currıculum vıtae - The Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History


currıculum vıtae - The Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History
April 22, 2014
Curriculum Vitae
Cengiz Kırlı
Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History
Boğaziçi University
Bebek, 34342, Istanbul, Turkey
Phone (Work): + 90 (212) 359-7608
Academic Positions
Associate Professor, Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, Boğaziçi
University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Visiting Research Professor, Department of History, Binghamton University,
Assistant Professor, Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, Boğaziçi
University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Purdue University, USA.
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of History, Binghamton University, USA.
Teaching Assistant, Department of History, Binghamton University, USA.
Lecturer, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Research Assistant, Department of Political Science and Public Administration,
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Ph.D., History, Binghamton University, SUNY, USA.
Dissertation: “The Struggle over Space: Coffeehouses of Ottoman İstanbul, 1780s-1845”
Donald Quataert (Advisor), Rifa’at A. Abou-El-Haj, Leslie P. Peirce, Dale Tomich
M.A., Political Science, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
B.A., Political Science and Public Administration, Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey.
 Sultan ve Kamuoyu: Osmanlı Modernleşme Sürecinde “Havadis Jurnalleri” (1840-1844) (İstanbul: İş
Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2009). viii+507 pp.
Articles and Book Chapters
 “Coffeehouses: Leisure and Sociability in Ottoman Istanbul,” Leisure Cultures in Urban Europe,
1700-1870, (eds.) Peter Nigel Borsay and Jan Hein Furnee (Manchester: Manchester University Press,
2014, Forthcoming)
 With Betül Başaran, “Some Observations on Istanbul’s Artisans During the Reign of Selim III
(1789-1808)” Ottoman Artisans Through the Ages (ed.) Suraiya Faroqhi (New York, Oxford: Berghahn,
2014, Forthcoming).
 With Betül Başaran, “18. Yüzyıl Sonu Esnaf Sayımları,” Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyete Esnaf ve Ticaret,
(ed.) Fatmagül Demirel (İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, 2011).
 “İvranyalılar, Hüseyin Paşa ve Tasvir-i Zulüm,” Toplumsal Tarih, no: 195, March 2010, pp. 12-21.
 “Devlet ve İstatistik: Esnaf Kefalet Defterleri Işığında III. Selim İktidarı,” “Nizâm-ı Kadîm”den
“Nizâm-ı Cedîd”e III. Selim ve Dönemi, (ed.) Seyfi Kenan, (İstanbul: İSAM, 2010), pp. 183-212.
 “Surveillance and Constituting the Public in the Ottoman Empire,” Publics, Politics and Participation:
Locating the Public Sphere in the Middle East and North Africa, (ed.) Seteney Shami (NY: SSRC, 2009), pp.
Translated into Arabic in Omran, vol. 6, Fall 2013, pp. 33-54.
 “Kahvehaneler: Ondokuzuncu Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Kamuoyu,” Osmanlı
Kahvehaneleri: Mekân Sosyallik ve İktidar, (ed.) Ahmet Yaşar (İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2009), pp. 95118.
 “Balkan Nationalisms and the Ottoman Empire: Views from the Streets of Istanbul,” in The
Ottoman Empire and the Rise of Balkan Nationalisms, 1789-1832, (ed.) Antonis Anastasopoulos
(Rethmynon: Crete University Press, 2006), pp. 249-263.
 “The Invention of Corruption: Tanzimat, Criminal Law and the Bureaucracy,” The Proceedings of
New Approaches to the Nineteenth-century Middle East and Balkans – The Construction of the Ottoman State
(ed.) Jun Akiba (Chiba: Chiba University, 2007 (Japanese).
 “Yolsuzluğun İcadı: 1840 Ceza Kanunu, İktidar ve Bürokrasi,” Tarih ve Toplum, no: 4, 2006, pp.
 “Through the Grapevine” The Proceedings of Mohamed Ali and the World (Alexandria: Bibliotheca
Alexandria, 15-17 November 2005).
Reprinted in: Al-Ahram Weekly, November 10-16, 2005
 “Coffeehouses: Public Opinion in the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Empire,” in Public Islam and
the Common Good, eds. Armando Salvatore and Dale F. Eickelman (Leiden: Brill, 2004), pp. 75-97.
 “Istabul: Bir Büyük Kahvehane,” İstanbul Dergisi, 47 (October 2003): 75-78.
 “A Profile of the Labor Force in Early Nineteenth-Century Istanbul” in International Labor and
Working Class History, No: 60, Fall 2001, pp. 125-140.
