
Gender: Female
Current Adress:
Work: Maltepe Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Psychology Dept. Marmara Eğitim Köyü,
Maltepe, Istanbul, TURKEY.
Postal Code: 34857
Work: 90 (216) 626 10 50- 2202 ext.2202
Fax Nu: 0216 626 10 93
e-mail: nermincelen@yahoo.com & nermıncelen@maltepe.edu.tr
Ph. D. Education-Developmental Psychology Program Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey,
Dissertation: Cognitive Function of Symbolic Play
M.S. Psychology- Clinical Psychology Program Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 1986
Thesis: Comparison of aggressivity level between Turkish youth who live in Turkey
and outside of Turkey
B.S. Psychology Middle East Technical University, Arts and Sciences Faculty 1971
Positions held
Maltepe University Arts & Science Fac. Head of Psychology Dept September 2011 on
Maltepe Unıversity, Dean of Faculty of Education, Full Professor 3/2005- Sept 2011
Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey Chair; Department of Psychology full Proffesor (
also Founder), Director of the Division Developmental Psychology 3/1998- 3/2005
Associate Prof. 1993-1998 in Psych. Dept
Assistant prof. 1983-1993 Uludag University, Faculty of Education, Counseling
Worked for Ministry of Health as a psychologist 1976-1983
Turkish Psychological Association
European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) ( 2004-2008 executive
Commity member of EARA)
SRIF Society for Research on Identity
European Developmental Psychology Association
International Toy Research Ass. (ITRA)
English ( excellent), Italian ( intermediate)
Realized Projects and Grants (founded):
Celen,N.; Oktik.N. & Erkal.G. ( 2014) Partner of CJSW Project with Avans University,
“Personality Profile of Juvenile Delinquents”Department of Psychology and Bursa City
Police department colleborative Research. Primary investigator.Uludag University Academic
Research Fund
March 2000 normalization and standardization of neurocognitive test measuring memory,
attention, executive functions and sensory motor coordination in children between 5-17 years
old. State Planning Association Projects Co-investigator
“Conflict between Parent and Adolescents: Variation by family constitution”ÇOKAUM
“Decisions on Adolescent Behavior within Family” ÇOKAUM destekli
“Patterns of Parental Control (Psychological involvement-Autonomy granting) and
corresponding Identity Styles in Adolescence” Uludag University Academic Research Fund
(Project number 2000/19)
“Psychological effects of 1999 Marmara earthquake on people living in Mudanya”.
Departments of Psychology and Sociology Colloborative Research Team .Primary
investigator Uludag University Academic Research Fund
“Child rearing techniques and psyco-social developmental tasks in primary school”Uludag
University Academic Research Fund
“Personality Problems of adolescents who were immigrated from rural to urban areas”
Maltepe University Academic Research Fund
Identity formation of Islamic feminists
Editorial Board Member Uludag University, Journal of Art and Sciences
Supervised Ph.D Thesis
“The relationship between marital adaptation and self esteem, attachment styles in middle
“Using social media in adults”
“ Political Identity in Turkish Youth”
“ Relationship between Prosocial behavior and moral development in Turkish Youth”
Supervised Master Thesis
“The Relationship between Formal Operational Thought and Identity Status”. M.A.
“Identity Development in Adolescents’ Family Domain” M.A.
“Identity Development in Adolescents’ Friendship Domain” M.A.
“Identity Development in Adolescents’ School and Employment Domain” M.A.
“The Relationship between Psychological Construction of Family and self Concept in
Adolescence” M.A.
“Attachment problems and Personalty Disorders of Juvenile Delinquents”
“Self Esteem and Future Time Perspectives of Juvenile Delinquents”
“ Identity status and future time Perspectives of the Youngesters who have Type 1 Diabetus
“ EQ of gifted and bright children”
“The comparison of two different teaching techniques in math class .( a kind of comparison
betw. Piaget and Vygotsky)
“Attachment styles of children and their mothers who have different child rearing
“The relationship between perceived parental attitutes and marriage adaptation in young
“The relationship between future anxiety and identity statutes in young adults”
“The comparison of the children from one parent family and two parents family in terms of
anxiety and attachment styles”
“The relationship between the cognitive performances and self concept development of
children between the ages 10-11 yrs.”
