave with less than I had before
(Then you've seen me) bet I can make you smile when the blood it hits the floor
Tell me friend can you ask for anything more
Tell me can you ask for anything more
Have you ever seen a scarecrow filled with nothing but dust and weeds
If you've ever seen that scarecrow then you've seen me
Have you ever seen a one armed man punchin' at nothing but the breeze
If you've ever seen a one armed man then you've seen me
(Then you've seen me) I come and stand at every door
(Then you've seen me) I always leave with less than I had before
(Then you've seen me) bet I can make you smile when the blood it hits the floor
Tell me friend can you ask for anything more
Tell me can you ask for anything more
These things that have comforted me I drive away (anything more)
This place that is my home I cannot stay (anything more)
My only faith is in the broken bones and bruises I display
Have you ever seen a one legged man tryin' to dance his way free
If you've ever seen a one legged man then you've seen me
Music and lyrics by Bruce Springsteen, THE WRESTLER is the theme song for the motion picture of
the same name. It plays in an acoustic arrangement over the film's closing credits. The song also gets
significant play over the film's promotional trailer.
THE WRESTLER was included as a bonus track on Springsteen's 2009 album Working On A Dream.
The Film
The Wrestler is directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Mickey Rourke. Production began in
January 2008 and the film debuted on 05 Sep 2008 at the 65th Venice Film Festival. It also screened
on 07 Sep 2008 at the Toronto Film Festival and on 12 Oct 2008 at the closing night of the New York
Film Festival. Fox Searchlight acquired rights to distribute the film in the U.S. The Wrestler was
released in the U.S. in a limited capacity on 17 Dec 2008, and nationwide on 16 Jan 2009.
The Wrestler won the Golden Lion Award for Best Film at its premiere at the Venice Film Festival. The
film also won two 2008 Golden Globe Awards, including ""Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion
Picture Drama"" (Mickey Rourke) and ""Best
Original Song Motion Picture"" (THE WRESTLER written and performed by Bruce Springsteen). It was
also nominated for ""Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture Drama"" Golden Globe Award
(Marisa Tomei).
,"""Gallows Pole""
Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while,
Think I see my friends coming, Riding a many mile.
Friends, did you get some silverş
Did you get a little goldş
What did you bring me, my dear friends, To keep me from the Gallows Poleş
What did you bring me to keep me from the Gallows Poleş
I couldn't get no silver, I couldn't get no gold,
You know that we're too damn poor to keep you from the Gallows Pole.
Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while,
I think I see my brother coming, riding a many mile.
Brother, did you get me some silverş
Did you get a little goldş
What did you bring me, my brother, to keep me from the Gallows Poleş
Brother, I brought you some silver,
I brought a little gold, I brought a little of everything
To keep you from the Gallows Pole.
Yes, I brought you to keep you from the Gallows Pole.
Hangman, hangman, turn your head awhile,
I think I see my sister coming, riding a many mile, mile, mile.
Sister, I implore you, take him by the hand,
Take him to some shady bower, save me from the wrath of this man,
Please take him, save me from the wrath of this man, man.
Hangman, hangman, upon your face a smile,
Pray tell me that I'm free to ride,
Ride for many mile, mile, mile.
Oh, yes, you got a fine sister, She warmed my blood from cold,
Brought my blood to boiling hot To keep you from the Gallows Pole,
Your brother brought me silver, Your sister warmed my soul,
But now I laugh and pull so hard And see you swinging on the Gallows Pole
Swingin' on the gallows pole!"
Voodoo Cloth Doll
Think only of your ex, push the prick into the doll if you want to torture her / him.
Ex Voodoo Doll
Quit calling me
I want you to get hurt the way I got hurt
I wish you still love me and be aware that you want me back
Quit gossipmongering about me
Quit flirting with my friends
Quit being a prostitute / bastard
Keep away from my life
Send me my belongings back
For a year long time I want you to experience terrible sex ( this, too, is nonsense )
20 x 10 x 2 cm
10 pieces of voodoo needles included"
,"Çocukluk sayIlIr mI ama Orta 2 iken tarih dersine Meydan Larousse dan ÇalIŞIr gelirdim. Okula
erken baŞladIĞIm iÇin Çok Çelimsiz bir Çocuktum. Ýki kŞtÜ arkadaŞ Ãsa ve GÜrkan benimle
uĞraŞIrlardI ( tarihte gŞzde ŞĞrenciydim ) ve ben benden daha iri olan o 2 canavardan Çok
,"As a reflection of these ideals, annually, and now traditionalized, we have been making activities.
A memorial day for XXX who has the same name as our school ( eponymous ), "" Express Yourself ""
Exhibition where our pupils demonstrate their skills, colloquys which host successful and famous
sports men and scientists, in their branches, poem recitals, photography and caricature exhibitions,
project exhibitions where our students display the projects they consolidate during the year,
volleyball, basketball, pingpong alike sports tournaments, recreational games, Science Arts Sports
Festivals which embody various facilities such as concerts, the caricature contest which we organize
amid the highschools in Istanbul, and contests of reading the literature works of wellknown authors
are a few of these."
,"I want to be a teacher in the future. My goal in choosing this occupation is that I love children and
teaching them. Teaching is so much fun and is a splendid job. I get the pleasure of being with kids.
Doing such a labor will please me a lot.
It is widely recognized ( this occupation ) in our country. I think I am apt for this occupation. The
smiling faces of those children affect my joyfulness. I think there is no drawback in this occupation.
I plan to study at Anatolian University in EskiŞehir. Because it is a splendor and is mentioned as the
city of youngsters. I guess it is a prerogative studying there.
During the summer holidays, I love to spare some time for myself. That is why I want to be a
Crazy Janey and her mission man were back in the alley tradin' hands
'long came Wild Billy with his friend Gman all duded up for Saturday night
Well Billy slammed on his coaster brakes and said anybody wanna go on up to Greasy Lake
It's about a mile down on the dark side of route eightyeight
I got a bottle of rose so let's try it
We'll pick up Hazy Davy and Killer Joe and I'll take you all out to where the gypsy angels go
They're built like light
and they dance like spirits in the night (all night) in the night (all night)
Oh, you don't know what they can do to you
Spirits in the night (all night), in the night (all night)
Stand right up now and let it shoot through you
Well now Wild young Billy was a crazy cat and he shook some dust out of his coonskin cap.
He said, ""Trust some of this it'll show you where you're at, or at least it'll help you really feel it""
By the time we made it up to Greasy Lake I had my head out the window and Janey's fingers were in
the cake
I think I really dug her 'cause I was too loose to fake
I said, ""I'm hurt."" She said, ""Honey let me heal it"".
And we danced all night to a soul fairy band
and she kissed me just right like only a lonely angel can
She felt so nice, just as soft as a spirit in the night (all night)
In the night (all night). Janey don't know what she do to you
Like a spirit in the night (all night), in the night (all night)
Stand right up and let her shoot through me.
