cı and aralık foundatıon organıze exhıbıtıon to support kılıs


cı and aralık foundatıon organıze exhıbıtıon to support kılıs
62 leading contemporary artists feature in a group exhibition at the Sofa Hotel in
Istanbul, organized to support a local school project for Kilis’ schoolchildren.
Contemporary Istanbul and Aralık Foundation, with the endorsement of Turkey’s Ministry of National
Education, have collaborated in an arts initiative to support a school project for Kilis’ and Syrian
children in Turkey. Organized to raise funds for the project, an extensive exhibition will host 62
leading contemporary artists. It takes place from 12–13 May at the Sofa Hotel in Istanbul. All funds
from sales of the exhibited works will go towards the financial support of the project.
Currently, the 24,000 Syrian refugees who reside in Kilis were forced to leave their countries due to
civil war and most of them are under 18. There are existing projects in the region that provide for
their physical and social needs, but limited physical space and opportunities for school buildings in
the area pose a considerable hindrance to the children’s ability to obtain an extensive and quality
education. The school planned to be built in the region will have 18 classes and is scheduled to be
completed in time for the start of the 2016–2017 semester. The main idea behind the development
is to inspire a socially responsible project guided by art and its unifying power.
List of contributing artists:
Ahmet Doğu İpek, Ahmet Elhan, Ahmet Güneştekin, Alev Ermiş Mavitan, Ali Bilge Akkaya, Ali Elmacı,
Ali Emir Tapan, Ali İbrahim Öcal, Ali Kotan, Ani Çelik Arevyan, Aras Seddigh, Ardan Özmenoğlu, Ayşe
Gül Süter, Azade Köker, Bahadır Baruter, Bihrat Mavitan, Burcu Perçin, Burçak Bingöl, Burçin Başar,
Buğra Erol, Candaş Şişman, Cenk Akaltun, Ebru Uygun, Ekrem Yalçındağ, Ela Cindoruk, Elvan Alpay,
Emin Mete Erdoğan, Erkut Terliksiz, Erol Eskici, Guido Casaretto, Gül Kozacıoğlu, Gülay Semercioğlu,
Günnur Özsoy, Hale Tenger, İrfan Önürmen, İsmail Acar, Joana Kohen, Kemal Seyhan, Leyla Gediz,
Melek Mazıcı, Meltem Işık, Mike Berg, Mithat Şen, Murat Germen, Murat Morova, Murat Palta,
Murathan Özbek, Mustafa Horasan, Nazan Pak, Nejat Satı, Nermin Er, Nihat Kemankaşlı, Seçkin Pirim,
Serdar Arat, Serkan Adın, Seda Hepsev, Şükran Moral, Tan Mavitan, Yağız Özgen, Yılmaz Aysan, Yusuf
Sevinçli, Zeynep Solakoğlu
Considered the leading international art fair in Turkey, Contemporary Istanbul brings both local and
international focus to the dynamic art scene in Turkey's vibrant metropolis every year. A creative hub
of activity throughout history, Istanbul is incredibly unique and completely different to any other
major world capital. For the past 10 years, Contemporary Istanbul has provided a platform to
showcase local work alongside international art. It has become synonymous with delivering artistic
excellence and diversity as international and regional interest in the art fair continues to grow.
Contemporary Istanbul prides itself on bringing together top galleries, artists and collectors, not only
from Turkey, the Caucasus, the Black Sea and the Middle East, but also from Europe, America and
Asia, providing a truly international forum for art lovers to explore the riches of the world’s art.
For further information:
Juan Sánchez, Pickles PR / T +44 7882 237 732