
Telephone (Mobile):
Telephone (Office):
Official Web:
Personal Web:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Izmir University of Economics, Sakarya Cad., No: 156 35330
Balçova - Izmir
00-90-232-279 2626;
March 6, 1965
Izmit, Turkey
Ph.D.† Faculty of Economics,
University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Ph.D.‡ Dept. of Economics,
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
M.Sc. Dept. of Economics,
London School of Economics, London, United Kingdom
M.S.§ Dept. of Economics
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
B.Sc. Dept. of Management
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
A dissertation on the growth implications of technology shocks, input (energy) price shocks, and physical
A dissertation on the growth implications of health.
A thesis on decomposition analysis of sources of growth of imports of Turkey in 1979-85.
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Department of Economics
Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey
Oct 2007-Current
Director of Vocational School
Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey
Jan. 2007 -Current
Director of Research Center “Izmir Congress of Economy”
Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey
Sep. 2005 –April 2007
Asst. Prof. Dr.
Department of Economics
Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey
Sep. 2004-Dec 2007
Post-doctoral Researcher
Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change
University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Jan. 2003-Aug. 2004
Research Assistant (AIO)
Faculty of Economics
University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Nov. 1998-Dec. 2002
Research Assistant
Dept. of Economics
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Research Assistant
University President’s Office
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Growth Theory
Endogenous technological change
Energy and Growth
Health and growth
FDI and Growth
Non-renewable Resource Economics
Internet Economy
Scientific Communication
1. Journal Publications
Erdil, E. and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2009), “The Granger-Causality between Health Care
Expenditure and Output: A Panel Data Approach”, Applied Economics, Vol. 41 (4), pp.
511-18 (SSCI)
*Yetkiner, I. H. and A. van Zon (2008), “Further Results on "An Endogenous Growth
Model with Embodied Energy-Saving Technical Change"”. METU Studies in
Development, Vol.35(2), pp.445-51.
*Yetkiner, I. H., (2006), “Sağlık ile Büyüme”, (Growth with Health), Ege Akademik Bakış,
Vol. 6, No. 2 (June), pp.83-91.
Tol, R.S.J., M. Bohn, T.E. Downing, M.-L. Guillerminet, E. Hizsnyik, R. Kasperson, K.
Lonsdale, C. Mays, R.J. Nicholls, A.A. Olsthoorn, G. Pfeifle, M. Poumadere, F.L. Toth,
A.T. Vafeidis, P.E. van der Werff and I.H. Yetkiner (2006), “Adaptation to Five Metres of
Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk Research, Vol.9, Number 5, pp.467-482. (SSCI)
*Riyanto, Yohanes E. and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2003), “A Market Mechanism for Scientific
Communication: Reply”, Kyklos, Vol.56, Issue 3, pp.395-400. (SSCI)
van Zon, Adriaan and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2003), “An Endogenous Growth Model with
Embodied Energy-Saving Technical Change”, Resource and Energy Economics, Vol.25
(1), pp.81-103. (SSCI)
*Riyanto, Yohanes E. and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2002), “A Marketplace for Scientific
Communication: An Explorative Proposal”, Kyklos--Forum for Ideas, Vol.55, Issue 4,
pp.563-7. (SSCI)
Erdil, Erkan and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2001), “A Comparative Analysis of Inter-Industry
Wage differentials: Industrialized versus Developing Countries”, Applied Economics,
Vol.33(13), pp.1639-1648. (SSCI)
A star indicates that Yetkiner is the first author.
2. Book Chapters
*Berk, İstemi, Erkan Erdil and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2008), “Türkiye Petrol ve Petrol
Ürünleri Sektörünün AB ile Rekabet Edebilirliği” (The Competitive Power of Turkey’s
Petroleum and Downstream Sectors Relative to EU), in Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği Sektörel
Rekabet Analizleri (Ed. Bekmez, Selahattin), Nobel Yayınevi, 664 pages, pp.357-382,
ISBN 978-605-395-161-2. (non-refereed)
Erdil, Erkan and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2005), “A Panel Data Approach for Income-Health
Causality”, in The Economics of Health Reforms (Eds. Yfantopoulos, J. N.), ISBN: 96088672-0-7, 875 pages, Chapter 38, pp.701-724.
*Muysken, Joan, I. Hakan Yetkiner, and Thomas Ziesemer (2003), “Health, Labour
Productivity and Growth”, in Growth Theory and Growth Policy (Eds. Harald Hagemann
and Stephan Seiter), Routledge, London, pp.187-205.
*Yetkiner, I. Hakan and Csilla Horváth (2001), “Macroeconomic Implications of Virtual
Shopping: A Theoretical Approach”, in Managing Internet and Intranet Technologies in
Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities, (ed. Subhasish Dasgupta), Idea Group
Publishing, USA, pp.104-26.
3. Editorial Works
Erdil, Erkan and Yetkiner, I. Hakan (2007), “Editorial Notes”, in Technology and
Economic Development: 2nd International Conference on the Dynamics of Science and
Technology Policies 2007 (Eds. Erdil, E. and Yetkiner, I. H.), ISBN: 978-975-8789-13-9,
729 pages, pp.x-xi (non-refereed)
Yetkiner, I. Hakan (2007), “Editorial Notes”, in Izmir University of Economics Second
Student Conference Proceedings Book 2006 (Ed. Yetkiner, I. H.), ISBN: 978-975-8789-122, 287 pages, pp.viii-x (non-refereed)
Yetkiner, I. Hakan (2007), “Editörün Notları” (Editorial Notes), in Dünden Bugüne İzmir’in
Sosyal ve Ekonomik Gelişimi (Social and Economic Development of Izmir from the Past to
the Present), Research Center Izmir Congress of Economy Publications 2006, (Ed.
Yetkiner, I. H.), ISBN: 978-975-8789-10-8, 75 pages, pp.iii (non-refereed)
Yetkiner, I. Hakan (2006), “Editorial Notes”, in Izmir University of Economics First
Student Conference Proceedings Book 2005 (Ed. Yetkiner, I. H.), ISBN: 975-8789-04-X,
180 pages, pp.iv-v. (non-refereed)
4. Conference Proceedings
Türkcan, B. and Yetkiner, I. H. (2008), “Endogenous Determination of FDI and Economic
Growth: The OECD Case”, in ICSS International Conference on Social Science, Vol. 4,
374 pages, pp.29-47.
Bilici, Ö., E. Erdil and I. H. Yetkiner, (2008), “The Determining Role of EU in Turkey’s
Trade Flows: A Gravity Model Approach”, in ICSS International Conference on Social
Science, Vol. 4, 374 pages, pp.275-94.
