
Black Sea Buildings
Energy Efficiency Plan
Project funded by the
City Invest
Municipality of Galati, Romania
Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan
Newsletter VI
Mykolayev: Project BSBEEP in action
Municipality of Mykolayev, Ukraine
The Workshops held on “ENERGY
INSPECTION” in Samsun and Tekirdağ.
Samsun & Tekirdağ Metropolitan
Municipality, Turkey
Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013
Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan (BSBEEP)
Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan (BSBEEP) project aims at the establishment of strong regional
partnerships and cooperation schemes in Black Sea area through the reinforcement of administrative capacities
of local authorities and bodies in a very crucial sector (energy efficiency in buildings) having major environmental
and economic impacts locally and globally.
The ultimate goal is to achieve change in the way they treating energy for buildings; facilitating change in
the way local societies are acting. Furthermore, the project focuses on the establishment of a knowledge and
experience exchange network aiming at the promotion of buildings energy efficiency. The network will engage
a wide spectrum of organizations such as local and regional authorities, universities and research centers and
NGOs which will help promotion energy efficiency in buildings at local and regional level. Meanwhile it will focus
on raising awareness and mobilizing private sectorand leverage funds to support future initiatives.
Τen partners are participating in the BSBEEP Project from six different countries; Munipality of Kavala (GR),
Municipality of Galati (RO), Municipality of Cahul (MD), Municipality of Mykolayiv (UA), Municipality of Samsun
(TR), Municipality of Tekirdag (TR), Democritus University of Thrace (GR), University Dunarea de Jos of Galati
(RO), American University of Armenia (AM) and Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund (AM).
More details about BSBEEP Project are available on its website:
BSBEEP Newsletter VI
Common borders. Common solutions.
Project funded by the
Black Sea Buildings
Energy Efficiency Plan
Municipality of Galati, Romania
City Invest
support the municipality, as local authority, to run resource
efficient interventions more effectively.
On September 28, 2015 City Invest event took place, organized by the Institute for Public Policy Bucharest.
Urban Green Labs thus intends to analyse (1) how cities can
support residents’ and local communities’ self-organisation movements to make sustainability a bigger part of their
everyday lives; (2) how to connect local initiators with each
other in order to build up a community based ecological movement, visible at the level of the community but also on a
political level; (3) how to fill the gap between everyday life
and potential contributions each of us could make by providing programmes that inspire people of all ages and from all
socioeconomic backgrounds to incorporate sustainability into
their daily lives; (4) how bottom-up and top-down solutions
can mutually reinforce each other to have a visible impact.
Galati and Braila municipalities and possibilities to invest
were promoted during the event.
Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan project (BSBEEP)
and the importance of the studies elaborated within it were
also presented at this event.
On November 12, 2015 a work meeting was held, organized
by the Municipality of Galati, during which the Urbact Local
Group was constituted at local level.
Galati Urbact Local Group is formed by representatives of the
private and public institutions, NGOs, unions and associations
which will be involved in the implementation of the project
activities that are needed in achieving the undertaken objectives.
Figure 1: Mr. Florin Popa,
Vicemayor of the municipality of Galati
Figure 2: Promotional materials distributed at the
launch conferences
At this first meeting, the Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency
Plan (BSBEEP) project and the importance of studies elaborated within were presented, in connection with the theme
of the meeting.
Urban Green Labs–promoting resource efficiency
through eco-localism
Municipality of Galati participates as a partner in the project Urban Green Labs–promoting resource efficiency through
eco-localism, funded under the URBACT III Programme.
The main objective of the project is how the municipality
(as facilitator) can support all kinds of grass-root ecological
initiatives under the label of eco-localism, and bring these
into synergy with city level resource efficiency projects and
investments and how these ecological self-organisations can
Figure 3: Mr. Costel Hanţă, Director of Projects and Foreign
Financing Department of the Municipality of Galati and Representatives of Galati Urban Local Group
BSBEEP Newsletter VI
Common borders. Common solutions.
Project funded by the
Black Sea Buildings
Energy Efficiency Plan
Municipality of Mykolayev, Ukraine
2. Scientific conference on the topic
“Energy saving and energy efficiency as landmarks of modern development.”
( h t t p : / / w w w. e n s a v e n . r u / T Vr e port/2015-11-07/zas-dannya-naukovo-stud),
1. 1.TV–interview about the problems
of thermomodernization of the buildings in Mykolaiv
Professor Yuriy Kharytonov Nov. 6, 2015
gave an interview to television channel
“35” about the problems of thermomodernization of the buildings in Mykolaiv In an interview was noted positive
experience of cooperation with the
countries of the European Union. Yuriy
Kharytonov told about the role and benefits of implementation of the project
BSBEEP for Mykolaiv city. (http://www.
4. Organization of book exhibition on
energy saving and discussion of the
main ideas and goals of the project
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5. Start of the works on the project
BSBEEP – thermomodernization of
the buildings in the area of “NAMIV” in Mykolaiv
3. Interview about the problems of
thermomodernization of the buildings in Mykolaiv for the newspaper “Your newspaper”
(№29 (245), with a circulation of
280,000 copies)
6. Preparations for the 6th International Scientific Conference : “Municipal Energy: Problems and Solutions “ ( 2015, December 17-18 )
BSBEEP Newsletter VI
Common borders. Common solutions.
