resume - Department of Mathematics


resume - Department of Mathematics
June 11, 2016
Department of Mathematics
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Phone: 850-339-6130
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Ph.D., Pure Mathematics
Advisor: Eriko Hironaka
(expected) August 2016
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
M.S., Mathematics
Advisor: Alexander Degtyarev
August 2011
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
B.S., Mathematics
May 2009
. Topology of Algebraic Curve Complements
. Topological Data Analysis
. Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems
Florida State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant - Course Instructor
August 2015 - Present
Tallahassee, FL
Taught Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (MAC-2311) in a technology enhanced classroom
Prepared course materials including lecture notes and exams
Created online homework assignments using WebAssign in addition to hard copy in class quizzes
Lectured in classroom using overhead projector and blackboard when needed
Grading responsibility
Florida State University
Graduate Research Assistant
May 2015 - August 2015
Tallahassee, FL
· Worked on a project uses Morse filtration on Frechet function defined on a given data set
· Used the Javaplex package for TDA
· Analyzed results using data mining tools such as PCA, LDA and MDS
Florida State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant - Course Instructor
Jan 2015 - May 2015
Tallahassee, FL
· Taught Pre-Calculus Algebra (MAC-1140) in a technology enhanced classroom
· Prepared course materials including lecture notes and exams
· Lectured in classroom using overhead projector and blackboard when needed
Florida State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant - Recitation Instructor
Jan 2012 - Dec 2014
Tallahassee, FL
· Held weekly recitations for Calculus with Analytic Geometry I,
· Prepared quizzes and graded quizzes and tests for Calculus with Analytic Geometry I,
June 11, 2016
· Instructed in problem-solving sessions held in computer laboratories for College Algebra, Precalculus
Algebra, Trigonometry, Mathematics for Liberal Arts
· Proctored weekly computer based quizzes and exams for College Algebra, Precalculus Algebra, Trigonometry, Mathematics for Liberal Arts
· Graded homework assignments and exams for Ordinary Differential Equations and Introduction to
Advanced Mathematics
Bilkent University
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Ankara, Turkey
· Graded homework assignments, weekly quizzes and tests for various undergraduate courses such as
Calculus 1-2-3, Statistics
· Hold regular weekly office hours and found chance to interact with students one by one
· Proctored tests for Calculus 1-2-3, Business Calculus
Distinguished Teaching Assistant, Florida State University, 2016
Bettina Zoeller Richmond Award*, Florida State University, 2014
*Recognizes outstanding service to the department.
FSU Graduate Student Full Scholarship, 2012-2016
Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education Full Scholarship, 2011-2012
TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Graduate Education Scholarship, 2010-2011
Graduated from the Bilkent University Department of Mathematics with 2nd place, Turkey, 2009
Bilkent University Full Scholarship, 2004-2009
Government scholarship, high school, 2001-2004.
Topological Data Analysis via Frechet function
December 2014 - Present
· Used Morse filtration on Frechet function defined on a given data set
· Used the Javaplex package for TDA
· Analyzed results using data mining tools such as PCA, LDA and MDS
Topology of Trigonal Curve Complement via Dessin D’enfants
Jan 2012 - Present
· Classified the Dessin D’enfants of trigonal curve complements up to isotopy
· Worked on the topology of trigonal curves corresponding each Dessin D’enfant class
· Improved an algorithm to plot Dessin D’enfant of a given trigonal curve and implemented in MATLAB
Krammer Polynomials
Sept 2014 - Present
· Defined a new polynomial invariant for curve complements
· Listed all Krammer polynomials for completely reducible trigonal curves
· Improved an algorithm to compute the Krammer polynomials of a given n-gonal curve and implemented
it in SAGE
Design principles of gene regulation
March 2015 - Present
June 11, 2016
· Simulated two different biological models that has delay in it in MATLAB
· Improved an algorithm for stochastic biological models that has delay and implemented in MATLAB
· Compared the results that come from both the deterministic and stochastic models under different
signal profile
Computing the Braid Monodromy of n-gonal Curves
August 2013 - September 2014
· Improved a new algorithm to compute the braid monodromy of a given completely reducible n-gonal
curve and implemented it MATLAB and SAGE
· Implemented an algorithm to compute the Alexander polynomial of a given completely reducible ngonal curve in MATLAB and SAGE
Plain Sextics with a Type E7 Singular Point
September 2010 - August 2011
· Computed all possible Dessin D’enfant classes of plain sextics with a type E7 singular point
· Worked the topology of each class
· Used GAP (Group Algorithm Programming) language for further analysis
Riemann-Roch theorem
May 2007 - August 2007
· Worked on the Riemann-Roch theorem
· Prepared a report about the proof and applications of it
· “Plain Sextics with a Type E7 Singular Point”, Mehmet Aktas, Master Thesis, Bilkent University, 2011
Under review
· “Computing the Braid Monodromy of Completely Reducible n-gonal Curves”, Mehmet Aktas, Esra
Akbas, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software.
· “Differential DNA level regulation by alternatively designed molecular mechanisms: A mathematical
modeling approach”, Necmettin Yildirim, Mehmet Aktas, Seyma Ozcan, Esra Akbas, Ahmet Ay, In
Silico Biology.
In preparation
· “Beyond Means: A Topological Study of the Frechet Function”, Facunda Memoli, Washington Mio,
Mehmet Aktas.
· “Topology of Completely Reducible Trigonal Curves via Dessin D’enfants”, Mehmet Aktas.
· “Classification of Dessin D’enfants of Completely Reducible Trigonal Curves”, Mehmet Aktas.
· “A polynomial invariant for plane curve complements: Krammer polynomials”, Mehmet Aktas.
Florida State University, Department of Mathematics Travel Grant(Joint Mathematics Meetings), January 2015 and January 2016
Florida State University, Congress of Graduate Students Travel Grant(Joint Mathematics Meetings),
January 2015 and January 2016
Research travel award, Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (TGTC), 2014
Research travel award, Algebraic Geometry Northeastern Series (AGNES), 2014
Research travel award, Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium (GAGS), 2014
Research travel award, Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (TGTC), 2013
June 11, 2016
Research travel award, Tech Topology Conference, 2012
Refereed Presentations
· “Classification of Dessin D’enfants of Completely Reducible trigonal Curves”, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA, (January 2016)
· “Topology of Fully Reducible Trigonal Curves,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Antonio, TX , (January 2015)
· “Topology of the Complement of Certain Families of Trigonal Curves and Their Associated Dessins
d’Enfants,” Algebraic Geometry Northeastern Series (AGNES), (November 2014)
Workshop and Seminars
“Krammer Polynomials,” FSU Topology Seminar (March 2016)
“Topological Data Analysis”, FSU Graduate Student Seminar (October 2015)
“Dessin D’enfants of Trigonal Curves”, FSU Graduate Student Seminar (January 2015)
“History of Topology of Algebraic Curves,” FSU Topology Seminar (February 2014)
American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2011-2015
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2014-2015
Florida Beta chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, Mathematical Honor Society, 2014-2015
Association for Academic Advancement (ASACAD) Scholars, 2011-2015
· Program for Instructional Excellence, FSU PIE certificate, 2015
· Preparing the Future Faculty (PFF) Certificate, In Progress
Conferences and Workshops Attended
Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM), Seattle (January 2016)
Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM), San Antonio (January 2015)
Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (TGTC), UT Austin (November 2014)
Algebraic Geometry Northeastern Series (AGNES), UPenn (November 2014)
Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium (GAGS), University of Georgia (October 2014)
Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (TGTC), Texas A&M (November 2013)
Tech Topology Conference, Georgia Tech (December 2012)
International Algebraic Geometry and Topolgy Days, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey (January 2011)
National Mathematics Symposium of Turkey, Erciyes University, Turkey (August 2010)
C, C++, Java, Python, Sage, R, MATLAB, Maple, Word, Excel,
Power Point, Latex, Unix/Linux environments, Joomla
English, Turkish, German (intermediate), Arabic (pre-intermediate)
University Service
· Volunteer in FSU Math Fun Day (October 2014 and October 2015)
· Grader of FSU High School Math Contest (November 2014)
· Volunteer in FSU-UF Topology Meeting (February 2013)
June 11, 2016
Service to the Educational Institutions and Communities
· Volunteer in Math Stars contest, Tallahassee (January 2015)
· High School Topology Project Coach, Tallahassee (Spring 2013)
· Math Counts Contest Tutor, Tallahassee (Spring 2012)