*Yetkiner, I. H. and Berk, İstemi (2008), “Petrol Fiyatlarındaki Artışın Nedenleri ve
Etkileri” (The Reasons behind the Rise in Oil Prices and Its Effect), in YEBKO Yönetim ve
Ekonomi Bilimleri Konferansı (Conference on Management and Economics), Vol. 5, 217
pages, pp.1-9. (Refereed)
Türkcan, B., Duman, A. and Yetkiner, I. H. (2008), “How Does FDI and Economic Growth
Affect Each Other? The OECD Case”, in 3rd International Conference on Economics:
Emerging Economic Issues in a Globalizing World, ISBN: 978-975-8789-19-1, 295 pages,
Gaitán, B.S., Tol, R.S.J., and Yetkiner, I. H., (2008), “Does Price of an Essential NonRenewable Resource Necessarily Grow?”, in 2nd International Conference on Globalization
and Its Discontents 2007, ISBN: 978-975-8789-19-1, 213 pages, pp.213-238. (Refereed)
Bilici, Ö., S.H. Akdede and I. H. Yetkiner, (2008), “Küreselleşme Türkiye’nin Dış
Ticaretinde Ülke Yoğunlaşmasını Nasıl Etkiledi?” (How does Globalization Affected
Country Concentration of Turkey’s Trade Flow), Güncel Ekonomik Soru(n)lar Kongresi:
2007, ISBN: 978-975-8254-31-6, 518 pages, pp.22-31.
Gaitán, B.S., Tol, R.S.J., and Yetkiner, I. H., (2007), “The Hotelling’s Rule Revisited in a
Dynamic General Equilibrium Model”, in The International Conference on Human and
Economic Resources, ISBN: 978-975-8789-09-2, 429 pages, pp.213-238. (Refereed)
Erdil, E. and Yetkiner, İ.H. (2004), “Theory and Evidence on Income-Health Causality”,
3rd International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy, Athens.
Muysken, Joan, I. Hakan Yetkiner, and Thomas Ziesemer (1999), “Health, Labour
Productivity and Growth”, GAPE German Association for Political Economy Spring
Meeting 1999, (New Developments in Growth Theory and Growth Policy), Stutgart
Germany, May 7-9.
5. Forthcoming
Bilici, Ö., E. Erdil and Yetkiner, I. Hakan, (2009), “Türkiye’nin Dış Ticaret Akımında
AB’nin Belirleyici Rolü: Bir Çekim Modeli Yaklaşımı” (The Determining Role of EU in
Turkey’s Trade Flows: A Gravity Model Approach). Forthcoming in Uluslararası Ekonomi
ve Dış Ticaret Politikaları (International Economics and Foreign Trade Policies).
* Erdil, E., Türkcan, B. and Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Does Information and Communication
Technologies Sustain Economic Growth? The Underdeveloped and Developing Countries
Case”, Forthcoming in Sustainable Economic Development and the Influence of
Information Technologies: Dynamics of Knowledge Society Transformation (Book
Chapter), Eds. Muhammed KARATAS and Mustafa Zihni TUNCA, Published by: IGI
Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.).
Türkcan, B. and Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Endogenous Determination of FDI Growth and
Economic Growth: The OECD Case”, Forthcoming in International Journal of Public
Policy (
Kardesler, E. and Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “The Impact of Corruption on FDI: An
Application of Efficient Grease Hypothesis to EU Countries”, Forthcoming in The
Empirical Economics Letters (
6. Conditionally Accepted Works
7. Submitted Works
8. Work-in-Progress (Articles)
* Erdil, E. and Yetkiner, I. H., (2009), “A Late Reply to ′Models of Military Expenditure
and Growth: A Critical Review′”
* Ateş, O. and Yetkiner, I. H., (2007), “The Economics of Turkish Economists: How Do
Globalization and Competition Affect the Productivity of Turkish Economists?”
* Yetkiner, I. H. and A. van Zon (2007), “Housing and Economic Growth: A Three Sector
* Gaitán, B.S., Tol, R.S.J. and Yetkiner, I. H., (2007), “The Hotelling’s Rule Revisited in a
Dynamic General Equilibrium Model”.
* Gaitán, B.S., Tol, R.S.J. and Yetkiner, I. H., (2007), “A Two-sector Growth Model under
Non-renewable Resource Constraint”.
*Yetkiner, I. Hakan, and Richard S.J. Tol, (2007), “Endogenous Growth under Nonrenewable Resource Constraint”
*Yetkiner, I. Hakan (2007), “Is There an Indispensable Role for Government During
Recovery from an Earthquake? A Theoretical Elaboration”.
*Yetkiner, I. Hakan (2007), “A Short Note on the Solution Procedure of Barro and Sala-iMartin for Restoring Constancy Conditions”.
Presura, C. and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2007), “A Practical Method to Solve an Optimization
Problem with Constraints”.
9. Work-in-Progress (Books)
-Küresel Kriz Çerçevesinde Türkiye’nin Cari Açık Sorunsalı (The Current account Deficit
Problem of Turkey under the Global Crisis), edited book (together with Turan Subaşat)
-Advanced Macroeconomics (Ph.D. level textbook)
-Sorularla Keynesyen Makro İktisat (Keynesian Macroeconomics in Questions) (entry and
intermediate level textbook)
-İktisadi Büyüme (Economic Growth) (Master and PhD level textbook)
10. Work-in-Progress (Non-scientific writings)
* Yetkiner, İ.H., Ersin Öktem, and İstemi Berk, (2008), “Petrol Piyasasındaki Gelişmelerin
Mersin Ekonomisine Sunduğu Yeni Fırsatlar” (New Opportunities for Mersin after Recent
Developments in the Oil Market), Prepared for Mersin Symposium
11. Working Papers
Kardesler, E. and Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “The Impact of Corruption on FDI: An
Application of Efficient Grease Hypothesis to EU Countries”, IUE Department of
Economics WP0902, Available at
Erdil, E., Türkcan, B. and Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Does Information and Communication
Technologies Sustain Economic Growth? The Underdeveloped and Developing Countries
Case”, IUE Department of Economics WP0901, Available at
Türkcan, B. and Yetkiner, I. H. (2008), “Endogenous Determination of FDI Growth and
Economic Growth: The OECD Case”, IUE Department of Economics WP0807,
Available at
Bilici, Ö., E. Erdil and Yetkiner, I. Hakan, (2008), “The Determining Role of EU in
Turkey’s Trade Flows: A Gravity Model Approach”, IUE Department of Economics
WP0806, Available at
Yetkiner, I. H. and van Zon, A., (2007), “Further Results on ‘An Endogenous Growth
Model with Embodied Energy-Saving Technical Change’”. IUE Department of
Economics WP0701, Available at
Erdil, E. and Yetkiner, I. H., (2004), “A Panel Data Approach for Income-Health
* Gaitán, B.S., Tol, R.S.J. and Yetkiner, I. H., (2004), “The Hotelling’s Rule Revisited in a
Dynamic General Equilibrium Model”. FNU-44, Available at
*Yetkiner, I. Hakan (2003), “Is There an Indispensable Role for Government During
Recovery from an Earthquake? A Theoretical Elaboration”. FNU-25 Available at
*Yetkiner, I. Hakan (2003), “A Short Note on the Solution Procedure of Barro And Sala-iMartin for Restoring Constancy Conditions”. FNU-24 Available at
*Yetkiner, I.H, A. de Vaal, and A. van Zon (2003), “The Cyclical Advancement of Drastic
Technologies” FNU-21, Available at
Presura, C. and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2002), “A Practical Method to Solve an Optimization
Problem with Constraints”. CCSO Online Journal, WP No.7, Available at
Riyanto, Yohanes E. and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2001), “A Marketplace for Scientific
Communication: An Explorative Proposal”, CCSO Online Journal, Vol 3(1), Available at
van Zon, A., and I. H. Yetkiner (2001), “An Endogenous Growth Model à la Romer with
Embodied Energy-Saving Technological Change”, MERIT Research Memorandum No.
