İsmail ALBAYRAK, Ph.D - Australian Catholic University


İsmail ALBAYRAK, Ph.D - Australian Catholic University
İsmail Albayrak was born in Ankara in 1968. Upon receiving his primary and
secondary education he began to study in the School of Divinity/Ankara where
graduated in 1991. In 1994 he won a scholarship from Turkish Higher
Education Council to continue his postgraduate studies in abroad. For this
purpose, in 1995 he went to England. Ismail received his PhD degree from
Leeds University in 2000. Since then he has been working at Sakarya
University, Adapazarı/TURKEY, where he teaches and writes on Qur’anic
Studies, classical exegesis, Contemporary Approaches to the Qur’an and
Orientalism. He is also interested in the place of Muslim communities and their
activites in Globalizing World together with the study of interfaith dialogue. In
November 2008 he was appointed to the newly established Fethullah Gülen
Chair in the Study of Islam and Muslim-Catholic Relations at Australian Catholic
Work Address
Fethullah Gulen Chair in the Study
Of Islam and Muslim-Catholik Relations,
250 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
VIC 3002, Australia
Locked Bag 4115 Fitzroy MDC VIC 3065
University of Leeds/Theology and Religious Dept.: (July 1997 –
September 2000). Dissertation: ‘Qur’anic Narrative and Isrâ’îliyyât in
Western Scholarship and in Classical Exegesis.’
Ankara University/School of Divinity: (September 1992 – January
1994). Thesis: ‘İbn Atiyye ve Tefsirdeki Metodu/ Ibn Atiyya and his
methodology of Exegesis’
Ankara University, School of Divinity: (October 1987 – June 1991).
Studies in basic Islamic sciences such as Qur’anic exegesis, Islamic
law, Prophetic tradition, Islamic theology, History of Islam etc.
Professor National Australian Catholic University, Fethullah Gulen Chair in the
study of Islam and Muslim-Catholic Relations (since November 2007)
Associated Professor Sakarya University/School of Divinity, Dept. of Basic Islamic
Sciences (since November 2005)
Assistant Professor Sakarya University/School of Divinity, Dept. of Basic Islamic
Sciences (since April 2001).
Research Assistant Sakarya University/School of Divinity, Dept. of Basic Islamic
Sciences (Qur’anic Studies) (December 1994–April 2001).
Vice Dean Sakarya University/School of Divinity (01.04.2006-20.10.2007)
Jordon University/Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan (28.10.2007-30.05.2007)
Klasik Modernizmde Kur’an’a Yaklaşımlar/Approaches to the Qur’an in Classic
Modernism, İstanbul: Ensâr Publication 2004
Oryantalizmi Yeniden Okumak: Batı'da İslam Çalışmaları/Re-reading Orientalism:
Islamic Studies in the West, Ankara: Türkiye Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları 2003
(Co-editors: Abdullah Aydınlı, Erdinç Ahatlı and İsmail Albayrak)
Articles (in English)
‘The Qur’anic Narratives of the Golden Calf Episode,’ Journal of Qur’anic Studies, 3,
47-70 (2001).
‘Charles C. Torrey’s Concept of the Qur’an and Its Narratives,’ Sakarya Üniversitesi
İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3, 137-150 (2001)
‘Re-evaluating the Notion of Isrâ’îliyyât’, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi
Dergisi, 14, 69-98 (2001)
‘Isrâîliyyât and Classical Exegetes’ Comments on the Calf with a Hollow Sound:
Q.20:83-98/7:147-155 with Special Reference to Ibn ‘Atiyya,’ Journal of Semitic
Studies, 47, 39-65 (2002).
‘The Classical Exegetes’ Analysis of the Qur’anic Narrative 18:60-82,’ Islamic
Studies, 42, 289-315 (2003).
‘The Notions of Muhkam and Mutashabih in the Commentary of Elmalı’lı Muhammed
Hamdi Yazır,’ Journal of Qur’anic Studies, 5, 19-34 (2003).
