AURASMA SCHOOL POSTER Learning Activities Design


AURASMA SCHOOL POSTER Learning Activities Design
Reyhan Güneş
Tevfik ileri Middle School
Age of Students
Number of Students
Time of implementation
Dec 2013 – June 2014
Class web Page:
Learning Activities
Design Based Learning Activities
Learning Story
Creating An Object/ Creating An Aurasma School and Staff Poster
Creating an Aurasma poster about “The School and Staff” to inform parents, guests
and new students by using “Simple Present Tense”.
Create an appropriate media product that reflects understanding of format,
characteristics and purpose.
Use modelling skills to construct a model of the school
Describing model of the school by using simple sentences, “There is/are” ,
“Simple Present Tense” and “Prepositions of Place”
Create a publishable poster about the school
Give a simple description or presentation of the school staff, living or working
conditions, daily routines, likes/dislikes, etc. as a short series of simple phrases
and sentences by using “Simple Present Tense”
Translate a script from from Turkish to English and dubbing it
Use Aurasma
Use Sketchup
Use “Tellagami, Morfo, Crazy Talk”
Make animation
iTEC Pilot 5th Cycle Learning Activity, Reyhan Güneş 2013
Demonstrate the use of various web and technology tools
Model cooperative behavior while working in a group
Web and Device Based:
Animations/Talking Avatars: Tellagami, Morfo, Crazy Talk
Augmented Reality: Aurasma
Blog and LMS: Wikispaces
BMS/Behavior Management Tools : Class Dojo, Sokikom
Connect and collaborate : Edmodo
Design : Explain Everything
File Sharing: Three Ring, Taught
Image Editor : Fotor
Interactive images: Blabberize, Thinglink, Fotobable
Mind mapping: Poplet, Maptini, Pearltrees
Modeling and Interactive Image : Sketchup, Gliffy
Poll : Poll Everywhere
Poster : Canva, Glogster,
QR Code: Visualead, Zippy
Reflection : Flipgrid, Reflex, TeamUp
Screen casting: Camtasia, Screenr
Team Forming: TeamUp
Video Downloading: KeepVid, Freecorder
Video Editors : Metta, Wevideo, Magisto, Wistia, Pixorial
Web-Conferencing : MashMe TV, BigblueButton, WızIQ
iTEC Environment:
iTEC Resources
Promethean LRS
The Composer
The People and Events Directory
iTEC Widget Store (Activity_Timer_Rocket Widget)
iTEC Pilot 5th Cycle Learning Activity, Reyhan Güneş 2013
Learning Spaces and Hardware
An ipad, tablets, Lap tops, mobile phones, web cams, projector, digital cameras.
Inspiring Question
How can you introduce new students, parents and guests to your school using an
Aurasma poster?
The students are read a letter from the school principal saying that “She/he has
asked the students to create a poster/bulletin board for new students and parents
about their school and staff.” Also, a video can be played or the principal can be
invited to the class. To do this Aurasma will be a more amazing app they will
experience. Then they are introduced what the Aurasma is. The videos about
Aurasma are thoroughly watched. Sketchup tool is also introduced.
Teams of 5 students are formed with Teamup. They talk about the theme and think
about it. The wikispaces project blog where they described themselves and the
design being presented. They are asked how to do their design. They discuss and
share their ideas together with media (videos and documents) by connecting and
communicating using a newsfeed on wikispace and Edmodo. They use reflection
tools. Teacher posts about the apps via Edmodo to get the students to be
acquainted after the session. Later, their ideas gathered and categorized by
poplet/Maptini. Teams shared the topic and made their mind maps.
The students use their own devices (BYOD/Bring Your Own Device). They browse the
comparable designs and share ideas. They can bookmark websites and arrange
their bookmarks into mindmaps of related topics with Pearltrees. They experience
Aurasma, using some images and videos. Sample videos of themselves are created
by animation/talking avatars. They may use their photo and animate it. “Tellagami,
Morfo, Puppet pals, Crazy Talk, Explain Everything” are experienced. They post all the
medias and reflect. The first Auras describing themselves are made and shared on
their design web page and class bulletin board.
Some of the teams will work with the school staff to explore the building while some
of them will make interviews with the teachers. Modeling teams browse the Sketchup
instructions and make samples. They survey the school and find out how many
classrooms, labs, gym, playground, teachers’ room, administrative rooms exist and
iTEC Pilot 5th Cycle Learning Activity, Reyhan Güneş 2013
the proportions. They will sketch out various parts of the building as they explore. The
poster should introduce the school and visitors, and tell students where the rooms
are. The team will use Sketchup/Gliffy to model the school.
