Supplementary Issue


Supplementary Issue
September 2005 Issue No. 9
Supplementary Issue
Laying directly across the equator and
the main gate way into the Province of
West Kalimantan is the provincial
capital of Pontianak. This rapidly
developing and surprisingly large city
was founded in 1771 by Syarif Abdul
Rahman Al-Kadri of Saudi Arabia and
is now a bustling economic hub as well
as home to a sizeable university and a
giant indoor sports stadium. Canals
crisscross the city and one of
Indonesia’s longest rivers, the Kapuas
1143 km long, divides the town in two,
providing an essential and historical
communications link. Like Java and Sumatra, West Kalimantan was once an important cultural
crossroads. Hinduism reached West Kalimantan by about the year 400 and evidence of both
early Hindu and Buddhist civilizations in the region have been discovered. Stone carvings and
ceramics can be traced as far back as the 5th century, but it is the influence of Islam that
has had the most impact on this region.The advent of Islam in West Kalimantan occurred at
about the same time as the rise of the first Islamic Kingdom in Aceh in the 15th century and
was introduced primarily from South Sumatra and North Kalimantan, and the country of
Brunei. Islam was rapidly embraced and various kingdoms grew in strength and power particularly
because of Kalimantan’s strategic importance along trade routes to China and the Philippines.West
Kalimantan covers an area of over 146.807 sq km, which is rich in a variety of minerals and
precious stones and remains largely unexplored. Coastal areas are mainly swamp lands with
more than 100 rivers sculpting the flat plains, but in the mountainous eastern parts of the
province, away from the city and plains, there are many Dayak villages.The Dayaks have
ancient traditions and beliefs which are expressed in various forms; earlobes elongated by
heavy earings, tattoos intricate paintings, designs and carvings and wonderful dances of
respect, heroism, welcome and cure. A large Chinese population, Malays and other Indonesian
ethnic groups account for the rest of the inhabitants of the province.West Kalimantan is easily
accessible from Jakarta or Singapore
by air and boat and over land journeys
provide a rare opportunity to see
the interior of one of the world’
largest and richest islands.
Pontianak : As the capital of West
Kalimatan, there are some
interesting places to visit, among
others the Equator Monument,
Kadariah palace in Kampung Dalam,
the State Museum, the Kapuas and
Landak Bridges with a river view
and floating market. One can simply
Indonesian Tourist Destination - WEST KALIMANTAN
relax in the recreational park Tirta Raja. The beach resort of Kijing and Temajoh island are
good places for diving, fishing and sailing.
Betang (Long House) : On the outskirts of
Pontianak is a Dayak traditional long house
at Saham Village, 158 km from Pontianak.
The measures of long house are 186 m long,
6m wide, where 269 people live in. There is
no accomodation here.
National Park and Nature Reserve : The
Gunung (Mount) Palung national park located
in the Ketapang regency is home to
miscellaneous flora and fauna. The Raya Pasi
Mountain located in theSingkawang regency
is also interesting to visit to see the Rafflesia or the Giant Flower. Singkawang is also a nature
reserve. The forest of Sanggau is worth a visit where hot springs, lakes and caves can be
found. The other nature reserves are the forests of Baning and Kelam Hill in the Sintang
Regency. While in Kapuas Hulu, there is the Bentuang Karimun nature reserve where Lake
Sentarum and the protected Siluk fish (Sclerop hages Formocus) are found.
Mount Palung National Park : Mount Palung National Park located in Sukadana and Simpang Hilir
district Ketapang West Kalimantan covers 90.000 hectares and stretches out in 110°12’ 11036’ longitude and 1°5’ - 1°33’ latitude. The highest mountains are Mount Palung (1.116 m)
and Mount Panti (1.030 m) with the average rainfall 3.000 mm/year. The park has various
vegetation and fauna the ecosystem varies from mangrove swamp tropical rain and mountainous.
The flora existing in the park are: Bruguiera Lumnitzera Rhizophora Soneratio Alstonia schlaris
Dyera lowii Gonystylus bancanus Agathis borneoensis Melanorrhoea walichiee Calophylum Mezeettia
parvifolia Dacrydium sp. Shorea spp. Drybalanops aromatica Dipterocarpus spp. Hopea sp.
Eusideroxylon zwegeri and Aquilaria malacensis. The fauna enrich the park are: Wild boar
Antelope Monkeys (Macaca irus Nasalis larvatus) Buerotidae Hylobatidae Orang utan (Pongo
pygmaeus) birds and Gallus varius
Bukit Raya National Park : Situated in Serawai district, Sintang Regency, the national park
covers about 100,000 hectares of tropical forest inhabited by various species of animals. You
can reach Serawai from Sintang Regency by motorboat.
