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Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,
University of Maryland-College Park
1163 Martin Hall, College Park, Maryland 20742
Office (301) 314-2692
Fax: (301) 405-2585
Department of Civil and Environmental Engr., University of Wisconsin-Madison,2000
Department of Civil and Environmental Engr., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996
B.S.C.E., Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey, 1993
Visiting Associate Professor and Research Fellow, Federal Highway
Administration Recycled Materials Resource Center, University of WisconsinMadison
Associate Professor, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, and Project Assistant, University of
Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, American Society of Civil
Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Maryland.
Honoree, 3rd Annual University-Wide Celebration of Scholarship and Research,
University of Maryland, College Park.
Arthur M. Wellington Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers
Arthur Casagrande Professional Development Award, American Society of Civil
IGS Award, International Geosynthetics Society (IGS)
Collingwood Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers
ExCEED New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, American Society of Civil
Outstanding Civil Engineering Educator Award, American Society of Civil
Engineers Maryland Section
General Research Board Award, University of Maryland
International Outstanding Achievement Award (Geosynthetics Research/Project
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
Category), Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI)
Lilly Teaching Fellow, Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Maryland
Engineering Achievement Award, American Society of Civil Engineers Wisconsin
N. Severson Geotechnical Engineering Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Vilas Dissertator Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Applications of image analysis in material characterization
Geoenvironmental engineering
Bioengineering in geotechnics
Recycled materials in geotechnics
Flow through porous media
Remediation of contaminated soils and groundwater
Total Funding: ~$1,735,000
Geotechnical and Environmental Impacts of Steel Slag Use in Highway Construction (Principal
Investigator, FHWA/Maryland State Highway Administration)
Geosynthetic Filters for First Flush Water Quality Improvement of Urban Stormwater Runoff
(Co-Principal Investigator, Tate, Inc.)
Development of Design Guidelines for Proper Selection of Graded Aggregate Base in Highways
(Principal Investigator, FHWA/Maryland State Highway Administration)
Geoenvironnmental Impacts of Using High Carbon Fly Ash in Structural Fill Applications
(Principal Investigator, FHWA/Maryland State Highway Administration)
Release of Inorganic Contaminants from Coal Combustion By-Product-Amended Soils during
Highway Construction (Principal Investigator, Federal Highway Administration Recycled
Materials Resource Center)
Soil Slope Failure Investigation Management System (Principal Investigator, FHWA/Maryland
State Highway Administration)
Evaluation of Leaching Protocols for Testing of Coal-Combustion By-Products (Principal
Investigator, Maryland Department of Natural Resources)
Innovative Uses of Coal Fly Ash in Construction Applications (Principal Investigator, Maryland
Department of Natural Resources)
Biologically Driven Soil Improvement (Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation)
Beneficial Reuse of Baltimore Harbor Dredgings and Effects on the Chesapeake Bay (Principal
Investigator, U.S. Geological Survey/ Maryland Water Resources Research Center)
High Carbon Content Fly Ash in Remediation of Contaminated Soils (Principal Investigator,
Maryland Department of Natural Resources)
Modeling Permeability of Asphalt Pavements (Principal Investigator, U.S. Department of
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
Suitability of Fly Ash/Cement /Soil Mixture as a Highway Base Material (Principal Investigator,
FHWA/Maryland State Highway Administration)
Environmental Suitability of Stabilized Petroleum Contaminated Soils (Principal Investigator,
FHWA/Maryland State Highway Administration)
Beneficial Reuse of Waste Leaf Compost as a Landfill Cover Material (Principal Investigator, City
of College Park/University of Maryland)
Use of Cellular Confinement Systems in Airfield Pavement Structures (Principal Investigator,
Miratech, Inc./Minta Martin Fund)
Dr. Aydilek has published/edited 98 works consisting of 1 book, 3 book chapters, 73 refereed
articles in journals and conference proceedings, and 21 technical reports. The refereed articles
have appeared in a variety of ASCE journals and two of the articles have received awards
(Wellington Prize and Collingwood Prize). Dr. Aydilek has also conducted invited lectures and
presentations around the world at universities, conferences, and workshops.
Dr. Aydilek has been a keynote speaker for the 2010 National Conference of the Turkish
Geotechnical Society, 4th Turkish Geotechnics Symposium, and the 2011 International Balkans
Conference on Challenges in Civil Engineering, and invited as the keynote speaker for the 2012
Geosynthetics Conference organized by the International Geosynthetics Society-Turkish Chapter.
The book, book chapters and journal articles are listed below.
Note: Co-authors who were or are my advisees are underlined; post-doctoral research
associates are underlined and in italic.
