
Derleme 5
Bu testte 80 soru vardır.
Her soru 1,25 puan değer taşımaktadır.
Yanlış cevap doğru seçeneği götürmeyecektir.
Sınavın toplam süresini 150 dakikadır
NOT: Bu deneme ÖSYM sorularına 2 adet ÖZGÜN soru ilavesi ile oluşturulmuştur.
Toplam 7279 kelime içeren testimiz, gerekli itina gösterilmeye çalışılsa da, herhangi
bir zorluk ayarına tabii tutulmamış olduğundan, büyük ihtimalle sınavda alacağınız
notu gösteremeyecektir.
Ancak durumun ne olduğunu kabaca görmek isteyenler ve toplu deneme yapan
çalışma arkadaşlarım için bir kaynak olarak faydalı olabilir.
Mehmet Mamger
Çoğu kişi maalesef sınava hazırlanmanın önemli bir parametresi olan deneme çözmeyi ciddiye almaz ve onu
alıştırma ile karıştırır. Oysa deneme bir konuda ustalaşmak için kullandığımız alıştırmalardan çok farklıdır. Amacı
gayet nettir:
1. Seviyenin tespiti
2. İlerleme olup olmadığının tespiti
3. Eksikliklerin tespiti
4. Gerçek sınav için sağlam bir teknik ve yöntem geliştirme
Ben bir deneme çözümünde şu altı kıstasın olmazsa olmaz olduğunu düşünenlerdenim:
TEK OTURUM, TAM SÜRE: Bir sınav tek oturumda ve araya mola verilmeden çözülmeli. Sınav
esnasında bir şey yenilip içilmemeli, tuvalet ve sigara molası da dâhil, araya mola konmamalı. Zira
gerçek sınavda bunları yapma şansımız yok. Her mola, denemedeki puanımızı yükseltecek ve
durumumuz hakkında gerçekçi olmayan fikirlere sahip olmamızı sağlayacaktır. Eğer İKİ BUÇUK
SAATLİK TEK OTURUM yapma şansımız hiç yoksa, verilen her mola için toplam süreden tam 5 dakika
kısaltılmalıdır. Üç defadan daha fazla mola verilmiş ise eğer, artık o sınav bir DENEME SINAVI değildir.
SINAV BİTMEDEN KONTROL YOK: Tüm sorular bitmeden yapacağınız her kontrol, netinizi yukarı
çıkaracak ve durum tespitini imkânsızlaştıracaktır. Oysa gerçek sınavda, mesela 50. sorudayken bile, 3.
soruda verdiğimiz seçeneğin doğru olup olmadığı fikri beynimizi yemeye devam eder. Kuşku ve
belirsizlik, neti aşağı çeker.
kişinin A puanlarına ulaşabilmesinde en önemli etkendir. Basit nedenlerle, okuduğu seçenekte çabuk bir
doğru cevap bulmazsa işaretleme yapmadan geçen bir kişi, daha sonra aynı seçeneğe baktığında
doğruya ulaşacaktır:
Uğraştığınız seçenek BOYUNUZUN ÜZERİNDE ve hatta iptal edilecek bir YANLIŞ SORU
olabilir. Onunla uğraşmanız zamanınızı yer ve kendinize inancınızı bitirir. İkisi de size en
lazım olan şey. Oluşan zaman baskısı ve hüsran duygusu, normalde doğru cevaplanabilecek
ve çok daha kolay pek çok sorunun yanlış cevaplanmasına yol açacaktır.
Uğraştığınız seçenek çözebileceğiniz zorluktadır ama o anda cevabı hatırlamıyorsunuz veya
doğru açıdan bakmıyorsunuzdur. Israr etmeniz size yardımcı olmaz. Ama başka sorularla
uğraşırken, beyniniz zaten bu soru için de yeter miktarda mesai sarf edecek ve bir daha
baktığınızda soruyu gayet kolaylaşmış olacaktır: Beyniniz problemi çözmüş veya soruya
yeniden bakarken bakış anızı değiştirmişsinizdir.
Uğraştığınız sorunun cevabı ya doğrudan veya modelleme mantığına göre okuyacağınız diğer
sorularda gizli olabilir. Siz diğer soruları okurken, beyniniz buradan doğru bilgileri kodlayacak ve
yeniden boş bıraktığınız soruya geldiğinizde, tercihiniz büyük ihtimalle doğru olacaktır.
Unutmayın en büyük kopya, soru kitapçığınızın bizatihi kendisidir.
Soruların hepsini bitirdikten sonra boş bıraktığınız sorulara yine sırayla birkaç defa dönüp, her doğru
cevap çıkmadığında yeniden boş bırakıp geçmeyi unutmayın. Böylece belirli bir süpürme-tarama
yöntemiyle aynı sorulara birkaç kez bakmış olacaksınız. Son 10 dakikada ise artık atma vakti gelmiş
olabilir. Hilelere ancak burada yer veriniz.
SINAV BİTİNCE TAHMİN: Sınavdan sonra kaç net alacağınızı ±5 hata ile bilmeniz, durumunuzu tespitte
çok önemlidir. Bu tahmin bir müddet sonra hangi seçeneği bilerek, hangisini ise sallayarak yaptığınızı
bilmeniz hususunda size olağanüstü bir yetenek kazandıracak ve böylece hangi seçeneği hemen
işaretleyeceğinizi, hangi seçeneği boş bırakıp sonra bakmanız gerektiğini ve hangi seçenekte aslında
atmak durumunuzda olduğunu ve dolayısıyla hile-hurda kullanabileceğinizi bilmenizi sağlayacak.
