asli aslan-yilmaz - Department of Fisheries and Wildlife


asli aslan-yilmaz - Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Post Doctoral Fellow, Michigan State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
1405 South Harrison, Manly Miles Building, STE 303, 48824, East Lansing, MI, USA.
Telephone: +1-517-353-8524 Fax: +1-517-432-1699 e-mail:
Research interests:
-Global water pollution assessment and mapping by using molecular tools
-Development of molecular tools for alternative microbiological pollution indicators
-Genotyping and quantification of enteric viruses and bacteria
-Microbial source tracking
-Recreational water quality monitoring
-Population dynamics, identification and the ecology of marine microorganisms
-Water quality (biological and chemical aspects) at coastal and estuarine ecosystems
-Nutrients in aquatic environment and their role in the microbial loop
-Organic carbon in aquatic environment and biogeochemical cycles
-Marine biodiversity (visual sensus method and scientific diving)
BSc: Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Microbiology (19951999)
MSc: Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Physical
Oceanography and Marine Biology Department (1999-2002). Monitoring discharges at
Bosphorus, Black Sea exit of the Strait and the northeastern Marmara Sea by indicator
microorganisms (2002)
PhD: Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Physical
Oceanography and Marine Biology Department (2002-2008). PhD: The spatio-temporal
distribution and identification of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria isolated from the Black and
the Marmara seas (2008).
Professional Experience:
Coordinator, International Collaboration for Sewage (IC SEWAGE) (sponsored by
International Water Association (IWA) and Center of Water Sciences (CWS) at MSU
Post Doctoral Fellow, Michigan State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife,
Graduate Research Assistant, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Physical
Oceanography and Marine Biology Department. (2000-2008)
Fluent: Turkish, English
Moderate: German
Basic: Spanish
Teaching Experience:
-Water quality and Management in the Eastern Mediterranean, a case study; Turkey
(Michigan State University, ENE 890 Water Quality and Public Health, lecture, 2009)
-Nutrients in seawater (Istanbul University Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, full
course, 2006-2008)
-Pelagic food webs (Istanbul University Institute of Marine Sciences and Management,
microbial ecology section, 2006-2008)
-Planktonology (Istanbul University Institute of Marine Sciences and Management
bacterioplankton section, 2006-2008)
Research Projects :
Lead investigator for virus testing: Chicago Health, Environmental Exposure and Recreation
Study (CHEERS). Funded by: Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
(2008-ongoing project).
Co-investigator: Anaerobic degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in anoxic marine
environments Funded by: The scientific and technological research council of Turkey
TUBITAK (CAYDAG) (2006-ongoing project)
Lead Investigator: Microbiological Pollution Monitoring at the Coastal Areas of Istanbul.
Funded by: General Directorate of Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (2002-2008)
Principal investigator: The spatio-temporal distribution and identification of aerobic
heterotrophic bacteria isolated from the Black and the Marmara seas (2006-2008) (Istanbul
University Research Fund, Project no:T-1048)
Co-investigator: Pollution monitoring in the Black Sea Funded by: Ministry of Environment
and Forestry (2003- ongoing project). Water Quality Monitoring in Golden Horn Estuary.
Funded by:General Directorate of Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration. (1998-2008).
Co-investigator: Water Quality Monitoring Funded by: General Directorate of Istanbul Water
and Sewerage Administration. (1999-2008)
Co-investigator: Monitoring of pollutants from the Black Sea to the Strait of Istanbul. Funded
by: General Directorate of Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration. (2003-2004)
Co-principal investigator: Distribution of Clostridium perfringens in the Sea of Marmara
Sediments Influenced by Deep Discharges (2001-2003) (Istanbul University Research Fund,
Project no: 1728/15082001)
Co-investigator: Sampling programme at the Sea of Marmara on behalf of MEMPIS project.
(2005-2006) Assessment of marine pollution caused by VOLGONEFT 248 oil spill accident
Funded by:SKULD (1999-2006).