Bentuang Karimun National Park : The largest national park in West Kalimantan, it covers an
area of 800,000 square km. This border reserve is accessible by speed-boat about from
Putussibau via the Kapuas river for 11 km, then Embaloh river for 11 km, and Sibau river for
5 km.
Kelam Hill : Completed with beautiful and pristine scenery, Kelam Hill is a sight to see. Long
houses of Dayak tribe occupy some spots. And for the more adventurous visitors, the hill is also
great for rock climbing. Located about 18 km from Sintang, it’s accessible from land (8 hour
busride from Pontianak) and water (a trip in “Bandung boat”).
Mount Poteng : From a distance, a part of Mount Poteng looks like a gigantic human thumb,
showing a gesture of recognition. Located about 4km southeast of Singkawang, it stands 700
meters above sea level. You can find a historical Dutch colonial swimming pool filled with crystal
clear water and plants of Rafflessia which only blooms once a year. The mountain is accessible
by private vehicles up to its foothill.
Randayan Island : You can sail to Randayan Island by boat from Pasir Panjang Beach in Sambas
Regency, about 128 km from Pontianak. The island’s beach has clear water that’s marvelous
for diving.
Supplementary Issue ( September 2005)
Indonesian Tourist Destination - WEST KALIMANTAN
The Equator Monument : The monument marks
Pontianak as the Land of the Equator. Built in
1928 by a Dutch geographist, it was renovated
in 1938 by an architect named Silaban. Every
year, on March 21-23 and September 21-23,
the sun passes the equator line exactly at noon
(culmination). At this point, every shadows
around the monument disappear. The Equator
Monument is about 5 km from downtown
Karimata Islands : The beach forest, rocky mountainous forest, and shores make an ecosystem
of flora and fauna that spreads about 77,000 hectares. Species to watch for include duyung
sea cow, turtle (Dermochelelys Coriace), tutong (Batagus Baska), and kura gading (Orilitia
Pasir Panjang Beach : Pasir Panjang Beach is located in Sambas Regency, 128 kilometers away
from Pontianak, and 17 kilometers from Singkawang. Public transportation is available. Pasir
Panjang Recreational Park is facilitated with a hotel, a restaurant and swimming pool
Tanjung Batu Beach : Tanjung Batu beach is located in the District of Pemangkat, Sambas
Regency, about 175 km from Pontianak and 30 km from Singkawang. Gorgeous scenery is there
to enjoy. Modest accommodation and restaurants are available.
Colouredfish from Gili Trawangan
Gosong Beach : Three small islands circle the shore, protect it from harmful waves. Fishermen
love the spot. You can reach Gosong beach from Singkawang city border, about 25 km to Sungai
Raya village.
Kijing Beach : Located in Pontianak Regency, about 85 km from the city, it’s accessible by
public transportation.
Temajo Island : From Kijing Beach, you can sail over to Temajo Island by motorboat for about
an hour. The beautiful scenery and serenity are perfect traits for those in need of a good
Batu Payung Beach : Famous for its white sand and unique-shaped coral rocks that stick out
above the waters. One even looks like an umbrella. A good place for diving and waterskiing.
About 23 km from Singkawang City, the asphalt road makes the beach easily accessible by car.
Sentarum Lake : A lake situated in Selimbau District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. You can reach the
regency by driving a 115-HP speedboat from Putussibau through the Kapuas River upstream in
4 hours.
Belida Lake : Another lake in Selimbau District. Kapuas Hulu Regency is about 647 km far
from Pontianak.
Luar Lake : Luar Lake’s located in Badau District, also Kapuas Hulu Regency.
Dara Juanti Museum : Formerly known as the Palace of Sintang, the museum displays some
collections of of Sintang Kingdom’s inheritances. Opens daily, you can find the building around
the bank of Kapuas River. The distance between Pontianak and Sintang is about 395 km, about
an 8-hour busride. Or you can use a boat through the Kapuas river, which will take between
20-48 hours.
Kadriyah Place : A historical inheritance of Pontianak Sultanate, it’s located about 1 km from
downtown Pontianak.
Supplementary Issue (September 2005)
Indonesian Tourist Destination - WEST KALIMANTAN
Amantubillah Palace : Built in the 1780 by
Panembahan Adijaya, it’s located on Pedalaman
Island, 2 km away from Mempawah. The
palace is an inheritance of “Amantubilah”
Mempawah Panembahan Kingdom.
Muhammad Saunan Palace : Also serves as a
museum, the Palace is an inheritance of the
Matan Kingdom, which was formerly known
as Tanjungpura Kingdom. When moved from
Tanjungpura to its current place at Mulia
Karta, the name changed into Matan Kingdom.
Pasir Panjang Recreational Park : Located
about 17 km from Singkawang, you can reach
the park by public transportation. Facilities
include a hotel, a restaurant, and a swimming
Sambas Palace : This palace is one of the
remnants of the Kingdom of Sambas. Up to
the present time it is still kept in good
condition. There are many antiques to be
seen .