“The relationship between cognitive performances and executive functions of children
between the ages 10-11 yrs”
“The relationship between perceived parental attitutes and marital adjustment in the period of
“the level of anxiety in emerging adulthood period”.
“The relationship between attitudes of forgiveness and just world perception in delinquents
and nondelinquents”
“The relationship between cognitive function development and Video game playing”
“ The perceived parental attitudes in divorced and non divorced family’s children.”
“The relationship between marital adaptation and self esteem, attachment styles in middle
“The relationship between attachment styles and peer relations in middle childhood”
“the level of anxiety in emerging adulthood period”.
“The relationship between attitudes of forgiveness and just world perception in delinquents
and nondelinquents”
Teaching Experience:
Courses have been given in Maltepe University
For Undergraduates
Developmental Psychology ( late adulthood and aging)Developmental Psychology
(Childhood), Developmental Psychology (Adolescence), Introduction to Psychology,
Psychology of Learning, Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology, ( in Turkish
&English) ;( Turkish & English Contemprory issues in developmental psychology ;Adulthood
and Aging (in English) and Identity Development ( İn English) for Erasmus students
Graduate Courses
Theories of Development, Theories of Adolescence, Theories of Learning & Teaching
Delinquency in Adolescence, Identity Development, Personality and Adjustment, Learning
strategies and practical applications ( İn schools, in clinical Psyc and consumer behavior)
Life span development
Other teaching Experiences
1999 Summer Semestr McGill University seminars and workshop for master students
co-worker Prof.Dr. Francis Aboud
2000-2005 advisor of some PH.D students
Courses has been given in Yeditepe University ( from 2004 on for part time)
Development and Learning
December 2015 “War, Migration and Child” Ege University, Keynote speaker
May 2015 “Development of Ethnic Identity and its Outcomes” International Congress on
Education for Future”Ankara University
September 2014 “ Ego Identity of Turkish Youth” Keynote Speaker !4th EARA Congress
September 2014 Çelen, N. & Erdem, A.“ Comparison of Self Esteem and coping Styles in
Children and Adolescents with or without Type 1 Diabetes “ 14 th EARA Congress
September2014 Çelen, N.& Erdoğan, G. “ The relationship between the Parental attitudes and
Social Physical anxiety of Obese Adolescents and Healty Ones
December, 2013 “The relationship between marital adaptation and self esteem, attachment
styles in middle adulthood
December 2013 “ Being a parent in 21th Century” and “New classification of emotions in
terms of video games” Torino university Erasmus Programme
Aralık 2013 “ Socialization and family”Erasmus Conference in TORİNO İN Torino
Ağustos 2012 “Analysis of Relationship between Forgiveness and just World Belief of
perpetrator and Non perpetrator Adolescents” bildiri sözlü sunum.