Now the night was bright and the stars threw light on Billy and Davy
dancin' in the moonlight
They were down near the water in a stone mud fight
Killer Joe gone passed out on the lawn
Well now Hazy Davy got really hurt, he ran into the lake in just his socks and a shirt
Me and Crazy Janey was makin' love in the dirt singin' our birthday songs
Janey said it was time to go
So we closed our eyes and said goodbye to gypsy angel row, felt so right
Together we moved like spirits in the night, all night
Baby don't know what they can do to you
Spirits in the night, all night
Stand right up and let it shoot right through you
Copyright © Bruce Springsteen (ASCAP) http://www.brucespringsteen.net/art/columbia.gif
© 2009 Thrill Hill Productions, Inc. Powered by Signatures Network
Terms of Use"
,"Well I came by your house the other day, your mother said you went away
She said there was nothing that I could have done
There was nothing nobody could say
Me and you we've known each other ever since we were sixteen
I wished I would have known I wished I could have called you
Just to say goodbye Bobby Jean
Now you hung with me when all the others turned away turned up their nose
We liked the same music we liked the same bands we liked the same clothes
We told each other that we were the wildest, the wildest things we'd ever seen
Now I wished you would have told me I wished I could have talked to you
Just to say goodbye Bobby Jean
Now we went walking in the rain talking about the pain from the world we hid
Now there ain't nobody nowhere nohow gonna ever understand me the way you did
Maybe you'll be out there on that road somewhere
In some bus or train traveling along
In some motel room there'll be a radio playing
And you'll hear me sing this song
Well if you do you'll know I'm thinking of you and all the miles in between
And I'm just calling one last time not to change your mind
But just to say I miss you baby, good luck goodbye, Bobby Jean
Copyright © Bruce Springsteen (ASCAP) http://www.brucespringsteen.net/art/columbia.gif"
,"Ref # 1 : http://thesaurus.reference.com/browse/highranking
Main Entry: highranking
Part of Speech:adjectiveDefinition:exaltedSynonyms:
astral, august, dignified, elevated, eminent, exaggerated, excessive, first, grand, high, highminded,
highest, highestranking, honorable, honored, ideal, illustrious, immodest, imposing, inflated,
intellectual, leading, lofty, magnificent, noble, number
Ref # 2 : http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ranking
rank·ing /'ræşhttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngkşş/
http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif Show Spelled Pronunciation
rangking> http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif Show IPA
–adjective 1.senior or superior in rank, position, etc.: a ranking diplomat. 2.prominent or highly
regarded: a ranking authority on Soviet affairs. 3.occupying a specific rank, position, etc. (often used
in combination): a lowranking executive"
by Jack Bruce and Pete Brown
Coming to me in the morning, leaving me at night.
Coming to me in the morning, leaving me alone.
You've got that rainbow feel but the rainbow has a beard.
Running to me acryin' when he throws you out.
Running to me acryin', on your own again.
You've got that pure feel, such good responses,
But the picture has a mustache.
You're coming to me with that soulful look on your face,
Coming looking like you've never ever done one wrong thing.
You're coming to me with that soulful look on your face.
You're coming looking like you've never ever done one wrong thing.
So many fantastic colors; I feel in a wonderland.
Many fantastic colors makes me feel so good.
You've got that pure feel, such good responses.
You've got that rainbow feel but the rainbow has a beard."
,"Ok, Sir. Then here's a puzzle, I have found out, myself. The answer is much open to debate, I guess.
Let me say that in the first place.
Question : If it is noon time, exact, how should we name that very instant ş ( in terms of a.m. / p.m. )"
,"Eskiden GIrgIr'da vardI, İngilizce kelimelerle TÜrkÇe cÜmleler yazmak.
Şrnek : Mere hub a, are cad ash lear ( Merhaba, ArkadaŞlar )
Siz de meramInIzI bu Şekilde anlatmak istemez misiniz ş
Yeah knee joomla lear in easy back lee your umm :)"
,"Rosanne Cash with Bruce Springsteen – ―Sea of Heartbreak‖
Stephen M. Deusner | September 22nd, 2009
Rosanne Cash turned eighteen, her father gave her a list of what he considered the 100 essential
country songs. By way of an eleventh studio album, she recorded a dozen of them with a loose, jazzy
backing band and an array of guests including Jeff Tweedy, Elvis Costello, and Bruce Springsteen.
Without that backstory, The List might seem like just another covers album, like Tanya Tucker‘s My
Turn, or, worse, a standards album in the vein of those Rod Stewart abominations. But there‘s
obviously a story behind it, and a personal connection with each of these songs, which makes her
engagement with the Songbook more akin to Johnny‘s American Recordings series in its scope and
It‘s surprising to realize that Johnny never record with Bruce Springsteen, even though they both
covered each other‘s songs over the years. Rosanne corrects that omission with a lovely version of
―Sea of Heartbreak,‖ which was a hit for Don Gibson in 1961. Johnny covered it on his 1996 album
Unchained, but Rosanne‘s tender, understated version might even outdo her father‘s.
―Sea of Heartbreak‖ shouldn‘t lend itself so well to a duet. After all, this is a song about extreme
loneliness and hurt as romantic fallout, sung from the perspective of someone adrift and emotionally
far form shore, and its lovely melody draws out its questioning syllable longingly.
But together, Rosanne and Springsteen gently reinterpret ―Sea of Heartbreak‖ as an anthem for two
lost souls who don‘t know how close they are. They‘re not exes here, but potentially lovers. Her voice
is gently wounded but thoughtful, investing the lyrics with care and nuance as if embracing her
lonesomeness provides some form of comfort.
Bruce does his best Roy Orbison here, which suits the mood both musically and allusively and lends
the song a gruff majesty whether he‘s backing Rosanne on the verses or singing lead on the short
bridge. They make a great pair with electric chemistry, so why couldn‘t they just make a full album of
duets togetherş
(Paul Hamilton / Hal David)
Don Gibson 1961
Everly Brothers 1965
Shakin' Stevens 1971
Kenny Price 1973
Johnny Cash 1996
Also recorded by: The Searchers; Lynn Anderson; Charley Pride;
Larry Stephenson; Merle Haggard; Ronnie McDowell; Leroy Van Dyke;
Leo Sayer; Poco; Country Gentlemen; Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan;
Kapena; Dominic Kirwan; Brush Shiels; The Dublin Outlaws.
The lights in the harbour, don't shine for me
I'm like a lost ship, adrift on the sea
The sea of heartbreak
Lost love and loneliness
Memories of your caress
So divine, how I wish
You were mine, again my dear
I'm on this sea of tears
Sea of heartbreak
How did I lose youş
Oh, where did I failş
Why did you leave meş
Always to sail
This sea of heartbreak
Lost love and loneliness
Memories of your caress
So divine, how I wish
You were mine, again my dear
I'm on this sea of tears
Sea of heartbreak
Oh, what I'd give to sail back to shore
Back to your arms once more
Come to my rescue
Come here to me
Take me and keep me
Away from the sea
The sea of heartbreak
Lost love and loneliness
Memories of your caress
So divine, how I wish
You were mine, again my dear
I'm on the sea of tears
Sea of heartbreak
Sea of heartbreak
Sea oh heartbreak"
They call me SeÇil. I am a nurse. This is our family photo. In it, my mother is on my right, sitting on
the armchair. Her name is Aynur. She teaches at some highschool. She loves her students, and her
job, as well. My Dad sits with us on the armchair. His name is Mehmet ,and is an architect working at
a private company. My elder brother Koray is a doctorate student at a university which is in Izmir. He
usually comes home on holidays and at weekends. He wants to be a good engineer. My older sister,
Seda ( works at a bank / is a banker ). Her job is hard and ( exhausting / tiresome ). She is works real
hard. She frequently travels to other cities. To the left of my elder brother, is Zeynep. She is a lycee
student. She is in preparation for the university. She wants to be an aspiring doctor."
,"Ben SayIn Mir Hasan Bey'in aÇIklamasIyla ŞĞrendim. Kendisine TeŞekkÜr Ediyorum.
www.etymonline.com da da baktIm ve kendim Üstteki yorumuma ulaŞtIm. Kaynak bizzat kendimdir,
hata varsa lÜtfen dÜzeltiniz Beni.
,"""Noli turbare circulos meos!"" > Not Disturb Circles of Mine
How familiar the words are, don't you think ş"
,"In the beginning they had even no place.
They collected charities and secondhand clothes from door to door, stored up them in the old
mortuary of the mosque.
