m. dıdem buhari gülmez akademik iş tecrübesi burs ve ödüller


m. dıdem buhari gülmez akademik iş tecrübesi burs ve ödüller
Doğum tarihi ve yeri: 15.01.1981 / Gelibolu, Turkey
E-mail: didem.buhari@gmail.com
Uluslararası İlişkiler
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
Siyaset Bilimi ve Ulus. İliş.
Edinburgh Üniversitesi
Yüksek Lisans
Siyaset Bilimi ve Ulus. İliş. Londra Üniversitesi
*Eylül-Aralık 2012: tez teslim ve savunma tarihi, 1 Nisan 2013: Doktora derecesinin resmi olarak verilişi
Ekim 2014- Ekim 2015: The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Avrupa
Enstitüsü’nde misafir araştırmacı (TUBITAK 2219 bursiyeri)
Ekim 2013- Ekim 2014: Oxford Brookes Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Bölümü’nde doktora
sonrası araştırmacı
Eylül 2009- Ocak 2012: Londra Üniversitesi (Royal Holloway) Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası
İlişkiler Bölümü’nde öğretim üyesi
Ekim 2008- Eylül 2010: Londra Üniversitesi (Royal Holloway) Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası
İlişkiler Bölümü’ne bağlı Avrupa Çalışmaları Merkezinde ve Küresel Araştırmalar Merkezinde
Ekim-Kasım 2010: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Avrupa Çalışmaları Merkezinde misafir
Haziran-Eylül 2010: Bielefeld Üniversitesi (Almanya) Tarih ve Sosyoloji Fakültesi bursiyeri
olarak misafir araştırmacı
Eylül 2006- Eylül 2007: İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümünde araştırma
2014-2015: TUBITAK 2219 doktora sonrası yurtdışı araştırma bursu (€23,000)
2014: Political Research Quarterly Dergisinin makale hakemliği ödülü (Outstanding Reviewer Award)
2013: Oxford Bibliographies Graduate Student makale ödülü ($350)
May 2012: Association of British Turkish Academics doktora tezi ödülü (£300)
June- September 2010: Bielefeld University, School of History and Sociology kısa dönem araştırma bursu
2008- 2011: Royal Holloway College Overseas Research Scholarship doktora bursu (£15,000)
2004-2005: Jean Monnet yüksek lisans bursu (€20,000)
2012: Royal Holloway Londra Üniversitesi ortak ders projesi ödülü (başvuru ismi: ‘How to Make
Research Methods Fun to Learn’, S. B. Gülmez ile) (£400)
Derlenen kitaplar ve özel sayılar
(Ocak 2016, yayın aşamasında) Global Culture: Consciousness and Connectivity,
Ashgate (Roland Robertson ile), ISBN: 978-1-4724-2349-8
(yayın aşamasında) The Art and Science of Sociology: Essays in Honour of Edward A.
Tiryakian, Anthem (Roland Robertson ve John Simpson ile).
2015, Dergi özel sayısı: ‘Europe and World Society’, Journal of Contemporary European
Studies cilt. 23, no. 2 (Chris Rumford ile) [Routledge yayınevi tarafından Kasım 2015’te
kitap olarak basılma aşamasında, ISBN: 978-1-13-896279-8]
2014, European Multiplicity, Cambridge Scholars Press (Chris Rumford ile) , ISBN: 9781-4438-5366-8
Makaleler ve Kitap Bölümleri
(yayın aşamasında) “Avrupa ve Küreselleşme”, Cengiz Dinç et al. (eds.) Avrupa ve
Avrupa Birliği: Teori, Güncel İç Gelişmeler ve Dış Politika, Savaş yayınları.
(Ocak 2016, yayın aşamasında) “Conclusion”, Roland Robertson ve Didem BuhariGulmez (eds.) Global Consciousness and Connectivity, Ashgate (R. Robertson ile).
