currıculum vıtae - İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi


currıculum vıtae - İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi
Eylül, 11, 1959,.
Middle Eastern Technical
Ankara University,
Graduate School
Ankara University,
Faculty of Theology
Ankara University,
Faculty of Theology
Ali Vural Ak Center For Islamic Studies,
George Mason University
Affiliate Professor
Wesley Theological Seminary
Visiting Professor
American University
Visiting Professor
Georgetown University
Visiting Professor
Long Island University
2002, 2003, 2006
Boston College (Boisi Center)
Visiting Scholar
Pontifical Gregorian University
Visiting Scholar
Council on International Education
Exchange (CIEE)
Ankara University
Universtaat Bamberg
Visiting Scholar
Pontificial Gregorian University
Visiting Scholar
Ankara University
Assoc. Prof.
International Islamic University,
Assist. Prof.
Ankara University
Assist. Prof.
Manchester University
Faculty of Theology
Visiting scholar
King Saud University
Visiting scholar
 Kur'anda ve Kitab-i Mukaddes'te Ahiret Inanci (Eschatalogical Beliefs in the Qur'an And
the Bible) Istanbul: Nun Publishing House, 1994.
 Islami Bilimde Metodoloji Sorunu (The Problem of Methodology in Islamic Science),
translation and edition, Ankara: Fecr Publishing House,1992.
 Islamin Temel Kaynaklari:Kur’an (Basic Sources of Islam:Kur’an) Ankara Universitesi,
Anadolu Universitesi, Eskisehir, 1998
 Kur’an ve Ben Ne Kadar Tarihseliz ? (How Much Historical are I and the Qur’an?), Ankara:
Ankara Okulu Publishing House, 2000
 Tefsir (Tafsir) A Textbook for religious secondary school) Ministry of Education
Press. 2001
 Islam Bilimlerinde Yontem, (Method in Islamic Sciences), Ankara Universitesi Uzaktan
Egitim Yayinlari:Ankara, 2005
 Kur’an’a Giriş,(Introduction to the Qur’an), ISAM: İstanbul, 2006
 Çağdaş Dönemde Kur’an’a ve Tefsir’e Ne Oldu? (What Hapenned to the Qur’an and Tafsir in
Modern Age), Klasik:Istanbul, 2008
 "Nesh Teorisi", Journal of Islamic Research, vol.1, No:4, April,1987, pp.102-109
A translation of "Theory of Naskh" by Ahmad Hasan.
 "Islam ve Bilim Felsefesi", Journal of Islamic Research, vol.3, No:3, October 1989,
pp.165187, A translation of "Islam and the Philosophy of Science" by Syed Muhammed
Naquib al-Attas.
 “Kur’an Yorumunda Yeni Bir Metodolojiye Dogru” ( A translation of “Towards A
Methodology For Qur’anic Exegesis” by Ismail Ragi al-Faruqi), Journal of Islamic
Research, vol.7, No:3-4 Summer, 1994, pp.305-313.
 “Kanun ve Seriat, Din ve Devlet”, Islamiyat,Vol.1, no:4, October-November,
1998,pp.135-142, a translation of “Shariah and State” by Halil Inalcik
 Hristiyan Teolojisi Tarihinden Okumalar, Ankara:Ankara Okulu Yayinlari, 2000, a
translation of Readings in the History of Christian Theology by William Placher, The
Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1988
 “Kur'an-i Kerim Isiginda Vahiy Gelenegine -Kitab-i Mukaddes Baglaminda- Bir
Bakis”, (“Some Considerations on the Tradition of Revelation (Vahy) in Relation to
the Bible from Qur’anic Perspective”) Journal of Islamic Research, vol.5, No:3, October,
 "Anlama (fiqh) Usulu Uzerine" ("On the Method of Understanding (fiqh)"), Journal of
Islamic Research, vol.8, No:2 Spring,1995, pp.85-97.
 “Imam Safi’i ve Onun Metodu” (“Imam Shafi’i and His Methodology”), a paper
presented at the 2n. Islamic Thought Symposium, Trabzon,Turkey, 1995.
