4634-Language certificate - World Journal of Gastroenterology


4634-Language certificate - World Journal of Gastroenterology
This document certifies that the manuscript listed below was edited for proper English language, grammar,
punctuation, spelling, and overall style by one or more of the highly qualified native
English speaking editors at American Journal Experts.
Manuscript title:
Alvarado, Eskelinen, Ohhmann and RIPASA scores for diagnosis of acute appendicitis
Hasan Erdem, MD; Suleyman Cetinkunar, MD; Koray Daş, MD; Enver Reyhan, MD; Cumhur Değer, MD; Mehmet Aziret, MD;
Hilmi Bozkurt, MD; Selçuk Uzun, MD; Selim Sözen, MD; Oktay İrkörücü, MD
Date Issued:
August 31, 2013
Certificate Verification Key:
This certificate may be verified at www.journalexperts.com/certificate. This document certifies that the manuscript listed above was edited for proper English
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