Evren ÇELİK WILTSE Hacettepe University Faculty of Economics


Evren ÇELİK WILTSE Hacettepe University Faculty of Economics
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
International Relations Department
06800 Beytepe, Ankara TURKEY
Phone: + 90 312 297 8111
Fax: +90 312 297 6710
e-mail: evrenc@hacettepe.edu.tr
PhD Candidate University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Passed comprehensive exams in
International Relations and Comparative Politics sub-fields. Dissertation
Title: “After the ‘Fog of Reform’: Comparative Democratization in Mexico
and Turkey in the Post-1980 Era”. Expected degree date: Fall 2008. Chair:
Prof. Howard J. Wiarda
2000 M.A. Bogazici University, Istanbul-TURKEY. Thesis Title: “State-Business
Relations in Turkey in the post-1980 Era.” Chair: Prof. Yılmaz Esmer
1997 B.A. Bogazici University, Department of Political Science and International
Relations. Graduated with Honors.
Other Training:
Summer 2008 San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Internship at the Center for Global Justice,
and fieldwork at Dolores Hidalgo
March 2007 NATO Headquarters, Belgium. Participated in the Public Diplomacy for
Turkish Scholars Program.
Summer 2005 Cuernavaca, Mexico. Studied intensive Spanish at Encuentros.
2004 Fall- present, Full-time Research Assistant at Hacettepe University.
2004 Spring
Adjunct Instructor at Bay Path College, Longmeadow, Massachusetts.
Taught junior level course on International Relations.
2004 Spring
Adjunct Instructor at University of Hartford, Connecticut. Taught
freshmen level American Government.
2003 Summer Instructor at Boğazici University, Istanbul. Taught freshmen level
Introduction to Political Science during the Summer School.
Various TA and RA positions at University of Massachusetts-Amherst,
Political Science Department, mostly for International Relations courses.
Grader at Smith College, Northampton, MA. Assisted in grading of
International Relations and US Foreign Policy courses.
1997- 1999
Various TA and RA positions at Bogazici University, Istanbul. Worked as
the field coordinator of several nation-wide public opinion surveys.
Areas of Research and Teaching Interest: Theories of Globalization; Comparative
Development and Democratization (particularly Mexico-Turkey comparison); US Foreign
Policy; Impacts of Integration with Advanced Economies on Quality of Democracy;
Political Islam in Turkey.
July 2008
TUBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences) award for scientific publication (for
the contribution in the edited volume on Globalization)
July 2008
Hacettepe University, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative
Sciences Award for Indexed publication (SSCI)
February 2008 Hacettepe University, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative
Sciences Award for international publication (for the contribution in the
edited volume on Globalization)
Summer 2005 PhD Research and Writing Grant from American Research Institute in
Turkey (ARIT).
Summer 2004 Graduate Travel Grant for language study in Mexico from the Dean of
School of Social Sciences, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Summer 2004 Graduate Travel Grant from the Department of Political Science,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Summer 2003 Summer Research Grant from Center for Latin American, Caribbean and
Latino Studies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Article in Social Science Citation Indexed (SSCI) Journal:
Evren Çelik Wiltse. 2008. “The Gordian Knot of Turkish Politics: Regulating Headscarf
Use in Public,” South European Society and Politics, Vol: 13 (2), pp. 195-215
Book Chapters:
Evren Çelik Wiltse. 2007. “Globalization and Mexico” in Globalization: Universal
Trends, Regional Implications, edited by Howard J. Wiarda, Boston, MA: University
Press of New England (UPNE), pp.214-243.
Evren Çelik Wiltse. (forthcoming). “Similar Societies, Different Paces of Democratic
Transition: The cases of Mexico and Turkey” in Transformation of Democracy in Turkey,
