Curriculum Vitae Beyza Çalışkan Aslan


Curriculum Vitae Beyza Çalışkan Aslan
Curriculum Vitae
Beyza Çalışkan Aslan
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of North Florida
1 UNF Drive, Building 14/2731, Jacksonville, FL 32224
Phone: (904) 620-3713 Fax: (904) 620-2818
Ph. D in Applied Mathematics, University of Florida, August 2007
Advisor: Professor William W. Hager
Dissertation Topic: Continuous approach to the lightning discharge
M. S in Applied Mathematics, University of Florida, May 2003
B. S in Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, June 1999
Associate Professor, 2016 - current
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL
Assistant Professor, 2008 - 2016
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL
Assistant Research Scientist, September 2009 – September 2010
Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Visiting Assistant Professor, January 2008-August 2008
Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Postdoctoral Research Associate, funded by NSF, August 2007-December 2007
Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Research Assistant, May 2005-August 2005, May 2007-August 2007
Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Teaching Assistant, August 2001-August 2007
Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Teaching Assistant, January 2000-June 2000
Department of Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Mathematical Modeling, Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Data
Identifying common elements in late-onset late-diagnosed MADD patients by using
graphs, Beyza Aslan, Anthony Perszyk, to be submitted to J. App. Biomed.
Optimization of Transit Operator Split Schedules using a Modified Tabu Search
Algorithm, Hoang H., Sando T., and Aslan B., to be submitted to the Journal of
Transportation Research Board.
Modeling the change in electric potential due to lightning in a sphere, Beyza Aslan,
Appl. Anal., DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2015.1113527.
Three Dimensional Charge Structure of a Mountain Thunderstorm, William Hager,
Beyza Caliskan Aslan , Richard Sonnenfeld, Timothy Crum, John Battles, Michael
Holborn, and Ruth Ron, (2010) J. Geophys. Res., 115, D12119,
The change in electric potential due to lightning, William W. Hager and Beyza Caliskan
Aslan, M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal., (ESAIM: M2AN), 42 (2008), 887-901.
A generalized eigenproblem for the Laplacian which arises in lightning, Beyza Caliskan
Aslan, William W. Hager, and Shari Moskow, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 341, (2008), 1028–
1041, doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2007.11.007.
Analysis of charge transport during lightning using balloon borne electric field sensors
and LMA, William W. Hager, Richard G. Sonnenfeld, Beyza Caliskan Aslan, Gaopeng
Lu, William P. Winn, and William L. Boeck, (2007), J. Geophys. Res., 112, D18204,
Continuous approach to the lightning discharge, Beyza Caliskan Aslan, Ph.D Thesis,
Interviewed and contributed to SIAM News (Oct., 2004), monthly newsletter published
by SIAM (Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics), articles concerning SIAM
Gators Student Workshop:
* By Students for Students: SIAM Gators Welcome Chapters Nationwide to
Florida Conference
* Accolades for an Accomplished Community
Mathematics, Climate, and Medicine: A sampling of what mathematics can do,
Mathematics Colloquium, Feb 17, 2016, Stetson University, DeLand, FL.
Pattern recognition to improve diagnostic process for late-diagnosed patients with fatty
acid oxidation disorders. Case Study: MADD, Mathematics Colloquium, Feb. 12, 2016,
University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL (talk).
Modeling the change in electric potential due to lightning in a sphere, Joint Mathematics
Meeting, Jan. 5-9, 2016, Seattle, WA (talk).
Pattern recognition to improve diagnostic process for late-diagnosed late onset MADD
patients, Jan. 5-9, 2016, Seattle, WA (talk).
Identifying common elements in late-onset late-diagnosed patients by using graphs,
UMDF Mitochondrial Medicine Conference, 17-20 June 2015, Washington, DC (poster
Identifying common elements in late-onset late-diagnosed patients by using graphs,
STARS Research Day for Faculty Members, 14 Apr 2015, University of North Florida,
Jacksonville, FL (poster presentation).
Graduate Programs at the University of North Florida, Gateway to Interdisciplinary
Graduate Studies Conference, USCB, Oct 10, 2014, Beaufort, SC (invited talk, includes a
research presentation as well).
Mathematical Methods for Modeling of Lightning and Thunderstorm Electrification,
Joint Mathematics Meeting, 6-9 January 2011, New Orleans LA (invited talk).
Mathematical Methods for Modeling of Lightning and Thunderstorm Electrification, 7th
International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 15-18
December 2010, Tampa, FL (invited talk).