2001-032, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Available at:
Kepenek, Y., I. H. Yetkiner, A. van Zon (2001), “Earthquake and Growth I”, CCSO Online
Journal, Vol 3(4), Available at
Yetkiner, I. Hakan and Csilla Horváth (2000), “Macroeconomic Implications of Virtual
van Zon, A., H. Meijers, and I. H. Yetkiner (1999), “Endogenous Energy Saving Technical
Change in the Romer Model”, MERIT Research Memorandum No. 99-022, Maastricht,
The Netherlands. Available at:
Muysken, Joan, I. Hakan Yetkiner, and Thomas Ziesemer (1999), “Health, Labour
Productivity and Growth”, MERIT Research Memorandum No. 99-030, University of
Maastricht. Available at:
12. Master’s Thesis Supervised
Olgun, Onur (in progress), “Estimating the Optimal Hedge Ratio and Hedging
Effectiveness of Stock Index Futures: An Evidence from Turkish Derivatives Market”,
Izmir University of Economics.
Karaca, Emre (2009), Derivatives Markets and Future Price Volatility: An Econometric
Application to TURKDEX Contracts, Izmir University of Economics, 112 pages,
Bilici, Özgül (2009), The Determining Role of EU in Turkey’s Trade Flows: A Gravity
Model Approach, Izmir University of Economics, 76 pages, July.
13. PhD Thesis Supervised
14. Master’s Thesis Committee Memberships
Burcu Türkcan (2008), “Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımların Ekonomik Büyüme ve
Kalkınmaya Etkileri: Panel Data Analizi” (The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on
Economic Growth and Development: A Panel Data Analysis), Ege University.
Arzu Şen (2005), “The Role of Universities in Local Economic Development: The Case of
Izmir University of Economics”, 124 pages.
15. Ph.D. Thesis Committee Memberships
Onur Altın (in progress), “Ekonomik Büyüme’nin Finansmanı: Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte
Olan Piyasalar Üzerine Bulgular”, (The Finance of Economic Growth: Evidence on
Developed and Developing Countries), Ege University, Start date: November 2008.
Seda Bilman (in progress), Title will be announced, Dokuz Eylül University, Start date:
February 2009.
İsmail Seki (in progress), “Bilgi Yönetişimi Bağlamında Üniversitelerin Ekonomideki
Rolü”, (The Role of Universities in the Context of Knowledge Governance), Ege
University, Start date: November 2008.
Kahraman Kalyuncu (2008), “An Assessment of the Effect of Health and Nutritional
Quality on Worker Effort and Economic Growth through Physical and Human Capital:
Cross-Country and Turkish Evidence”, METU, 137 Pages.
16. Popular Media
Habertürk (Newspaper), “Hesaplarda Türkiye’nin Net Hatası” (Net Errors and Omissions
in Balance of Payments of Turkey), (8 September 2009 Tuesday) p.20.
Yeni Asır Özel sayı (Special Issue of Yeni Asır Newspaper), “Tükenen Enerji Bağımlısı
Olduk” (Turkey has become depleting oil dependent), (26 August 2009 Wednesday) p.19.
Yeni Asır Özel sayı (Special Issue of Yeni Asır Newspaper), “Cari Açık Sorunu
Yaşanmayacak” (There will not be Current Account Deficit), (28 November 2008 Friday)
Cumhuriyet Enerji Eki (Cumhuriyet Energy Supplement), August (Ağustos) 2008, “Petrol
Fiyatlarındaki Artışın Nedenleri ve Etkileri” (The Reasons behind the Rise in Oil Prices
and Its Effect), pp. 12-14.
Yeni Asır Özel sayı (Special Issue of Yeni Asır Newspaper), “Hükümet Politikaları Gözden
Geçirilmeli” (The Government must Revise Its Policy), (30 May 2008 Friday) p. 20.
Yeni Asır Özel sayı (Special Issue of Yeni Asır Newspaper), “Taşıma Su ile Değirmen
Dönmez”, (31 January 2007 Wednesday) p. 5.
Yeni Asır Özel sayı (Special Issue of Yeni Asır Newspaper), “Artan İşssizlik Toplumu
Tehdit Ediyor” (Increasing Unemployment is a Threat on Turkish Society), (30 November