In the beginning, food and clothings were dealt out to almost 150 families in need.
In 4 years time,this light that was lit by 9 willing women grew up with helpful and willing people,
ligtened more places ( fields) ...
Hundreds of families are regularly provided with food, clothing, and support for rent payments.
Health checks are carried out regularly.
Tens of people got supports for surgery bills.
During the day, visits are made to determine families in need.
But care is taken on delivering aids nighttime.
Scholarships are awarded to 35 university students.
Every Ramadan, food packets are dealt out.
Meats are dealt out in Eid alAdha.
Also meat of votie sacrifices are dealt out yeararound.
in Eids new clothings are given as gifts especially to children.
they bunchs caring people with its customary kermess... ( şşş )
with income, it awards more scholarships to more university students.
While doing these, they (are aware) ( know) that kind communication and smiling are better than
charity followed by injury.
Reason of their succes is the responsibity of its name.
Not just material supports, free training activities are increasing day by day.
English and mathematics lessons were given to children and teenagers.
Foreign language lessons were given to women.
In summer, Quran lessons are given to children and women.
They put up a bridge between willing people and people in need with ―sworn brother campaign‖.
Willing people save their blood types and phone numbers and the organization reaches them when
the sick need blood and transfuses blood between each other.
Annually, they undertake lots of activities.
What will they do in futureş
What are their dreams and aims ş
They aim to have a frame,
with more orderly formation
to do better things
in a shorter time…
And this depends on dreams, resolutions and hopes of new willing people.
So they are looking forward to willing people who say ― what can i doş‖
Come on!
Be fresh hope to eyes looking forward to your help.
PS: Sadece, hIzlIca gŞz attIm. BaŞka dÜzeltmeler bekleyiniz."
,"When I was a kid, everything was much better. We did not have the possibilities / opportunities of
today's children, but anyway we were blissful. I, especially, reminisce the summer nights. During late
hours, we had our time out. Playing games. Sometimes we went to see a movie at the cinema.
Nowadays, computers and TVs alienate and leave the youngsters by and to themselves. Young ones
do not have many friends / acquaintances. Usually, they are spending their time home. In the times
of ours, things were pretty different. The families gathered whole, at suppers / dinners. We used to
have intimate conversations and tell short humorous stories to each other. We had much fun,
indeed. Now, what's even so much different is : people have their meals in front of their TVs. They do
not talk to each other. Children avoid to think of lives which are without TVs and computers. Our
times were harder. But I sometimes can not keep from thinking to myself : "" We were luckier! ""."
,"per•i•cy•cle (per'isi'kşl)
n. A plant tissue characteristic of the roots, located between the endodermis and phloem.
Bitki kŞklerinin bir doku karakteristiĞi olup, endoderm ( ÝÇderm ) ve Floem ( Soymuk Borusu )
péricycle, from Greek perikuklos, spherical : peri, peri + kuklos, circle; see cycle.>
per'i•cy'clic (si'klik, sik'lik) adj. Bu dokuya ait"
,"An action figure is a posable character figurine, made of plastic or other materials, and often based
upon characters from a movie, comic book, video game, or television program. These action figures
are usually marketed towards boys. Redressable action figures are sometimes referred to as action
dolls as a distinction from those which have all or most of their clothes molded on. There are more
than 35,000 known unique action figures and more than 700 brands.
Action figure size MiniyatÜr ebatta oyuncak"
,"Scarcely suffices
,"Demografi ( Nufus DaĞIlImI)
Erkek orgazm bozukluĞu her Irkta ve etnik grupta bulunur. ŞmÜrboyu sÜrmesi durumunda, kendini
ergenlik ÇaĞI civalarInda gŞsterir. Hipogonadizma bozukluklarInIn genetik biÇimlerinde, Kleinfelter
Sendromu gibi... , belli baŞlI soma ( vucut ) iŞaretleri ve semptomlarI hekimi uyarabilir. Benzer bir
Şekilde, ilgili tiroit, testikÜler ve hipofiz salInIm anormaliklerinde, kendini gizleyen bozukluĞun baŞka
aÇIlImlarI olur. Sonradan edinilen erkek orgazm bozukluĞunda, hasta daha Şnce normal iliŞkide bu
sorunu yaŞamIŞtIr. Bu durumlarda, durumsal bir faktŞr olarak bozukluĞu hIzlandIrIr.
TanI genelde Şnceki hayatIndaki, hastanIn hastalIĞI baz alInarak ve de DSMIVTR tanI kriterlerine
uygun olarak yapIlIr. Erektil bozukluk iÇeren karmaŞIk bir bozukluĞun parÇasI olabilir,
ejakÜlasyondaki ( Şn ejakÜlasyon gibi veya geri ejakÜlasyon ), ve aktivitede dÜŞÜk seksÜel istek
olarak anormallik gŞsterir.
Potansiyel diĞer bozukluklardan ayIrt edebilmek iÇin, laboratuar testleri isteminde bulunabilir,
hekim, ve / veya daha ileri tanI deĞerlendirmeleri yapabilir. Kan plazma deĞerleri ( testosteron
hormonu ) hipogonadizmayI teŞhis etmede kullanIlabilir. Bir takIm Tiroit testleri, hipofiz salInIm ve
bŞbrek fonksiyonlarI bu bezlerle birlikte hormonal bez anormalliklerini teŞhis etmede kullanIlabilir.
Gece boyu sÜren penil ereksiyon testleri, bu teŞhisi koymaya yardImcI olabilir.
NOT : PM attIĞInIz iÇin bu Çeviriyi elimden geldiĞince yaptIm. Kolay Gele !"
/hş'stşrhttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngşşsaşz, 'stşr/
http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif Show Spelled
stawruhsahyz, stor> http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif Show
IPA verb,cized, ciz•ing.
–verb (used without object) 1. to interpret something as a product of historical development.
–verb (used with object) 2. to narrate as history; render historic.
Ref : http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/historicize"
,"Intelligent Materials >Muscle Memory > Eski durumunu hatIrlayan, geÇirdiĞi her tÜrlÜ deneyimi (
KasIlma, gevŞeme, yara, bere, vs... ) hafIzasIna alan kaslar. Etki kalkInca eski haline dŞnen kas (
hafIzasI ). "
,"Classifications of Energy ; be it ( Mainly these : ) Electrical, Mechanical, or Heat energy.
Thermal energy popularly known as heat energy
Chemical energy
Electrical energy
Radiant energy commonly known as light energy
Nuclear energy
Magnetic energy
Elastic energy
Sound Energy
Mechanical energy
int ( F dr ) = delta ( KE ) where intintegral from initial to end state ( location change vector ) and F
denotes summation of all external Forces as vectors, dr is the displacement vector. delta (Kinetic
Energy ( k. E. ) ) = change in ( mV**2 ) / 2
As in thermal equations it adds upto ( Examplified in a piston ) :
delta(U) change in internal energy of the gas in the container= Q Heat loss or gain by the system (
pos. if gain ) Work Done by the gas
All Energies , this way or that way, sum upto the Energy due to motion of the inertial mass ( Kinetic
Energy ), and Heat ( Still the average K.E. of all the atoms / molecules )
Potential Energy is nothing but a madeup concept where the relative height of the mass to the
reference point is named as "" h "" ( perpendicular ) and mass x the gravitational constant ( g )
In any case, one can say : "" All External Forces Acting on a Newtonian Solid "" dotted with the
displacement vector yield the change in Kinetic Energy.
