set 1.indd


set 1.indd
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2008 Olympics ---- to improve the national
image, however experts agree that the goal
was only partly achieved.
1 .-8
8 . sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi
b ulunuz.
University students who receive monthly
---- should be taught on how to organize
their budget spending.
A) trials
B) plots
C) complexities
D) allowances
E) denials
It is normal for children, even as young as
two years old, to be ---- about fire therefore
guiding children to fire-safe behaviour is
the responsibility of parents and caregivers.
A) curious
C) fragile
B) punctual
D) mournful
E) virtuous
Few people had a chance to witness the
total eclipse as it was seen in ---- populated
regions of the Earth.
A) intentionally
B) immediately
C) sparsely
D) loyally
E) clumsily
The Apollo astronauts ---- only a few days
on the moon but in the future a lunar
station will be built where people ---- for
weeks as preparation for the Mars project.
introduced / is regarded
had been introduced / regarded
was introduced / was regarded
has introduced / had been regarded
introduces / regards
The World Health Organization ---- last
week that it was moving closer to declaring
swine flu a worldwide pandemic as the
disease ---- 64 countries so far.
B) recovered
D) compelled
E) persisted
spent / could live
have been spent / can live
were spending / had lived
spend / were going to live
had spent / have been living
Around 1450, Johannes Gutenberg ---what ---- as an independent invention of
movable type printing in Europe now, along
with innovations in casting the type based
on a
matrix and hand mould.
Although she had a great deal of
discouragement, she ---- in her efforts and
eventually got the job she dreamt for nearly
a year.
A) obliged
C) dedicated
A) set out
B) kept out
C) pulled down
D) put aside
E) went through
says / reached
said / has reached
has said / is reaching
had said / was reaching
has been saying / had reached
From a Chinese perspective, the Beijing
Practice Test 1 (set 1)
3 2.- 34. sorula
a rı, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
2 9.- 31. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
c evaplayınız.
The number of young released by the male
seahorse averages 100-200 for most species, but
may be as low as 5 for the smaller species, with
pregnancy lasting from two to four weeks,
depending on the species. Infants are susceptible
to death from predators or being swept into ocean
currents, where they drift away from rich feeding
grounds or into temperatures too extreme for their
delicate bodies. The survival rates of these infants
are actually fairly high compared to fish standards,
because they are initially sheltered in their father’s
pouch during the earliest stages of development,
while the eggs of most other fish are abandoned
immediately after fertilization. This makes the
process worth the great cost to the father of
incubating his offspring.
Saturn is the 6 planet from the Sun and the
second largest in the Solar System. Saturn
measures 120,000 km across; only a little less
than Jupiter. But Saturn has much less mass and
a lower density. The atmosphere of Saturn is
primarily composed of hydrogen with small
amounts of methane. In fact, if you had a pool
large enough, Saturn would float! Of course, the
most amazing feature of Saturn is its rings. These
are made of particles of ice and dust ranging in
size from a grains of sand to the size of a car.
Some scientists think the rings are only a few
hundred million years old, while others think they
could be as old as the Solar System itself. Saturn
has been visited by spacecraft 4 times: Pioneer
11, Voyager 1 and 2 were just flybys, but Cassini
has actually gone into orbit around Saturn.
32. It is understood from the passage that the
infant seahorses ----.
A) is regarded as the largest planet by some
B) has an equatorial diameter which is much
longer than that of Jupiter
C) is somehow like Jupiter when their
compositions are taken into account
D) is certainly not the closest planet to the
E) doesn’t bear any resemblance to other
30. It can be understood from the passage that
the pool example given in the passage
emphasizes the fact that ----.
29. We can learn from the passage that Saturn
33. According to the passage, when seahorses
and other fish species are compared, ----.
A) seahorses are less interested in their
B) they both don’t take the responsibility of
their young
C) there is no difference between the ways
they provide shelter for their young
D) most fish species do not take care of their
young as much as seahorses do
E) seahorses leave their young soon after
they give them birth
A) Saturn is less dense than water
B) Saturn and Jupiter can be compared in
many ways
C) there is no direct information about
Saturn’s internal structure
D) there is a big similarity between the
density of Saturn and that of Jupiter
E) Saturn’s rings are made of particles of ice
34. It is stated in the passage that ----.
31. It can be inferred from the passage that the
rings surrounding Saturn ----.
A) the death of seahorse infants can only
result from predators
B) the pregnancy period of a male seahorse
may change from one species to another
C) the smaller seahorse species can give
birth no more than five infants
D) seahorses mostly live on other small sea
E) seahorses are more vulnerable to
predators than other fish species
A) are composed of particles of ice
B) don’t differ from each other to a great
extent in size
C) were thought to be as old as the Solar
System once
D) are made of particles which are smaller
than a car
E) constitute a controversial issue among
Practice Test 1 (set 1)
A) rarely rely on rich feeding grounds for
B) owe their survival to their father rather
than mother
C) have the ability to remain alive at extreme
D) are kept under protection after they are
fully-grown as well
E) do not tend to stay in their father’s pouch
during the earliest stages of development
Mr. Gibson :
Would you like to join the
---Mr. Gibson :
Nice to hear. When are you
available to have the first
meeting, then?
It can be any time that you are
Antonio :
What do you think of the recent
developments in the economy?
---Antonio :
Don’t you? The inflation has
recently reached its highest level
in the nation's history.
But it is not surprising for such a
bad economy management as
A) Only if the working hours are flexible.
B) Well, I suppose it will be hard for me to
work at the weekends as well.
C) I have heard that many employees were
made redundant here. Is it true?
D) I would consider it an honour.
E) Why don’t you try asking this question to
somebody else?