2005 Wednesday) p. 5.
17. Popular Writings (Appear at Personal Web)
Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Küresel Kriz Türkiye Ekonomisini Teğet mi Geçti?” (Has the
Global Crisis had Minor effects on Turkish Economy?),
( (18 September 2009)
Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Ödemeler Dengesi Hesaplarında Ne Oluyor?”, (What does happen
in Balance of Payments?), ( (30 July 2009)
Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Türkiye’nin Dış Ticaretinde Yaşanan Stratejik Kırılmalar”,
(Structural Breaks in Foreign Trade of Turkey),
( (22 June 2009)
Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Türkiye Nasıl Bir Üreticidir?”, (What type of a Producer is
Turkey?), ( (21 May 2009)
Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Türkiye Neden Büyümüyor?”, (Why Doesn’t Turkey Grow?),
([1].pdf) (17 April 2009)
Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Türkiye Büyüyor mu?”,
([1].pdf) (4 March 2009)
Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Yeni Hastalıklar Eski Reçeteler ile Tedavi Edilemez–2”, (New
Diseases cannot be Cured by Old Recipes), ([1].pdf)
(13 February 2009)
Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Yeni Hastalıkların Eski Yöntemlerle Tanısı”, (Diagnosis of New
Diseases by Old Methods), ([1].pdf) (2 February
Yetkiner, I. H. (2009), “Yeni Hastalıklar Eski Reçeteler ile Tedavi Edilemez–1”, (New
Diseases cannot be Cured by Old Recipes), ([1].pdf)
(31 January 2009)
18. REPEC Ranking
(as of Sat, September 5, 2009 9:28 am)
Germany (you rank 926 of 1922, top 49%)
Turkey (you rank 34 of 240, top 15%)
European Union (you rank 6043 of 10292, top 59%)
Europe (you rank 3078 of 11455, top 27%)
(as of Thu, August 6, 2009 4:16 am)
Germany (you rank 904 of 1875, top 49%)
Turkey (you rank 35 of 238, top 15%)
European Union (you rank 6008 of 10185, top 59%)
Europe (you rank 3108 of 11340, top 28%)
(as of Sun, July 12, 2009 2:34 am)
Germany (you rank 883 of 1855, top 48%)
Turkey (you rank 32 of 235, top 14%)
European Union (you rank 5893 of 10088, top 59%)
Europe (you rank 3034 of 11228, top 28%)
(as of Tue, June 9, 2009 2:03 am)
Germany (you rank 909 of 1836, top 50%)
Turkey (you rank 34 of 232, top 15%)
European Union (you rank 6096 of 9943, top 62%)
Europe (you rank 3183 of 11049, top 29%)
(as of Friday, May 8, 2009 11:45 am)
Germany (you rank 935 of 1820, top 52%)
Turkey (you rank 33 of 228, top 15%)
European Union (you rank 6173 of 9796, top 64%)
Europe (you rank 3160 of 10877, top 30%)
(as of Thursday, April 9, 2009 3:55 am)
Germany (you rank 909 of 1792, top 51%)
Turkey (you rank 29 of 224, top 13%)
European Union (you rank 5977 of 9636, top 63%)
Europe (you rank 3063 of 10695, top 29%)
(as of Friday, March 5, 2009 6:11 pm)
Germany (you rank 891 of 1745, top 52%)
Turkey (you rank 30 of 220, top 14%)
European Union (you rank 5926 of 9450, top 63%)
Europe (you rank 3074 of 10468, top 30%)
(as of Friday, February 6, 2009 7:26 am)
Germany (you rank 888 of 1718, top 52%)
Turkey (you rank 31 of 217, top 15%)
European Union (you rank 5886 of 9311, top 64%)
Europe (you rank 3119 of 10305, top 31%)
(as of Monday, January 5, 2009 11:38 am)
Germany (you rank 756 of 1649, top 46%)
Turkey (you rank 27 of 215, top 13%)
European Union (you rank 3132 of 9064, top 35%)
Europe (you rank 3333 of 10020, top 34%)
(as of Friday, December 5, 2008 6:22 am)
Germany (Hakan Yetkiner ranks 777 of 1631, top 48%)
Turkey (Hakan Yetkiner ranks 28 of 211, top 14%)
European Union (Hakan Yetkiner ranks 3256 of 8959, top 37%)
Europe (Hakan Yetkiner ranks 3464 of 9887, top 36%)
19. Lecturer Ranking
2008-2009 Spring
University Average: 4.25
Faculty of economics and Administrative Sciences Average: 4.31 (102 lecturers)
Department of Economics Average: 4.20 (28 lecturers)
Hakan Yetkiner’s Average: 4.59
2008-2009 Autumn
University Average: 4.21
Faculty of economics and Administrative Sciences Average: 4.25
Department of Economics Average: 4.17
Hakan Yetkiner’s Average: 4.67 (ranked the 3rd)
2007-2008 Spring
University Average: 4.20
Faculty of economics and Administrative Sciences Average: 4.29
Department of Economics Average: 4.19
Hakan Yetkiner’s Average: 4.71 (ranked the 4th)
1. (International) Projects
SKILLS@WORK (Needs and Priorities of the Textile Sector in Izmir). A joint project of
Cardonald College and Izmir University of Economics supported by British Council.
ATLANTIS (Atlantic Sea Level Rise: Adaptation to Imaginable Worst Case Climate
Change). Web:
Paper produced: The Macro-dynamics of One-time Shocks (I. H. Yetkiner and Richard S.J.
Paper produced: (i) The Hotelling’s Rule Revisited in a Dynamic General Equilibrium
Model (Gaitán, B.S., Richard S.J. Tol, and I. H. Yetkiner), (ii) Endogenous Growth under
Non-renewable Resource Constraint (I. H. Yetkiner and Richard S.J. Tol).
METU-STPS (Earthquake and Growth)
Paper produced: Earthquake and Growth I (Y. Kepenek, I. H. Yetkiner, A. van Zon)
Paper produced: An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Energy-Saving Technical
Change (A. van Zon and I. H. Yetkiner)
METU-Economics Department (International wage differentials)
Paper produced: A Comparative Analysis of Inter-Industry Wage differentials:
Industrialized versus Developing Countries (E. Erdil and I. H. Yetkiner)
2. Conferences Participated
Technology and Economic Development - 3rd International Conference on Innovation,
Technology and Knowledge Economics, 24-26 June 2009, Ankara, Turkey.
Web: Paper presented: “Does Information and Communication
Technologies Sustain Economic Growth? The Underdeveloped and Developing Countries
Anadolu International Conference in Economics, 17-19 June 2009, Eskişehir, Turkey.
presented: “Endogenous Determination of FDI Growth and Economic Growth: The OECD
Mersin Sempozyumu (Mersin Symposium), 19-22 November
(, (Invited Speaker)
YEBKO Yönetim ve Ekonomi Bilimleri Konferansı (Conference on Management and
Economics, 11-12 September 2008, Izmir, Turkey.
Web: Paper presented: “Petrol
Fiyatlarındaki Artışın Nedenleri ve Etkileri” (The Reasons behind the Rise in Oil Prices
and Its Effect).
ICSS International Conference on Social Sciences, 21-22 August 2008, Izmir, Turkey.
Web: Paper presented: “The
Determining Role of EU in Turkey’s Trade Flows: A Gravity Model Approach”.
ICSS International Conference on Social Sciences, 21-22 August 2008, Izmir, Turkey.
Web: Paper presented:
“Endogenous Determination of FDI in Economic Growth”.
ATINER 3rd International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications, 4-7
August 2008, Athens, Greece.
Web: Paper presented: “The
Determining Role of EU in Turkey’s Trade Flows: A Gravity Model Approach”.
ATINER 3rd International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications, 4-7
August 2008, Athens, Greece.
Web: Paper presented:
“Endogenous Determination of FDI in Economic Growth”.
IEA (International Economic Association) and TEK (Turkish Economic Association)
conference, 15th World Congress of the IEA: The Challenge of Globalization, 25-29 June
2008, Istanbul,Turkey.
Web: Paper presented: “The
Determining Role of EU in Turkey’s Trade Flows: A Gravity Model Approach”.
IEA (International Economic Association) and TEK (Turkish Economic Association)
conference, 15th World Congress of the IEA: The Challenge of Globalization, 25-29 June
2008, Istanbul,Turkey.
Web: Paper presented:
“Does Price of an Essential Non-renewable Necessarily Grow?”.
SUNY Cortland & Izmir University of Economics, International Conference on “Emerging
Economic Issues in a Globalizing World”, May 1-2, 2008, Izmir, Turkey. Web: Paper presented: “The
Determining Role of EU in Turkey’s Trade Flows: A Gravity Model Approach”.
SUNY Cortland & Izmir University of Economics, International Conference on “Emerging
Economic Issues in a Globalizing World”, May 1-2, 2008, Izmir, Turkey. Web:
“Competitiveness of Turkish Downstream Petroleum Industry”.
