Hayat moving at world class speeds


Hayat moving at world class speeds
Hayat moving at world class speeds
Advantage™ DCT® concept
Valmet has over 200 years
of industrial history and was
reborn through the demerger
of the pulp, paper and power
businesses from Metso Group
in December 2013.
Hayat moving at
world class speeds
Aim for the stars and you will hit the moon! Mr. Kemal Arslan project manager for Hayat
Kimya san. AS, recalls the negotiations: “We maybe pushed too much the
performance guarantees values. We asked Metso* to run the guarantee test at 2100 m/
min at a sheet basis weight of 15 gsm on the wire. We also stretched the values for the
paper quality.” In September 2009, nine month after start-up the young and ardent TM
2 crew took a shot at the performance tests. They missed the moon but indeed hit the
”We made the tests ourselves”, says
Kemal Arslan, “with our regular
machine crew.” No extraordinary
means and measures were taken prior
to, or during, the test. The settings of
the tissue machine, utilities and support systems were as usual. We met all
the performance guarantee values in
one day when running at a speed of
2100 m/min. Half an hour may have
been lost in stabilizing the sheet. Then
we made production for eight hours,
remaining on guaranteed values.”
World class speed tissue machine No. 2 at Hayat Kimya. The
machine is a Advantage DCT 200 TS
The Hayat group in Turkey was
established in 1938. The company has
two business divisions, wood panel
board and consumer products. Besides
tissue, consumer products include
hygienic and cleaning products. The
group turnover is 1,6 billion USD. Half
is generated from panel board and half
from the consumer products.
Challenging targets
Mr. Lütfi Aydin, Paper Group
Director, was the first man on board
when Hayat decided to venture tissue
paper production in 2004. He
remembers: ”It was indeed very
difficult to find the technical staff and
Mr. Lütfi Aydin, Paper Group Director, organized and started
Hayat’s tissue paper production.
* Operating as Valmet from Jan 1 2014
establish the work processes in a
company which has had no experience in the paper industry. Very few
qualified and experienced people were
However, looking at the results, I would
say that our hiring process turned out
to be very successful.” Lütfi Aydin and
his team did not hesitate to implement
advanced concepts in their first plant
such as a co-gen plant for electricity
production and generation of steam
and hot air for the tissue machine. Lütfi
“In December 2005, after vigorous
efforts of my team, we started up our
TM 1. Meanwhile, we were carrying
out the erection and test runs of the
co-gen system consisting of 2x7.5 MW
Gas Turbines, as well as 10 machines in
our new converting plant. In the
converting plant, we were running
these jobs with only one experienced
Manager and three experienced
technicians while the rest of the
operators were unexperienced. Our
task ahead was to produce 47 different
converted tissue products, in a total
amount of 400.000 cases, by March
2006 for launching in early April. On
March 22 we loaded the first truck
with a big applause. On April first the
products were on the shelves and we
were all very pleased and proud. Tissue
production was off and running within
the Hayat Group!”
We met all the
performance guarantee
values in one day when
running at a speed of
2100 m/min.
Kemal Arslan,
Project Manager,
Hayat Kimya san. AS
Following the go-ahead from Metso
(Valmet), Hayat made the demanding
performance guarantee tests on their
own. Mr.Yasar Guloglu, Production
Engineer (left) and Mr. Sabri Cakmak,
Automation Chief Engineer assumed the
hands-on responsibility for the test.
Hayat Kimya proved to be a successful
newcomer on the Turkish market. In
2009 75% of the tissue machine
production was converted and the
market share had reached 26%. A
converting percentage of 75% triggered
the decision to proceed with a new
machine, TM2. Lütfi Aydin: “On this
project, the situation was different. All
learning gathered from the first project
had given us a good experience base,
which was very useful in the up-coming negotiations and work processes.
After a number of reference visits and
long lasting technical meetings with
three machine suppliers we ended up
choosing Metso (Valmet). The contract
was signed on November 10, 2009.”
Mr. Rolf Tellack, Project Manager, Metso
Metso accepted to join
in our plan and go for
the tough schedule.
Optimistic time schedule
went realistic
Hayat’s spirit of moving at a rapid pace
is obviously not limited to the tissue
machine: Lütfi Aydin continues: “It
surfaced at the second project meeting
that we and Metso had a different view
on the expected start-up date. “By
industry standards”, said Mr. Rolf
Tellack, Project Manager, Metso, “I
would predict March 2011, provided
there would be no major problems”.
Our plan for start-up was set for
December 2010. This target seemed
very optimistic and hardly realistic,
even to our boss. However, Metso accepted to join in on our plan and go for
the tough schedule. Rolf Tellack made
an excellent job coordinating the team
efforts in trying to reach the goal. On
December 18, 2010, 13 months and
8 days after signing the contract, we
made start-up!”
“The ground conditions on this site are
not the best” according to Kemal
Arslan: “I would estimate that we lost
3-4 months due to extensive piling
work and concrete reinforcements.
Therefore in our mill layout work we
tried to keep the ground space requirement to its minimum. The result has
been a very compact mill concept. As
one example I can mention that their
engineering of the stock prep system
lowered the amount of piping length by
30% compared with TM1. Production
capacity, efficiency, paper quality and
experience of co-gen were the main decisive factors for us when selecting Supplier. The co-gen experience, not being
least important. Together we made
improvements over our existing TM1
system. We accomplished a system for
faster and safer start-ups of the tissue
machine and thus higher efficiency.