YANLIŞLARI BİR DAHA ÇÖZ – TURLAMA: Cevapları başkasına kontrol ettirip, yanlış cevaplarınızı bir
daha çözmeye çalışmanız, bir sonraki denemenizde NET ARTIRABİLMENİZ neredeyse en garanti
yoludur. Beyniniz (a) iki şık arasında hangisini seçmeniz gerektiğini öğrenecek, (b) yanlış yaptığı soruyu
bir daha çözdüreceğinizi anladığından, ilk hamlede doğruyu görmeyi başarabilecektir. Turlamayı illaki
tüm soruların cevabını kendiniz buluncaya kadar yapınız. Ama İLK TUR, en öğretici olandır.
KELİME ÖĞREN: Sınavın bir kısmından keklime öğrenmeyi ihmal etmeyin. Bir limitiniz olsun, mesela
100. O sınavdan tam 100 adet bilmediğiniz kelime öğrenmeye bakın. Sadece paragraflardaki kelimelere
bakmanız bile yeterli olabilecektir.
1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
The study of the genetic causes of mental
disorders involves the statistical analysis of the
frequency of a particular disorder’s ---- among
individuals who share related genes, such as
siblings and twins.
A) occurrence
B) falsehood
C) disturbance
D) ignorance
Genetic techniques are used in medicine to ---and treat inherited human disorders; for
example, knowledge of a family history of
cancer may indicate a hereditary tendency to
develop this affliction and help to find the right
A) communicate
B) remedy
C) diagnose
D) contract
E) induce
E) negligence
In 1996, two teams of archaeologists found what
appear to be the remains of very ---- musical
instruments at Neanderthal sites.
A) sensitive
B) reluctant
D) simple
E) confident
C) relentless
B) accurately
C) adequately
D) irreversibly
A) turn up
B) go by
C) make out
D) break through
E) set out
For those obsessed with punctuality, newgeneration clocks, which tune into the nearest
official time transmitter to keep time ----, have
been developed.
A) sensibly
You’ve got a long journey ahead of you so you
ought to ---- early in the morning.
E) inevitably
California, during its downturn, paid fewer taxes
into the federal budget, helping the state ---its difficulty.
A) get through
B) take after
D) back up
E) carry on
C) call for
10. Some types of microscopic organisms, called
hyperthermophilic bacteria, can survive ---extremely high temperatures, sometimes even
---- 100°C.
8. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
Imhotep, god of medicine, ---- as a mythological
figure in the minds of many scholars until the
end of the 19th century, when it ---- that he was a
real historical personage.
A) under / for
B) on / with
C) in / by
D) at / above
E) within / as
A) existed / was established
B) has existed / has been established
C) had existed / was being established
D) will exist / will have been established
E) exists / had been established
11. Compared with the United States after 9/11,
India has reacted ---- the Mumbai attacks ---restraint.
On long space flights, astronauts’ bones ----,
much as if they ---- from osteoporosis, at a rate
of 1-2% per month.
A) thin / were suffering
A) over / from
B) for / in
B) will thin / suffer
D) to / with
E) at / over
C) by / to
C) are thinning / have suffered
D) will have thinned / would have suffered
E) have thinned / will suffer
12. Scientists estimate that an individual bone has a
one ---- three per cent lifetime risk of fracture,
based on data ---- a variety of species.
The therapist who ---- to offer his or her client
spiritual accompaniment has no option but ---such openness if he or she is to be faithful to
the task.
A) dared / to have embraced
B) is daring / being embraced
A) by / of
B) for / on
C) to / from
D) from / over
E) of / about
C) had dared / embracing
D) dares / to embrace
E) can dare / embraced
13. ---- scientists can tell, our prehistoric ancestors
lived in relatively small groups where they knew
everyone else in the group.
A) Despite the fact that
B) Apart from
C) As far as
D) As much as
15. A survey of 1,449 Finns found that married
people and people living with a partner were
50% less likely to develop dementia in later life,
---- single or divorced people had three times the
E) Unlike
B) even if
D) while
E) though
A) instead
B) otherwise
D) since
E) whereas
C) even if
16. Thanks to a newly developed battery-charging
device called “the Chargepod,” we will no longer
have to use different chargers ---- recharge
different mobile gadgets, like cell phones and
14. In less-developed parts of the world, there are
few modern urban water networks, ---- the
people living in these areas do not have access
to safe drinking water.
A) so
C) because
A) with reference to
B) due to
C) in order to
D) with regard to
E) according to
17.-21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
However hazy their grasp of astronomy may be,
most adults hold several beliefs with some
certainty. They believe, for example, that the Earth
is round and that it revolves around another, larger
round body (the Sun), (17) ---- a smaller round body
(the Moon) revolves around it. They also believe
(18) ---- certain familiar phenomena, such as the
day-night cycle and the seasons, depend on the
movements and relative positions of the Earth, Sun,
and Moon. But how do adults come to form such
beliefs? The facts of astronomy are hardly evident
in everyday experience; if anything, the reverse
(19) ---- to be true. Children experience an
apparently flat earth from which they see the Sun
move (20) ---- the sky, and they learn things that
seem incompatible with the notion that people could
somehow live on the surface of a large ball. Is the
development of adult-level understanding,
therefore, simply a matter of suppressing childish
beliefs and gradually (21) ---- the views of modern
adult society?