In a wave form energy > E = h f
h : Planck Constant
f : frequency of the wave in propagation
In Electricity E = int (V I ) dt ( still in close relationship with the K.E of electrons in motion )"
,"İnsani ÝliŞkiler, Dell BilgisayarlarInIn ÜretildiĞi, Dell Bilgisayar FirmasInIn, kiŞisel bilgisayarlar da
daha az yenilikÇilik ve ÇokÇa da bir zorunluluk olmasI gerÇeĞi doĞrultusunda, pazardan rekabetÇi
olarak bir profil gŞrÜntÜsÜ Çizmesine yaramIŞtIr. Firma, Şzel tasarIm kiŞisel bilgisayarlar satIŞInI
telefonda almak ve birkaÇ gÜnde alIcIya, bu aletleri iletmek konusunda tanInInmIŞlIk saĞlamIŞtIr.
MÜŞteri ve iŞ insanlarI Dell'i arayIp, hard disk miktarInI, modem hIzInI, monitŞr ebatlarInI ve bunun
gibi... Şzellikleri, Dell sitesinde seÇenekler doĞrultusunda belirleyebiliyorlar. Dell bu tÜrden bir iliŞkiyi
, bilgisayar alan kiŞilere, site dahili servis hizmetiyle daha da pekiŞtiriyor.
BÜyÜk ve kÜÇÜk Çaptaki alIcIlar iÇin Dell, insan iliŞkilerini daha da ilerletmeye yŞnelmiŞtir. Her sene
bedeli 50,000 dolarI geÇen ÜrÜn alImlarInda, ilgili mÜŞteriye hesap uzmanI vererek, hesabIn
sorunsuz ÇalIŞmasI ve herhangi doĞabilecek problemi ÇŞzmeyi amaÇlamIŞtIr, Dell Corp.
Hesap uzmanlarI, mÜŞterileriyle tanIŞIr ve onlara telefon ederek, ÜrÜnlerimiz daha ne kadar
geliŞtirebiliriz dÜŞÜncesi doĞrultusunda fikir alIp verirler. Bu kÜÇÜk ÇaplI iŞ alIcIlarIndan birisi olan
bir broker online Trading FirmasI'nda genel mÜdÜr yardImcIsI Keith Dellova Dell temsilcisinin,
kendisini diĞer iŞ yaptIĞIm firmalardan daha fazla fikirlerle aradIĞInI belirtiyor. Ý
lginÇ olmayan ise
O'nun yeni sipariŞler vereceĞidir."
,"Opening Introduction (Spoken part)
And I heard as it were the noise of thunder
One of the four beasts saying come and see and I saw
And behold a white horse
There's a man going around taking names
And he decides who to free and who to blame
Everybody won't be treated all the same
There'll be a golden ladder reaching down
When the Man comes around
The hairs on your arm will stand up
At the terror in each sip and in each sup
Will you partake of that last offered cupş
Or disappear into the potter's ground
When the Man comes around
Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers
One hundred million angels singing
Multitudes are marching to the big kettledrum
Voices calling, voices crying
Some are born and some are dying
It's Alpha and Omega's kingdom come
And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree
The virgins are all trimming their wicks
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree
It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks
Till Armageddon no shalam, no shalom
Then the father hen will call his chickens home
The wise man will bow down before the throne
And at His feet they'll cast their golden crowns
When the Man comes around
Whoever is unjust let him be unjust still
Whoever is righteous let him be righteous still
Whoever is filthy let him be filthy still
Listen to the words long written down
When the Man comes around
Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers
One hundred million angels singing
Multitudes are marching to the big kettledrum
Voices calling and voices crying
Some are born and some are dying
It's Alpha and Omega's kingdom come
And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree
The virgins are all trimming their wicks
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree
It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks
In measured hundred weight and penney pound
When the Man comes around.
Close (Spoken part)
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts
And I looked and behold, a pale horse
And his name that sat on him was Death
And Hell followed with him.
I intend to annotate this great song part by part
( 1 ) What is an Annotation ş
( 2 ) What are the Four Beasts in bold above ş"
,"Autotomy ( Ototomi ) , by burakaltr.
Autotomy ( Yunan auto = kendi, tomy= kesmek ) veya kendi uzuvunu kesip atmak, hayvanlarIn bir
veya daha fazla uzvunu bilerek kaybetmesidir. Genellikle, avcI ( predator ) dan kurtulmak icin yapIlIr.
KayIp olan govde organI daha sonra rejenere olabilir. SURUNGENLER Geckolar, skinkler ve diger
kertenkeleler, kuyruklarInI feda ederek, kacabilirler. AyrIlan kuyruk, hareket etmeye devam eder ve
avcInIn dikkatini uzerine alIr, boylece de kurban kacar. Birkac haftada kuyruk bolumsel olarak yerine
gelebilir. Yeni bolum, kIkIrdaktan olusur ( kemik degil ) ve bu kIsmIn deri rengi daha farklI olur.
Genelllikle daha koyu renkli ve hic ya da daha az patternli. Ototomi, kertenkelerde omurgadaki ozel
zayIf bolgelerle imkAn bulur. Esas olarak, kertenkele bolgesel kuyruk kasInI kasar ama omurga ayrIlIr,
kuyruk degil. KanamayI azaltmak icin Sphincter kaslarI ( Caudal atardamar ) civarInda kasIlIr.
OMURGASIZLAR Diger hayvanlar, ahtapotlar, yengecler, deniz yIldIzlarI, Istakozlar ve orumcekler,
hayatta kalmak icin, uzuv kaybedip, rejenere edebilirler. Ototomi, bazI ahtapotlarda, hayatta kalmak
ve uremek icin kullanIlIr. Ozel ciftlesme uzantIsI ( hectocotylus ) erkekten ciftlesme sIrasInda ayrIlIr ve
disinin mantle boslugunda kalIr. Eviscerasyon, deniz hIyarlarInIn , baskI altInda, ic organlarIndan
kurtulmasI da bir cesit ototomidir ve kaybolan organ zamanla yerine gelir. ARILAR ( OZEL BÝR
DURUM ) BazI bal arIlarInIn igneleri ozel bir durumdur. AyrIlan igne gangliona sahiptir ve igne
kurbana daha da girer ( igne saftI hareket eder. ), zehir kesesi de, igne ayrIldIktan sonra ehir
salgIlamaya devam eder. Bircok ototomi durumundan farklI olarak, arI bir sure sonra olur ( yenilenme
olmaz ). Butun gercek bal arIlarI ( cins : Apis ) bu ototomi cesidini barIndIrIr. Baska hicbir igne sahibi
arI, yellowjacket wasps, Meksikan Bal wasplarI da rejenere olmaz ki igneleri kancalIdIr. Kralice bal
arIsInIn ignesinde kanca yoktur ama
ototomi de gorulmez. Bal arIlarInIn erkekleri, ciftlesme sIrasInda ototomiye ugrar, genital organ
kralicenin icinde kalIr ve daha sonraki erkek arIlar bundan kurtulmalIdIrlar. Erkek arIlar, ciftlesme
sonrasI olurler."
