Doç. Dr. NUR BANU KAVAKLI BİRDAL Istanbul Kemerburgaz


Doç. Dr. NUR BANU KAVAKLI BİRDAL Istanbul Kemerburgaz
Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal
Istanbul Kemerburgaz Universitesi, Sosyoloji Bölümü
Tel: 90 212 604 01 00 x:4044
Doktora, Sosyoloji, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
“The Interplay between the State and Civil Society: A Case Study of Honor Killings
in Turkey”
Danışman: Prof. Dr. Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo
Toplumsal Cinsiyet Çalışmaları Yüksek Lisans Sertifikası, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles
Yüksek Lisans, Sosyoloji, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Lisans, Ekonomi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Çalışma Alanları
Göç Sosyolojisi, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Çalışmaları, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Şiddet, Devlet
ve Sivil Toplum, Sosyal Politika
Akademik Pozisyonlar
2016 Doçent Doktor, Sosyoloji Bölüm Başkanı, İstanbul Kemerburgaz Üniversitesi
2012 -2016
Yardımcı Doçent Doktor, Sosyoloji Bölüm Başkanı, İstanbul Kemerburgaz
2010 -12
Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı, Sosyal POlitika Forumu, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
Spring 2010 Yarı-zamanlı Öğretim Görevlisi, Sosyoloji Bölümü,
Spring 2007 Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
2005 - 2010
Proje Asistanı, Project on 17th Century Ottoman Legal Institutions with
Professor Timur Kuran, Department of Economics, Duke University
Proje Asistanı, Project on Immigrant Household Structure with Professor Kelly
Musick, Department of Sociology, University of Southern California.
Araştırma Görevlisi, Sosyoloji Bölümü, University of Southern California.
Araştırma Görevlisi, Sosyoloji Bölümü, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
Confronting Honor Crimes in Turkey: The Interaction between the State and Civil
Society. I.B. Tauris: London. (Forthcoming)
Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Makaleler
Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal
“State, Law and Ethnicity in the Turkish Context: A Case Study of Honor Crimes”.
Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi (Women’s Studies Journal), İstanbul University
Research and Application Center of Women’s Studies.
“Counter Trafficking Policy and Immigrant Rights in Turkey” (Stephanie J. Nawyn
and Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal). Insight Turkey, Vol 17, No. 4.
“2008 Ekonomik Krizinin Olası Etkileri ve Türkiye’deKentlerde Evli Çiftlerin
Yaşadığı Hanelerde Kullanılan Başetme Yöntemleri (The 2008 Economic Crisis and
Household Coping Strategies among Married Urban Families in Turkey)” (Bruce H.
Rankin, Işık A. Aytaç and Banu Kavaklı Birdal), ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi: Selim
İlkin ve İlhan Tekeli’ye Armağan (METU Studies in Development Journal: In Honor
of Selim İlkin & İlhan Tekeli) Ağustos 2013, 40 (2): 317-338.
“Estimating the Extent of Sex Trafficking Problems in Definition and Methodology”
(Stephanie Nawyn, Banu Kavaklı Birdal and Naomi Glogower). International
Journal of Sociology, vol. 43, No 3, Fall 2013, pp. 55-71.
“Kentsel Türkiye’de 2008 Ekonomik Krizinin Aileler Üzerindeki Etkileri: Ön
Bulgular ve Veri Tanıtımı” [The Impact of the 2008 Economic Crisis on Families in
Urban Turkey: Preliminary Findings and Data Description] (I. Aytaç, B. Rankin, B.
Kavaklı Birdal and A. İbikoğlu). İktisat Dergisi, Ocak-Mart 2013, 523:84-92 .
“The Bracero and European Guestworker Programs Revisited: A Comparative
Analysis”. Çalışma ve Toplum. 2012/4 (35): 149-164.
Kitap Bölümleri
“Direnişin Kadın Hali”. Sıcak Haziran, Sonraki Direnişe Mektup. (Women State of
Resistance). N. Sancar (ed.). Evrensel Basım Yayın: Istanbul.
“Perception of and Attitude towards the Syrian refugees in Turkey”. British
Academy Newton Advanced Fellowship, Newton Fund. March 2015 – October
2016 (Primary Investigator).
Human Trafficking and Migrant Lives. Istanbul Kemerburgaz University
Scientific Research Fund (Primary Investigator).
The Socio-Economic Consequences of Certification in Good Agricultural
Practices and Organic Production (Organik Üretim ve İyi Tarım
Uygulamaları’nda Sertifikasyon Sürecinin Sosyo-Ekonomik Sonuçları). Dr.
Zafer Yenal, Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology, Dr. Banu
Kavaklı Birdal, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University Dept. of Sociology.
TUBITAK 1001 SOBAG Project No: 112K402.
Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal
Panel Study: Social and Psychological Effects of Economic Conditions (Panel
Saha Çalışması: Ekonomik Koşulların Kısa ve Uzun Dönemde Sosyal ve
Psikolojik Etkilerinin İncelenmesi). Dr. Işık Aytaç, Boğaziçi University, Dept.
of Sociology, Dr. Bilge Ataca, Boğaziçi University Dept. of Psychology, Dr.
Bruce Rankin, Koç University, Dept. of Sociology, Dr. Banu Kavaklı Birdal,
Istanbul Kemerburgaz University Dept. of Sociology. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimlerde Stratejik Araştırma Projeleri Fonu.
2010 - 2013
Social and Psychological Effects of the 2008 Economic Crisis on Families in
Urban Turkey. Dr. Işık Aytaç, Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology,
