Congress Reports - Global Built Environment Review


Congress Reports - Global Built Environment Review
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
Congress Report
26th Building and Life Congress
Bursa, TURKEY- April 3-5, 2014
Selen DURAK3
Sibel POLAT4
“26th Building and Life Congress” which focuses on the theme of “Re-invention of City
Center” was held in Bursa, Turkey between 3-5 April, 2014. Responsibility for this
organization was taken by Chamber of Architects Bursa Branch and Uludag University,
Department of Architecture.
The Congress primarily is targeted to revealing original values of city centers that are
transferred continuously from past to the future. It is known that with de-territorialization
and re-terrritorialization beginning towards the end of the last century combined with
increased globalization, this century experienced a phenomenal transformation of its built
environments. However, some recent research highlight apparent contradictions and
hybridity among the traditional and the contemporary global built environments. which has
implications on space use, urban planning, design and architecture. Among these, many
studies related to investigating potentials and generating solutions to problems of city
centers in response to urban spatial segregation come forward. Within this context, The
Congress aims to provide a discussion on spatial and social issues that are brought about
by the changing life dynamics and to enable the proposals for resolutions. It constituted a
platform for the discussions about the resilience of city centers to contemporary life
conditions. In this platform, with the participation of both national and international
academicians, researchers, local governments’ and non-governmental organizations’
representatives and citizens of Bursa, a multi-dimensional discussion arena about the
subject occured. The main themes and sub-themes of the congress are listed below:
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Tulin Vural Arslan, Associate Professor,Uludag University, Faculty of Architecture Department of
Architecture, Bursa, Turkey, Email :
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
1. TRANSMITTING CITY CENTER: Planning Strategies and design approaches, urban
transformation, revitalisation (economic, social, physical), urban heritage, urban tourism
2. ENCOUNTERING CITY CENTER: Urban segregation, public life, accessibility,
diversity, urban consciousness, inclusiveness
3. MANAGING CITY CENTER: Urban policies, governance, participation, disaster and
risk management, site management approaches
4. RETROFITTING CITY CENTER: ecological approaches, energy efficiency, innovative
technologies, environmental control
Before the congress, it is announced that the editor of GBER, Dr. Tasleem Shakur is placed
in both Scientific and Organizing Committee of the Congress and selected papers will be
published in a special issue of GBER.
Figure 1: A view from opening speeches (Chamber of Architects Bursa Branch Archive)
Congress started with protocol and opening speeches of The President of Chamber of
Architects, Eyup Muhcu; The Head of Chamber of Architects Bursa Branch Can Şimşek
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
and the Dean of Uludag University Faculty of Architecture, Prof. Nilufer Akinciturk on
April 3th Thursday at the conference hall of TUYAP Bursa International Fair and
Congress Center. And then, it was proceed with 11 sessions and the final panel. 58
presentations were made by 102 national and international participants. Foreign
participants of the congress are from different geographies of the world, like United
Kingdom, Portugal, Netherlands, Morocco, India, Azerbaijan and Northern Cyprus Turkish
Republic. In the six sessions, international invited speakers made presentations related with
the congress theme.
The Invited Speakers investigate the theme of the congress throughout their own
Dr. Tasleem SHAKUR, the editor of GBER, investigated the ever changing dynamics of
city, community and spaces with his paper titled as “The Ever Changing Dynamics Of
City, Community And Spaces: Lessons for the Community Built Environments” . He
revisited the vibrant pre-industrial city spaces, documenting cases of multiply deprived
communities affected by the designs of modernist misadventure in Europe while following
the rise of heritage development in the historic Eastern cities.
Figure2: A view from the presentation of Dr. Tasleem Shakur (Chamber of Architects
Bursa Branch Archive)
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
Dr. Hassan RADOINE , argued that the potential of urban conservation could be a great
catalst of sustainable development, wit his paper titled as ” Urban Conservation and
Sustainable Development in the Middle East ” .Being one of the most significant UNESCO
world heritage cities in the Middle East since 1980, he had taken the madina of Fez as a
model to elucidate his perspective.