Book Edited
Aydilek A.H. and Wartman, J. (2004). “Recycled Materials in Geotechnics”,
Geotechnical Special Publication No.127, ASCE, Reston, Virginia, 233 p.
Book Chapters
Aydilek A.H. and Edil, T.B. (2010). “Designing with Geosynthetics”, Chapter 12 in
Geotechnical Engineering Handbook, Ed. Braja Das, J.Ross Publishing, Inc., 43 p.
Seagren, E.A. and Aydilek A.H. (2010). “Biomediated Geomechanical Processes”,
Chapter 24 in Environmental Microbiology, 2nd Edition, R. Mitchell and J-D. Gu, eds.,
John Wiley&Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, pp. 319-348.
Aydilek A.H. (2011). “Filters and Drains”, Chapter 3 in Handbook of Geosynthetic
Engineering, Ed. Sanjay Shukla, Thomas Telford, Inc., 2nd edition, pp. 67-87.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Aydilek, A.H. and Edil, T.B. (2002). “Filtration Performance of Woven Geotextiles with
Wastewater Treatment Sludge”, Geosynthetics International, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 41-69.
2. Aydilek, A.H., Oguz, S. H., and Edil, T.B. (2002). “Digital Image Analysis to Determine
Pore Opening Size Distribution of Nonwoven Geotextiles”, Journal of Computing in
Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 280-290.
3. Aydilek, A.H. and Edil, T.B. (2003). “Long-Term Filtration Performance of Nonwoven
Geotextile-Sludge Systems”, Geosynthetics International, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 110-123.
4. Aydilek, A.H., Guler, M., and Edil, T.B. (2004). “Use of Image Analysis in
Determination of Strain Distribution During Geosynthetic Tensile Testing”, Journal of
Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 65-74.
Aydilek, A.H. and Edil, T.B. (2004). “Evaluation of Woven Geotextile Pore Structure
Parameters Using Image Analysis”, Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol. 27, No.
1, pp. 99-110.
6. Aydilek, A.H. and Kutay, M.E. (2004). “Development of an Innovative Computer
Controlled Water Deairing System for Hydraulic Testing of Geosynthetics”, Journal of
Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 161-166.
7. Kutay, M.E. and Aydilek, A.H. (2004) “Retention Performance of Geotextile Containers
Confining Geomaterials”, Geosynthetics International, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 100-113.
8. Aydilek, A.H., Oguz, S.H., and Edil, T.B. (2005). “Constriction Size of Geotextile
Filters”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131,
No. 1, pp. 28-38. (2006 ASCE Collingwood Prize).
Kutay, M.E. and Aydilek, A.H. (2005). “Filtration Performance of Two-Layer
Geotextile Systems”, Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 79-91.
10. Bulusu, S., Aydilek, A.H, Petzrick, P., and Guynn, R. (2005). “Remediation of
Abandoned Mines Using Coal Combustion by-Products”, Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 8, pp. 958-969.
11. Arora, S. and Aydilek, A.H. (2005). “Class F Fly Ash Amended Soils as Highway Base
Materials”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 640649.
12. Kutay, M.E., Guler, M., and Aydilek, A.H. (2006). “Analysis of Factors Affecting Strain
Distribution in Geosynthetics”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 1, pp. 1-11.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
13. Aydilek, A.H. (2006). “A Semi-Analytical Model for Development of Woven Geotextile
Filter Selection Criteria”, Geosynthetics International, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 59-72.
14. Aydilek, A.H., Madden, T.E., and Demirkan, M.M. (2006). “Field Evaluation of a
Leachate Collection System Constructed with Scrap Tires”, Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 8, pp. 990-1000.
15. Kaplan, H. and Aydilek, A.H. (2006). “Seismic Analysis of a Low-Rise Base Isolated
Structural System”, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration, and Active Control,
Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 93-109.
16. Guney, Y., Aydilek, A.H., and Demirkan, M.M. (2006). “Geoenvironmental Behavior of
Foundry Sand Amended Mixtures for Highway Subbases”, Waste Management, Vol. 26,
pp. 932-945.
17. Demirkan, M.M., Seagren, E.A., and Aydilek, A.H. (2006). “Reuse of Fly Ash Amended
Petroleum Contaminated Soils in Highway Embankments”, Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, No. 1975, pp. 104-111.
18. Kutay, M.E., Aydilek, A.H., and Masad, E. (2006). “Laboratory Validation of Lattice
Boltzmann Method for Modeling Pore-Scale Flow in Granular Materials”, Computers
and Geotechnics, Vol. 33, No. 8, pp.381-395.
