
Ref. no. (to be filled out by the Project
Advice and Training Centre)
Application form:
1. Cover page
Project/activity title:
Midwifery training
Danish applicant organisation:
Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning (OFROSOM)
Other Danish partner(s), if any:
Local partner organisation(s):
Somali Society Development Association (SOSDA)
Commencement date:
April 1, 2012
Completion date
November 30, 2013:
Country’s GDP per capita:
GNI : a
Number of months:
9-months training + 6-month
practice+ 5 month district
stationing period = 20 months
Contact person for the project/activity:
Name: Yassin Osoble
Amount requested from the Project Fund: 200.000 kroner
Is this:
[ x ] a project?
[ ] a partnership activity?
Is this a re-submission?
[ ] No
[ x] Yes, previous date of application: September 1, 2011
Synthesis (maximum 10 lines – must be written in Danish, even if the rest of the application is in
Person responsible (signature)
December 13,, 2011
Person responsible and position (block letters)
Odense, DK
Dr. Yassin Osoble,
Chairman, Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning
Home: 54627168 Mobile:28933841
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
2. Application text
Applications for projects and partnership activities will be more flexibly assessed when requesting
less than DKK 200,000. It is, for instance, possible to carry out more experimental and exploratory
activities, including without much experience or any previously consolidated cooperation between
the partners. Nevertheless, the intervention must still be in line with the priorities of the official
“Strategy for Danish support to civil society in developing countries”.
Read more about interventions of less than DKK 200,000 in ‘Guidelines for the Project Fund’ page
14 (for partnership activities) and page 16 (for projects).
Notice: This part of the application must not exceed 10 pages.
Jordemødre uddannelsesprojekt
Projektet sigter mod at fremme folks sundhedspleje i Galmudug af Somalia. Sundhedssystemet har
været ude af drift siden 1991. De fattige kvinder i fjernet områder i Galmudug har ikke adgang til
sundhedspleje og de får ikke sundhed service under graviditet eller under/efter fødslen, og mange
kvinder dør på grund af manglende sundhedspleje. Der er behov for at fremme sundhedssystemet i
Somalia, navnlig Galmudug, at redde de fattige menneskers liv, blandet andet kvinder og spædbørn.
Målet med dette projekt er at udbrede sundhedsydelse til 10.000 mennesker in Galmudug. Dette
sker gennem uddannelse og kursus af 20 jordemødre. De skal tilvejebringe service til den første
målgruppe og bredere målgruppe, som vil drage fordel af projektet med forbedret obstetrik. Dette
vil også øge udviklingen af sundhedstjenester i Galmudug og samtidig styrke grundlaget for et
uafhængigt civilsamfund gennem styrkelse af partnerorganisation SOSDA.
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Danish organization and its status
This organization was founded in 2004, and it is non-political and non-profit making association. The association
supports. The organization has 51 members. Every member has to pay 120-150 kroner per month as subscription fee.
We contribute to the training of health and educational officials and
reconstruction of health and educational
institutions. OFROSOM is registered and based in Copenhagen. The CVR is 33282869. The OFROSOM has executive
board which consists of 7 persons of which 2 are women.
1.1 Experience of the Danish organization
The organization was operational since 2004. We have a good experience of implementing capacity building and
construction projects of schools and hospitals. Our organization and SOSDA provide health services in order to improve
the healthcare of civil society in Galmudug. We have also contributed health officials training with the help of civil
society in El Dibir and Hero Dhagahley to strengthen the civil society health development services (
through partnership with our local partner SOSDA.
2. The local partners
OFROSOM has three local partners. They are SOSDA (Somali Society Development Association), Mudug University and
GRADO (Galad Rehabilitation and Development Organization). SOSDA is our main partner for training of health and
educational officials since it has long experience in the development of civil society.
2. 1 SOSDA partner
SOSDA is non-profit making association and was founded in 1998, and is engaged to provide health services through
collaboration of all relevant stakeholders in order to improve socio-economic conditions of communities in Galmudug
areas. SOSDA has been conducting Community Health Projects for more than 7 years with Daryeel AssociationSweden, WHO, MSF-Holland, OFROSOM, CISP and many others in different districts in Galmudug. SOSDA sponsors
MCHs and TB Centres. Some of SOSDA staff members are qualified and professional trainers for that purpose with the
experience of more than 22 years. At the present, SOSDA will prioritize their activities by focusing health care
development since there is famine, drought and IDP in the region.
2. 2Why we chose SOSDA
SOSDA has a long experience in implementing projects about capacity building and civil society development projects. In
addition, SOSDA sponsor 7 MCHs and 42 schools in Galmudug. They worked with international organization that long
time experience in civil society development. For this reason, we chose SOSDA as this project is related to training of
health officials
2. 3 SOSDA Structure
The governing body consists of Board of Directors (BOD) and Management Team. The management team consists of 14
members. BOD and Management team are elected once a year by members of the SOSDA organization. They are also
responsible for fundraising for the humanitarian programs. The SOSDA has 115 people, among others one doctor, 4 nurses
and 4 midwives who work voluntarily with SOSDA including BOD. The executive body of the SOSDA is composed of
two parts, the management unit and technical unit of the organization of which the director of the organization is delegated
to the execution of the organization activities.
2.4 SOSDA election
In the general meeting, chairman, v/chairman, secretary, treasurer and 3 members are elected democratically by voting to
be the board of directors who will lead the organization in the coming year. In the general meeting, it is also elected
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
management team and heads of departments. If the general meeting is satisfied with the achievement of the Board of
Directors and the management team, they might be extended for their tenure for one year more. The subordinate and
technical staffs are appointed by the executive director with the consultation of the chairman and board members of the
SOSDA organization. SOSDA has all the necessary technical staffs that are qualified with health experiences and they can
facilitate implementing health courses. SOSDA has been involved in health sectors in south Mudug region of Somalia
since 1998. SOSDA sponsors 7 MCHs which are located in the remote districts in Galmudug. They also sponsor TB
centers and training of health officials with foreign humanitarian organizations. They periodically visit the MCHs and
health training centers that SOSDA sponsor which are located the remote villages in Galmudug. SOSDA cooperate with
the public health officials and public hospitals in Galmudug. They implement health and protection projects with UNICEF,
The Cooperative relationship
SOSDA and OFROSOM have a good cooperative relationship and we are currently focusing on health activities while
the education sector will be the second priority activities. The cooperation between the parties started from 2008 up to
date. We also cooperate with advocacy of civil rights and democracy and health awareness. The two partners may
communicate in a formal way through telephone, mailing, direct communication or any other form of communications
depending on the activity that might call for a coordination meeting.
Roles and responsibilities related to the implementation of the project will be clearly set by the both sides hence
SOSDA will implement any agreed activities when it comes to ground preparation and implementation. We will cooperate this project with SOSDA, Mudug University, both target groups, public hospitals in Galkaio (attached
Diagram). Preliminary agreement of cooperation has been reached with particularly Mudug University which will
provide the health program training and the hospitals that will provide the practice places for the trainees. The target
groups will assist the successful completion of the project to achieve its objectives. Cooperative relationship diagram
see attached.
How has the intervention been prepared?
After more than 20 years of lack of central government and very limited capacity of local authorities, the basic social
services including health facilities, are almost non-existent. This makes Somalia to be one of the worst places on earth
for pregnant women to be. OFROSOM and its partners in South Somalia have been trying to fill the gap created by the
lack of national institutions in the area. At one point it came to our attention that one of most affected areas has been the
health sector. Along with SOSDA, we have done a small needs assessment where we took into account the existing
health problem and priorities. During the assessment various stakeholders were consulted including women, health
officials, local authorities, the traditional elders etc. Finally, a one day mini workshop was held for a group of women
that included local women, some of them pregnant, traditional midwives, school girls and few nurses from the local
remote areas. These women were particularly selected because the current project is intended to address the problem
faced by women during pregnancy, delivery and post-natal. There were several outcomes of the assessment of which
this project is based on.