Co-investigator: Oceanography of the Izmit Bay Following 1999 Earthquake. Turkish
Ministry of Environment (1999-2000)
Co-investigator: Marine Biological Diversity Assessment of Gokova special environmental
protection area. Funded by: Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Authority for Specially
Protected Areas, Ministry of Environment (2005-2006)
Co-investigator: Marine Biological Diversity Assessment of Fethiye Bay. (Authority for
Specially Protected Areas, Ministry of Environment) (2005)
Co-investigator: Marine Biological Diversity Assessment of Datca-Bozburun specially
protected area. Ministry of Environment and Forestry Funded by: Authority for Specially
Protected Areas, Ministry of Environment(2002-2004)
Co-investigator: Demersal Fishery Stock Assessment of the Southwestern Black Sea Funded
by: Turkish National Planning Organization (2000-2008)
Co-investigator: Demersal Fishery Stock Assessment of the Sea of Marmara Funded by:
Turkish National Planning Organization (1999)
Co-investigator: Distribution and Impacts on Fisheries of Mnemiopsisi leidyi in the Sea of
Marmara Funded by: Turkish National Planning Organization (1999)
Co-investigator: Modeling and landscape study of Köyceğiz-Dalyan lagoon (1998-2000)
Invited speaker:
1. Building Beach Managers Capacity for Using Rapid Tools (Michigan Environmental
Health Association, Annual Educational Conference, March, 25th 2010)
2. Transboundary Waters and Water Quality; a case study: Turkey (Michigan State
University, Fisheries and Wildlife Deparment GSO Series, February, 26th 2010)
3. Exposure to Pathogenic Viruses in Coastal Systems in the Great Lakes (ISES 2009
Symposia, Minneapolis, November 5th 2009)
4. Water and Environmental Challenges in Turkey (Michigan State University, Center
for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, April, 29th 2009)
Workshops participated in:
1. Nutrients in Seawater Training Workshop, National Institute for Marine Research and
Development, Constanta, Romania, July 11-15th 2005. (Funded by Global
Environmental Facility).
2. PCR Applications in Genotyping, Istanbul University Biotechnology and Genetic
Engineering Research and Application Center (Biyogem), Istanbul, Turkey, October
13-15th 2004.
Peer Reviewed Papers:
1. Okuş, E. Öztürk I., Sur H.I., Yüksek, A. Taş, S. Aslan-Yılmaz, A., Altıok, H., Balkıs,
N., Doğan, E., Övez, S., Aydın, A.F. (2008). Critical evaluation of wastewater
treatment and disposal strategies for Istanbul with regards to water quality monitoring
study results. Desalination 226, 1-3, 231-248.
2. Yokes MB, Karhan S.U., Okus, E., Yuksek, A., Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Yilmaz, N.,
Demirel, N., Demir, V., Galil, B.S. (2007) Alien Crustacean Decapods from the
Aegean Coast of Turkey. Aquatic Invasions, 2 (3): 162-168.
3. Okus, E., Altiok, H. Yuksek, A., Yilmaz, N., Aslan-Yilmaz, A. Karhan S.U, Demirel,
N., Muftuoglu, AE., Demir, V., Zeki, S., Kalkan E, Tas S. (2007). Biodiversity in
western part of the Fethiye Bay. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment. 13: 19-34.
4. Okus, E., Yuksek, A., Yilmaz, N., Aslan-Yilmaz, A. Karhan S.U, Öz, Mİ., Demirel,
N., Tas S., Demir, V., Zeki, S Koc, EM., Tural, U., Yokes, B., Kalkan, E., Deniz, N.,
Caylarbasi Z., Savut, E., Murat, E. (2007). Marine Biodiversity of Datça-Bozburun
specially protected area (Southeastern Aegean Sea, Turkey). J. Black
Sea/Mediterranean Environment. 13: 39-49.
5. Yüksek, A., Okuş, E., Yılmaz I.N., Aslan-Yılmaz, A., Taş, S. (2006). Changes in
biodiversity of the extremely polluted Golden Horn Estuary following the
improvements in water quality. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 1209-1218.
6. Taş, S., Okuş, E. Aslan-Yılmaz, A. (2006). The blooms of cyanobacteria Microcystis
cf. aeruginosa in a severely polluted estuary, the Golden Horn, Turkey. Estuarine,
Coastal and Shelf Science, 68, 593-599. •
7. Aslan-Yılmaz, A., Okuş, E., Övez, S (2004). Bacteriological indicators of
anthropogenic impact prior to and during the recovery of water quality in an extremely
polluted estuary, Golden Horn, Turkey. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49 (11-12), 951958.
8. Okuş, E., Aslan, A., Yüksek, A, Taş, S., Tüfekçi V. (2002) Nutrient distribution at
Bosphorus and surrounding areas. Water Science and Technology, 46(8), 59-66.
Book Chapter:
1. Coulliette, A.D., A. Aslan-Yilmaz, E.A. Dreelin, R.M. McNinch, T.-T. Fong, and J.B.
Rose (2010). Drinking Water Safety in the 21st Century. In M. Beach and K. Mack
(Eds.), Water and Public Health: The 21st Century Challenge. (pp. xx -xx) Baltimore:
APHA Press.
Other Publications (non-peer reviewed):
1. Burlingame, G.A., Rose J.B., Xagoraraki, I., Coulliette, A.D. and Aslan-Yilmaz, A.
(2009). How do we test for viruses? Opflow Online, 35, 5.