19. Aydilek, A.H. (2007). “Digital Image Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering Education”,
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, ASCE, Vol. 133,
No. 1, pp. 38-42.
20. Aydilek, A.H., D’Hondt, D., and Holtz, R.D. (2007). “Comparative Evaluation of
Geotextile Pore Sizes Using Bubble Point Test and Image Analysis”, Geotechnical
Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 173-181.
21. Kutay, M.E. and Aydilek, A.H. (2007). “Dynamic Effects on Moisture Transport in
Asphalt Concrete”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133, No. 7, Vol.
133, No. 7, pp. 406-414 (2009 Arthur M. Wellington Prize).
22. Kutay, M.E., Aydilek, A.H., and Masad, E. (2007). “Estimation of Directional
Permeability of HMA Based on Numerical Simulation of Micro-scale Water Flow”,
Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2001, pp. 29-36.
23. Kutay, M.E., Aydilek, A.H., Masad, E., and Harman, T. (2007). “Computational and
Experimental Evaluation of Hydraulic Conductivity Anisotropy in Hot-Mix Asphalt”,
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 28-43.
24. Bulusu, S., Aydilek, A.H, and Rustagi, N. (2007). “CCB-Based Encapsulation of Pyrite
for Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 143, No.
3, pp. 609-619.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
25. Guney, Y., Koparal, A.S., and Aydilek, A.H. (2008). “Sepiolite as an Alternative Landfill
Liner Material in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 134, No. 8, pp. 1166-1180.
26. Kutay, M.E. and Aydilek, A.H. (2009). “Pore Pressure and Viscous Shear Distribution
due to Water Flow within Asphalt Pore Structure”, Journal of Computer-Aided Civil
and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 212-224.
27. Chou, W.C., Seagren, E.A., Aydilek A.H., and Maugel, T.K. (2009). “BacteriallyInduced Calcite Precipitation via Ureolysis”, American Society for Microbiology Microbe
Library, (Online visual resource)
28. Cetin, B., Aydilek, A.H., and Guney, Y. (2010) “Stabilization of Recycled Base Material
Using High Carbon Fly Ash”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 54, pp.
29. Demirkan, M.M., Seagren, E.A., Aydilek, A.H., and Hower, J. (2011) “Adsorption of
Naphthalene and o-xylene onto High Carbon Content Fly ash” Journal of Environmental
Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 137, No. 5, pp. 377-387.
30. Chou, C.-W., Seagren, E.A., Aydilek, A.H., and M. Lai. (2011). "Biocalcification of
sand through ureolysis." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
ASCE, Vol. 137, No. 12, pp. 1179-1190.
31. Tastan, O., Edil. T.B., Benson, C.H., and Aydilek, A.H. (2011). “Stabilization of
Organic Soils with Fly Ash”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 137, No. 9, pp. 819-834.
32. Cetin, B., Aydilek, A.H., and Guney, Y. (2012). “Leaching of Four Trace Metals from
High Carbon Fly Ash Stabilized Highway Base Layers”, Resources, Conservation and
Recycling, Vol. 58, pp. 8-17.
33. Sauer, J.J., Benson, C.H., Aydilek, A.H., and Edil. T.B. (2012). “Trace Elements
Leaching from Organic Soils Stabilized with High Carbon Fly Ash”, Journal of
34. Morar, D., Aydilek, A.H., Seagren, E.A., and Demirkan, M.M. (2012). “Metal Leaching
from Fly Ash-Sand Reactive Barriers”, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, in
35. Cetin, B., Aydilek, A.H., and Li, L. (2012). “Experimental and Numerical Study of Metal
Leaching from Fly Ash Amended Highway Bases”, Waste Management, in press.
36. Franks, C., Davis, A. P., and Aydilek A.H.. (2012). “Geosynthetic Filters for Water
Quality Improvement of Urban Stormwater”, Journal of Environmental Engineering,
ASCE, in press.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
37. Kaya, Z., Cetin, A., Cetin, B, and Aydilek, A.H.. “Effect of Aggerate properties and
Compaction Method on Mechanical Properties of Granular Bases”, IMO Technical
Bulletin, in review.
38. Becker, J., Aydilek, A.H., Davis, A.P., and Seagren, E.A.., “Evaluation of Leaching
Protocols for Testing of Coal Fly Ash/Soil Mixtures”, Journal of Environmental
Engineering, ASCE, in review.
39. Kaya, Z., Cetin, A., Cetin, B, and Aydilek, A.H.. “Influence of Compaction Method on
Geotechnical Properties of Unbound Granular Materials”, Road Materials and
Pavement Design, in review.
