ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service


ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service
Sanat ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi
Telefon: +90 (216) 483 9267
Sabancı Üniversitesi
+90 (216) 483 9250
Orhanlı, Tuzla,
E-posta : ozgur@sabanciuniv.edu
34956 İstanbul
Öğretim üyesi (Doçent), Sabancı Üniversitesi, Mart 2009 - .
Öğretim üyesi (Yardımcı Doçent), Sabancı Üniversitesi, 2000 - Mart 2009.
Ziyaretçi araştırmacı, CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2000 - 2001.
Ziyaretçi öğretim üyesi, University of Rochester, 2007 - 2008.
Doktora, İktisat, University of Rochester, 2000.
Master, İktisat, University of Rochester, 1998.
Master, İktisat, Bilkent Üniversitesi, 1995.
Lisans, Endüstri Mühendisliği, Bilkent Üniversitesi, 1992.
Burs ve ödüller
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi GEBİP Ödülü, 2006
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Teşvik Ödülü, 2003
Université Catholique de Louvain Araştırma bursu, 2000-2001.
Kaplan Ödülü, University of Rochester, 1998.
University of Rochester yaz araştırması bursu, 1997.
University of Rochester eğitim bursu, 1995-1999.
Bilkent Üniversitesi eğitim bursu (yüksek lisans), 1992-1995.
Bilkent Üniversitesi eğitim bursu (lisans), 1988-1992.
Devam Eden Projeler
“Migration and Wage-Bargaining” (Yunus Aksoy ve Yohannes E. Riyanto ile)
“Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Rules” (Arzu Kıbrıs ile)
“Consistency and Rationality of Solutions to Simple Allocation Problems with a
Variable Number of Agents” (William Thomson ile).
Tamamlanmış Makaleler
“On Algorithmic Solutions to Simple Allocation Problems”, 2008.
“A Revealed Preference Analysis of Solutions to Simple Allocation Problems”, 2008.
“Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement: Monotonic Rules (İpek Gürsel ile),
“Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement: Decomposable Rules (İpek Gürsel
ile), 2006.
“Protectionist Demands in Globalization” (Arzu Kıbrıs ve M. Yiğit Gürdal ile), 2000.
“Nash Bargaining in Ordinal Environments”, Review of Economic Design, yayına kabul
“Trade Rules for Uncleared Markets” (Serkan Küçükşenel ile) ) Social Choice and
Welfare (2008): Vol. 32, 101-121.
“Allocating multiple commodities among a group of agents with single-peaked
preferences” (Anirban Kar ile) ) Social Choice and Welfare (2008): Vol. 31(4), 641666.
“Bargaining over a Finite Set of Alternatives” (Murat Sertel ile) Social Choice and
Welfare (2007): Vol. 28, 421-437.
“Egalitarianism in Ordinal Bargaining: the Shapley-Shubik rule”, Games and
Economic Behavior (2004): Vol. 49:1, 157-170
“Bargaining Power in Stationary Parallelogram Games” (Bart Taub ile), Review of
Economic Design (2004): Vol. 8:4, 449-465.
“Egalitarianism in Ordinal Bargaining: the Shapley-Shubik rule”, Games and
Economic Behavior (2004): Vol. 49:1, 157-170.
“Ordinal Invariance in Multicoalitional Bargaining”, Games and Economic Behavior
(2004): Vol. 46:1, 76-87.
“Consistency, Converse Consistency, and Aspirations in Coalitional Games” (Toru
Hokari ile), Mathematical Social Sciences (2003), Vol. 45:3, 313-331.
“Constrained Allocation Problems with Single-Peaked Preferences: An Axiomatic
Analysis”, Social Choice and Welfare (2003), Vol. 20:3, 353-362.
“Misrepresentation of Utilities in Bargaining: Pure Exchange and Public Good
Economies”, Games and Economic Behavior (2002): Vol. 39, 91-110.
“Cooperation and Manipulation in Conflict Resolution” (Doktora Tezi, Rochester
Üniversitesi), 2000.
“Implementation in Dominant Strategy Equilibrium” (Master Tezi, Bilkent
Üniversitesi), 1995.
Konferans sunumları
The 2006 Conference on Economic Design, July 2006 (Organizasyon ve Program
Komite üyesi) (Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement: Decomposable Rules)
The Eighth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, July
2006 (Organizasyon ve Program Komite üyesi) (Bargaining with Nonanonymous
Disagreement: Decomposable Rules)
Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design, XXVIII, Eylül 2005 (Bargaining with
Nonanonymous Disagreement)
SING1, Haziran 2005 (Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement)
LGS4, Haziran 2005 (Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement)
ASSET Annual Conference, Kasım 2004 (Trade Rules for Uncleared Markets)
Second World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Temmuz 2004 (Bargaining with
Nonanonymous Disagreement)
Third International Meeting of the Society for Economic Design, Temmuz 2004 (Trade
Rules for Uncleared Markets)
Murat Sertel Memorial Conference on Economic Theory, Mayıs 2004 (Trade Rules for
Uncleared Markets)
ASSET annual conference, Kasım 2003 (Allocating multiple commodities among a
group of agents with single-peaked preferences)
Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design, XXVI, Ağustos 2003 (Allocating multiple
