volume - C2C Yachting


volume - C2C Yachting
2009volume 2
Christian History of Western Turkey
Turkey’s Little Known Facts
Management and Publisher
C2C International
Yachting Partners LLP.
Bank House 81 St. Judes Road
Englefield Green
Surrey TW20 ODF
CS Tan›t›m
‹letiflim ve Tasar›m Hizmetleri
Kofluyolu Cad. Halili Sok. No:10/2
Tel: +90 216 545 20 87
Canan Sa¤esen, Nihan Bizim,
Deniz Tuncal› Muz, ‹pek Ar›c›
Clifford H. Polley, Onur Özgey, Begüm Bak›r,
Missy Johnston, Erol Altan, Erdinç Canberk,
Mehmet Tunal›, Andrew Blight, Delio “Chip” Mir
UniPrint Basim Yay. A.S.
Tel: 0212 798 28 40
Publishing Date and Place
‹stanbul, May 2009
Publication Type
International Periodical
C2C Yachting Turkey is a publication of C2C
International Yachting Partners LLP. And all rights
reserved. The name and publishing rights are
held by C2C International Yachting Partners LLP.
Including all written material, photographs
published in this magazine unless otherwise stated.
Nothing in this magazine may be republished,
borrowed, or copied in any way without the full
credit and or written permission from the actual
source of C2C International Yachting Partners LLP.
Clifford H. Polley
Dear Travelers,
As the season starts it is a year with new comings as travelers are searching for new endeavors and
experiences. Here in Turkey there has been a lot of energy within the country and so much happening
throughout. Even with all that has been happening it is not hard where to start, this is the past visit
of President Barack Obama and the mere presence in the country has been something that will live on
for years to come.
As an American here in Turkey it is truly an experience to see these new days coming to a country as
Turkey, with already the leaps and bounds that have happened along the years. This year has yielded
Turkey in a different light and has been magnified by all the high profile visits already which is on
course to continue over the year. Since living here from 1993 it has been an extraordinary experience
in Turkey and how the country has transformed over the years is nothing but exciting. Recently there
has been a lot of focus on the country in many different areas and I would like to mention a few such
as the overall Tourism, Golf and Yacht building industry which we will be focusing on in our next
issue. Within this issue you will find both some stories about ancient sites, tour areas, cruising locations,
local knowledge and as well areas that have been growing in great depth throughout the country such
as Golf. The growth of Golf & Resorts within the new courses being created throughout the country
along with 5 star hotels and link this with the incredible coastline of Turkey, you have blend that
is set to boom.
This year is the year of change and it is already in action being implemented from the world and
as well in Turkey.
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JUNE 6th-7th
Once again this year Istanbul is gearing up to host the Formula 1
races and there is a buzz in the air as times looms closer.
This year it is the weekend of June 6th and 7th that the F1
races will occur here in Turkey at the ‹stanbul Park Circuit.
The renowned German architect Herman Tilke designed the
track and the 5,338 kilometer (3.317 mile) circuit had its
official opening August 2005 with the inaugural Turkish Grand Prix.
As for the time of the year it could not be better as the city
will be in full swing of the summer season and should be an
event to be on your “must see” list!!
This year make it a point to visit this extra ordinary event F1
Turkish Grand Prix, where as you can watch the races during
the day in Asia and return to Europe for dinners and
entertainment along the wonderful waters of the Bosphorus.
‹stanbul, covering two contents from East to West is the only
area which will give you such a venue in order to give the full
experience to all the excitement surrounding the F1 races.
For spectators too, ‹stanbul Park's facilities are incomparable.
The track has a capacity for more than 130,000 fans, 25,000 of whom
can enjoy the action from the track's main grandstand. There is also
parking available for over 12,000 vehicles. Guests of honour are
entertained in the two three-storey VIP towers which dominate the
skyline at either end of the paddock. Each tower offers excellent
views during races - as well as suburb corporate hospitality all year
With its state-of-the-art facilities, ground-breaking layout and exotic
location, Istanbul Park is one of the world's most highly-regarded
racing circuits - and a must-visit destination for any serious motorsport
a place where
all things can happen
Corporate Events
Not only is ‹stanbul Park a world-class sporting venue, it can also
provide the ultimate backdrop for your corporate events. During the
Turkish Grand Prix weekend - or at any other time of year - the
corporate services department will ensure that your guests will always
leave with a broad smile on their face.
The twin hospitality towers can host up to 5000 people, and are set
against the stunning backdrop of the Herman Tilke-designed circuit,
making ‹stanbul Park the ideal location for conferences, exhibitions
and race-day entertainment.
Corporates can choose from various package options - or our expert
staff will create a bespoke package specific to your individual needs.
Either way we will help you to plan your event from start to finish,
ensuring your company is presented in a stylish, professional and
impressive manner.
Conveniently located less than an hour outside of the city centre,
‹stanbul Park is easily accessible by road, and Sabiha Gökçen
International Airport is just four kilometres away.
‘A little insight’
Kapadokya is famed for its Lunar landscape, astounding
underground cities and spectacular rock churches with
their walls decorated with vivid Byzantine frescoes.
The unforgettable landscape of this region originated
as volcanic ash spewed out by Mounts Hasan and Erciyes
during their active period. Eventually the ash solidified
into soft tufa stone, and was then shaped over time by
natural forces into a variety of “lunar” formations.
Human hands carved the canyon faces, cones, and rock
pillars into homes, churches and monasteries.
The ancient region of Kapadokya lies in central Anatolia,
between the cities of Nevflehir, Kayseri and Ni¤de. Here,
the traveller finds one of the most fantastic landscapes
in the world.Wind and weather have eroded soft volcanic
rock into hundreds of strangely shaped pillars,
cones and "fairy chimneys", often very tall, and in every
shade from pink through yellow to russet browns.
Kapadokya is an extraordinary land, combining unique
and beautiful natural features with a fascinating cultural
and historical past. Hittites, Byzantines and early
Christians established important landmarks here, as
did Mother Nature with her stunning erosion of the
soft volcanic deposits.
It is also a wonderful region for trekking and for photosafaris. The scenery is breathtaking in all four seasons:
miniature poppies in the springtime, the fruit and
flowers of summertime, autumn's grapes and blaze of
gold, and the winter blanket of snow.
Kapadokya - History
The first signs of human presence date from the neolithic
and the calcolithic periods. Indeed, hearths, statuettes
and lithic tools made of volcanic glass or bone have
been found.
The Hittites
Signs of human life have been discovered dating from
the bronze age and the Hittite period from
(3000-1750 BC). The soil contained gold, silver and
copper but no tin. Exchange developed with Assyrians
from Mesopotamia who founded trading posts in the
region. It has been established that writing existed in
Cappadoce thanks to Assyrian tablets on which you
can read the different taxes paid by the traders to
lunar landscape
Spectacular rock churches
underground cities
the Anatolian landowners, as well as the interests they
received from their debtors. A new artistic trend
appeared in Anatolia, as a result of cultural and religious
influences from Mesopotamia.
In around 2000 BC, people coming from Europe and
passing through Caucasus settled in Anatolia and they
integrated into native life. Their language was IndoEuropean and they were influenced by the native cultural
and religious rituals. Their writing was in the shape of
cuneiforms which can be found on numerous plates.
They progressively built the empire, Hatusas (today's
Bo¤azköy) and after 600 years of reign they were defeated
by the Phrygians and their empire was dismantled. Still
today some Hittite strongholds remain in central and
south-east Anatolia.
The Persians
After the Hittites other people took over the region,
Kimmers then the Medes and then the Persians who
named the region “Katpatuka” which means “Country
of thoroughbred horses”. Alexander the Great a
Macedonian king defeated the Persian armies in 334
and 332 BC and dismantled the Persian empire.
The Romans
Afterwards the Romans invaded the region and it became
a part of the Roman empire. As it was one of the most
extreme limits of the empire they built fortifications
around Kayseri and brought in their legions. Christianity
coming from Palestine spread in the south of Anatolia
and then onto Cappadoce. The first Christians emigrated
to the cities and villages and they started digging the
first churches and settled in the dwellings made in the
After the partition of the Roman empire into two
Cappadoce influenced by Byzantium that was often a
battlefield between Sassanides and Byzantines. Under
the ruling of Leon III, the idolatry of icons was banned
in Cappadoce this rule lasted over a 100 years but it
was hardly respected because the people who
worshipped icons found refuge in the monasteries of
Cappadoce. In the 11th century the Turkish Seljoukides
led by their chief Alparslan invaded Anatolia and
defeated Romanos Diogenes the Byzantine emperor.
Kapadokya - Culture
The cultural heritage of the Cappadocian people is a rich mosaic
of the many great civilizations that have inhabited the region
throughout time. The people of Kapadokya are as colourful as the
landscape and will delight you in conversation over tea, coffee or
wine and warm you with their generous hospitality. They are an
exotic people with a unique culture and set of traditions.
Their art and culture is influenced by each of the civilizations that
have occupied the region.There are several towns famous with
different hand crafts as Avanos is a town very well known for
pottary making. Its one of the great experince to have a
demonstration of making pottary and tiles in cave room. Rug
weaving is a part of tradition and life style of the Cappadocian
woman and Göreme is a well kown town as a rug weaving center.
The fertile soils have also provided a valuable export market of
grapes of the area.
Wine produced from the grapes grown in this region is such a
unique vinyard that one of the most important International Wine
Festivals of Turkey is held here each year!
Kapadokya - Churches
Since the most ancient of times men have hollowed out troglodyte
dwellings in this soft rock and here at the dawn of Christianity
the early Christians made countless cave churches chapels and
monasteries. There are over 600 churches scattered through the
The art style of the churches can best be considered in two
categories being in the 8th and 9th centuries are the iconoclastic
years. With decorations in red earth tones and symbolism in
simple geometric motifs and in the 10th to the 13th centuries saw
decorations on a plaster base that show the lives of Christ and
various saints. In some of the churches the frescoes of the later
period have fallen off revealing earlier decorations underneath.
Kapadokya - Underground Cities
Also in this region are a number of underground cities which
were used by Christians as places to retreat to and live in until
danger from their enemies had passed as these cities were wellhidden and safe. These were rooms for grain storage, stables,
sleeping chambers, kitchens, wells and air shafts. Today they are
well-lit and fascinating to explore
The underground city of Derinkuyu, about 50 kms south of
Göreme was at one time the home of up to 20,000 people and
today there are 8 floors of tunnels open to the visitor. The
ventilation shafts circular and descending from the surface to the
lower levels, bring home the scale of the labyrinth and massive
circular doors were rolled across the passages to seal the occupants
safely inside.
There are 37 subterranean settlements in the area although only
a few are open to the public. Kaymakl› which is 10 kilometers to
the north of Derinkuyu is smaller and less excavated with
5 accessible levels.
Ballooning in Kapadokya
Its a trully great experience and adventure of a life time.
A hot-air balloon flight is unique from all other experiences of
flight as there is no sensation of motion. Travelling at heights of
up to 1500 feet the feeling is one of peace and tranquility with
the earth slowly descending and rotating below you. Within
moments after lifting off you become at ease while you effortlessly
drift over the treetops and the spectacular Cappadocian landscape
and it is like a dream to gently float over the countryside in
complete harmony.