Charge Retrieval Analysis for Lightning Flashes in a Mountain Thunderstorm, SIAM
Annual Meeting, Jul. 13-16, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA (talk).
Co-organized and chaired a minisymposium titled “Analysis on Numerical Solutions of
Partial Differential Equations”, SIAM SEAS Annual Meeting, Mar. 20-21, 2010,
Raleigh, NC.
The change in electric potential due to lightning, Joint Mathematics Meeting, Jan. 13-16,
2010, San Francisco, CA (talk).
Analysis of interesting flashes during a thunderstorm near Langmuir Laboratory on 24
August 2007, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, CA (poster
Three Dimensional Current Generator Structure of a Mountain Thunderstorm, AMS
Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Oct. 30-Nov 1, 2009, Boca Raton, FL (talk).
Three Dimensional Current Generator Structure of a Mountain Thunderstorm, SIAM
Annual Meeting, Jul. 6-10, 2009, Denver, CO (talk).
Mathematics and Climate: Modeling Lightning, Math-Stat Club Meeting, University of
North Florida, Apr. 16, 2009, Jacksonville, FL (invited talk).
Three Dimensional Current Generator Structure of a Mountain Thunderstorm, SIAMSEAS Conference, Apr. 4-5, 2009, Columbia, SC (talk).
Mathematical Methods for Modeling of Lightning and Thunderstorm Electrification, First
Coast MAA Regional Meeting, Jan. 30, 2009, Jacksonville, FL (talk).
Three Dimensional Current Generator Structure of a Mountain Thunderstorm, AGU Fall
Meeting, Dec. 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA (poster presentation).
Session Convener and Session Chair, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 15-19, 2008, San
Francisco, California.
The change in electric potential due to lightning, AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting,
Oct. 24-26, 2008, Huntsville, AL (invited talk).
The change in electric potential due to lightning, SIAM Annual Meeting, July. 7-11,
2008, San Diego, CA.
A generalized eigenproblem for the Laplacian and its Application to the lightning charge,
SIAM-SEAS Sectional Meeting, Mar. 14-15, 2008, Orlando, FL (invited talk).
A generalized eigenproblem for the Laplacian and its Application to the lightning charge,
Seminar Talk, Jan 25, 2008, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL (invited talk).
Lightning charge transport during a thunderstorm near Langmuir Laboratory on 18
August 2004, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, California (poster
A continuous approach to the lightning discharge, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Jan. 5-8,
2007, New Orleans, Louisiana (contributed talk).
A continuous approach to the lightning discharge, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-15, 2006,
San Francisco, California (poster presentation).
Sprites, Blue Jets, and Elves, SIAM Gators Weekly Seminar, Apr. 6, 2006, Gainesville,
Florida (Invited talk).
A continuous approach to the lightning discharge - one-dimensional case, AGU Fall
Meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2005, San Francisco, California (poster presentation).
A continuous approach to the lightning discharge – one-dimensional case, SIAM-SEAS
Sectional Meeting, Mar. 24-25, 2005, Charleston, South Carolina (contributed talk).
A continuous approach to the lightning discharge – one-dimensional case, SIAM Gators
Weekly Seminar, Nov. 4, 2004, Gainesville, Florida (Invited talk).
SIAM (Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics) Annual Meeting, Jul. 12-16, 2004,
Portland, Oregon (SIAM sponsored chapter representative).
Chair of the organization committee for the SIAM Gators Student Workshop during the
Special Year of Applied Mathematics 2003-2004 (Funded by NSF).
Minimum reflection coatings, Southeastern Conference on Applied Mathematics, Nov. 911, 2001, Raleigh, North Carolina (poster presentation).
Pearson Redesign for Results (R4R) Southeast Regional Workshop, Sept. 19-20, 2014,
Atlanta, GA.
Pearson Course Redesign Workshop, Sept. 23-24, 2011, Orlando, FL.
UNF COAS Research Enhancement Plan Research Grant, Spring 2016
UNF Summer Research Grant, 2010 and 2016
UNF Summer Teaching Grant, 2013
The National Scholars Honor Society, 2007
University of Florida Chapter of SIAM, President (2003-04), Vice President (2002-03)
Graduate Student Council Travel Grant at UF, 2001, 2005 (twice), and 2007
SIAM Travel Award, 2004
Pi Mu Epsilon
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), since 2003
American Geophysical Union (AGU), since 2005
UNF Chapter of SIAM, Faculty Adviser, since 2009
UNIX, Windows, MS-DOS, LaTex, Matlab, Maple, C
 Turkish (native), English (fluent), German (basic), French (basic)