Dr. Bruce Rankin, Koç University, Department of Sociology, Dr. Banu
Kavaklı Birdal, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University. Project of Developing
Researcher Human Capital in Social Areas. Boğaziçi University, BU Social
Policy Forum and the State Planning Organization.
2013 Türkiye Ergen Profili Araştırması TC Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar
Bakanlığı (2013 Turkey Youth Profile Research, sponsored by The Turkish
Republic Ministry of Family and Social Policies).
Gender Studies and Trafficking in Turkey. Fulbright. PI: Dr. Stephanie
Nawyn, Michigan State University.
Uluslararası Konferans Katılımları
“Migration to, Migration from: Current State of Syrian Refugees in Turkey and
Background of the Newton Project.” 3rd INSPR (Interdisciplinary Conference on
Social Protest) Multidisciplinary Approaches to Social Change, Protest, and
Political Mobilization. 9-10 June 2016, Cambridge, UK.
“Syrian Refugee Women and Pathways Toward Survival” (Stephanie Nawyn, Nur
Banu Kavaklı Birdal, Tuba Demirci Yılmaz, Vanja Panjic). ICGAM 2016
International Conference on Gender and Migration Critical Issues and Policy
Implications. May 2016, Izmir.
“Human Trafficking and the Limits of Criminal Law Enforcement for Protecting
Immigrant Workers” (Stephanie Nawyn and Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal). American
Sociological Association 2015 Annual Meeting, 22 – 25 August, Chicago, IL,
“Migration Regimes, Domestic Policy and Vulnerability to Human Trafficking:
The Case of Turkey” (Stephanie J. Nawyn and Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal).
Turkish Migration Conference, Regent’s University London, Regent’s Centre for
Transnational Studies, 30 May -1 June 2014, London, UK.
“Counter Trafficking Policy and Immigrant Rights in Turkey” (Stephanie J. Nawyn
and Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal). 10th Turkish Migration Studies Conference,
University of Oxford, Center on Migration, Policy and Society, 28 March 2014,
Ankara. Turkey.
Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal
“Gender Pay Gap in the Current Turkish Economy”. European Sociological
Association 2013 Annual Meeting, 28-31 August, Turin, Italy.
“Economic Distress and Perceived Stress”. (I. Aytaç , B. Rankin and B. Kavaklı
Birdal) American Sociological Association 2012 Annual Meeting, 17-20 August,
Denver, CO, USA.
“The Impact of Economic Crisis on Urban Families in Turkey.” (B. Kavaklı
Birdal, I. Aytaç and B. Rankin) Knowledge Networking Program on Engendering
Macroeconomics and International Economics, 1st European Regional Intensive
Workshop and Symposium, GEM-IWG, GEM-EUROPE and GEM-TURKEY,
Istanbul, Turkey, October 9-17, 2011.
“Gender-Based Violence as a Form of Gendered Conflict: Honor Crimes in
Turkey.” Ethnographies of Gender and Conflict Conference, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, July 6-8, 2011.
“A Mixed-Method Analysis of the Impact of the Economic Crisis on
Neighborhoods: The Case of Turkey.”( I. Aytac, B. Rankin, B. Kavaklı Birdal and
B. Erarslan) Qualitative Computing: Diverse Worlds and Research Practices
Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, February 24-26, 2011.
“Honor and the State: The Role of the State in the Perpetuation of Gender-Based
Violence in Turkey.” World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES),
Barcelona, Spain, July 19-24, 2010.
“Families from a Distance: Rethinking the Transnational Family Experience.”
International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii,
March 1-5, 2005.
“Disciplining Intimacy: The Role of the Catholic Church in Everyday and Intimate
Lives of Young Adult Latinos.” CRCC Working Group, USC, Los Angeles, CA,
May 2004.
“Gender Relations among Turkish Immigrants in Western Europe: Representations
in Turkish Migrant Cinema.” 14th Annual Thinking Gender Conference, UCLA,
Los Angeles, CA, March 5, 2004.
“The City as a Spectacle: Cultural Policies of the Islamist City Administration of
Istanbul.” Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) Annual Convention,
Anchorage, Alaska, November 7-9, 2003.
Ulusal Konferans Katılımları
“Türkiye’de Göçmen Hakları: İnsan Trafiği ile Mücadelede Kazanan Kim?”
(Migrant Rights in Turkey: Who’s the Winner in the Fight against Human
Trafficking?) Türkiye’de Öteki Olmak Ulusal Sosyoloji ve Sosyal Hizmetler
Sempozyumu (Being the Other in Turkey, National Symposium of Sociology and
Social Services), Istanbul Kemerburgaz University. 12 March 2015, Istanbul.
Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal
“Economic Crisis and Family Distress” (Ekonomik Kriz Dönemlerinde Ailelerin
Yaşadığı Sorunlar) (B. Kavaklı Birdal, I.Aytaç and B. Rankin) Turkey Debates
Its Social Policies (Türkiye Sosyal Politikalarını Tartışıyor Konferansı), Koç
University Social Policy Center, World Bank, Republic of Turkey Ministry of
Family and Social Policy. 15-16 June 2012, Istanbul.
An Evaluation of the Application of Law No. 4320 On the Protection of the
Family from a Gender Perspective (4320 Sayılı Kanunun Uygulanmasına
Dair Anket Çalışması Değerlendirme Raporu). Purple Roof Women’s
Foundation (Mor Çatı), Istanbul.
An Evaluation of the Police Officers’ Attitude toward Victims of Intimate