 “Kur’an’da Dil ve Varlik Alanlari” (“Language and the Spheres of Being in The
Qur’an”), a paper presented at the 2nd. Symposium of the Qur’an, Ankara, Turkey,1995.
 “Kur’an ve Ben Ne Kadar Tarihseliz ?”(“How Much Historical are I and the
Qur’an?”), Journal of Islamic Research, vol.9, No:1-2 Spring-Summer 1996,pp.119-134
 “Tarihsellik Tartismasi ve Kur’an” ( “The Discussion of Historicity and the Qur’an”),
a paper presented for the Symposium of The Qur’an and Historicity, Bursa ,Turkey,
 “The Role of Subject (Mujtahid) in Imam al-Shafı’i's Methodology: A Hermeneutical
Approach" The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences,Vol.14, Fall 1997, No:3,pp. 1-15
 "Fazlur Rahman ve Oryantalizm", (“Fazlur Rahman and Orientalism”) a paper
presented at the International Symposium:Islam and Modernizm -Fazlur Rahman
Tecrübesi-, 22-23 February,1997.
 “Hadis’te Apokaliptisizm veya Fiten Edebiyati” (“Apocalypticism in Hadith or Fiten
Literature”) Islamiyat,Vol.1,1998,pp.35-53.
 “‘De ki: Allah Bir’dir’-Ihlas Suresi’nin Sami Dini Gelenek Acisindan Bir Tefsiri(“‘Say: God is One’ A Commentary on Surat al-Ikhlas from the perspective of Semitic
Religious Tradition”), Islamiyat, Vol.1,1998,No:3,pp.49-71.
 “Hz.Isa ve Mesaji”, (“Jesus and His Message” ), a paper presented at the symposium:
Kur’an Kissalarinin Anlam ve Değeri, Ankara, January, 17-18, 1998.
 “Jerusalem in Muslim Apocalypticism”, a paper presented at the International
Symposium: Jerusalem in the Eschatological Thought of Judaism, Christianity and Islam,
Jerusalem, December, 21-23, 1998,
 “75 Years of Higher Islamic Education in Modern Turkey”, The Muslim World: Said
Nursi and Turkish Experience,Vol. LXXXIX, July-Oct.,1999.
 “Bakara,142-164. Ayetlerinin Tefsiri” (“The Commentary of the Baqara 142-164”),
submitted to Turkish Religious Affairs Foundation for a Tafsir project. 1999.
 Giriş, (Introduction) submitted to Turkish Religious Affairs Foundation for a Tafsir
project. 2000.
 Abdunnasir Kursavi: Son Donem Islam Aydinlanmasinin Habercisi (“Abdunnasir
Qursawi: A Usher of Late Muslim Enlightenment”, a paper presented at the
International Symposium: Idil-Ural Turk Aydinlari Sempozyumu, Ankara, April ,1, 2000.
 “Can A Muslim Participate in Making History”, a paper prepared to be presented at
the Symposium:Social Responsibility: Challenges for the Future, October, 21-22, 2000.
 “Oryantalizm ve Cagdas Islamcı Soylem”, (“Orientalism and Modern Islamist
Discourse”), Islamiyat, Vol.4, 2001,No:4, pp.91-110.