July 2010 “Identity development and anxiety in young adulthood” Napoli Federico
II.Universitesi invited speaker
July 2010 “Genere e ProspettiveInterculturali ” başlıklı bildiri Napoli Universitesi ve
Akademik psikologların Derneginin ortak düzenlediği Dünyada Kadın ve Politika başlıklı
kongrede ( Le Opportune Differenza: Aspetti della Rappresentanza Politica Delle Donne)
invited speaker
May 2009 “Identity formation of radical female islamic university students” centro
Interdisciplinare di recerche e studi delle Donne, Universita delgi Studi di Torino
May 2008 “ Investigation of relationship between Turkish Adolescent’s Resilience and
Domain of Self Perception” Accepted as a oral presentation in XI EARA Congress
May 2008 “Identity Development throughout the Life Span” Programmed ERASMUS
Conference in Torino University
August 2007 “ Personal Profile of immigrant youth from rural areas to urban areas” European
Society for developmental Psych.Paper presented in symposium Jena
May 2006 “ Parental Control mechanisms and their relation to Identity Styles of Turkish
adolescents” X EARA Congress in Antalya
May 2004 “ Transitional problems of Adolescents who have chronic illness”IX EARA
Congress in Porto
September 2003 The effects of social change on psychosocial behaviors of Turkish Youth
Universita Degli Studenti Torino Programmed conference
August 2003 “Addiction to video games is attachment problem or peer group conformity? XI
European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Milan-Italy
August 2002”Traditional Toys in Turkey: Comparison in Rural and Urban setting”
International Toy research Ass.-And Center for Study of children-London Univ.Educational
Dep tCongres of “Toys, games and Media” London
August 2002 “The National and Global Effects in Formation of Toy Parks of chidren in
Turkey Congress of “Toys, Games and Media”London
August (2001)”Comparison between perceived parental control and identity styles in Turkish
adolescents” Nermin celen & Ersin Kusdil, Uppsala, Sweden
August ( 2001) Decisional Autonomy development of Turkish
Youth from the Parent’s perspective Nermin Celen & Figen Cok X European Conference on
Developmental Psych Upsala Sweden
June 2001 “Changes in children games through three generations: A study in a rural setting in
Turkey” Sheffield University, Dimensions of Play Time And Imigration of Children’s Oral
Culture Conference
June 2000 The 7th Biennial Conference of EARA “Decisional Autonomy Development in
Turkish Youth” Nermin Celen & Figen Cok, Jena-Germany February
June 1999 The 2nd International Toy Research Conference “Communication with children in
three different museum settings: ‘Toy museum, etnography museum, archeology museum.”
Bekir Onur, Nermin Celen, &Seyda Aksel, Sweden
May 1999 Identity Development, Peer and Family Relationships: A seminar in Turkey
“Adolescent-parent conflict in adolescence” Terry Honess, Sandy Jackson, Harke bosma &
Nermin Celen
September 1998 “Democracy in School” Workshop organzie dby Sofia University &
UNESCO, Bulgaria
June 1998 The 6th Biennial Conference of EARA “Comparison between Bulgarian and
Turksih Youth on the base of their attitudes toward children’s rights” Budapest-Hungary
1998 Groningen University, Social Sciences Fac. “To Understand Young Turkish People In
Their Own Context”programmed conference
February1998 II. International Bursa Uludag-Siegen University Symposium “What children
and Teachers think about children’s rights” Bursa Turkey
-November 1997 Colleque International sur le Jouet “ Children’s need of toys from the
mother”s point of view in two cities in Turkey” Angouleme-France
September 1997 International Youth Conference on Human Rights and Democracy in
Today’s School. Workshop Primorsco-Bulgaria
June 1997 Urban Childhood Conference “Children’s attitudes their rights”Trodheim-Norway
August 1996 International Congress of Psychology “Development of political concepts
between 11-15 yrs.” Montreal-Canada
June 1996 First Balkan CIVITAS Congress “Political socialization and civic education
May 1996 5. Biennial Conference EARA “The acquisitoin of political awareness in Turkish
youth” Liege-Belgium
July 1993 III. European Congress of Psychology “Syllogistic reasoning pattern of turkish
adolescents” Finland
July 1992 XXV. International Congress of Psychology “Cognitive function of symbolic play”
Brussels. Belgium
September 1990 NATO ASI Seminar “Learning disability and cognitive strategy
training”Toulouse, France
April 2015 “Ego Identity Development” Fatih University
March 2015 ( Çelen, N.) “Adolescence and Puberty” Marmara Koleji
January 2015 ( Çelen, N.) “Being a Parent in 21 th Century” TED RÖNESANS Koleji
November2012 (Çelen, N.) “ Electronic Media and Socialization” Ebeveynlik Kongresi Koç
May2011 (Çelen, N ) “ Electronic media and Youth” Fen Bilimleri dershanesi
April2011 ( Çelen,N.) “ Preadolescents,adolescents and Youth” Marmara Koleji
March 2011 Çelen, N.” Electronic media and Behavior Shaping” Maltepe Üniversitesi ve
Rotary Kulüpleri işbirliği ile gerçekleşen Gençlik Forumu
February 2011 Çelen, N“ Friendship and Romantic relationship” Okan Üniversitesi Çağrılı
October 2008 ( Çelen, N.) “-Attachment styles inMother and Child Annesinin”VI Ulusal
Çocuk Kültürü Kongresi T.