(2015, yayın aşamasında) “Religion as Identity Marker: The Dilemma of Crimean
Tatars”, Rico Isaacs ve Abel Polese (eds.) Nation-Building and Identity in the post-Soviet
Space: New Tools and Approaches, Ashgate. ISBN: 978-1-4724-5476-8
(2015, yayın aşamasında) “The European Union as a ‘heuristic device’: Ritualized
Europeanization in Turkey”, Comparative European Politics. SSCI
2015, “Towards a (‘Thick’, ‘Thin’ or ‘Parallel’) European Society? Understanding the
Dynamics of European Multiplicity”, Innovation: European Journal of Social Sciences
(C. Rumford ile). Online yayınlanma tarihi: 9 Ekim 2015. SSCI
2015, “Editorial: Locating ‘World Society’ in European Studies”, Chris Rumford ve
Didem Buhari Gülmez (eds.) ‘Europe and World Society’, Journal of Contemporary
European Studies 23(2), 169-175 (C. Rumford ile) [Routledge tarafından yeniden basılma
2015, “Praying for Europe: Turkish Mosque as a Space of Europeanization”, Gail Mobley
et al. (ed.) Travelling Europe, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (S. B. Gülmez ile).
2014, “The ‘World Society Turn’ in European Studies”, Jose Magone (ed.) Handbook of
European Politics, Routledge, p. 910-925 (C. Rumford ile).
2014, “Europeanization meets homo economicus, homo sociologicus, and homo
intellectus: the Turkish case and beyond”, in Chris Rumford and Didem Buhari-Gulmez
(eds.) European Multiplicity, Cambridge Scholars Press, p. 205-223.
2014, “World Polity School”, David Armstrong (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in
International Relations. New York: Oxford University Press.
2013, “Theorizing the EU’s Authority in the World: an Alternative Trichotomy”, Astrid
Boening, Jan-Frederik Kremer and Aukje van Loon (eds.) The EU: A Global Power in
the Making? Europe’s Present and Future Role in a Changing World, Berlin, Heidelberg:
Springer Global Power Shift Series (S. B. Gülmez ile).
2013, “Ombudsmanship and Turkey’s Europeanization in ‘World Society”, Chris
Rumford (ed.) New Perspectives on Turkey-EU Relations, London: Routledge. ISBN:
2012, “Opening Pandora’s 'Toolbox': The European Union as an actor of 'World
Society'”, European Union Studies Association Review 25(2), 8-11.
2012, “Europeanization of Foreign Policy and World Culture: Turkey’s Cyprus policy”,
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 12(1), 81-95. SSCI
2011, “Ombudsmanship and Turkey’s Europeanization in ‘World Society’”, Journal of
Contemporary European Studies 19(4), 475-487 [Routledge yayınevi tarafından 2013
yılında kitap bölümü olarak yayınlandı].
2011, “Contradictions in European Integration: A Global Perspective”, Nikolai Genov
(ed.) Global Trends and Regional Development, New York: Routledge (C. Rumford ile),
2010, “Stanford School on Sociological Institutionalism: a Global Cultural Approach”,
International Political Sociology 4(3), 253-270. SSCI
2010, “World Society and Conflict” (Review Essay), Journal of Critical Globalisation
Studies 2, 163-168.
2009, “A Selective Survey of Globalization Studies: The Cultural Deficit”, New Global
Studies 3(2), 1-13.
2009, “Turkey-EU Relations: The Limitations of Europeanisation Studies”, Turkish
Yearbook of International Relations 40(1), 91-121.
2008, “The EU conditionality in the Cyprus problem: Catalyzing Euro-skepticism in
Turkey?” Journal of Cyprus Studies 14(1), 1-38 (S. B. Gülmez ile).
Diğer yayınlar
Ansiklopedi girisi: 2012, “The European Union”, in George Ritzer (ed.) Encyclopedia of
Globalization (5 volumes), Wiley-Blackwell, p.601-604 (C. Rumford ile) [Haziran
2015’te güncellendi]
Working Paper: 2009, “The Cyprus Conflict: a World Society Perspective”, Royal
Holloway - Politics & International Relations Working Paper Series no.13,
Konferans bildirgesi: 2009, “Revisiting Cyprus Conflict: The Necessity for a Global
Cultural Approach”. International Conference on Europe and North Cyprus Relations:
Perspectives in Political, Economic & Strategic Issues. Eastern Mediterranean University,
Center for Strategic Studies DAUSAM, Nov. 12-13, p. 48-68.