 “Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Syria”, Conference on The Intellectual Legacy of
Authoritarian Regimes, Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul, March 23-23,2002
 “Turkish Experience in Religious Education”, Modernity and Educational Institutions of
Islam, by Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung and al-Ijtihad Journal, Beirut, 13-14 December
 “Kurellesme ve Din”, (“Globalization and Religion”) Küresellesme ve Din Sempozyumu,
Gazi Üniversitesi, Ilahiyat Fakültesi, Çorum, 26-28 September, 2003
 “Hermenutik ve Semantik”, Tefsir Ilminde Metodoloji Problemi, Islami Arastirmalar
Vakfi, Istanbul, 18-19 October 2003
 “Kur’an’da Ehl-i Kitap Anlayisi,” (“The People of the Book in the Qur’an”)
Müslümanlarin Diger Din Mensuplariyla Iliskilerinde Temel Yaklasimlar, Türkiye Dinler
Tarihi Dernegi, Ankara ,1-2 November, 2003
 “Cagdas Donemde Kur’an’a ve Tefsir’e Ne Oldu” (“What Hapenned to the Qur’an
and Tafsir in Modern Era”), islamiyat, Cilt, 6,2003, No:4, s.85-104
 “Islam Modernizmine Elestirel Bir Bakis”, (A Critical Approach to Muslim
Modernism”), Islami Arastirmalar Merkezi, Istanbul, 30 April, 2004
“The Consept of Justice in the Qur’an”, Graduiertenkolleg Lectures: Conceptions of
Justice in Christianity and Islam, Bamberg University, 28 June 2004
 “Klasik Tefsir Neydi?” (“What Was the Classical Tafsir”), Klasiği Yeniden Düşünmek,
Istanbul, 8-10 October, 2004
 “Higher Islamic Education in Turkey”, Islam in Higher Education, Conference,
University of Birmingham, 29-30 January 2005
 “Din Bilimleri ve Cagdas Sorunları Uzerine” (“On Religious Sciences and the
Modern Problems of Them” Modern Dönemde Dini İlimleri Temel Meseleleri, Syposium,
ISAM, Istanbul, 14-17 April, 2005.
 “Bir Yorum Eleştirisi: Çağdaşçı Kur’an Yorumu Üzerine”, (“A Critique of
Interpretation: On Modernist Qur’anic Interpretation”) VII Kur’an Sempozyumu
(Kur’an ve Müslümanlar), Kayseri, 15-16 May, 2004, Fecr Yayınları:Ankara, 2005
 “Muslumanlarin Gelecek Tasavvuru”,(“The Future Idea of Muslims”, VIII Kur’an
Sempozyumu Yozgat, 14-15 May, 2005
 “Tefsir Uzerine”, (“Some Considerations On Tafsir”), 1. Tefsir Anabilim Dalı
Koordinasyon Toplantısı ve Sempozyumu, Van, 10-13 June 2005
 “Tefsir
Hakkinda”(“On Tafsir”) Insan Onurunun Islam ve Hıristiyan
Geleneklerindeki Temelleri Ankara Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi, Eugen Biser
Stiftung 3-4 Ekim 2005
 “Çağdaş Değerler Üzerine Bir Ehl-i Sünnet Değerlendirmesi”; (“An Ahl-i Sunna
Evaluation on Modern Values”), islamiyat, Cilt, 8, 2005, No:3, s.81-87
 “Kur’an’ın Neliğine Dair”, (“On the Nature of the Qur’an”) İlahiyat Fakülteleri Tefsir
Anabilim Dalı II. Koordinasyon Toplantısı, Kayseri, 8-9 Temmuz 2006
 “Tefsir’in Yöntemi Açısından Tefsir Ürünlerinin Sınıflandırılması Tartışması”, İslami
İlimlerde Terminoloji Sorunu Sempozyumu, İslami Araştırmalar, Tek-Dav, Tübitak, Ankara
15-16 Haziran, 2006,
 “Qur’anic Studies in Turkey”, Changeable and Uncheangable in Islamic Thought and Practice,
International Workshop and Public Forum, ISAM, Oslo Coalition, 25-28, Ocak, 2007
 “Din Bilimleri ve Çağdaş Sorunları Üzerine” (“On Religious Sciences and the
Modern Problems of Them” Modern Dönemde Dini İlimleri Temel Meseleleri, (Syposium,
ISAM, Istanbul, 14-17 April, 2005), 2007, s. 271-284.