40. Guney, Y., Cetin, B. Aydilek, A.H., Koparal, A.S., and Tanyu, B. “Mechanical and
Hydraulic Performance of Zeolite-Sepiolite Mixtures”, Waste Management, in review.
41. Tanyu, B.F., Aydilek, A.H., Lau, A., Edil. T.B., and Benson, C.H. “Laboratory
Evaluation of Geocell-Reinforced Gravel Subbase over Poor Subgrades”, Journal of
Geosynthetics International, in review.
42. DeJong, J.T., Soga, K.S., Kavazanijan, E., Burns, S., van Paassen, L., Fragazsy, R., Al
Qabany, A., Aydilek, A.H., Bang, S..S., Burbank, M., Caslake, L., Chen, C.Y., Chhu, J.,
Ciiurli, S., Fauriel, S., Filet, A.E., Hamdan, N., Hata, T., Inagaki, Y., Jefferis, S., Kuo,
M., Larrahondo, J., Manning, D., Martinez, B., Mortensen, B., Nelson, D., Palomino, A.,
Renforth, P., Santamarina,, J.C., Seagren, E.A., Tanyu, B., Tsesarsky, M., and Weaver,
T. “Biogeochemical Processes and Geotechnical Applications: Progress, Opportunities,
and Challenges”, Geotechnique, in review.
43. Cetin, A. and Aydilek, A.H.. “Reuse of Recycled Pavement Materials and Full-Depth
Reclamation—A Synthesis of Current Activities”, Construction World, in review (in
Refereed Conference Proceedings
1. Aydilek A.H. and Edil T.B. (1996). “Solidification and Stabilization of Hazardous
Wastes”, Proceedings of the Sixth Turkish Congress on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, 9 Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, October 1996, Vol. 2, pp. 442-452.
2. Aydilek A.H. and Edil T.B. (1998). “Capping of Contaminated Sludges”, Proceedings of
the Seventh Turkish Congress on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Yildiz
Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 1998, Vol. 2, pp. 599-610.
3. Aydilek A.H., Edil T.B., and Fox, P.J. (2000). “Consolidation Characteristics of
Wastewater Sludge”, Geotechnics of High Water Content Materials, ASTM STP, No.
1374, pp. 309-323.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
4. Aydilek A.H. (2001). “Field Performance of Geotextile Reinforced Sludge Caps”,
Proceedings of Geosynthetics ’01, Portland, Oregon, February 2001, pp. 589-598.
5. Edil T.B. and Aydilek A.H. (2001). “Geotechnics of Capping Very Soft Wastes”,
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2001, Vol. 3, pp. 1903-1906.
6. Kutay, M.E. and Aydilek, A.H. (2003). “Hydraulic Compatibility of Geotextile Drains
with Fly Ash in Pavement Structures”, Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2003, 15 p. (CD-Rom).
7. Aydilek, A.H. and Arora, S. (2004). “Fly Ash Amended Soils as Highway Base
Materials”, Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Projects, Geotechnical Special
Publication 126, ASCE, Eds. M.K. Yegian, and E. Kavazanjian, Los Angeles, California,
July 2004, Vol. 1, pp. 1032-1041.
8. Aydilek, A.H. (2004). “Geotextile Pore Structure Characterization Using Image
Analysis”, Proceedings of Geo-Filters 2004, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2004,
12 p. (CD-Rom).
9. Guler, M. Kutay, M.E., Aydilek, A.H., and Dafla, H. (2005). “Evaluation of Strain
Distribution in Geotextiles Using Image Analysis”, Proceedings of Geo-Frontiers 2005,
Austin, Texas, January 2005, 8 p. (CD-Rom).
10. Kutay, M.E., Aydilek, A.H., and Hussein, S. (2005). “Dewatering Fly Ash Slurries Using
Geotextile Containers”, Proceedings of GRI-18 Conference, ASCE, Austin, Texas,
January 2005, 7 p. (CD-Rom).
11. Kutay, M.E. and Aydilek A.H. (2005). “Hydraulic Compatibility of Geotextile
Containers Confining Dredged Sediments”, Proceedings of the Sixteenth International
Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Osaka, Japan, September
2005, pp. 2293-2296.
12. Demirkan, M.M., Seagren, E.A., and Aydilek, A.H. (2006). “Reuse of Fly Ash Amended
Petroleum Contaminated Soils in Highway Embankments”, Proceedings of the 85th
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January
2006, 28 p. (CD-Rom).