The deep canyons and lush fertile valleys of Kapadokya provide
the balloons with an ideal playground for a unique and memorable
flight with the gentle winds carrying you over places that could
never be reached except by balloon and is an experience to be
had. In season you may even be able to pick apricots from the
Erdinç Murat Canberk
Prof. Tour Guide
• April 29th-May2nd, Tennis “DAVIS CUP” Group III Europe/Africa Zone , ‹stanbul
• May 10th-14th, 28th Annual Marmaris Yacht Charter Show
• May 14th, “Depeche Mode” Concert- Santralistanbul, ‹stanbul
• May 15th-June 4th, 16th Annual International Theatre Festival, ‹stanbul
• May 7th-10nd, 10th Annual, Göcek International Regatta
• May 20th, UEFA Champions League Final - Fenerbahçe, ‹stanbul
• June 1st, Bodrum Sailing Club Summer Trophy
• June 5th-6th and 7th, Formula 1 Turkey Grand Prix - ‹stanbul
• June 5th-30th, 37th Annual ‹stanbul International Music Festival
• June 10th-July 3rd, 16th Annual Aspendos International Opera and Balet Festival, Antalya
• June 13th-20th, 37th Annual International ‹zmir Festival-Celsus Library, Ephesus-Kufladas›
• June 19th-20th and 21st, Powerboat P1 World Chanpionship- ‹stanbul
• June 27th-August 3rd, International Tennis WTA ‹stanbul Cup Tournament-‹stanbul
• July 2nd-16th, 15th Annual ‹stanbul International Jazz Festival
• August 10th-16th, 'TED Open' 61th International ‹stanbul Tennis Tournament
• August 10th-15th, Pegasus Airlines PWA Windsurf World Cup-Alaçat›, ‹zmir
• September 3rd-13th, Men's European Championship Volleyball Finals ‹stanbul and ‹zmir
• September 12th-November 8th, 11th International ‹stanbul Biennial
• September 12th, Ç›ra¤an Masters Tournament, Kemer, ‹stanbul
• September 30th-October 8th, Sabre Senior World Championships, Antalya
• October 1st-4th, Turkish Golf Open- Gloria, Antalya
• October 24th-30th, Marmaris International Race Week
• October 22th-24th, European Golf Club Cup Trophy- Klassis, Antalya
• October 31th, Antalya “Alt›n Portakal” Film Festival
• November 24th-27th, Golf Gloria International Pro- Am Tournament, Gloria, Antalya
• December 6th-13th, 4th Cornenelia Pro-Am Tournament, Faldo, Antalya
This tiny village of DALYAN is in the
province of Mu¤la on the South-Western
Mediterranean coast of TURKEY set in
the centre of a broad delta whose natural
beauty is completely unspoiled. This is
an area of outstanding natural beauty
and historic interest at Dalyan village
which is situated by the side of the long
winding Dalyan river. The area is under
wildlife protection, which is surrounded
by lush green fields breaking into
spectacular mountain ranges. Located on
the opposite side of the river is the ancient
city of CAUNOS that is believed to be
the second important city to have been
unearthed and every year due to
excavating more and more treasures are
discovered. The area around Dalyan has
some of the widest variety of wildlife to
be found in Turkey, including some
species of birds not found elsewhere in
the world and many underground
springs. ‹ZTUZU BEACH that is home
to the rare CARETTA CARETTA sea
turtles and has an incredible warm local
hospitality that is enjoyed by all.
Dalyan, in Turkish means 'Enclosure of
nets fixed on poles used for catching
fish'. Twelve years ago Dalyan was a small
fishing village and the discovery of the
endangered Caretta Caretta Turtles and
the wildlife in the area led to campaign
to designate the area for conservation.
Since 1989 Turkey has taken steps
towards the conservation of wildlife and
one of protected areas is Dalyan. The
village has therefore retained its natural
charm and beauty and has been a haven
for relaxation that has blossomed and
catering to all tourist visiting the ancient
area. There are local restaurants in which
to try Turkish cuisine, bars and shops.
In summary Dalyan is a very unique
destination full of culture, charm, history
and contrasting beauty, excellent cuisine
and unforgettable hospitality.
The Dalyan channel, which is connecting
the Mediterranean and Köyce¤iz Lake,
wines its way to the sea via a small
network of lakes, waterways and through
the rustling reed beds rising between 34 metres in height. With its mixture of
salt and fresh water these wetlands have
become home to a vast number of fish
and other water life and many species of
birds, which feed in the area.
From the Lake you meet with the
Mediterranean in around 30-40 minutes
with a local boat winding through the
passages. Protecting and dividing the
delta is the Iztuzu beach stretching for
six km with fine sand and turquoise sea.
Likya Rock Tombs 4th century B. C. from
the Lycia period within this city attract
a great amount of attention as these are
the tombs carved into the natural rocks
on the Cliffside which became the symbol
of the City. Here is Amintas which is the
most beautiful and most magnificent one
of the tombs and can be reached via small
path ways. This tomb can also be seen
from the below plains and when you
come near the admiration against its
greatness increases! At the middle part
of the left column "Herparnias's son
Amintas" has written with 4th century
B. C. alphabet the identification of this
person however it is not clearly known
who this is. There are many of tombs
that are valuable to be seen within the
province and one of the most important
of these is the one belonging to the Lycia
period as this Tomb has a strange
appearance ascending within the sea.
There is a rectangular, wooden chords
with a gothic style cover with arc
on the two layered front side. Both sides
of the cover is embossed picturing wars.
The ancient city of Caunos grew on the
border between Lycia and Caria and had a
particular culture as it was an independent
city state. The city was named after Caunos
who was said to be the son of Miletos and
grandson of Apollo. Historian Heredotus
says Caunos had lived a secret love with his
sister who was named Calbis and after this
was learned about this forbidden love Miletos
did not want Caunos in his country. At this
time Counos and his followers built the
border city that sprawls over a broad slope
overlooking the sea and the delta. Here at
Caunos you will find an Acropolis
surrounded by the city walls a theatre (which
seats 1500), four temples, agora, shops,
harbour, Roman bath and a cistern. Some of
ruins are still underground and to visit this
area you will need to cross the channel with
a rowing boat and about a 10 minute walk
to the city. If coming from the sea the area
of Caunos can also be visited as part of a
daily boat tour. Please note no private boats
are allowed in this area only government
permitted boats, which can be organized.
Dalyan has many therapeutic hot springs.
The waters which contain chemical elements
and sulphur are believed to cure rheumatism,
skin, liver, spleen and bowel problems as
well as being beneficial for nervous and
digestive disorders. The Sultaniye Thermal
Bath which is a famous Sulphur Bath in
Turkey with it's water at 40 degrees C. this
Bath has been used since Hellenistic times.
The mud baths are also said to remedy for
many problems and disorders as well as
cleanse and beautify skin for everyone to try.
Normally you would visit the mud bath (as
well 40 degrees C.) with first applying mud
over your body and leaving this to dry. After
well dried then into the sulphur pool rinsing
off leaving a refreshing feeling that will last
for time to come. This is a activity that many
guest visiting Turkey enjoy very much as it
is something of a ultimate natural cleansing
whereas the mixtures of the elements can
only be found in such areas.
The Caretta Caretta turtle is listed as
threatened on the Federal Fish and Wildlife
Endangered Species List. These turtles with
their large heads and reddish brown shells
come to ‹ztuzu Beach and nest from May to
September. They have yellowish to white
undersides measuring up to 3-4 feet in length
as the turtle reaches maturity around 15
years of age they can reach a weight between
150 to 300 pounds. The mating takes place
a few weeks before the female lays her eggs
in the sand on the beach. The Caretta Caretta
Turtle usually returns to the beach where
they themselves have been hatched as there
'Home'. The adult female usually will lay
eggs every two-three years. For these reasons
this Delta / Beach is a very highly protected
area and only a potion of the beach is opened
to public and during the mating season
the complete area is closed to pedestrians.
dalyan river trip
through ancient history
I was stunned and amazed the first time that I cruised
up the Dalyan River from the southern coast of
Turkey and saw the Lycian Tombs carved into the
cliff side. This was in 1988. I have since done this
trip up the river numerous times over the last 20
years and have enjoyed every minute of every trip.
The best way to do the Dalyan River Trip is exactly
as I have done, by embarking in flat bottomed river
boats right from your crewed charter yacht anchored
near the mouth of the Dalyan River.
A crewed yacht charter for the southern coast of
Turkey often starts in the towns of Marmaris or
Göcek. Either starting ports are very close to the
mouth of the Dalyan River. Once boarded your
crewed charter yacht, cruise from either Marmaris
or Göcek to the bay near Ekincik to anchor, and
put aside a full morning or afternoon for this trip.
It is best to have the Dalyan River Trip reserved in
advance, but your Captain can also make reservations
for you on arrival.
The mouth of the Dalyan River runs through a fertile
delta, where, after gradual silt infill over many
centuries, the mouth of this river has moved south
into the Aegean Sea, and is now divided into fingers
of shallow water meandering to the ocean through
the silt and reed banks. The word Dalyan, in Turkish,
means fishing weir. And indeed bass, mullet and
sea bream make their way up this river from the
Aegean Sea to spawn in Köyce¤iz Lake, located
further upstream. After spawning, the fish swim
back down the river to the sea. The Dalyan River is
actively fished, with nets strung across various parts
of the river. Fresh Dalyan River fish and crabs, if in
season, are prime items on the menus of many a
restaurant located in the town of Dalyan alongside
the river.
However, as the mouth of the river is shallow,
navigation up the river must be in a flat bottomed
river boat. A full business has sprung up along this
coastal area of flat bottomed river boats gaily painted,
built to cruise up the river, with a strong engine.
Along either side of the river boat is bench seating
covered for sun protection by an awning. Along
with the boat driver will also be a guide well versed
in the history of the area.
Across the mouth of the Dalyan River, is a long
sandbar or beach. This entire area is a national
conservation location for the Loggerhead Sea Turtle,
as this area has long been a nesting spot. The beach
is closed during the nesting season for egg laying and
the return of the many baby turtles, once hatched,
across the sands and into the surf of the Aegean Sea.
The trip begins from your anchorage with the
spectacular beauty of pine trees lining the beaches
surrounding the entrance and the river winding inland
around tall reed banks. As you pass over the sandbar
and into the narrow, reed-clad channels, it feels like
the "African Queen" revisited! This image is quickly
dispelled as the river opens up into a wide expanse
of water. Soon the riverboat dock for the ancient city
of Caunos comes into view. This is the first stop on
the Dalyan River Trip. Your boat driver will dock and
your guide will lead you up the path to the ruins of
the ancient city of Caunos. The ancient city of Caunos
once sat on a bay of the Aegean Sea; however with
centuries of silting, what is left of the city now sits
inland perched on the side of the Dalyan River, with
a fertile plain stretching in front of the ruins out to
the sea.
Even people who've claimed little interest in "piles
of old rocks" have emerged well and truly impressed
with the sense of history that emanates from this
place; as the extent of the remaining ruins still creates
a strong impression of the city that was once a lively
and bustling seaport. The city was peopled by the
Lycian, Greek and Roman cultures, which is reflected
in the architecture. There are even the remains
of a Romanesque church and crenellated city walls
ringing the surrounding mountain tops from a later
time period. At the Caunos site, walk freely through
ruins of the same buildings and streets built by these
ancient civilizations. Your private guide will explain
the history and ruins as you wander through the
amphitheatre, the Roman Bath, Romanesque church,
customs house and agora, and the Temple of Apollo.
After touring Caunos, return to your river boat to
continue up the river towards the town of Dalyan.
As you cruise, look to the left, and up on the hillside,
the amazing Lycian cliff tombs will come into view.
These complex cliff side tomb carvings date from
around 3rd & 4th centuries BC - this is now most
definitely a journey into the ancient world, and one
of the few places where these tombs from the Lycian
Civilization still exist. The sight is awe inspiring, and
well worth the trip up the river.