B) as if
D) while
E) if
A) in that
B) as
D) since
E) that
C) where
C) those
must have been argued
could be argued
C) will be argued
D) might have been argued
B) about
D) across
E) aboard
C) among
A) accepting
B) eliminating
C) recovering
D) maintaining
E) overloading
A) along
A) after
would have been argued
22. -26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
Eritrea was part of the first Ethiopian kingdom of
Aksum (22) ---- its decline in the 8th century. It
came under the control of the Ottoman Empire in
the 16th century, and (23) ---- of the Egyptians. The
Italians (24) ---- the coastal areas in 1885, and the
Treaty of Uccialli, signed on 2nd May 1889, gave
Italy (25) ---- over part of Eritrea. The Italians ruled
the colony until World War II. It was made an
Ethiopian province in 1962, but a civil war (26) ---against the Ethiopian government led by rebel
groups who opposed the union and wanted
independence for Eritrea.
A) institution
B) sovereignty C) treatment
D) opposition
E) prominence
A) broke out
B) took off
C) set out
D) kept on
E) went forward
A) through
B) over
D) with
E) in
C) until
A) subsequently
B) widely
C) unanimously
D) earnestly
E) extensively
A) capture
B) will capture
C) have captured
D) captured
E) are capturing
29. ----, while just 1.7 tonnes of corn yields the
same result.
27. - 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) A team of scientists has claimed that the
traditional methods of production in plastics are
extremely costly and have an adverse impact
on the environment
27. If the cost of health benefits for working people
in a country rises, ----.
A) soaring health costs are one of the big factors
that have crippled the economy
B) It has been announced that a company in
China, sponsored by the government, is
planning to harvest plastics from crops of corn
B) usually employers cut wages or pass on the
costs as higher prices to customers
C) Eight tonnes of crude oil are currently needed
to create one tonne of polyol, which is an
alcoholic substance used in a number of
C) firms should, in fact, be indifferent to whether
they pay employees cash wages or benefits
D) those costs have nearly doubled this decade
alone in many industrialized countries
D) Scientists are now using a new type of
microscope that lets them view internal
structures of materials in greater detail than
ever before
E) the current economic difficulties have forced
politicians to focus on health reform
E) The device the company’s scientists use utilizes
X-ray analysis technology and reveals chemical
compositions of objects being studied
30. ----, but it failed to halt the rise of Adolf Hitler
and the Nazi war machine.
28. ---- that bats use ultrasonic beams to follow
insects through the dark.
A) During World War II, France was split into a
German-occupied north and an unoccupied
A) A group of students are experimenting
B) Scientists had wondered
B) Following World War II, France turned its
attention to its African colonies, where there
was a growing demand from the natives for
C) A great deal of evidence needs to be gathered
D) It’s long been known
E) Over the years, no scientist has questioned
C) After a series of extremely savage battles,
Allied armies liberated France in August 1944
from the German occupation
D) In May 1940, the Germans marched into an
undefended Paris, and in the following month
the French government signed an armistice
E) Beginning in 1919, French foreign policy aimed
at keeping Germany weak through a system of
33. Missions to the Moon’s previously unvisited
mountains and polar regions will aid the search
for water, ----.
31. Although there were plenty of sceptics when
Mauritius tried a decade ago to become an
offshore financial centre, ----.
A) it has partly attained its goal, since it now hosts
19 national and international banks
A) since the first crewed mission will be planned
for the far side of the Moon
B) it has built a textile industry that has made the
country relatively prosperous
B) whereby test landings are scheduled to begin in
C) last month it brought in a new labour law,
making it easier to hire and fire
C) which is vital to any future lunar base to be set
up by NASA
D) it imports most of its food and energy as rising
world prices are pushing up inflation
D) even if the mission aims to land astronauts on
the surface of the Moon by 2015
E) much of the economy remains concentrated in
the hands of a few local magnates
E) even though dense clouds of interstellar dust
conceal the heart of our galaxy
34. New radiocarbon dating of fossils suggests ----.
32. In his opinion, poetry is essentially an effort to
elude facts, ----.
A) that mass extinctions of mammoths and wild
horses 10,000 years ago were caused by
natural climate shifts
A) since he had been regarded as a promising
young poet
B) whether humans were to blame for extensive
destruction in the natural world and also for the
pollution of the oceans
B) whereas prose is essentially a means of
unearthing and exhibiting them
C) how scientists began to understand clearly what
dinosaurs ate and why they disappeared from
the face of the Earth
C) but his poems have been published in
respectable literary journals
D) because many critics share the view that poets
should be concerned with politics
D) if an olive branch buried for thousands of years
in volcanic ash could have revealed the fate of
the great Minoan civilization on the Greek
island of Thera
E) if many prose writers enjoy writing about social
and cultural issues
E) when it was scientifically established that
dinosaurs belonged to a large group of reptiles
called archosauria
35. ----, it would be regarded as a disaster at home
and abroad.