Poor education among women and lack of access to health facilities in many rural areas in Somalia increased risk
maternal and child mortality at birth because, among other things, some traditional midwives use unclean knives
according Habiba Issak, a doctor in Galkaio ( ). OFROSOM and SOSDA have realized
that the need of health care in Galmudug. The project description was drawn up together by the Danish organization and
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
SOSDA. The concept of this project was first raised by the local people in the target areas. Through local elders they
contacted the secretary of OFROSOM executive committee, Mrs. Sirad Sadik who is a veteran senior nurse working in
Copenhagen (See attached CV). She has been told by local community that the rate of maternal and child mortality due
to lack of basic health services is alarming. Pregnant mothers in these areas are treated traditional method at the child
birth in these areas and the local elders attribute the high death rate due to lack of necessary skills on the part of
traditional midwives but also lack of health information to expecting mothers. Many of pregnant women die as a result
of absence of basic health care and information. During child birth, those who can afford try to travel to the town of
Galkaio, which has relatively better health service face difficulties and it is common that these women suddenly need an
emergency assistance on their way to Galkaio. However, the average local and people and particularly the traditional
midwives lack knowledge and skills to provide the urgently needed emergency service. Unfortunately the locals have
reported many incidents where pregnant women died on their way to Galkaio during the transportation. The concept of
training for nurse or midwives has been created to prevent unnecessary loss of expecting mothers’ lives. SOSDA,
OFROSOM, health officials from ministry of health in Galmudug, local administration, Mudug University have
discussed how we can plan and provide health care for these districts, we communicated through e-mails, phones and
teleconference and this took for about one year. During the process, local and religious leaders are also involved in the
project and they supported the initiative. Finally as mentioned above a mini workshop where participants were mainly
women of all walks of life was held to further develop the idea and to listen stories of the women, and get
recommendations and feedback from the target groups.
Coherence and relevance
Every year, hundreds of thousands of women around the world die as a result of pregnancy or childbirth. 99% of these
deaths occur in developing countries and Somalia is definitely one of the worst. Political instability and worsening
humanitarian crisis have greatly impacted the availability and quality of health services leaving many people in Somalia
without access to basic health care. Weakened infrastructure, along with poor literacy rates, a shortage of health
providers and difficulty accessing services, has contributed to a deterioration of health indicators, particularly maternal
deaths. Maternal mortality is estimated to have increased in the past 20 years and the current ratio of 1200 per 100,000
(UNICEF, 2010) is extremely high, probably the highest in the world. Especially, maternal and infant mortality rates in
many parts of the Galmudug state continue to be alarmingly high. According to UNICEF, A UN agency and one of the
leading NGOs in the mother and child health interventions in the area, haemorrhage, prolonged and obstructed labour,
infections and eclampsia are the major causes of death at childbirth in Somalia. Anaemia and female genital mutilation
(infibulation) have a direct impact on, and aggravate these conditions. Poor antenatal and postnatal care, with the almost
complete lack of emergency obstetric referral care for birth complications, further contribute to these high rates of
mortality and disability. Of the several International as well as local NGOs working in the area, most of them focus on
emergency relief and food distribution for IDPs while few have also implemented issues related to maternal health. But
health activities have so far been limited to construction of Mother and Child Hospitals (MCH) and Female Genital
Mutilation (FGM). Although these interventions very important and were overall successful, they did not address
sufficiently the demand for trained midwives in the country despite the fact the significant gap between the number of
midwives practicing and those needed to save lives. For instance projects that construct health facilities often assume
that there will be enough trained staff that will be working in the facilities after completion. This leaves a facility
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
without proper personnel. As shown in the table 1 on page 36, a short survey that SOSDA has done indicates that 214
pregnant women come at hospitals in July, 2011 and 36 women die during pregnancy, during delivery and after delivery
while 43 infants also die during this period.
In this project we trying to address this problem and we intend to train midwives that will help us contribute our share
of achieving one of the Mellinium Development Goals i.e. decreasing maternal death. The underlying framework of the
midwifery model is the understanding and value of connection; the understanding of relatedness of the body and mind,
mother and infant, midwife and woman and her social context. This project has significant relevance to the civil society
because after successful implementation of the project, the maternal and mortalities rate will surely fall. SOSDA and
OFROSOM are committed to find a solution of these issues as pregnant women die during pregnancy at birth and after
delivery because of lack of health care. The project will consist of guided and independent study, clinical contact in
maternal and child health centres and hospitals, and field visits. It will prepare trainees to teach, to supervise other
traditional midwives and support staff, support the development of evidence-based and women-friendly practice, and
the future professional development of health sector. They will be equipped to take midwifery and maternity services
forward. Therefore, the main objective of the project is to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity by
ensuring the availability, access to and utilization of skilled care at every birth in the four selected areas of Galmudug
State of Somalia.
Target group and audience
The core problem that project intends to address is to improve the maternal and child health care of four remote areas of
Galmudug State of Somalia. Therefore, the first target group is the people who will benefit from the project in the long
run who constitute 10.000 inhabitants in 4 districts which are: Elgula, Wisil, Hero-Dhagagley and Eldibir. We call this
the primary target group because our main idea of training midwives is to give the women in the selected 4 areas access
to basic health service, mainly pre- and post natal midwifery service. These women are characterised by deep poverty
and some of them are IDPs –the poorest of the poor. This audience is mainly pregnant women, women under and after
delivery. These women cannot afford to go to the cities where healthcare is available. During transportation to Galkaio,
some pregnant women high risk of dying while giving birth on way to Galkaio. The age of this group is between 15 to
45 years. In Somalia, the girls can be married as young as 15 years. The project beneficiaries will benefit in a long term
through the provision of knowledge and skills of training of midwives in their areas. In the short run, many of them and
their infants could be saved through the provision of modern health service before and after birth. In the long run, these
women could be empowered through knowledge and guidance provided by the mid-wives. They might be able to be
aware of their status, rights, opportunities such as birth control in the form of contraception, etc. All these will in the
long term contribute towards a transformed and better educated and democratised society. The project secondary
beneficiaries will be 20 participants of all female who will be trained as midwives. They are selected from among the 4
target area population. And they will comprise traditional midwives with previous schooling (at least 8 years of
schooling), the students who finished primary education and who are interested to be health officials and help poor
people. The age of the second target group is between 18 up to 40 who are dedicated to serve their society. They are
only women. They can be traditional midwives who want to increase their knowledge through training and practice.
They can be those who left the secondary school in the middle and they are not able to continue their education. The
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
first target group is aware of the condition of the training and how they will be accommodated. They are told they will
work as voluntary 5 months after the completion of the training and practice period.. Most of the health officials in the
central region get job through voluntary training and their accommodation are assisted by the local community and civil
society organizations. We have also talked to our partners and local people on the possibility of getting funds to hire
these individuals (at least some of them) in the worst affected villages where there is high number of IDPs. Galmudug
State has also been positive about future employment of some of the would-be trainees in target areas. More
clarification on this will be given after the new year of 2012 by Galmudug State officials.