The tombs are best seen from your river boat, as they
are high up in the cliff side. Centuries ago, they were
ransacked, so that all that remains are the incredible
tomb fronts, and the wonder of how the tombs were
ever carved and built. Getting close to the tombs
requires the sure footing of a goat, and is not
recommended. Besides the view of the tombs are
better from the comfort of your river boat. Cap the
trip with a stop riverside in the town of Dalyan at
one of the Dalyan River fish restaurants featuring
fresh caught fish and seasonal crabs right out of the
river. As you dine on fresh caught Dalyan River fish
and seasonal crabs, gazing across the river at the
Lycian tomb facades, congratulate yourself for being
part of a once in a life time experience.
After eating take a quick stroll through the town of
Dalyan, complete with the typical rug merchants
hawking their wares. Then back to the riverboat,
down the Dalyan River, out to the sea and back to
your chartered yacht, to continue your crewed
yacht charter along the southern coast of Turkey.
Missy Johnston
Göcek is one of the ancient Lycian settlements found
between those of Fethiye and Caunos, still keeping its
secrets as historical writers have not disclosed the region's
assets and history in full detail. Examples of rock tombs,
monuments and ancient baths can be found in the bays
and along the Fethiye highway.
A prominent characteristic of Göcek is the fact that it
harbours islands and coves located in large and secluded
bays for about 11 kilometres.
Since Göcek is a Registered Area of Special Protection in
1988 where multi-storey buildings are not allowed in the
town center and its close surroundings. Göcek bays are as
well under Special Protection and Governance which there
is No allowed construction throughout the area and looked
after very strictly in order to keep all the natural aspect of
the area.
Göcek has all the necessary infrastructure, capacity and
spaces expected for a tourism center, yet it is renowned as
a much more peaceful and quiet settlement compared to
other tourism areas. The coverage of the Göcek Coves and
the 12 Islands that are widely described as a hidden paradise,
with clean Mediterranean water, green pine forests and
beaches have rendered Göcek an indispensable destination
for seafarers.
The gulf of Göcek and Fethiye provides many opportunities
to visit cultural sites such as, Caunos, Telmessos, Fethiye
Museum, Tlos, P›nara, Letoon, Xanthos and Patara. The
region has an incredible amount of History throughout and
can be seen almost in all locations.
There are many restaurants, cafés and bars at the promenade
in the quaint town of Göcek, beaches are close by and one
being the famous beach at Ölüdeniz (Fethiye) is only thirty
minutes drive away.
Göcek life continues much as it has done for centuries,
with phrase used by villagers to describe guests/foreigners
as “guests of God”.
Being within the coves of Göcek can be priceless to be away
from the crowd, alone with one's thoughts communing
with nature or spending some time with friends, or you
may just spend the day with water sports within the
tranquillity of the area.
The sincerity of the villagers you encounter ashore and the
rich history of the area makes for a very special experience
when exploring Turkey by the sea.
The region enjoys a virtually ideal climate, inviting waters
and islands each with its own special attraction. The vast
array of the attractive coastline on the Aegean and
Mediterranean seas have given this region a special name,
the “Turquoise Coast”. The Turquoise Coast is almost 560
km in length and extends from the North of Çeflme through
to Antalya in the South. Within the coastline there are so
many coves and bays it effectively doubles its length
making cruising along its seas a very special experience.
Mu¤la Province has 131 pearly bays located in the Gulf of
Fethiye joined by a harmony of nature there is no place in
the world beyond the bays of Göcek, where you can see as
many different hues of green and blue
You can explore even more remote locations during a blue
voyage aboard one of the locally built yachts called Turkish
Gullets. The Gullet is a modern adaptation of a traditional
Mediterranean sailing yacht and the name comes from the
Italian word “gouletta”. Gullets are locally produced from
Aegean pine with wide decks and large comfortable cabins.
With the Captain, cook and crew will be a natural harmony
in making a voyage aboard a Gullet an ideal way to fully
enjoy the turquoise coast of Turkey.
It is easy to travel to Göcek with the International Dalaman
Airport being only 15 minutes distance and with an easy
transfer once you arrive all the stresses of modern day
life will be dispelled.
Bays and Islands of Göcek
Whilst taking a tour through the bays of Göcek you
will enjoy the natural beauty and explore the many
ancient sites that this beautiful region has to offer.
The biggest of the 12 Islands is called “Tersane” which
is sheltered from all winds. According to ancient sources,
the island was used as a dockyard for the ships during
the Ottoman period. Leftovers of houses and a shipyard
from past ages can still be seen on the island.
“Cleopatra Bay” is a large bay full of pine trees and
known for its ruins in the sea. According to the myth,
during one of Cleopatra's visits she requested for a
Roman Bath to be built. The water, rich of elements
and minerals, was very good for the skin and contributed
to her beauty. Try it yourself - swim around the ruins
and become as beautiful as Cleopatra used to be!
The group of islands called “Yass›ca Islands” are wellknown for its sandy beaches. It is a great pleasure to
discover the tones of blue from the sea and green from
the pine and olive trees when you anchor in the shallow
waters close to one of the islands. Do not miss to try
one of the hand-made pancakes (Gözleme), which are
made in the traditional Turkish way.
“Göbün Bay” is a very calm bay with the crystal clear
waters and the quietness of a lake. Here you can find
a small cafe-restaurant, which is run by a local family.
“Göcek Island” is the closest island to Göcek and
can be reached in only 15 minutes.
“Zeytinli Island” (Olive Grove Island): is located on
the South of Yass›ca Island. As you will understand
from the island name the island is covered with olive
trees. There is an olive oil workshop is on the island
remaining from Ottoman times.
“Taflyaka Bay” (Spring):Taflyaka Bay that is located
Northwest of the Tersane Bay is known for the famous
Turkish painter Bedri Rahmi Eyübo¤lu and his friends
who visited during the 1970's and felt such admiration
for the beauty of the bay they also called it Bedri Rahmi
Points of attraction around the bay are cold fresh water
spring, a pebble beach decorated with oleanders, a fish
painting by Bedri Rahmi and a kite mosaic made by
artist Azra Erhat. In this bay you will as well find rock
cut tombs on the North side and notice areas of old
houses some under water.
The people who find the path to climb up the mountain
will reach within half an hour the Kilisebelen village,
where there are several houses of the village and
magnificent views of Dalaman plain, Dalaman airport,
Kocagöl and Baba island which make the walk well
“Sarsala Bay” is another preferred bay by sailors with
a natural bay ideal for swimming or spending the night
in. It is an attractive bay, which is one of the larger bays
further outside and ideal for water sports and nice
Truly Göcek is a place that must be visited as the
absolute jewel of the area and will mesmerize its guest
for centuries to come. One last warning! Please prepare
yourself as you will want to return every year after
visiting Göcek!
a native of
There are so many articles and books that have been written
about St. Paul and especially his trips on land but there have
been very few articles about his sailings. What kind of difficulties
he had..! On what type of ships or boats did he use to travel
etc...! So far there is very poor information about this field in
any one writing for his journeys.
For this reason we have tried to locate some of the sight names
along the Turkish Coastline for our article “In the Steps of
Saint Paul”. These were the difficult trips by ship that can be
documented along the South & West Coast of Turkey.
Saint Paul… a native of Anatolia, born in Cilicia where his
house still stands and is visible even today.
The sailing of St. Paul around the coast line of the Asian Minor on his Journeys by ship.
1st . Journey
1. Antioch of Seleucid (Antakya)
2. Perge (Aksu)
3. Attalia (Antalya)
Port of call
(Possible Sea Ports)
2nd. Journey
Miletos (Milet-Balat)
Ephesus (Efes)
3rd. Journey
9. Antioch of Seleucid
10. Tarsus
11. Ephesus (Efes)
12. Symirna (‹zmir)
13. Assos (Behramkale)
14. Troas (-Geyikli)
15. Miletos
16. Patara
4th. Journey on the way to Rome
17. Myra (Demre-Kale)
Port of call
(Possible Sea Ports)
Odun ‹skelesi
PERGAMUM (Bergama)
Establish as a military center for Macedonian army and then became very
prosperous city and was controlling the whole West coast of Asia-Minor
(Anatolia) and first found in historical documents from around 323 B.C.
after the death of Alexander the Great when his general Lysimachus hid
around 9000 gold bullions ...
“And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write... thou dwellest, even
where Satan's seat is : and thou holdest fast my name... But I have a few
things against thee... Repent... To him that overcometh will I give to eat
of the hidden manna and will give him a white stone, and in the stone
a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”
(Revelation 2:12-14,16,17)
THYATIRA (Akhisar)
This small industrial town of Lydia was a military outpost established to
protect Pergamum and Sardis. (Acts 16:14). As the Greek God Apollo,
Roman emperors were worshiped.
“And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write… I am he, which
searcheth the reins and hearts : and I will give unto every one of you
according to your works.
And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him
I will power over the nations : And he shall rule them with a rod of iron.
And I will give him the morning star.” (Revelation 2: 18,23,26-28)
SMYRNA (İzmir)
This third largest city and one of the main sea ports of Turkey, built on
end of a huge gulf and was a great commercial center of Asia-minor.
At Smyrna, the Christians suffered for the persecution through the
centuries such as Polycarp of Smyrna.
“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write… be thou faithful unto
death, and I will give thee a crown of life… He that overcometh shall not
to be hurt of the second death.” (Revelation 2: 8,10,11)
SARDIS (Sart) - (Salihli)
Located right on the ancient Royal Road, Sardis was the religious and
commercial capital of Lydia throughout the centuries in classic ages.
This city still has a great synagogue that was restored over the years.
Here the Great Temple of Artemis is also worth to see.
“And to the angel of the church in Sardis write…be watchful…for I have
not found thy works perfect before God… Thou hast a few names even in
Sardis, which have not defiled their garments… for they are worthy.
He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment, and I will
not blot out his name out of the book of life…” (Revelation 3: 1-6)
Ruins of a small Apocalypse Byzantine church could be visited in town of
Alaflehir. (Revelation 2: 7-13).
“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write… be hold I have set
before thee an open door, and no man can shut it, for thou hast a little
strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not dine my name… hold that
fast which thou hast, that no take thy crown. Him that overcometh will
I make a pillar in the temple of my God…
And I will write upon him to the name of my God, and the name of the
city of my God, Which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of the
heaven from my God, and I will write upon him my new name.”
(Revelation 3: 7, 8, 11,12 )
LAODICIA (Eskihisar)
Located near Hierapolis, once this city was the commercial and religious
metropolis of the Eastern Caria along the river Lycos (a river of the main
river Meander). After the catastrophic earthquake in the first century A.D.,
the people refused the financial help of Roman Emperors and built their
own city again which was named Laodicia and Hierapolis whereas having
common cultural background.
“And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write… thou art
neither cold nor hot…so then because thou art lukewarm, neither cold
nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth…be hold, I stand at the door,
and knock…to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my
throne, even as I also overcome and set down with my Father in his
UNTO THE CHURCHES.” ( Rev. 3:14-16, 20-22 )
EPHESUS (Efes) (Selçuk, near Kuşadası)
The Great City, once it had the largest population in the
ancient world where one of the Seven Wonders of the World
was dedicated to the honor of Artemis. The City is the birthplace
of Artemis on whom fertility and beauty features of Cybele
and Dina mixed or equated by the Greeks. It was said that St
Paul stayed in the City for two years and where the silver
smith named Demetrius created a riot…
Apollos was born in Alexandria and was very strong in the
scriptures whereas he came to Ephesus. Within the Synagogues
he began preaching in a very strong way and publicly showing
the scriptures that Jesus was Christ, and it came to pass while
Apollos was in Corinth.
“Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to
Ephesus.., disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus. And
This continued by the space of two years; so that all they
which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both
Jews and Greeks. And God wrought special miracles by the
hands of Paul…” (Acts. 18: 24,26,28 - 19: 1,9-11, 24-41).
“Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write…do the first
work ; or else I will come unto the quickly, and will remove
thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent…
To him that overcometh will give to eat of the tree of life,
which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” (Rev. 2: 1,5,7)
Ecumenical Councils
To formulate, organized and define Orthodoxy, creeds, various
matters and heretics in belief of Christianity, the seven Ecumenical
Councils organized on Asia Minor (Anatolia) starting from forth
century A.D. as :
1- 325 A.D. - Council of NICIA
(1st.) Relations of Jesus and God Father
2- 381 A.D - Council of Constantinople
(1st.) Trinity and finalization of 1st. meting doctrine
3- 431 A.D. - Council of Ephesus
Denying that Mary is the mother of God
4- 451 A.D. - Council of Chalcedon
Incarnation of Christ
5- 553 A.D. - Council of Constantinople
(2nd.) Three chapters “ heretical”
6- 680 A.D. - Council of Constantinople
(3rd.) Divine wills of Christ
7- 787 A.D. - Council of Constantinople
(2nd.) Affirming the veneration of images.
(41°0'29"N 28°58'47"E) with a 33 meter wide dome dating back to the 6th century it is among
the most ambitious building projects ever undertaken even to date. It was considered to be the
most “sacred piece” of the city during the Byzantine age. After 1453, it was converted to a mosque
and in 1935 it was opened to visitors as a museum.
(41°0'46"N 28°59'2"E) was the political centre of the Ottoman Empire for 4 centuries and is
situated on the tip of old Constantinople. It now serves as a museum where Ottoman kitchen
equipments, clothing, jewelled thrones, daggers and the world wide famous “Kafl›kç› Diamond”
are exhibited.
(41°0'19"N 28°58'35"E) with the uniqueness of its 6 minarets reaching for the sky, built in the
17th century, is the greatest and most splendid mosque in Istanbul with charming blue tiles.
(41°0'29.15"N 28°58'40.11"E) is located near Southwest of Hagia Sophia. Inside the cistern are
336 columns, each 9 meters high, arising out of water. It now serves as a museum where one can
observe the fish swimming amongst the columns.
(41°0'38.09"N 28°58'4.56"E) with the history that has evolved from 1464 as a trading economic
center of its time and is still today Turkey's largest covered market offering a huge selection of
authentic goods such as Turkish carpets, pottery, jewellery, leather etc. It is truly a unique
(41°1'32"N 28°58'26"E) built in 1384, was originally called the Tower of Christ. It offers a
panoramic view of Istanbul. The tower became famous when Hazerfen Ahmet Çelebi flew from
the tower with artifical wings that he himself had invented in seventeenth century.
(41°1'15"N 29°0'14"E) constructed 2500 years ago, it is also called The Maiden's Tower. It is one
of the greatest symbols of Istanbul which has been featured in many James Bond movies.
(41°0'59"N 28°58'14"E) is a must visit for renowned chefs and guests alike and is an exotically
fragrant market filled with spices, dried fruits, different types of nuts and seeds, Turkish Delight
(Lokum) and much more to be found.
(39°58'25"N 26°16'38"E) has been the center of ancient civilizations for thousands of years. It
holds an important place on a land where the Anatolian civilization of the world was born and
flourished. Troy has always attracted the interest of archaeologists around the world for over
hundred years. The stories of Iliad and Odysseus, two masterpieces in the world literature, revolve
around this city.
(39°44'10"N 26°9'35"E) The ruins of ancient Alexandreia Troas, often just called Troas
(present-day Eskiistanbul) occupy a now lonely site 80km/50mi to the south of Çanakkale, near
Ezine. An important city at the time of Lysimachos, the massive remains date mainly from the Roman
(40°20'00"N 26°30'00"E) The Peninsula is a national park where many war memorials and
cemeteries belonging to Turks, Australians, New Zealanders, British and French are preserved.
Each year on April 25th war veterans and their families pay visit to this place.
(39°19'N 26°41'E) On the hill, just above the Çaml›k Forest there is an indentation
that looks like a huge footprint better known to the locals as the Devil's Footprint.
The incredible view from this point on the hill, overlooks all the surrounding coves,
the coastline and is especially nice at sunset.
(39°20'21"N 26°39'23"E) Being close to Ayval›k, the island is frequently visited by yachts. It is
surrounded by pine trees and olive groves. There are monasteries and churches on the island
with the biggest church being Taksiyarhis Church. One of the most important To Do's on the
island is the dining experience with incredibly delicious and various seafood dishes.
(37°56'25"N 27°20'28"E) One of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world. The temple of Artemis
was built in Ephesus, the largest city of Ionia. Ephesus is the best-preserved vintage city on the
Mediterranean and and is considered to be the best place in the world to get the feeling of what
life was like in Roman times.
(37°55'00"N 27°20'00"E) Located on the top of the "Bülbül" mountain, 9 km from Ephesus,
the shrine of Virgin Mary enjoys a marvelous atmosphere hidden in the greenery. It is the place
where Virgin Mary might have spent her last days. Indeed, she may have come to the area together
with Saint John, who has also spent several years in the area to spread Christianity. Virgin Mary
preferred this remote location rather than living in a crowded place.
It is believed that St. John had spent his last years in the region around Ephesus and was buried
in the southern slope of Ayosolu¤ Hill. Three hundred years after the death of Saint Paul, a small
chapel was constructed over the grave in the 4th Century. The church of St John was changed
into a marvelous basilica during the reign of Emperor Justinian (527 -565 AD).
(36°15'56"N 29°24'55"E) With beatiful beaches, the Zeus Cave and a Canyon; it is located only
25 km. from Kufladas› Marina.
”Alexander The Great” played a major role in the construction of the Temple of Athena, which
was built by the architect Pyheus in the ancient city of Priene.
(37°31'00"N 27°17'00"E) This city became famous for bringing up a number of important
philosophers such as Thale, Anaksimenes and Anaksimondros as well as Isidoros, who was the
architect of Hagia Sophia.
(37°21'00"N 27°14'00"E) The temple of Apollo found in the ancient city of Didyama was the
largest oracle center in Western Anatolia as well as the third largest religious centre in the
Hellenistic world.
(39°07'01"N 27°11'02"E) Located in ‹zmir, the provincial district of Bergama, Pergamon is one
of the major sites of antiquity in Turkey.
(37°55'23"N 29°7'26"E) Comprised of historical and natural conservation zones, the exquisite
Pamukkale region is famous for the limestone travertines resembling paradise. Pamukkale is one
of the most interesting places in the world. Over the millennia, calcium-oxide rich water flowing
down the ruins, have built up deposits of white travertine on the plateau.
(37°1'53"N 27°25'46"E) Bodrum Castle was built by the Knights of Rhodes in honour of St.Peter
between 1415-1437. The stones and marbles of the Mausoleum, which is one of the seven wonders
of ancient world and has been destroyed by an earthquake in 14th century, were used for the
construction of the castle. There are five main towers, reflecting the architectural styles of the
nations by whom they were constructed, called English Tower, French Tower, Spanish Tower,
Italian Tower and German Tower.
The Knights built the walls facing the sea thin, and fortified the walls facing the land, as they had
expected attacks from the land. (only a 10 minute drive away from Milta Marina)
Constructed as a funeral monument by Artemisia, queen of Caria after the death of her brother
& husband Mausolos, the Satrap of Caria 352 B.C., of which the architect was Pytheos. The four
facades were decorated with relief friezes executed by (the eastern facade) Scopas , (the northern
facade) Byraix (the southern facade) Timotheos , and (the western facade) Leochares. Statues of
Mausolos and Artemisia, riding a chariot drawn by four horses from the crest of the monument
are now found in the British Museum. (only a 5 minute drive away from Milta Marina)
Situated on the hillside overlooking Bodrum. This theatre whose capacity is around 13.000 was
built during Carians' reign in the Hellenistic age (330-30 B.C.). The theatre consists of three
different sections: a place for audience, a place for an orchestra and the stage. It became an openair museum after the excavations made in 1973.(only a 10 minute drive away from Milta Marina)
Located on the west side of Bodrum, this is one of the two entrances of ancient Halicarnassus.
Only some parts of the city wall remained until today. An important part of the town wall was
the Myndos Gate where the soldiers of Alexander the Great had a hard time entering the town
of Halicarnassus in 333 B.C. (only a 5 minute drive away from Milta Marina)
(36°40'00"N 28°45'00"E) Enjoy a tour with the local river boats that will weave their way
through small inlets bringing you to the scenery of famous “Lycian Rock Tombs”.
(36°50'00"N 28°38'00"E) The fascinating ancient harbor city of Caunos, where the magnificent
tombs were carved into the rocks.
Improve your complexion benefitting from the generosity of mother earth.
(36°47'39"N 28°36'45"E) The Dalyan Delta, with a long, golden sandy beach at its mouth, is
a nature conservation area anda refuge for sea turtles (Caretta Caretta) and “Blue Crabs”.
A wonder worth seeing, living and breathing its pure air. Drop your anchor on one of the dozens
of natural bays, tie your lines to a rock or tree and the distance between the shore and the yacht
becomes your cleanest private/natural swimming pool!
Active & Extreme
Rock Climbing /Walking / Exploring
Rafting at Dalaman River-Sailing-Biking
(36°33'10"N 29°4'8"E) From a far it looks like mainland however it is an island. Here you will
find many ancient foundations, churches and the relicts of the time. Between the island and the
mainland you will find perfect anchorage for the evening with one of the best sunsets to be seen
in Turkey.
(36°32'56"N 29°7'29"E) One of the jewels of the Mediterranean region, Ölüdeniz, is just a few
minute drive from Fethiye with an astonishing crystal-clear blue lagoon and a beautiful photogenic
long white beach.
The beach at Ölüdeniz offers a huge variety of watersports, of which one is paragliding from
Babada¤ Mountain (1970m.) on to the beach below.
Butterfly Valley (protected by the World Heritage Foundation)
is a canyon with high waterfall runs from the top down through a
canopy of trees which shelter an abundance of unique Butterfly species.
The most unique of these being the Tiger Butterfly and over
70 different species.
Active & Extreme
Paragliding at Ölüdeniz-Scuba Diving-Trekking-Biking
(36°41'9"N 27°22'24"E) The ancient Carian city of Knidos, described by Strabo as "a city that
was built for the most beautiful of goddesses, namely Aphrodite.
The oldest city in the Lycian region (Lycian and Roman remains).
(36°28'22"N 29°24'16"E) High in the mountains above Fethiye, rushing torrents of icy cold
water cut a narrow gorge through the mountains over thousands of years, creating Sakl›kent
Kalkan, Kaş, Kekova
(36°21'25"N 29°19'15"E) The Capital of the kingdom of Lycia-the oldest republic in the world.
Letoon was formerly an important religious cult center where three temples dedicated to Leto,
Artemis and Apollo stood in ancient times.
A principal harbor of ancient Lycia, Patara is reached by following a winding mountain road
before descending to the site. There are numerous and interesting ruins to be seen. Patara is also
a place for beach lovers. Its 22 km of pure white sand stretches as far as the eye can see, making
it a natural choice for all types of beach sports.