LSE Middle East blog girisi: 3 Haziran 2015, “The State of Democracy in Turkey:
http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/mec/2015/06/03/the-state-of-democracy-in-turkey-institutionssociety-and-foreign-relations/ (with S. B. Gülmez).
LSE European Institute blog girisi: 9 Ekim 2014, “Turkey: Working on foundations”.
http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lsee/2014/10/09/experts-react-eu-progress-reports-2014/#seven (B.
C. Karahasan ile).
ResearchTurkey.org (Türkiye Politika ve Araştırma Merkezi) blog girisi: 2015,
“Sürgünden Rus İlhakına: Kırım Tatarları Meselesi ve Kadim Düşmanların Geri Dönüşü”
(“From ‘Sürgün’ to Russian Annexation: The Crimean Tatar Question and the Return of
(http://researchturkey.org/?p=9129&lang=tr) (İngilizce ve Türkçe olarak)
Constructed Complexities: A Network of Scholars and Workshop Series blog girisi:
22 Mayıs 2013, “All social constructs are not institutions” and “On Institutions and
Rationality”, http://constructedcomplexities.wordpress.com
ChangingTurkey.com blog girisi: 2010, “Why do Conflicts Persist? Three Systemic
Reasons for the ‘Dialogue of the Deaf’”, http://ChangingTurkey.com
Kitap incelemeleri
Michael Hechter (2013) Alien Rule, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Nations
and Nationalism 21 (2), April 2015, p. 377-8.
Engin F. Isin and Michael Saward (eds.) (2013) Enacting European Citizenship,
Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, Journal of Contemporary
European Research 10(1), February 2014.
Catherine Macmillan (2013) Discourse, Identity and the Question of Turkish Accession to
the EU: Through the Looking Glass. Surrey: Ashgate. ChangingTurkey.com
Çigdem Nas and Yonca Özer (eds.) (2012) Turkey and the European Union: Processes of
Europeanisation, Ashgate, Journal of Contemporary European Studies 21(2), October
2013, p. 318-20.
Helga Turku (2009) Isolationist States in an Interdependent World, Aldershot: Ashgate,
Europe-Asia Studies, April 2013, p. 787-9.
Hugh C. Dyer (2010) Coping and Conformity in World Politics, Oxon and New York:
Routledge, Political Studies Review, September 2012, p. 414.
Ian Clark (2007) International Legitimacy and World Society, Oxford and New York:
Oxford University Press, International Sociology 26(5), 2011, p. 629-31.
Danilo Zolo (2007) Globalisation: An Overview, Colchester: ECPR, Political Studies
Review 8(1), January 2010.
Kevin Featherstone and Dimitris Papadimitriou (2008) The Limits of Europeanization:
Reform Capacity and Policy Conflict in Greece, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,
Political Studies Review, January 2010.
Ümit Cizre (ed.) (2008) Secular and Islamic Politics in Turkey: The Making of the Justice
and Development Party, London: Routledge, European Journal of Turkish Studies
(online), 2011, p.2-6.
Mario Telo (ed.) (2009) The European Union and Global Governance, Abingdon:
Routledge, Political Studies Review 8 (1), 2010, p. 433.
SIPRI Yearbook (2009) Armaments, Disarmament, and International Security, Oxford:
Oxford University Press, Political Studies Review 8 (1), 2010, p. 398-9.
Nursin Atesoglu Guney (ed.) (2007) Contentious Issues of Security and the Future of
Turkey, Aldershot: Ashgate, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 11(3), 2009.
Mesut Özcan (2008) Harmonizing Foreign Policy: Turkey, the EU and the Middle East,
Aldershot: Ashgate, Political Studies Review 7(3), 2009, p. 390.