David Lovell and Cem Karadeli, editors.
Peer-reviewed Article:
Evren Çelik Wiltse. 2008 “Değişen Güç Dengeleri ve 21. yüzyılda ABD-Latin Amerika
İlişkileri” (Changing Power Dynamics and the US-Latin American Relations in 21st
Century), Bilim ve Eleştiri, (Science & Criticism) Vol: 5, Issue 9.
Other Articles: (Published in Turkish)
Evren Çelik Wiltse & David Wiltse. December 2006. “US After the November 2006
Elections”, Birikim, Vol:212, İstanbul: İletişim Publications
Evren Çelik Wiltse. March 2006. “Hugo Chavez and the “21st Century Socialism” in
Venezuela,” Birikim, Special Issue on Latin America, Vol: 203, İstanbul: İletisim
Evren Çelik Wiltse. February, 2006. “Hugo Chavez and Venezuela: The Story of a
‘Different’ Leader,” Türk Harb-İş Magazine, Ankara-Turkey
Evren Çelik. “The Story of Land Reform In Zimbabwe: Poverty in Midst of Plenty”,
Birikim, Special Issue on Africa, Vol: 175-176, İstanbul: İletişim Publications
Evren Çelik. “The New Bush Doctrine”, Birikim, Vol: 167, İstanbul: İletişim Publications
Short Essays Published in Turkish Newspapers and Magazines:
- Evren Celik Wiltse. “On Ali Bulaç, Foreign Bridegrooms and Hybridization,” published
on-line at Birikim Güncel website (www.birikimdergisi.com), February 10, 2006
- Evren Celik Wiltse. “The Fundamentalists of the US, Unite!” Birikim Güncel website,
December 12, 2005.
- Evren Celik Wiltse. “The Giant We Have Missed: BRAZIL”, Cumhuriyet-Strateji
(Turkish daily), July 11, 2005.
- Evren Celik Wiltse. “Religion and the US”, Cumhuriyet-Strateji, May 2, 2005.
- Evren Celik Wiltse, “Rice and the US Foreign Policy”, Cumhuriyet-Strateji, November
29, 2005.
Selected Translations (from English to Turkish):
Currently under contract with İletişim Publications for a book on democratization in
China. Choahua Wang, ed. One China Many Paths, London: Verso. 2005
Michael Ignatieff. “Who are Americans to think that Freedom is theirs to spread?” in New
York Times Magazine, June 26, 2005. Translated version published in CumhuriyetStrateji, July 4, 2005.
Several academic articles translated from English to Turkish were published in the
Science- Society journal [ToplumBilim] Istanbul.
Evren Celik Wiltse. “US-Latin American Relations in a Unipolar World” presented at the
10th National Social Sciences Conference, November 28-30, 2007, Middle East Technical
University, ANKARA.
Evren Celik Wiltse. “In the Shadow of Superpowers: US-Mexico and EU-Turkey
Relations in Comparative Perspective” presented at the 47th Annual Convention of
International Studies Association (ISA), March 22-25, 2006, San Diego, CA.
Evren Celik Wiltse. “Democratization in Turkey and Mexico” presented at 37th Annual
Meeting of Northeastern Political Science Association. November17-19, 2005,
Philadelphia, PA.
Evren Celik Wiltse & Mitat Celikpala. “Failed States on Stage: Changing US Foreign
Policy and the Caucasus”, presented at the 4th Annual METU International Conference,
June 30, 2005, Ankara-TURKEY.
Evren Celik Wiltse. “The Rise of Islam and Decline of Welfare State: Faith-based Politics
and Neo-liberalism in Turkey”, Special Seminar, delivered at the Institute of Development
Studies (IDS), September 17, 2004, Sussex University, Brighton, UK.
Evren Celik Wiltse. “Unipolar vs Multipolar World: Where Does Turkey Stand?”
presented at the 2nd Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, 24-26 June, 2004, Bologna,
Evren Celik Wiltse & David L. Wiltse. “Mexican Civil Society in the New Era of
Globalization”, presented at the Annual Meeting of Western Political Science Association,
March 2004, Portland, OR.
Turkish (native), English (fluent), Spanish (intermediate)
* References, writing samples and student evaluations would be provided upon request

Benzer belgeler

1 Boğaziçi University Prof. Şevket Pamuk Department of

1 Boğaziçi University Prof. Şevket Pamuk Department of The introductory text for the course is Ş. Pamuk, Osmanlı-Türkiye İktisadi Tarihi , 1500-1914, 4. Baskı, Gerçek Yayınları, Istanbul, 1997. The main textbook is Ş. Pamuk, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Pa...