Jl. Letjen Sutoyo Km 17, Pontianak, Tel :(62-561)742838,741445 Fax : (62-561)739644
Jl. Ahmad Sood, Tel :(62-561)36172
Mahkota Hotel, Jl. Sidas 8, Pontianak, Phone : 0561-736022,736024 Fax : 0561-736200
Kapuas Palace Hotel, Jl.Imam Bonjol Pontianak Phone : 0561-736122 Fax : 0561-734374
Merpati Hotel, Jl. Imam Bonjol No.41 Pontianak Phone : 0561-745481 Fax : 0561-762662
Kartika Hotel, Jl. Rahadi Usman, Pontianak Phone : 0561-734401,732012 Fax : 0561-738457
Palapa Hotel, Jl. Ismail Tahir, Sambas Phone : 0562-31449
Pontianak Raya City Hotel, Jl. Pak Kasih 44, Pontianak Phone : 0561-32495 Fax : 0561-33781
Garuda Hotel, Jl. Pahlawan No. 40 Pontianak Phone : 0561-736890 Fax : 0561-739001
Sukadana Restaurant, JL. Sidas 8, Pontianak, Mahjkota Kapuas Hotel, Phone : 0561-36022, 36023
Manis Mata Restaurant, Jl. Imam Bonjol, Pontianak, Kapuas Palace Hotel, Phone : 0561-36122, 36123,
Corina Restaurant, Jl. Tanjungpura 124, Pontianak, Phone : 0561-34486
Gajah Mada Restaurant, Jl. Gajah Mada 202, Pontianak, Phone : 0561-38167,
Italian Steak House Restaurant, Jl. Nusa Indah III 109-111, Pontianak, Phone : 0561-36581, 33420,
Fajar Restaurant, Jl. Veteran No. 9, Phone : 0561-37887,
Atomic Restaurant, Jl. A Pranoto
Hapkoen Restoran, Jl. D.I Panjaitan XX/55, Phone : 0542-22132,22324
Dinasty Restaurant, Jl. K.S Tubun XXIII/52, Phone : 0542-31167,31179
Holland Bakery, Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo Rt 11/3, Phone : 0542-22102
Holland Modern, Jl. Jend A. Yani, Phone : 0542-22102
Shangrila Restaurant, Jl. Mayjend Sutoyo IV/102
Tip Top Restaurant, Jl. Mayjend Sutoyo 66, Phone : 0542-24674
Top Ten Restaurant, Jl. Mayjend Sutoyo, Phone : 0542-24674
Bondi’s Restaurant, Jl. Mayjend Sutoyo No.7, Phone : 0542-23646
Sari Rasa Restaurant, Jl. K.H. Agus Salim 26, Phone : 0541-22771
Sari Wangi Restaurant, Jl. Niaga Utara 54, Samarinda, Phone : 0541-22554
Depot Darmo Restaurant (chinese food), Jl. K.H. Abul Hasan, Phone : 0541-31287
California Fried Chicken, Jl. Sulawesi 9-10, Samarinda Phone : 0541-31580
Sari Rasa Restaurant, Jl. K.H Agus Salim 26, Samarinda, Phone : 0541-22771
Ateng Tours & Travel, Jl. Gajah Mada 201, Pontianak, Phone : 0561-32683, 36615
Anggie Tours & Travel, Jl. Gajah Mada 277, Pontianak, Phone : 0561-34586, 32265
Gajah Mada Nusantara Tours & Travel, Jl. Gajah Mada 67, Pontianak, Phone : 0561-30324, 36128
Fax : 0561-34374
Insan Worlwide Tours & Travel, Jl. Gajah Mada 67, Pontianak, Phone : 0561-34383, 37457, Fax : 0561-37424
Kalutama Tours & Travel, Jl. Tanjungpura 149 A-B, Pontianak, Phone : 0561-32841, 34257
Airlangga Tours & Travel, Jl. Merdeka No.138 Ketapang 78811, Phone : 0534-32525
Asia Jaya Nusantara Tours & Travel, Jl. Tanjung Pura No. 236, Pontianak, Phone : 0561- 37432, 32265,
Fax : 0561-34586
Bima Sakti Tours & Travel, Jl. Gusti Situt Machmud No. 41, Siantan Pontianak, Phone : 0561-35384, 35343
Citra Kasih Khatulistiwa Tours & Travel, Jl. Pak Kasih No. 6, Pontianak, Phone : 0561- 36436, 36729,
Fax : 0561-36729
Inti tours & Travel, Jl. Gusti Situt Machmud No. 4, Pontianak, Phone : 0561- 35773 Fax : 0561-33683
TEL : (91-22)23868678/23800940 FAX : (91-22)23800941