Antalya, Alanya
(36°10'52"N 29°52'42"E) Along the northern shore of Kekova Island at Apollonia, earthquakes
have disturbed the land causing some of the ancient houses to sink under the clear water, creating
a sunken city.
At the ancient Myra many splendidly carved rock tombs overlook the magnificent Roman theater.
St. Nicholas was the bishop of this Mediterranean city during the fourth century, and died
there in 342.
With its remains from the Paleolithic Age to Ottoman times, offers a glimpse of the area's rich
(36°56'20"N 31°10'20"E) Aspendos is known for its
best- preservedtheater of antiquity with a seating
arrangement for 15.000 people. Still used today,
the theater's galleries, stage decorations and
acoustics all testify to the architects success.
Nearby stand the remains of a basilica, agora and
one of the largest aqueducts in Anatolia.
• Anjelique
• W-Hotel
• Sortie
• Blackk
• Reina
• Spice Market
• Hamdi Restaurant
• Al Jamal
• Lebi-derya
• Longtable
• Cahide
• Konyal› Kanyon
• Sofyal› 9 Restaurant
• Del-Mare
• Lucca
• Ulus 29
• Sunset
• Bal›kç› Sabahattin
The restaurants listed below turn into
lounge/clubs later in the evenings.
• 360
• Masa
• Tamirhane
• Vogue
For a full description and reservation of each
location please contact the local C2C Agent.
Istanbul being a very large metropolitan
city there is always something going on
and somewhere to be. The city is the host
to many events year round from Concerts,
Festivals, Art Fairs, Exhibits, Trade Fairs
and all kinds of special events.
As seasons change so do the events that
are hosted here in Istanbul as you will
find more Trade shows and Exhibitions
during the winter season.
When the weather warms you will find
everything from world wide concert tours,
film festivals, music festivals and some
more notable events such as the F1
(Formula One) Races that take place every
summer. You will as well find famous
tournaments like the WTA Istanbul Cup
(Tennis Tournament) and the Red Bull
Air Race World Series Show also hosted
during the summer months.
During the summer season the days are filed with
sunshine and the normal hustle and bustle of any
large city. In your days you will find more along
the Bosphorus and it's flowing waters with coffee
shops, café's, restaurants and shops with people
enjoying their summer. Once the sunsets there is
a transformation that is something you must live
yourself as the music begins, people start dancing
and exquisite meals are prepared. The nightlife of
Istanbul is something of it's own famous nature
with large outside clubs, bars and very famous
restaurants it is an experience that should not be
Your stay in Istanbul will be filled from the time
you wake up through to the time you should call
it a night. The experience of Istanbul is for everyone
as it is a city that will satisfy all ways of life.
A Majestic view
We must say that Anjelique is one of the leading candidates for the
best and most popular site of Istanbul in the summer! This is the
address for summer fun, people meeting or just sitting back relaxing
with fascinating view.
At Anjelique you will be fascinated by the summer electricity with all
the people and of being on the edge of the Bosphorus with it's
magnificent views. One night here will transform your summer nights
into a magnificent mixture of hot weather, cool breezes, mesmerizing
views, interesting people, great food and drinks that will be flowing
until you say when.
Within three different floors there is a lot to see within the high quality
of International foods and impeccable service you will want to go back
every night. Situated in the popular location of Ortaköy the fun starts
with cocktails after work, after the dinner crowd will start and all
continues as a nightclub into the wee hours of the morning.
Here there is fun to be had by all, either a cool drink at the end of the
day gazing over the traffic of the Bosphorus and watch the sunset or
trying the exquisite cuisine. For the energetic, the ultimate summertime
fun of continuing into the morning hours with great music of all likes.
Be seen, see the scene and enjoy all that Anjelique has to offer!!
of Bosphorus at
Be seen, see the scene and enjoy all that
Anjelique has to offer!!
one of
Beyti, is one of the best if not the best meat restaurant within Turkey
and beyond. This very famous family run restaurant establishment in
1945 has been seen from many very famous people including presidents,
actors, royalty, heads of state and businessmen from around the world
and within Turkey.
Beyti continues to maintain its high quality and standards for three
generations which is a culinary paradise encompassing all the Turkish
precious characteristics for fine meat dishes.
Food critics describe this restaurant as “Beyti sustains the beauties of
Turkish cuisine, the most important restaurant in Istanbul that must be
visited, a culinary school that trains the palates of food lovers with top
quality and flavours not to be forgotten”
“Their story began in 1945 in Küçükçekmece in a clean and unique
atmosphere which was then moved to Florya, a natural and glorious
place which can cater up to 450 people in different rooms. At the
restaurant overtime they have welcomed kings, princes, princesses,
prime ministers, film stars, and members of high society with pictures
throughout the rooms.
A unique famous Villa with eleven different dining areas and five kitchens
where you can find the best cooked meat dishes, and you may as well
be visited by Mr. Beyti Güler himself where you will see the result of
more than 64 years of hard work, discipline, and respect for quality.
Beyti Restaurant Villa, built over 10 years beginning in the early 70's
resembles an admirable monument with its traditional Ottoman-Turkish
architecture and motifs.
These are some of the locations throughout the Villa whereas the whole
building has been decorated with inspiration from Ottoman and Turkish
arts which you may dine in hopefully sometime in the future.
Awards of the Services...
Mr. Güler has been awarded a number of international awards only
granted to a few outstanding restaurateurs in the world of gastronomy.
Mr. Beyti Güler
Maitre de Table Restaurateur
• The favourite places of J.S. the world over (Switzerland)
• International Gastronomy Awards - Paris
• International Gastronomico, Plaque For The Quality
Gran Collar Gastronomico
1 Lemon
6 Artichokes
1 Carrot-medium size
1 Onion
1 Large potato
1 Spoon of flour
1/3 Cup of olive oil
Wash all ingredients, Shell the artichokes, Dice
the onions and carrots in circles, Cube the potatoes
• "Chaine Des Rotisseurs"
• Championship of Head Cook Awards
• Presented by Chief of the Army Staff Pakistan Army
In conclusion Beyti is a place that must be visited if you are in Istanbul,
which is located close to Atatürk International Airport. It must be said
that writing this article has been difficult and must be cut short as I am
in the need to go visit Beyti now in order to satisfy the craving from this
cuisine!!! Please find out the rest for yourself and you will see what
there is awaiting for you.
Stir fry the onions and carrots with olive oil in
a pot, add some flour and continue to stir,
add 1 litre of hot water.When the water starts to
boil add the artichokes, note artichokes should
be submerged in water-juice of one lemon or cut
the lemon into two pieces and add into the pot
cover after coming to a full boil, lower the
temperature, cover with parchment paper and
leave approx 6 minutes. After the artichokes are
cooked, move to wax paper for cooling then
refrigerate. Serve Cold
• Köflebafl›
• Le Palme & Bar
• Kocadon
• Ada Hotel
• Maça K›z›
• Küba
• A Plus
• Fink
• Ship a Hoy
• Küba
• Club Halikarnas
• Catamaran
• Hadigari
• Bianca
• Maki
• 34
• Kuum Hotel Beach GÖLKÖY
• DODO Beach
• People
• Xuma
• Maça K›z›
For a full description and reservation of each
location please contact the local C2C Agent.
This is a location that has been enjoyed over the years by many of people cruising in the area of Bodrum throughout their summer vacations.
The Restaurant is located in Maki Hotel, along the shores of the bay Türkbükü, which is a very well known area to the jet set from Istanbul
and abroad.
Maki is a very unique location as yachts come to Türkbükü drop anchor in the bay and are able to take their tender to the dock of the
restaurant for an enchanting night on the waterfront. As Bodrum is a very festive area and can sometime be to active for some, Maki is rather
cozy and with the surroundings being so tranquil, looking out to the lights from anchored yachts it is one location throughout Turkey that
you will not see again.
You will enjoy a wonderful fusion of Mediterranean cuisine, situated on an open-air deck whereas candles light the complete area reflecting
to the water overlooking the bay.
It is highly recommended, if in the area of Bodrum that this restaurant must be visited and not only for the exquisite cuisine, the chick
atmosphere but the overall experience you will enjoy, this will be a memory to last for many years to come. Even as Bodrum is a large area
with many place about this location is a very difficult area to obtain reservations and all must be planned well in advance.
1 Tenderloin about 200gr.
1/2 Cup of mustard
1/3 Cup of Pickeld Garlic
1 TBL Spoon of white vinegar
Demi glace sauce
(from cooking of meat)
4 Cherry tomatoes
1 Tomato
1 Eggwhite
Zest on 1 lemon
Salt & Pepper
Lettuce Leaves
Wash all vegetables. Cut the top of the cherry tomato and
remove the seeds. Cut the garlic pickle legthwise. Grate
the tomato.
Whisk the eggwhite very quickly and mix it with the
grated tomato, lemon zest and salt & pepper.
Fill the cherry tomatoes with this mixture.
Place them in the oven and cook approximately 5 minutes
in 200 degrees. Serve the tenderloin with the cherry
tomatoes and fresh lettuces.
Main Dish
Sear the tenderloin in a frying pan with some olive oil
and red wine.
Heat the mustard in another pan with garlic.
Pour the demi glace sauce from the pan with mustard
and bring to a boil. Add the tenderloin and continue to
cook for another 5 minutes.
Take Tenderlion out place on a plate and pour some
suace over the top. Garnish with the tomatos and some
The Turquoise Coast
The Turquoise Coas
One City, Two Continents
Istanbul, the city built over seven hills which covers over the two
continents Europe to Asia being divided by the Bosphorus Channel.
In its thousands of years of history, it has been the capital of three
great empires, namely Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman.
Istanbul has remained Turkey's largest city, port, business and
cultural center as well featuring one of the most important
waterways being the Bosphorus. Come and enjoy the priviledge
of cruising throughout the Bosphorus with its own endless history
at every point along the way from houses to castles to palaces and
much more...
The Turquoise Coast
Çanakkale, located at the Northwest of Turkey, has always been a strategically
important city because of the waterway that divides Europe and Asia Minor,
connecting the Mediterranean with the Black Sea and vice versa.
Turkey’s Olive Center...
Olive trees and sea...
Ayval›k, a historical and archeological area going through many changes within time and featuring beautiful coast and coves.
Known for its vast olive groves and for its history of olive production, including all products made of olive oil, covering
from soaps to wonderful food.
Çanakkale, Ayvalık
From yellow to orange, from orange to deep reds, where the mother
nature shows her magic on every sunset...
This experience will embrace those who transform from a hot day
into a nice tranquil evening. This is for all who want to enjoy sea
in the summer or a little relaxing escape from the city in the winter...
With oriel windowed houses, rough cobblestone pavements and
quite narrow streets, where Greek, Cretan and Turkish can be heard
simultaneously, the Cunda Island awaits his visitors to be fascinated
with its spirit reflecting the common culture of the Aegean...
The Turquoise Coast
Kufladas› being one of the most important historical centers in the
Aegean region is the closest port to some of Turkey's most unique
and important sights that must be seen if visiting Turkey.
Kufladas› Port, with its close proximity to historical sites such as
Ephesus, Miletos, Priene and Didyma, is only 15 miles away from
the Greek island Samos.
Among its history you will find and experience the creation and
historical background of Turkish Carpets on the silk road. Within
all the treasures there is to see there are as well myths like the one
by the house of Virgin Mary where the “healing water” spring is
Bodrum... A charming little town of white houses hung with
flowers rising tier on tier against a green hill overlooking the
magnificent Castle of St John. Bodrum is a bustling market town
by day and by night it has an extensive range of discos, restaurants
and night clubs to suit every taste.