6.1 Project Areas
The people who live these 4 villages are nomads, IDP and they live in poverty situation. They do not have good sanitary
water and they use water wells. Sometimes, there is drought in these areas, but they are assisted by Galmudug
administration, Somali Diaspora and the international humanitarian organization. There is no war in these areas except
minor conflicts between the inhabitants and they are solved by local religious and community leaders. There are a good
security the areas they live and they are located about 120 km and more from Galkaio. The people who reside these are
areas are peace loving people who always committed to avoid social conflicts.
There are many other humanitarian organizations that operate these areas like ICRC, UNICEF, WHO, EDC/USAID,
UNDP, UNCHR/NCR and others that offer different humanitarian interventions. Some humanitarian organizations give
food and accommodation if the person is working as voluntary in the civil society development projects and finally they
recruit them to contribute the sustainability of the projects. There are new hospitals that have no staff in some areas. The
midwifery training that SOSDA is giving through this project will strengthen the SOSDA itself as an organization and
will also give the trainees the opportunity of getting job to feed their poor needy families and at the same time will
contribute laying the foundation of strong and civil society development in Galmudug.
Criteria of selection
The first target group has been selected through rapid assessment at different 4 districts in which 5 have been selected
from each site within rural areas of Galmudug state where priority is given to the poor and needy people who live in
poor condition and who cannot afford to seek health care to the big cities. The security of that district should be good
and the local authority and local community are committed to support this initiative to get self-ownership. A total of 10
districts have been investigated and have been selected 4 out of 10. The selection of secondary target group is to have at
least primary education diploma with interview test. Those who pass this test and interview will be selected. They have
to sign that they will work as voluntary until they get regular job at least 1 years in the district she is selected. The age
of the trainee should be between 18 up to 40. They should be free from contagious diseases. They should not be disable
or handicapped person who cannot perform her health services. Their conduct should be good and they should accept
working in the remote areas. The selection is based on objective criteria and involvement. 20 trainees are selected from
a total of 50 candidates.
Objective and success criteria of the intervention
Overall objectives
Improve health care of pregnant women in rural areas in Galmudug, Somalia
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
8. 1 Specific Objective
The specific objective is to extend healthcare services to an audience of 10.000 people mainly pregnant women, women
under and after delivery in 4 districts in Galmudug, where there is no access to health care in order to reduce maternal
infant and pregnant women mortality.
How we achieve this specific objective?
This will be achieved by training of 20 midwives to deliver health care services to these remote areas in Galmudug.
Indicators for overall objectives
Improvement of healthcare of pregnant women in 4 areas in Galmudug
8.4 Source of verification:
Record from trained midwives from consultations from the 4 areas in Galmudug (monthly consultations,
16 midwives x 25 pregnant x 5 months = 2000 pregnant
8.5 Indicators for results in the project
16 midwives have completed 9-month training, practice period and stationing period
A report of mutual learning in SOSDA and OFROSOM
8.6 Sources of verification
Records from Mudug University
Visual photos of the graduates and personal interview with trained midwives
Report from SOSDA
10.3 Indicators for results of the project for long term
10% Increase professional midwives within 5 years
Reduce infant and women mortality at birth 3- 6% within 5 years
Reduce infant and women mortality during pregnancy 4- 7% within 5 years
Reduce infant and women mortality after delivery - 5 – 8% within 5 years
10.4 Source of verification
Records from private and public hospitals and MCHs in Galmudug
Ministry of Health records
UNICEF and other involved organizations
10.5 Capacity building
Capacity building of SOSDA and OFROSOM will be developed through the mutual collaboration, learning and
exchange of experiences.
Final report which includes consideration on learning and increased capacity.
Activities and methods
9A.The following activities 1 has been done
Discussion and planning with our partner SOSDA and Mudug University
Venue selection (Mudug University)
Analysis context and stakeholders support and contents of the project (see attached documents (Training
contents, agreement between SOSDA and University).
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Preparation of project proposal
Information and suggestion meeting with OFROSOM members in Denmark
9B Activities 2 is to take place in the project
Teaching of 20 midwives – they will participate full time midwifery training facilitated by Mudug University
in collaboration with SOSDA – providing orientation and awareness.
Practice at public/private hospitals/Clinics – arrangements made –see attached documents
Extend healthcare services by trainees through consultations with pregnant women in the remote areas. This
the final stage of the project where trainees deliver healthcare services to the primary target.
Provision of toolkits to the trainees
Five-month placement in the 4 district communities
9B1 Activities 3 is to take place during the project implementation
Monitoring and evaluation
Monthly monitoring implementation of the project by SOSDA
Periodic reporting from SOSDA to OFROSOM to Projektrådgivningen
Annual report of the project by OFROSOM to Projektrådgivningen
9C Activities 4 is to take place after project implementation
SOSDA and OFROSOM will continue to the health development of the civil society who lives in these areas
in the following five years.
SOSDA and OFROSOM based on experience will discuss the future development and activities to promote the
civil society development and help the vulnerable people in Galmudug and the neighboring regions.
12. Strategy
Community midwives that are to be trained are women selected from remote villages with at least eight years of formal
education, and trained for 20 months (9 months theoretical class, 6 practical training and 5 month stationing period)
related to normal deliveries, and recognizing and referring complications early. In the target area, since there is no
professional midwives, locals usually use trusted traditional birth attendants. When recruiting would-be trainees, it is
important that they are not only skilled through the trainings. But also the locals have to trust them. We both
OFROSOM and SOSDA are well respected organisations in the area; we do not expect any mistrust when recruiting the
trainees. However, to avoid any chance of such risks, our strategy is to involve the community in the selection of the
trainees without compromising the criteria we set before.
Another strategy we are following in this project is not just a mission of life-saving but we understand the importance of
empowering women both those who are service providers (the trainees) and the service users (the pregnant women). We
empower the former because they have gained new skills and competences and therefore are now able to earn money
which they would otherwise not earn. The service users will get better health information and information is power
since a little knowledge can pave the way to behavioral change e.g. use of contraceptives as a better family planning.
Family planning in turn plays an important role in the income of poor women. Generally both categories of women will
in the long run gain their independence, respect from their communities and earn their own money. The project strategy
is to fulfil the gap between the official health system and the remote villages in order to improve health care in rural
Galmudug. The training will be delivered by Mudug University. They prepared a training program of 9 months with
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
relevant curriculum. After the completion of the training, practice period and 5-month stationing period, the trainees
will work voluntarily the expected new build hospitals or MCHs under the sponsorship of SOSDA in the respective 4
areas for two years as agreed at the beginning of the course.
At the implementation of the project, we will collaborate with SOSDA, public and private hospitals, MCHs, Mudug
University, local authority and local community. The main focus of the training of the midwives is to give health
services to the rural areas at pregnancy, birth and after birth.
13. Methods
The 20 midwives will first take 9 months in the training center. After the theories, they will undergo 6 months practice
in private clinics and the public hospitals in Galkaio to gain experience that they can provide health service to the first
group when they finish the course. The trainees will be subject to 5-month obligatory voluntary work to support the
local community sincere they are trained free of charge.
We will involve the local authority, local and religious leaders in the smooth implementation of the project. They
contribute the caring of the voluntary trainees of the project who want work in the MCHs in the selected villages.
14. How will the partners divide roles and responsibilities between them during implementation?
Partners will divide roles and responsibilities accordingly as agreed thus SOSDA will implement the project regarding
the overall facilitations and capacity building or training tools for reporting and the technical assistance, SOSDA has the
role for providing the capacity building training of project live time to the target community. OFROSOM will also play
crucial role in monitoring and evaluation of the project activity in which SOSDA will implement according to the
agreed scope of work between the two parties. SOSDA will have the responsibility to handle day to day activity in close
collaboration with relevant stakeholders. Mudug University will assist us theory training while general hospital will
assist us in getting practice for the midwives when they complete the theory training, local community leaders and
health ministry will assist in security arrangements.
