22 June 2015 23-24


22 June 2015 23-24
22 June 2015
Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations
(ANAMED) İstiklal Caddesi No: 181 Merkez Han 34433 Beyoğlu
Conference Speakers
Prof. Dr. Umran S. Inan
President, Koc University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birgül Demirtaş
TOBB University
H.E. Ambassador Ahmet Kamil Erozan
First Deputy Secretary General of the Organization of the
Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marko Attila Hoare
Kingston University
H.E. Ambassador Bilge Cankorel
Retired Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey
Prof. Dr. Sabrina Petra Ramet
Norwegian University of Science & Technology
Prof. Dr. Dejan Jović
Zagreb University
Dr. Govinda Clayton
Kent University
Dr. Ešref Kenan Rašidagić
Sarajevo University
Dr. Altuğ Günal
Ege University
GLODEM Koc University Center for Research
on Globalization, Peace and Democratic Governance
*The conference will be open to the public. RSVP is required until June 12, 2015
23-24-25 June 2015
23-24 June 2015 by Dr. Govinda Clayton / 25 June 2015 by Mrs. Eda Daloğlu
Koç University Rumelifeneri Yolu 34450 Sarıyer, İstanbul / Türkiye
* Participation at the workshop is limited to candidates fulfilling specific criteria. Application deadline is May 04th, 2015
Peacemakers 2015
For Information: http://oip.ku.edu.tr/peacemakers
E-mail: peacemakers@ku.edu.tr
Phone: :+90 212 338 1299

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