37. - 42. soruIarda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin
Türkçesini, Türkçe cümlenin İngilizcesini
A) Since power generation in China fell by 7% last
37. Better ways of storing energy are needed in
order for electricity systems to become cleaner
and more efficient.
B) As India had enjoyed a big economic
advantage over China
C) Because unrest and even insurgency are
widespread in many countries
A) Elektrik sistemlerinin daha temiz ve verimli
olması isteniyorsa enerjiyi depolamak için çok
daha farklı yöntemler denenmelidir.
D) If China’s growth rate were to fall to 5% or less
B) Daha temiz ve verimli elektrik sistemlerinin
geliştirilmesi için öncelikle enerjiyi yeterince
depolamak gerekir.
E) While India is considered to be a major
economic power
C) Elektrik sistemlerinin daha temiz ve verimli
olması için enerjiyi daha iyi depolama yollarına
ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.
D) Elektriğin temiz ve verimli bir şekilde
kullanılabilmesi için enerjiyi farklı şekillerde
depolama yöntemleri gereklidir.
E) Elektrik sistemlerinin temiz ve verimli olması,
enerjiyi saklama yollarında yapılacak
değişikliklere bağlıdır.
38. Civilization is the product of hundreds of
generations working together achieving more
than what any one person could achieve alone.
36. In the early years of the global warming debate,
there was great controversy over ----.
A) Medeniyet, insanların yüzlerce nesil boyunca
tek başlarına bir şey başaramadıklarını
anlamaları sonucu birlikte çalışmaya
başlamalarıyla şekillenmiştir.
A) while China has been blamed for the climate
crisis today
B) although scientists have concluded that this
warming is dangerous
B) Medeniyet, yüzyıllar boyu nesillerin tek
başlarına bir şey yapmak yerine hep birlikte
çalışması sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır.
C) since the details of future forecasts about
warming remain unclear
D) that warming would be a significant problem in
the decades ahead
C) Medeniyet, yüzyıllar boyunca birlikte çalışmayı
başaran insanların ürünlerinin bir sonucudur.
E) whether the planet was indeed warming
D) Medeniyet, herhangi birinin tek başına
yapabileceğinden daha fazlasını başarmış
yüzlerce neslin birlikte çalışmasının ürünüdür.
E) Medeniyet, insanların tek başlarına bir şeyler
başarmak yerine birlikte çalışmalarının ürünü
olarak yüzlerce yılda oluşmuştur.
41. Hayvanlar, insanların yaptığı gibi birbirleriyle
konuşamazlar; ancak bu, onların diğer yollarla
iletişim kuramadıkları anlamına gelmez.
39. Although only 4.2 million light years away,
Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to our solar
system, is not visible to the naked eye from
A) Animals cannot talk to one another like humans
do, but this does not mean they cannot
communicate in other ways.
A) Güneş sistemine en yakın yıldızlardan biri olan
Proxima Centauri sadece 4,2 milyon ışık yılı
uzaklıktadır, ancak yine de yeryüzünden çıplak
gözle görülemez.
B) Animals cannot communicate like human
beings, but it is known that they can
communicate in some other ways not known to
B) Sadece 4,2 milyon ışık yılı uzaklıkta olmasına
rağmen güneş sistemimize en yakın yıldız olan
Proxima Centauri, yeryüzünden çıplak gözle
C) Animals are known to communicate in other
ways although they cannot talk to one another
like human beings do.
C) Güneş sistemimize en yakın yıldız olarak
bilinen Proxima Centauri, hemen hemen 4,2
milyon ışık yılı uzaklıkta olmasına rağmen
yeryüzünden çıplak gözle izlenemez.
D) Animals do not actually talk like human beings
do, but that does not prove that they do not
communicate at all.
D) Güneş sistemine yaklaşık 4,2 milyon ışık yılı
uzaklıkta olan Proxima Centauri’yi yeryüzünden
çıplak gözle görebilmek mümkün değildir.
E) Animals do not have a spoken language like
humans do, however, that does not mean they
do not communicate at all.
E) Proxima Centauri olarak adlandırılan ve güneş
sistemimize en yakın olan yıldız, 4,2 milyon ışık
yılı uzaklıkta olmasından dolayı çıplak gözle
42. Çin, yaklaşık 160 milyon kişinin, kıyı şehirlerinde
iş aramak için kırsal kesimden ayrılmasıyla
1978’den beri tarihteki en büyük iç göçü
40. Çölleşme ve diğer ekosistem değişiklikleri, ilk
kez 1976’da iklimin geleceğini etkileyen önemli
unsurlar olarak tanınmıştır.
A) China has witnessed the biggest internal
migration since 1978, with over 160 million
people leaving rural areas to work in coastal
A) Changes in the ecosystem as well as
deforestation were first recognized in 1976 as
factors influencing the future of the climate.
B) In 1976, deforestation and other ecosystem
changes were accepted as crucial factors for
the future of the climate.
B) Since 1978, China has experienced the biggest
internal migration in history, with nearly 160
million people leaving rural areas to seek work
in coastal cities.
C) Deforestation and other ecosystem changes
were first recognized in 1976 as important
factors affecting the future of the climate.
C) Since 1978, China experienced one of the
largest internal migrations in history, with nearly
160 million citizens leaving rural areas to look
for work in big cities.