Project funded by the
Black Sea Buildings
Energy Efficiency Plan
Samsun & Tekirdağ Metropolitan Municipality, Turkey
INSPECTION” in Samsun and Tekirdağ.
The workshops on “Energy Efficiency in buildings” and “Ensuring Energy Efficiency in Building
Inspection” have been initiated by Samsun and
Tekirdağ Metropolitan Municipalities within the
scope of the Black Sea Basin Buildings Energy
Efficiency Plan–BSBEEP Project implementing
by ten project partners located in Black Sea
Basin within the framework of ENPI-Black Sea
Basin Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013.
The workshops are participated from all authorized managers and technical staff from
Samsun and Tekirdağ Metropolitan Municipalities and other district municipalities located in
Samsun and Tekirdağ regarding with energy efficiency in buildings, the relevant departments
of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, provincial directorates of the Ministry, governmental institutions, building inspection fir-
The workshops in Samsun were held by cooperation of Samsun Metropolitan Municipality, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and The
Union of Municipalities of Samsun. Additionally,
the workshops in Tekirdağ were held by cooperation of Tekirdağ Metropolitan Municipality,
Tekirdağ Branch of Chamber of Mechanical and
Electrical Engineers and the experts of energy
efficiency in buildings in Tekirdağ.
ms, engineering and consultancy firms, project
developers, academicians, journalists, NGOs
taking part in building inspections and public
in accordance with the target groups of BSBEEP
BSBEEP Newsletter VI
Common borders. Common solutions.
Project funded by the
Black Sea Buildings
Energy Efficiency Plan
The participants are expected to have certain technical information and knowledge on energy
efficiency in buildings, building inspection and to have taken part in ensuring energy efficiency
during the building inspection processes in accordance with the communication plan of BSBEEP
BSBEEP Newsletter VI
Common borders. Common solutions.
Black Sea Buildings
Energy Efficiency Plan
Project funded by the
Energy Efficiency Enhancement Process of Kumköy Preschool Building
Implementation of the pilot
project regarding with renewable energy system integration called as “Increase of
Energy Efficiency at Kumköy
Preschool” has been completed by Samsun Metropolitan
Within the framework of the
pilot project implementation
at Kumköy Preschool, air Source Heat Pump Systems were
used as an example of good
practice for RES integration in
buildings in order to perform
heating and hot water supply.
Heat and water insulation of
the roof were provided. Exterior Insulation of the Kumköy
Preschool Building regarding
with building envelop and also
exterior door replacement
were realized. Improvement
and renovation works of lighting and water supply systems
were completed as well as all
the other general works which
are necessary under the energy efficiency enhancement
process of Kumköy Preschool
BSBEEP Newsletter VI
Common borders. Common solutions.
Black Sea Buildings
Energy Efficiency Plan
Project funded by the
support given to them. The
students of Kumköy Preschool,
who are still continuing their education in the renovated
building within the scope of
BSBEEP Project, have also promised to their teachers to be
more successful in their education.
Kumköy preschool students
began their education within
the renovated building integrated and enhanced with the
renewable energy systems in
terms of energy efficiency in
buildings. The other children
living around the Kumköy Village also want to come to the
Kumköy Preschool for their
education after completion of
renovation process. Registration for Kumköy Preschool, which was only 5 students in last
year, has already exceeded 16
students for this semester.
The teachers and students of
Kumköy Preschool, who are
observed to be more happy
and cheerful thanked to Mr.
Yusuf Ziya Yılmaz, the Mayor
of Samsun Metropolitan Municipality, for the value and
BSBEEP Newsletter VI
Common borders. Common solutions.
Black Sea Buildings
Energy Efficiency Plan
Project funded by the
Samsun Metropolitan
Municipality Will Begin
To Produce Electricity
By Using Photovoltaic
Sun Panels As The Source Of Renewable Energy
On behalf of the SamSUN Photovoltaic Solar Energy Project
developed by SMM BSBEEP project team for RES integration
in buildings within the scope
of vision and strategy of BSBEEP Project, Samsun Metropolitan Municipality will begin
to produce electricity by using
photovoltaic sun panels as the
source of renewable energy by
the beginning of the New Year.
BSBEEP Newsletter VI
The installation process of
1000 unit 250 Wp photovoltaic
solar power panels and 8 unit
30 kWa invertors have begun
on the roof of warehouse of
SAMULAŞ Company operated
by Samsun Metropolitan Municipality.
Annually, about 250.000 kW/h
of electricity will be produced
and supplied into the interconnect system within the scope
of SamSUN Photovoltaic Solar
Energy Project implementing
by SMM. The renewable energy system integration process
of SamSUN Photovoltaic Solar
Energy Project will be completed at the same time with
BSBEEP project.
As a result of SamSUN Photovoltaic Solar Energy Project
implementation process, SMM
will be successfully fulfilled its
responsibilities regarding with
the best available practices
of renewable energy systems
integration in buildings and
funding opportunities, programs and political initiatives
in terms of the sustainability
of BSBEEP Project.
Common borders. Common solutions.
December 2015
“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The content of this publication are the
sole responsibility of the Autohors (the
BSBEEP Partnership)
can in no
way refl ect the views of the European Union.”
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