 “Kur’an’da Allah’ın Kelamı Kavramı”, (The Concept of the Word of God in the
Qur’an”) Kutsal Kitaplarda Allah’ın Kelamı Sempozyumu, İskenderun, 12-13 Mayıs,2007
“İslam’ın Farklı Dini Topluluklara Bakışı” (The Approach of Islam towards Other
Religious Communities) Otorite-Birey İlişkisi: Hıristiyanlık ve İslamiyetteki Teolojik Temelleri
Çalıştayı, Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, Eugen Biser Stiftung, Ankara, 16-17
Mayıs, 2007
“The Qur’an and the Quran Exegesis in Modern Time”, Kur’an and Bible in
Dialogue – New Ways of Kuranic Hermeneutics, Beratungsstelle für christlichislamische Begegnung der Evangelischen Kirche, Dortmund, 22 Ağustos 2007,
“A Critique of Modernist-Historicist Approaches to the Qur’an” Literary and
Historical Approaches to the Qur’an and the Bible, German Orient Institute & ISAM,
İstanbul, 2-12 Eylül 2007.
 “Kur’an’da ve Tefsirlerde Ehl-i Kitab ile İlişkiler”, (Relations with the People of the
Book in the Qur’an and in the Qur’anic Exegesis) Tarihsel, Doktrinel ve İşlevsel
Boyutlarıyla Dinlerarası İlişkiler, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı, Ankara-Kızılcahamam, 22-24
Haziran 2007
 “A Dialogue Experience”A World Without Violence:Faith and Cultures in Dialogue,
Community of Sant’Egitio, Naples, 21-23 October 2007
 “On Modern Muslim Self-Image: Woman Issue”, Movement Matters:Vision,
Mobilization, and Memory, Southern Sociological Society, Richmond, Virginia, 9-12
April, 2008.
 ………………7th. Building Bridges Seminar: A Meeting Muslim and Christian
Scholars, Rome, 5-9 May 2008
 “The Principles of Qur’anic Exegesis” Duke University, 11 November, 2008
 “A Critique of Modern Muslim Modernist Approach to the Qur’an”, The Ohio State
University Middle East Studies Center, 20 February 2009
 “How and Who Has the Authority to Interpret Our Sacred Texts”, Abrahamic
Roundtable, Washington National Cathedral, 7, December, 2009
 “Çağdaşçı Kur’an’da Kadın” Yorumunun Eleştirisi”, Kur’an ve Tefsir Akademisi:
Tarihten Günümüze Kur’an’a Yaklaşımlar, İstanbul, 10-14 Ağustos 2009
 “Çağdaşlık Sonrasında Tefsiri Yeniden Düşünmek”, Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 1
(1), s.85-94, 2008
 “Osmanlı Medresesinde Tefsir Öğretiminin Yeri ve Tefsirin Çağdaşlıkla
Karşılaşması”, Kur’an ve Tefsir Akademisi: Osmanlı Toplumunda Kur’an Kültürü ve Tefsir
Çalışmaları, İstanbul, 2-6 Ağustos 2010
Bridge to Dialogue with the Middle East and Turkey, Pontificia Universita Laterna, Roma,
18-19 March, 2009
 A Woodstock Forum: Muslims and Christians: Where do We Stand?, The Church of Saint
Ignatius Loyola, New York, May 5, 2009,
 “Qur’anic Text Discussion”, The 8th. Building Bridges Seminar, Science and Religion:
Christian and Muslim Perspective, İstanbul, 16-18 Haziran, 2009
 “Conferences on Islam”, St Columba Church Program, Washington DC. 13 Ocak- 3
Şubat 2009.
 “Minority Rights and Pluralism in Islam”, American University Islamic Lecture
Series, 26, February 2009, Washington DC.