In prep peer reviewed publications:
1. Aslan-Yilmaz, A. (2010). Envisioning a healthier water environment: IC SEWAGE.
(submitted to Water 21)
2. Srinivasan S., Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Xagoraraki I., Alocilja E., Rose J.B. (2010)
(submitted to AEM) Investigating and improving the use of qPCR for E.coli and
Enterococcus spp. detection in environmental samples.
3. Aslan-Yilmaz A., Simmons, F.J., Xagoraraki I, Rose, J, Dorevitch, S. (2010) (in
preparation): Occurrence, speciation and viability of human viruses in the Chicago
4. Aslan-Yilmaz, A. and Rose J.B. (2010). (in preparation): Efficiency of a small
fragment Bacteroides target as a microbial source tracking marker for water
5. Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Yokes B, Okus E. (2010) Identification of aerobic heterotrophic
bacteria isolated from the Black and the Marmara seas (in preparation).
6. Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Sur H.I, Okus, E. (2010) Upwelling and impacts of bacterial
production in Eastern Black Sea (in preparation)
Symposium Papers:
1. Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Rose J.B and Srinivasan, S. (2009). Efficiency of a small fragment
Bacteroides marker as a microbial source tracking tool for water pollution. 15th
International Health Related Water Microbiology Symposium, May 31-June 5, Naxos,
2. Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Yokes, B., Okus, E., Rose J.B. (2009). The variations of
bacterioplankton in a stratified inland sea, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, February
2009, Nice, France.
3. Okus, E., Yuksek, A., Yilmaz, N., Aslan-Yilmaz, A. Karhan S.U, Demirel, N., Demir,
V., Zeki, S., (2007). The Threats on the Biodiversity of Gökova Specially Protected
Area and Solutions for a Sustainable Environment, MEDCOAST, 2007, Alexandria,
4. Okus, E., Yuksek, A., Yilmaz, N., Aslan-Yilmaz, A. Karhan S.U, Demirel, N., Demir,
V., (2007), Ichthyoplankton Distribution in April-September Period in DatcaBozburun Specially Protected Area, MEDCOAST, 2007, Alexandria, Egypt.
5. Yilmaz, N., Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Yuksek, A., Okus, E. (2007) Changes in
mesozooplankton community structure in a highly stratified basin due to
anthropogenic forcing. “4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium”, 28
May-1 June 2007, Hiroshima, Japan
6. Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Okus, E., Yuksek, A. (2007). The distribution and the protozoan
grazing effect on the survival of bacteriological indicators of pollution at discharge
polluted marine sediments The 38th CIESM Congress, 9-13 April 2007, Istanbul,
7. Okus, E., Yuksek, A., Altiok, H. Yilmaz, N., Aslan-Yilmaz, A. Karhan S.U, Demirel,
N., Muftuoglu, AE., Demir, V., Zeki, S., Kalkan E, Tas S. (2006). Biodiversity at the
western Fethiye Bay. Turkish Coasts 06, 7-11 November 2006, Muğla, Turkey.
8. Okus, E., Yuksek, A., Yilmaz, N., Aslan-Yilmaz, A. Karhan S.U, Öz, Mİ., Demirel,
N., Tas S., Zeki, S, Demir, V., Altiok, H., Muftuoglu, AE, Gazioglu, C. (2006).
Marine Biological Diversity Assessment of Datca-Bozburun specially protected area.
Turkish Coasts 06, 7-11 November 2006, Muğla, Turkey.
9. Okus, E., Yuksek, A., Yilmaz, N., Aslan-Yilmaz, A. Karhan S.U, Demirel, N., Demir,
V., Zeki, S., Tas S., Sur H.İ, Altiok H., Muftuoglu A.E., Balkis N., Aksu A., Gazioglu
C. (2006). Marine Biological Diversity Assessment of Gokova specially protected
area. Turkish Coasts 06, 7-11 November 2006, Muğla, Turkey.
10. Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Okus E., Övez S. (2004). Point discharge contamination of the
strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus) upper flow. “Fourth Black Sea International Conference
Environmental Protection Technologies For Coastal Areas”, 9-11 June 2004, Varna,
11. Okus, E., Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Tas S., Yilmaz, N. (2004) Alterations in inorganic
nutrients of the Golden Horn estuary following rehabilitation studies. “Fourth Black
Sea International Conference Environmental Protection Technologies For Coastal
Areas”, 9-11 June 2004, Varna, Bulgaria
12. Okus E., Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Övez S. (2004). Spatial and Temporal Distribution of
Bacteriological Pollution at Istanbul Shoreline. Marine Bacteriology 2004, 25-27
November 2004, Istanbul Turkey.
13. Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Okus E., Övez S. (2004). Evaluation of Bacteriological Pollution
By Time Series Data in Golden Horn. Marine Bacteriology 2004, 25-27 November
2004, Istanbul Turkey.