‘Turkish Exegeses of the Twentieth Century: Hak Dini Kur’an Dili’, Islamic Studies,
43, 391-414 (2004)
‘The Historical Status of the Qur’an: Modern Discussion Among Turkish Academics’,
Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 17, 457-469 (2006)
'The Juxtaposition of Islam and Violance', Muslim Citizens of the Globalized World:
Contribution of the Gülen Movement in (eds.) Robert A. Hunt-Yüksel A. Aslandoğan,
Baltimore: Light Pub. 2007, 119-130
‘Five Classical Exegetes’ Commentaries on Maidah (the Heavenly Table) Episode:
5:111-115, Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 59, 93-121 (2008)
‘Servanthood of the Prophet Muhammad’, Dialogue Asia-Pacific Magazine, 15 (2008),
‘The Notion of Reconciliation in Islam’, Dialogue Asia Pacific Magazine, 17 (2008),
‘One God-Divided World’, Dialogue Asia Pacific Magazine, 18 (2009), 14-16
Articles (in Turkish)
‘Richard Bell, Kur’an Çalışmaları ve Kur’an Vahy-i Hakkındaki Görüşleri/Richard Bell
and his views on Qur'anic Studies and the notion of the revelation,’ Sakarya
Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3 (2001), 267-280
‘John Wansbrough’nun Kur’an Tarihi Teorisi ve Batı’da Doğurduğu Tartışmalar/John
Wansbrough's theory on Qur'an and its history and the discussion his works created
in the West’, İslâmiyât, 4 (2001), 163-180
‘Abdülhamîd el-Ferâhî ve Emin Ahsen el-Islâhî’nin Geliştirdikleri Kur’an Tefsiri
Metodolojisi/Farahi and Islahi's methodology of the exegesis’, Sakarya Üniversitesi
İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4 (2001), 69-84
‘Kur’an ve Anlatı[m] Bilim/the Qur'an and Narratology’, EKEV, 6 (2002), 87-103
‘Metinsel Diyalog: İslâmiyyât/Textual Dialogue: Islamiyyat’, İslâmiyât, 5 (2002),
‘Kur’an-ı Kerim Âyetler’inin Tertîbi Hakkındaki Oryantalist Söyleme Genel Bir
Bakış/Re-evaluating of the Orientalists' Approaches to the Qur'anic Surah order’,
Marife, 2 (2002), 155-164
‘Doğulu Bir Oryantalist: Toshihiko Izutsu ve Kavram Çalışmaları (Küfür Kavramı
Özelinde)/As an Eastern Orientalist: Toshihiko Izutsu and His Conceptual studies: the
concept of kufr', İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi, 18, (2005), 108-121
‘Elmalılı Muhammed Hamdi Yazır ve Bedizüzzaman Said Nursi’nin Nesh Konusuna
Yaklaşımı/E.M. Hamdi Yazır and B. Said Nursi's Understanding of the Notion of Naskh
in the Qur'an’, Yeni Ümit, 64, (2004), 36-41
‘Erken Dönem Kurrâ ile İlgili Oryantalistik Bakış Açısının Eleştirel Değerlendirmesi/Reevaluating of the Orientalists' Approaches to the notion of Qurra in early years of
Islam’, Marife, 4, (2004), 129-154
‘John Wansbrough ve Ahkam Tefsiri/John Wansbrough and his Understanding of
Legal exegesis,’ İslam Hukuku Araştırmaları, 2, (2004), 127-140
‘Oryantalist Misyonerler ve Kur’an: Batı Etkisinde Hint Kur’an Araştırmaları Adlı Eser
Üzerine Bazı Mülahazalar/Critical re-evaluation of the book entitled Orientalist
Missioneries and the Qur'an’, Hadis Tetkikleri Dergisi/Journal of Hadith Studies, 2,
(2004), 141-150
‘İçimizdeki Öteki: Tefsirde Hâricî (İbâdî) Algılamasına Dair Genel Bir
Değerlendirme/Internal other: General re-evaluation of understanding of exegetes'
approaches to the Khawarij and Ibadis’, Usûl, 4, (2005), 7-38
`Bir Peygamber Aşığı ve Türk Dostu: Muhammed Marmaduke Pickthall/The life and
general views of M. Marmaduke Pickthall who loved the Prophet and Friend of Turks',
Yeni Ümit, 18, (2006), 9-12
‘Bir Başka Kahve Hikayesi’, Yeni Ümit, 81 (2008), 50-51
‘Uzlaşma Kültürü’, Yeni Ümit, 83 (2009), 8-11
Conference Papers
International Conferences:
‘The Notions of Muhkam and Mutashabih in the Commentary of Hamdi Yazır’,
Conference on The Qur’an: Text, Translation and Interpretation, Centre of Islamic
Studies (SOAS) University of London, 11-12 October 2001 (presented in English)
‘İslam Toplumunda Kur’an’ın Yeri ve Yorumu/The place of the Qur'an and its
interpretation among Muslims’, Müslüman Hıristiyan Diyaloğu: Birbirimizi Tanımak,
Tanrı Kelâm’ı İle İlgili Sempozyum, Yeşilköy (Latin) Kilisesi, 2-5 Ekim 2003, İstanbul
(presented in Turkish)
‘The Historicity of the Qur’an: Modern Discussion Among Turkish Academics’,
Halle/Germany, University of Martin Luther, (29. Deutscher Orientalistentag, 20-24
September 2004) (presented in English)
‘Islam and Terror’, Southern Methodist University/Dallas-Texas Interfaith Dialogue,
3-4 March 2006
‘The People of the Book in the Qur’an and Exegesis’, Jews, Christians, Muslims:
Reading our Text about others with Sensitivity, (19 March 2006) Chicago.