,"Spencer Tracy
Vikipedi, ŞzgÜr ansiklopedi
Git ve: kullan, ara
Tracy, 1936 yapImI Libeled Lady filmindeDoĞum adISpencer ""Bonaventure"" TracyDoĞum5 Nisan
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ABD
Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.pngŞlÜm10 Haziran 1967 (67 yaŞInda)
Los Angeles, Kaliforniya, ABDEvlilikLouise Treadwell (19231967)Akademi ŞdÜlleriEn Ýyi Erkek
1937 Captains Courageous
1938 Boys Town
Spencer ""Bonaventure"" Tracy; 19301967 arasInda 74 filmde oynamIŞ olan ABD'li sinema ve tiyatro
oyuncusu. Sinema sektŞrÜnÜn en iyi aktŞrlerinden biri kabul edilen oyuncu, AFI'nIn ""100 yIlIn 100
starI"" listesinde 9. sIrada yer aldI. En iyi aktŞr dalInda 9 kez Oscar ŞdÜlÜne aday oldu, iki kez ŞdÜlÜ
HayatI ve ÇalIŞmalarI deĞiŞtir>
1920'li YIllar
AktŞr, Milwaukee Wisconsin'de John Edward Tracy'nin ikinci oĞlu olarak doĞdu. BabasI ÝrlandalI
Amerikan Katolik bir kamyon satIcIsIydI. Annesi Caroline Brown ise Şnce Protestan iken Christian
Science kilisesine baĞlandI. Tracy, bir Çok okul deĞiŞtirdikten sonra, okulu bIrakarak 1917 yIlInda
orduya katIldI. SonrasInda 1921 yIlInda Milwauke Sanat Okulu'nu
bitirdi. Ripon Koleji'ne devam etti. Bu arada tiyatroda The Truth adlI ilk oyununu oynadI. 1922 yIlInda
ilk Broadway oyunu olan Karel Capek'in R.U.R. adlI oyununda bir robotu canlandIrdI. Bunu diĞer beŞ
Broadway oyunu izledi. 1923 yIlInda aktris Louise Treadwell ile evlendi. John ve Louise adlarInda iki
ÇocuĞu oldu. 1920'li yIllar boyunca Michigan, Kanada ve Ohio'da tiyatrolarda oynadI.
1920'li YIllar SonrasI
Tracy, 1930 yIlInda tutulan Broadway oyunu The Last Mile'da oynadI. Bu oyunda onu izleyen ve
beĞenen Fox StÜdyolarI'ndan yŞnetmen John Ford oyuncuyu ilk filmi olan Up the River'da oynattI.
Ailesiyle birlikte Hollywood'a taŞInan Tracy, 1935 yIlIna kadar 25 filmde oynadI. 1935 yIlInda Metro
Goldwyn Mayer StÜdyolarI ile anlaŞan Tracy, Captains Courageous (1937) ve Boys Town (1938) ile iki
kez Oscar kazandI. San Francisco (1936), Father of the Bride (1950), Bad Day at Black Rock (1955),
The Old Man and the Sea (1958), Inherit the Wind (1960), Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) ve Guess
Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) adlI filmleriyle Oscar'a aday oldu. 1941 yIlInda ÜnlÜ aktris Katherine
Hepburn ile iliŞkisi baŞladI. Birlikte 9 film Çevirdiler. Katolik Tracy karIsIndan hiÇ boŞanmadI ama
Şlene kadar Katherine Hepburn ile birlikte oldu. AktŞr son filmi Guess Who's Coming to Dinner'In
bitmesinden 17 gÜn sonra kalp krizi geÇirerek ŞldÜ. Hollywood'un gerÇekÇi aktŞrlerinden olan
Spencer Tracy ŞlÜmÜnden yIllar sonra bile en iyi aktŞrler arasInda gŞsterildi ve sanatI yeni oyunculara
Şrnek oldu. 1988 yIlIndan bu yana Los Angeles'taki Kaliforniya üniversitesi baŞarI gŞsteren
oyunculara Spencer Tracy ŞdÜlÜ vermektedir. William Hurt, James Stewart, Michael Douglas, Denzel
Washington, Tom Hanks, Anthony Hopkins, Jodie Foster, Harrison Ford, Anjelica Houston, Nicolas
Cage, Kirk Douglas, Jack Lemmon ve Morgan Freeman bu ŞdÜlÜ almIŞtIr.
Filmleri deĞiŞtir>
The Strong Arm (1930)
Taxi Talks (1930)
The Hard Guy (1930)
Up the River (1930)
Quick Millions (1931)
Six Cylinder Love (1931)
Goldie (1931)
She Wanted a Millionaire (1932)
Sky Devils (1932)
Disorderly Conduct (1932)
Young America (1932)
Society Girl (1932)
The Painted Woman (1932)
Me and My Gal (1932)
20,000 Years in Sing Sing (1932)
The Face in the Sky (1933)
Shanghai Madness (1933)
The Power and the Glory (1933)
Man's Castle (1933)
The Mad Game (1933)
The ShowOff (1934)
Looking for Trouble (1934)
Bottoms Up (1934)
Now I'll Tell (1934)
Marie Galante (1934)
It's a Small World (1935)
The Murder Man (1935)
Dante's Inferno (1935)
Whipsaw (1935)
Riffraff (1936 film) (1936)
Fury (1936)
San Francisco (1936)
Libeled Lady (1936)
They Gave Him a Gun (1937)
Captains Courageous (1937)
Big City (1937)
Mannequin (1938)
Test Pilot (1938)
Hollywood Goes to Town (1938)
Boys Town (1938)
For Auld Lang Syne: No. 4 (1939)
Hollywood Hobbies (1939)
Stanley and Livingstone (1939)
I Take This Woman (1940)
Young Tom Edison (1940) (cameo)
Northward, Ho! (1940)
Northwest Passage (1940)
Edison, the Man (1940)
Boom Town (1940)
Men of Boys Town (1941)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941)
Woman of the Year (1942)
Ring of Steel (1942)
Tortilla Flat (1942)
Keeper of the Flame (1942)
His New World (1943)
A Guy Named Joe (1943)
The Seventh Cross (1944)
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944)
Without Love (1945)
The Sea of Grass (1947)
Cass Timberlane (1947)
State of the Union (1948)
Edward, My Son (1949)
Adam's Rib (1949)
Malaya (1949)
Father of the Bride (1950)
For Defense for Freedom for Humanity (1951)
Father's Little Dividend (1951)
The People Against O'Hara (1951)
Pat and Mike (1952) Katharine Hepburn
Plymouth Adventure (1952) Gene Tierney
The Actress (1953)
Broken Lance (1954)
Bad Day at Black Rock (1955)
The Mountain (1956 film) (1956)
Desk Set (1957) Katharine Hepburn
The Old Man and the Sea (1958)
The Last Hurrah (1958)
Inherit the Wind (1960)
The Devil at 4 O'Clock (1961)
Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)
How the West Was Won (1962)
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) Katharine Hepburn
,"Lippmann who opted for, to give an explanation to publicity, sociological, cognitive and
psychological approaches was influenced by father of personal psychology Gordon Allport's ideology
who had nontrivial works in the fields of psychology and social psychology. In the project herein it is
aimed to manifest in whatever various ways Walter Lippman's been influenced by Gordon Allport
and to put forth the concepts and idologies, in general, form and explain how publicity is created and
how these 2 scientists express them. Taking the cue from this point on, it is clearly disclosed what
kind of a relation there exists between personality and bias and however these 2 concepts pay
homage to express publicity and however it is solidified. In this very point, there exists a relation
between bias and personality and illuminates within a frame of these 2 concepts what Lippman and
Allport's points of view explain how publicity is and how it solidifies."
,"There exist many hypotheses and approaches on however public opinion takes form. These
hypotheses and approaches shed light on public opinion as a concept, moving radially from political
science, sociology, psychology, social psychology and political psychology in the framework of manya
concepts. Walter Lippman had reserved a firm place in history with his 1922 dated book "" Public
Opinion "" which aimed to clearly explain whatever public opinion is and however it solidifies. And
put forth the fundamentals of bias : "" stereobias""."
KIzIlmaske > Phantom ( Hayalet )
Sizleri, bu oyuna davet ediyorum !
Buyrun... ;)
PS : Ýsteyen arkadaŞlar buradan etymology e de katkIda bulunabilirler.
SanatÇI : King Crimson> TÜrkÇesi Nedir ş
AlbÜm : LARKS' TONGUES IN ASPIC > TÜrkÇesi nedir ş
PS : Bu oyunu, SanatÇI ve AlbÜm KapaĞI resmini ve AlbÜm adInI da bir sonraki arkadaŞImIza yazarak
oynayalIm isterseniz."