D) In 1976, deforestation and other ecosystem
changes were identified as being among the
most important factors for the future of the
D) Since 1978, China has recorded the internal
migration of 160 million families leaving rural
places to seek jobs in coastal cities.
E) Both deforestation and other ecosystem
changes were accepted in 1976 as factors
affecting the future of the climate.
E) Since 1978, China has encountered the biggest
internal migration, with nearly 160 million
people who left rural places and moved to
coastal cities.
44. According to the passage, AI ----.
43. – 46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) matches human flexibility over domains wider
than ever before
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital
computer or computer-controlled robot to perform
tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.
The term is frequently applied to the project of
developing systems endowed with the intellectual
processes characteristic of humans, such as the
ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or
learn from past experience. Since the development
of the digital computer in the 1940s, it has been
demonstrated that computers can be programmed
to perform very complex tasks, such as discovering
proofs for mathematical theorems or playing chess,
with great proficiency. Still, although there are
continuing advances in computer-processing speed
and memory capacity, there are as yet no programs
that can match human flexibility over wider domains
or in tasks requiring much everyday knowledge. On
the other hand, some extraordinary programs have
attained performance levels beyond those of human
experts and professionals engaged in certain
specific tasks. AI, in this limited sense, is used
efficiently and found in applications as diverse as
medical diagnosis, computer search engines, and
voice or handwriting recognition.
perform certain tasks much better than humans
have very limited memory capacity
D) is used to describe humans’ ability to reason,
discover meaning, generalize, or learn from
past experience
has caused a decline in the overall
performance of humans with difficult tasks
45. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
A) the flexibility and efficiency of AI has matched
and even surpassed that of humans
developing a system that has human-like
features will obviously remain an impossibility
C) humans are still better than computers in such
tasks as proving mathematical theorems
D) despite the continuing advances, computer
technology cannot be used efficiently in fields
such as voice or handwriting recognition
C) successfully make use of much everyday
D) have far more flexibility than is found in human
is a term used to refer to certain human-like
features associated with intelligence in
manmade machines
C) refers to tasks associated with such intelligent
beings as humans
43. It can be understood from the passage that
some programs equipped with AI ----.
although a lot has been achieved, AI is as yet in
its infancy particularly when there is a need for
everyday knowledge
are very limited in scope
46. According to the passage, some outstanding AI
applications ----.
A) are fully-developed in terms of processing
speed and memory capacity
are not as efficient as desired in a number of
fields, including medical diagnosis
C) are soon to be employed in the development of
new and diverse systems that reach beyond
human flexibility
D) have surpassed the performance levels of
human experts
are still at the stage of safety testing before
they can be used in such fields as medicine
and computer sciences
48. According to the passage, it was during the
Neolithic Age that ----.
47. – 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) agricultural peoples began to settle in the
Middle East and along the Mediterranean
Pottery was one of man’s first artefacts. It is the
presence of pottery, rather than of the polished
stone, that marks the passage from the Mesolithic to
the Neolithic Ages, when agricultural peoples settled
both in the Mediterranean area and in the Middle
East. It is commonly believed that the earliest
pottery receptacles copied those of other materials,
such as gourds or baskets. From the fingerprints on
them, it is possible to deduce that they were made
principally by women. Originally, any decoration was
indented; that is, patterns were pressed into the soft
clay, and it remained so for a long period until new
situations, at different times in different parts of the
world, produced painted decoration. As a
widespread form of culture, permanently bearing in
its shapes and decoration the character of individual
periods and peoples, the finding of pottery has been
of supreme importance to the archaeologist.
B) coloured stones were frequently collected and
C) people first recognized the need for containers
and began to make baskets and use gourds to
carry water
D) painted decoration of pottery gave way to
decoration by indentation
E) pottery making spread from the Middle East to
other parts of the world
49. It is made clear in the passage that early
examples of pottery ----.
47. One can understand from the passage that ----.
A) pottery production gave rise to agricultural
development in the Middle East
A) were probably intended for holding water and
other liquids
B) pottery production achieved technical perfection
in the Mesolithic age
B) were almost invariably made by men
C) served no practical purpose at all
C) the pottery of the Mesolithic Age is
indistinguishable from that of the Neolithic Age
D) were made in known shapes like those of
D) pottery can be used to trace development in
early human civilizations
E) tell us nothing at all about the people who made
E) the Neolithic Ages in the Mediterranean area
are largely characterized by the use of polished
50. As is pointed out in the passage, pottery is of
great importance to archaeologists largely
because ----.
A) it has considerable artistic beauty
B) the fingerprints of the makers are preserved in
C) it preserves the character of individual periods
D) it is more durable than other artefacts
E) it is the very first artefact ever to be made by
52. One understands from the passage that the rise
of insulin in the body ----.
51. – 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) increases the level of glucose in the blood,
which is controlled by epinephrine
Muscles can obtain the carbohydrate they need,
not only from glycogen stores but also from sugar
taken during activity, which elevates blood glucose
and enhances endurance. Normally, insulin
stimulates all the tissues of the body to drain
glucose from the blood and store it; however, this
is exactly the opposite of what is needed for
performance. During physical activity, the body’s
release of the hormone epinephrine keeps insulin
from rising in response to glucose entering the
blood. Physical activity also enhances muscle
sensitivity to insulin so that the muscles become
the primary recipient of blood glucose. Consuming
sugar is especially useful during exhausting
endurance activities lasting more than an hour.