SUNY Cortland & Izmir University of Economics, International Conference on “Emerging
Economic Issues in a Globalizing World”, May 1-2, 2008, Izmir, Turkey. Web: Paper presented: “How
do FDI and Economic Growth affect each other? The OECD Case”.
Dokuz Eylul University, “İzmir İktisat Kongresi Anısına 2. Ulusal İktisat Kongresi”, 20-22
February 2008, İzmir, Web: Paper presented: “Türkiye’nin
Dış Ticaret Akımında AB’nin Belirleyici Rolü: Bir Çekim Modeli Yaklaşımı” (The
Determining Role of EU in the Trade Flow of Turkey: A Gravity model Approach)
Adnan Menderes University, Güncel Ekonomik Soru(n)lar Kongresi, 26-28 October 2007,
Kuşadası, İzmir, Web: Paper presented:
“Küreselleşmenin Türkiye’nin Dış Ticaret konsantrasyonu Üzerine Etkisi” (The Impact of
Globalization on Country Concentration of Turkey’s Trade)
SUNY Cortland & Izmir University of Economics, Globalization and Its Discontents
Web: Paper presented: “Does Price of
an Essential Non-renewable Necessarily Grow?”.
SUNY Cortland & Izmir University of Economics, Globalization and Its Discontents
Economics of Economists: How Do Globalization and Competition Affect the Productivity
of Turkish Economists?”.
Yaşar University, Third International Conference on Business, Management and
Economics, June 11-14, 2007, Izmir, Turkey. Web:
Paper presented: “The Economics of Economists: How Do Globalization and Competition
Affect the Productivity of Turkish Economists?”.
Turkish Economic Association (TEA), International Conference on Economics, September
11-13, 2006, Ankara Turkey. Web: Paper presented: “The
Hotelling’s Rule Revisited in Solow Model”.
Izmir University of Economics & SUNY Cortland, International Conference on Human and
Web: Paper presented: “The Hotelling’s Rule Revisited
in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model”.
DEGIT IX Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade, June 11-12 2004,
Reykjavik, Iceland. Web:
Paper presented: The Hotelling’s Rule Revisited in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
SURED Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics,
June 7-10 2004, Ascona, Switzerland. Web:
Paper presented: The Hotelling’s Rule Revisited in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
ATINER 3rd International Conference on Health Economics, Management and Policy,
June 3-5, 2004 Athens, Greece. Web: (conferences)
Paper presented: Theory and Evidence on Income-Health Causality
DEGIT VIII Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade, May 30-31 2003,
Helsinki, Finland. Web:
Paper presented: The Cyclical Advancement of Drastic Technologies
The 6th Spring Meeting of Young Economists, University of Copenhagen, March 30-April
1, 2001.
Paper presented: A Marketplace for Scientific Communication: An Explorative Proposal
NAKE Netherlands Network of Economics, October 18 2002, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands. Web:
Paper presented: The Cyclical Advancement of Drastic Technologies
ERC/METU International Conference in Economics VI, September 11-14 2002, Ankara,
Turkey, Web:
Paper presented: The Cyclical Advancement of Drastic Technologies
GAPE German Association for Political Economy Spring Meeting 1999, (New
Developments in Growth Theory and Growth Policy), May 7-9 1999, Stuttgart Germany.
Paper presented: Health, Labour Productivity and Growth
ERC/METU International Conference in Economics VI, September 18-20 1997, Ankara,
Turkey, Web:
Paper presented: A Comparative Analysis of Inter-Industry Wage differentials:
Industrialized versus Developing Countries
3. Seminars
Chemnitz University Departmental Seminar, 14 July 2009, Chemnitz, Germany.
Web: Paper presented:
“Does Price of an Essential Non-renewable Necessarily Grow?”.
Izmir University of Economics, December 24, 2008, Izmir, Turkey, Paper presented: “How
to Publish a Paper in Social Sciences?”
EGE University, November 05, 2008, Izmir, Turkey, Paper presented: “How to Publish a
Paper in Social Sciences?”
EGE University, November 08, 2007, Izmir, Turkey, Paper presented: “Does Price of an
Essential Non-renewable Necessarily Grow?”
DOKUZ EYLÜL University, March 16, 2007, Izmir, Turkey, Paper presented: “Further
Results on An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Energy-saving Technical
ADNAN MENDERES University, December 15, 2006, Nazilli, Turkey, Paper presented:
“Further Results on An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Energy-saving
Technical Change”
EGE University, November 17, 2006, Izmir, Turkey, Paper presented: “Further Results on
An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Energy-saving Technical Change”
DOKUZ EYLÜL University, January 03, 2006, Izmir, Turkey, Paper presented: “On the
Growth Effects of Earthquakes”
ADNAN MENDERES University, December 20, 2005, Nazilli, Turkey, Paper presented:
“On the Growth Effects of Earthquakes”
EGE University, November 07, 2005, Izmir, Turkey, Paper presented: “On the Growth
Effects of Earthquakes”
EGE University, March 17, 2005, Izmir, Turkey, Paper presented: “The Romer Model”
EGE University 50th Anniversary Opening Seminar, December 17, 2004, Izmir, Turkey,
Paper presented: “The Hotelling’s Rule Revisited in a Dynamic General Equilibrium
BAŞKENT University, June 15, 2004, Ankara, Turkey, Paper presented: “The Hotelling’s
Rule Revisited in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model”
Environmental Change and Management (Oberseminar), April 20, 2004, Hamburg,
Germany, Web:
Paper presented: “The Hotelling’s Rule Revisited in a Dynamic General Equilibrium
Paper presented: “The Cyclical Advancement of Drastic Technologies”
Environmental Change and Management (Oberseminar), February 04, 2003, Hamburg,
Germany, Web:
Paper presented: “Physical Shocks on Economic Structure: Earthquake and Growth”
SOM (Systems, Organisation and Management) PhD Conference 2002
Paper presented: “The Cyclical Advancement of Drastic Technologies”
SOM (Systems, Organisation and Management) Brown-bag seminars 2002
Paper presented: “The Cyclical Advancement of Drastic Technologies”
SOM (Systems, Organisation and Management) PhD Conference 2001
Paper presented: “Physical Shocks on Economic Structure: Earthquake and Growth”
SOM (Systems, Organisation and Management) Brown-bag seminars 2001
Paper presented: “An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Energy-Saving Technical
MERIT (Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology) seminar,
2000, Paper presented: “Macroeconomic Implications of Virtual Shopping: A Theoretical
SOM (Systems, Organisation and Management) Seminar Series C, 1999, Workshop: The
Web as an Economic Phenomenon, Paper presented: “Macroeconomic Implications of
Virtual Shopping: A Theoretical Approach”, and
4. Invited Speeches/ Invited Summer Schools
Beyin Fırtınası Toplantısı: “Ekonomide Çıkış Yolları ve Reel Sektöre Yeni Açılımlar”
(Brain Storming Meeting: New Approaches in Economy and New Perspectives for Real
Sector), 17 January 2009, Izmir, (Invited Participant)
Mersin Sempozyumu (Mersin Symposium), 19-22 November
(, (Invited Speaker)
EYS VII (Ekonomi Yaz Seminerleri- Summer Seminars in Economics), 21-26 July 2008,
Pamukkale University, Denizli. (
University of MINHO (ERASMUS Staff Exchange Program), 29-30 November 2007,
Braga, Portugal.
