Transmitter Site - Media Institutions


Transmitter Site - Media Institutions
Broadcasting Technologies
Burak Doğu
Department of Media and Communication, IUE
Broadcasting news
• Nature of news
• Presentation
• Relationship with the space
• „Global village‟
• Relationship with audience
• Impact and immediacy
• News or entertainment?
• Invention of electromagnetic waves
• Propaganda
• “The spiritual weapon of the
totalitarian state” (Goebbels)
• Rundfunkhaus
• Volksempfänger (people‟s receiver)
• National psyche
• Intimate
Types of radio stations
• Music
• by genre
• News/talk
Types of radio programmes
News bulletins
Magazine shows
Music programmes with guests
Round-table discussions
TV days
• It evolved in 1940s with local stations.
• Nationals and cable networks (CNN)
• Various new formats
• NBC tradition
• “If it bleeds, it leads.”
• Superficial
Term: Broadcasting
Broadcasting means transmitting audio visual
information through electromagnetic waves by
radio or television.
Analog vs Digital
As a technology, „analog‟ is the process of translating
an audio or video signal into electronic pulses.
„Digital‟ is breaking the signal into a binary format
where the audio or video data is represented by a
series of "1"s and "0"s.
Basics of Broadcasting Technology
• The inventions of telegraph and telephone
• Communication over long distances
• The use of electromagnetic waves
• Modulation
Basic Sound Concepts
Sound we hear is actually the pressure waves in the air.
Facsimile : Representations of the original form.
Oscillation : Any kind of vibration observed as a waveform
which has its own unique signature.
Amplitude : Determines how loud the pressure wave sounds.
Frequency : Whether the wave sounds are high or low in tone.
• A pure single tone has a single frequency and known as a sine wave.
• Frequency is measured by cycles per second the unit, usually known
as a hertz or Hz.
• The range of frequencies that can be passed, combined with
information on how accurately their amplitudes are reproduced, is
known as frequency response of the equipment or system.
Basic Audio Concepts
• Microphone : It turns a sound pressure wave in the air into an
electrical audio signal that matches the amplitude of the
pressure wave.
• Loudspeaker : It receives the electrical audio signal and turns it
back into sound waves in the air that we can hear.
Source - - - - - Signal Chain - - - - -> Listener
• Signal loss
• Monophonic sound vs. Stereophonic sound
Visible Light and Color
• Light is an electromagnetic wave generated by the source of light.
• Luminance : Amplitude of the light wave determines the brightness
of light which is referred to as the luminance level.
• Hue : Frequency of the light wave determines its color which is
refered to as its hue.
• Saturation : Refers to how strong the color is or how much it has
been mixed with white.
Characteristics of the Human Vision
• Persistence of vision : After an image is being viewed has
disappeared, the eye still sees the image for a fraction of a second.
This phenomenon allows us to perceive consecutively shown still
pictures as moving images.
• Frame rate : Refers to the number of frames shown each second in
television or cinema.
Basic Video Concepts
• Camera : Turns the light that it receives into an electrical
video signal.
• Television display and picture monitor : Receives the
electrical video signal and turns it back into red, green, and
blue light that we can see.
• Interlaced scan vs. Progressive scan
Sample: Interlaced Scan
Electromagnetic Waves
• Electromagnetic waves are vibrations of electrical and magnetic energy that
can travel long distances, through different materials.
• Electromagnetic spectrum
o Radio waves (RF)
o Microwaves (very short radio waves)
o Infrared waves
o Light waves
o Ultraviolet waves
o X-rays
o Gamma rays
o Cosmic rays
• All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light: 186,000 miles per
second, or approximately 300 million meters per second.
Frequency, Wavelength and Amplitude I
• A hertz (Hz) is one cycle of the wave per second.
• The units of RF:
o kHz kilo (thousand) hertz
o MHz mega (million) hertz
o GHz giga (billion) hertz
• Wavelength : The distance that one „wave‟ or cycle of a signal occupies.