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Astrology is a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs which hold that the relative positions of
celestial bodies and related details can provide information about personality, human affairs and
other ""earthly"" matters. A practitioner of astrology is called an astrologer. Astrologers believe that
the movements and positions of celestial bodies either directly influence life on Earth or correspond
to events experienced on a human scale. Modern astrologers define astrology as a symbolic
language, an art form, or a form of divination. Despite differences in definitions, a common
assumption of astrologers is that celestial placements can aid in the interpretation of past and
present events, and in the prediction of the future.
Astrology is considered a pseudoscience or superstition by the scientific community, which cites a
lack of statistically significant astrological predictions, while psychology explains much of the
continued faith in astrology as a matter of cognitive biases. In
2006 the U.S. National Science Board published a statement which said it considers belief in ten
survey items, astrology among them, to be ""pseudoscientific"".
Numerous traditions and applications employing astrological concepts have arisen since its earliest
recorded beginnings in the 3rd millennium BC. Astrology has played an important role in the shaping
of culture, early astronomy, the Vedas, and various disciplines throughout history. In fact, astrology
and astronomy were often indistinguishable before the modern era, with the desire for predictive
and divinatory knowledge one of the motivating factors for astronomical observation. Astronomy
began to diverge from astrology after a period of gradual separation from the Renaissance up until
the 18th century. Eventually, astronomy distinguished itself as the empirical study of astronomical
objects and phenomena, without regard to the terrestrial implications of astrology.
The word ""astrology"" comes from the Latin term astrologia (""astronomy""), which in turn derives
from the Greek noun şşşşşşşşşş: şşşşşş, astron (""constellation"" or ""star"") and şşşşş, logia (""the
study of"")."
,"Original Name : THE WRESTLER
Translated to TR : ÝAMPÝYON
Real Translation : G üREÝ
What are other mistranslated movies ş
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Seraphim)
Seraphim (Heb. şşşşşşş, Seraphim, sing. şşşşş, Seraph, Lat. seraph, pl. seraphi, Gr. şşşşşşşμ) are a class
of celestial beings in Judaism and Christianity. Literally
""burning ones"", the word is normally a synonym for snakes when used in the Hebrew bible, but
they are mentioned in the Book of Isaiah as fiery sixwinged beings attending on God. They appear
again as celestial beings in an influential Hellenistic work, the Book of Enoch, and a little later in the
Book of Revelation. They occupy the fifth of ten ranks of the hierarchy of angels in medieval and
modern Judaism, and the highest rank in the Christian angelic hierarchy.
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For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
Republic of Turkey TÜrkiye Cumhuriyeti
FlagPresidential SealMotto: Yurtta BarIŞ, DÜnyada BarIŞ
Peace at Home, Peace in the WorldAnthem: ÝstiklAl MarŞI
The Anthem of Independence
Location of Turkey
g.png39°55'N 32°50'E / 39.917°N 32.833°E / 39.917; 32.833Largest cityIstanbulOfficial
language(s)TurkishDemonymTurkishGovernmentParliamentary republic FounderMustafa Kemal
AtatÜrk PresidentAbdullah GÜl Prime MinisterRecep Tayyip ErdoĞan Speaker of the
ParliamentMehmet Ali Ýahin President of the Constitutional CourtHaŞim KIlIÇSuccessionto the
Ottoman Empire² Treaty of LausanneJuly 24, 1923 Declaration of RepublicOctober 29, 1923 Area
Total783,562 km2 (37th)
302,535 sq mi Water (%)1.3Population 2009 census72,561,312 (18th³) Density92.6/km2 (108th³)
239.8/sq miGDP (PPP)2009 estimate Total$880.061 billion (16) Per capita$12,476 GDP (nominal)2009
estimate Total$615.329 billion (17) Per capita$8,723 Gini (2005)38 HDI (2007)^ 0.806 (high)
(79th)CurrencyTurkish lira5 (TRY)Time zoneEET (UTC+2) Summer (DST)EEST (UTC+3)Drives on
therightInternet TLD.trCalling code902Treaty of Lausanne (1923).3Population and population density
rankings based on 2005 figures.4Human Development Report 2007/2008, page 230. United Nations
Development Programme (2007). Retrieved on 20071130.5The Turkish lira (TÜrk LirasI, TL) replaced
the Turkish new lira on January 1, 2009.Turkey (Turkish: TÜrkiye), known officially as the Republic of
vg.png TÜrkiye Cumhuriyeti (help•info)), is a Eurasian country that stretches across the Anatolian
peninsula in western Asia and Thrace (Rumelia) in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. Turkey
is one of the six independent Turkic states. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the
northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Azerbaijan (the exclave of
Nakhchivan) and Iran to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea and
Cyprus are to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea is to the north. The Sea of
Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate
the boundary between Eastern Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.
Turks began migrating into the area now called Turkey (""land of the Turks"") in the eleventh
century. The process was greatly accelerated by the Seljuk victory over the Byzantine Empire at the
Battle of Manzikert. Several small beyliks and the Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the
Mongol Empire's invasion. Starting from the thirteenth century, the Ottoman beylik united Anatolia
and created an empire encompassing much of Southeastern Europe, Western Asia and North Africa.
After the Ottoman Empire collapsed following its defeat in World War I, parts of it were occupied by
the victorious Allies. A cadre of young military officers, led by Mustafa Kemal AtatÜrk, organized a
successful resistance to the Allies; in 1923, they would establish the modern Republic of Turkey with
AtatÜrk as its first president.
Turkey's location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic
importance. The predominant religion in Turkey is Islam with small minorities of Christianity and
Judaism. The country's official language is Turkish, whereas Kurdish and Zazaki languages are spoken
by Kurds and Zazas which comprise 18% of the population.
Turkey is a democratic, secular, unitary, constitutional republic, with an ancient cultural heritage.
Turkey has become increasingly integrated with the West through membership in organizations such
as the Council of Europe, NATO, OECD, OSCE and the G20 major economies. Turkey began full
membership negotiations with the European Union in 2005, having been an associate member of the
European Economic Community since 1963 and having reached a customs union agreement in
1995. Turkey has also fostered close cultural, political, economic and industrial relations with the
Middle East, the Turkic states of Central Asia and the African countries through membership in
organizations such as the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and Economic Cooperation
Organization. Given its strategic location, large economy and army, Turkey is classified as a regional
,"Guybrush Threepwood
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Guybrush Threepwood in Tales of Monkey IslandSeriesMonkey IslandFirst gameThe Secret of
Monkey Island (1990)Created byRon GilbertVoiced byDominic ArmatoGuybrush Ulysses Threepwood
is the main character of the Monkey Island series of computer adventure games by LucasArts. The
voice of Guybrush is actor Dominic Armato in the third, fourth and fifth games, as well as the
enhanced remakes of The Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. Though
a mighty pirate by his own account, it is a running joke throughout the games for characters to garble
Guybrush Threepwood's unusual name, either deliberately or accidentally, including ""Creepwood"",
""Sheepgood"", ""Thriftweed"", ""Peepwood"", ""Threepwillow"", ""Gorbush"" and ""Threekwood"".
He is also referred to as ""Fancy Pants"".
The origin of the name ""Guybrush"" comes in part from Deluxe Paint, the tool used by the artists to
create the character sprite. Since the character had no name at this point, the file was simply called
'Guy'. When the file was saved Steve Purcell, artist responsible for the sprite, added 'brush' to the file
name, indicating that it was the Deluxe Paint ""brush file"" for the ""Guy"" sprite. The file name was
then ""guybrush.bbm"", so the developers eventually just started referring to this unnamed 'Guy' as
""Guybrush"". Guybrush's surname ""Threepwood"" was decided upon in a
company contest and is derived from P. G. Wodehouse's family of characters including Galahad
Threepwood and Freddie Threepwood (with whom he shares similar characteristics).