Dr. Magda SIBLEY, shared her three years multidisciplinary study of six historic
hammams and their neighbourhood in the cities of six Mediterranean countries as part of
the European Union funded “Hammam” Project. With her paper titled as “ The Hammam:
A Catalyst for Well Being and Urban Sustainability in the 21st. Century”, she examined
the role of hammams play in their city and neighbourhood and highlighted the embedded
lessons of sustainability within this centuries old institution.
Dr. Beata LABUHN, overviewed the current European re-design strategies for dealing
with the dilemma of combining preservation and development in the city centres in the
Netherlands and Italy. Her paper titled as “ How Life (and Development) will Always Find
its Way Within the Historic City Centres : Protection and Development Strategies for the
City Centres in The Netherlands and in Italy, “ dwelled on the ‘imitate’ approach where the
characteristics of the old city centres are summarized into design principles for planning of
new retro-towns.
Dr. Nuzhat KAZMI, evaluated the built environment from the Medieval Indıa, under the
Mughal patronage. Her paper titled as “ Medieval Mughal Urban Architectural Design: Lal
Qıla in Shajahanabad, in Modern Capital of India “ presented the development process of
the historic palace and its environment and their effects on the image of the city.
Prof. Dr. Teresa Barata SALGUIERA, discussed the inner city decline with her paper titled
as “ The entrepreneurial City and the Regeneration of the City Center” . She focused on the
regeneration of the inner city underlining the role of planning, public authorities and other
main actors in the transformation of landscape and urban image.
The presentations in the congress are grouped under 11 sessions in accordance with the
sub-themes of the congress.
The first session of the Congress entitled “TRANSMITTING CITY CENTER HISTORICAL CITY CENTERS 1” include papers that emphasize how city centres with
their cultural heritage adapt themselves to the changing living conditions and the needs of
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
the society. It has been claimed that the cities are constantly evolving and becoming
modern. The process of Modernization endangers the historical building stock and the
identity of the public spaces inside the city centres. Papers in this session remarked the
significance of the nineteenth century urban planning agenda for the redevelopment of city
centres. It has been claimed that each city is a unique example having diverse historical
context although being transformed by the standardized nature of Modernization. The
cases in this session include Trabzon city centre, Barbican Estate in London, the centre of a
coastal city İzmit, and Selimiye city centre in Nicosia.
Figure 3: A view from the cocktail after the first day of the congress (Chamber of
Architects Bursa Branch Archive)
The second session of the Congress entitled “RETROFITTING CITY CENTER –
PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION” includes papers describing the relationship
between the transportation infrastructure and the overall urban structure of cities. These
papers remark that the spatial planning and the street network in the city centre prevent
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
both reconstruction and the use of new means of transportation. The cases in this session
include Baku, Berlin, Frankfurt and Leipzig.
The third session of the Congress entitled “TRANSMITTING CITY CENTER –
GLOBALIZING CITY AND IDENTITY” includes papers evaluating urban development
in city centres through sociological, cultural and economic terms. It is remarked that the
identity of the city is being lost since economic value of the city is prioritized rather than
its natural, historical, cultural and physical notions. It has been claimed that as urban
population decreases, homogenization -despite the cultural uniqueness of the city- and
gentrification become significant problems. The cases in this session include Turkish cities
such as Bursa and Antalya.
The fourth session of the Congress entitled “RETROFITTING CITY CENTER –
infrastructure can be re-integrated with the existing city centre and how the changes in
urban fabric effect solar access properties of settlements. The cases in this session include
Baku, İstanbul and İzmir.
The fifth session of the Congress entitled “TRANSMITTING CITY CENTER –
IMPLEMENTATIONS” include papers describing how urban conservation practices, reuse of historical buildings, design of open public squares and street planning and
management effect the old city centres. The cases in this session include Mardin, Giresun,
İstanbul and İzmit.
The sixth session of the Congress entitled “ENCOUNTERING CITY CENTER – PUBLIC
SPACE include papers that emphasize how public spaces in city centers affect the urban
public life and urban identity from past to present. Cases presented in this session are
Eskisehir Porsuk River Case, Istanbul Eminonu Square, Yozgat City Square, Bursa
Republican Square, Istanbul Galata Square and the case of Gezi Park from Istanbul.