Partner Violence (Polislerin Yaklaşımına Dair Anket Çalışması
Değerlendirme Raporu). Purple Roof Women’s Foundation (Mor Çatı),
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Yazılar
“Sacred Family Tale” (Kutsal Aile Masalı), Evrensel Kültür, Journal of Culture,
Art and Literature. No 237, September 2011.
“Heroes of the Society” (Toplumun Kahramanları), Evrensel Kültür, Journal of
Culture, Art and Literature. No 235, July 2011.
Diğer Yayınlar
Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court
Records - Volume 10 – Credit Markets and Uses of Interest (1661-97). With Timur
Kuran and others. Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları: Istanbul.
Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court
Records - Volume 9 – Credit Markets and Uses of Interest (1602-61). With Timur
Kuran and others. Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları: Istanbul.
Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court
Records - Volume 8 – Waqfs (1689-97). With Timur Kuran and others. Türkiye İş
Bankası Kültür Yayınları: Istanbul.
Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court
Records - Volume 7 – Waqfs (1661-83). With Timur Kuran and others. Türkiye İş
Bankası Kültür Yayınları: Istanbul.
Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court
Records - Volume 6 – Waqfs (1617-61). With Timur Kuran and others. Türkiye İş
Bankası Kültür Yayınları: Istanbul.
Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court
Records - Volume 5 – Waqfs (1602-17). With Timur Kuran and others. Türkiye İş
Bankası Kültür Yayınları: Istanbul.
Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal
Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court
Records - Volume 4 – State-Subject Relations (1661-97). With Timur Kuran and
others. Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları: Istanbul.
Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court
Records - Volume 3 – State-Subject Relations (1602-19). With Timur Kuran and
others. Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları: Istanbul.
Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court
Records - Volume 1 – Guilds and Guildsmen - Communal Affairs of Christians and
Jews – Foreigners. With Timur Kuran and others. Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür
Yayınları: Istanbul.
Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court
Records - Volume 2 –Commercial Partnerships. With Timur Kuran and others.
Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları: Istanbul.
Davetli Konuşmalar
“Gender-Based Violence in Turkey and the Gendered Nature of the State.”
Michigan State University, Center for the Study of Gender in Global Context,
Department of Sociology, Department of Criminal Justice, April 20, 2011.
Atölye Çalışmaları
“Gender Gap in Education: The Case of Turkey”. New Horizons in Education and
Turkey, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, 24 November 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
Commitment Without Borders. IHRA, KIgA, TOG. Berlin, Germany, 1-8
Holocaust Studies Program for Turkish Academics. IHRA, Yad Vashem.
Jerusalem, Israel, 20-27 June.
Holocaust Studies Program for Turkish Academics. International Holocaust
Remembrance Alliance and Yad Vashem. Istanbul, Turkey, 24 October.
“Struggling with Third-Party Certification in Turkey and India: A Comparative
Analysis” (Zafer Yenal and Banu Kavaklı Birdal). States of Contradiction:
Political economy of land and natural resources in Turkey and India. Department of
Economics, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul Turkey, 25-27 May.
Knowledge Networking Program on Engendering Macroeconomics and
International Economics, 1st European Regional Intensive Workshop and
Symposium, GEM-IWG, GEM-EUROPE and GEM-TURKEY, Istanbul Technical
University, October 9-17, 2011.
Workshop on Women’s Human Rights (Kadının İnsan Hakları Çalıştayı),
Governorship of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey, March 2009.
Workshop on “New Social Imaginaries” with Prof. Nilüfer Göle, Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2001.
Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal
Workshop on “Public Space and Islam” with Prof. Nilüfer Göle, Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2000.
Workshop on “Empires and Citizenship” with Prof. Faruk Birtek, Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1998.
2008-09 Wallis Annenberg Final Year Dissertation Fellowship, College of Letter, Arts and
Sciences, University of Southern California.
2004 - 05 College Strategic Theme Award, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, University
of Southern California.
College Strategic Theme Summer Research Award, College of Letters, Arts and
Sciences, University of Southern California.
Pre-Dissertation Award, Center for Religious and Civic Culture, University of
Southern California.
International Journal of Sociology Editorial Board

Benzer belgeler

TIMUR KURAN, ED., Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth

TIMUR KURAN, ED., Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth doi:10.1017/S0020743815000744, published by Cambridge University Press, 28 July


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