• Amplitude : Determines the height of the radio wave.
• Frequency : Determines the number of cycles per second.
Wavelength = Speed of light / Frequency
For instance: MF (Medium Frequency) AM radio band
300 million meters/sec /1120 thousand cycles/sec = 268 meters
Frequency, Wavelength and Amplitude II
Sample test page
• Bandwidth : The range of
frequencies from lowest to
• UHF (Ultra High Frequency)
and SHF (Super High
Frequency) have further
subdivisions, with bands that
are used for terrestrial radio
links, satellite links and for
satellite broadcasting.
• These include L, S, C, X, Ku, K
and Ka bands with frequencies
from 1 GHz to 40 GHz.
Transduction and modulation
• The process of changing one form of energy into another is
called transduction.
• Radio waves are often referred to as carrier or carrier waves.
• Each carrier wave carry information by varying one or more
characteristics and this is called modulation.
• Subcarrier : It may either refer to a modulated carrier that is
combined with other signals and than modulated onto a higher
frequency or it may refer to use of multiple carriers of similar
frequencies in one system.
Amplitude Modulation (AM)
• The program information signal is used to modulate the
amplitude of the carrier wave.
• In the AM wave the amplitude of the carrier wave changes
whereas its frequency remains constant.
Frequency Modulation (FM)
• The program information signal is used to modulate the frequency of
the carrier wave.
• In the FM wave the frequency of the carrier wave changes whereas
its amplitude remains constant.
Digital Modulation Systems
• Digital broadcasting uses more sophisticated modulation
systems, including variants of amplitude and frequency
• COFDM (Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex)
system uses multiple carriers for digital transmission to
make the signal more robust.
The Broadcast Studio
The Basic Structure of Radio or Television Broadcast Studio
Studio Complex > Studio Transmitter Link > Transmitter Site
Studio Complex : The place where the programming originates.
Studio Transmitter Link : The connection between the studio
complex and the transmitter site.
Transmitter Site : A device that, with and antenna, broadcasts
the program material over the air.
Types of Broadcasting
Analog Radio,
Digital Radio,
Satellite Radio,
Analog Television,
Digital Television,
Satellite Television,
Cable Television,
Groups and Networks,
Internet Radio and Television.
Analog Radio
• Radio broadcasting throughout the world falls into two
categories: AM (Amplitude Modulation) and FM (Frequency
• FM uses the very high frequency (VHF) band, whereas AM can
be used in medium frequency (MF), long wave (lower than MF),
shortwave high frequency (HF) bands. Long Wave and HF bands
are better for broadcasting for wider areas.
Digital Radio
• IBOC (In-Band-on-Channel)
• DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) aka Eureka 147
• ISDB-TSB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting – Terrestrial
Sound Broadcasting)
• DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale)
Digital Audio Broadcasting
Satellite Radio
• XM and Sirius
• World Space
Analog Television
• NTSC (National Television System Committee)
• PAL (Phase Alternating Line)
• SECAM (Sequential Couleur avec Mémoire)
Digital Television
• ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee)
• DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial)
• ISBD-T (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting-Terrestrial)
Digital Broadcast Standarts
Satellite Television
• Medium and Low-Power Services
• Digital Satellite Broadcasting
Satellite television networks in Turkey
Lig TV, ShowMax, ShowPlus, GoldMax, GoldMax2, MovieMax,
MovieMax2, ActionMax, TürkMax, MovieMax HD, ComedyMax,
DiziMax, MyMax, İz TV, Estore Tv, S‟nek TV
Dream TV, Dream Türk, D Max, D Yeşilçam, D Plus, D Çocuk, D
Spor, BJK TV, GS TV, FIX TV, Movie Smart, Movies 24, Comedy
Smart, Pembe Smart, D Shopping, TAY TV, Emlak TV.
Cable Television
• Cable Television systems provided by multiple service
operators distribute large numbers of television and audio
program channels over networks of cables over large areas.