 “Kahvehaneler ve Hafiyeler: 19. Yüzyıl Ortalarında Osmanlı’da Sosyal Kontrol,” Toplum ve
Bilim, No: 83, January 2000, pp. 58-79.
Reprinted in: Tanzimat: Değişim Sürecinde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, (eds.) Halil İnalcık and Mehmet
Seyitdanlıoğlu (Ankara: Phoenix, 2006).
 “From Economic History to Cultural History in Ottoman Studies,” International Journal of
Middle East Studies, 46, 2014, pp. 376-378.
Book Review
 Review of Jews, Turks, Ottomans: A Shared History, Fifteenth Through the Twentieth Century,
(ed.) Avigdor Levy, in Shofar, Vol.23, no: 1 (Fall 2004).
Conferences, Workshops and Lectures
 “Intelligence in the Late Ottoman Empire,” Intelligence in World History c. 1500-1918, German
Historical Institute, London, 6-8 February 2014.
 Invited Lecture, “The Coffeehouse,” October 17, 2012, Orient-Institut Istanbul.
 Invited Lecture, “Tyranny Illustrated: From Petition to Rebellion in Ottoman Vranje,” March
30, 2012, CUNY Center for Humanities.
 Invited Lecture, “A Profile of Labor Force in Late Eighteenth-century Istanbul,” December 7,
2010. Sabancı Üniversity, İstanbul, Turkey.
 “18. Yüzyıl Sonu Esnaf Sayımları,” Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyete Esnaf ve Ticaret, Yıldız Technical
University, October 15, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
 “Ottoman Coffeehouses in Comparative Perspective: Leisure, Sociability and Surveillance,”
European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop, The Origins of Modern Mass Culture: European
Leisure in a Comparative Perspective 1660-1870, September 16-19, 2010, Gregynog, Newtown, Wales,
 Invited Lecture, “News and Popular Opinions in Mid-Nineteenth Century Ottoman İstanbul,”
Zentrum Moderner Institute, January 12, 2009, Berlin, Germany.
 “Toplumsal Denetim ve İstatistik: Esnaf Kefalet Defterleri Işığında III. Selim İktidarı,” Nizâm-ı
Kadîm”den “Nizâm-ı Cedîd’e: Ölümünün 200. Yılında III. Selim ve Dönemi, December 22-23, 2008. İslam
Araştırmaları Merkezi (İSAM), 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.
 “Constituting the Public in the Ottoman Empire,” European Science Foundation Exploratory
Workshop, Historical Trajectories of Contemporary Societies: The Development of Civil Society in
Europe from the Middle Ages until Today, November 12-14, 2009, Antwerp, Belgium.
 Invited Lecture, “19.Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Kamusal'ın İnşası,” March 20, 2008.
Sabancı Üniversity, İstanbul, Turkey.
 “The Invention of Corruption: Tanzimat, Criminal Law and the Bureaucracy,” New Approaches to
the Nineteenth-century Middle East and Balkans – The Construction of the Ottoman State, January 13-14, Chiba
University, Japan.
 “Law, Crime and Politics of Punishment in 19th Century Ottoman Empire,” The Second World
Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES-2), June 11-16, 2006, Amman , Jordan.
 “Popular Opinions on Mehmet Ali Pasha in Istanbul,” Mohamed Ali and the World, November 1517, 2005, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
 “The Trial of Husrev Pasha: Corruption, Law, and Taming the Buraucracy,” The Mediterranean and
the Ottoman Empire, September 28 - October 1, 2005, 10th International Congress of Economic and
Social History of Turkey, Venice, Italy.
 Invited Lecture, “Popular Opinions in the Ottoman Empire: From Surveillance to
Denunciation,” Oxford European Studies Seminars/Lectures, April 28, 2005, Oxford University, St.
Antony’s College, England.
 “City, Space, Surveillance: Considerations on 19th Century Ottoman Historiography,” Social
History of Port Cities, January 23-26, 2004, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin / Institute for Advanced
Study, Berlin, Germany.
 “Public Opinion, Surveillance, and the Question of Public Sphere in the Nineteenth-century
Ottoman Empire,” The Beirut Conference on Public Spheres, October 22-24, 2004, the SSRC Program on
the Middle East and North Africa and the Center for Behavioral Research at the American
University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon.
 “Balkan Nationalisms and the Ottoman Empire: Views from Istanbul Streets,” The Ottoman
Empire and the Rise of Balkan Nationalisms, 1789-1832: Conflict of Interests, Transformation, Adaptation,
University of Crete, December 13-14, 2003, Rethymnon, Greece.
 “Janissary-Esnaf Relations in Early Nineteenth-Century Istanbul,” the 35th Annual Meeting of the
Middle East Studies Association of North America, November 17-21, 2001, San Francisco, USA.