The seventh session of the Congress entitled “TRANSMITTING CITY CENTER –
HISTORICAL CITY CENTERS 2” include papers that emphasize the reasons of the inner
city decline in the 20th century and regeneration processes of historical city centers while
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
underlining the role of architecture, planning and public authorities and other economic
and social factors in the transformation of urban image. Cases presented in this session are
Ankara Historical City Center, Icherisheher in Baku, City Centre Regeneration in
European Cities: Leicester, Roubaix, Leipzig, Tournai and Genoa, Walled City of NicosiaCyprus and Antalya Kaleici Experience.
The eighth session of the Congress entitled “TRANSMITTING CITY CENTER –
ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION” include papers that emphasize
the ever changing
dynamics of city, community and the spaces in terms of emergence of shopping malls and
changing lifestyles in the globalization era. Cases presented in this session are modernist
misadventure in Europe and the rise of heritage development in the historic Eastern cities,
Bursa Historical Bazaar and Han District, Kayseri City Centre, Izmir Kemeralti Historic
City Centre, Istanbul Kadikoy Historical District Bazaar and applications of urban
regeneration in terms of consumption of space.
The ninth session of the Congress entitled “TRANSMITTING CITY CENTER –
HISTORICAL CITY CENTERS 3” include papers that emphasize the importance of the
successful conservation approaches of architectural heritages to sustain historical city
centres while evaluating the effects of new development axes and new architectural trends
to these centres. Cases presented in this session are historical city centres in Europe and in
Turkey, Kayseri city centre, the hammam as a catalyst for urban sustainability, residential
construction of cities of Azerbaijan Republic and a Roman (claudiopolis) and an Ottoman
city: Bolu
The tenth session of the Congress entitled “MANAGING CITY CENTER” include papers
that emphasize the importance of participatory governance strategies to enable urban
consciousness and rediscover city centres for everyone. Cases presented in this session are
Mersin City Centre, urban segregation problems in Istanbul: Tarlabasi, Sulukule and
Taksim pedestrianization projects, Karadeniz Ereğli example, Bursa city centre, İzmit
Değirmendere city centre and Istanbul Taksim Square.
The eleventh and the last session of the Congress entitled “ENCOUNTERING CITY
CENTER –DESIGN FOR ALL” include papers that emphasize the need of “design for all”
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
approach in urban and architectural design practices via some implementation examples.
“The Influence of the Urban Facilities/Inabilities on the Preference of Walking for
Transformation”, “Traditional Children’s Plays and Urban Space”, “Creating A Public
Space for Children in the City’s Centre: The Case of Kasımpaşa-Turabibaba Library”,
“Participation of the Disabled in Social Life: Accessible Yozgat Project”, and
“Accessibility of Merzifon City Centre: Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation” were the
presenting and putting stress on the importance of the terms of accessibility,
universal design and participation for today’s world.
Figure 4: A view of participants and chairs after the final panel (Chamber of Architects
Bursa Branch Archive)
The Congress aimed to seek answers to the questions raised in the defined sub-themes
through discussions and analyses. At the end of the congress, in the final panel different
discussions in the congress is summarised by the chairs of sessions with a hope to open up
new visions for the agenda of architecture.
Scientific Committee of the Congress:
Nilüfer AKINCITÜRK Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Aydan BALAMİRProf. Dr.M.Arch
Cana BİLSEL Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Nur ÇAĞLAR Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Neslihan DOSTOĞLU Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Mualla ERKILIÇ Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Tülin GÖRGÜLÜ Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Zekai GÖRGÜLÜ Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Şengül ÖYMEN GÜR Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Deniz İNCEDAYI Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Feza KARAER Prof. Dr., Env. Eng.
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
Nuzhat KAZMİ Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Derya OKTAY Prof. Dr.Ms.Arch, PGDipUD
Hassan RADIONE Prof. Dr.M.Archr
Hülya TURGUT Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Handan TÜRKOĞLU Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Ruşen YAMAÇLI Prof. Dr.M.Arch
Tülin VURAL ARSLAN Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Özlem ORAL AYDINAssoc. Prof. Dr.