14. Yuksek, A., Okus E., Yilmaz, N. Aslan-Yilmaz, A. (2004). Preliminary studies on the
Magnoliophyta in southern Marmara archipelago. V. National Ecology and
Environment Congress, 5-8 October 2004, Bolu, Turkey.
15. Okus, E., Yuksek, A., Yilmaz, N., Aslan-Yilmaz, A. Karhan S.U, Öz, Mİ., Demirel,
N., Tas S. (2004). Coastal and Marine Biological Diversity in Datca-Bozburun
specially protected area. V. National Ecology and Environment Congress, 5-8 October
2004, Bolu, Turkey.
16. Övez S., Okus E., Aslan-Yilmaz, A. (2003) Retrospective of the microbiological
pollution in Golden Horn Estuary. Golden Horn Symposium; the past and the future.
22-23 May 2003, Istanbul, Turkey.
17. Okus E., Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Tas S. (2002) Time Series Analysis of Nutrients in
Southwestern Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. “Second International Conference
on "Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea: Similarities and
Differences of Two Interconnected Basins", 14-18 October 2002, Ankara, Turkey.
18. Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Okus E (2002) Distribution of Heterotrophic Bacteria in
Southwestern Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. “Second International Conference
on "Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea: Similarities and
Differences of Two Interconnected Basins", 14-18 October 2002, Ankara, Turkey
19. Okus E., Aslan-Yilmaz, A., Yuksek, A., Tas S, Tufekci, V. (2001) Nutrient
Distribution at Bosphorus and Surrounding Areas. Third Black Sea International
Conference Environmental Protection Technologies For Coastal Areas, 6-8 June 2001,
Varna, Bulgaria.
20. Okus E., Aslan, A., Yuksek, A. (2001). The effect of August 1999 earthquake on the
microbiological pollution of the Izmit Bay. IV. National Ecology and Environment
Congress, 5-8 October 2001 Bodrum, Turkey.
21. Okus E., Aslan, A., Tas S, Yilmaz, N., Yuksek, A., Polat-Beken, C. (2001).
Distribution of nutrients and chlorophyll a following 1999 Izmit earthquake. IV.
National Ecology and Environment Congress, 5-8 October 2001 Bodrum, Turkey.
22. Okus E., Aslan, A., Tas S, Yilmaz, N., Polat-Beken, C. (2001) Distribution of
nutrients and chlorophyll a at the Golden Horn Estuary. Golden Horn 2001
Symposium, 3-4 May 2001, Istanbul, Turkey.
23. Aslan, A., Okus E., Övez S., Bayhan H., Aydin A.F. (2001) Temporal changes in the
microbiological pollution of the Golden Horn Golden Horn 2001 Symposium, 3-4
May 2001, Istanbul, Turkey.
Reviewer for:
Water Research
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
International Journal of Environmental Health Research
Journal of Water and Health
Technical Skills
Molecular techniques: PCR, qPCR and RT-qPCR, FISH, electrophoresis, familiarity with
Biotrove and 454 Sequencing.
Culture based techniques: APHA Membrane Filtration Method, IDEXX (Colilert-18,
Enterolert); EPA Methods 1603, 1600, 1103.1 (membrane filtration using mTEC);
(APHA mFC, mE, mCP, nutrient agar methods, EPA Method 1682 (Salmonella)
Virus quantification and infectivity: Bacteriophage (EPA Methods 1601 and 1602), EPA
Virus Collection Methods, Total Viable Virus Method USEPA 600/4-84/013 (N15),
Integrated Cell Culture, qPCR and PCR for Adenovirus, qPCR, RT-qPCR and PCR
Enterovirus, Norovirus and Hepatitis A
Microscopy: Epiflourescent microscopy to determine presence and quantification of
heterotrophic bacteria by DAPI.
Nutrient analysis: Primary investigator at IU Marine Sciences and Institute (2006-2008) to
conduct analysis to detect the nitrites, nitrates, ammonia, orthophosphate, total nitrogen,
total phosphorus and silicate (APHA methods) by Bran-Luebbe AA3 autoanalyser and
manual detection methods as well as participating in international round robin studies for
certification of the instrumental analysis laboratory.
Organic carbon analysis: Primary investigator at IU Marine Sciences and Institute (20062008) to conduct analysis including detecting and calculating total organic carbon by
using Shimadzu TOC V using APHA Combustion Method.
Pigment detection: Chlorophyll and carotenoid quantification by acetone extraction method.
Dissolved oxygen (APHA Winkler method) and Biological oxygen demand (APHA Method)
Environmental field sampling: over 180 days onboard water quality sampling and onboard
analysis with R/V ARAR from 2000 to 2008
Visual sensus method for macrospecies distribution and scientific diving
-American Society for Microbiology (2005-present)
-International Water Association (2008-present)