 “Coffeehouses and Spies: Popular Opinions in the Mid-nineteenth Century Ottoman Empire,”
paper presented at Middle East History and Theory Workshop, October 31, 2001, University of Chicago.
 The European and American Young Scholars' Summer Institute 2001/2002: Public Spheres and
Muslim Identities, Berlin (Germany), July 15, 2001 to July 28, 2001 and Dartmouth College (USA),
August 4, 2002 to August 17, 2002. Sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation/ the
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, the Social Science Research Council (New York) and the institutes for
advanced studies in Princeton (USA), Research Triangle Park (USA), Stanford (USA), Uppsala (S),
and Wassenaar (NL).
 “Artisans and Workers, ‘Guilds’ and Unions: Rethinking Labor History in the Ottoman 'Long
Nineteenth Century’,” New York University, March 24-25, 2001, USA.
 “Coffeehouses as Information Spheres: Rumor and Popular Opinions in Istanbul in the 1840s,”
Cultural History Workshop, November 7, 2000, Department of History, Purdue University, USA.
 “Ottoman State and Governmentality: Policing the Public Space (1790-1900)” the 32nd Annual
Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North America, December 3-6, 1998, Chicago, USA.
 “The World of Istanbul Coffeehouses and Public Baths: Sociability, Construction of Identities,
and the Question of Public Sphere in 18th and 19th century Ottoman Empire,” Gendered (Re)Visions:
Identity, Culture & Conflict in History, Graduate Student Conference, May 10-11, 1996, Binghamton
University, USA.
 “Coffeehouses and Public Baths in Ottoman Society: Towards the Formation of a Public
Sphere?,” the 11th Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference, April 26, 1996, University of
Chicago, USA.
 Participant at International Workshop on Human Rights, sponsored by Frederich Neumann
Foundation of Germany, March 11-26, 1992, Lisbon, Portugal.
Professional Activities
Co-editor, New Perspectives on Turkey, SSCI Indexed Social Science Journal
Member, Editorial Board, New Perspectives on Turkey
Member, Editorial Board, New Perspectives on Turkey
Member, Editorial Board, Tarih ve Toplum: Yeni Yaklaşımlar
Member, Editorial Board, Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi
Fellowships and Awards
 Levin Fellowship, SUNY Global Center, 2011.
 Boğaziçi University, Excellence in Teaching Award, 2009.
 Award for The European and American Young Scholars' Summer Institute 2001/2002: Public
Spheres and Muslim Identities, Berlin (Germany), July 15, 2001 to July 28, 2001 and Dartmouth
College (USA), August 4, 2002 to August 17, 2002. Sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation/ the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, the Social Science Research Council (New York) and
the institutes for advanced studies in Princeton (USA), Research Triangle Park (USA), Stanford
(USA), Uppsala (S), and Wassenaar (NL).
 Dissertation Year Fellowship, Binghamton University, 1997-1998.
 Dissertation Research Fellowship, History Department, Binghamton University, Spring and
Summer 1997.
 Teaching Assistantship, Binghamton University, 1994-1999.
Research Grants
 Boğaziçi University Research Grant, “Social and Demographic Profile of Labor Force in the Late
Eighteenth-century Istanbul,” 2009.
 Boğaziçi University Research Grant, “Law, Punishment and the Modern State in the Nineteenth-century
Ottoman Empire, 1839-1876,” 2006.
 Boğaziçi University Research Grant, “Public Opinion, Surveillance, and the Question of Public Sphere in
the Nineteenth-century Ottoman Empire,” 2004.
 Library Scholars Grant, Purdue University 2002
Courses Taught
At Boğaziçi University
Graduate Seminars
ATA 507: Historiography
ATA 554: History of the Middle East
ATA 593: World History
ATA 598: New Perspectives in Cultural History
ATA 681: Topics in the Economic and Social History of the Late Ottoman Empire
Undergraduate Courses
GIAH 105: World History I
GIAH 106: World History II
ATA 311: History of Modern Turkey I
ATA 312: History of Modern Turkey II
At Koç University
Undergraduate Courses
Hist 207: Modern History (Summer 2009, Spring 2010, Summer 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011)
Hist 404: Historiography (Spring 2009)
At Bilgi University
Undergraduate Courses
Hist 431: Ottoman Institutions I (Fall 2008)
Hist 432: Ottoman Institutions II (Spring 2009, Spring 2011).
