selcen öner - Delegation of the European Union to Turkey


selcen öner - Delegation of the European Union to Turkey
Phone :
0212 381 04 73
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1. Name: Selcen Öner
2. Title: Assoc. Prof.
3. Education:
Undergraduate International Relations
Political Science and
International Relations
EU Politics and
International Relations
İstanbul University
Marmara University (Eng.)
Marmara University (European 2008
Union Institue) (Eng.)
4. M.A. Thesis :
“ The Triadic Relationship Between The EU, Nation-State and Sub-national Regions: The
Cases of Basque Country, Catalonia and Corsica”
PhD Thesis :
“ The Construction of European Identity within the European Union”
5. Academic Titles:
Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (March 2016-…)
Bahçeşehir University
Department of EU Relations
Assist. Prof.Dr.
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Bahçeşehir University
Department of EU Relations
(October 2009-…)
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Bahçeşehir University
Department of EU Relations
(October 2008-September 2009)
Research Assistant Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Bahçeşehir University
Department of EU Relations
(January 2005- September 2008)
Research Assistant Faculty of Economics İstanbul University (January 2002-December
6. Administrative duties:
The Representative of Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences at
Education Commission of the University (2015-…)
Coordinator of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Bologna Programme (June
Academic Coordinator of the Erasmus Programme at the Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences of Bahçeşehir University for the Departments of Political Science
and International Relations and EU Relations. (October 2007-May 2012)
Academic Coordinator of the Erasmus Programme at the Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences of Bahçeşehir University. (October 2005- September 2007)
7. Papers which were presented at international scientific conferences:
1-Council for European Studies Conference, 22nd International Conference of Europeanists, 810 July 2015, Sciences Po, Paris. Presentation on “The ‘Erasmus Generation’ and Turkey:
The Effect of the Erasmus Programme on Perceptions about Turkey and its EU Membership
2-ISA-FLASCO Joint International Conference, 23-25 July 2014, University of Buenos Aires,
School of Economics, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Presentation on “External and Domestic
Challenges for Turkey’s Soft Power and the Role of the EU”.
3-Turkish Migration Conference 30 May-1 June 2014, organized by Regent’s University
London. Presentation on “The Role of Turkish Community Organizations in Berlin: Their
Role between Turkey, Germany and European Union”.
4-Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis (CESRAN) Conference on Eurasian Politics and
Society, Trabzon, 20-21 March 2014. Presentation on “Influence of the Economic Crisis in
EU Politics and Its Reflections on Turkey-EU Relations”.
5-Jean Monnet Workshop for Young Researchers, “Dynamics of Integration in the European
Union”, organized by Sabancı University Centre of Excellence in European Studies-SUCEES,
on 13-14 March 2014. Presentation on “Internal Factors in the EU’s Transformative Power
over Turkey: The Role of Turkish Civil Society”.
6-Global Leadership Forum organised by Bahçeşehir University, on 11 May 2013 in İstanbul.
Presentation on “ Political Challenges of the EU after the Crisis in Eurozone and Its
Reflections on Turkey-EU Relations”.
7-International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention: The Politics of International
Diffusion: Regional and Global Dimensions, in San Francisco, California, USA on 3-6 April
2013. Presentation on “The Role of Internal Factors in Transformative Power of EU on
Turkey: The Role of Turkish Civil Society”.
8-International Conference “Transformative Power of Europe: The Road Ahead”, organised
by Free University of Berlin KFG “The Transformative Power of Europe” on 13-15
December 2012, Berlin, Germany. Presentation on “The Role of Internal Factors in
Transformative Power of EU on Turkey: The Role of Turkish Civil Society”.
9-International Conference organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy on
“What to Expect from the Cyprus EU Presidency?”, on 18 June 2012, Prague, Czech
Republic, Presentation on “Challenges and Prospects in Turkey-EU Relations during the
Presidency of Cyprus”.
10-11th METU Conference on International Relations, 13-15 June 2012, Ankara, Turkey. Coauthor with Assist. Prof. Dr. Özgür Ünal Eriş, Presentation on “The Problematique of
Transformative Power of the EU Through Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policies: The
Cases of Turkey and Ukraine”.
11-Euroacademia conferences, “Re-inventing Eastern Europe”, 17-19 May 2012, Vienna,
Austria. Presentation on “The Rise of Extreme-right in Europe: New ‘Other’s of Europe and
The Question of Turkey’s Membership to the EU”.
12-2nd International Crisis and Critique Conferences: Crisis and Critiques of the EU, 25-26
April 2012, Sakarya, Turkey. Presentation on “The Rise of Extreme-right in Europe in the
21st Century: The Reflections on Turkey’s Membership to the EU”.
13-Workshop-“Faraway, So Close?: Reaching Beyond the Pro/Contra Controversy on
Turkey’s EU Accession”, 2-4 June 2011, Organized by Sabancı University, Free University of
Berlin, İstanbul, Presentation on “Enlargement Policy of the European Union: Comparative
Analysis between the Eastern Enlargement and the Accession Process of Turkey”.
14-Young Scholars on Turkey (YSOT) Conference, 15 April 2011, Washington. Presentation
on “The Place of the EU in Multidimensional Turkish Foreign Policy”.
15-IPSA-ECPR Joint Conference “Whatever Happened to North-South?”, Sao Paulo, 16-19
February 2011, Presentation on “The Position of the EU in Multidimensional Turkish Foreign
Policy From a Social Constructivist Perspective” .
16-International Conference on “Debating Security: Changes and Challenges for Turkey”,
organized by Bahçeşehir University, Arı Movement and Friedrich Naumann Stiftung at
Bahçeşehir University, 22-23 October 2010. Presentation on “The Place of the EU in
Multidimensional Turkish Foreign Policy”.
17-International Forum Bosnia 5. International Conference on “Unity and Plurality in
Europe” in Mostar, Bosnia on 1-3 August 2010. Presentation on “ ‘Unity in Diversity’ in the
European Union: The Case of Turkey’s Membership”.
18-ECPR 5. Pan-European conference on European Politics, Porto, Portugal, on 23-26 June
2010, presentation on “The Influence of Lisbon Treaty on the EU as a Global Actor”.
19-Conference organized by the University Association for Contemporary European Studies
(UACES) and Turkish University Association for European Studies (TUNAECS) on the
theme of “Turkey and the EU: Opportunities and Challenges in the Accession Process” on
20-18 June 2010, at Yeditepe University, İstanbul. Presentation on “The Role of the NGOs in
the Negotiation Process of Turkey with the European Union”.
21-V. annual conference on European integration organized by University American College
Skopje on the theme of “Europe after the Lisbon Treaty”, on 20 May 2010, in Skopje
Macedonia. Presentation on “The Influence of Lisbon Treaty on the EU as a Global Actor”.
22-VI.International NGOs Conference, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University on 23-25 October
2009. Presentation on “Türkiye’deki Türkiye-AB İlişkileriyle İlgili STK’lar ve Bu Süreçteki
Rolleri (“The Civil Society Organisations which are Dealing with Turkey-EU Relations in
Turkey and Their Role in This Process”).
23-Marmara University the EU Institute, International Workshop on “Re-conceptualizing
Turkey-EU Relations” under the EU-sponsored project titled “Bridges of Understanding:
Intercultural Europe and Turkey’s Contribution” on 9-10 October 2009. Presentation on “The
Europeanization of the NGOs in Turkey and Their Influence on Turkey-EU Relations”.
24-Conference on “Beyond Boundaries: Media, Culture and Identity in Europe”, organized by
Faculty of Communication of Bahçeşehir University on 2-3 October 2009. Presentation on
“The Audiovisual and Media Policy of the EU and Its Influence on Identity”.
25-8th METU( Middle East Technical University) Conference on International Relations in
Ankara on 17-19 June 2009. Presentation on “Europeanization of Turkish Foreign Policy and
Increasing Multidimensionalism”.
26-Conference organized by Bahçeşehir University and Şişli Municipality, “Türkiye and EU
from Interdisciplinary Perspective”, 9 May 2009. Presentation on “Turkey’s Membership to
the EU in terms of ‘Clash of Civilizations’”.
27- 10-11 July 2008 İKV-TUNAECS Conference at Yeditepe University on “EU and Turkey:
From the Past to the Future”. Presentation on “An Analysis of European Identity within the
Framework of the EU and the Case of Turkey’s Membership”.
28- 6-8 March 2008 Columbia University Council for European Studies 16th International
Conference, in Chicago USA. Presentation on “European Identity in the Context of the EU
and the Case of Turkey’s Membership”.
29- 6-13 August 2006 , Summer School on “The Future of Europe: A View From The
Danube Region” which was organized by III. Danube Rectors’ Conference in Dubrovnik,
Croatia. Presentation on “External Identity of the EU” .
30- 5-8 June 2006, Conference organized by Ashburn Institute at Girne American University
in Girne, Northern Cyprus on “Redefining Europe: The Redefinition of European Identity”,
Presentation on “Redefinition of European Identity within the EU: The Effects of
Negotiations with Turkey and Her Possible Membership”.
31- 19-22 October 2005, 8th International Congress on “European Culture”, organized by
Navarra University in Pamplona Spain. Presentation on “Means of Constructing European
Identity” .
32- 11-18 May 2005 organized by Polish Forum of Young Diplomats, in Warsaw, Poland.
Seminar on “Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey, Why Not in the EU?” Presentation on “The Relations
Between The EU and Turkey: Historical Background and Its Cultural Aspects” .
33- 8-14 August 2004 The Danube Rectors’ Conference 1st Summer School on Regional
Cooperation, in Pecs, Hungary. Presentation on “Relations Between the EU and Sub-national
Regions and Their Impact on the European Nation-State”.
8. Publications:
8.1 Book
Öner, Selcen, Turkey and the European Union: The Question of European Identity, Lanham,
Maryland: Lexington Pub., July 2011.
8.2 Article which was published in SSCI Journals:
Öner, S., “Internal Factors in the EU’s Transformative Power over Turkey: The Role of
Turkish Civil Society”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol.14, No.1, 2014, pp.
8.3 Articles which were published in an edited book:
Öner, S., “The Role of Turkish Community Organisations in Berlin: Their Role in TurkeyGermany and Turkey-European Union Relations, in İbrahim Sirkeci, et al. (eds.) , Politics and
Law in Turkish Migration, Turkish Migration Series, Transnational Press London, 2015.
Öner, S., “The Identity of Turkey and Its Influence on Turkish Foreign Policy”, in Nilüfer
Narlı and Burak Küntay (eds.), New Perspectives on Turkish Foreign Policy, İstanbul:
Bahçeşehir University Press, 2013.
Öner, S., “Continuities and Changes in Turkish Foreign and Security Policyin the 21st Century
and the EU”, in Ebru Canan Sokullu (ed.), Debating Security in Turkey: Challenges and
Changes in the 21st Century, Lanham, Maryland, USA, Lexington Pub., 2013.
Öner, S., “Europeanisation of Civil Society in Turkey during the Accession Process to the
European Union” in Çiğdem Nas and Yonca Özer (eds.), Turkey and the European
Union:Processes of Europeanisation, Surrey England: Ashgate Pub., 2012.pp.99-118. (ISBN
Öner, S., “The Place of the EU in Multi-Dimensional Turkish Foreign Policy” in Kılıç Buğra
Kanat, et al. (eds.), History, Politics and Foreign Policy in Turkey, Ankara: SETA
Publications, 2011.
Öner, S., “The External Identity of the EU in Terms of Common Foreign and Security Policy
and the Possible Impacts of Turkey” in Lukasz Donaj and Marek Sempach (Eds.), Turcja w
Stosunkach Miedzynarodowych, Lodz International Studies Academy, Poland, 2011, pp.5968.
Öner, S., “Audiovisual and Media Policy of EU and Its Influence on Identity” in Savaş
Arslan, Volkan Aytar, et al. (eds.), Media, Culture and Identity in Europe, İstanbul:
Bahçeşehir University Press, 2009.
Öner, S., “AB’nin Görsel-İşitsel ve Medya Politikaları ve Kimliğe Olan Etkileri”, in Savaş
Arslan, Volkan Aytar, et al. (eds.), Avrupa’da Medya, Kültür ve Kimlik, İstanbul: Bahçeşehir
University Pub., 2009.
Öner, S., “An Analysis of European Identity within the Framework of the EU: The Case of
Turkey’s Membership”. In Christian Johannes Henrich and Wolfgang Gieler (eds.),
Türkisches Europa-Europaische Türkei. Türken in Europa, turkisch-europaische Identitaten
und turkische Politikbereiche vor dem Hintergrund der Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der
Europaischen Union. Bonn: Scientia Bonnensis Pub., 2008.
8.2 Articles which were published in refereed international journals:
Öner, S., “The ‘Erasmus Generation’ and Turkey: The Effect of the Erasmus Programme on
Perceptions about Turkey and its EU Membership Bid”, Epihany, Vol.8, No 3. December
Öner, S., “Influential Internal and External Factors in German Policy Towards Turkey’s EU
Membership: More than ‘Privileged Partnership” less than Full Membership?”, Eastern
Journal of European Studies, Vol.5. Issue 2, December 2014, pp. 95-118.
Öner, S., "Turkish Community in Germany and the Role of Turkish Community
Organisations", European Scientific Journal, Vol. 10, No.29, October 2014.
Öner, S., “Europeanization of Turkish Foreign Policy and Increasing Multidimensional
Approach”, EurOrient, “Turquie: La Nouvelle Politique Exterieure Turque Entre Le Mythe
‘Europeen’ et la Nostalgie ‘Ottomane’” (The New Turkish Foreign Policy between the
European Myth and the Ottoman Nostalgia”), No-35-36, 2011, pp.217-236.
Öner, S., "'Unity and Diversity' in the European Union: The Case of Turkey’s Membership",
Forum Bosnae, No. 51, December 2010, pp.17-27.
Öner, S., “Turkey’s Membership to the EU in Terms of “Clash of Civilizations”, The Journal
of Interdisciplinary Economics, Vol. 20, No.3,4, 2009, pp.245-261.
Öner, S., “European Identity in the Context of the EU: Construction of European Identity in
Civic and Cultural Terms”, Europolis, Vol. 4, December 2008, pp.261-286. (Central and
Eastern European Online Library)
8.3 Articles which were published in the proceeding volume:
Öner, S., "The Influence of Lisbon Treaty on the European Union as a Global Actor and the
Question of Turkey’s Membership", Fifth Annual International Conference on European
Integration: "Europe after The Lisbon Treaty" Conference Proceedings, Skopje, 2011, pp.6580.
Öner, S., “Türkiye’deki Türkiye-AB Ilişkileriyle İlgili STK’lar ve Bu Süreçteki Rolleri”,
Proceedings of VI. International NGOs Conference, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 2325 October 2009, pp.639-647.
Öner, S., “Relations Between the EU and Sub-national Regions and Their Impact on the
European Nation-State” , Regional Cooperation as Central European Perspective, Istvan
Terrosy , Gerald Rosskogler (eds.), Proceedings of 1st Danube Rector’s Conference Summer
School, Pecs, Hungary, 2005.
8.4 Articles which were published in refereed national journals:
Öner, S., “Different Manifestations of the Rise of Far-right in European Politics: The Cases of
Germany and Austria”, Marmara Journal of European Studies, Vol.22, No.2, 2014, pp.85106.
Öner, S., “Avrupa Birliği’nin Ekonomik Krizi ve Kimlik Krizi”, Social Sciences Research
Journal, Vol.3, Issue 3, September 2014, pp. 5-16.
Öner, S., “Avrupa’da Yükselen Aşırı Sağ, Yeni ‘Öteki’ler ve Türkiye’nin AB Üyeliği’,
Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, Cilt 3, No.1, 2014. pp. 163-184.
Öner, S., “EU Presidency of Southern Cyprus: Challenges and Prospects for Turkey-EU
Relations”, Journal of European Theoretical and Applied Studies, Vol.1 Issue 2, 2013, pp.
Öner, S., “Regional Policy of the European Union”, Maliye Konferansları , İstanbul,
November 2004.pp.99-115.
Öner, S., “The Limits of European Integration: The Question of European Identity”, Ankara
Review of European Studies, Vol: 3, No: 2, Ankara, Spring 2004.pp.27-38.
Öner S., “A Brief Anlaysis of Fukuyama’s Thesis: The End of History?”, Sosyoloji
Konferansları, İstanbul, Spring 2003.pp.93-106
8.5 Articles which was published in national journals:
Öner S., “The European Union after the Lisbon Treaty”, HLO (School of Government and
Leadership-Bahçeşehir University) Quarterly , Vol.1, Winter 2011.
8.6 Articles which were published in online journals:
Öner, S., “The Role of Member States in EU Enlargement Policy: The Eastern Enlargement
and Turkey’s Accession Process”, Research Turkey: Centre for Policy and Research on
Öner, S., “Soft Power in Turkish Foreign Policy: New Instruments and Challenges”,
Euxenios: Governance and Culture in the Black Sea Region 10, University of St. Gallen,
Europe,, 2013.
Öner, S. and Ö. Ünal Eriş, “An Evaluation of the Transformative Power of EU Enlargement
and Neighbourhood Policies: The Cases of Turkey and Ukraine”, Spectrum Journal of Global
Studies, Vol.5, No.1.,,
9. Visiting Scholar and Scholarships:
30 May-6 June 2014 Erasmus visiting scholar at Regent’s University, London, UK.
20-26 May 2013 Erasmus visiting scholar at Pompeu Fabra University Department of
International Relations, Barcelona, Spain.
September 2012, Research Scholarship from Free University of Berlin, Transformative Power
of Europe, research on “The Role of Germany in Turkey-EU Relations”, Berlin, Germany.
Study trip to Brussels with young academicians of Turkey, which is organized by
International Relations Council in Turkey. It includes visits to the European Parliament, the
Commission, NATO, Delegation of Turkey to the EU and Delegation of Turkey to NATO in
May 2010.
18-24 May 2009 visiting scholar at Jagiellonian University, Centre for European Studies,
Poland through Erasmus programme.
15 August-15 September 2007 SPIRIT (Department of History, International and Social
Studies) Scholarship at Aalborg University Denmark. Research on PhD Thesis.
July-October 2006 scholarship by TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research
Council of Turkey) for a research on PhD thesis on “The Construction of European Identity
within the EU” at Free University of Brussels, Institute for European Studies. Interviews were
made with some of the Commission officials and the Members of the European Parliament.
10. Undergraduate and Graduate Courses which were given:
Undergraduate courses: History of European Union
Justice Freedom and Security in the EU I, II
Current Issues in EU Politics
Europeanization of Public Policies in EU Candidate Countries
Seminar on EU Related Topics I, II
EU Principles and Values
Consumer Rights, Food Safety and Health Protection in the EU
Single Market and Four Freedoms
Information Society
Graduate courses: Dünya Politikaları ve Sorunları (Küresel Siyaset M.A.)
AB Dış Politikası (E-Küresel Siyaset M.A.)
Avrupa Entegrasyonu ve Politikaları (Küresel Siyaset M.A.)
Avrupa Entegrasyonu ve Değerleri (Küresel Siyaset M.A.-BAU Bursa Kampüsü)
Lobbying in the EU (M.A. on EU Relations)
Identity and Citizenship in the EU (M.A. on EU Relations)
EU Politics (Political Science and International Relations-PhD)
11.Guest Lectures
16 April 2015, Marmara University EU Institute, presentation at a Seminar course of MA
students of EU Politics and International Relations on “Europeanization of Turkish Civil
19 May 2014 Guest lecture was given at Trento University in Italy at a Master programme on
European and International Studies. The lecture’s title was “Current Challenges and Future
Prospects of European Integration and Identity: The EU and the Case of Turkey”.
4 May 2010 Guest Lecture on “Turkey-EU Relations”, Galatasaray University Faculty of
Communitication Undergraduate (4th year).
27 May 2009 Marmara University EU Institute, presentation at a Seminar course of MA
students of EU Politics and International Relations on “European Identity and Discussions on
Turkey-EU Relations in terms of European Identity”.
11 May 2009 Guest Lecture on “Turkey-EU Relations”, Galatasaray University Faculty of
Communitication Undergraduate (4th year).
December 2008, guest lecture at University of Southern Denmark, Sondenborg, Denmark,
Presentation on “Turkey-EU Relations in terms of European Identity”.
December 2008 Marmara University Faculty of Law 4th Grade, presentation on “Evaluation
of Turkey-EU Relations in terms of European Identity”.
Lecture was given at the Mediterrenean Summer School of Theoretical and Applied
Humanities on “Re-thinking Europe: Constructions of the New” in 30 June-13 July 2008 in
Koper, Slovenia on “European Identity in the Context of the EU: Discussions on Turkey’s
Membership in terms of Compatibility of Islam and European Identity”.
12. Languages
English (Advanced)
Spanish (Intermediate)

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