Communication in the Millennium - International Communication


Communication in the Millennium - International Communication
11. International Symposium
Communication in the Millennium
Organized by
Association of Turkish and American Communication Scholars
In Cooperation with
University of Texas at Austin (U.S.A.)
Anadolu University (Turkey)
Istanbul University (Turkey)
Hosted by
St. Cloud State University, College of Liberal Arts,
St. Cloud, Minnesota, U.S.A.
May 20-24, 2013
St.Cloud, Minnesota, (U.S.A.)
e- mail:
The Association of Turkish and American Communication Scholars (ATACS) seeks abstracts for the
International Symposium Communication in the Millennium. The association welcomes original papers
on a variety of topics, including Communication Theory and Communication Studies, Public Relations and
Advertising, Journalism, New Technologies, Cinema-TV and Broadcast, Ethics, Communication Education.
Other topics will be considered if space is available in the program.
Communication in the Millennium is an annual, peer-reviewed international symposium. The
participants of the symposium submit their abstracts via our web page. The abstracts that will be
presented in the symposium are selected by the evaluation process.
Symposium Objectives & Scope: The world is getting smaller with high technology-based
communication systems. This also brings people together. Communication scholars, especially, should be
close to one another and this is why we are gathering them and preparing a platform for discussion. The
aim of this symposium is to establish and continue an international multidisciplinary forum for the
development of innovative dialogue between Turkish and American scholars. This symposium serves a
number of purposes: The main purpose is to establish a meeting ground for a dialogue between the
Turkish and American communication scholars. The international symposium rotates between the two
countries. Although the cooperation is mainly between two countries scholars, other countries’ scholars
are welcomed to this symposium as well, as in the previous ones. Secondly, popular and main issues of
the communication field in the new millennium will be discussed. And with this dialogue, future projects
and comparative studies will be developed. The symposium aims to foster and promote work that is
intended to make a constructive contribution to the communication field and its development. The
symposium welcomes work of scholars and graduate students in the communication field.
Suggested sessions: Communication Theory and Research, Agenda-Setting Studies, Cultural & Critical
Studies, Political Communication, Media and Technology / Communication Technology, Media Literacy &
Media Education, Cinema, TV & Radio, Advertising, Public Relations, Media Ethics, Media Law…
Symposium Awards
Best papers... Those whose full papers are presented into the symposium will also be reviewed by the award
committee for the top three papers of the symposium.
Best presentations... In addition, the top three presentations made at the symposium will also be recognized.
Recipients of both the top three papers and top three presentations will receive a certificate on the final day
of the symposium.
Submission Requirements: All correspondences will be done via Internet. For the rules and the information,
please visit our web page, and visit our e-group on yahoogroups..
Evaluation process: Each abstract is sent to at least three or a maximum of six referees who are the
members of the scientific committee of the year and whose names were announced on the web page
after the end of each year’s evaluation process. The list of scientific committee seen in the web site is the
list of previous year.
Evaluation categories: The evaluation process takes place via Internet without seeing any information
about the authors. The evaluation categories are such as "Introduction to the topic and review of the
literature, methodology, importance, attractiveness, interest, scarceness, timeliness of the issue, and
overall evaluation". Referees evaluate each category within a scale from 0 to 10. The abstracts which get
a final average of 7 points from 10 get right to be presented in the symposium.
Publication... And the only presented papers will be published in the CD and the web page.
Important Dates
Early Abstract Submission Deadline: November 31, 2012.
Notification of the scholar/s about the accepted papers: December 31, 2013.
Abstract Submission Deadline: December 31, 2012.
Notification of the scholar/s about the accepted papers: January 31, 2013.
Full Paper Submission Deadline: April 1, 2013.
Symposium Dates: May 20-24, 2013.
Revised Final Paper Submission Deadline: June 14, 2013.
Registration Fee
The presenter registration fee for early bird registration is 300 U.S. dollars. All late presenter registration fees are 400 U.S.
dollars for each participant who is presenting a paper in the symposium. Registration fee covers symposium registration, access
to all sessions/presentations, symposium materials, coffee breaks etc.
Co-author listener registration fee is 150 U.S. dollars. It will be paid by the co-authors who will participate in the sessions,
but who will not present a paper in the symposium.
If you are only a listener attending the sessions, the early bird registration fee is 300 U.S. dollars (or 400 U.S dollars for late
Gala dinner fee is 50 U.S. dollars for the participants' guests who will only participate in the gala.
Communication in the Millennium Co-Founders / Co-Chairs:
Maxwell E. McCombs, Ph.D. , University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.
Erkan Yuksel, Ph.D, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey
Serra Gorpe, Ph.D., APR, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
Organization Committee of 11th International Symposium:
• President: Roseanna Gaye Ross, Ph.D., St. Cloud State University, U.S.A.
• Judith K. Litterst, Ph.D., St. Cloud State University, U.S.A.
• Maxwell E. McCombs, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.
• Erkan Yüksel, Ph.D., Anadolu University, Turkey
• Serra Görpe, Ph.D., İstanbul University, Turkey
• Amy Schmitz Weiss, Ph.D., San Diego State University, U.S.A.
Looking forward to seeing you in St. Cloud, Minnesota (U.S.A.)
for the 11th International Symposium: Communication in the Millennium