Graham E. Fuller (2007) New Turkish Republic: Turkey as a Pivotal State in the Muslim
World, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, Millennium Journal of
International Studies 38(2), 2009, p.468-70.
2015, “Self-determination movements in the European neighbourhood”, Intensive
Workshop on Global Affairs, the University of Porto, Portugal, 14-16 October (invited
keynote speaker: Theoretical lecture, seminar and colloquium).
2015, “Turkish Foreign Policy in the 21st Century— A Rising Power?: A Tale of Three
Dynamics”, Buckingham University, 26 August (invited speaker).
2015, “EU as a Global Actor” roundtable, 1989 Generation Initiative, London School of
Economics and Political Science, 26 June (invited discussant).
2015, “The Global Myth of Equality and National Self-Determination in Europe: Is
Europeanization the Missing Link? (The Cases of Kosovo, Northern Cyprus and
Crimea)”, The British International Studies Association (BISA) conference, London, 1619 June.
2015, “Religion as Identity Marker: The Dilemma of Crimean Tatars”, BASEES-British
Association for Slavonic and East European Studies Annual Conference, University of
Cambridge, 30 March.
2015, “Crimean Tatar Nationalist Movement and Top-down Islamization”, Changing
Turkey workshop, University of Warwick, 27 March.
2015, “Praying for Europe: Turkish Mosque as a Space of Europeanization”, Research
Turkey seminar series, King’s College London, 6 February (with S. B. Gülmez).
2014, “How (not) to Enter the European Union?”, Kosovo Prizren MESK conference
about Europe Day, 9 May (invited speaker).
2014, “March Equinox in Turkey: Rising scandals, Shorter Tweets”, Seminar organized
by the University of Oxford-Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy, and
sponsored by Guardian News & Media Limited (Edward Snowden – Saint or sinner,
whistle blower or traitor?), at Oxford Union Debating Chamber, 2 April.
2014, “Beyond the ‘Dorothy Complex’: Reading John W. Meyer from an IR
perspective”, Surrey Sociology Department Seminars, 12 February (invited speaker).
2013, “Ritualized Europeanization in Turkey”, Critical International Studies seminar
series, Oxford Brookes University, 26 November.
2012, “Unpacking the EU’s Global Actorness: the Stanford School perspective”, Global
Studies Association 11th Conference, Manchester, 5-7 July.
2012, “Europeanization and the World Society thesis” (original title in Turkish:
“Avrupalılaşma ve Dünya Toplumu tezi”), Süleyman Demirel University, 3-5 May
(invited speaker).
2012, “The Missing Link: Turkish Europeanization in light of World Society”,
International Conference "Europeanization: do we still miss the big picture?", Free
University of Brussels, 29-30 March.
2012, “The EU as a ‘heuristic device’: Three dimensions of Europeanization in Turkey”,
‘Many Europes’ workshop, Royal Holloway University of London, 17 February.
2011, “Turkish Reactions to the EU-led Reform on Foreigner Rights:
a Global Approach”, Postgraduate seminar PR9000 'The European Union: from a Turkish
Perspective’, Royal Holloway University of London, 6 December.
2011, “Europeanization of Foreign Policy and World Culture: Turkey’s Cyprus policy”,
UACES Student Forum 12th Annual Conference, University of Surrey, 30 June-1 July.
2011, “Redefining National Interests: Turkey’s Cyprus Policy”, Postgraduate workshop
on Nationalism, Migration and the Global Economy in the 21st Century, Royal Holloway,
University of London, 27 May.
2011, “Beyond Sender-Receiver Models: Turkey’s Europeanization within World
Society”, European Union Studies Association 12th Biennial International Conference,
Boston (USA), 3-5 March.
2010, “A Sociological Institutionalist Approach to Turkey-EU Relations: Stanford
School” (original title in Turkish: “Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği Ilişkilerine Sosyolojik
Kurumsalcı Bir Yaklasım: Stanford Ekolü”), Okan University (Istanbul, Turkey), The
Turkish Political Science Association 8th Graduate Conference, 4 December.
2010, “Beyond Europeanization: a Global Cultural Approach to Turkey’s
Transformation”, presented at the Centre for European Studies in the Middle East
Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Seminar
Series, 3 November.
2010, “Turkey-EU Relations from World Polity Perspective: The Case of
Ombudsmanship”, presented at the workshop ‘Turkey-EU Relations: an Uncertain
Future?’ at the University of Bielefeld (Germany), 30 August.
2010, “Cyprus: A World Society Perspective”, presented at Mathias Albert’s Colloquium
at the University of Bielefeld, 6 July.
2010, “Cyprus Conflict in World Society: Stanford School and Modern Systems Theory”,
Royal Holloway PIR Staff-Student Seminars, 10 February.
2009, “Revisiting the Cyprus Conflict: The Necessity for a Global Cultural Approach”,
International Conference on Europe and North Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean University
Centre for Strategic Studies (DAUSAM), 12-13 November.
2009, “World Polity Approach: Directions in the Study of IR”, Annual conference of the
Global Studies Association ‘Challenging Globalization: New Perspectives, Alternative
Visions, Emerging Agendas’, Royal Holloway University of London, 2-4 September.
2008, “Explaining Turkey's Failure to Comply with the European Union: a Neoinstitutionalist Perspective”, Political Studies Association Postgraduate Northern
Conference, University of Edinburgh, 6 June.
2008, “Europeanization of National Interests: the Turkish Case”, 9th Annual Conference
of the UACES Student Forum, University of Kent at Canterbury, 24-25 April.
2007, “Europeanizing Territorial Identities: Controversies over Foreign Ownership of
Immovable Property”, 5th International EUPRA Conference on Challenges of Peace and
Democracy in Europe, Sakarya University (Turkey), 21-24 August.
Akademik Yıl
Dersin Adı
Introduction to Politics
Understanding Europe
Contemporary Issues in
World Politics
Researching Politics and
Research Methods in the
Social Sciences*
Haftalık Saati
Not : Dersler iki veya üç
öğretim görevlisi
tarafından verilmektedir
* İşaretli dersler, yüksek lisans dersleridir.
2015, ‘World Society and Turkey’ conference, London School of Economics, 15 June (J.
Ker-Lindsay ile).
2015, ‘Turkey and its Neighbours’, Coventry University, 24 April (S. B. Gülmez ile).
2015, ‘Interdisciplinary Investigations: Turkey and Beyond’, 6th Changing Turkey
workshop, University of Warwick, 27 March (S. B. Gülmez ile).
2014, ‘Bridging Divides: Rethinking Ideology in the Age of Protests’, 5th Changing
Turkey workshop, Oxford Brookes University, 15 April (S. B. Gülmez ile).
2012, Convenor of the panels ‘The EU in the World’, ‘The EU and the World’,
‘Changing Turkey in a Changing World’, 11th Annual conference of the Global Studies
Association, Manchester Metropolitan University, 5-7 July.
2012, ‘Many Europes’ workshop, Royal Holloway University of London, 17 February (C.
Rumford ile).
2011, ‘Methodological approaches to Turkish studies’, 4th Changing Turkey workshop,
Royal Holloway University of London, 26 January (S. B. Gülmez ile).
2010, ‘Questioning Transnationalism: Culture, Media and Politics’ (an interdisciplinary
conference), Royal Holloway University of London, 17 December.
2010, ‘Turkey-EU Relations: an Uncertain Future?’, 3rd Changing Turkey Workshop,
University of Bielefeld (Germany), 30 August (S. B. Gülmez ile).
2010, ‘Reflections of Turkey-EU Relations beyond Politics: Watching the Daily Life’, 2nd
Changing Turkey workshop, Royal Holloway University of London, 5 May (S.B. Gülmez
and A. Tunc ile).
2010, ‘Critical Reflections on Turkey-EU Relations’, 1st Changing Turkey workshop,
Royal Holloway University of London, 4 May (S. B. Gülmez ile).

Benzer belgeler

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