They interwiev with the school staff. The teams asks the school teachers,
administrators about their personal information, hobies, habits, daily life and takes
notes or have recordings. They take the photographes and may take videos of them
to use as the trigger, overlay of the Aurasma. Their photos will be animated by using
“Tellagami Tellagami/Morfo/Puppet pals/Crazy Talk”. They may use screen casters ,
“Camtasia/ Screenr”.
They make video conferences with their teacher to explore the tools with “MashMe
TV/ BigblueButton/ WızIQ” .
Students bookmark when they are conducting online search. They bookmark critical
web pages on backbags of Edmodo.
They map media files by using
“Poplet/Maptini”. They create mind maps of how to use Aurasma and Skechup. The
The information gathered about the school are maped again using the mapping
They sketch out various parts of the building make rough draft of the school plan.
Teams make visual notes about their design and map them on mind mapping tools
Poplet/Maptini. Students share their drafts and mind maps with their peers and
parents by Edmodo and the blog for having feedback to make it refine.
At the end of each work session students will individually record their thoughts on
what they did, plan to do and the challenges they encountered or can foresee on
Reflex or Flipgrid. Teams listen recordings by others and coach them. Teams embed
or upload their work on project web page Wikispaces, Edmodo/ Three Ring/Taught
to share and have comments on them from parents, other classes, teachers, school
principal, assistant principal. They discuss comments and record them. Other iTEC
community or country classes may be collaborated. Then their comments are
discussed, reflected and shared.
They present their draft “Auras and School Model” on their class bulleten board to
other classes, teachers, school principal, assistant principal. They discuss and reflect.
Teacher scripts translated and student’s voices are recorded. Translations and voices
are shared to be commented, corrected.
Video Conferences are made with students for overall disscussions and reflections.
iTEC Pilot 5th Cycle Learning Activity, Reyhan Güneş 2013
The teams learn how to use Aurasma Studio. QR code formed for the Aura channel.
They get appointments from teachers, principle, other staff and record them on their
mobile phones as a task. They share these appointments on their project blog by
adding “google calendar” on the page and Edmodo, class project facebook page.
Students interwievs with the staff and take photos. If the staff allows, they video them
or record their voices. The interwievs will be done in English with English speaking
teachers otherwise in Turkish. The Turkish speech texts are translated into English.
Translations are shared on online media so that they can get feedback and refine
them. They may also want help from other English teachers. They read the texts and
record. They share the sound files in all online medias.
Students having tablets use face of teachers in “Morfo/Tellagami” and record their
voices. Students having lap tops use “Crazy talk/Blabberize/Fotobabble” to animate
the their faces of the staff. The animated faces with their voices are used as trigger
images. The printed staff photos specified as overlay. Auras are made. Some can
use “Camtasia/Screenr” for recording animated faces and download them.
The Sketchup teams take the photos and videos of the school. They print the model
of the school they created. Auras of the school are made.
Teams create posters using “Canva/ Glogster/”. They display the staff
portraits and school model on posters. QR code linked “School Aurasma Channel”
put on them. The posters are printed and sticked on the class bulleten board. They
view their posters and poll them. They are all shared on their project blog and
commented. Teams view posters and vote for the them with “Poll Everywhere”. They
disscuss with respect to their resulting votes and record their reflections.
They share all of their works with their parents, students, teachers, asisstant principles
and principle and get feedback. Students may collaborate with students from other
countries or iTEC schools. They communicate with the class facebook group having
some of school staff. Facebook iTEC teacher community, iTEC students collaborate
network is used for sharing outcomes and for establishing collaboration beyond the
school. Web conference or Skyping may be established with the tools “MashMe TV,
BigblueButton/ WızIQ/Skype”.
iTEC Pilot 5th Cycle Learning Activity, Reyhan Güneş 2013
The students remake their Aurasma posters/maps with respect to the comments of
their participants.
The teams upload their video stories together with the project blog to an online
video sharing platform, being YouTube and Vimeo. The video stories are also linked
through the iTEC facebook groups. “The Aurasma Bulleten Board about the School
and the Staff” is prepared on the hallway of the school. An exibit will be performed.
The students bring their families to the exibit. All the of the teachers, Parent Teacher
Organization members, students, assistant principals and principal are invited.
Project Rubric
Blog Rubric
Collaboration Rubric
Peer Evaluation
Class Dojo/Sokikom Behavior Management
iTEC Pilot 5th Cycle Learning Activity, Reyhan Güneş 2013