October 2008 “ Attachment styles of children and their mothers - Çocuk Annenin bağlanma
düzeyleri”VI Ulusal Çocuk Kültürü Kongresi The Center of Child Culture and Research IVth
June 2006 “Video Games and Youth Violence”VI thYouth and Counseling Symposium
October 2005 The Center of Child Culture and Research IVth Cong. “ The Fears of Children
and Media”Ankara
June 2005, 3rd Youth Symposium, “Communication with Youth”
November 2000 5th National Adolescent Congress “Parental control patterns and identity
September 2000 The Center of Child Culture and Research III. Cong “A Review on
adolescent researches in Turkey between 1937-2000yrs.”
May 2000 U.U. Arts and Sciences Faculty Research Results Conference “Development of
autonomy in psycho-social base”
June 1999 U.U. Arts and Sciences Faculty Research Results Conference “Identity
development in Adolescence”
May 1999 UNICEF-COKAKUM “Social and cultural participation of child” Workshop
November 1998 A.U. The Center of Child Culture & Research II. National Cong. “Attitudes
of Parents toward Children’s Play Rights Ankara
July 1998 Workshop “Law related Education”
February 1998 Turkish-German Symposiums (Bursa, Siegen) “What teachers think about
Children’s Rights” Bilgin, Celen, Ozucu
April, 1997 Civil Society and Regional Cooperation Conference “Obstacles to overcome in
teaching civics, schools and NGOs” Istanbul
November 1996 TED Citizenship and Education “Proposals for civic education” Ankara
November 1996 A.U. The Center of Child Culture & Research I. National Congress
“Children’s attitudes & awareness about children’s rights” Ankara
July 1995 Local Youth Symposium WALD. “Political Socialization in Turkish Youth” Bursa
October 1995 Istanbul The (legal) Bar Meeting on Child Rights Workshop
May 1993 TED Congress on the problems teaching Turkish language in primary schools
“Effects of Family on Development of Language “Effects of family on development of
September 1992 7th National Psychology Congress “Effects of symbolic play on cognitive
Çelen , H. N.& Dereboy F. ( 2011) “ Gençlerde Kimlik Gelişimi- Identity development in
youth” Ülkemizde Gençlik Ne Biliyor? Ne Bilmiyor? Yayına hazırlayan Mehmet Eskin.
Çocuk ve Ruh sağlığı Yay. Yayında. Ankara
Çelen, H. N. (2011) “Türkiye’de boşanma Aile ve Çocuklar- Divorced families and their
children in Turkey” Çocuk ve Çocukluk Deneme Kitabı(Ed). Mustafa Ruhi Şirin. Çocuk
Vakfı yay. İstanbul
Çelen, H.N.(2008) What is going on to me? Bana Neler Oluyor?( Psychology of young and
mid adulthood)) ; İn Turkish Imge Yay.
Çelen, H.N & Kusdil, E.( 2009) “Parental Control Mechanisms and their relation to Identity
Styles of Turkish Adolescents” submitted and accepted by Paidéia cadernos de psicologia e
Educa Çaul ISSN 0103-863X 4,19: p.7-17
Çelen, H.N. (2007)Adolescence and Young Adulthood Ergenlik ve Genç Yetişkinlik :Bir
Dönüşüm Süreci( in Turkish) İstanbul Papatya Publ..