The big hearted sponge divers, captains who are in love with sea,
the fishermen, the white washed houses, the purple flowering
begonias that climb the walls, the clean coves around it and most
of all the long entertaining nights that stretch to dawn all add to
Bodrum’s fame.
Bodrum is also the location of one of the ancient Seven Wonders
of the World: The Mausoleum. The Museum of Underwater
Archaeology is well worth a visit as well as the amphitheatre
overlooking the town and harbour, which is surely one of the most
photographed views in Turkey.
There are nearby anchorages around Bodrum as it is a place where
visitors will anchor during the day and cruise to the marina at
night to enjoy the atmosphere of Bodrum.
Kuşadası, Bodrum
"Do not think that you will leave as you came, those of you who
came before were the same. However, they all have their mind in
Bodrum and left." This is a very famous saying from Cevat fiakir
Kabaa¤açl›, known as Halikarnas Bal›kç›s› (the Fisherman of
Halicarnassos), wrote about Bodrum.
“Inside Every Story, There is a Beautiful Journey”
The magnificent coastline of the Turkish Riviera
has attracted many conquerors in its time.
Cosmopolitan charms of Marmaris, that used to
be a fishing village less than 20 years ago, will
surprise anyone with this port and quaint little
old city. Once you set your foot here you will join
its true vacation atmosphere! The old quarter of
the town with its bustling bazaars and restaurants
are a nice visit at night time and during the day,
people head for the beach or close coves with
their boats to do water activities.
Once a little fishing port, Marmaris has developed
into a busy port for visitors with many marinas,
Hotels and Resorts. Its port welcomes luxury
cruise liners, with world passengers keen to sample
the town's extensive facilities and visit the old
town whereas there is a warm feeling within this
Marmaris is also one of south Aegean's area for
scuba diving whereas to arrange guided diving
trips, excursions and even provide diving lessons,
eager to try out this underwater sport. Marmaris
was the home to fishermen and sponge divers
until the 1980s.
‹çmeler is very green, full of flowers, has good
and clear walking trails and its beach is always
very clean. The park inside the hamlet is almost
like a botanic garden and the area behind the
park, which is called Sanat Soka¤› (Art Street),
has a wide range of displays of the local traditional
handcrafts and paintings from Marmaris-based
artists. ‹çmeler is also ideal for swimming and
water sports for the people looking to cool down
during the hot days.
The Köyiçi region behind the beach area and the
canyon region a bit further from Köyiçi and that
is within walking distance for those that are into
nature walks and to visit some old villages and
their life.
One of the most pleasant ways of passing a day
in Marmaris is to visit nearby coves and islands,
with some of the most popular destinations being
Y›ld›z Adas› (Star Island-Nimara), Turunç,
Kumlubük, Çiftlik and Fosforlu Ma¤ara
(Phosphorus Cave).
The Turquoise Coast
Waterfall, cave and ancient settlements in
Karacasö¤üt. Between Marmaris and Bodrum you
will find the Gulf of Gökova with small ports
of Karaca and Sö¤üt are some stopping points for
the boats on the cruising the coast.
In the area you will find two caves one known as
the Somal›kaya Düdeni (chasm), and the other
being the Suç›kt› Cave. One of the main entrance
points to the Somal›kaya Chasm is from this area.
To enter into the cave you need to have an inflated
boat with you as you can only pass through the
galleries by water. The total sections of the cave
has a length of 421 metres and a depth of 15.5
metres with an area of 342 metres in the cave is
accessible and has two lakes in it. Please contact
your C2C Yachting agent as for we highly
recommend not attempting this without a guide
to visit the cave.
The Suç›kt› Cave is one kilometre to the west of
the Saml›kaya Chasm and is one kilometre long.
Part of this cave has been mapped out by cave
explorers though the rest is uncharted and the
area of the cave and waterfall has been put under
a nature protection order.
Two kilometres to the south east of the village of
Sö¤üt, on the top of the Alt›nsivrisi Hill, there is
the ancient city of Euthena. Those who dare make
the climb up to the ancient city, which is 700
metres above sea level, should first go to the
village of Karaca in the Ovac›k district, and take
the narrow and steep path up. Those who are not
familiar with the area should ask the villagers for
directions as to the right path. As you get closer
to the hilltop you will see the city necropolis and,
going a bit higher, you will see the ruins of the
ancient city walls, cisterns and rock tombs further
on the hilltops apart from the remains of an
ancient temple. It is believed that Euthena was
an ancient city that was associated with Rhodes
in antiquity.
Around the area between the marina and centre
around the quay, in the old bazaar region and in
the bar street there are all types bars and night
clubs that cater to different tastes.
Once you head towards the bar street from the
yachting port you will lose yourself in the rhythm
of the music and may not understand how the
time has passed until the first light of morning.
The longest street of Marmaris, Uzunyal› Street
is quite busy and lively and is fun for a summer
night stroll. Along the side of the street there are
restaurants, handcraft stalls, discos and bars. In
‹çmeler, whose natural status is protected, you
can have as much fun as you want in an elegant
There is another ancient city near to the village
of Sö¤üt, this being Amnistos, which is on the
point nearby with the ruins that survive are parts
of the city walls and the walls of the port.
The Gulf of Gökova is a cruising paradise with
pleasant coves for anchorage, lying between
Karacasö¤üt and Bördübet (small towns) however
far away from any city life. Some coves in the
area are; Karacasö¤üt, Okluk (where a presidential
palace was built in the term of the late President
Turgut Özal, this is closed to the public), Ingiliz
Liman› (British Port), Löngöz, the Yedi Adalar
(Seven Islands), Gücük Liman› and Bördübet
The British Port is a very beautiful cove with it
being surrounded by the pine forest, there you
will be able to read the words of famed sea traveller
Sadun Boro, a call to protect this extraordinary
Sedir Adası (Cedar Island) - Kedrai
Here at Sedir Island is the island where the site
of the ancient city of Kedrai and the famed
Cleopatra Beach can be found.
There is also a legend linking Cleopatra to Sedir's
golden sand beaches. The most widely told legend
tells of the sand being transferred from Egypt by
ships for Cleopatra and her lover, the Roman
commander Antony, to frolic on when visiting
the island. The golden sand of the Cleopatra
Beach and the various beautiful tones of the sea
still attract visitors today to Sedir Island.
Marmaris is famous for its many types of honey
and high quality from the wide range of different
types collected throughout the region ranging
from collection in pine lined coves, to high altitude
fields of flowers.
Kedrai, directly opposite Rhodes, was one of the
most important settlements in the region whereas
the ancient city was surrounded by walls, some
with towers, can be seen on the coastline. There
was also a Temple of Apollon, though only its
foundations remain. There are also ruins of the
agora and other buildings, the city necropolis
and, on the east of the island, the theatre, which
is in a fairly good condition.
Imagine the unique shades of greens, blues
with a combination of nature and surrounded
by mountains. Being surrounded by this
natural beauty you will feel overwhelmed by
the over 11 nautical miles of bays and the
different settings of each. During the day
you will always find an area to anchor
escaping the daily winds and at night you
will see one of the most beautiful night skies,
shooting stars and a “crispy clear” moon.
This area has a very long season beginning
in May and lasting through November, as
the waters remain very warm and after August
the local winds subseed. Göcek is an area
that will never be forgotten and will be a
location for a must return visit, once it has
been realized.
The city of Aphrodite
Datça is renowned throughout Turkey for
its natural beauty and climate, located
approximately 75 km outside of Marmaris
situated at the point where the Aegean and
the Mediterranean seas come together at the
southernmost extremity of Turkey.
Pine forests are intermingled with oak,
myrtle, gum and carob trees which make it
a very impressing place. Almond trees, olive
and citrus groves, grapevines and all manner
of herbaceous plants are there to be
discovered as you explore the mountains,
valleys and plains of the peninsula.
The Turquoise Coast
Göcek, Fethiye, Datça-Knidos
Fethiye lying on the slopes of Mendos
Mountain, was established on top of ancient
Telmessos on the shores of the Gulf of
Kalkan, Kaş, Kekova
As a picturesque port Kalkan is a nice small area to visit for a short
stay either cruising up or down the coast. The Guardian likens
the town to "the Italian Riviera in a more casual atmosphere."
Because of its great charm with its circular harbor and small port
around a historic area sheltered at the foot of the towering Taurus
The area around Kafl belongs to the Top 100 diving destinations
worldwide. The richness of the underwater life, combined with
very clear water (up to 40 meters visibility) and beautiful underwater
landscape is ideal for the ultimate diving experience. Diving in
Kafl will remind you of ancient times with many old amphoras
and numerous other ancient relicts (many of them more than
2000 years old) are waiting for your discovery!
(Please consult with C2C Turkey Offices as diving is restricted
and needs to be approved)
One of Turkey's most beautiful ancient areas with a long lsland
protecting the main land and coves. The area is one not to be
missed as its natural coves and history of ancient civilization is one
to be seen by all that is really only accesible by boat.
Kalkan, Kaş, Kekova Roads, Antalya, Alanya
Antalya, Alanya
In Antalya, the pine-clad Toros (Taurus) Mountains sweep down to
the sparkling clear sea forming an irregular coastline of rocky headlands
and secluded coves. The region is very unique and with the tall
mountains (snow skiing), beaches, golf courses, history and five-star
hotels located along the entire coast, the area has something to offer
for everyone.
one of the best
new golf destinations
in Europe
An interview with Andrew BLIGHT.
As the PGA Director of Golf at Kemer Golf & Country Club
Istanbul for the past one and a half years it was a great pleasure
to sit down with him and talk about Kemer and golfing in
Turkey. Andrew first started playing golf at the age of 12 in
England and at the age of 25 he qualified as a PGA Golf
Professional. Years of traveling the world on different golfing
missions through areas like Australia, New Zealand, and Kuwait
etc. Now here in Turkey this is what he had to say to us.
Advantages of Turkey for golfers when compared to other
Turkey has a lot to for golfers as it offers a very good climate,
with many well manicured courses which have been designed
by some of the leading golfers of our time. Not only that you
get to enjoy the fantastic golf course but you will also be greeted
by the fantastic Turkish hospitality.
Can you give us some information regarding Kemer Golf &
Country Club?
Kemer Country is a very unique place to find in a huge city like
Istanbul as it offers a leisure environment for the whole family;
such as golf, equestrian, tennis and wellness center. The golf
course is situated within the forest which makes it a very relaxing
and enjoyable experience for golfers of all abilities.
Non members can book their tee times either through the agent
of C2C Yachting or by contacting the reservation office at Kemer
Golf & Country Club on telephone no. 0212 2397010 ext. 2200
In your aspect what does Istanbul have to offer for visitors?
What are the criteria’s of a golfer when choosing a golf course?
This depends on the player and what they are looking for. Some
look for a challenge and the others are looking for a more relaxing
course. It is really a personal preference though all golfers look
for a well-manicured course no matter what the difficulty of the
course. Every course offers a different challenge and this is what
makes golf such a unique and exciting sport.
Istanbul being a large city and the bridge between two continents
(Europe and Asia) offers so much to people of all ages. From
the historic Blue Mosque and Hagia Sofia to the beautiful
Bosphorus and for those who love to shop and eat, Istanbul has
some of the best shopping opportunities in Europe as well as
having many restaurants with superb views of the city.
In addition to all these activities that a large city has to offer,
Kemer Golf & Country Club is just 30 minutes away should you
wish to have a change of scenery and have the privilege to play
golf at one of Turkey’s leading golf resorts.
What is your pick if it were between Istanbul Kemer Country
or Belek Antalya?