13. Kutay, M.E., Aydilek A. H., and Harman, T. (2006). “Dynamic Hydraulic Conductivity
of Asphalt Pavements”, Proceedings of GeoCongress 2006: Geotechnical Engineering in
the Information Technology Age, ASCE, Eds. DeGroot, D.J., DeJong, J.T., Frost, D.,
and Baise, L.G., Atlanta, Georgia, February 2006, 6 p. (CD-Rom).
14. Kutay, M.E. and Aydilek A.H. (2006). “Accuracy of the Two Common Semi-Analytical
Equations in Predicting Asphalt Permeability”, Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Workshop on
X-ray CT for Geomaterials, Grenoble, France, October 2006, 6 p. (CD-Rom).
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
15. Aydilek A.H., Kutay, M.E., Sparacino, R., and Dafla, H. (2007). “Image Analysis for
QC/QA of Geosynthetic Deformation during Wide Width Tensile Testing”, Proceedings
of Geosynthetics 2007, Washington, D.C., January 2007, 6 p. (CD-Rom).
16. Guney, Y., and Aydilek, A.H. (2007). “Laboratory Evaluation of Foundry Sand
Amended Mixtures for Highway Subbases”, Proceedings of the 86th Annual Meeting of
the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2007, 23 p. (CD-Rom).
17. Demirkan, M.M., Aydilek A.H., Seagren, E.A., and Rustagi, N. (2007). “Leaching
Behavior of Petroleum Contaminated Soils Stabilized with High Carbon Content Fly
Ash”, Proceedings of GeoDenver2007: New Peaks in Geotechnics, Denver, Colorado,
February 2007, 14 p. (CD-Rom).
18. Demirkan, M.M., Aydilek A.H., Seagren, E.A., and Hower, J. (2007). “Adsorption
Behavior of Petroleum Hydrocarbons onto High Carbon Content Fly Ashes”,
Proceedings of World of Coal Ash, Lexington, Kentucky, May 2007 (CD-Rom).
19. Demirkan, M.M., Aydilek A.H., Seagren, E.A., Knight, Z., and Loomis, K. (2007).
“Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils Using High Carbon Content Fly Ash”,
Proceedings of World of Coal Ash, Lexington, Kentucky, May 2007 (CD-Rom).
20. Kutay, M.E. and Aydilek, A.H. (2008). “Numerical Modeling of Suspension Flow Using
the Lattice Boltzmann Method”, Geotechnical Special Publication 179, ASCE, Eds. A. N.
Alshawabkeh, K. R. Reddy, and M. V. Khire, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2008, pp.
21. Demirkan, M.M., Morar, D., Aydilek A.H., Seagren, E.A., and Tsai, A. (2008).
Remediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Groundwater Using High Carbon Content Fly
Ash”, Geotechnical Special Publication 177, ASCE, Eds. M. V. Khire, A. N.
Alshawabkeh, and K. R. Reddy, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2008, pp. 551-558.
22. Aydilek A.H. and Edil T.B. (2008). “Solidification/Stabilization of PCB-Contaminated
Wastewater Treatment Sludges”, Geotechnical Special Publication 177, ASCE, Eds. M.
V. Khire, A. N. Alshawabkeh, and K. R. Reddy, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2008,
pp. 724-731.
23. Aydilek A.H. and Edil T.B. (2008). “Remediation of High-water Content GeomaterialsA Review of Geotextile Filter Performance” (Invited Paper), Proceedings of GeoAmericas, Cancun, Mexico, March 2008, 9 p. (CD-Rom).
24. Cetin, B. and Aydilek A.H. (2010). “Use of High Carbon Fly Ash to Stabilize Recycled
Base Materials”, Proceedings of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research
Board, Washington, D.C., January 2010, 18 p. (CD-Rom).
25. Aydilek A.H. (2010). “Sustainable Geotechnics---Microbiological Improvement of
Sandy Soils”, (Invited Paper), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress on Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
26. Cetin, B. and Aydilek A.H. (2011). “Leaching of Cu and Zn metals from Fly Ash
Amended Highway Base Layers”, Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2011, 15 p. (CD-Rom).
27. Cetin, B. and Aydilek A.H. (2011). “Chromium Leaching from Fly Ash Stabilized
Highways”, Proceedings of Geofrontiers, Dallas, TX., March 2011, 9 p. (CD-Rom).
28. Franks, C., Davis, A. P., and Aydilek A.H. (2011). “Geosynthetic Filters for Water
Quality Iimprovement of Urban Stormwater”, Proceedings of Geofrontiers, Dallas, TX.,
March 2011, 9 p. (CD-Rom).
29. Aydilek A.H. (2011). “Recycled Materials in Transportation Geotechnics”, (Invited
Paper), Proceedings of the Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering,
May 2011, Tirania, Albania.