Endurance athletes often run short of glucose by
the end of competitive events, and they are wise to
take light carbohydrate snacks or drinks
periodically during activity. During the last stages
of an endurance competition, when glycogen is
running low, glucose consumed during the event
can make its way slowly from the digestive tract to
the muscles and increase the body’s supply of
glucose enough to prevent exhaustion.
B) reaches its highest level when the glucose in
the blood becomes adequate
C) causes exhaustion, and therefore exhausting
endurance activities must be avoided
D) is related to the amount of glucose entering the
E) not only reduces glycogen but also slows down
physical activity
53. It is suggested in the passage that, during an
exhausting endurance competition, athletes ----.
A) often have to combat rising glycogen levels
B) lose their muscle sensitivity to insulin
C) need a regular supply of glucose
D) should avoid consuming any carbohydrate-rich
food and drink
E) are adversely affected by the release of
51. It is clear from the passage that, during
prolonged physical activity, ----.
A) light carbohydrate snacks and drinks are not
advised as these would interfere with the
passage of glucose to the muscles
54. It is clear from the passage that, during
endurance activities, the digestive tract ----.
B) the body’s glycogen stores are so activated that
there is no need for extra carbohydrate supplies
A) should remain empty
C) insulin stimulates all the tissues of the body to
drain glucose from the blood
B) plays an important role in the supply of glucose
to the muscles
D) the consumption of sugar must be avoided so
that the body’s supply of glucose can be
maintained to prevent exhaustion
C) is important for the removal of glucose from the
D) receives the hormone epinephrine when it is
E) blood glucose can be increased through the
intake of sufficient carbohydrate and, thus,
exhaustion can be avoided
E) is relatively inactive
56. The researchers at the University of Alberta
believe that ----.
55. – 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) pink salmon may not be able to find lice to feed
on within eight years
According to a recent study by the University of
Alberta, parasitic sea lice are killing a population of
young wild pink salmon along Canada’s west coast
in alarming numbers. The authors of the study say
that the entire wild population may be gone within
eight years. With their protective scales, adult
salmon can safely harbour the lice, but young
salmon do not yet have the protective scales,
leaving them prone to deep, infection-prone wounds
left by the lice. Juveniles live in coastal waters,
which are normally far from parasite-carrying adults
living farther out to sea. Now, however, aqua farms
are often located in these same waters, destroying
the young salmon’s safe haven. Scientists argue
that fish farms must be relocated or reduced, but so
far, no government regulations have been launched
to this end.
B) Canada’s west coast has not been protected
well for eight years
C) the wild pink salmon population could disappear
within eight years
D) the rate of increase of the pink salmon
population is alarming
E) it takes about eight years for the pink salmon to
grow into adults
55. According to the passage, adult pink salmon
live in harbours and coastal waters
often carry parasites, but are not affected by
57. It can be understood from the passage that ----.
A) parasitic life forms cannot survive in open sea
C) suffer greatly from infections caused by sea lice
B) the left side of the young pink salmon is more
prone to infection
D) protect their young from parasites with their
C) adult pink salmon start to lose their scales after
eight years
D) wild pink salmon are used to cleanse the water
of sea lice
become more prone to infection as they grow
E) aqua farms are a threat to the young pink
58. The young pink salmon ----.
A) destroy the safe haven of other types of salmon
B) are bred in aqua farms
C) live closer to the coast than do the adults
D) have recently been relocated for safety
E) are a type of fish protected by law
60. The passage makes it quite clear that Charlie
Chaplin ----.
59. – 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) began his career as an actor but soon turned to
directing films instead
Charlie Chaplin, who was born in Britain but spent
most of his life in the United States, is one of the
pivotal figures in film history. He is especially
remembered for his work in the silent movies.
Chaplin knew that a successful scene was not
simply about the starring actor, but about everything
else. The only way to achieve that unity was to get
personally involved in every stage of the film; from
starring in his films to producing, directing, editing
them, and even to composing the music for them. It
was not uncommon for him to decide half-way
through a film that an actor wasn’t suitable for a
certain role, and start over with someone new. This
constant attention to detail ran many features
overtime and over-budget, but the public reaction
assured him and the studios that what he was doing
worked. Chaplin typically improvised his story in
front of the camera with only a basic framework of a
script. But on consideration, his art turned out to be
firmly rooted, and could be seen, for example, to
draw much of its strength from his successful fusion
of English and American cultures and traditions.
B) much preferred America and American culture
to Britain and British culture
C) is a major figure in the history of film-making
D) was eager to please those he worked with
E) appealed more to American audiences than to
British ones
61. It is clear from the passage that the film studios
A) were taken in by Chaplin’s charm and let him
have his own way all the time
B) played a leading role in the making of Chaplin’s
59. As is pointed out in the passage the success of
Chaplin’s films was largely due to ----.