Celen, N.H.;Cok, F.; Bosma, H.(2006)”Perceptions of Decisional autonomy of Turkish
adolescents and their Parents” PaidéiaCadernos de psicologia e EducaÇau1 6,35
Çelen, H.N. & Cok, F. ( 2006) Prepared a chapter for International Encyclopedia of
Adolescence Routledge about Turkey( Ed). J. Arnett
Çelen N.( 2004) “ Parental attitutes toward Children play rights” ( p. 102-115); “The changes
in type of games in three generations”( p. 129-151); “ Traditional toys in Turkey.
Comparison rural and urban areas”(p. 159-166) ( Ed.) B. Onur.Türkiye’de Çocuk Oyunları:
Araştırmalar(The games and toys in Turkey)
Çelen, N. & Ertürk,E M ( 2004). “Bilgisayar oyunlarına düşkünlüğün bağlanma davranışı ve
akran grubu uyumu açısından değerlendirilmesi” 4.Ulusal Çocuk Kültürü Kongresi Bildiriler
Kitabı içinde tam metin.Ed. M.Artar. Ankara Üniv. Yayınları
Celen, N. (2000). “Critics on Kohlberg’s view of Moral development” U.U. Journal of
Education. (In Turkish)XII. 1
Celen, N. And Cok, F. (2000). “A review of Turkish literature on adolescence”(Ed. Bekir
Onur) Ankara University Publ.: Ankara.
Celen, N. (2000). “Foreclosure identity development; cognitive and psycho-social obstacles”
(in Turkish) Journal of Psychiatry, Psychology and Psychopharmology, 2(3), 23-29.
Celen, N. (2000). Psychology of Learning (in Turkish) Imge Publ.:Ankara.
Celen, N., Onur, B.,& Kozcu, S. (1998). “Children’s Need Of Toys From Mother’s Point Of
View İn Two Cities İn Turkey” colloque Int. Sur le Jouet congress book.
Celen, N. (1999). “Parental attitudes toward children play rights” Democracy and Child (Ed.
Bekir Onur) Ankara University Publ.
Celen, N. (1997). “Children’s attitudes and awareness about child rights” (in Turkish) Child
Culture and Research (Ed. Bekir Onur)Ankara University Publ.
Celen. N. (1996). “Development of Political Concepts between 11-15 yrs.”Abstract Int.
Journal of Psychology Vol.31 Issues 3&4 August.
1995 J. Adams To Understand Adolescence Translated by Celen, Cok, Onur Ed. B. Onur
Imge Publ..Ankara
Celen, N. (1995). Political Socialization in Turkish Youth” (in Turkish) WALD Gençlik Kent
Yönetimi Istanbul
Celen, N. (1995). “Child Rights” (in Turkish) Istanbul Lawyers Association Publ..
1994 Gardiner H.& Gander M. The Development of Child and Adolescent Ed. B. Onur.
Translated by Celen Donmez, Onur Imge Publ..Ankara.
Celen, N. (1993) “The Role of Language in Cognitive Development” (in Turkish) Eğitim ve
Bilim Dergisi (Journal of education and Science) April 17, 88 p46-51.
Celen, N. (1992). “Cognitive function of Symbolic Play” International Journbal of
Psychology 27,3 &4 June/August.
Celen, N. (1991). “Delinquency” (in Turkish) U.U. Journal of Education 4, 1 161-169.
Organized Congresses
2004 Psychology Students Congress at Uludag University
2006 Youth Congress Theme is “Problems of Youth”at Maltepe University
2006 Partner of Organization Committe X EARA Congress in Antalya
2007 International Youth Congress Theme is “Violence in School”at Maltepe University
2008 International Youth Congress Theme is “Importance of vocational Schools” at Maltepe
Reference Persons
Prof.Dr. Ciğdem Kagitcibasi Koç University Psychology Department Ckagit@ku.edu.tr
Prof.Dr. Figen ÇOK Ankara TED University
Dr. Harke Bosma Groningen University Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences,
Psychology Dept. Netherland