Two to three months into the project
we all felt that we had made the correct
decision on the supplier for TM2.”
Mr. Hayrettin Kutluok, Production Manager
Mr. Kemal Arslan, Project Manager
Pushing boundaries
Saleable paper from first
As mentioned above the contract
values for speed performance was set at
an unusually high level. “I understood
this first later,” admits Kemal Arslan,
“when expert visitors said that they
did not believe it!” Jan Erikson Vice
President. Metso Tissue, comments:
“During our pre-project meetings and
during the final negotiations, our confidence in the capability of the Hayat
team had gradually built. We certainly
know our machine in detail, its robustness, stability and its capability of
producing a sheet as to the
specified paper properties within the
whole speed range of the machine.
However, in order to reach the very top
performance, a large number of operating parameters are to be set correctly
for each speed level. We manage this
with the Metso Automation System.
In the end thou, the machine needs to
be in the hands a skilled crew, willing
to push the boundaries. We believe we
saw this at Hayat.”
Speeds in the range of 2000 m/min are
easily made visible and do indeed
impress both the person on the street
and the professional tissue maker.
However, what counts, bottom line, is
the production, the amount of cases
out the door. Mr. Hayrettin Kutluok,
Production Manager: “The machine
take over went very smoothly. We
started up at 1500 m/min and we
had saleable paper on the reel within
the first hour. During the first eleven
months we produced 60.700 tons. Our
budget for this time period was 53.300
tons! Net time efficiency was 96%”.
On December 18,
2010, 13 month and
8 days after signing
the contract, we made
start-up! Lütfi Aydin,
Paper Group Director,
Hayat Kimya san. AS
Co-gen plant consisting of 2 x 7,5 MW gas turbines integrated
with TM2 (to the right)
MetsoIQ SteamProfiler
Metso Paper IQ Select
Even and stable conditions
The contracted scope of supply consists
of: tissue machine, air system, process
ventilation stock preparation,
automation and engineering. Process,
tissue machine and drive controls are
by Metso DNA. Quality controls
system is Metso PaperIQ. The tissue
machine Advantage DCT200 includes
two options, which “have been very
valuable tools to us” says Kemal Arslan:
“The headbox dilution profiling system
and the MetsoIQ steam profiler. We
have a very good basis weight profile
throughout the speed range of the
machine. The steam profiler on the
suction pressure roll just ahead of the
nip improves the moisture profile of the
sheet. With a more even profile we can
increase the average moisture content
in the sheet by one to two percent.
That, in turn, means the same increase
in production. Every system, that
improves the evenness cross machine,
also improves the efficiency. Even basis
weight and moisture profiles give an
even coating which gives an even
creping which stabilizes the sheet .. and
so on.”
Looking at the jumbo rolls off the
machine, there is no doubt that there
are very even and stable conditions
across the machine width. The rolls
look more like good flat grade paper
rolls than jumbo rolls of soft high
quality tissue.
From being a newcomer to
becoming a forerunner.
In order to grow reasonable fast into
the marketplace, Hayat introduced
products of a different concept. Hayat
launched both bath tissue and kitchen
towel as three ply products into the
targeted segment, which proved to be
very successful. Soon three ply tissues
were marketed also by competitors.
Hayat’s latest innovative product is
bilateral tissue and towel. New is a
different embossing pattern on each
side of the plied sheet. The product will
soon be on the shelves and will be
recognized for having very high numbers as to bulk and softness.
Determined business
In conjunction with the purchase of
TM2 for Turkey, Hayat ordered a
duplicate equipment package to be
installed outside Turkey. Start-up is
estimated in September, 2012. “We are
implementing the same project,
engaging the same teams, Metso’s as
well as ours”, says Lütfi Aydin.
“Including the last mentioned, we have
since 2004 installed three tissue lines,
each with a capacity of 70.000 tpy. In
the near future we will go ahead with
two other projects, one in Tataristan,
Russia, the other in Mersin, Turkey,
planned to start tissue production
in 2014 and 2015 respectively. Both
machines in these projects will be
integrated with a 60.000 tpy DIP-line
for each machine. By the end of 2015
Hayat Kimya expects to operate 5 large
tissue machines with a total production
capacity of 350.000 tpy.
Excellent quality jumbo rolls. Concept is mixed. Reeling on spools as well as split reel winding on cores
Tissue Machine Main Data
Advantage DCT 200TS
Production (at 17,5 gsm)
225 ton/24 hours
Sheet design
Paper width on reel
5 600 mm
Max. operating speed (yankee speed)
2 100 m/min
Basis weight range on reel
120 - 45 gsm
Creeping ratio range
5 - 25 %
Yankee diameter
18 ft (5 500 mm)
For more information, contact your local Valmet office. www.valmet.com
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Specifications in this document are subject to change without notice .
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© Valmet Corpotation. 0000 VI EN 2014.
The Hayat Kimya mill site. The co-gen plant in front of TM2. To the right, in the distance, Hayat is building an automated
ware-house, which will be one of the largest in the world.