C) liked to work with Chaplin because he never
interfered with what they were doing
A) his own remarkable acting abilities
D) had to work on a very tight budget
B) the control he exercised on every aspect of a
E) were content to work with Chaplin as they felt
success was guaranteed
C) the detailed scripts prepared for each film
D) the professional skills of the studios that made
E) the fact that Chaplin liked to improvise new
scenes in front of the cameras
62. The passage as a whole explains ----.
A) why Charlie Chaplin was so successful in the
film industry
B) the background factors contributing to Charlie
Chaplin’s success
C) how Charlie Chaplin contributed to the
development of the film industry
D) the differences between the film industry then
and now
E) what goes into the making of a star
65. Larry:
- There seems to be no end to the things
scientists can invent!
63. -67. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
63. Mel :
- Funny how one always focuses on the nearest
and most immediate danger and not on the
more remote and longer lasting one!
- ---Larry:
- Listen to this. Engineers at a Japanese
telecom company have designed a headmounted camera that allows you to take
photographs with the blink of an eye.
Frank :
- ---Mel :
- Volcanoes. Did you know that among other
things, the ash from them contaminates water,
destroys crops and clogs the engines of
- If a camera like that gets into the wrong
hands, it could cause a great deal of trouble.
A) Are you reading that article on cyber-warfare?
Frank :
- No I didn’t; but I can believe it.
I think you’re exaggerating the situation.
Why do you say that?
B) That's why they say that necessity is the mother
of invention.
C) You know, I'd love to invent something like that.
D) In your opinion, what is the best thing ever to
have been invented?
C) Today we face all sorts of dangers, don’t we?
E) Well, what have you come across this time?
D) I suppose the remote one is so easy to
What have you been reading about?
66. Martin:
- Apparently, vertical farming is the new way
forward. Have you heard about it?
64. James:
- Is that a new saw that you're using?
- Yes, it is. Do you like it?
- Yes, some agronomists in the Netherlands
have started experimenting with this and
they've been quite successful.
- ----
- True. But this is a new design, and they are
even going to bring out thinner, four-inch
blades designed to cut ceramic tiles.
- ---Paul:
- It's basically the science for indoor farming
but using tall, glass skyscrapers in the middle
of our cities.
A) Yes, it's not often that a saw of that size can cut
through metal.
A) But what does it actually mean?
B) Yes, I really need a saw that can cut through
B) What do they produce?
C) What did you have before?
C) Do you know anywhere else where this is
D) Is the secret in the motor or the blades?
D) Is it mainly done in cities?
E) Yes. With mine you need to use both hands to
E) Do you really think it's possible?
67. Daniel:
- Have you read about that interesting NASA
landing on Mars in 2004?
68. - 71. soruIarda, verilen cümleye anlamca en
yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.
68. Clinton is said to be charismatic because he
seems to embody the virtue of caring when he
- ---Daniel:
- Exactly, and the results from both sites were
very interesting. Actually, contrary to popular
belief, water appears to have played only a
minor role in the past few billion years.
A) Because people are very impressed by what
Clinton says, they admire him and think that he
has a great deal of charisma.
B) Because, through his speech, Clinton can move
people, they believe that charisma is a
distinctive quality of his character.
- Yes, I must admit I found that quite surprising.
C) Since in addressing people Clinton appears to
be genuinely concerned, it is said that he has
A) What was the purpose of the landing? Were
they trying to find traces of life?
B) Are you talking about the research that was
able to determine the age of the planet?
D) People are always very concerned when
Clinton addresses them, and so they regard
him as a very charismatic person.
C) Was that really in 2004? I thought it was much
more recent than that.
E) When Clinton addresses people, he arouses
their feelings so much that they admire him for
his charismatic personality.
D) Do you mean the one where they landed two
really complex machines at two different sites?
E) Wasn't that the experiment where they were
able to prove there was no water on the planet?
69. According to de-miners, up to 90 per cent of
their time is spent combing areas that ultimately
prove to be free of mines.
A) De-miners point out that they spend almost all
of their time searching thoroughly for mines in
areas which, in the end, turn out to be without
B) As de-miners have pointed out, the search for
mines in areas which in fact do not have any
mines usually takes quite a long time.
C) As far as de-miners are concerned, a lot of time
is needed to undertake a search for mines in
areas where it is almost impossible to discover
D) As we learn from de-miners, it takes some time
to look for mines in areas in which one
discovers that actually there are no mines.
E) For de-miners, it takes little time to search for
mines in areas which in fact do not have them.
70. Libya is almost all desert with the exception of
the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, which
traditionally have had little in common.
72. -75. soruIarda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
A) Libya is so covered by desert that it has only
the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, which are
totally different from each other.
72. Scientists are now looking to the computer
industry for alternative ways to help Alzheimer’s
patients. One approach is centred on a small
camera called SenseCam, worn like a necklace
that takes photographs automatically
throughout the day. ---- Each photograph can
help patients remember those things that make
up a person’s identity.
B) If one leaves out Tripoli and Benghazi, cities
historically almost completely unlike each other,
nearly all of Libya is covered by desert.
C) Libya’s cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, which do
not share a common tradition, are not affected
by the desert which completely covers the
A) The idea is to use the images not to replace
memory but to stimulate it.
D) Since Libya’s cities of Tripoli and Benghazi,
which have little shared tradition, are situated
on the coast, the rest of the country is
completely covered by desert.
B) Dozens of groups are now working on pilot
tests of the device for memory impairments.