14.1 How will the partners communicate throughout the process?
Partners and OFROSOM will communicate with telephone, e-mails, Skype, weekly reporting, site visiting and etc.
OFROSOM and the local partner will make an agreement that describes how the process of the communication will
look like and the means of communications will be defined. We will mention how many times the funding agency
(PATC or OFROSOM) need reporting from the local partner.
14.2 Describe and assess potential risks which might prevent the intervention from being successful.
There is general concern of insecurity throughout the regions of Somalia. We recognize that there are potential risks
when implementing such projects. Some of the potential risks are famine, war and drought which may occur during the
project. We know that we will operate in fragile situation, but as our local partner has a great experience in operating in
an area where the security is fragile, it can handle and manage the potential risks that our project can face by involving
the project into the community leaders and local authority although the security of Galmudug is relative calm and good
and can be reliable in a certain extent. In the very unlikely event of instability in Galkaio that might affect the training,
the project area will be adjusted and better and flexible way of achieving the same objectives will be executed.
Although these areas have not experienced civil war since 1991, civil war can happen. Moreover, in some rare
occasions, the exchange rate might change abruptly. However, assume exchange rate will on average be stable during
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
the project period. Natural disasters such as earthquakes (tsunami), floods, might disrupt the project but the probability
of these occurring in Galmudug, Somalia is very low. Finally, potential pirates might also try to disrupt the project, but
we assume the Galmudug State of Somalia to be safe and sound as Piracy is normally not common in these areas in
14.4 Equipment and Machinery investment
There is no equipment or machinery investment in the project
14.5Describe how it has been planned during and at the end of the intervention
As pointed out in the beginning, all relevant stakeholders are involved from the outset. In fact this project is based on
their idea. Therefore, after the successful completion of the project, all stakeholders including the Galmudug State
officials, local elders, women associations, students, religious leaders, business community and if possible members of
the diaspora will be invited to attend ceremony of graduation for the trainees. It is planned that before the ceremony an
agreement of employing some or all of the newly trained mid wives will be reached with Galmudug State, and other
partners including the diaspora. This is realistic since we already have received pledges of assisting us employ the
midwives. Then assuming such agreements can be reached before the graduation ceremony, we intend to announce the
employment opportunity at the ceremony. However, employment will only be starting after finishing the obligatory
voluntary period. As raised in the planning stage of the project, SOSDA and OFROSOM have discussed the challenges
of the project implementation and we have exchanged our experiences to contribute the smooth project implementation.
After end the of the intervention, we will communicate and share with the report of the project implementation with
SOSDA to take advantage of the experience we have gained from the project implementation and use useful projects in
the future which can contribute the civil society development in the local community.
Sustainability and systematisation of experiences
Galmudug administrations and the local community in the selected villages have welcomed this initiative which they
also were part of in the first place. They are involved and give their support and feel self-ownership because they know
the importance of the project in the community. The six-month practice for trainees and voluntary health services of the
trainees will contribute the sustainability of the project. The trainees will work as voluntary in the MCHs which are the
sponsorship of SOSDA in the agreed period. The voluntary trainees will gain experience during the service and they
have the possibility of getting job in the future, both through the Galmudug State which has promised to employ some
of the trainees in most needy areas of the 4 target areas upon successful completion of the training.Therefore, the project
will have a good sustainability in the future as it has the support of the local community and since it will improve the
health conditions of the civil society in Galmudug. The local people have been an important stakeholder in the concept
initiation and some (business community in Galkaio) have pledged support in terms of sponsoring future midwives in
some health centres. The collaboration between SOSDA and OFROSOM will strengthen and develop the sustainability.
Last but not least, the Somali diaspora, with roots in Galmudug, which are our main supporters have welcomed the idea
of training the midwives and they stated willingness to support the trainees after completion of the training.
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
3 . Budget summary
Here a summary of the main budget items should be provided.
A detailed budget with notes must be submitted in the annex ‘Budget format’, which can be
downloaded at: NOTICE: Remember to click on all three tabs in order to fill in all
three spreadsheets.
See also ‘Guide to budget preparation’ at
Budget summary
Indicate the total cost (i.e. including contributions from the
Project Fund as well as other sources)
Of this, the Project Fund is to contribute
Of this, indicate the amount to be contributed by other sources
of finance, including self-funding by the Danish organisation or
its local partner, if any - OFROSOM
Indicate total cost in local currency
Indicate exchange rate applied US5,73
Main budget items:
Financing plan
Full amount
Of this, from
Project Fund
Of this, from other
Activities,trainees money,transport,
Investments , toolkits, text books
Expatriate staff
Local staff,fees, venue,workshops,
internets etc
Project monitoring
Information in Denmark (max 2% of 1-7)
Budget margin (min 6% and max 10% of 1-8)
Project expenses in total (1-9)
Auditing in Denmark
Subtotal (10 + 11)
1Administration in Denmark (max 7% of
14. Total in DKK
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
4. Contact information
The Danish organisation
• Organisation’s name
• Address
• Telephone and fax, if any
• Email address
• Website, if any
Somalisk Forening for Genopbygnng
Kajerød Vænge 8, S
3460 Birkerød
Mobile 28267715
Name and address of other
participant Danish
organisations, if any
Contact person
• Contact person’s address (if
different from the organisation’s
home address)
• Contact person’s email
Abdinasir Mohamed Iman
Partner in the South
• Organisation’s name
• Address
• Country
• Email address
• Website, if any
Golol Street, Galkaio, Galmudug,
Mobil 002590611612
If there are several local partners,
all the organisations must be
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
The following annex must be submitted both in print by post and electronically by email:
C. Budget format
Annex B is filled in and signed by the local partner. It can also be submitted in a copied/scanned
The following annexes about the Danish organisation must be submitted in print by post:
D. The organisation’s statutes
E. The latest annual report
F. The latest audited annual accounts
E – E2
Annex title
Budget format
The organisations statutes
The latest annual report and accounts
The latest audited annual accounts
CV for Chairman of OFROSOM
CV for CEO of local partner and SOSDA profile
List of names and addresses of Executive board of OFROSOM
List of names of the members of OFROSOM
Total appendixes 14
Notice: All annexes should be submitted in print in three copies (no magazines, books, newspaper
cuttings or ring binders, but copies of relevant excerpts thereof).
Please, note:
- NUMBER OF PAGES: Part 2 ‘Application text’ must not exceed 10 pages. Applications
longer than that will be turned down.
- SIZE OF ANNEXES: The length of supplementary annexes must not exceed 30 pages.
- LANGUAGE: The project description must have been drawn up in cooperation between the
Danish applicant organisation and its local partner. Consequently, a document must be
available in a language commanded by the local partner. The actual application, however,
can only be submitted in Danish or English.
1. The application form, including Annex C must be submitted both electronically and in print in
three copies.
2. Annexes D-F and supplementary annexes must be submitted in print in three copies.
All annexes should be submitted in a format allowing for easy photocopying (i.e. no magazines,
books or newspaper cuttings, but copies of relevant excerpts thereof).