 “Sources of Islam and the Modern Situation”, Faculty Conferences, Wesley Theological
Seminary, Washington DC, 20, Ekim, 2009
 “Modernist Interpretations of the Qur’an: A Critical Reassesment”; George Mason
University, Ali Vural Ak Center for Islamic Studies, 2 Mart, 2010
 “Human Rights and Democracy - Islamic Perspectives”, Islam and Peace: Sunni-Shia
Dialogue on Human Rights and Pluralism, Lund University Center for Middle Eastern Studies
(Sweden), Salaam Institute for Peace and Justice, United States Institute of Peace, 20-21 Eylül
 “Şiddetin Çağdaş Kökenleri ve İslam Dünyası”, Uluslararası Terörizm ve Sınıraşan Suçlar
Sempozyumu (UTSA), Antalya), 7-9 Aralık 2010
 “Individual Responsibility and the Afterlife in the Qur’an” in Sharing Mary: Bible and
the Qur’an Side by Side, by Marlies ter Borg, s.215-217, CreateSpace: USA, 2010
 “Critique of Modernist ‘Woman in the Qur’an’ Reading”, Islam and Women and the
Personal Status Laws, United States Institute of Peace, Istanbul, 28-30 Mayıs 2011
 “Müslüman Yaşanmışlıkta Kadın”, Bugün ve 50 Yıl Önce Din ve Göç: Almanya ve
Türkiye’de Cinsiyet Eşitliği, Tarabya, İstanbul, 28-29 Mayıs 2011
 “ ‘İslam Öncesi Arap Toplumunda Ahval-i Şahsiye hukuku’ başlıklı makalenin
değerlendirmesi”, Kur’an’ın Anlaşılmasına Katkısı Açısından Kur’an Öncesi Mekke
Toplumu, İstanbul, 1-3 Temmuz.
 “Arab Spring and Turkey”, Religions For Peace Middle East-North Africa (MENA)
Council Fas, Marakeş, 15-16 Kasım, 2011
 “Türkiye’de İslam: Tarihsel Perspektif”, Almanya ve Türkiye’de Dini Grupların Hakları ve
Toplumsal Etkileri, Tarabya, İstanbul, 1-3 Haziran, 2012
 “Democratic Values and the Qur’an as a Source of Islam”, Istanbul Seminars: Reset
Dialogues, İstanbul Bilgi University, İstanbul, 19-24 Mayıs 2012
 “No Future with No Pacification”, Arab Spring: Towards a New National Pact,
Community of Sant’Egidio, Roma, 29, Şubat 2012
 “ ‘Mihne ve Tefsir’ Başlıklı Makalenin Değerlendirilmesi”; İlk Dönem İslam Tarihinde
Mihne Süreci ve İslami İlimlere Etkisi, İstanbul Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 12-13
Mayıs, 2012.
 “Ortadoğu’da Birlikte Yaşama Tecrübesi” Arap Uyanışı ve Ortadoğu’da Barış: Müslüman
ve Hıristiyan Perspektifler, , İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi (İSAM), Marmara Üniversitesi
Ortadoğu Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 7-8 Eylül 2012
“The Management of Religious Affairs in a Secular System”, Muslim Engagement for
State and Society, Workshop I; Participation and Education, İstanbul, 22-24 Şubat 2013
 ‘Türkiye’de İslam: Tarihsel Perspektif!, Alman-Türk İşbirliğinin Konusu Olarak İslam ve
Avrupa X: Almanya ve Türkiye’de Dini Grupların Hakları ve Toplumsal Etkileri, Tarabya,
1-3 Haziran 2012
 “Occidentalisation and Faith Communities: Prospects and Predicaments”,
Secularization and Its Impact on Faith Communities, Istanbul, 4-7 July 2013
 Kur’ an’da ve Kitab-i Mukaddes’te Ahiret Inanci, ( Eschatalogical Beliefs in the Qur'an and the
Bible), Ph.D., Ankara University, Graduate School, 1989.
 Imam Bagavi ve Onun Tefsirdeki Metodu, (Imam al-Baghawi and His Methodology of Tafsir),
M.A., Ankara University, Theology Faculty,1982.
 Editorial Board
Rewiev of the Faculty of Divinity
Marmara University
 Editorial Board
Rewiev of The Faculty of Divinity
Ankara University
 Publication Comittee
Ankara University
Faculty of Ilahiyat
 Faculty Board
Ankara University
Faculty of Ilahiyat
 Program Developing
Ministry of Education
Ankara University
Islamiyat quarterly
Ankara University
Faculty of Ilahiyat
International Islamic University,
 Program Developing
 Editorial Board
 Deputy Chief of the
Division of Basic Islamic Sciences
 Advisory Committee
for International Students,
 Editorial Board
Journal of Islamic Research quarterly
Ankara University
Faculty of Ilahiyat
 Publication Committee
Research scholarship
Research scholarship
The British Council
Research scholarship
King Saud University
Study scholarship

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