Both Kemer Country in Istanbul and Belek, Antalya has its own
unique merits. Kemer Golf & Country Club has got it all for a
family to enjoy and to be with nature without leaving the city
whilst Belek, Antalya with all the different golf courses available
is best for those people who would like to play golf everyday on
different courses during their holiday.
Here at KEMER COUNTRY are there any Hotel accommodations?
Unfortunately, there are no hotel accommodations at the moment
at Kemer Country. However, we are just 20 to 30 minutes away
from the city where most of the hotels are located.
What can you say about the golfing industry and the growth here?
The golfing industry in Turkey has grown very fast over the last
few years with many projects planned for the future. Some of the
leading names in golf have designed courses in Antalya such as
Nick Faldo and Colin Montgomerie to name a few. With all of
these courses being built, Turkey has certainly established itself
as one of the leading golf destinations in Europe.
We would like to thank Kemer Country and Andrew Blight
for his time for this interview.
Kemer Golf & Country Club
Kemer Golf & Country Club
CORNELIA GOLF CLUB: 27 holes (3 x 9) FALDO
LYKIA LINKS: 18 holes
NATIONAL: 18 holes
TAT GOLF CLUB: 27 holes
CARYA GOLF CLUB: 18 holes (One of the best courses)
Belek, Antalya Turkey has now been awarded the title “one of the
best new golf destinations in Europe” by the representative body
IAGTO. Since 1997 IAGTO has become well established as the
global trade association of the golf tourism industry and now has
over 900 member companies in 72 countries.
Is there any competitions ( international or national) held in Antalya?
Why Belek, Antalya is so special and unique?
What are the nationalities that choose to travel to Belek, Turkey
for Golf?
The concept is simple, with a long beach coastline with over forty
5 star hotels and 14 golf courses blended into the beautiful dense
Pine and Eucalyptus forest, this is a haven. The World class courses
are linked by one road for a maximum travel time of 15 minutes
to any course no matter which hotel you are in and just 45km
from the airport.
The Antalya area is encompassed by ancient ruined cities,
amphitheatres, market towns and beautiful mountains. However
has become a haven and a model for golf tourism which continues
to improve every year.
There are two signature courses, the Cornelia-Faldo Designed by
the Nick Faldo Golf Institute and the Papillon-Montgomerie
Designed by David Jones and other courses designed by famous
architects such as Perry Dye, Peter Tomson.
If you are visiting Antalya, a round of golf is easily organized with
excellent quality rental clubs available from most courses.
If your coming holiday is being planned to be 'golf specific' there
is nowhere else like Antalya whereas you will enjoy the sun blessed
lush green fairways and mountain views at any time of the year.
Antalya is not only for the golfers as for the local hotels offer a
great deal for the whole family including many activities for children
of all ages.
Beko Classic, European (PGA) Seniors Tour, Ladies European
(PGA) Tour and many pro-ams big and small with The World
Amateur Golf Championship is coming next year.
There is a mixture of Europeans with Swedish, Scandinavian,
French, Dutch, Germans however the British making up 70% of
visiting golfers.
How would you compare the pricing in Turkey with Europe?
Better value for money with all-inclusive hotels making for the 'all
in' great value. Green fees are not that different from some European
countries however the courses are better quality for the money.
Advantages of choosing Antalya, Turkey for golf?
Variety and the convenience of courses with the weather is very
stable throughout the year and the services provided by courses
and hotels, there are as well special offers in the low seasons of
The above article is in conjunction with Sevda Uygurlu.
Kemer Golf & Country Club
in Turkey
My First
As my wife and I are from opposite sides of the world, Poy being from Thailand and
myself being American however very privileged to live and visit numerous countries
around the world. There are not many places in the world where so many cultures
come together and people greet you with a smile such as in TURKEY. Istanbul
TURKEY is where Asia meets Europe and is really amazing with such a cosmopolitan
atmosphere in this energetic city. We had cruised to Istanbul in late September with
MY Apoise after first stopping in Çanakkale.
The people there where very friendly as the food was always tasty and interesting
throughout the areas we experienced. There was never a shortage of breathtaking
scenery and great experiences of urban life in Istanbul to historical sites all over the
country. We tried to take the time and explore areas such as the Grand Bazaar, Spice
Market and some others of the amazing sites of Istanbul and not to mention all the
hot chic bars and nightclubs, which gives Istanbul it's known nightlife.
All the guest aboard always had a wonderful time and the staff of C2C Yachting were
amazing at providing the best and smoothest service from personal requests to sorting
out transits and paperwork on the Bosphorus. Istanbul is a really great place however
the Bosphorus is something else and which has to be one of most busy and lively
waterways in the world.
Thank you, to Clifford Polley and the C2C Yachting Staff!
Best Regards
Captain Delio "Chip" Mir
At the moment I am counting down the days until the next visit to Turkey which
I am sure will offer more to explore and great experiences every time.
“Perfect Wind, Perfect Location”
Surfs up!!
As you travel along the ‹zmir-Çesme expressway your
eyes are suddenly struck by a vista of modern windmills
with their huge white wings reaching to the sky above.
Further along come some ancient time-worn windmills
built of stone with their naked wooden appendages,
and you realize that you have been called to a land
of wind. In addition, you sense the cool, salty
fragrance of the sea then you can be sure that you
have arrived to Çeflme / Alaçat›. At Alaçat› you are
confronted with two very trying choices, either
you join the antics of the windsurfers sporting
almost every imaginable color riding the light
blue waters or you rome into the cobblestone
colorful streets flavored with Anatolian culture
and the time-worn windmills. It is very likely
that the decision will be taken from your hands
by the sun rising sharply in the sky overhead
during the daytime and you will find you are
on the road to Alaçat› cove with its small boat
basin in search of the cool waters.
Alaçat› cove is one of many coves to be found along the
Aegean coastline, however there are two very special
features of this cove render it a windsurfers' heaven.
The first one of these is the ceaseless winds and the other
is the depth of the sea which does not exceed one and
a half meters and extends out within the complete area.
Like the sea and the wind, the narrow streets of Alaçat›
are also filled with surprises. There are two storey homes,
weathered from long hard years of use that are built of
stone and set along both sides of the cobblestone streets.
Then there are the bright faces of people of all ages
peering out of the windows and overhanging balconies
of these ancient houses onlooking all the vistors to the
local village. You will witness the cultural richnesses
of the region in Alaçat›'s streets, within its mosque and
its antique shops and down to it's local restaurants
where clearly, you will find all here at its source in Alaçat›
and it's fascinating history.
Turkey's Aegean shores are among the most fascinating
and beautiful stretches in the Region.
The magnificent coastline, lapped by the clear water of the
Aegean Sea, with landscapes of cultivated fields of aniseed,
sesame and artichokes dotted with fig and gum trees, will
guide you to discover one of the world's greatest windsurfing
destinations in Alaçat› bay on the Çeflme peninsula.
With its 500 meters width, over 1.3 kms length, a depth
of 1.5 meters with a complete sand bottom,crystal clear
waters, azure blue skies, consistent and steady winds and
its location Alaçat› is an ideal windsurfing spot in Europe.
First time windsurfers love the place as the waist-deep and
sand covered shallow water area extends from shore into
the bay creating perfect conditions for beginners of all ages
and easy recovery from falls for both teaching and learning
to windsurf.
Consistent steady winds, combined with the best equipment
ready and all rigged up and steps away from the water is
also an opportunity for speed or wave lovers not to miss.
In summer, the North wind creates perfect conditions for
flat-water high-speed windsurfing, whereas in winter the
South wind creates waves steady enough even to please
the big wave-funs.
As the coastal plain enjoys an exceptionally mild climate,
with soft, verdant springs, hot summers, sunny autumns
and warm winters marked by occasional showers.
For windsurfing and sun-bathing summer months are ideal,
but as the Aegean provides a perfect escapes from rigors
of a northern winter even in January and February with
mild sunny and pleasant days, wave lovers prefer to visit
Alaçati in winter to mix and match their Christmas holidays
with windsurfing.
Alaçat›, on the Çeflme peninsula, opposite
the Greek island of Chios, on the same latitude
as Athens and until recently, Alaçat› was a
sleepy little village populated by fishermen,
craftsmen, farmers and now they look on
with many enthusiastic windsurfers.
The PWA Professional Windsurfers
World Cup meeting is held in Alaçat›
every year on the Çeflme Peninsula.
The 64 leading International racers attending
this exciting event included the European
champion Ça¤la Kubat Pegasus Airlines,
is the main sponsor of the event and
also supported the Surf'n Sound Sport
and Music Festival which was organised
at the same time.
In 2009 Pegasus Airlines PWA World
Windsurf Championship will be held
between August 11 -15.
C2C Yachting Turkey will also have a booth
at this extraordinary event ta welcome wind lovers
and guests all around the world.
back roads of
Scent of Jasmine, stars shining down, low lights
a soft summer breeze over a nice dinner and
this is what you will find here at fiarabi.
This local restaurant fiarabi is an ideal location
in Alaçat› with it's quite and peaceful atmosphere
whereas locals will be walking the streets along
with tourist. In the menu you will find all kinds
of local dishes that will delight you with the
richness of the region.
It may be that you wish to stop for a glass of
wine along with some Turkish mezzes or a full
meal; whichever it may be it is worth the visit.
The Church of St. John &
The House of Virgin Mary
Christian History of Western Turkey
History has never been so generous to any land as it has to the lands on which we are living. People who
lived here long before history began developed material and spiritual values that they offered to humanity.
Of these, one of the most important is Christianity.
Christian Sites Around Kuşadası
The first Christian names and events coming to our mind are St.John (Lived and died in Ephesus), Mother
Mary ( Lived in Ephesus ), St.Paul (Born in Tarsus-Turkey, Lived more than two years in Ephesus),
Third Ecumenical Council (Held in Ephesus 431 AD), Seven Churches of Asia Minor; Ephesus, Smyrna,
Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea which are all within driving distance from
each other.
The land of Turkey has been the site of many of the most crucial events in the history of Christianity
whereas followers of Jesus were first called "Christians" in Antioch-on-the-Orontes. Paul's missionary
journeys took him three times through Western Anatolia and it was the Alexandria Troas that
he had the vision of a man appealing to him to extend his work to Macedonia. All Seven
Ecumenical Councils were held in Western Anatolia.
After St.Paul, St.John is the person who holds the greatest interest in the early history of
Christianity in Anatolia. His Book of Revelation was written while he was in exile on the
island of Patmos is the last book in the New Testament. He is thought to have written
this during the years that the emperor Domitian was repressing the Christians therefore
this would date the book to about AD 95 or 96. While John addressed it ostensibly to
the congregations of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor his message must have been
intended for a broader readership. Even so the locations of these Seven Churches
have acquired a special meaning because of the intensity of John's message.
The Church Of Saint John in Selçuk
The Cathedral Church which the Emperor Justinian and the Empress
Theodora were building was the location of the traditional grave of
John, the writer of Revelation. It is from this Church and the writer,
which then took the name of Hagios Theologos "the holy word
of God". In time the name was softened to Ayiottheologo and
It is believed that John had lived in Ephesus before and after
his exile on the island of Patmos. There is a question about
which John it was who lived in Ephesus because the earliest
references talk about three different men of the same name.
However, whoever it was who wrote the Revelation he
scolded the Ephesians (Rev.2:1-7) saying that they had
cooled in their early faith. To inspire them to repentance
he held out the promise of the fruit tree of life.