EYS VI (Ekonomi Yaz Seminerleri- Summer Seminars in Economics), 16-20 July 2007,
Pamukkale University, Denizli. (
5. (Summer) Schools Participated
NAKE Workshop 30, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-15 June 2001.
XIth Summer School of the European Economic Association, "The sources of European
Growth", Barcelona, September 4-9, 2000. Web:
NAKE Workshop 28, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 5-9 June 2000. Web:
NAKE Workshop 25, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 5-9 June 1999.
6. Courses given
2009-10 Economic Growth I-II, Intermediate Macroeconomics, International Economics I,
Advanced Macroeconomics (Ph.D.)
2008-9 Economic Growth I-II, Intermediate Macroeconomics, International Economics I,
Seminar in Economics
2007-8 Economic Growth I-II, Intermediate Macroeconomics, International Economics I
2007 Summer School, Intermediate Macroeconomics, IEU
2006-7 Economic Growth I-II, Intermediate Macroeconomics, International Economics I
2005-6 Economic Growth I-II, Intermediate Macroeconomics, International Economics I
2004-5 Economic Growth, Intermediate Macroeconomics, International Economics I-II
2002 Summer School, Introduction to Growth Theory, METU
1987-8 Spring, Introduction to Economics (Macroeconomics), METU
1987-8 Autumn, Introduction to Economics (Microeconomics), METU
7. Conference/ Seminar Positions
Organizer of the Departmental Seminar Series, 2009-2010.
Co-organizer of the National Workshop on “The Current Account Deficit Problem of
Turkey in the Global Crisis” in Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey 3-4 April
2009. (
Organizer of the Departmental Seminar Series, 2008-2009.
Co-organizer of the Second International Conference on “The Dynamics of Science and
Technology Policies” in Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey 25-26 May 2007.
Organizer of the Panel on “Toplumsal Dinamikler ve Kadın Paneli-1” (Panel on Social
Dynamics and Women-1), Izmir, Turkey 7 May 2007.
Organizer of the Third International Student Conference on “Empirical Models in Social
Sciences” in Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey 13-14 April 2007.
Organizer of the Conference on “Küresel Kent’leşme Sürecinde İzmir’in Yeri” (The Place
of Izmir in Globalization of Cities), Izmir, Turkey 16 February 2007.
Organizer of the Second International Student Conference on “Globalization: Opportunities
and Threats for Developing Countries” in Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey
13-14 April 2006.
Organizer of the Conference on “İzmir’in Dünden Bugüne Sosyal ve Ekonomik Gelişimi”
(Social and Economic Development of Izmir from the Past to the Present), Izmir, Turkey
17 February 2006.
Co-organizer of the Workshop on “The Economic Consequences of (Catastrophic)
Earthquakes: A Prospect in Retrospect”, Groningen, 15 February 2002.
8. Review Work
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2009
- R&D Spillovers in an Endogenous Growth Model with Physical Capital, Human
Capital and Varieties
T.C. Merkez Bankası Araştırma Raporları Serisi, 2009
- Cross-Country Growth Empirics and Model Uncertainty
EGE Akademik Bakış, 2009
- The Theoretical Framework on Economics of University in the Context of
Knowledge Governance
Proceedings of International Conference on Social Sciences, 2008
- The Effects of Gender on Consumers’ Attitudes towards Consumption Pattern and
Recycling Household Waste
- On-the-job Search in Turkey: Evidence from Individual Level Data
- Okun’s Law vs. Jobless Growth in Turkey
- Public and Private Sector Wages in Turkey: Evidence from Individual Level Data
International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, 2008
- Is Income Convergence A Myth or Real? Testing Stochastic Convergence among
the Regions of Turkey
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 2008
- The Role of Education at All Levels in Economic Growth: An Empirical Study of
Turkish Case
Applied Economics, 2007 (together with Erkan Erdil)
- Medical Bills and Bankruptcy Filings
Applied Economics, 2007 (together with Erkan Erdil)
- R&D Races and Spillovers between the EU and the US: Some Causal Evidence
Akdeniz IIBF Dergisi, 2007
The Economics of the Digital Society, Edited by Luc Soete and Bas ter Weel, Edward
Elgar, 2004
European Journal of Political Economy, 2003
Resource and Energy Economics, 2003
European Journal of Political Economy, 2002
9. Advisory Board Membership to Journals
Ege Akademik Bakış (
10. Jury Membership
2009 Serhat Özyar Yılın Genç Bilim İnsanı Ödülü (Young Scientist Award of Serhat
Özyar), Ph.D. Thesis assessed: An Assessment of the Effect of Health and Nutritional
Quality on Worker effort and Economic Growth through Physical and Human Capital:
cross-Country and Turkish Evidence
11. Popular Talks
TV programme “Ekonominin Kodları” (Codes of Economy), Yeni Asır TV, January 2008
TV programme “Ekonominin Kodları” (Codes of Economy), Yeni Asır TV, October 2008
TV programme “Ekonominin Kodları” (Codes of Economy), Yeni Asır TV, June 2008
TV programme “Ekokultur” (Economy Culture), EGE TV, 19 March 2007
KUTO (Kuşadası Ticaret Odası), 18 February 2008, “Kuşadalı Mahmut Esat Bozkurt ve 1.
Izmir İktisat Kongresi)
TV programme “TRT” (Memleketten Haber Var), TRT, 25 April 2007
TV programme “Ekokultur” (Economy Culture), EGE TV, 19 March 2007
TV programme “Üniversite ve Gençlik” (University and Youth), SKY TV, 05 March 2006
TV programme “Ekodinamik” (Dynamics of Economy), “Yeni Dönem Bankacılık
Kriterleri ve Türkiye Etkileri” (The New Rules of Banking—Basel II—and Possible
Impacts on Turkish Banking System), EGE TV, 17 June 2005
12. Citations Received
Hartwig, Jochen (2009), “Is health capital formation good for long-term economic growth?
– Panel Granger-causality evidence for OECD countries”, forthcoming in Journal of
Macroeconomics, citing: “The Granger-causality between health care expenditure and
output: a panel data approach”, Applied Economics, Vol.41 (4), pp.511-18.
Li, XG; Rowley, RJ; Kostelnick, JC; Braaten, D; Meisel, J; Hulbutta, K (2009), “GIS
Analysis of Global Impacts from Sea Level Rise”, Photogrammetric Engineering and
Remote Sensing, 75 (7): 807-818, citing: “Adaptation to Five Metres of Sea Level Rise”,
Journal of Risk Research, Vol.9, Number 5, pp.467-482.