Arzu ÇAHANTİMUR Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Müge AKKAR ERCANAssoc. Prof. Dr.
Feyzan ERKİP Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Nilgün KULOĞLU Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Filiz ŞENKAL SEZER Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Osman TUTAL Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Murat Cemal YALÇINTAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Urban Planner
Gül SAYAN ATANUR Assist. Prof. Dr., Land. Arch.
Selen DURAK Assist. Prof. Dr.
Yasemin ERBİL Assist. Prof. Dr.
Tasleem SHAKUR Dr.M.Arch
Magda SIBLEY Dr.M.Arch
Bülend TUNA Architect
Organising Committee of the Congress:
Nizamettin KAYA Architect
Üzeyir GÜVEN Board Treasurer
MuraT KÖSELER Architect
Mehmet Orhan EFE Architect, President of Chamber Of Architects Bursa Section Building
& Life Committee
Tülin VURAL ARSLAN Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Arzu ÇAHANTİMUR Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Selen DURAK Assist. Prof. Dr.
Rengin BECEREN Inst. Dr. M.Arch.
Çiğdem YÜCEL Inst. Dr. M.Arch.
Sibel POLAT Res. Assist. Dr. M.Arch.
Tasleem SHAKUR Dr. M.Arch.
Invited speakers:
Dr. Tasleem Shakur
Dr.. Hassan RADOINE
Dr. Magda Sibley
Dr. Beata LABUHN
Dr. Nuzhat Kazmi
Prof. Dr. Teresa Barata Salguiera
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
Assist. Prof. Dr., Murat TUTKUN; Res. Assist., Esra İMAMOĞLU; Inst. Dr. M.Arch Reyhan
YILDIZ ;Prof. Dr. M.Arch Nihal ŞENLİER; Asst. Dr. Özgül ACAR ÖZLER;Assist. Prof. Dr. Elif
Yeşim KÖSTEN;Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zehra ÖNGÜL; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Banu TEVFİKLER; Dr. Sabina
ALIYEVA; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehriban MİKAYILOVA; Phd. Agaselim AZIZOV ; Assist. Prof. Dr.
Bilge ULUSAY ALPAY; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin GÖKGÜR;Assist. Prof. Dr. İclal KAYA
ALTAY;Deputy Chief of Marmaray Coordination Commission Ayhan Ufuk KINIK; Prof.Dr.
Gönül İÇLİ; Assist. Prof. Dr. Pınar Kaya ÖZÇELİK;Res. Assist. Dr. Hatice Ceren DUMAN;
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tülin VURAL ARSLAN; Assist. Prof. Dr. Pınar KAYA ÖZÇELİK; Architect
Özlem OKAN; Dr. Elimira ABDULLAYEVA; Assist. Prof. Dr. Meltem ERDEM KAYA; Inst. Dr.
H. Serdar KAYA; Esra SAKINÇ; Res. Assist. Dr. Sevinç ALKAN KORKMAZ; Prof. Dr. Deniz
ORHUN; Res. Assist. Dr. Seher GÜZELÇOBAN MAYUK; Assist. Prof. Dr. Berrin ŞAHİN
DİR;Res. Assist. Dr. Vedia DERDA GÜNDÜZ; Res. Assist. Dr. Seda ÖZLÜ;Graduate Student
Gülşen VAROL YURDUSEVEN;Assist. Prof. Dr. Sanem ÖZEN TURAN;Doç.dr., Dilek
Beyazlı;Yrd. Doç. Dr. Esma Mıhlayanlar; Assist. Prof. Dr. Semiha KARTAL; Assist. Prof. Dr.