The Ephesians were the first congregation of Christians John
addressed the others in order were; Smyrna, Pergamum,
Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. It was John
whom seemed to have known specific details about each of
them but there is no evidence that he had been to all of them
in person. It is thought that each of them had a sensitive,
distinguishing characteristic that John wanted to speak to and
in singling them out and to warn others of those dangers. It is
also possible that their relative locations made a route around
which church-related information circulated, each was about
a two day ride by horseback from each other.
The forth century historian Eusebius tells a story about John having
converted as a young boy to Christianity before his exile on Patmos.
When he returned he learned that the boy not only had reverted of
Paganism and he had became a notorious brigand. As an old man
John set out by himself into the hills around Ephesus where after some
difficulties he found and rescued his ward.
The Cathedral of Saint John was on the hill above the city whereas
this building was in the shape of a cross and was covered with six
domes. Under the central dome was the tomb of John that has a marble
marker today. Like other churches that Justinian and Theodora had
built, the capitals of the supporting columns were incised with their
monograms. The baptistery with the keyhole-shaped font is North of
the nave.
When Christianity became the state religion the crowds who once
flocked to the Temple to Diana turned their attention to this cathedral.
The House of the Virgin Mary
(Meryemana in Turkish), located in a nature park between Ephesus
and Selçuk, is believed to be the last residence of the Virgin Mary,
Mother of Jesus. The peaceful site is sacred to both Christians and
Muslims alike, and is visited by many tourists and pilgrims.
According to predominant Christian tradition, Mary was brought to
Ephesus by the Apostle John after the Resurrection of Christ and lived
out her days there. This is based mainly on the traditional belief that
John came to Ephesus combined with the biblical statement that Jesus
consigned her to John's care (John 19:26-27).
Archaeologists who have examined the building identified as the House
of the Virgin Mary believe most of the building dates from the 6th or
7th century. But its foundations are much older and may well date
from the 1st century AD, the time of Mary. This site had long been a
place of pilgrimage for local Orthodox Christians.
The modern history of the Virgin Mary's House is unusual. It was
"discovered" in 1812 by a German nun, Sister Anne Catherine
Emmerich, who never traveled away from her home.
Sister Emmerich, an invalid confined to bed awoke in a trance with
the stigmata and visions that included the Virgin Mary and Apostle
John traveling from Jerusalem to Ephesus. She described Mary's house
in detail which was recorded at her bedside by a writer named Brentano.
Emmerich described a rectangular stone house, which John had built
for Mary. It had a fireplace and an apse and a round back wall. The
room next to the apse was Mary's bedroom which had a spring running
into it.
The German nun went on to say that the Virgin Mary died at the age
of 64 and was buried in a cave near her house. (Later after found her
coffin was opened soon after however the coffin and burial shroud
were empty. The house was then turned into a chapel.)
Years after Emmerich's visions a French clergyman named Gouyet
read Brentano's account and traveled to Ephesus to find the House of
the Virgin. He found a house matching the nun's description and sent
word to the bishops of Paris and Rome, but didn't receive much of a
On June 27, 1891, two Lazarist preists and two Catholic officials set
out to Ephesus to see the house. They found a small chapel in ruins
with a damaged statue of the Virgin.
They returned to Izmir with their report, and more priests and specialists
were sent out to the site. Since 1892 the House of the Virgin has been
a Catholic pilgrimage site. It was restored by 1897 and a shelter for
visitors was set up.
The Meryemana House was later visited by Popes Paul VI and John
Paul II, who confirmed its appropriateness as a place of pilgrimage.
On November 29, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated mass here.
On August 15 (the Feast of the Assumption of Mary) each year the
Catholic, Or thodox and Muslim clergy conduct a service together at
the shrine. This is very unique and rare occasion that could not be found
anywhere else in the world.
Prof. Tour Guide
Turkey’s Little
Known Facts
• Leonardo Da Vinci designed a bridge over the
Golden Horn. It was never built.
• The first synagogue in Anatolia was built in
1324 with the permission of Sultan Orhan, as an
encouragement to the Jewish community.
• According to legend, Noah's Ark landed on
A¤r› Da¤› (Mount Ararat) in Eastern Turkey.
• Mark Anthony gave Cleopatra part of Turkey's
southwestern shore as a wedding gift.
• Aesop, the famed teller of fables, was born in
• Early Christians escaping Roman persecution
nearly 2000 years ago sheltered in the caves of
Kapadokya in central Anatolia.
• The city of Troy, the site of ancient Trojan
Wars, is located in western Turkey, where a
replica of the famous Trojan Horse has become
a favourite tourist attraction.
• Turkey has one of the richest maritime histories
among other countries. Today there are hundreds
of scuba diving areas being protected by Turkish
• Istanbul Grand Bazaar is a 540 year-old covered
shopping mall of 64 streets, 4000 shops,
22 entrance, and 25.000 workers.
• Legend has it that Anatolia (Asia Minor) was
the location of the first beauty contest, judged
by Paris with the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and
Athena as leading participants.
• Since the 1920s, the motto of the Turkish
Republic has been the words of its founder,
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: “Peace at home, peace
in the world.”
• Istanbul is the only city in the world located
on two continents, Europe and Asia. In its
thousands of years of history, it has been the
capital of three great empires - Roman, Byzantine
and Ottoman.
• The oldest known human settlement in the
world is located in Çatalhöyük, Turkey, dating
back to 6500 B.C. The earliest landscape painting
in history was found on the wall of a Çatalhöyük
house, illustrating the volcanic eruption of nearby
• The Turks introduced coffee to Europe.
• Two of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
World stood in Turkey - the Temple of Artemis
at Ephesus and the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
in Bodrum.
• The first coins ever minted were done so
at Sardis, the capital of the ancient kingdom
of Lycia, at the end of the seventh century B.C.
• The word "turquoise" comes from "Turk"
meaning Turkish, and was derived from the
beautiful color of the Mediterranean Sea on the
Southern Turkish coast.
• The Turks first gave the Dutch their famous
tulips that started the craze for the flower in
England and the Netherlands. Bulbs brought to
Vienna from Istanbul in the 1500s were so
intensely popular that by 1634 in Holland it was
called "tulip mania". People invested money in
tulips as they do in stocks today. This period of
elegance and amusement in 17th century Turkey
is referred to as "The Tulip Age."
• The most valuable silk carpet in the world is
in the Mevlana Museum in Konya, Turkey. Marco
Polo's journeys in the thirteenth centuries took
him here, and he remarked that the "best and
handsomest of rugs" were to be found in Turkey.
• Many important events surrounding the birth
of Christianity occurred in Turkey. St John,
St Paul and St Peter all lived and prayed in
Southern Anatolia. Tradition has it that St John
bought Virgin Mary to Ephesus after the
Crucifixion, where she spent her last days in a
small stone house (Meryemana Evi) on what is
now Bülbülda¤› (Mount Koressos). It remains a
popular pilgrimage site for Christians to this day.
• The seven churches mentioned in the Book of
Revelation are all found in Turkey: Ephesus,
Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia
and Laodicea.
• A cave known today as the Grotto of St Peter,
or Church of St Peter, is believed to be where the
apostle Peter preaches when he visited Antioch
(Antakya, in southern Turkey). It is widely
considered to be one of the earliest Christian
houses of worship. In 1963, the papacy designated
the site as a place of pilgrimage and recognised
it as the world's first cathedral. Every year on
June 29, a special service held at the church, is
attended by Christians from around the world.
• Anatolia is the birthplace of many historic
figures and legends such as the poet Homer, King
Midas, Herodotus (the father of history) and
St Paul the Apostle.
• St Nicholas known as Santa Claus today, was
born and lived in Demre (Myra) on Turkey's
Mediterranean coast. The village contains the
famous Church of St Nicholas with the
sarcophagus believed to be his tomb.
• The first man ever to fly was Turkish. Using
two wings, Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi flew from the
Galata Tower in Istanbul (still standing) over the
Bosphorus to land in Usküdar in the 17th century.
The Tulip
Hagia Sophia
Turkish Coffee
Santa Claus Statue, Demre
Spice Market, Grand Bazaar
Golden Horn Sketching, Leonardo Da Vinci
the most
Madam and Monsieur,
We would like to invite you for resuming and developing the friendship
between, countries of the world. Naturally with development and
evolution of the love and the friendship between the nations start by
knowing each other and will help with the peace on earth.
For being in the tourism business it is up to us to bring our people
together and prepare special programs for all visiting and make all
their travels the best they can be…
For this matter we invite you to indulge with us and visit TURKEY,
one of the most interesting countries in the world. What you will find
here in the country it will be mesmerizing to you as there is so much
to be seen as well new developments and discoveries every day timing
back over thousands of years. Where to start? How to see as much as
I can while I am in Turkey? This is probably your thought at this
moment however this is why we are here so let us help you in making
a time not to be forgotten!
We've listed some facts in our “ Little Known Facts” area that you will
find towards the end of the magazine and I am sure you will be amazed
at some of the things you will learn.
When you make your plans to travel here to TURKEY I assure you a
wonderful magnificent time is to be had. You will experience a culture
with some of the most fascinating mosaic's, hand crafted goods and
faiths as well as trying to taste some of the finest Turkish Cuisine with
local foods and not to mention the deserts…
So, if God created so many beautiful things and objects in the world
and dedicated them for the sake of human being; why don't you
explore them by giving a short time from you life...!
Professional Tourist Guide
Planning... Support and Itineraries
With cruising from Sea to Sea (C2C) and Port to Port it can be a daunting task to be able
to stay up with the hectic pace of the summer season and this is what we want to help you
with. From prior to your arrival through to after you have left Turkey, it will be our mission
to help you during your cruise and to fulfill all your needs.
It is imperative to plan as much in advance as possible in order never to loose any valuable
time of the season and your cruising plans. Since arriving to different ports can create
different queries or different request from your owners and guest, it is our duty to be ready
for all that may come. With C2C as your agent we will always be ready for whatever may
come our way in order to make your trip the most hassle free and as constructive as possible.
It will be our wish to help with Itineraries so that we may guide you to the very best places
for what your guest are looking for. Also additional plans with Marinas, reservations,
provisioning, Entertainment and Tours with all other needs you may have.
We invite you to our Turquoise waters, the Flavors of Turkey, an unforgettable time ahead
where as we would like to say…
Professional Yacht Services, All that you would be looking for.
At C2C Yachting we take all that we do very seriously as it is our mission to strive to do
the very best for you while in Turkey. When planning a trip to Turkey we always like to
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tour planning and all other needs you will request while in the country.
Since Turkey is a large country with a wide array of different Ports, Sites, Activities and a
long coast covering four seas, it is essential to have good organization either whether you
plan on spending a couple of days or the entire summer. Here at C2C we have the largest
coverage within the entire country covering the complete coast with all local offices and
professionally trained staff throughout. Collectively we look after you for wherever you
cruise from the Black Sea through to Antalya. You will always find the most knowledgeable
staff to meet your needs at every point in the country, no matter whether you wish Sea
activities, Land Tours, Restaurants, Entertainment, Provisions or any other wishes.
The complete infrastructure throughout the company is probably the most important
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the reach whithin the country and the overall collaboration with C2C International Yachting
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We invite you to come to Turkey and see what the country has to offer. From it's nature
and beautiful, Turquoise waters to the abundance of History and the over all delights
throughout we assure you will have the time of your life.
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Private Plane Charter
Helicopter Charter
Private Tours & Guides
Luxury Transfers
Security & Comfort
Visa Arrangements
Office usage throughout the country
Private Party Organization
Flight Permissions
Refit & Repairs
Diving Certificates
‘Please inquire for a complete insight to All services’
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Vacation Planning
Local Information
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