The application form and all annexes must be submitted in three printed copies to:
Project Advice and Training Centre (Projektrådgivningen), Klosterport 4A, 3.sal,
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
In addition, the application form and Annex C must be sent electronically to:
Annexes D-F may also be submitted in an electronic format, although this is not
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix C-Budget Format
Budget and financing plan
1. Activities - total
20 trainee x DKK176 x 20months,transport
trainee per diem,workshops and other
2. Investment - total
Toolkit 20 pieces x DKK600
Text books expenses
3.Expatriate staff - total
4. Local staff - total
University fee-20 trainee x DKK397 x9month
Venue fees
5. Local administration - total
Communication costs DKK555 x 20 month
Telefon, internet, pictures,stationary and etc
6. Project monitoring
M & E 135 DKKx x 20months
Return Ticket
Accomodation expenses
Project Fund
7. Evaluation
International flights one person
Accomodation expenses
Other costs
8. Information work in Denmark (max 2% of 1-7)
9. Budget margin (max 10% of 1 - 8)
10. Total project expenses
11. Auditing
12. Subtotal
13. Administration in Denmark (max 7% of 12)
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix D
Organisations statutes (Vedtægter)
§ 1. Foreningens navn & hjemsted:
Foreningens navn er, Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning.
Foreningens hjemsted er København.
§ 2: Foreningens formål:
Foreningens formål er at støtte genopbygning, udvikling og fattige mennesker i Somalia især
midt i Somalia regioner, som ikke har adgang til mad og uddannelse, vand og sundheds sektor.
STK 2.
Foreningen kan samarbejde med andre organisationer efter de retningslinjer, som fastsættes
af Somalisk forening for genopbygning.
Foreningen kan ikke indtage politiske eller religiøse standpunkter. Det samme gælder dens
medlemmer på foreningens vegne.
§ 3. Medlemskab:
STK. 1
Som medlem kan optages enhver, der anerkender og tilslutter sig foreningens formål. Og som
kan respektere de til en hver tid gældende vedtægter og ordensregler.
Der kan i foreningen optages passive medlemmer. Passive medlemmer har ikke stemmeret på
generalforsamlinger og er ikke valgbare til bestyrelsen.
STK. 3
Tvivlsspørgsmål omkring medlemskab af foreningen afgøres af lovligt indvarslede
generalforsamling ved 2/3 flertal. Både indmeldelse og udmeldelse skal ske skriftligt.
Udmeldelse skal ske med 14 dages advarsel til den første i en måned.
§ 4. Organisation.
STK: 1
Foreningens højeste myndighed er generalforsamlingen og Bestyrelsen.
STK. 2
Generalforsamlingen er foreningens højeste myndighed. Stemmeret ved generalforsamlingen
har et hvert aktiv medlem efter 3 måneders medlemskab.
Den ordinære generalforsamling afholdes i februar måned eller andre måneder i året, så vidt
muligt, og der indkaldes med mindst 14 dages varsel ved brev.
STK. 3
Ordinær generalforsamling afholdes en gang årligt, i december måned eller andre måneder i
året, der indvarsles skriftligt af bestyrelsen 14 dage før afholdelse med angivelse af tid og sted.
Bestyrelse har ret til at afholde eller indkalde ekstra ordinær generalforsamling. Med
indkaldelse skal følge. Forslag til dagsorden samt de generalforsamlingens indkomne forslag.
STK. 4
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Den ordinære eller ekstra generalforsamlings dagsorden skal indeholde følgende punkter.
1) Valg af dirigent.
2) Bestyrelsens beretning.
3) Regnskab.
4) Kontingent betaling
5) Valg af bestyrelse.
6) Valg af revisor.
7) Indkomne forslag.
8) Eventuelt.
§ 5. Ekstraordinær generalforsamling.
Ekstraordinær generalforsamling skal indkaldes såfremt 2 medlemmer af bestyrelsen eller
1/3 af foreningens medlemmer kræver af det.
Ekstraordinær generalforsamling skal indvarsles skriftligt med dagsorden forslag med mindst
7 dage advarsel og senest 3 uger efter begæring. Det påhviler bestyrelsen at udsende
§ 6. Bestyrelsen.
Forenings bestyrelse består af 7 medlemmer og 3 suppleanter, valgt på generalforsamlingen
for to år ad gangen.
STK. 2
Højest 4 bestyrelsesmedlemmer kan udtræde på samme tid og genvalg kan finde sted.
Bestyrelsen varetager under ansvar overfor generalforsamlingen den daglige ledelse af
foreningen. Som eneste beslutningsdygtige og forhandlings berettigede organ.
Bestyrelsen fastsætter selv sin forretningsorden.
§.7 Udvalg.
STK. 1
Der kan såfremt generalforsamlingen finder det nødvendigt nedsættes udvalg til behandling
af problemer, som er specificeret af generalforsamlingen. Disse udvalg er ansvarlige overfor
såvel generalforsamlingen som bestyrelsen.
§.8 Økonomi.
STK. 1
Foreningens regnskabsår løber fra 1. januar til december.
STK. 2
Foreningens regnskab føres til dagligt af den af generalforsamlingen valgte kasserer
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Regnskabet revideres af den generalforsamlingen valgte revisorer og fremlægges for
generalforsamlingen til dennes godkendelse.
§.9 Kontingent.
Foreningens generalforsamling fastsætter medlemskontingent, som opdeles!:
1) Kontingent for passive medlemmer.
2) Kontingent for aktive medlemmer.
Kontingent forfalder til betaling den første måned. Kontingent restance kan medføre
fortabelse af medlemskab. Foreningens midler indsættes på postgiro eller pengeinstitut, hvis
generalforsamlingen ikke træffer anden afgørelse.
Frigørelse af foreningens midler kan ske ved 2 af de følgende 3personeres underskrift;
formand, viceformand og kasser.
§.10 Vedtægtsændringer.
Beslutning om vedtægtsændringer skal vedtages af generalforsamlingen med 2/3 flertal af de
afgivne stemmer.
§. 11 Opløsning af foreningen.
STK. 1
Forslag om opløsning af foreningen skal behandles på to på hinanden følgende
generalforsamlinger. Opløsning kan kun ske, når der på begge generalforsamlinger er ¾
flertal herfor.
STK. 2
I tilfælde af opløsning af forening skal bestyrelsen fordele foreningens midler efter følgende
1) Første prioritet har foreningens eventuelle kreditorer.
2) Overskydende midler skal derefter anvendes til nødhjælpsorganisation i Somalia.
Ovennævnte vedtægter er godkendt på generalforsamlingen den. 11/09/2010.