""Threepwood"" is also rumoured to have been the name of Dave Grossman's RPG character.
From the Video Game
,"Massachusetts Institute of Technology
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Massachusetts Institute of
.pngMottoMens et ManusMotto in EnglishMind and HandEstablished1861 (opened
1865)TypePrivateEndowmentUS $8.0 billionChancellorPhillip ClayPresidentSusan HockfieldProvostL.
Rafael ReifFaculty1,009Students10,384Undergraduates4,232Postgraduates6,152LocationCambridge,
Massachusetts, United StatesCampusUrban, 168 acres (68.0 ha)Nobel Laureates75ColorsCardinal
Red and Steel Gray MascotTim the BeaverAthleticsDivision III (except for Rowing)
33 varsity teamsAffiliationsNEASC, AAU, COFHE,
pgUniversity portal
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private research university located in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. MIT has five schools and one college, containing a total of 32 academic
departments, with a strong emphasis on scientific and technological research. MIT is one of two
private landgrant universities and is also a seagrant and spacegrant university.
Founded by William Barton Rogers in 1861 in response to the increasing industrialization of the
United States, the university adopted the European university model and emphasized laboratory
instruction from an early date. Its current 168acre (68.0 ha) campus opened in 1916 and extends
over 1 mile (1.6 km) along the northern bank of the Charles River basin. MIT researchers were
involved in efforts to develop computers, radar, and inertial guidance in connection with defense
research during World War II and the Cold War. In the past 60 years, MIT's educational disciplines
have expanded beyond the physical sciences and engineering into fields like biology, cognitive
science, economics, philosophy, linguistics, political science, and management.
MIT enrolled 4,232 undergraduates and 6,152 graduate students for the Fall 2009–2010 term. It
employs about 1,009 faculty members. Its endowment and annual research expenditures are among
the largest of any American university. 75 Nobel Laureates, 47 National Medal of Science recipients,
and 31 MacArthur Fellows are currently or have previously been affiliated with the university. The
aggregated revenues of companies founded by MIT alumni would be the seventeenth largest
economy in the world.
The Engineers sponsor 33 sports, most of which compete in the NCAA Division III's New England
Women's and Men's Athletic Conference; the Division I rowing programs compete as part of the
,"Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while,
I Think I see my friends coming, Riding a many mile.
Friends, you get some silverş
Did you get a little goldş
What did you bring me, my dear friendsş Keep me from the Gallows Pole.
What did you bring me to keep me from the Gallows Poleş
I couldn't get no silver, I couldn't get no gold,
You know that we're too damn poor to keep you from the Gallows Pole.
Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while,
I think I see my brother coming, riding many a mile.
Brother, you get me some silverş
Did you get a little goldş
What did you bring me, my brother, to keep me from the Gallows Poleş
Brother, I brought you some silver, yeah.
I brought a little gold, I brought a little of everything
To keep you from the Gallows Pole.
Yes, I brought you to keep you from the Gallows Pole.
Hangman, hangman, turn your head awhile,
I think I see my sister coming, riding many mile, mile, mile.
Sister, I implore you, take him by the hand,
Take him to some shady bower, save me from the wrath of this man,
Please take him, save me from the wrath of this mad, man.
Hangman, hangman, upon your face a smile,
Tell me that I'm free to ride,
Ride for many mile, mile, mile.
Oh yes, you got a fine sister, She warmed my blood from cold,
She warmed my blood to boiling hot to keep you from the Gallows Pole,
Your brother brought me silver, Your sister warmed my soul,
But now I laugh and pull so hard, see you swinging from the Gallows Pole
But now I laugh and pull so hard, see you swinging from the Gallows Pole
Swingin' on the gallows pole!
Swingin' on the gallows pole!
Seesaw marjory daw
Seesaw knock at my door"
,"Piilars of Islam Mesela : Islam'In 5 Ana KuralI ( Emri )
Burada da YerkÜreyi ayakta tutan ana unsurlardan sŞz edilmiŞ olabilir. ÇÜnkÜ eski zamanlarda,
dÜnyanIn uzay zaman boŞluĞunda nasIl durabildiĞine dair inanÇlar vardI. Mesela, bir
kaplumbaĞanIn kabuĞunun ÜstÜnde durmasI gibi..."
,"OsmanlI Ý
mparatorluĞu‘nda 1909 yIlInda Sultan BeŞinci Mehmet ReŞat adIna basIlan 7,2 gram
aĞIrlIĞIndaki altIn sikke
The unit of gold coin weighing 7.2 grams minted in the name of Sultan Mehmet ReŞat the Vth, in
1909, in the Ottoman Empire.
,"Children and youngsters from different languages are guested at home based care, the caring ones
and the employed ought to be not indifferent to to languagefeatures, culture and districts of the kid
or the youngsters and should have a firm grip of the factors in the lives of them.
The families and the society ought to be taking parts in decisiveness in process and it's so nontrivial
that translators are put to use. Helping a child or a young one to keep bonds with their culture is
most crucial to their development in the long term and wellbeing, each and every attempt sholud be
made by carers as well as the staff in question to help undaunt the bonds.
If the kids or the young ones are aborigins, then child protectiveness is inevitable if or not the
aborigin be expelled from home care. The child has to be located in an extended family or kins and
when impossible to do so, some other extended family can be opted for. When an aborigin kid is
undisplaced with aboriginal caretaker, carer and staff shall be involved in the improvement of
cultural backup scheme so that the aboriginal kid is disabled as to shatter his/her cultural roots."
,"Tamamen ŞĞrenmek amacIyla soruyorum :
That day it was raining heavily, which was a pity : O gÜn Çok fazla yaĞIŞ vardI, bu da Çok kŞtÜydÜ.
That day it was raining heavily, which it was a pity : O gÜn Çok fazla yaĞIŞ vardI ki yaĞIŞ olayI da Çok
kŞtÜydÜ. ş > Buradaki sorun nedir ş
TeŞekkÜr Ederim."
,"Thanks for your explanation.
And what if we take a look at the matter in such a view that is described below :
NOT + UN + DIS + CLOSED How many negatives make one positive, here ş Is it both Logically and
Mathematically satisfactory, and why ş
Thanks Again !"
,"At this very point, the University Library stands as a crucial factor. In this work that is : the priorities
are given to the habit and the frequency of the pupils of the Mediterranean University when visiting
the library, contentness from the university, faculties, and library related numerous variables are
attempted to be put to use ( tentatively ). The answer sought in this study and investigation is ; what
the conventions and the number of times the students visit the library are, and on what basis,
additionally also the factors playing roles on these. Taking the cue from this inquiry, the answers will
help the university, the faculties, and the library itself visualize themselves and restore whenever and
wherever necessary. The investigation will embed itself in both world and international literature
with contributions of theirs, based on hypotheses as the firstever investigation.
Yorumsal bir Çeviridir, Kesinlikle doĞru veya hatasIz olduĞunu Şne sÜrmemekle birlikte, Ben bŞyle
Çevirdim :)
BaŞarIlar ! Kolay Gelsin!"
,"1) As the library usage datum builds up, library visits become more frequent.
2) Parental education level is directly proportional in the students' usages of the library.
3)It is those who visit the library more often, who are staying / living with their families.
4)They are the academic and professional career building matters and anxieties which are the driving
forces in the library use increase.
5) The contentedness from the university, faculty, university members and staff makes the persons
hit the library more and more often.
Şnceki Çevirimde de lÜtfen beni dÜzeltiniz."