Filiz UMAROĞULLARI;Res. Assist. Dr. Şule YILMAZ ERTEN;Assist. Prof. Dr. Didem ERTEN
BİLGİÇ; Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Duygu KAÇAR;Ayşen ÇELEN ÖZTÜRK;Terane BURNAK;Gökçe
ÖNAL KETİZMEN;Hatice DÜLGER; Res. Assist. Dr. Zeynep ÖZDEMİR;Res. Assist. Dr. Saadet
Tuğçe TEZER;M.Arch Gaye BEZİRCİOĞLU SENVENLİ;Architect Pınar KÖMÜRCÜ;Doğa Duygu
USLU;Architect Gökhan KARABACAK; Adrian de MIGUEL; Assist. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Belgin
DİKMEN;Res. Assist. Dr. Sibel POLAT Prof. Dr. Neslihan DOSTOĞLU;Egemen Alp
Serhat AKSU; Soolmaz ZAEEMDAR; Res. Assist. Dr. Esra AKBALIK; Res. Assist. Dr. Emel
CANTÜRK; Prof. Dr. Hülya TURGUT;Res. Assist. Dr. Olcay Türkan YURDUGÜZEL ;Phd.
Rahiba ALİYEVA;Assoc. Prof. Dr. Beser Oktay VEHBİ Assist. Prof. Dr. Kağan GÜNÇE;Urban
Planner Duygu ÖZTEKİN;Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oya AKIN;Assist. Prof. Dr. Semih Halil EMÜR;Inst.
Dr. Seçil Gül MEYDAN;Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülnur BALLİCE
Res. Assist. Dr. Eda PAYKOÇ;Selma TUNALI ;Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Serap FIRAT;Assist. Prof. Dr.
Meltem ÖZÇAKI ;Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Mustafa AYTEN ;Pr. Dr. Nizami NAGHİYEV;Assist.
Prof. Dr. Can KARAGÜLLE ;Semih DİMİCİOĞLU;Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasan Tahsin SELÇUK; Cânâ
BİLSEL;Fikret ZORLU; Evrim Demir MİSHCHENKO; Züleyha Sara BELGE;Pierre
BOUCHÉ;Claudio SECCİ;Célia LEBARBEY;M.Arch İlkim MARKOÇ ;Urban Planner (MSc) M.
Erdem ERYAZICIOĞLU ;Assist. Prof. Dr. Burçin HENDEN ŞOLT;Res. Assist. Dr. Sedef Nur
CANKURT; Assist. Prof. Dr. Gül Sayan ATANUR; Urban Planner (MSc) Duygu
ÖZTEKİN;Architect Kevser DAĞDELEN;M.Arch Gülhis DUYGUN;Res. Assist. Dr. Gözde
EKŞİOĞLU ÇETİNTAHRA ;Res. Assist. Dr. Burçin HEPGÜZEL;Assist. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Çakırer
ÖZSERVET Evrim DOĞAN;Res. Assist. Dr. Zuhal ÖZÇETİN ;Res. Assist. Dr. Sinem DEDEOĞLU
; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek BEYAZLI
Arslan, T, Cahantimur, A, Durak, S, Polat, S
GBER 2014 Volume 9 Issue 1 pp 90 - 100
Participators: A. Cumhur Kocalar, Ali Tolga Özden, Alidost Ertuğrul, Hakan Yıldız, Alper
Sağlık, Elif Sağlık, Abdullah Kelkit, Aslı Selay Darğa, Fatma Erkök, Aylin Yıldırım Tschoepe,
Aysun Eyüboğlu Erşen, Ayşe Durukan Kopuz, Ömür Sepetçi, Ayşin Sev, Meltem Ezel Çırpı,
Behice Solduk, Azime Tezer, Bengi Su Ertürkmen, Bilge Beril Kapusuz, Candan Umut
Özden, Hale Gülbaz, Hülya Yorulmaz, Cem Bayrak, Fatma Avşar, Cansu İlhan, Tüzin
Baycan, Damla Atik, Nevnihal Erdoğan, Deniz Demirarslan, Özgür Algan, Devran Bengü,
Didem Erten Bilgiç, Özgü Özturan, S.Ahmet Çağlayan, Dilek Zülkadiroğlu, Evren Burak