1. Dr. Yassin Ahmed Osoble,
Board chairman, Odense,
2. Dr. Abdinasir Mohamed Iman.
Vice chairman, Birkerød
3. Mr. Hassan Mohamed Dirie,
Cashier, København
4. Mrs. Sirad Mohamed Sadek,
Secretary, København
5. Mr. Awil Hussein Dirshe.
Auditor, Malmø
6. Mrs. Ayan Hassan Isse,
Member, København
7. Mr. Abdihakim Osman Warsame, Member, København
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix E
Annual report of OFROSOM
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix E2
Financial accounts
ubscription paid by the memebers of the Somalisk Forening for Genobpygning
31 december,2010
june- julyjan-10 feb
march april may 10
august sept okt
nov dec
halid Hussein Sheekh
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
assin Ahmed Osoble
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
360 150 150 150 150
ahra Omar Mohamud
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
rad Mohamed Saaq
120 150
150 150 150
150 150
150 150 150 150 150
eylac Ahmed Hussein
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
ahra Ali Hashi
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120
afiya Nur Ali
120 120
120 120
acdiyo Hassan Ahmed
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
ohamoud Elmi Ali
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
ahad Ahmed Diriye
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 150 150
mal Hussein Farah
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120
awa Abdullahi
120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
anat Osman Gurre
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
lal Ahmed Dirshe
150 150
150 150
150 150 150 150 150
sha Hussein Dirshe
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
i Diriye Mohamed
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
yan Hassan Isse
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
wil Hussein Dirshe
150 150
150 150 150
150 150
150 150 120 150 150
wil Ali Kulane
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
weys Ahmed Mohamed
150 150
150 150 150
150 150
150 150 150 150 150
mal Jama Isse
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
bdulkadir Warsame A
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
bdirisak Sh. Labale
150 150
150 150 150
100 100
100 100 100 100 100
bdi Hassan Noor
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
bbas Said Abdi
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 150 150
hofo Hirsi Hubane
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
assan M Diriýe
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
ohamed Ahmed Farah
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
assan Ibrahim Elmi
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
ego Warsame
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 150
ahir M.Abshir
120 120
120 120 240
150 150
150 150 150 150 150
ashir Elmi Faradar
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 150
bdulkadir Ahmed Dini
300 150 150
150 150
150 150 150 150 150
bdihakim Osman
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 150
bdifatah Ahmed Diriye
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 120 120
bdiwali Osman Jim
120 120
120 120 120
120 120
120 120 120 150 150
bshir Iidle
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
axma Guled Dini
aslah Nur Weheliye
bdiwali Farah
bdicasis Mohamed Haji
uleyman Abdi Hussein
bdullahi Mohamoud JI
aid Shirwa
ohamed Artan Wadaado
aid Osman Mohamed
bdiqani Ali Salad
asro Mohamed Olad
bdullahi Ali Jiinow
ohamed Salad Hassan
ahmo Ahmed
bdinasir Sh Mohamed
eynab Mohamed Olad
i Shiil Weheliye
bdirhman Jamac Weheliye
yaanle Sahal Ali
ohamed (Somali)
omalisk Forældreløs
terest march 10
5140 5221
Balance December 31, 09
Income Jan-10 til 31 dec10
Total Expenses
Balance December
Balance December 31, 2010
4775 4470 4500
4360 4480
4720 5580 4390 5160 4630
40 406,90
57 425,24
97 832,14
63 969,00
33 863,14
33 863,14
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
57 425,24
Appendix F
Latest annual auditing accounts
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix 1
Danish organization chairman CV
Jeg har arbejdet i Odense Kommune i 2 år i Økonomiafdelingen. Jeg har kendskab til EDB og har taget nogle kurser.
Jeg har også taget et kursus om Project Cycle Management. jeg har læst HA, erhvervsøkonomi på Syddansk
Universitetet og jeg har også læst Cand.merc. på samme universitet. Jeg er god til telebank service, konti,
kasseafstemninger og projekt styring. Som personlig, er jeg positiv, engageret,
kreativ, hjælpsom og har respekt for andre kultur og traditioner.
Faglige kompetencer
bogføring og kontering
bogføring med edb, andet edb-bogføringssystem
bogføring, afgifter
bogføring, afstemning
bogføring, kreditor
budget- og regnskabsstyring
Kontor assistent
Kontor opgaver, ligesom korrespondenser, telefonpasning og osv.
kendskab til EDB (WordPro, Lotus 1-2-3), ØS2000 samt kendskab til Kommune data.
Jeg taler somalisk, dansk, engelsk, arabisk og forstår italiensk
2002 - 2003
Regnskab assistent
Odense Kommune
1984 - 1990
Bankafdeling chef
Somalisk Handels og Opsparings Bank
2011- 2011
Project Management Cycle
DRC. Denmark
2010 – 2011
Cand.merc. Marketing, Kommunikation and Globalisering
Syddansk Universitet
2006 – 2010
Syddansk Universitet
2004 – 2006
Tietgen Business College
1976 – 1978
Bank Uddannelse
1970 - 1974
15 May Gymnasium, Mogadishu,
2006 -
Medlem af bestyrelse i Fyns almen Boligselskab, Birkeparken
Formand, Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning, Danmark
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix 1 A Ofrosom Sekretær CV Mrs Sirad Mohamed Sadik (Sygeplejerske)
Curriculum Vitae
Dansk autorisation
med subspeciale i urologi
Ansvarsha. aftensygepl.
Ansvarsha. aftensygepl.
Tolk for bl.a.
sundhedsforvaltning, Flygtningeetc.
KAS Herlev
som ansvarshav. aftensygpl.
Tolk/Hjemme-hos pædagog
Plejemor for 3 piger
To-kulturel pædagogiskmedarbejder
01.09-2004- Sygeplejerske
01.09-2005- Sygeplejerske
16.02-2006 - Sygeplejerske, timelønnet
Afsnit 804
21.03-2006 - Ansvarsha. Aftensygepl.
Uddannet Sygeplejerske: Salzburg/Østrig.
Kbh. Kommune Hospital, Hvidovre
KKH, 5.kvindeafd. Almen kirugisk
1.afd. operationsgang, KKH
Neuromedicinsk afd., KKH
Medicinsk afd. B13, BBH
Medicinsk afd. B13, BBH
Gerontopsykiatrisk afd., KAS
Dansk Flygtningehjælp, Social- og
nævnet, Politiet, Retsvæsnet
Anæstesi -og intensiv terapi 54H5,
Anæstesi –og intensiv terapi 54H5,
KAS Herlev
Flygtningegruppen, Frederiksberg kommune
Familieplejen Kbh. Kommune
Red Barnets Børnehus for uledsagede
Flygtningebørn, Frederiksberg
Team Danmark
Social Forsknings Instituttet (SFI)
Reumatologisk klinik, RH
Reumatologisk klinik, RH
Hvidovre hospital, Psykiatrisk afd.
Dagmargårdens plejehjem,
2200 København N.
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix 2
Local Partner CEO CV
Name: Mohamed H. Mohamud Ereg
Birth Place 1955, Hobbio, Galkaio. Mobile: 25290-611612 e-mail:
1962- 1966: Qur;aan and Elementry Education in Hobyo Town
1966-1968: Middle Hamar Intermediate School in Mogadishu
1969=1972 H/wadaag Secondary School Mogadishu
1972-1974: Lafole Institute of Teachers Afgoie
1978-1979 One year course in French language in Mogadishu
1980-1981 Two years course in Political Institute of Halane Mogadishu
1983 six months cultural exchange course to Canada
1983-1984 one year course in Mogadishu Police School.
Since that time: Countless short term courses and training sessions of different purposes in different places,
Since 1974 up to now I have worked in many different positions and places mainly, in education sector.
During former Government I worked for Ministry of Education, as teacher and headmaster of many schools in Banadir and
Gedo Regions. Also for Ministry of Interior Affairs as District Commissioner and Vice district commissioner.
After the collapse of Somali Government, I have come back to my home Region and started organizing community for their
common interests like mobilizing education and health centers, and working in conflict resolution activities.
Since the foundation of SOSDA in 1998 I have been active member in Civil Society Organizations,
2001-2004 Chair person for SOSDA Board.
2004-2008. head of education committee in Mudug
2007-2009. SYL Secondary school principal
2009-up to now. Director of SOSDA.
Besides that, I have worked in many other activities such as. Community Mobilization and training activities in Mogadishu
and Mudug areas. I have attended more than 15 workshops and training sessions in different places in Hargeisa Nairobi and
Campala City Galkaio as well as Mogadishu and Galkaio.