At Purdue University
Undergraduate Courses
Hist 105: Survey of Global History
Hist 245: Middle East History and Culture
Hist 495R: Research Seminar in Historical Topics: Ottoman Empire
History 492Y: Greece and Turkey 2001: An Aegean Odyssey (with Professor Gordon Young as part
of Study Abroad Program)
Graduate Courses:
History 590: Directed Reading in History: Readings on the Ottoman Empire Society and Popular
Culture in the Middle East
At Binghamton University
HIST 486R: World History, 1500-1914 (Spring and Summer 1999).
Ph.D. Dissertation Supervised
Ebru Aykut Türker, Alternative Claims on Justice and Law: Rural Arson and Posion Murder in the Nineteenthcentury Ottoman Empire, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2010.
MA Theses Supervised
 Vasfi Can Yazıcı, Anti-communism and the making of Ülkücü Paramilitary Identity, 1974-1980, Boğaziçi
University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2012.
 Nilay Kavur, Punishment, Education and Reintegration Policies in a Penitentiary Housing Convicted Youth in
Turkey: A Study in the Izmir Juvenile Education House, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern
Turkish History, 2012.
 Çiğdem Oğuz, Negotiating the Terms of Mercy: Petitions and Pardon Cases in the Hamidian Era, Boğaziçi
University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2011.
 Ahmet Hınçalan, Diverging Paths of Turkish Conservatisms in the Cold War Era: A study on Cemil Meriç
and Tarık Buğra, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2011.
 Nıvart Taşçı, Armenian Migrants in Turkey: History of a Journey, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute
for Modern Turkish History, 2010.
 Seval Gülen, Political Crime and Denunciation in the 1950s- Cases for Making Communist Propaganda,
Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2010.
 Nıvart Taşçı, Armenian Migrants in Turkey: History of a Journey, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute
for Modern Turkish History, 2010.
 Sevecen Tunç, Putting the City on the Map: A Social History of Football in Trabzon to 1967, Boğaziçi
University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2009.
 Uğur Bayraktar, Political Economy of Çiftliks: The Redistribution of Land and Land Tenure Relations in the
Nineteenth Century Provinces of Ioannina and Trikala, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern
Turkish History, 2009.
 Fırat Erdoğmuş, Conceptualizing Online Environments as Third Places: An Analysis on Second Life and
Facebook, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2009.
 Melih Yeşilbağ, The Transformation of MESS and TISK from Foundation to 2005: ‘A Story of Rejoicing’,
Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2008.
 Maral Jefroudi, A Re-politicized History of Iranian Transit Migrants Passing Through Turkey in the 1980s,
Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2008.
 Barış Taşyakan, The Volunteer Firefighters of İstanbul, 1826-1923, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk
Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2008. .
 Ummahan Ceren Ünlü, Celebrating and Remembering the Festival of September 9: Ritual, History, and
Memory, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2007.
 Özgür Burçak Gürsoy, The Opium Problem in Turkey, 1930-1945, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk
Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2007.
 Ergin Bulut, The Transformation of the Turkish Vocational Training System: Creation of Lifelong Learning,
Loyal Technicians, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2007.
 Pelin Başaran, The Privatization of Culture and The Development of Cultural Centers in the post-1980s,
Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2007.
 Pınar Farımaz, The Reconstruction of Hegemonic Masculinity: an Analysis through Erkekçe, 1981-1990,
Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2006.
 Yahya Bostan, The United States’ Efforts at Being a Great Power and Its Effects on Ottoman-United States
Relations at the End of the Nineteenth Century, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish
History, 2006.
 Erkal Ünal, Invited Sojourners: A Survey of the Translations into Turkish of Non-Fiction Left Books between
1960 and 1971, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2006.
 Nurçin İleri, The Story of a Transition: The Organization and the Reception of the Bergama Movement,
Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2006.
 Ali Sipahi, The Labor-based Prisons in Turkey, 1933-1953, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for
Modern Turkish History, 2006.
 Aykut Tunç Kılıç, Populism, Sources of Rural Domination and Resistance in Turkey in the 1970s, Boğaziçi
University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2005.
 Hasan Şen, The Transformaton of the Politics of Punishment and the Birth of Prison in the Ottoman Empire,
Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2005.
 Esra Sarıoğlu, Reconstructing the Experiences of Lower Class Women in Urban Turkey During World War
II, Boğaziçi University, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2004.

Benzer belgeler


T.C. BAŞBAKANLIK DIŞ TİCARET MÜSTEŞARLIĞI AB Genel müzakereler başlatılmıştır. 19 Aralık 2008 tarihinde gerçekleştirilen 4. Katılım Konferansı’nda “Trans-Avrupa Şebekeleri” ve “Tüketicinin ve Sağlığın Korunması” fasılları, 17 Haziran 2008 tarihinde...