Enginöz, Duygu Cihanger, Ekrem Ayalp, Ekrem Çetin Bigat, Elif Yeşim Kösten, Ahmet
Kıvanç Kutluca, İsmail Talih Güven, Duydu Öztekin, Kevser Dağdelen, Hamdullah Livaoğlu,
Tahir Serkan Irmak, Mithat Fırat Özer, Elifnaz Durusoy, Elif Sağlık, Alper Sağlık, Abdullah
Kelkit, Emel Karakaya, Emine Saka Akın, Ersan Koç, Neşe Çakıcı Alp, Hürkan Topuz, Esin
Benian, Beste Karakaya, Evren Akaltun, Ezgi Orhan, F. Nihan Kahya, Evrim Töre, Fatma
Kürüm Varolgüneş, Nurtekin Özen, Gergő Máté Kovács, Gülcan İner, Gülcan Minsolmaz
Yeler, Gülnur Ballice, Ebru Bengisu, Sevinç Alkan Korkmaz, H.Burçin Henden Şolt, Hakan
Yıldız, Nurcan Güneş, Hamdi Ergül, Hamiyet Özen, Hamzah Salman Almamoori, Hassan Haj
Kasim, Ahmed Yaareb Tohala, Hatice Kıran Çakır, Tuğçe Akbıyık, Namık Kemal Döleneken,
Hatice Uçar, Havva Alkan Bala, Tuğba Deringöl, Hülya Berkmen Yakar, Ismail Hakan Kolcu,
Vedıa Dokmecı, Kadriye Burcu Yavuz, Şule Tüdeş, Kemal Reha Kavas, İbrahim Bakır, Kerem
Yavuz Arslanlı, M. Erdem Eryazıcıoğlu, İlkim Markoç, Mehmet Ersan Aytaç, Taner Toksöz,
Mehtap Özbayraktar, Sonay Ayyıldız, Nilgün Çağlar, Neslihan T. Bayraktar, Eda Ölçer,
Melda Açmaz Özden, Z. Müge Akkar Ercan, Melih Birik, Meltem Tarı Özgür, Mehmet
Özgür, Erdinç Keskin, Merve Kaya, Ferhan Gezici Korten, H. Metin Felekoglu, Hakan
Sağlam, Mine Can, Müge Göker, Nazlı Songülen, Nihan Oya Memlük, Hikmet Temel
Akarsu, Büşra Özaydın Çat, Nur Umar, Oya Şenyurt, Özlem Taşkın Erten, Özlem Sağıroğlu,
Arzu Özen Yavuz, Pınar Kısa Ovalı, Hatice Kıran Çakır, Allma Dubova, Pınar Öktem Erkartal,
Selim Ökem, Selin Arabulan, Hatice Kıran Çakır, Damla Atik, Semiha Katral, Esma
Mıhlayanlar, Selin Arabulan, Sezen Savran, Ezgi Bay, Sibel Demirarslan, Oğuz Demirarslan,
Sırma R.Turgut, Şerife Ebru Okuyucu, Şerife Özata, Tansel Erbil, A.Erdem Erbas, H.Tonguç
Tokol, Tülay Canıtez, Funda Aşut, İlker Salih Canıtez, Yasemin Çakırer Özservet, Yılmaz
Büktel, Gökmen Mengüç, M. Zekeriya Özak, Güneş Mutman, Özlem Kutluata, Alper
Akdağ, Veli Balgan, Zeynep Gamze Mert, Kevin Stolarick, Zara Matheson, Natasha Segal,
Pakize Tekel, Tahir Akman, Savaş Zafer Şahin, Ayhan Ufuk Kınık.
Guest Speakers: Metin Alan, Yusuf Arayıcı, C. Arsal Arısal, Konstantinos Athonassiadis,
Murat Balamir, Kamil Gökhan Bozkurt, Mithat Bora Bulut, Evangelos Chrysafides, Nevzat
Doğan, Yurdanur Dülgeroğlu Yüksel, A. Faruk Göksu, İsmet Güngör, Murat Güvenç, Keimi
Harada, Pilar Cristina Izquierdo Gracia, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Mikdat Kadıoğlu, Ayhan
Ufuk Kınık, Arzu Kocabaş, Erol Köktürk, Mehmet Kösebay, Ivana Mijatovic, Murat Özdağ,
Amir Pasic, Richard Peiser, Orhan Sarıaltun, Manfred Schrenk, Seyhan Serimer, Tasleem
Shakur, Ahmet Şahin, İlhan Tekeli, Tülay Esin Tıkansak, Aikaterini Zachariadou, Ayhan