‘Dini İnanç ve Ahlaki Değerlerin Sosyal Hayata Katkısı/How do the religions and
ethical values contribute to the social life’, Medeniyetler Diyaloğu ve Birlikte Yaşama
Uluslar arası Forum Programı, (21-24 Haziran 2006), Kırgızistan
‘Fethullah Gülen’s Educational Movement and its Contribution to Global Peace and
Tolerance’, Globalisation: the Common Good Conference, (30th June-4th July 2008),
‘Reconciliation in Islam’, 7th International Inter-religious Abraham Conference:
Walking together, our faith&reconciliation, (19 October 2008), Sydney/Australia
‘Violence from the perspective of Fethullah Gulen’, Muslims between tradition and
modernity: The example of the Gulen movement as a bridge between cultures, the
University of Potsdam, 26-7 May, Germany
National Conferences (presented in Turkish)
‘Batı’da Son Dönem Kur’an Çalışmaları ve Yeni Gelişmeler/The Status of present
Qur'anic Studies in the West’, Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi ve T.C. Diyanet
İşleri Başkanlığı Tarafından 11-12 Mayıs 2002 de Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat
Fakültesinde Düzenlenen Oryantalizmi Yeniden Okumak: Batı’da İslam Çalışmaları
adlı Sempozyumda sunulmuştur. (Ankara: Türkiye Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları
2003, ss.169-190)
‘Kur’an’ı Kerim ve Tefsir Açısından Hızır Kıssası ve Ledün İlmi/The Narrative of Khidr
(wise man) and Hidden Knowledge from the Qur'anic and Exegetical Perspectives’,
12-13 Ekim 2002’de Üsküdar/İstanbul’da İslâmî İlimler Araştırma Vakfı (İSAV)
tarafından düzenlenen Kur’an ve Tefsir Araştırmaları–V adlı sempozyumda
sunulmuştur. (İstanbul: Ensar Y. 2003, ss.187-210)
‘Recep Kaymakcan’ın İngilteredeki Orta Dereceli Okullarda Din Öğretimi ile İlgili
Sunduğu Tebliğin Müzakeresi/Review of the Paper of Recep Kaymakcan Concerning
the Religious Education in England’, Avrupa Birliği Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye’de Din
Eğitimi ve Sorunları Sempozyumu, (Editör: Suat Cebeci), Adapazarı 2001, ss. 78-79
Conferences & Seminars Organised
One of the organisers of the conference entitled Oryantalizmi Yeniden Okumak:
Batı’da İslam Çalışmaları/Re-evaluation of Orientalism: Islamic Studies in the West
(11-12 May 2002)
Seminars and Panels
‘The notion of the Truth in Islam’, Victorian Shared Values Symposium, 20th July
2008, Melbourne/Australia
‘The meaning of the noble birth of the Prophet Muhammad’ on the Commemoration
of Muhammad’s (pbuh) noble birth, organized by Selimiye Foundation (Dallas, 19
March 2008)
‘Significance of Ramadan and Fasting’, On occasion of joint iftar dinner organized by
Australian Intercultural Society and Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission of
Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, 9th September 2008, Cardinal Knowx Centre
Lecture Theatre, Melbourne/Australia
‘Abraham’s sacrifice’, in Conversation between Muslims and Catholics, 9th August
2008, Melbourne/Australia
‘One God in a Divided World’, Australian Catholic University in Association with the
Catenians, 11 September 2008, Sydney; 23 September 2008, Melbourne; 12
November 2008, Canberra/Australia
‘Theme: Revelation in Scripture’ in Victorian Association for Teachers of Texts and
Traditions Annual Conference 2009 (13 Friday 2009, Victoria University, Flinders).
