Savunma Sanayii Mustesarligi


Savunma Sanayii Mustesarligi
Savunma Sanayii Mustesarligi
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SSM-U.S. Office
The Crystal City Report
December 2014/Issue 10
In This Issue
The Innovator's DNA
Turkish Pavilion at AUSA
MRO Aero-Engines America
Aviation Suppliers
NATO-ACT Contracts
International Presence in VA
In The Innovator's DNA, the authors, Jeff Dyer, Hal
Gregersen, and Clayton Christensen identified five
"discovery skills" that distinguish the most creative
executives. They are associating, questioning, observing,
experimenting, and networking. As the authors examined
what motivates innovators, they "discovered two common
themes: (1) They actively desire to change the status quo,
and (2) they regularly take risks to make change happen.
The authors found that "innovative entrepreneurs...steer
entirely clear of a common cognitive bias called the status
quo bias-the tendency to prefer an existing state of affairs
to alternative ones." Innovative entrepreneurs do not
believe that mistakes are anything to be ashamed of; in
fact, they are expected as a cost of doing business.
"Innovators rely on their courage to innovate--an active
bias against the status quo and an unflinching willingness
to take risks--to transform ideas into powerful impact."
These skills make up what is called the innovator's DNA.
And the good news is, if you're not born with it, you can
cultivate it.
Best regards,
Ferah Ozbek
SSM-U.S. Office
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Turkish Pavilion Attracts High-Level Visitors at AUSA
Ms. Heidi Shyu, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and
Technology visited the Turkish Pavilion at the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA)
Annual Meeting and Exhibition in October 2014. In the photo, a Gate Elektronik
representative is briefing the Honorable Shyu about Gate Elektronik's capabilities.
Deputy Undersecretary of SSM, Mr. Sedat Guldogan and Director of International
Cooperation, SSM, Mr. Abdullah Erol Aydin, escorted Ms. Shyu through the Turkish
Pavilion where Turkish defense industry briefed Ms. Shyu about their innovative
For more information about AUSA 2014, click on the link below.
AUSA 2014
MRO Network-Aero Engines Americas
Dallas, Texas, 11-12 February 2014
Stakeholders from across the value chain - OEMs,
MROs, airlines, lessors and suppliers gather to discuss
trends and issues facing the industry and shaping its
future. An opportunity to meet as a community and
engage directly with peers.
Annual Commercial Aviation
Suppliers Conference
Beverly Hills, California, 2-4 March 2014
"Hear from aircraft and engine manufacturers on the status of their current programs
and learn from industry experts about the financial status of the aviation industry. This
conference is geared towards equipment manufacturers, material suppliers, aviation
analysts, financial institutions, and marketing executives."
NATO Supreme Allied Command
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If you are interested in bidding on NATO SACT solicitations and reviewing
present-day requirements, click on the link below.
Federal Business Opportunities
Do you want to know what services the U.S. Government will need and solicit for in
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar or Turkey. Go to the FED BIZ OPPS website below and
click on in the "Keyword/solicitation" box, type in the name of the country you want
to find opportunities in.
Click on the "Advanced Search Form" to narrow down your search by Agency,
Sources Sought, Pre-solicitation, solicitation or award to find exactly what you're
looking for.
Establishing an International Presence in
Virginia, by Atul Sharma, Virginia Economic Development Partnership
The Commonwealth of Virginia was founded as a global business venture in
1607 when English colonist landed in Jamestown, Virginia-the first permanent
English settlement in North America.
Today, Virginia is a leading gateway to successful business in North
America. More than 700 internationally owned companies call the
Commonwealth home. Key industries flourishing in the Commonwealth
include Food Processing, Aerospace, Defense, Plastics & Advanced Materials,
Data Centers, IT, Life Sciences, Automotive, Energy, Distribution, and
Corporate HQs. Virginia offers the qualities that corporate decision-makers
everywhere are seeking in today's global environment. Our exceptional
infrastructure, strong education system, low taxes, dynamic workforce, strategic
location, and pro-business climate provide a solid foundation for growth and
make the Commonwealth a great place for global enterprise.
International companies contribute to the state's economy by enhancing
international trade. In 2010, sales of international goods and services from
Virginia to the world topped $28 billion. Internationally owned firms in
Virginia are often significant exporters of locally made products. Listed below
are reasons why ranks the Commonwealth of Virginia America's
Best State for Business.
1. Easy access to domestic and global markets: Washington Dulles Int'l Airport,
The Port of Virginia, and two of the nation's largest railroads operate in Virginia.
2. More than 700 internationally owned businesses from 45 countries are located in
the Commonwealth.
3. Virginia is the national leader for its concentration of high-tech workers. Nearly
20,000 doctoral scientists and engineers are employed in Virginia-one of the highest
concentrations in the nation. More than 500,000 students are enrolled in over 100
in-state institutions of higher education.
4. Minimized payroll costs with low worker's compensation rates and a low
unemployment tax.
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5. 6% corporate income tax rate has not been increased since 1972.
6. Virginia is a right-to-work state. At 5.5%, Virginia has the fifth lowest unionization
rate in the country and one of the lowest unionization rates in the private sector at
For more information, contact:
SSM - U.S. Office
241 18th St. South Suite 505
Arlington Va. 22202
(703) 412-8697
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