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix 3
List of OFROSOM members who pay subscription fees and contribution via bank
1 Khalid Hussein Sheekh
2 Yassin Ahmed Osoble
3 Sahra Omar Mohamud
4 Sirad Mohamed Saaq
5 Seylac Ahmed Hussein
6 Sahra Ali Hashi
7 Safiya Nur Ali
8 Sacdiyo Hassan Ahmed
9 Mohamoud Elmi Ali
10 Mahad Ahmed Diriye
11 Jamal Hussein Farah
Hawa Abdullahi
12 Mohamud
13 Hanat Osman Gurre
14 Bilal Ahmed Dirshe
15 Asha Hussein Dirshe
16 Ali Diriye Mohamed
17 Ayan Hassan Isse
18 Awil Hussein Dirshe
19 Awil Ali Kulane
Aweys Ahmed
20 Mohamed
21 Amal Jama Isse
22 Abdulkadir Warsame A
23 Abdirisak Sh. Labale
24 Abdi Hassan Noor
25 Abbas Said Abdi
26 Dhofo Hirsi Hubane
Overførsel Hassan M.
27 Diriye
28 Mohamed Ahmed Farah
29 Hassan Ibrahim Elmi
30 Dego Warsame
31 Dahir M.Abshir
32 Bashir Elmi Faradar
33 Abdulkadir Ahmed Dini
Abdihakim Osman
34 Warsame
35 Abdifatah Ahmed Diriye
36 Abdiwali Osman Jim
Abdinasir Mohamed
37 Iman
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Abdiwali Farah
Suleyman Abdi Hussein
Abdiqani Ali Salad
Abdicasis Mohamed Haji
Abshir Iidle
Raxma Guled Dini
A. Hurayo
Maslah Nur Weheliye
Somalisk Forældreløs
Sharif Yusuf Hirsi
Mohamed Nur Ali
Abdullahi Ali Jiinow
Abdirahman Jama
Jibril Guled
Appendix 4
SOSDA Profile
1. Introduction
Somali society development Association acronym as (SOSDA) is non-profitable local
NGO that come into being in year 1998 after nearly a decade of civil strife and chaos
miring in Somali country. The collapse of government in the early 1991 resulted
extraordinary destruction of governmental institutions including education, health and
other social services. Moreover, poverty in line with killing, maiming, raping and
looting as well as other crimes have taken place. Repeatedly Displacing and Food
insecurity has been notable detrimental effect to communities living in the country.
Based on the above fateful and appalling situations, Intellectuals, educationalists
together with experienced elders felt pity and met to generate an idea that could be
solution. Therefore, SOSDA was devised to address the needs, and act in response to
the problems in its operational zone as to cater with relative measure of help to
enable marginalized and vulnerable community to improve the minimum standard of
living and provide access to primary education and health care services etc.
SOSDA desires the realization of democratic society free from illiteracy,
poverty and diseases including HIV/AIDS.
SOSDA is engaged to provide excellent education opportunities and health
services with emphasis on HIV/AIDS awareness intervention through
collaboration of all relevant stakeholders in order to improve socio-economic
condition of communities in south central of Somalia.
2. Organizational board structure
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Names of SOSDA Board of Directors
S/No Member Name
Mr Ahmed Mohamed
MrsSahra Osman
Miss Ismahan Hussein
Mr Abdiraxman
maxamed Diini
Mr Abdi Ali Omar
Education Expert
Qualified nurse
Local elder
Mr Abdulkarin Sheikh
Mr Mohamed Abdi
kaire (Vimto)
Education expert
Clerk experience
The Board of Directors are mainly consisting of, the founders of the organization and
other honorable and active individuals resident in Mudug Region and other countries
The BOD belong the chairperson, vice chairmen, secretary, treasure and members
elected within the BOD once in a years. Their main assignments are to approve,
legalize and legitimate the acting personnel, policy and procedures of the organization
including the quarterly Action plan of the organization and strictly follow up rules and
regulations of the management team, raising fund for the organization.
There are many volunteers who work with sosda in schools MCHs we sponsor in
Galkaio and Hobyo districts such as.
- for 42 schools and 7 MCHs that we sponsor we have at least one voluntary
cleaner and one guard each school.
- For Hobyo and Elgula MCHs we have four voluntary midwives and nurses and
two cleaners and two guards,
- There are also other five villages where we give monthly medicines which are
distributed by 2 trained agents from each village to serve for the community
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Mohamed Haji Ereg
Executive director
University degree of bachelor
Mr. Abdikafi Afrah
Foreign relation officer
Osman Nur Mohamed
Program coordinator
Abdunazir Abdulahi Abdi
Education project
Diploma (M&E)
Dr Ali Abdi Farah
Health project officer
Pediatric/general medicine
Mohamed Ali Awale
Engineering expert
Engineering construction
3 years
Fartun Mohamed Cise
Bookkeeping & logistic
Financial Management
6 years
voluntarily. These trained agents are not paid; they only help the local people in
the community.
The executive body of the organization is composed of two parts; the management
unit and technical unit of which the director of the organization delegates the task to
the staff.
Names of SOSDA executive team and year experience
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Abdala Mohamed Abdule
PMT/PMN monitor
Human rights advocate
5 years
Maryan Adan Diriye
PMN monitor Hobyo
Seconday qualification
2 years
Esmail Mohamed Farah
PMT monitor
Secondary qualification
3 year
Mahad Abshir
Child protection
6 years
3- SOSDA Way of Election
The Organization has a general annual meeting that gather all board members and in
each year elect from its members or from outside if needed the leading management
personnel of the Organization, such as: the Chair, Vice Chair, treasure, secretary and
The meeting also elect the management team like, Executive Director and heads of
departments, But if the meeting is satisfied with the achievements of the managing
team they may award them some more time until next year meeting.
For low and technical staff the Executive Director selects them with the consultation of
the Organization Chair and Board members.
4- As shown in our executive team chart, we have all the necessary technical
staff qualified in health facilities like, a doctor, qualified nurses, midwives and
management technicians
Education sector with UNICEF for (three years)
are partner with UNICEF in all Regional Education Activities such as:
Construction of primary schools
Rehabilitation of primary schools
Provision of incentives to all regional school teachers
Provision of school supplies to all regional schools
Provision of teachers and community school committees training
Capacity building workshops in Mogadishu, Hargeisa and Galkaio for
office staff.
MICS4 data collection program in Galmudug State.
b- Education Sector with EDC.USAID (four years)
With EDC we sponsor 23 learning centers on SIRIP Program
This program is mostly executed in IDP settlements inside Galkaio and in rural
areas in Galmudug State.
In this program:
- We organize and mobilize the community to the benefit of education.
- We recruit qualified teachers, control their activity and pay them
- We rent school centers suitable for learning and pay the owners.
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
We supply the schools the necessary tools for learning such as chairs,
tables, blackboards , chalks ,books ,pens ,pencils and many other things.
We train the teachers and the CEC members.
c-In health sector( for seven years)
From 2005 up to now, we have been working with the following agencies
- With Daryeel Association Sweden in Elgula TB center.and Elgula OPD.
- With WHO in Elgula TB center.
- With MSF-Holand in Elgula TB Center
- With CISP In Elgula and Hobyo TB Center
- With CISP In Elgula and Hobyo MCHs and OPDs.
At present, we will give priority to health care and education will be our second
priority activity since there are famine and drought in Galmudug. We do
different project with International organization such as UNCHR, WFP, DRC,
NRC and others like OFROSOM.
SOSDA Fields of expertise
♦ Education promotion
♦ reproductive health care services in our target area
♦ HIV/AIDS Awareness through media, drama, sessions and other methods as
well as training workshops
♦ Protection of human rights with particular emphasis given to vulnerable and
minority groups such children, women, IDPs, Refugees and other ethnic
minority groups.
♦ Rehabilitation and constructions of MCHs and Schools.
♦ Peace building and conflict resolution trainings
♦ Advocacy and lobbying
♦ Nutrition
♦ Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 4 on Data Collection.
6- SOSDA Principles and Core values
Means complete honesty and
accountability and integrity.