30. Cetin, B. and Aydilek A.H. (2012). “Environmental Suitability of Fly Ash Amended
Highway Embankment Construction”, Proceedings of Geocongress, Oakland, CA, March
2012, 9 p. (CD-Rom).
31. Kaya, Z., Cetin, A., Cetin, B. and Aydilek A.H. (2012). “Effect of Compaction Method
on Mechanical Behavior of Graded Aggregate Materials”, Proceedings of Geocongress,
Oakland, CA, March 2012, 9 p. (CD-Rom).
Talks and Other Professional Papers Presented
Invited Talks (Non-conference)
1. Aydilek, A.H., “Image-Based Determination of Strain Distribution in Geosynthetics
during Tensile Testing”, invited lecture at TRB-A2KO7 Committee on Geosynthetics,
Washington, D.C., January 2003.
2. Aydilek, A.H., “Applications of Image Analysis in Geosynthetics Engineering”, invited
lecture at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, February 2003.
Aydilek, A.H., “Fly Ash Amended Soils as Highway Base Materials”, invited lecture at
TRB-A2L03 Committee on Physicochemical Phenomena in Soils, Washington, D.C.,
January 2004.
4. Aydilek, A.H., “Image Analysis in Testing of Geosynthetics”, invited lecture at Drexel
University/Geosynthetic Research Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 2004.
5. Aydilek, A.H., “Non-Contact Evaluation of Strains in Geosynthetics during Tensile
Testing”, invited lecture at ASCE Geosynthetics Committee, Austin, Texas, January
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
Aydilek, A.H., “Image-Based Evaluation of Geomaterials”, invited lecture at Carleton
University, Ottawa, Canada, March 2006.
7. Aydilek, A.H., “Computer Vision Techniques for Geosynthetics and Asphalt Concrete”,
invited lecture at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, March 2006.
8. Aydilek, A.H., “Digital Image Processing in Geosynthetics and Pavement Engineering”,
invited lecture at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, March 2006.
9. Aydilek, A.H., “Sustainable Design in Geoenvironmental Remediation”, invited lecture at
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, April 2007.
10. Aydilek, A.H., “Analytical and Numerical Modeling of Flow in the Geoenvironment”,
invited lecture at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, April 2007.
11. Chou, C., Seagren, E.A.*, and Aydilek A.H. “Biomediated Geomechanical Processes: A
Collaborative Research Approach”, Biological Methods in Geotechnical Engineering”,
Washington, D.C., January 2008.
12. Chou, C., Aydilek A.H.*, Seagren, E.A., and Lai, M. “Microbiologically Processed
Soils”, invited panelist at “Harnessing Bio-mediated Processes for Geotechnical
Applications”, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2008.
13. Guney, Y. and Aydilek, A.H.* “Mechanical and Hydraulic Performance of Foundry Sand
Amended Mixtures in Highway Subbases”, Mid-Continent Transportation Research
Forum, Madison, Wisconsin, August 2008.
14. Aydilek, A.H., “Biomediated Improvement of Soils”, invited lecture at the Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, Virginia, March 2009.
15. Aydilek, A.H., “Recycled Materials Reuse in Roadway Construction---Geomechanical
and Environmental Suitability Analysis”, invited lecture at the University of Washtiington,
Seattle, Washington, March 2009.
16. Aydilek, A.H., “Life in Academia---Obtaining and Securing a Tenure-Track Positions in
the U.S. Institutions”, invited lecture at Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, April
Talks at Conferences (the speaker is indicated with an asterisk)
1. Aydilek A. H., Edil T.B.*, and Fox, P.J. “Consolidation Characteristics of Wastewater
Sludge”, Symposium on Geotechnics of High Water Content Materials, Memphis,
Tennessee, January 1999.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
2. Aydilek A.H.* “Field Performance of Geotextile Reinforced Sludge Caps”,
Geosynthetics ’01, Portland, Oregon, February 2001.
3. Edil T.B.* and Aydilek A.H. “Geotechnics of Capping Very Soft Wastes”, 13th
International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Istanbul,
Turkey, August 2001.
4. Aydilek, A.H.* and Arora, S. “Fly Ash Amended Soils as Highway Base Materials”,
ASCE Geo-Trans Conference, Los Angeles, California, July 2004.
5. Kutay, M.E., Aydilek, A.H.*, and Hussein, S. “Dewatering Fly Ash Slurries Using
Geotextile Containers”, GRI-18 Conference, Austin, Texas, January 2005.
6. Kutay, M.E. and Aydilek A.H.* “Hydraulic Compatibility of Geotextile Containers
Confining Dredged Sediments”, 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering, Osaka, Japan, September 2005.
7. Aydilek A.H.* “Geotextile Containers for Dewatering High Water Content Wastes”,
NAGS 2005 Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, December, 2005.
8. Demirkan, M.M.* Seagren, E.A., and Aydilek, A.H. “Reuse of Fly Ash Amended
Petroleum Contaminated Soils in Highway Embankments”, 85th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2006.
9. Kutay, M.E.*, Aydilek A.H., and Harman, T. “Dynamic Hydraulic Conductivity of
Asphalt Pavements”, ASCE GeoCongress 2006: Geotechnical Engineering in the
Information Technology Age, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2006.
10. Aydilek A.H.*, Kutay, M.E., and Bookhultz, B. “Hydraulic Performance of Geotextile
Containers Dewatering Waste Materials”, 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics,
Yokohama, Japan, September 2006.
11. Aydilek A.H.*, Kutay, M.E., Sparacino, R., and Dafla, H. “Image Analysis for QC/QA
of Geosynthetic Deformation during Wide Width Tensile Testing”, Geosynthetics 2007,
Washington, D.C., January 2007.
12. Demirkan, M.M.*, Aydilek A.H., Seagren, E.A., and Rustagi, N. “Leaching Behavior of
Petroleum Contaminated Soils Stabilized with High Carbon Content Fly Ash”,
GeoDenver2007: New Peaks in Geotechnics, Denver, Colorado, February 2007.
13. Kutay, M.E. and Aydilek, A.H.* “Numerical Modeling of Suspension Flow Using the
Lattice Boltzmann Method”, GeoCongress2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2008.
14. Demirkan, M.M., Aydilek A.H.*, Seagren, E.A., Knight, Z., and Loomis, K.
“Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils Using High Carbon Content Fly Ash”,
World of Coal Ash, Louisville, Kentucky, May 2007.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
15. Demirkan, M.M., Aydilek A.H.*, Seagren, E.A., and Hower, J. “Adsorption Behavior of
Petroleum Hydrocarbons onto High Carbon Content Fly Ashes”, World of Coal Ash,
Louisville, Kentucky, May 2007.
16. Demirkan, M.M., Morar, D., Aydilek A.H.*, Seagren, E.A., and Tsai, A. Remediation
of Petroleum-Contaminated Groundwater Using High Carbon Content Fly Ash”,
GeoCongress2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2008.
17. Aydilek A.H.* and Edil T.B. “Solidification/Stabilization of PCB-Contaminated
Wastewater Treatment Sludges”, GeoCongress2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, March
18. Aydilek A.H. and Edil T.B.* “Remediation of High-water Content Geomaterials-A
Review of Geotextile Filter Performance” (Invited Paper), Geo-Americas 2008, Cancun,
Mexico, March 2008.
19. Seagren, E.A.* and Aydilek A.H. “Biomediated Geomechanical Processes--An
Overview”, Session on Bioimprovement of Soils for Transportation Infrastructure, 87 th
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2009.
20. Aydilek A.H.* (2010). “Sustainable Geotechnics---Microbiological Improvement of
Sandy Soils”, (Keynote Lecture), 13th Congress on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2010.
32. Cetin, B.* and Aydilek A.H. (2011). “Leaching of Two Trace Metals from Soils
Stabilized with High Carbon Ash”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Testing
and Specification of Recycled Materials for Sustainable Geotechnical Construction,
Baltimore, MD, February 2011.
33. Aydilek A.H.* (2011). “Recycled Materials in Transportation Geotechnics”, (Keynote
Lecture), Proceedings of the Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering,
May 2011, Tirania, Albania.
34. Aydilek A.H.* (2011). “Applications of Geosynthetics in Surface Drainage”, (Keynote
Lecture), 4th Geotechnical Symposium, December 2011, Adana, Turkey.
Courses Taught
ENES 102 – Statics
ENCE 340 – Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
ENCE 444 – Laboratory Characterization of Geomaterials
ENCE 645 – Geotechnics of Waste Disposal
ENCE 647 – Slope Stability and Seepage
ENCE 745– Geoenvironmental Site Remediation
Course or Curriculum Development
The following new courses were developed and introduced by Dr. Aydilek at the
University of Maryland:
ENCE 645 Geotechnics of Waste Disposal: The course teaches the fundamental principles of
geoenvironmental engineering that can be employed in the design of waste containment
ENCE 647 Slope Stability and Seepage: The course teaches the geotechnical methodologies
for analyzing the stability of slopes and seepage through porous media.
