

AAPM Newsletter
May/June 2012
ORVC Chapter Report
Minsong Cao, Chapter President
Report of 2012 ORVC Spring Educational Symposium
he Ohio River Valley Chapter of the AAPM held its Spring Educational
Symposium on the Campus of the Ohio State University at the Blackwell
Hotel Conference Center during the weekend of March 9-10, 2012. The
meeting was highlighted by a Friday Night Out “Meet & Greet” event, cosponsored by Q Fix Inc. and Velocity Medical Solutions. This social venue
included a poster session on 12 different topics of interest in medical physics
as well as two Elite Sponsor Presentations. The symposium educational
sessions followed on Saturday. The meeting program consisted of one Keynote
Address, one invited educational lecture and 10 student/trainee presentations.
Dr. James Balter of the University of Michigan was invited
to provide the Honorary James G. Kereiakes Keynote Lecture.
The talk entitled “The emerging roles of imaging in Radiation
Oncology” was a thorough lecture of imaging technologies that
are becoming integrated into current research and clinical practice
in Radiation Oncology with discussions on the potential impact of
imaging as a biomarker for individualized therapy. His colloquium
was followed by a seminar competition on selected research
topics from 10 of our Chapter’s medical physics students and
residents. A Panel of Judges was appointed to rate each speaker
individually and to select the top three best presentations. Serving
on the panel were Indra Das, Ph.D., FAAPM, FASTRO, FACR, Dr. James Balter (James G. Kereiakes
of Indiana University, Jerome Dare, Ph.D., FAAPM, professor Keynote Lecturer) receiving a plaque
emeritus of the Ohio State University, Nilendu Gupta, Ph.D., from AAPM ORVC Chapter Officers:
President Minsong Cao and Presidentof the Ohio State University, and Matthew Meineke, Ph.D., Elect Chris Allgower
of Hardin Memorial Hospital, Kentucky. The first place recipient
was Ning Cao from Purdue University for her talk on “Monitoring the Effects of Anti-angiogenesis
and Re-oxygenation on Radiotherapy in Pancreatic Cancer Xenografts.” The second place award
went to Sean Tanny from University
of Toledo for his talk on “Small Field
Electron Beam Dosimetry Using Solid
State Detectors on the Surface and in
the Build-Up Region.” The third place
was awarded to Ahmet Ayan of the
Ohio State University for his talk on
“Feasibility of Using the ‘Irregular Surface
Compensator’ Feature of the Eclipse
TPS for Total Body Irradiation (TBI)
Treatment Planning.” The symposium
Symposium First and Second Place Student Winners (Middle: N. Cao concluded with a special educational
and S. Tanny) and Panel of Judges (From left: I. Das, M. Meineke, lecture entitled “Perspectives on the
From Right: J. Dare, N. Gupta)
AAPM/ABR 2014 requirement and the
educational landscape in Medical Physics” delivered by the invited speaker, Janelle A. Molloy,
Ph.D., FAAPM of the University of Kentucky. Following the education symposium, the Chapter
Business Meeting was conducted with discussion on future meetings, state regulation support and
the chapter financial report.
The Chapter continued to draw a large turnout to this meeting. There were 96 attendees at the
Night Out event. Attending the symposium were 107 participants including 24 exhibitors. I
AAPM Newsletter
May/June 2012
continued - ORVC Chapter Report
am thankful for the tremendous work of
my colleagues, Chris Allgower of Indiana
University (ORVC President-Elect), Michael
Gossman of Tri-State Cancer Center, Ashland,
KY (ORVC Past President), Michael Weldon
of Ohio State University (ORVC Secretary/
Treasurer), Rebecca F. Richardson of
Louisville Radiation Oncology Center (ORVC
Past Secretary/Treasurer), and Indra J. Das
Symposium Audience
of Indiana University (ORVC Chapter Board
Representative), for their support and dedication to the success and growth of the Chapter as
Officers. Finally, I would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous contributions and
attendance at the symposium:
Platinum Sponsors:
Varian Medical Systems, RIT, Philips Healthcare
Golden Sponsors:
Accuray, Siemens, Elekta, Best-CNMC, Brainlab, PTW New York, iba Dosimetry, Sun
Nuclear, RadiaDyne, ScandiDos, LACO, LAP Laser, Q-Fix Systems (WQFR), CIVCO, BARD,
C-RAD, D3 Oncology Solutions, Velocity Medical Solutions, Modus,
VisionRT, Biocompatibles
Bronze Sponsors:
AAPM Color Horizontal Ad 6.75 x 4.75 due 6/15/11 submitted 6/30/11
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