Bamber, Jonathan L.; Riva, Riccardo E. M.; Vermeersen, Bert L. A.; LeBrocq, Anne M
(2009), “Reassessment of the Potential Sea-Level Rise from a Collapse of the West
Antarctic Ice Sheet”, Science, Volume 324, Issue 5929, pp. 901-903, citing: “Adaptation to
Five Metres of Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk Research, Vol.9, Number 5, pp.467-482.
Graefe, Laurel (2009), “The Peak Oil Debate”, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic
Review, Volume 94, Issue 2, pp. 1-14, citing: “Gaitan, Beatriz S., Richard S.J. Tol, and I.
Hakan Yetkiner. 2006. The Hotelling’s rule revisited in a dynamic general equilibrium
model. Papers of the annual IUE-SUNY Cortland Conference in Economics. In
Proceedings of the Conference on Human and Economic Resources, 213–38. Izmir
University of Economics.
Tol, R.S.J. (2009), “Why Worry About Climate Change?”, ESRI Research Bulletin Vol.1,
No.1, pp.47-52, citing: “Adaptation to Five Metres of Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk
Research, Vol.9, Number 5, pp.467-482.
Yuan, Chaoqing, Sifeng Liu, Junlong Wu (2009), “Research on energy-saving effect of
technological progress based on Cobb–Douglas production function”, Energy Policy,
Vol.37 (8), pp. 2842-2846, citing: “An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied EnergySaving Technical Change”, Resource and Energy Economics, Vol.25 (1), pp.81-103.
Jane, Wen-Jhan, San, G. and Ou, Yi-Pey, (2009), “The Causality between Salary Structures
and Team Performance: A Panel Analysis in a Professional Baseball League”, International
Journal of Sport Finance 4: 136-150, citing: “The Granger-causality between health care
expenditure and output: a panel data approach”, Applied Economics, Vol.41 (4), pp.511-18.
Bamber, JL; Riva, REM; Vermeersen, BLA; LeBrocq, AM (2009), “Reassessment of the
Potential Sea-Level Rise from a Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet”, Science, 324
(5929), 901-903, citing: “Adaptation to Five Metres of Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk
Research, Vol.9, Number 5, pp.467-482.
Popp, D., Richard G. Newell and Adam B. Jaffe (2009), “Energy, the Environment, and
Technological Change”, NBER Working Paper 14832, citing: “An Endogenous Growth
Model with Embodied Energy-Saving Technical Change”, Resource and Energy
Economics, Vol.25 (1), pp.81-103.
Omann, I., Stockera, A. and J. Jägera (2009), “Climate Change as a Threat to Biodiversity:
An Application of the DPSIR Approach”, Forthcoming in Ecological Economics, citing:
“Adaptation to Five Metres of Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk Research, Vol.9, Number 5,
Taylor, M.P., (2009), “The applied economics of health: introduction and overview”,
Applied Economics 41(4): 413-415, citing: “The Granger-causality between health care
expenditure and output: a panel data approach”, Applied Economics, Vol.41 (4), pp.511-18.
Yetkiner, I.H. and A. van Zon, (2009), “Further Results on ‘An Endogenous Growth Model
with Embodied Energy-Saving Technical Change’”, METU Studies in Development,
Vol.35(2), pp.445-51, citing: “An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied EnergySaving Technical Change”, Resource and Energy Economics, Vol.25 (1), pp.81-103.
Erdil, E. and I. Hakan Yetkiner (2009), “The Granger-Causality between Health Care
Expenditure and Output: A Panel Data Approach”, Applied Economics, Vol. 41(4), pp.
511-18, citing: “Health, Labour Productivity and Growth”, in Growth Theory and Growth
Policy (Eds. Harald Hagemann and Stephan Seiter), Routledge, London.
Ferrara, Massimiliano and Luca Guerrini (2008), “On the Dynamics of a Three-sector
Growth Model”, International Review of Economics, Volume 55, pp. 275–283, citing:
“Earthquake and growth I”, Kepenek Y, Yetkiner IH, Van Zon A (2001). CCSO working
paper 01/15 (unpublished manuscript).
Nicholls, Robert J., Richard S. J. Tol and Athanasios T. Vafeidis (2008), “Global estimates
of the impact of a collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet: an application of FUND”,
Climatic Change, Volume 91, Issue 1-2, pp. 171-91, citing: “Adaptation to Five Metres of
Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk Research, Vol.9, Number 5, pp.467-482.
Spennemann, Dirk HR (2008), “Water Futures and Their Influence on Sovereignty in the
Marshall Islands”, In Water, Sovereignty and Borders in Asia and Oceania, Devleena
Ghosh, Heather Goodall, Stephanie Hemelryk Donald (Eds), Routledge Studies in Physical
Geography and Environment, ISBN: 978-0-415-43726-4, pp.50-71, citing: “Adaptation to
Five Metres of Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk Research, Vol.9, Number 5, pp.467-482.
Hood, M. V. III, Quentin Kidd and Irwin L. Morris, (2008), “Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Employing Granger Causality Tests in a Time Series Cross-Section Framework”, Political
Analysis 16 (3): 324–344, citing: “A Panel Data Approach for Income-Health Causality”,
in J.N. Yfantopoulos (ed.), The Economics of Health Reform, Athens: ATINER: 701–724.
Amigues, Jean-Pierre, Michel Moreauxa and Francesco Riccia, (2008), “ResourceAugmenting R&D with Heterogeneous Labor Supply”, Environment and Development
Economics 13: 719-45, citing: “An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied EnergySaving Technical Change”, Resource and Energy Economics, Vol.25 (1), pp.81-103.
Poumadère1, Marc, Claire Mays, Gabriela Pfeifle1, and Athanasios T. Vafeidis (2008),
“Worst Case Scenario as Stakeholder Decision Support: a 5- to 6-m Sea Level Rise in the
Rhone Delta, France”, Climatic Change, Volume 91, Issue 1-2, pp. 123-43, citing:
“Adaptation to Five Metres of Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk Research, Vol.9, Number 5,
Londsdale, K. G., T. E. Downing, R. J. Nicholls, D. Parker, A. T. Vafeidis, R. Dawson, and
J. Hall (2008), “Plausible Responses to the Threat of Rapid Sea-level Rise in the Thames
Estuary”, Climatic Change, Volume 91, Issue 1-2, pp. 123-43, citing: “Adaptation to Five
Metres of Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk Research, Vol.9, Number 5, pp.145-169.
Gillingham, K., Richard G. Newell, and William A. Pizer, (2008), “Modeling Endogenous
Technological Change for Climate Policy Analysis”, Energy Economics 30 (6): 2734-53,
citing: “An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Energy-Saving Technical Change”,
Resource and Energy Economics, Vol.25 (1), pp.81-103.