,"Orhan Gencebay'In TÜrk PopÜler mÜziĞine katkIlarI, etkileri nelerdir sizce ş
Orhan Gencebay – Kabahat Seni Sevende
AlbÜm AdI : Musalla TaŞI
Hayat rÜya gibi
AŞk bir kumar gibi
Kaybettim seni sevgili
YaĞmur gibi yaŞlar
Akar gŞzlerimden
Kahrettin beni sevgili
AŞk dolu geceler kadar yalnIzIm
Sensizim sensiz
Seni baŞIma taÇ gŞzlerime yaŞ ettim
Ýu hasta kalbime aŞkInI ilaÇ ettim
Ben kendi kendimi sen mesut ol diye
Kaderimle avutup nasIl da harap ettim
AŞk bu mudur ey sevgili
Bir aŞk vardIr bir gŞnÜlde
Kabahat seni seven
Ýu benim deli deli gŞnlÜmde
Sen baŞka dÜnyada ben sanki rÜyada
Bilemedim ey sevgili
Ben mi Çaresizim sen mi vefasIzsIn
BulamadIm ey sevgili
AŞk dolu geceler kadar yalnIzIm
Sensizim sensiz
Her nereye baksam acI hatIran var
Mazi hanÇer gibi derinden yaralar
Şlmeyen aŞkImI ŞldÜren sen oldun
KorkarIm ki eyvah bize de ayrIlIk var
Anyone interested in translating this ş"
,"Chief Ýbrahim Demirkaya, was born as a twin brother to Prof. Dr. Ali Demirkaya in Rize in 1930.
PrimaryMiddle education of his were completed in ankara, Istanbul and Konya and then in 1952 he
won the 1952 vocal artistry exam and warranted himself a place in Istanbul Radio as permanent staff.
While continuing the same year's high education of his, he graduated from Ankara University Law
Faculty in 1958.
Demirkaya in his over 50 year long artistic life has given performability to innumerous religional and
nonreligional works and added them to our repertoire. He has also made them known to public
mainstream, abroad and domestically with the concerts embodying his outstanding voice and
instrument with the Classic Chorus and Sufism Chorus.
1998 retired artist still is the chief of his own chorus and continues being a member of ASAD Sufism
Music Repertoire Body"
Anyone in need of a Java Base Conversion Program ş
Please PM me.
Thank You"
,"Java executable ' ini yazdIĞIm BASE CONVERSION ProgramInIn FORTRAN KODU :
IF(SV(I:I).EQ.'.')GOTO 30
30 DO 3 I=POWDET+2,INDEX(SV,' ')1
DO 40 I=1,100
50 DO 100 J=I+1,1,1
DO 150 J=1,I+1
DO 200 J=1,PREC+1
300 DO 400 J=1,T1
DO 500 I=NEXT+J,50
TEXT(I:I)=' '
IF(TEXT(1:1).EQ.'Y')GOTO 7
,"Kelimeleri nasIl hatIrlasak
Şrnek :
Burak Bey, bence bŞyle bir bŞlÜm Çok FaydalI ve GÜzel olur diye dÜŞÜnÜyorum.
60 ArkadaŞIm var , lÜtfen destek ! :)
,"1One of the primary goals of economic growth is to higher the living standards of all the people in
the country.
2In the first 8 months of 2008, over 2 million tourists expedited to MuĞla aerial and seabound.
3European Contingency Policy, is the newest EU's augmentation project and most important
geopolitical project after it.
4 By the end of the uprise in energy and materials costs Michelin is increasing a 6 to 8 percent of the
tyres it sells.
5Honeybees have mutated as a result of radiation, environmental pollution, chemicals, and
genetically mutated corn syrup.
6 South Pole's Hollywood stars polar bears are facing extinction. The reproduction of penguins is
harshly whipped back by the melting ice.
7If you are a hypertension sufferer, consume fruits in between meal times. Fruits, both for their
pulps and the Potassium ( K ) content they have , can help prevent hypertension.
8According to WWF TR data, in the last 40 years TR has seen 1,300,000 hectares of its wet area
comprising of 3 times the Van Lake area vanish. This number corresponds to half of TR's water
9The joining period of TR to EU will be assessed in 17 September Ankara EU General Secretariat
meeting. The meeting shall be led by TR Foreign Relations Minister Ali Babacan and the highest
ranking officials of the pertinent ministries and corporations will attend.
10International Math Conference, this year between 1721 September will be realized at SabancI
University. For the "" Functional Analysis and Complex Analysis "" Conference besides TR, Germany,
Spain and the USA citizen approximately 50 mathematicians will be present at"
,"3. Regulatory constraints: Have top practitioners ever faced situations when accommodation of a
public to some degree was an attractive option, but would have drawn censure or investigation by a
regulatory bodyş
3. DÜzenleyici KIsItlamalar : HiÇ Üst dÜzey uygulayIcIlar bir kIsIm halkla uzlaŞmanIn bir dereceye
kadar Çekici bir tercih olduĞu, fakat bunun dÜzenleyici etmen tarafIndan bir sansÜr ya da
kovuŞturma konusu olabileceĞi durumlarla karŞIlaŞmIŞlar mIdIr ş"
According to some environmentalists, each and every factory is a contamination source and this
contamination can have harmful effects on humans.
The researchers from US have declared that smoking is not only hazardous to those who smoke or
the ones nearby them but also to the ones that have been in the places where someone smoked.
The protein in its mosaic and carbohydrates, fat and vital amines make milk the world's number one
useful drink unfortunately has few to drink it in TR.
As you may find, in a duration less than a week, thousands of towns and cities on the face of the
Earth, to send a message, will turn off their lights. One should be active ( get in action / behave
responsibly ) against climatic changes.
Our contagious Iran has suffered an earthquake a while ago which affected us all deeply. In the name
of Tr Nation and myself ,I, pay my condolescenses to the families who lost their members in the
As a part of the project named MOYP, intn'l opera artists will unite in Mersin, a Mediterranean portal
city. The project to be launched after 2010 aims to charm eyes to the city's artistic and economic life.
Endorphine hormone found in the mammarian body ( aka happineth hormone ) increase, caused by
exercising the body, mainly helps first of all, the impregnated women and then all.
Due to the upcoming 30th of August Glorification Day, a race was set to cross the Dardanelles Strait.
Mostly Australian and Brit. swimmers crossed the strait which their ancestors could not 95 years ago.
In attribute to Hurriyet Newspaper General Manager Ali PandIr, TofaŞ, a producer in TR of
automobiles for the automotive companies has announced that it went through an increase in the
manufacturing capacity to meet the uprising demand. PandIr, after introducing the new Linea and
Minicargo brands stated TofaŞ has levitated its annual production capacity to 400,000 vehicles and in
the near future can exalt it upto 100,000 more
According to Monday's data, in the second quarter of 2006, Germany and France's powerful
performances helped Europe to outgrow economically left the USA's and Japan's growth rate behind.
The Developing 8's ( D8 ) Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran Malasia, Nigeria, Pakistan and TÜrkiye
representing more than 930 million people for economic wealth are an intergubernatorial network.
The establishment by 15th of June '97 is formally deployed due to the Istanbul Nation and Gov't
Chairmen Summit Manifesto.
Sake is produced with rice and water and it is hard to describe a Japanese cuisine without this drink.
Production term is hard and there are minute details in the taste and scent of the drink. Sake, by its
many appaling aspects is a part of Japanese history and culture.
Turkish Russian commercial relations have yielded its fruits. Between the two countries, exportation
volume in the 6 first months of 2007 has increased by 58.9 percent compared to last year. In the first
6 months of 2007, the exportation quantity by TÜrkiye to Russia has hit the 2.53 billion dollar