commodities among a group of agents with single-peaked preferences)
EURO/INFORMS joint international meeting, Temmuz 2003 (Bargaining Power in
Stationary Parallelogram Games)
Sixth Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Temmuz
2003 (Bargaining over a Finite Set of Alternatives)
North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, Haziran 2003
(Bargaining Power in Stationary Parallelogram Games)
Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design, XXV, Eylül 2002 (Bargaining over a
Countable Number of Alternatives)
Sixth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Temmuz
2002 (Nash Bargaining in Ordinal Environments)
Second International Meeting of the Society for Economic Design, Temmuz 2002
(Nash Bargaining in Ordinal Environments)
Third International Conference on Public Economics, Temmuz 2002 (Bargaining
Power in Stationary Parallelogram Games)
Fifth Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Temmuz
2001 (Characterizing Ordinalism and Egalitarianism in Bargaining: the Shapley-Shubik
Social Choice and Welfare Conference, Maastricht University, Mayıs 2001
(Characterizing Ordinalism and Egalitarianism in Bargaining: the Shapley-Shubik rule)
CORE-FEEM-GREQAM-CODE Sixth Coalition Formation Workshop, Nisan 2001
(Protectionist Demands in Globalization)
SED 2000, Conference on Economic Design, Temmuz 2000. (Truthful Representation
of Utilities in Multicoalitional Bargaining)
Conference in Honor of Walter Oi, University of Rochester, 1999. (tartışmacı)
Tenth International Conference on Game Theory, SUNY Stony Brook, 1999.
(Misrepresentation of Utilities in Bargaining: Pure Exchange and Public Good
Davetli konuşmacı
University of Montreal (2008), University of Rochester (2008, 2007), Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
(2008, 2005, 2003, 2001), Bilgi Üniversitesi (2003), Bilkent Üniversitesi (2008, 2003, 2001),
Koç Üniversitesi (2008, 2004, 2001), İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (2007), Yıldız Teknik
Üniversitesi (2004), Université de Caen (2001), Université Paris 1 (2001), Universitat
d’Alacant (2001), Tilburg University (2001), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (2001),
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2001, 2000), Ohio State University (2000), University of
Pittsburgh (2000), University of Toronto (2000), Queen’s University (2000)
Konferans organizasyonu
SWET 2009 Çalıştayı: Organizasyon komite üyesi.
ASSET 2009 Konferansı: Program komite üyesi ve organizasyon komite üyesi.
GDN 2009 konferansı: Program komite üyesi.
Social Choice and Welfare Cemiyeti 2006 toplantısı: Program komite üyesi ve
organizasyon komite üyesi.
Birinci Murat Sertel Ekonomi Teorisi Konferansı, 2004: Program komite üyesi ve
organizasyon komite başkanı.
ASSET 2003 toplantısı: Program komite üyesi.
Sabancı Üniversitesi Ekonomi konferans serisi, 2001-2005: Organizatör.
Hakemlik tecrübesi
Journal of Economic Theory, International Journal of Game Theory, Mathematical Social
Sciences, Social Choice and Welfare, Review of Economic Design, Games and Economic
Behavior, Economic Theory, CORE Discussion Paper Series.
Üye olduğu mesleki kurumlar
Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu, Econometric Society, Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Game
Theory Society, Society for Economic Design
Ders verme tecrübesi
Sabancı Üniversitesi
• Oyunlar ve Stratejiler, Lisans programı, Sanat ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi,
Sonbahar 2001-2005.
• Oyun Teorisinde Başlıklar, Master programı, Sanat ve Sosyal Bilimler
Fakültesi, Bahar 2002-2005.
• Mikroekonomi Teorisi, Master programı, Sanat ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi,
Sonbahar 2003-2005.
• Oyun Teorisi, Yönetici Geliştirme Programı, Sonbahar 2003-2005.
Pamukkale Üniversitesi
• Oyun teorisi, Ekonomi Yaz Seminerleri, Ekonomi Bölümü, Yaz 2002-2008.
University of Rochester
• Mikrekonomiye giriş, Doktora Programı, Ekonomi Bölümü, Sonbahar 2007
• Matematik Hazırlık Dersi, Doktora programı, Ekonomi Bölümü, Yaz 1998,
Yaz 1999.
• Matematik Hazırlık Dersi, Yönetici Geliştirme Programı, W. E. Simon School
of Business Administration, Yaz 1998.

Benzer belgeler

ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service

ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service • EURO/INFORMS joint international meeting, Temmuz 2003 (Bargaining Power in Stationary Parallelogram Games) • Sixth Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Temmuz 2003 (B...


ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service

ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service Bargaining in Ordinal Environments) Second International Meeting of the Society for Economic Design, July 2002 (Nash Bargaining in Ordinal Environments) Third International Conference on Public Eco...


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