Kronenberg T, (2008), “Should We Worry about the Failure of the Hotelling Rule?”,
Journal of Economic Surveys 22 (4): 774-93, citing: “An Endogenous Growth Model with
Embodied Energy-Saving Technical Change”, Resource and Energy Economics, Vol.25
(1), pp.81-103.
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Climatic Change, Volume 89, Issue 3-4, pp. 207-18, citing: “Adaptation to Five Metres of
Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk Research, Vol.9, Number 5, pp.467-482.
Erdil, E., D. Çetin and D. Findik. (2008), “Effect of Technology on Gender Wage
Differential: A Panel Analysis”, Applied Economics Letters, 15 (10), pp.821-825, citing: A
Comparative Analysis of Inter-Industry Wage differentials: Industrialized versus
Developing Countries”, Applied Economics, Vol.33, pp.1639-1648.
Arce D.G., Enders W., Hoover G.A., (2008), “Plagiarism and Its Impact on the Economics
Profession”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 60 (3), 231-43, citing: “A Marketplace for
Scientific Communication: An Explorative Proposal”, Kyklos--Forum for Ideas, Vol.55,
Issue 4, pp.563-7.
Cooper, J.A.G. and J. McKenna (2008), “Social justice in coastal erosion management: The
temporal and spatial dimensions”, Geoforum, Volume 39, Issue 1, pp. 294-306, citing:
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“Adaptation to Five Metres of Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk Research, Vol.9, Number 5,
Venkitasubramaniam, P. and Sahai, A., (2008), “Incentivizing Anonymous “Peer-to-Peer”
Reviews”, 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing,
Monticello, IL, volumes 1-3, pp. 692-699 citing: “A market mechanism for scientific
communication: Reply”, Kyklos--Forum for Ideas, Vol.56, Issue 3, pp.401-403.
Venkitasubramaniam, P. and Sahai, A., (2008), “Incentivizing Anonymous “Peer-to-Peer”
Reviews”, 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing,
Monticello, IL, volumes 1-3, pp. 692-699 citing: “A Marketplace for Scientific
Communication: An Explorative Proposal”, Kyklos--Forum for Ideas, Vol.55, Issue 4,
pp.563-7. (
Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima, and Wei Ha (2007), “What Makes Cities Healthy?”,
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #4107, 59 pages, citing: “A Panel Data
Approach for Income-Health Causality”, in J.N. Yfantopoulos (ed.), The Economics of
Health Reform, Athens: ATINER: 701–724. (
Brown, Steven F. and Joshua Shackman, (2007), “Corruption and Related Socioeconomic
Factors: A Time Series Study”, Kyklos 60 (3): 319–347, citing: “A Panel Data Approach
for Income-Health Causality”, in J.N. Yfantopoulos (ed.), The Economics of Health
Reform, Athens: ATINER: 701–724.
Dimitropoulos J, (2007), “Energy Productivity Improvements and the Rebound Effect: An
Overview of the State of Knowledge”, Energy Policy 35 (12): 6354-63, citing: “An
Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Energy-Saving Technical Change”, Resource
and Energy Economics, Vol.25 (1), pp.81-103.
Nelissen, Dagmar and Till Requate, (2007), “Pollution-reducing and Resource-saving
Technological Progress”, International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and
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Ricci F., (2007), “Environmental policy and growth when inputs are differentiated in
pollution intensity”, Environmental & Resource Economics 38 (3): 285-310, citing: “An
Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Energy-Saving Technical Change”, Resource
and Energy Economics, Vol.25 (1), pp.81-103.
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Research, 18 (2), pp.193-210, citing: A Comparative Analysis of Inter-Industry Wage
differentials: Industrialized versus Developing Countries”, Applied Economics, Vol.33,
Oh Y, Park SJ, Kim YS, (2007), “A comparative analysis of inter-industry wage
differentials: before and after the Korean financial crisis”, Applied Economics, 39 (10-12),
pp.1387-1397, citing: A Comparative Analysis of Inter-Industry Wage differentials:
Industrialized versus Developing Countries”, Applied Economics, Vol.33, pp.1639-1648.
Ho, Chun-Yu and Siu, Kam Wing (2007), “A dynamic equilibrium of electricity
consumption and GDP in Hong Kong: An empirical investigation”, Energy Policy, 35 (4),
2507-2513, citing: “An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Energy-Saving
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van Zon, A. and Tobias Kronenberg (2007) “General Purpose Technologies and Energy
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Handbook of the Economics of Art And Culture 1, V.A. Ginsburgh and D. Throsby (Eds),
Handbooks in Economics Series, ISBN: 0-444-50870-8, pp.721-61, citing:
“Macroeconomic implications of virtual shopping: A theoretical approach”, WP version of
Yetkiner, I. Hakan and Csilla Horváth (2001), “Macroeconomic Implications of Virtual
Shopping: A Theoretical Approach”, pp.104-26, in Managing Internet and Intranet
Technologies in Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities, (ed. Subhasish Dasgupta),
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Academic Scientists' Productivity”, Information Economics and Policy, 18 (1), 55-72,
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Advances in Austrian Economics: Cognition and Economics, 9, Chapter 3, 51-86, ISBN:
9780762313785, citing: “A Marketplace for Scientific Communication: An Explorative
Proposal”, Kyklos--Forum for Ideas, Vol.55, Issue 4, pp.563-7.
Poumadère, M., Claire Mays, Sophie Le Mer and Russell Blong (2005) “The 2003 Heat
Wave in France: Dangerous Climate Change Here and Now”, Risk Analysis 25 (6), 1483–
1494, citing: “Adaptation to Five Metres of Sea Level Rise”, Journal of Risk Research,
Vol.9, Number 5, pp.467-482.3.
Dawson, R.J., Hall, J. W., Bates, P.D., and Nicholls, R.J. (2005) “Quantified Analysis of
the Probability of Flooding in the Thames Estuary under Imaginable Worst-case Sea Level
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SOM Interdisciplinary Essay Competition Prize, Groningen, The Netherlands, 1999.
Fellowship Award of Turkish Academy of Sciences, Turkey, 1997
Fellowship Award for Jean Monnet Scholarship, European Union, Turkey, 1993
Writing fables for children
Prof. Dr. Richard S.J. Tol
Senior Research Officer, Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, Ireland
Associate, Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change, Hamburg University
and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science,Hamburg, Germany
Principal Researcher, Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Adjunct Professor, Center for Integrated Study of the Human Dimensions of Global
Change, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Address: Bundesstrasse 55, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
+49 40 42838 7007/8 (voice) +49 40 42838 7009 (fax)
Prof. Dr. Catrinus C.J. Jepma
International Economics and Business (IE&B), University of Groningen
Address: Postbus 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
+31 (0)50 3633710 (voice) +31 (0)50 3633730 (fax)
Dr. Adriaan van Zon
Senior Researcher
MERIT and Department of Economics, University of Maastricht
Address: P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
+31 (043) 388 3874/388 3890 (voice) +31 (043) 388 49 05 (fax)

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