Translations (from English to Turkish)
‘İslam’ın Doğuşuyla İlgili Alternatif Yaklaşım (From Neal Robinson’s Discovering the
Qur’an: A Contemporary Approach to a Veiled Text (London: SCM Ltd. 1996) Part
III), İslâmi Araştırmalar Dergisi, 16, 166-175 (2003)
‘Tefsir Çalışmalarının Bugünkü Durumu’ (From Adrew Rippin’s article ‘Present Status
of Tafsir’, Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3, 45-65 (2003)
‘Mu’minûn Suresi’nin yapısı ve tefsiri’ (Neal Robinson’s article ‘The Structure of Surah
Mu’minûn and Its Interpretation’, Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 9,
185-206 (2004)
‘Kur’an Hermenötiğine Doğru: Humanist Yorum Arayışı,’ Nasr Ebû Zayd’s article
‘Toward’s a Hermeneutics of the Qur’an: The Search For Humanistic Interpretation’
İslâmiyât, 7, 39-60 (2004)
Translations (from Turkish to English)
‘Isnads and Rijal Expertise in the Exegesis of Ibn Abi Hatim (327/939),’ Mehmet Akif
Koç’s article ‘İbn Ebî Hatim’in Tefsirinde İsnadlar ve Ricâl Konusundaki Uzmanlığı’,
Der Islam, 82, 146-168 (2004)
‘Critical Evaluation of Herbert Berg’s Recent Work: The Development of Exegesis in
Early Islam’, Mehmet Akif Koç’s article ‘Herbert Berg’in Son Kitabı’nın Eleştirel
Değerlendirmesi’, (Unpublished)
Review of the Book written by M. Akif Koc, 'Erken Dönem Tefsir Faaliyetleri/Early
Exegetical Activities' adlı eserin İslamiyat bülteninde Tanıtımı (Haziran-Temmuz
2003), ss.22-24
General Review and critical evaluation of the papers presented in the Conference ‘1112 Ekim 2001’de Londra’da Yapılan Kur’an: Metin, Çeviri ve Yorum' (The Qur’an:
Text, Translation and Interpretation) Adlı Konferanstan Genel İzlenimler,’ Sakarya
Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4, 221-238 (2001)
General Review and Critical evaluation of the papers presented in the Conference
'Oryantalizmi Yeniden Okumak: Batı’da İslâm Çalışmaları Sempozyumundan Genel
İzlenimler', Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 5, 191-212 (2002)
Review of the Book written by Felix Korner, 'Revisionist Koran Hermeneutics in
Contemporary Turkish University Theology', Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations,
17/3 (2006)
TEACHING EXPERIENCE (School of Divinity/Sakarya University-Australian
Catholic University)
Postgraduate Courses in the Department of Theology (M.A.)
Theology 513 Qur’anic Studies in the West: Classical Period (Fall 2002-2006)
Theology 514 Qur’anic Studies in the West: Modern Period (Spring 2002-2006)
Theology 633 Muslim-Christian Relations (Fall 2009)
Undergraduate Courses in the Department of Architecture
Theology 844 Methodology of Exegesis (Fall 2002)
Theology 847 History of Exegesis (Fall 2003)
Theology 658 Modern Approaches to the Exegesis (Fall 2002-2005)
Theology 717 Contemporary Problems in Qur’anic Exegesis (Spring 2002-2006)
HUMA 100 Introduction to Islam (Fall 2008)
Theology 101 Introduction to Judaism and Islam (module on Islam) (Fall 2009)
Theology THSS 300 Introduction the Qur’an (Spring 2009)
Teacher in a Religious High School (October 1991-November 1994)
Journal of Usûl (Methodology)
Journal of Sakarya Üniversity
Scientific Journal of Religious Presidency of Turkish Republic
Journal of Research in Islamic Studies
Ottoman Language: