1 - IFLA


1 - IFLA
Books from
Contact: Claire Stuckey
To create the Australian list, an online survey was developed by Claire Stuckey
and this was promoted using a variety of professional networks, e-lists and
teacher librarian meetings. A link from the council’s library website also
encouraged participation and provided a recognised reference point rather
than just an email address or survey site. After many months of promotion
two further colleagues met regularly with Claire to examine and discuss the
suggested titles that had been received. Having to reduce a list of about 25
top titles determined in the survey using the set criteria was difficult. It was
easy to select the top five titles as virtually every respondent listed similarly.
We asked ourselves over and over again, what is the definition of a classic
picture book? Can a book be a classic title for different reasons? How does this
read aloud to one child or a group?
All our wealth of experience did not make the reduction to ten titles easier.
As librarians we looked at various aspects of the titles including the visual
quality, how children reacted and engaged with story, and what messages
the book presented. Each of the team has worked with children of different
age groups and their parents over a long period of time so our varied
experience proved to be valuable. Trying to encompass the age range to
eleven years made the task of selecting harder. Our team discussed the need
to provide a list of titles that would encompass the entire age range.
In one year or two years’ time the list may look very different, as an earlier list
may have contained different titles. Although having reviewed the availability
of many of the titles some have been in print for over twenty years. Our goal
was to take the survey responses and the set criteria and to develop a list that
reflected Australian children’s picture books available in 2013. By taking on
this project task in a small way, the librarians hoped to promote wonderful
Australian authors and illustrators. The World through Picture Books Project
offers each participating country’s librarians to share, explore and celebrate
children’s literature with other enthusiastic librarians (and their patrons)
around the world.
the world through picture book • books from australia • 142
Mem Fox • Julie Vivas, ill.
Possum Magic
Scholastic, 1983 • ISBN 9781742990002
Grandma Poss is able to use her magic to
Grandma Poss thinks the answer may lie with
make emus shrink, kookaburras pink etc.
eating human food. They begin a tour of all the
Most importantly she is able to make her
Australian capital cities. In each one a typical
granddaughter, Hush, invisible. Hush has great
Australian dish is sampled. Gradually in the last
fun being invisible and, it also protects her from
three cities Hush gradually appears.
snakes. One day Hush tells her grandmother
Julie Vivas’s illustrations add that extra dimension
she would like to see what she looks like.
to this whimsical story. She very ably shows the
Unfortunately making Hush visible again is not
loving relationship between grandmother and
so easy. After searching through her books,
granddaughter. Her illustrations are a delight.
Marcia Vaughan • Pamela Lofts, ill.
Wombat Stew
Scholastic, 1984 • ISBN 9781743621820
This work remains one of the most borrowed
Pamela Lofts’ illustrations and a musical score for
in Australian libraries. A “very clever” dingo
the refrain add to the sense of a madcap, joyful
catches a wombat and decides to make a
dance. Children take delight in singing the dingo’s
stew. Before he can begin various bush animals
refrain along with the storyteller and suggesting
suggest interesting additions to the stew. These
additions to the stew.
ingredients make a very unpalatable stew! Before
adding the wombat the dingo is encouraged to
try the stew with predictable results.
Hazel Edwards, Deborah Niland, ill.
There’s a Hippopotamus on our roof eating cake
Penguin, 1980 • ISBN 9780143501367
This book begins with a little girl telling us her
others about him, the only time others see him is
roof leaks, and the cause of the hole in the roof
when he is working at the zoo. Deborah Niland’s
is caused by a hippopotamus on the roof eating
illustrations very simply and directly let us into
cake. We soon learn the hippopotamus can do
this little girl’s world. This popular story became
what he likes. Each time we are told about events
the first of several successful titles featuring the
in her life, we see what is also happening in the
hippopotamus eating cake.
life of the hippopotamus. Although she tells
Katrina Germain • Bronwyn Bancroft, ill.
Big Rain Coming
Penguin, 2002 • ISBN 9780143500452
Katrina Germain was a teacher at Minyerri, a
effective use of colour and imagery on double
remote Aboriginal community in the Northern
page spreads provides a wonderful narrative
Territory. This setting provides the dynamic
that children enjoy. Bronwyn Bancroft weaves
landscape for this highly visual picture book.
the Aboriginal Dreamtime Serpent through the
Everyone is waiting for rain! The vivid illustrations
book emphasising the Aboriginal heritage; a
depict the flora, fauna and the human
strong bond with the land and the environment.
population. We follow the children in their daily
The book concludes with a celebration of the
life waiting each day for the promised rain.
coming of the rain, beautiful imagery of the cycle
Simple text combine with amazing illustrations
of the seasons.
the world through picture book • books from australia • 143
Sheena Knowles • Rod Clement, ill.
Edward the Emu
Harper Collins, 1998 • ISBN 9780207170515
Tired of his life as an emu, Edward decides to try
rhyming text that children love. Clear white
being something else for a change. He seems to
background and animal faces that capture the
enjoy swimming with the seals, lounging with
humorous spirit of the text gives this book appeal
the lions and slithering with the snakes. Edward
across a range of readers. Discover with Edward
discovers that being an emu may be the best
that just being your self can be rewarding
thing after all. The wonderful witty illustrations
by Rod Clement compliment the wonderful
Pamela Allen
Who Sank the Boat?
Penguin, 1988 • ISBN 9780140509403
One warm sunny morning, a donkey, a cow,
have the knowledge, or do they? With simple
a pig, a sheep, and a tiny little mouse, decide
clear illustrations as each animal enters the boat
to go for a row in a boat... This book is always
this multi-layered book introduces children to
recognised by children and parents each time it
the concept of cause and effect. The illustrated
is read aloud at story time sessions. The great
endpapers establish a clear beginning and end
repetitive text question gets children involved,
to the story.
and answering! Children love to know that they
Jackie French
Pete the Sheep
Harper Collins, 2004 • ISBN 9780207199745
While other shearers have sheep dogs Sean
when they too also attracted to town. The other
the shearer owns Pete. Pete is a sheep- sheep.
shearers seek out and demand their dogs back,
The other shearers wearing traditional blue
but Sean needs help with his booming new
singlets roust their dogs into action but Sean and
business. Bruce Whatley captures the humour in
Pete use different methods. Tempers are raised
this quirky Australian rural story. The illustrations
because the shearers hate change. Rejected at
of the sheep and dog hairstyles brilliantly
the farm, Sean and Pete head to town to start
parody contemporary fashions and compliment
Sean’s Sheep Saloon. Successful with their sheep
the woolly characters created by French.
customers Sean even styles the sheep dogs
Alison Lester
Magic Beach
Allen & Unwin, 2004 • ISBN 9781742373126
What kind of things do you do at your beach?
use our imagination to turn an ordinary day
Do you ride sea horse waves and find treasure
at the beach into something extraordinary and
on the sand? Can you swim underwater
magical. Alison’s captivating illustrations and
with the dolphins and catch sharks off the
rhyming text inspire the readers to explore
jetty? Well known Australian author and 2013
beyond what they actually see and create
Children’s Laureate Alison Lester invites us to
a ‘magic’ beach of their own.
the world through picture books • 144
Shaun Tan
The Lost Thing
Hodder Children’s, 2010 • ISBN 9780734411389
A boy befriends a strange looking creature while
crafted story of belonging and acceptance.
walking along the beach and tries to find out
The book is superbly illustrated with each page
just what the creature is and where it comes
drawing the reader in with its intricate and
from. His parents can’t help him solve the puzzle
unusual images. Readers find something new
so he goes into the city to see if he can find the
each time they turn a page. The story was made
creature’s home. Along the way he comes to
into a 15 minute animated short film and won
discover something about himself and the way
numerous awards including the 2011 Academy
others sometimes treat those who are a little
Award for Best Animated Short Film.
bit different to themselves. This is a beautifully
Ahn Do and Suzanne Do • Bruce Whatley, ill.
The Little Refugee
Allen & Unwin, 2011 • ISBN 9781742378329
The Little Refugee chronicles Ahn Do’s journey with
introduces children to social realism including
his family from Vietnam to Australia after the
political struggle from a child’s perspective. Bruce
end of the Vietnam War and is both inspirational
Whatley’s beautiful illustrations support the
and heart warming. The family’s escape by boat
text with intuitive understanding and provide
was fraught with dangers and their eventual
a wonderful visual backdrop for this amazing
arrival and resettlement in Australia is portrayed
true story.
with humility and gentle humour. This book
the world through picture books • 145
Books from
Contact: Marie France Genest
The “Association des Bibliothèques publiques du Québec” in collaboration with
“Bibliothèques de Montréal” asked librarians from all around Quebec to choose
their top ten favourite picture books of all time. A selection committee of nine
children’s librarians came together to analyse the top choices derived from the
survey and decide upon the top ten picture books which are recommended for
children all around the world.
Ginette Anfousse
La Chicane [The Fight]
La Courte échelle, 2009 • ISBN 978-2-89651-103-7
First published in 1978 and now available in
Un classique de la littérature québécoise pour la
several languages, this story has become a classic
jeunesse, publié originalement en 1978 et qui met en
in Quebec. The title of the story ‘la chicane’ is
scène une fille très dynamique Jiji, et son Pichou, bébé
a unique Quebec French expression meaning a
tamanoir chéri. Jiji est très en colère contre son ami
quarrel. In this story, Jiji, who is known for her
Cloclo Tremblay. Il a osé toucher à son Pichou chéri !
outspoken personality throughout the series ‘My
C’est une grosse « chicane » comme on dit au Québec.
friend Pichou’, is very upset with her friend Cloclo
Une chicane est une très grosse dispute.
for daring to pet her baby aardvark Pichou. Will
Est-ce que c’est la fin d’une amitié entre les
she ever forgive him? An amusing picture book
deux enfants ?
that touches on the importance of friendship.
Un album drôle et touchant qui ne vieillit pas.
Danielle Simard • Geneviève Côté, ill.
La Petite rapporteuse de mots [The Little Word Catcher]
Les 400 Coups, 2007 • ISBN 9-78-2-895-401-483
Elise’s grandmother has an illness that is making
La grand-mère d’Élise souffre d’une maladie qui lui
her lose her words. Naturally, Elise tries to bring
fait perdre ses mots. Tout naturellement, l’enfant
them back to her. What if grandma’s words are
les lui rapporte. Mais s’ils étaient simplement usés,
not lost, but simply used up? Or what if grandma
plutôt que perdus? Ou si mamie les donnait à sa
is giving her words to Elise which would explain
petite-fille et ne pouvait alors plus les utiliser ? Autant
why she can’t use them anymore? This book
de manières pour l’enfant de s’expliquer la maladie
introduces ways in which children might explain
d’Alzheimer. Une tendre histoire sur l’immense amour
Alzheimer’s disease to themselves. This tender
qui unit la petite à sa grand-maman, et qui se déploie
story focuses on the love between grandmother
en douceur dans des illustrations aux teintes pastel
and grandchild and the soft, pastel illustrations
tout en transparence, faisant écho aux mots qui
successfully represent the words that are slowly
s’effacent peu à peu de la mémoire. Un texte où poésie
being erased from grandma’s memory.
et naïveté charment sans lourdeur.
the world through picture books • books from quebec (canada) • 146
Élise Gravel
La Clé à mollette [The Wrench]
La Courte échelle, 2012 • ISBN 978-2-896-951-826
Bob breaks a wheel on his tricycle and in order to
Bob, un étrange animal rose, brise la roue de son
fix it, he needs a wrench. Since his own wrench
tricycle et pour le réparer il a besoin de sa clé
is nowhere to be found, he decides to go to the
à molette. Comme il ne la trouve pas, il se rend chez
Mégamart department store where he comes
Mégamart, un immense magasin à rayons. Là-bas,
across so many amazing, incredible tools that
il se laisse séduire par plusieurs produits plus inutiles
he completely forgets about buying his wrench.
les uns que les autres jusqu’à n’avoir plus d’argent
When he returns home, he realizes that not
pour acheter le précieux outil. Comment Bob résoudra-
only has he has forgotten to buy his wrench, he
t-il son problème ? Dans cet album, qui aborde la
now has no money left over to buy it. How will
surconsommation de manière comique, on retrouve
he fix his bike? This story addresses the topic of
avec bonheur les illustrations toujours originales
overconsumption in an age-appropriate manner.
et colorées d’Élise Gravel.
Marie-Louise Gay
Stella, étoile de la mer [Stella, star of the sea]
Saint-Dominique et compagnie, 1999 • ISBN 2-895-512-0749
While spending the day at sea for the first time,
Se promenant pour la toute première fois au bord de
Sasha has many questions for his big sister Stella
la mer, Sacha interroge sa sœur Stella sur l’origine des
about sea-shells, fish and sea-horses. Sasha
étoiles de mer, des coquillages et des poissons. Sacha
wants to know everything about the ocean
veut tout connaître et, par chance, Stella sait tout ! Cet
and luckily, Stella has all the answers. Marie-
album, ancré dans la réalité, pose les grandes questions
Louise Gay, who has become one of the most
que les tout-petits se posent. Marie-Louise Gay, une
internationally recognized author-illustrators,
des auteures jeunesse les plus appréciées et reconnues
has created a magical story filled with bright,
à l’échelle internationale, a su créer un univers
vibrant watercolours. This story was awarded the
empreint de poésie et de magie remplie d’illustrations
Mr Christie’s book prize and the Ruth Schwartz
lumineuses. Elle a reçu, pour ce livre, le Prix du livre
award in 2000.
M. Christie et le Prix Ruth Schwartz en l’an 2000.
Dominique Demers • Stéphane Poulin, ill.
Vieux Thomas et la petite fée [Old Thomas and the little fairy]
Dominique et compagnie, 2000 • ISBN 2-895-512-1389
Winner of several children’s literature prizes,
Lauréat de plusieurs prix littéraires, Vieux Thomas
this story brings together two extraordinary
et la petite fée rassemblent un duo de créateurs
characters. Children are introduced to a crabby,
exceptionnels. Les illustrations à couper le souffle de
old fisherman named Thomas whose life changes
Stéphane Poulin donnent vie au texte poétique de
when finding a little fairy washed up onto shore.
Dominique Demers, nous offrant un récit magnifique
The breathtaking illustrations bring to life a
et émouvant, empreint de merveilleux et porteur
wonderful story which is a magical tale full of
d’une grande douceur. « Vieux Thomas était en
love and wonder. ‘’Old Thomas was angry at the
colère contre le monde entier. Un soir qu’il arpentait
whole world. One evening when he was pacing
la plage en lançant des injures aux étoiles et aux
the beach and shouting insults at the stars and
vagues, il découvrit une fillette minuscule échouée
the waves, he discovered a tiny little girl who had
sur le sable... »
been washed up on the sand…’’
the world through picture books • books from quebec (canada) • 147
Lili Chartrand • Rogé, ill.
Le Gros monstre qui aimait trop lire [Taming Horrible Harry]
Dominique et compagnie, 2005 • ISBN 978-2-895-124-542
A horrible monster who lives in the woods scares
Le Gros monstre qui aimait trop lire raconte
away anyone who dares to enter the forest.
l’histoire d’un affreux monstre qui vit dans la forêt et
One day, he finds a little girl reading by a tree
qui s’amuse à terroriser les gens en poussant de gros
trunk. After scaring her off, he realizes that in her
hurlements. Un jour, il croise une jeune fille qui est
fright, she has left her book behind. The horrible
fascinée par l’histoire d’un livre, et il doit s’y prendre
monster, with his newfound book, quickly learns
à deux reprises pour réussir à la faire fuir. Elle laisse
how to read. He becomes so fascinated with
son livre derrière elle. Le gros monstre, le livre entre
reading books, that he forgets to scare people
ses mains, apprend rapidement à lire et prend goût
away from the woods. However, isn’t a monster’s
à la lecture au point d’oublier de hurler à l’approche
job to scare people? Is the joy of reading the
d’un humain dans la forêt. Mais le devoir d’un monstre
reason why monsters don’t scare humans
n’est-il pas d’effrayer les gens, non de lire des livres ? Le
anymore? Children and parents alike will enjoy
plaisir de la lecture serait-elle la raison pour laquelle les
this colourfully illustrated tale.
monstres ne font plus peur aux humains, de nos jours ?
Melanie Watt
Frisson l’écureuil [Scaredy Squirrel]
Scholastic, 2006 • ISBN 978-043-994-0474
Scaredy Squirrel is petrified of leaving his beloved
Frisson est un adorable écureuil qui redoute plus
tree in fear of the unknown. Tarantulas, poison
que tout de quitter son arbre et d’affronter l’inconnu.
ivy, aliens and killer bees are only some of the
Les tarentules, l’herbe à puce, les extraterrestres et les
things Scaredy suspects could be waiting for him
abeilles meurtrières sont autant de choses dont Frisson
away from his home. As a result, he has made
a peur. Il s’est donc constitué un horaire routinier sans
himself a minute-by-minute schedule to follow,
risques, une trousse d’urgence et un plan d’évacuation.
an emergency kit and an evacuation plan. One
Un jour, en faisant le guet dans son arbre, Frisson
day, while keeping watch, Scaredy spots a killer
aperçoit une abeille meurtrière. Il panique et laisse
bee! He panics and drops his emergency kit !
tomber sa trousse! En plongeant pour la rattraper,
What will he do ? This first book from the Scaredy
il fait face à une situation nouvelle et inconnue.
Squirrel series is perfect for young children who
Ce n’est pas si terrible ! Depuis sa sortie, l’écureuil
are facing scary, unknown situations for the first
a conquis les cœurs avec ses illustrations simples et
time. The simple, colourful illustrations that are
colorées, son style télégraphique et son exagération
used throughout the series further enhance the
hilarante. C’est le premier album d’une série qui relate
hilarious adventures of Scaredy Squirrel.
les aventures de Frisson. Un album parfait pour
les petits qui ont peur de l’inconnu.
Louis Émond • Philippe Béha, ill.
Le Monde de Théo [The World of Theo]
Hurtubise, 2011 • ISBN 978-2-89-647-4394
Theo is alone in the world after surviving a
Théo est seul au monde, le seul survivant d’un
disaster that has wiped out everyone on Earth.
événement catastrophique ayant décimé la Terre
One day, he decides to go on an adventure to
entière. Un jour, alors que sa solitude lui pèse plus
look for another person to keep him company.
qu’à l’habitude, il décide de partir à la recherche d’une
He builds a flying machine out of used parts and
autre personne. Il construit une machine volante avec
begins his voyage. This story touches on the
des pièces usagées. Et c’est le début d’un long voyage.
themes of solitude, hope and perseverance and
Théo est une fable moderne sur la solitude, l’espoir
warns the reader of the impact of human nature
et la persévérance. L’album met en garde contre
in a subtle and successful manner. The wonderful
les ravages causés par l’humain à l’environnement
illustrations loaded with vibrant colours do well
de façon subtile et réussie. Les illustrations exquises
to contrast the devastated world in which Theo
aux couleurs vives contrastent avec le monde dévasté
lives. The open ending allows for interpretation
dans lequel Théo vit. L’album, avec sa fin ouverte,
and can lead to many discussions.
laisse place à l’interprétation et aux discussions.
the world through picture books • books from quebec (canada) • 148
Dominique Jolin
Attends une minute! [Wait one minute!]
Les 400 Coups, 1999 • ISBN 978-289-540-4392
Camilien is very thirsty so he asks his mother
Camilien a très soif. Il demande un verre d’eau
for a glass of water. ‘’One minute!’’ responds
à sa mère.
his mother. While he is waiting, hisimagination
« Attends une minute ! » lui répond sa mère. Il doit
begins to run wild and he pretends that he is
patienter, mais son imagination, elle, s’envole dans
being attacked by monsters, then he finds himself
le désert, sur un bateau volant, dans un aquarium
flying in the sky attached to a pirate boat before
et pour finir dans une mer peuplée de monstres.
being trapped in an aquarium, among other
Quelle aventure!
creative scenarios. What an adventure - all in
Un texte rythmé, drôle avec des illustrations originales,
what seems to be a very long minute! A simple,
colorées et expressives.
funny picture book with colourful and expressive
Un classique de notre littérature, réédité depuis 1999,
illustrations that is sure to amuse children and
a fait rire bien des enfants et leurs parents.
their parents. A classic, always in print since 1999.
Marianne Dubuc
Devant ma maison [In front of my house]
La Courte Échelle, 2010 • ISBN 978-2-89-651-2751
A circular story that begins and ends in front of
Un imagier pas comme les autres! Un voyage
a tiny house. This inventive tale takes the reader
à travers une maison, un environnement rassurant
on a voyage that explores everyday items in a
pour le tout-petit, mais combien aussi mystérieux.
creative way, especially with the discovery of a
Sous le lit, un livre de contes égaré permet la rencontre
fairy tale book hidden under the bed ! The pencil
de plusieurs personnages connus des enfants :
crayon illustrations and simple text work well
princesses, pirates, loups et bien d’autres. Le plaisir de
to create anticipation and keep children guessing
l’album pour le jeune enfant réside dans l’anticipation
as they wonder what will be hiding behind the
de ce qui se cache derrière les objets qu’il rencontre
next object. A mysterious adventure perfect
tout le long du livre.
for younger children who enjoy using their
Les illustrations, dessinées à crayon de bois, donnent
une vie poétique à cette mystérieuse promenade
du quotidien et de l’imaginaire.
the world through picture books • books from quebec (canada) • 149
Books from
Contact: Edem K. Adjeoda
This choice of picture books was made by all the members of “LIRE Togo”.
“LIRE Togo” is a network of libraries located in the Lomé – the capital – area,
and its goal is the promotion of reading in Togo, among children and young
adults but also among the general public, without any distinction of age,
sex or religious beliefs.
“Lecture et Information en Réseau pour l’Education au Togo (LIRE)
Togo” (liretogo.org) brings together seven libraries : STEJ (Sainte Thérèse
de l’Enfant Jésus), CKJ (Club Kisito Jeunesse), Étoile, Akplanu, Mytronunya,
CCL (Centre Culturel Loyola) and Maison des Jeunes of Maison TV5 Monde.
The list of picture books starts with the most voted for and reflects the
preferences of young readers of the seven libraries in the network, which
organized activities so that children could vote.
Some of the chosen books, such as Le Caïman sacré and Le Bon, la bourse
et le corrompu, reflect, in a way, Togoleses’ realities, our own realities.
Folika • Maxime Adoko, ill.
Akuété mon frère [Akuété my brother]
Graines de pensées, Ruisseaux d’Afrique, 2008 • ISBN 978-2-916101-13-2 and 978-99919-63-35-8
Akuété never parts from the statuette of Akuélé,
Akuélé ne se sépare jamais de la statuette de Akuété,
his twin brother who is dead. One day, his
son frère jumeau aujourd’hui décédé. Un jour, ses
parents take him for the first time to his home
parents décident de lui faire connaître son village
town, for the harvest feast. But on the way there,
d’origine où a lieu la fête des moissons. Mais en cours
the statuette mysteriously disappears. After the
de route, la statuette disparaît mystérieusement.
story, information is given on the cult of twins –
Dossier sur le culte des jumeaux, abordé ici plus
in particular regarding the Kabyè people in North
particulièrement chez les Kabyè du nord Togo, mais
Togo – which is widely spread in all the Gulf of
répandu dans tout le golfe de Guinée. Le thème du
Guinea. The cult of twins is the theme of picture
culte des jumeaux est présent également dans des
books from Ivory Coast too.
albums ivoiriens.
the world through picture books • books from togo • 150
Koffivi Assem • KanAd, ill.
Haïti mon amour [Haiti my love]
Ago, 2012 • ISBN 979-10-91810-00-6
P’tit Filou, a street child, survives peacefully
P’tit Filou, un enfant de rue, survit paisiblement dans
near a big market in Port-au-Prince. After the
les environs d’un grand marché de Port-au-Prince.
big earthquake on January 12, 2010, P’tit Filou
Après le grand tremblement de terre du 12 janvier
is kidnapped by a journalist wishing to offer
2010, P’tit Filou est kidnappé par un journaliste qui
him a chance for a better life, and sent on a
veut lui donner la chance d’une vie meilleure, et mis
boat to the USA, together with other children,
dans un bateau à destination des États-Unis, afin
to be adopted. A tragedy occurs that makes the
d’être adopté. Mais une tragédie survient, qui pousse
journalist understand the cruelty of his actions
le reporter à comprendre la cruauté de son action
even if they were well-intentioned. The last
pourtant motivée par les meilleurs intentions. Cette
pages of this graphic novel offer information
bande dessinée est suivi d’un dossier documentaire
on Haiti (geography, history, demographics).
sur Haïti (géographie, histoire, démographie).
Fabrice Alawoé, Koffivi Assem • KanAd, ill.
Le Bon, la bourse et le corrompu [The Good man, the grant
and the corrupted man]
Ago, 2013 • ISBN 979-10-90810-04-4
Kodjo, a radio presenter, an honest person, has
Kodjo, un animateur de radio intègre vient de gagner
obtained a grant for a training course in Candada.
une bourse pour un stage de perfectionnement au
But when he tries to complete the formalities
Canada, Mais quand il veut faire toutes les formalités
for his trip, he comes across an implacable world
nécessaires à son voyage, il se heurte à un monde
where bribery is almost mandatory, and then…
implacable où les pots-de-vin sont quasi obligatoires,
what is wrong with handing out some bank notes
et puis... Quel mal y a t’il à distribuer quelques billets
in order to be well served, and fast? A graphic
de banques pour être vite et bien servi ? Une bande
novel about corruption.
dessinée sur le thème de la corruption.
Fousséni Mamah • Kokou Tongnévi, ill.
Le Soleil et l’Épervier [The Sun and the Sparrowhawk]
Graines de pensées, Éburnie, 2013 • ISBN 978-2-916-01-44-16 and 978-2-84770-181-4
The Sparrowhawk agrees to lend money to
Par gentillesse et avec l’assurance d’être remboursé
the Sun on the promise that he will be paid
à la prochaine lune, l’Épervier accepte de prêter de
back when the next moon comes. But the Sun
l’argent au Soleil. Seulement ce dernier n’honore pas
does not fulfill his promise. The Cock helps
sa promesse. Le Coq donne à l’Épervier le moyen de
the Sparrowhawk to meet the Sun, but the
rencontrer le Soleil en lui faisant promettre de ne pas
Sparrowhawk must promise not to say how he
révéler comment il a su l’heure idéale de visite. Encore
knew the exact time when he could meet the
une promesse qui ne sera pas tenue : l’Épervier avoue
Sun. Yet another promise that is not fulfilled: the
qu’il a été aidé par le Coq... Une histoire pour expliquer
Sparrowhawk admits that he was helped by the
pourquoi l’Épervier est devenu le plus grand danger
Cock. A story to explain why the Sparrowhawk
pour le Coq mais aussi pour dire qu’« il faut continuer
became dangerous to the Cock, but also to say
à faire le bien même si on récolte l’ingratitude ».
that one must go on acting well even when one
meets with ingratitude.
the world through picture books • books from togo • 151
Koffivi Assem • KanAd, ill.
Un intrus dans mon takyiènta [An intruder in my takyiènta]
Graines de pensées, Ruisseaux d’Afrique, 2008 • ISBN 978-99919-63-34-1 and 978-99919-63-34-1
On a very hot night, N’Tcha dreams of a strange
Par une nuit de forte chaleur, N’Tcha rêve d’un
snake. Awakening suddenly he realises that the
étrange serpent… Réveillé brutalement, il réalise qu’un
snake is his pillow. The household is soon up in
serpent lui sert réellement d’oreiller. La maisonnée
arms but N’Tcha’s father welcomes the snake
est rapidement sur le pied de guerre mais son père
in a very unexpected way. A good nocturnal and
accueille le serpent de manière tout à fait inattendue…
dream-like atmosphere, in ochre tones. The last
Belle ambiance nocturne et onirique avec des
pages are dedicated to the Battãmmariba people
illustrations, dans des tons brun. Le dossier final est
in Togo and Benin, explaining their way of life,
consacré aux Battãmmariba du Togo et du Bénin et
their cult of the female snake and their “tatas”,
explique leur mode de vie, leur culte du serpent femelle,
earth-built fortresses.
ou encore leurs « tatas », forteresses en terre.
Tchotcho Ékué • Kokou Tongnévi, ill.
Djanta [Djanta]
Graines de pensées, Éburnie, 2013 • ISBN 978-2-916101-43-9 and 978-2-84770-184-5
The hero of this picture book is not a conqueror
Le héros de cet album n’est pas un roi de la savane
king but a lonely lion, no longer young, in search
conquérant, mais un lion bien seul, plus tout à fait
of a wife. True, he charms some ravishing females
jeune, parti à la recherche d’une épouse. Certes,
– gazelle, doe, hyena, snake, panther… – but
il séduit tour à tour de charmantes femelles – gazelle,
none of them wants him, and at last he meets a
biche, hyène, vipère, panthère… – mais aucune ne veut
young lioness as lonely as himself. In a repetitive
de lui jusqu’à ce qu’enfin il rencontre une jeune lionne
structure, each stage in the lion’s quest is an
tout aussi solitaire. Dans cette structure en randonnée,
excuse for speeches, reflections, great ideas
chaque étape de la quête du lion – histoire dans
that meet defiance every time. The author (also
l’histoire – est prétexte à discours, réflexions, idées
publisher) uses a lively style, rich vocabulary,
formidables chaque fois remises en cause. L’auteure
enumeration, alliteration, and offers an alert
et éditrice livre dans un style très vivant, travaillé,
tale that, through disappointment and regrets,
au riche vocabulaire jouant sur les énumérations, les
is full of wisdom and finally, is crowned by love.
allitérations, un conte alerte, non dénué d’humour qui
As the two lions are lonely because their lives
entraîne le lecteur dans un parcours, de déconvenues
are threatened, the story highlights the need for
en regrets, qui s’avère plein de sagesse et finalement
respect of sacred things, of nature and of the
couronné par l’amour. Au passage (nos deux lions
species that must be protected.
sont solitaires parce que menacés), il livre aussi
une réflexion sur le respect des choses sacrées,
de la nature, la protection des espèces.
Messan Agbopletou • Adamah Hanvi, ill.
Le Caïman sacré [The Sacred Caiman]
Graines de pensées, Ruisseaux d’Afrique, 2008 • ISBN 978-99919-63-33-4 and 978-2-916101-12-5
Because King Akuamu is very cruel, the Adan
Parce que le roi Akuamu est très cruel, le peuple Adan
people decide to find a new homeland. But their
décide de chercher une nouvelle terre d’accueil. Mais sa
march is soon stopped by a gigantic river. The
marche est bien vite arrêtée par un gigantesque fleuve.
crossing will be possible thanks to a miraculous
Sa traversée sera rendue possible grâce à un pont
bridge made of tree trunks – in fact, caymans,
miraculeux de troncs d’arbres - en réalité des caïmans
to which a cult is born, in acknowledgment for
auxquels un culte sera rendu, en remerciement du
their help. This legend of the Adan people living
passage. Cette légende du peuple Adan, qui vit au Sud
in South Ghana, Togo and Benin, is completed
du Ghana, du Togo et du Bénin, est complétée par
by some pages of information on the cult of the
un dossier sur le culte du caïman sacré. D’autres titres
sacred cayman. Other titles in this collection
de la collection Cauris d’or, co-édité au Togo et au
Cauris d’or, co-published in Togo and Benin,
Bénin, proposent des fictions intéressantes complétées
provide interesting fiction with a supplement
de dossiers autour de traditions culturelles.
on cultural traditions.
the world through picture books • books from togo • 152
Asim • KamAd, ill.
À la recherche de ses origines [Looking for his origins]
Graines de pensées, Ruisseaux d’Afrique, 2008 • ISBN 978-2-916101- 14-9 and 978-99919-63-36-5
A young boy survives a car accident and is taken
Un jeune enfant rescapé d’un accident de la route
in by nuns who bring him up with affection. But
est recueilli par des religieuses qui l’élèvent avec
Alfredo, as he is named by the nuns, wants to
affection; mais Alfredo, comme on l’a nommé, veut
know his origins. He will find them thanks to the
connaître ses origines. Il les retrouvera grâce à la
photograph that was in his small suitcase, of an
photo qui se trouvait dans sa petite valise, d’un vieil
old man with scars on his face. A beautiful story,
homme au visage scarifié. Une belle histoire, touchante
touching but discreet, revealing Togo realities,
mais pudique, imprégnée des réalités togolaises, que
enhanced by illustration. Excellent information
l’illustration très présente accompagne et enrichit.
pages at the end, on scarring practices of the
Excellent dossier documentaire illustré en fin de
Battãmmariba people in North Togo.
volume sur les scarifications chez es Battãmmariba
du nord Togo.
Fousséni Mamah • Kokou Tongnévi, ill.
La Lune et le soleil [The Moon and the Sun]
Graines de Pensées, Éburnie, 2013 • ISBN 978-2-916101-45-3 and 978-2-84770-182-1
Long, long ago, the Moon and the Sun lived side
Dans des temps très reculés, la Lune et le Soleil
by side, each of them so much attracted by the
vivaient côte à côte, chacun tellement attiré par le
aroma of the other’s cuisine that, as they never
fumet de la cuisine de l’autre que, ne s’invitant jamais
invited each other, they tasted the other’s meals
à partager leurs repas, ils les goûtaient en piochant
by digging left-overs. This situation lasted until
dans leurs restes respectifs. Ce manège dura jusqu’au
one day, the Sun tricked the Moon, emprisoned
jour où le Soleil piégea la Lune, l’emprisonna, et
her and bothered her so much that she fled up
la molesta si bien qu’elle s’enfuit haut dans le ciel.
to the sky. Not to be undone, the Sun also went
Pour ne pas être en reste, le Soleil se rendit également
up to the sky, but even higher… which explains
dans le ciel mais encore plus haut... ce qui explique
the reason of the position of the Moon and
la raison du positionnement de la Lune et du Soleil
the Sun in the sky.
dans l’espace..
the world through picture books • books from togo • 153
Books from
Contact: Muhittin Gurbuz
The co-ordination of the top ten picture books for Turkey was undertaken by
Muhittin Gurbuz. Initially, information about the project was sent to 12 major
publishers, the Turkish Publishers Association, the Writers Union of Turkey
and an author asking them to choose their top ten books. Unfortunately
the majority did not respond, although a list was received from Bitlis Public
Library. Then a search for the titles was carried out in bookshops and online in
order to look at them, to verify if they were eligible, and to check if they were
in stock. A list of 100 nominated picture books made up from mutiple voted
titles was drawn up. These were a combination of classics and interesting
contemporary authors and illustrators. An electronic voting form was sent
with the information to all librarians who work at university, public, and school
libraries. The form was also made available across Turkey in discussion-groups
and posted on the Internet via blogs and Facebook groups. Turkish children’s
classical books have been the most preferred by librarians. Two books written
by the same author (Behiç Ak) were choosen for the top ten list. One of the
books was eliminated and replaced with another book (Bahçıvan Köstebek ve
Uçan Karınca Kıvırcık), a prize winner in the 2010 Tudem Literature Awards called
“Write, Draw, Paint. Greeting to the Books!”. The final list consists of titles that
both met the IFLA criteria and got the largest number of votes. In addition, the
books included in the top ten list for Turkey were chosen for inclusion because
they feature Turkey and/or its diverse culture, and also universal values such as
friendship, love, family, etc. General information has also been included in the
reviews. The books are listed starting from the highest voted.
the world through picture books • books from turkey • 154
Melike Günyüz, Buket Topakoğlu • Ceyhun Şen, ill.
Keloğlan Suskunlar Ülkesinde [Keloglan is in the Land of Silent]
Sedir, 2013 • ISBN 9786058628403
Keloğlan is the most famous and the favourite
something at the same time? An entertaining
person of Turkish children’s tales. Keloğlan is a
fairy-tale about friendship, freedom and kindness…
hero who lives with his poor mother and who
works in order to earn his living. Also he is a hero
Keloğlan, Türk Çocuk Masalları arasında çok sevilen,
who finds practical solutions to the problems
meşhur bir kişidir. O, fakir annesiyle birlikte yaşayan
and who achieves his goal in the end. Keloğlan is
ve hayatını kazanmak için çalışan bir kahramandır.
hardworking, determined, decisive, active, strong,
Ayrıca, sorunlara pratik çözümler bulan ve nihai hedefi
sworn enemy of injustice and the powerful
başarmak olan bir kahramandır. Keloğlan çok çalışkan,
defender of nature. He can have an optimistic
azimli, kararlı, aktif, güçlü, haksızlığın ezeli düşmanı ve
point of view even in the hardest situations.
doğuştan mücadelecidir. En zor durumlarda bile olumlu
He can smile, never stops laughing and singing.
düşünmeyi elden bırakmaz. Yüzünden gülümsemeyi
He never forgets about his mother, always
ve şarkı söylemeyi hiç ihmal etmez. Annesini hiç ihmal
helps his friends. In this book, one day Keloğlan’s
etmez, arkadaşlarına daima yardım eder. Bu kitapta,
Mother gave a book into his hand. This was the
bir gün anası Keloğlan’ın eline bir kitap verir. Bu,
only legacy his father had left him before he died.
rahmetli babasından ona kalan tek mirastır. Kitabı
Opening the book with curiosity, Keloğlan found
merakla açan Keloğlan, içinde ilginç bir harita ve bir
in it an interesting map and a message as well:
de not bulur: “Oğlum bu benim sana bırakabildiğim
‘My Son, the book is the only legacy that I could
tek hazine.Onun sahibi sensin. Nasıl istersen öyle
leave you. Only to you does this belong. Spend it
harca. Ama dikkat et de harcadıkça kazan. “Keloğlan
however you please. But take care that you gain
babasının bu bilmece gibi satırını tekrar tekrar okur.
something as you spend.” Keloğlan read these
“Harcadıkça kazan, harcadıkça kazan...” Düşünür
riddle-like words over and over. “Gain something
durur kafası olur bir kazan... Hem harcayıp hem nasıl
as you spend…” The more he pondered, the more
kazanır ki insan? Arkadaşlık, özgürlük ve yardımseverlik
he wondered… How could you spend and gain
hakkında eğlenceli bir masal...
Suat Karadağ • Mustafa Koç, ill.
Karagöz ile Hacivat [Karagoz and Hacivat]
Damla, 2008 • ISBN 9789753813676
Karagoz and Hacivat are an integral part of
Karagöz ve Hacivat Türk Kültürü’nün ayrılmaz bir
Turkish Culture. Karagoz and Hacivat are the
parçasıdır. Karagöz ve Hacivat, Osmanlı dönemi
lead characters of the traditional Turkish shadow
boyunca halka malolmuş geleneksel Türk Gölge
play, popularized during the Ottoman period.
Oyunu’nun önde gelen karakterlerindendir. Oyunların
The central theme of the play is the contrasting
ana temasını iki temel karakter arasındaki zıtlık
interaction between the two main characters.
üzerine kurulan etkileşim oluşturmaktadır. Birbirlerinin
They are perfect foils for each other: Karagoz
işine ustalıkla engel olurlar: Karagöz okuma yazma
represents the illiterate straightforward people,
bilmeyen ama açık sözlü, buna karşılık Hacivat eğitimli
whereas Hacivat belongs to the educated class,
sınıftan, Osmanlı Türkçesi konuşan, edebi ve şiirsel
speaking Ottoman Turkish and using a poetical
bir dil kullanır. Karagöz Türk köylü sınıfında daha çok
and literary language. Karagoz is definitely
popüler olmaya niyetlenmiş olmasına rağmen, aynı
intended to be the more popular character; he
zamanda patavatsız, daima yenilgiyle sonuçlanan,
always outdoes Hacivat’s superior education with
kandırmaca ile dolu entrikalarından hiç vazgeçmez.
his “native wit.” He is also very impulsive and his
Hacivat, Karagöz’ü ehlileştirmeye devam eder ama bu
never ending get-rich-quick schemes always
çabasında hiç ilerleme sağlayamaz. Karagöz dünya
results in failure. Hacivat continually attempts
genelinde çok meşhur bir gölge kukla oyunudur. En
to “domesticate” Karagoz, but never makes
önemli Türk Çocuk Klasikleri arasında yer alan bu
progress. Karagoz is a shadow puppet play, very
kitap, altı hikâyeden oluşmaktadır. Gölge oyunu
famous all over the world. The book consists of
konusunda çocukların anlayabileceği hikâyelerle
six short stories so that children can understand
desteklenerek rengârenk bir masal kitabı yapılmış.
about shadow play.
the world through picture books • books from turkey • 155
Melike Günyüz • Ceyhun Şen, ill.
Nasrettin Hoca ve Cimri Komşunun Hikâyesi
[The Story of Nasrettin Hodja and Stingy Neighbour]
Sedir, 2013 • ISBN 9786058628427
Nasrettin Hodja is one of the most loved and
Nasrettin Hoca, sadece Türliye’de değil, aynı zamanda
celebrated personalities not only of Turkey but
Orta Doğu’da da çok sevilen, meşhur bir kişidir. Hoca,
of the entire Middle East as well. Ever since early
çocukluğundan beri güldüren kişiliğinin yanı sıra, çok
childhood, Nasrettin Hodja was reputed to be
zeki ve kurnaz biri olarak da tanınmıştır. O’nun her
very clever, cunning, as well as humorous. He
duruma karşı hem komik hem de ders veren bir cevabı
seemed to have an answer for every situation
olmuştur. Dürüstlük ve yalınlık üzerine kurulu, mutlu
that was not only comical but also had a note of
bir hayat yaşamaya çalışmıştır. Özlü sözler olarak dile
encouragement. He tried to live a happy life of
getirilen bu hikâyelerin sonundaki ifadeler, Hoca’yı
honesty and simplicity. Nasrettin Hodja’s strories
nüktenin ustası yapmıştır. Zekice yaptığı şakalarla iyi
are told in succinct popular epigrams. It is obvious
bir konuşmacı olduğunu da göstermiştir. Nasrettin
that Hodja was a witty man, had a sense of humor
Hoca Masalları, en önemli Türk Çocuk Klasikleri
and was a good conversationalist. Nasrettin
arasında yer almaktadır. Bu kitap Nasrettin Hoca ile
Hodja’s tales are one of the most important
cimri komşusu arasında geçen olayları işlemektedir.
Turkish children’s classics. The book is about a
Hoca’nın bir komşusu varmış. Aynı bahçeye
man named Nasrettin Hodja and his neighbour.
bakıyormuş evleri. Bu sebeple Hoca’nın evine giren
Hodja’s front door is opposite his neighbour’s front
çıkan herkesten ve herşeyden haberi oluyormuş. Hoca
door with a small garden in-between. Therefore
yeni bir eşya alınca daha kendisi kullanmadan komşu
the neighbour knew whenever anybody visited
kapıyı çalıp ödünç istiyormuş. Eve yiyecek bir şey
Hodja and every time he had anything delivered
gelince daha Hoca’nın evinde sofra kurulmadan komşu
by somebody. One day a delivery brought food
kapıyı çalıyormuş. Hoca cömert olduğu için eşyasını
to Hodja’s home, but before Hodja had time to
ve yemeğini paylaşırmış. Sonunda Hoca zekâsıyla
eat any lunch or dinner his neighbour rang the
komşusuna cimriliğini hatırtlatır. Yazarın yirminin
bell. In order to show he was a generous person
üzerinde yayınlanmış masal kitabı bulunmaktadır
Hodja shared his items and food, and showed
ve bazıları Almanca’ya, Bulgarca’ya ve Çince’ye
his neighbour what a stingy person he was. The
author has written over twenty books, some of
them were translated into German, Bulgarian and
Fatih M. Durmuş • Fatih M. Durmuş, ill.
Dede Korkut Hikâyeleri [Dede Korkut Stories]
Pan, 2011 • ISBN 9786054518098
The Book of Dede Korkut, also spelled as Dada
Kitabı-ı Dede Korkut, Dada Gorgud, Dede Qorqut
Gorgud, Dede Qorqut or Qorqit ata (Turkish:
veya Qorqit Ata olarak da yazılır (Türkçe: Dede
Dede Korkut, Azerbaijani: Kitabi Dədə Qorqud,
Korkut, Azerbaycan: Kitabi Dədə Qorqud, Türkmen:
Turkmen: “Gorkut-ata”) is the most famous
“Gorkut-ata”) Oğuz Türkleri (Türkmenler ya da Türko
among the epic stories of the Oghuz Turks
olarak da bilinirler) ’nin destansı hikâyeleri arasında
(also known as Turkmens or Turcomans). The
en meşhur olanıdır. Bu hikâyeler, Göçebe Türkler’in
stories carry morals and values significant to
önemli ahlaki kurallarını ve değerlerini ve İslam öncesi
the social lifestyle of the nomadic Turks and
inanışlarını sosyal hayatlarına taşırlar. Uluslararası
their pre-Islamic beliefs. The epic tales of Dede
bilim çevrelerince Dede Korkut’un destansı masalları
Korkut is one of the best known Turkic destans
Moğolca ve Türkçe diller ailesinde kaydedilmiş toplam
from among a total of well over 1,000 recorded
1,000 üzerindeki destan içerisinde en iyi bilinendir.
epics among the Mongolian and Turkic language
En önemli Türk Çocuk Klasikleri arasında yer alan bu
families by international scholars. In this book,
kitapta, çocuklar için renkli resimlerle desteklenmiş 12
which is one of the most important Turkish
adet hikâye bulunmaktadır.
children’s classic, there are 12 collected versions of
the stories with colourful pictures for children.
the world through picture books • books from turkey • 156
Fatma Kabadayı • Ayşegül Coşkun, Gülinaz Şafak, ill.
Evliya Çelebi [Evliya Celebi]
Şiir Çocuk, 2012 • ISBN 9786054594702
Evliya Celebi was an Ottoman Turkish gentleman
promise and gets on his horse to set off.
adventurer who travelled far and wide for many
years. His observations on everyday life in the 17th
En önemli Türk Çocuk Klasikleri arasında yer alan
century are a unique record of his times. He left
Evliya Çelebi, uzun yıllar uzaklara seyahat eden
a record of his wanderings in 10 large volumes,
maceracı bir Osmanlı Türk Beyidir. 17. yüz yılda günlük
the Seyahatname, or Book of Travels. In this
hayatındaki gezip gördüklerini kaydetmesiyle oluşan
book, which is one of the most important Turkish
10 ciltlik bir Seyahatnâme ya da Seyahatler Kitabı adlı
children’s classics, once upon a time, there is this
eser bırakmıştır. Bu kitapta, bir zamanlar Mehmet
young boy called Mehmet. Mehmet’s father’s
isminde genç bir delikanlı varmış. Mehmet’in babasının
name is also Mehmet. He likes having a chat with
adı da Mehmet’miş. Her akşam dedesi, amcası ve
his grandfather, uncle and father every night and
babasıyla sohbet etmeyi çok sever, anlattıkları anıları
attentively listens to what they tell him. He is quite
dikkatle dinlermiş. Onların gezip gördükleri yerleri
curious about the places they have travelled and
çok merak eder, kendisi de gidip görmek istermiş.
seen and personally wants to go and see such
O yüzden bir an önce büyümek istiyormuş. Yirmi dört
places. He therefore wants to grow up quickly. He
yaşına geldiğinde kararını vermiş. “Ben gidip her yeri
makes a decision when he is twenty-four years
gezeceğim!” diyerek bütün sevdikleriyle vedalaşmış.
old. He says to himself that “I am going to travel all
Yola çıkarken Vakkas Efendi “Gezip gördüğün
around the world and see everywhere!” then says
diyarlarda gördüğün her şeyi yaz, iyi dost ol, kötülerle
goodbye to everyone he cares about. When he is
arkadaş olma! Sen dünyanın seyyahı ve meşhuru
about to set off Vakkas Efendi advises him “Don’t
olacaksın” demiş. Çelebi söz vermiş ve atına binip yola
forget to write down what you see in the lands
you travel to, make good friends, don’t be friends
with people with bad intentions! You will become
a famous traveller of the world”. Celebi makes a
Ömer Seyfettin
Kaşağı [Currycomb]
Timaş, 2012 • ISBN 9753628647
The “Currycomb” is one of the most famous
Türk öykücülüğü’nün önemli isimlerinden Ömer
stories of Ömer Seyfettin, a very well-known
Seyfettin’in en çok bilinen öykülerindendir Kaşağı.
story writer of Turkish storytelling. Ömer
Ömer Seyfettin, Kaşağı’da okurlara ama özellikle
Seyfettin wants to tell the reader, especially
de çocuk okurlara, basit bir yalan söylemenin bile ne
children, in his story “Currycom” how even a
kadar büyük zararlara neden olabileceğini anlatmak
simple lie can cause a great damage. The book
istemiştir. Kitapta, kendi yaptığı hatanın suçunu
tells the tearjerker of Ömer who puts the blame
kardeşine yükleyen ve onun ölümünden sonrada vicdan
of his actions on his brother and it pricks his
azabıyla hayatı altüst olan Ömeri’in dramı anlatılır.
conscience after his death. The book is one of
Bu kitap, en önemli Türk Çocuk Klasikleri arasında
the most important Turkish children’s classics.
yer almaktadır.
the world through picture books • books from turkey • 157
Serpil Ural • Serpil Ural, ill.
Ali Baba’nın Çiftliği [Ali Baba’s Farm]
Kök, 2013 • ISBN 9789754990591
This book is an educational book, that parents
Eğitsel öyküler dizisi kapsamındaki bu oku-boya kitabı,
can share with their children. It tells a story but
öykü ve boyama kitabı özelliklerini taşımaktadır.
the pictures are only in black and white, giving
Kitapta siyah beyaz çizimlere ek olarak tek bir renk,
a child the opportunity to colour the pictures in.
yeşil kullanılmıştır. Çocuk diğer renkleri kullanarak
It encourages children to develop their creative
resimlerin renksiz kısımlarını kendisi boyayacaktır.
skills and the end results are that they have a book
Böylelikle, eline aldığında tek renkli olan öykü kitabı,
that can be read out loud and has very colourful
sonunda çok renkli bir kitap olacak, çocuk bir öykü
pictures that they would have enjoyed doing.
öğrenmenin yanı sıra, resimleri boyarken oynayıp
In addition, this book which is educational and
eğlenecek ve yaratıcılığını geliştirecektir. Ayrıca bu
informative has been written to contribute to the
kitap, öykü ve boyama yoluyla okul öncesi çocuklarının
development of early childhood through story
gelişimine katkıda bulunmak için hazırlanmış, öğretici,
and painting. The author of the book obtained
eğitici ve yönlendirici bir kitaptır. Ebevenylerin
the 5th place in the NOMA Concours for Picture
çocuklarıyla sesli olarak okuyabileceği bir kitaptır.
Book Illustration Encouragement Prize (1986), the
Kitabın yazarı, Japonya’daki 5. NOMA Uluslararası
Bank of Children’s Literature Great Award (1997)
Çocuk Kitabı Resimleme Yarışması’nda teşvik ödülü
and The First Prize in Rifat Ilgaz Humorous Story
(1986), İş Bankası Çocuk Edebiyatı Büyük Ödülü
Competition (1997).
(1997), Rıfat Ilgaz Gülmece Öykü Yarışması Birincilik
Ödülü (1997) sahibidir.
Behiç Ak • Behiç Ak, ill.
Galata’nın Tembel Martısı [Lazy Sea Gull of Galata]
Günışığı Kitaplığı • ISBN 9789944717656
Unlike her older brother Emre, Hülya is not
Ağabeyi Emre’nin tersine, Hülya’nın internetle
interested in either the Internet or technology.
de teknolojiyle de işi yoktu. Hayvanların dilinden
She has a way with animals and even sends
anlar, mesajlarını bile güvercinlerle iletirdi o. Komşu
any messages with pigeons. She becomes very
oldukları Galata Kulesi’nde onarım başlayacağını,
worried when she hears that the Galata Tower
kulenin çepeçevre bir inşaat perdesiyle kapatılacağını
next to her would be renovated and the tower
öğrenince, çok endişelendi. Çünkü, kulenin taşları
would be surrounded with a protective curtain
arasında ebâbil yuvaları vardı. Ebâbil yavrularını
for the construction, because there are nests
kurtarmak için el ele veren iki kardeş, belediyeye
of swifts in the gaps between the rocks of the
dertlerini anlatabilmek için çeşitli yöntemler
tower. The brother and sister join hands to save
düşündüler. Peki ya mahallenin martısı Murteza,
the baby swifts and think of various methods
yavruları kurtarmak için yerinden kıpırdayacak mıydı
to make themselves understood by the city
acaba?.. Yazar, yirminin üzerinde çocuk kitabı yazmıştır
hall. What about Murteza, the sea gull of the
ve bir çok ödül almıştır.
neighbor’s, they wonder if it would make a move
to save the baby swifts... The author has written
over twenty children’s books and received many
the world through picture books • books from turkey • 158
Aytul Akal • Eren Dedeleroğlu, ill.
Annem Neden Çıldırdı? [Why My Mom Went Mad?]
Uçan Balık • ISBN 9789755871707
This book can be said to be a study of life itself.
Kitap, duygusallığı elden bırakmayan, samimi,
Making its presence felt throughout the book
hayatın içinden bir çalışma olarak nitelendirilebilir. İlk
and greeting the reader on the first pages of
sayfalarda okurlarını selamlayan hınzır kedinin, kitap
the book, the wicked cat is the evidence of that.
genelinde kendini hissettirmesi de bunun en belirgin
“Would you make a room in your lives for me?”
kanıtı. “Bana da hayatınızda bir yer açar mısınız?”
asks the author, who pretends to be this orange,
Yazar kendini bu sarı, sevimli, gururlu ve yaramaz
cute, high and mighty, and naughty cat to try to
kedi yerine koyarak evlerimize, hayatlarımıza girmeye
enter our lives and homes…Ticking vampire clocks
çalışıyor adeta... Gece boyunca tik taklayan vampir
throughout the night; Turkish coffee that Emel
saatleri, Emel Hanım’ın ilk iş gününde kıvamını bir türlü
fails to have its proper consistency on her first
tutturamadığı kahvesi, balkondaki saksılarda filizlenen
working day; flower bulbs shooting out in the pots
soğan çiçekleri, hızlı trendeki koltuk kargaşası ve daha
on the balcony; the seat chaos on the speed train,
niceleri... Gizli kapılardan birbirine açılan, zekâ ve oyun
and many more… The children will love these
pırıltılarıyla bezeli bu sımsıcak öyküleri çocuklar çok
warm stories. The author has written over one
sevecek. Yazarın yüzden fazla yayınlanmış kitabından
hundred books and 32 titles have been translated
otuz iki tanesi İngilizce, Almanca ve daha pek çok dile
into English, German, Spanish and more…
Aysun Berktay Özmen • Aysun Berktay Özmen
Bahçıvan Köstebek ve Uçan Karınca Kıvırcık
[The Gardener Mole and the Termite Kıvırcık]
Tudem, 2011 • ISBN 9789944695312
This book was deemed worthy of the grand prize
2010 Tudem Edebiyat ödülleri Yaz, Çiz, Boya Kitaba
in the competition of 2010 Tudem Literature
Merhaba! yarışmasında birincilik ödülüne değer görülen
Awards called “Write, Draw, Paint. Greeting to
duygusal bir çalışma. Hayatında biraz değişiklik
the Books!” What would you think if a gardener
yaratmak için kartondan kelebekler, çiçekler yaparak
mole made butterflies and flowers from cartoon
duvarına asan bahçıvan bir köstebek, yeryüzüne
and put them on the wall to have a little change
çıkmaya pek cesaret edemediği için dışarıda gördüğü
in its life and what if it decided to bring the
güzellikleri cam bir kavanoz içinde bir bitki bahçesi
beauties of the outside world into its home?
yaparak yuvasına taşımaya karar verirse ne olur
Bringing a small model of the beauty that it sees
dersiniz? Yeryüzünde karşılaştığı güzelliklerin küçük bir
in the outside world into the terrarium, the Mole
modelini terraryumuna taşıyan Köstebek, gün boyu bu
daydreams in front of this small garden. One day,
minik bahçe karşısında hayallere dalıp durur. Günlerden
the Gardener Mole is woken from his daydream
bir gün, yine rüyalara dalan Bahçıvan Köstebek,
by the noise of a whirring termite. Well, how
kanatlı bir karıncanın pır pır kanat sesiyle rüyasından
could this termite called Kıvırcık manage to get
uyanır. Peki, karşısında beliren Kıvırcık adındaki
into the terrarium with the cork stopper closed?
kanatlı karınca, nasıl girmiş olabilir ki kapağı mantarla
This extraordinary friendship of a gardener
kapalı terraryumuna?... Bahçıvan bir köstebekle,
mole and a cute termite will both touch and
sevimli bir kanatlı karıncanın sıra dışı dostluğu
hearten you. The author establishes a warm
sizi hem duygulandıracak hem de yüreklendirecek.
relation with the reader through her story built
Tabiat sevgisi, dostluk, çalışma, yaratma, özgürlük ve
on the concepts of love of nature, friendship,
hayvan sevgisi kavramları üzerine kurduğu öyküsü ile
working, creativity, freedom and love of animals.
okuyucularıyla sımsıcak bir bağ kuran yazar, gerek
The author has made a book that will strike
anlatımı gerekse resimleriyle herkesi kalbinden vuracak
at the heart of everyone both with expression
bir kitap hazırlamış. Yazar on dört masal kitabına
and pictures. She has written fourteen books
sahiptir ve Gülten Dayıoğlu Resimli Çocuk Kitabı
and received the Gulten Dayioglu Illustrated
Ödülü’nü kazanmıştır.
Children’s Book Award.
the world through picture books • books from turkey • 159