Hello. Please, sit down. What
seems to be the problem?
Well, I’ve been having trouble
Let’s see. Insomnia is a very
common problem and it is
usually related to some kind of
stress. ----
No, nothing really - except not
being able to sleep.
A) Why don’t you try to sleep in a more
peaceful environment?
B) As you have a very stressful job, it is
impossible for you to sleep such long
C) Are you worried about something else?
D) I suggest you drink a glass of hot milk
before bedtime.
E) First of all, we have to find the reason for
your not being able to sleep.
4 9.- 53. sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca
e n yakın o lan cümleyi bulunuz.
49. Galileo was by no means the first person to
use a telescope.
I don’t think there is a problem. We are
the best when it is economy
Everything seems to be alright but I don’t
think I am good at economic comments.
I think unless they take some
precautions, it will really be a hard year
for most of us.
I am so busy with my work that I don't
have time to watch news at all and I have
no idea what's going on lately.
I am the last one to ask such a question
as I hate economics.
Practice Test 1 (set 1)
A) Whether anybody used a telescope prior
to Galileo is open to debate.
B) No one is certain about who used the
telescope for the first time.
C) Galileo is proved to be the first person to
use a telescope.
D) It can be no one but Galileo who used a
telescope for the first time.
E) There were definitely other people who
used a telescope before Galileo did.
67. Possessing a remarkable talent for music,
she was able to have her father approve of
her going to a conservatory.
69. A former technician publicly exposing
Israel's possession of nuclear weapons and
being convicted of treason was sentenced
to eighteen years in prison.
A) Müziğe olağanüstü bir yeteneği olduğu
için konservatuara gidişini babasına
onaylattırmayı başardı.
B) Müziğe karşı sahip olduğu dikkat çekici
yeteneğinden dolayı babası onu
konservatuara gönderdi.
C) Babası, daha müziğe olan yeteneğini fark
etmeden, onun konservatuara
gitmesini kabul etmişti.
D) Konservatuara gitmesini babasının
kabul etmesi için müziğe karşı büyük bir
yeteneği olmalıydı.
E) Müziğe karşı büyük bir yeteneğe sahip
olması konservatuara gidişini babasının
onaylamasını sağladı.
68. Contrary to what many people think,
alcoholic drinks such as whisky will not
prevent or cure colds.
70.--75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
a nlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
70. Yeni bir çalışma, kadınların kırmızı giyen
erkekleri daha yüksek statüde gördüklerini
ortaya çıkarmıştır.
A) Viski, birçoklarının düşündüğünün
aksine soğuk algınlığını tedavi etmede ya
da engellemede diğer alkollü içkiler
kadar etkili değildir.
B) Alkoliklerin içtiği viski gibi içkiler, birçok
insanın düşündüğünün aksine, soğuk
algınlıklarını iyileştirmez ya da önlemez.
C) Alkollü bir içki olan viski, diğer alkollü
içkileri aksine birçok insanın soğuk
algınlığını tedavi edemez ya da
D) Birçok insanın düşüncesinin aksine,
soğuk algınlığını tedavi etmede ya da
engellemede viski, diğer alkollü içkiler
kadar etkili değildir.
E) Birçok kimsenin düşündüğünün tersine,
viski gibi alkollü içkiler soğuk algınlıklarını
önleyip tedavi etmez.
Practice Test 1 (set 1)
İsrail’in nükleer silahlara sahip olduğunu
açıklayan ve vatan hainliğinden suçlu
bulunarak on sekiz yıl hapis cezası alan
kişi eski bir teknisyendi.
On sekiz yıl hapis cezası alan eski
teknisyen, İsrail’in nükleer silahlara sahip
olduğunu açıklamış ve vatan hainliğinden
suçlu bulunmuştu.
Eski bir teknisyen İsrail’in nükleer
silahlara sahip olduğunu açıkladığı için
suçlu bulundu ve on sekiz yıl hapis
cezasına çarptırıldı.
İsrail’in nükleer silahlara sahip olduğunu
ortaya çıkaran ve vatan hainliğinden
suçlu bulunan eski bir teknisyene on
sekiz yıl hapis cezası verildi.
Vatan hainliğinden suçlu bulunarak on
sekiz yılını hapiste geçirmek zorunda
kalan eski teknisyen, İsrail’in nükleer
silahlara sahip olduğunu açıklamıştı.
A) According to a new study, women can
perceive men wearing red as higher in
B) As a new study indicates, women
perceive men wearing red as higher in
C) A new study has revealed that women
perceive men wearing red as higher in
D) A new study that has been published
reveals women perceive men wearing red
as higher in status.
E) The claim that women perceive men
wearing red as higher in status is
supported by several new studies.
80. (I) Gothic architecture is most familiar as the
architecture of many of the great cathedrals,
abbeys and parish churches of Europe. (II)
Gothic architecture grew out of the previous
architectural genre, Romanesque. (III) It is
also the architecture of many castles, palaces,
town halls, universities, and to a less
prominent extent, private dwellings. (IV) It is
in the great churches and cathedrals and in a
number of civic buildings that the Gothic style
was expressed most powerfully. (V) Its
characteristics lend themselves to appeal to
the emotions.
79. (I) Red Square is the most famous city square
in Moscow, and arguably one of the most
famous in the world. (II) The square was
meant to serve as Moscow's main
marketplace. (III) The name of Red Square
derives neither from the colour of the bricks
around it nor from the link between the colour
red and communism. (IV) It was also used for
various public ceremonies and proclamations,
and occasionally as the site of coronation for
Russia's czars. (V) The square has been
gradually built up since that point and has
been used for official ceremonies by all
E) V
E) V
A) I
A) I
Practice Test 1 (set 1)