• Accountability: -
Showing accountability procedures to the partners regarding the utilization of the
funds through submitting financial liquidations with justifiable supporting documents.
Integrity: -
Integrating to the community and show interest to all the stakeholders, and
participating community development issues such as fund raising campaigns,
advocacy and lobbying themes regardless any basis of discrimination through
communication and coordination
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Doing tangible benefits for the community showing the stakeholders all the
achievements through participatory and transparency manners.
Equality: -
Proposing the needs of the community regardless any discriminative aspects (equal
social opportunities) when advocating absence of any social supports.
Advocacy: -
Initiating themes of advocacy on the absence of the community based or
developmental assistance through dealing with the international community
(mandatory agencies)
• Humanity: Promoting protection concerns of the traumatized community like women, children
and (IDPs/returnees
We get fund from the international organization that we work together. All the fund of
the project shall be kept an appropriate place, in meant the Bank account of the
organization, where the finance director and the program manager with the BOD of
the organization will control and have them position toward the Organization’s cash
inflow and outflow according to the financial policy and procedures of the organization.
There will be Auditing book of accounting by the programs Auditing group/department
at least each month the board of administration (management team) shall sit together
for the decision making through having a consultation meeting toward the programs
implementation on how to allocate the Budget requirements through moving a head
the programs planned activities for achievements including the running and in-hand
projects in via close reconciliation about the programs activity plans and budget
Besides the organization has an internal auditor and also allows an independent
auditor from the funding partners to check and certify the financial and funding
regulations of the organization.
By the way, the bank cash receiving procedure is a process of which three different
signatures are put over the cheque that are having various titles and descriptions to
assign through agreed decision in order to properly utilize the fund for the allocated
program during the running period.
The role of the organization is to play an intermediate role between the needy people,
the national and the international donors who are interested to provide generous
contributions to the needy population in the region.
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
The organization has financial policy guide which is printed and compiled. But in
general, the organization has a strict financial procedures and tools and comprises in
the following components:
An official Bank Account at Galkaio DAHABSHIL Bank, bank number GLK D0075
Daily cash journey showing the daily, weekly, monthly expenses and
payments made.
Cash book, and records.
Somali society development association had instructed financial regulations including
cycle of financial utilization purposes based on class structure; the organization
pointed and figures rules and procedures towards financial management.
Cycle of financial management procedure
Progression & the achievements of the
program allocated by the fund
Donor’s fund
By the way, this will be administered by the admin/finance department of the
organization and together with the program accountant through recording financial
usage including the ways of utilization in-terms of procurement, salaries, rents and
other expenses.
The proper usage and financial control procedures are subjected and articulated as
♦ Financial reports and changes will be noticed by the programs manager of
the organization including where running projects are obligated to provide
extra fund for a right circumstance
♦ The programs manager will have close cooperation and analyzed discussion
with the executive director of the organization, the matter of the change and
steps to be taken regarding to the needed funds
♦ Any financial movements will be recorded by the accountant through the
status check of the Admin/finance manager
♦ Each different programs which are having financial related documents will
have separate file for Data recording and maintenance
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
♦ The organization may either implement any project through disbursement or
reimbursement according to the organization’s level
♦ Monthly and quarterly financial reporting will be made by the Admin/finance,
while the accountant will submit summarized budget line about the utilized
funds with the reference of usage; this will also be checked by the PM and
together will submit the Accountant and PM1.
SOSDA has the synchronization of which associated to establish and maintain through
characterized managerial system, while the organization having the logistic
department which maintains and keeps all the properties of the organization including
materials such as;- office activity acceleration sets2,
through having the
methodologies of records, materials follow up towards repairing or alternatives.
By the way, the organization had the store of which the organization’s resources and
properties are maintained, through following up the store inflow ad outflow of the
organization with records including notices and assets monthly and quarterly reporting
to the Admin/finance of the organization.
The organization’s power of attorney is an independent legal representative according
to the organization’s structural of management, while the power of attorney is named
Mr. Mohamed Haji Ereg who is the current chairperson and has the authority and the
autography to approve any organizational amendments on behalf of the organization,
including the signature and the modification of the organizational TOR3/agreements,
assets, documents, supplies and cash in among SOSDA or from the organization’s
partners including UN-agencies/International NGO’s/Local NGO’s and the government,
mainly all the stake-holders of the organization
Besides, the POA4/chairman has the right to provide the organizational staff/members
according to their either positive or negative ways to the following:
Appraisal/appreciations/certificates and gifts
Fine and
Termination or dismissal
In regard of this, the organization’s POA may only take a step toward the above
actions regarding to a circumstance which can be reacted, since the organization’s
regulatory procedures approved and legalized by the BOD which allow to offer a
Programs manager
Computers, printer, cupboard, stabilizer, tables etc.
Term of reference
Power of attorney
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
negative reaction or positive to any circumstance from among the organization at the
right time, while the chairman has independent authorization on behalf of the BOD.
SOSDA organization is democratic based leadership synchronization which hosts and
appliance any Somali know ledged person who is having the behavioral of work and
the attitudes to integrate the community, therefore the organization associated and
affiliated articles that can develop any person of the above criteria’s can be a
He/she must have a good attitude and behaviors to integrate the community
in particularly the organization’s main target beneficiaries
He/she must have and experience and specialized knowledge to create and
provide the plans to stimulate the community in to developmental projects
in regard with the required position
He/she should have to avoid an interacting any aggressive misconduct
against the organization’s progressive programs and plans.
• He/she should have to behave as a democratic leadership as considered by
the organization’s profile and have the capacity to standardize an equality
based with justice in-between the community and the organization (both
focus groups)
He/she must be a person with sincerity, including the ability to advocate the
organization’s target groups in regard to their needy aspects
He/she should have to had the aptitude to understand the development of
the organization’s work plans/action plans setting in regard to running,
proposing and initiating programs for the organization
The organization had settled the following points to its member’s disaffiliation or
exclusion toward the staff terminations and dismissals, if the staff/member encounters
such the following outlawed mistakes, the organization’s chairman representing by the
BOD decision in accordance of the above prescribed procedures is authorized to give a
dismissal letter or termination:-
The following are the misconducts: Improper usage of the organization’s assets, documents, cash, supplies and
other donated goods which the organization is in-charge to maintain or
provide its target groups or action.
Inaccessibility to handle and promote the organization’s progressive reports
in-regard with the right time to be submitted (opportunity)
Low of capacity to initiate, implement and set up the actions to be taken in
accordance of the organization’s pending activities and the objectives
needed to accomplish
Loss of organization’s property
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Behave outlawed characters in-terms of taking leave with out noticing and
taking holiday letter approval by the chairman
Organization’s chairman orders opposition or rejection with no justification
Losing the reputation in-between the community and the organization
through Creating tricks and other bad manners
Three different accusations from the community against him/her, can also
simplify to be dismissed from the organization
bad behaviors or tribalism interactions in the field of work
11- The regulations of the organization
The organization has a Constitution which is a big book and not available now
written in software, so I hope what we have submitted here are enough to
answer the necessary questions you needed, but if you insist that you need to
get the constitution we are ready to submit you as soon as possible.
On your question about maternity
There is no centralized center that collects accurate statistics,we have collected
data from clinics, MCHs since general hospital data is restricted
Table 1
Pregnancy No
of Mortality
of July visit
deliveries during
Appendix 5
Cooperative Relationship Diagram 1
Public /private hospitals
Target groups
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix 6
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix 7
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)
Appendix 8
THE PROJECT FUND – Small-scale development projects and partnership activities (less than DKK 200,000)

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