C) A video camera may be able to slow the
damaging effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
E) Because Libya is covered by desert, its cities of
Tripoli and Benghazi, which do not have a
common historical heritage, are situated by the
D) Some people are sceptical about the device as
older people are often against technology.
E) The studies on the device show that they have
no real practical application.
73. If the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh
were an independent country, it would be the
fifth most populous in the world. It already has a
dynastic political family in the Ghandis, who
have been based in Uttar Pradesh and have
been in political power for four generations. So,
recent local elections in this state of 200 million
were carefully watched as a measure of the
political changes happening in India. ---- This
time, regional parties dominated the state’s
71. If the film focuses on terrorism, it is not likely to
attract large audiences.
Films that focus on terrorism are not as popular
as they used to be.
If terrorism is central to the film, it probably
won’t achieve much popularity.
C) As the film touches on terrorism we can’t
expect it to be popular.
A) The state parliament in Uttar Pradesh has 403
seats to be contested among the Ghandis and
other candidates.
D) Unless there is at least a background of
terrorism to the film, it won’t be a hit.
B) The results were disastrous for the Ghandi
family and for India’s central party.
If you want the film to be a box-office success,
choose any subject but terrorism.
C) Gandhi was never present in the campaign trail
throughout the election period.
D) Before the elections, Rahul Gandhi was widely
predicted to be the next president of India.
E) The state of Uttar Pradesh with its 200 million
people needed Gandhi’s leadership for the next
74. Sensing the emotional states of others is an
important part of social interaction. If you do not
do this well, you may end up unintentionally
annoying or offending those in your social
circle. ---- You can strengthen friendships by
recognizing when a person is sad and looking
for appropriate comfort, for example. To
succeed in business, you also need to
accurately detect the emotions of other people
when proposing a new idea or deciding when to
ask for promotion.
76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
76. (I) Tourism takes people to new places and
broadens their understanding and knowledge of
other cultures and environments. (II) This is an
educational process and is an important part of the
industry. (III) New sporting venues, entertainment
facilities, and restaurants are just some of the many
positive side-effects that tourism creates for the local
population. (IV) If directed properly, this education
can lead to a greater awareness, sympathy and
admiration for other societies. (V) This cultural
exchange can help foster peace among different
A) You cannot help but communicate your mood to
colleagues and neighbours through subtle
B) Some people find it virtually impossible to
detect other people’s feelings and have
difficulty relating to others.
A) I
E) V
C) In the past, scientists focused largely on a
region of the brain responsible for detecting
emotional hints.
D) Researchers have found that cues such as
posture and tone of voice are critical to
nonverbal communication.
E) Detecting emotional hints is critical to success
in many domains such as friendships and
77. (I) Noam Chomsky’s ethical analyses are based on
what he calls the “principle of universality”. (II) Good
politicians must analyze their political actions
rigorously, instead of blinding the public with
rhetoric. (III) At root, this principle is relatively
simple. (IV) It says that at the very least we should
apply to ourselves the same standards that we apply
to others. (V) This is a principle that Chomsky claims
has always been central to any responsible system
of ethics.
75. Madagascar is renowned for its extraordinary
animals, particularly lemurs, a group of primates
extinct elsewhere on the planet. ---- The island
was one of the last places on earth to be settled
by people, receiving its earliest migrants in the
middle of the first millennium. Moreover, despite
Madagascar’s proximity to Africa – 400 km at the
closest point – those settlers have long been
suspected of having arrived from the Malay
islands – modern Indonesia – more than 6,000
km away.
A) I
A) Its history of human settlement, though, is
equally unusual.
B) Madagascar is quite an interesting holiday
C) The Islanders’ culture includes elements that
are characteristically Asian.
D) There were many Malay expeditions across the
Indian Ocean.
E) It is likely that a successful colonization would
have been followed by others.
E) V
78. (I) The crust of the planet Earth consists of many
interlocking tectonic plates. (II) They float on the hot,
molten interior of the planet. (Ill) The planet we live
on is looking ever more inhospitable due to heavy
flooding. (IV) These tectonic plates drift and often
collide with one another resulting in often dangerous
tectonic activities. (V) The pacific north-west coast is
a place of constant tectonic activity because it is
located where two plates meet.
A) I
80. (I) Between 1876 and 2002, the people of Lead,
South Dakota, extracted $3.5 billion worth of gold
from the Homestake mine. (II) When falling prices
finally shut it down, no one was sure what to do with
the remaining 8,000-foot hole in the ground. (Ill)
Now a team of physicists and former miners has
converted Homestake's shipping warehouse into a
new surface-level laboratory. (IV) Then, in 2007, the
National Science Foundation decided that an 8,000foot hole would be the perfect place to put its
proposed complex. (V) A research complex, called
Underground Science Laboratory, it will include the
world's deepest underground lab.
E) V
A) I
E) V
79. (I) A diode is a semiconductor electronic component
consisting of two layers of materials between which
electrons can flow in one direction only. (II) During
this transfer of electrons, and subject to certain
conditions, an energy charge is emitted in the form
of photons. (Ill) The properties of light-emitting
diodes, commonly known as LEDs, are already very
much part of the technological environment. (IV)
They are used to illuminate the keys or indicators on
countless electronic or electrical devices. (V) This
European project is currently bringing together
scientists and industrialists from all over the world.
A) I
E) V
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