• In Turkey Türksat A.Ş. regulates the cable television service.
Groups and Networks
Networks produce programs for distribution to stations
that they own and to other stations in the network,
known as affiliates.
The term network is also often used to describe
companies that produce one or more programs for
distribution to multiple cable and satellite operators.
Internet Radio and Television
• Streaming technologies
• Buffering and compression
• Rights management
Case Study 1: Türk Telekom
23 Şubat 1994
Türkiye GSM teknolojisiyle tanıştı.
24 Nisan 1995
PTT'deki telekomünikasyon ve posta hizmetlerinin birbirinden ayrılmasıyla Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş.
27 Nisan 1998
GSM lisansı, 25 yıllığına Turkcell ve Telsim şirketlerine devredildi
Temmuz 2000
Kablo TV üzerinden Kablo İnternet uygulamaları başlatıldı.
8 Ocak 2001
Aycell Haberleşme ve Pazarlama Hizmetleri A.Ş. kuruldu.
21 Mart 2001
İş-TIM Telekomünikasyon Hizmetleri A.Ş., Aria ticari ünvanı ile faaliyete geçti.
22 Temmuz 2004
Türksat Uydu Haberleşme ve İşletme Anonim Şirketi (Türksat A.Ş.) kuruldu. Türk Telekom‟dan ayrı bir
şirket olarak faaliyetine başladı.
14 Kasım 2005
Türk Telekom'un özelleştirilmesi çalışmaları tamamlanarak, %55'i Oger Ortak Girişim Grubu'na
26 Nisan 2006
TTNET Anonim Şirketi, Türk Telekom iştiraki olarak kuruldu ve "İnternet Servis Sağlayıcı Lisansı" alarak
faaliyetlerine başladı.
15 Mayıs 2008
Türk Telekom hisselerinin %15‟lik payı halka arz edilerek, İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası‟nda işlem
görmeye başladı.
Case Study 2: TÜRKSAT
Intelsat‟a (Uydular Aracılığı ile Haberleşme Uluslararası Organizasyonu) üye olundu.
23 Nisan 1979
İlk uydu yer istasyonumuz AKA-1 (Ankara-1) İngiltere'yle 11 telefon kanalı kurularak servise verildi.
AKA-1‟in hizmete verilmesiyle Intelsat üzerinden Atlantik bölgesi uyduları kullanılarak 13 ülke ile
haberleşme sağlandı.
10 Nisan 1985
Haberleşmede kanal kapasitesini artıran fiber optik kablo, ilk kez Ankara (Ulus) - Gölbaşı Uydu Yer
Merkezi arasında yeraltında döşendi.
03 Kasım 1985
Eutelsat sistemiyle çalışan AKA-2 yer istasyonu hizmete verildi.
4 Mart 1987
Avrupa'da ilk olarak uydu sistemi üzerinden video konferans ülkemizde gerçekleştirildi.
11 Ağustos 1994
Türkiye'nin Türksat 1B uzaya fırlatıldı ve 42° East (Doğu) yörüngesine başarıyla yerleştirildi.
10 Temmuz 1996
Türkiye'nin ikinci uydusu Türksat 1C uzaya fırlatıldı ve 31.3° E yörüngesine yerleştirildi.
11 Ocak 2001
Türk Telekom ve Alcatel ortaklığı ile kurulan Eurasiasat Şirketi tarafından yaptırılan Türksat 2A
(Eurasiasat 1) uydusu uzaya fırlatıldı.
22 Temmuz 2004
Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. tarafından yürütülen uydu haberleşme hizmetlerinin yeni bir şirket altında
yürütülmesi amacıyla Türksat A.Ş. kuruldu.
21 Nisan 2005
Kablo altyapısı ve bu altyapı üzerinden yürütülen hizmetler (KabloTV, KabloInternet) Türksat A.Ş.‟ye
20 Nisan 2006
e-Devlet kapısının kurulması, işletilmesi ve yönetilmesi görevi Türksat A.Ş.‟ye verildi.