ENCE 745 Geoenvironmental Site Remediation: The course teaches the geotechnical,
environmental and geophysical technologies for the remediation of contaminated sites.
Dr. Aydilek participated in the following project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison:
Curriculum Development for Geoenvironmental Engineering Courses for U.S. Universities:
1999-2000. A teaching module on geosynthetics was developed as part of an NSF
sponsored curriculum development project. It was undertaken jointly by the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Northwestern University, University of Michigan and Argonne
National Laboratories.
Advising: Research Direction
Undergraduate (all civil engineering majors unless noted)
Qamar Abbasi
Kerem Atalay
Benjamin Bookhultz
Neha Rustagi (Biological Res. Engr.)
Zachary Knight
Lauren Schneider
Rita Sparacino (Third Place Prize in the
Washington Society of
Engineers 2004 Young Engineer Paper
 Alan Coleman
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
Ryan Murdock
Andrew Parker
Sajjad Hussein (Aerospace Engr.)
Daniel Lamb
Hiruy Dafla (2005 Clark School of
Engineering Outstanding ASPIRE
Student Research Award)
 Hormoz Hematian-Boorojeni
(2006 Clark School of
Engineering Outstanding ASPIRE
Student Research Award)
Sahand Karimi
Alice Tsai (Biological Res. Engr.)
Thomas Herer
Jeffrey Goodwin
Naeem Qurechi
Ronald Bucci
Kristin Loomis (Biological Res. Engr.)
Michael Lai (Biological Res. Engr.)
John Martin
Vinay Mehar
Scott Gilson
Master of Science
M. Emin Kutay, December 2002. Placement: UMD Ph.D. student; then Assistant
Professor, Michigan State University.
2. Sunil Arora, Summer 2003. Placement: Hayward Baker, Inc. (Recipient of the 2003 Clark
School of Engineering Best Teaching Assistant Award and 2003 Maryland Water
Resources Research Center Fellowship).
3. Anika Crawford, Spring 2004. Placement: Mildenberg, Boender & Associates, Inc.
4. Sowmya Bulusu, Summer 2005. Placement: Geosyntec Consultants, Inc
5. Reagan Colaco, Spring 2007.
6. Sophia Williams-Carey, Summer 2007.
7. Doina Morar, Spring 2008. Placement: Michael Baker, Inc
8. Joan Chou, Spring 2008.
9. Bora Cetin, Spring 2009; UMD Ph.D. student;
10. Jason Becker, Spring 2010. Placement: URS, Inc
11. Enes Ozkok, “Leaching of Trace Metals from Structural Fills Amended with Fly Ash, Fall
2011.” Placement: UMD Ph.D. student
In progress
12. Raghav Ramanathan, “Development of a GIS-Based Slope Management System for
Maryland”, expected graduation: Fall 2011.
13. Intikhab Haider, “Mechanical and Drainage Chracateristics of Graded Aggregate Base
Materials--Laboratory and Field Analysis”, expected graduation: Fall 2012
Doctor of Philosophy
1. M. Emin Kutay, “Modeling of Moisture Transport in Asphalt Pavements”, Summer 2005.
Placement: Assistant Professor, Michigan State University (Recipient of the Dwight David
Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship).
2. M. Melih Demirkan, “Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils and Groundwater
Using High Carbon Content Fly Ash”, Spring 2008. Placement: Project Engineer, Rizzo
Associates, Inc.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
In progress
3. Carmen Franks, “Geosynthetic Filters for First Flush Water Quality Improvement of Urban
Stormwater Runoff”, Ph.D. student, expected graduation: Summer 2012.
4. Bora Cetin, “Mechanisms Controlling the Leaching of Trace Metals from Soil Stabilized
with Fly Ash”, expected graduation: Spring 2012.
5. Asli Yalcin “Experimentalk and Numerical Analysis of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in
Highways”, expected graduation: Spring 2016.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Murat Guler, 2003. Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
Yucel Guney, 2008, Associate Professor, Anadolu University, Turkey.
Altan Cetin, 2010, Associate Professor, Anadolu University, Turkey.
Zulkuf Kaya, 2010, Assistant Professor, Erciyes University, Turkey.
Mustafa Hatipoglu, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Thesis Committee Member
1. Yongyi Feng, M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, May 2001.
2. Cheryll Richter, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, May 2002.
3. Jeffrey Basford, M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, January 2003.
4. Vojtech Gall, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, August 2004.
5. Halah Azari, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, November 2005.
6. Sangjoon Han, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, November 2005.
7. Nelson Gibson, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, March 2006.
8. Regis Carvalho, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, February 2008.
9. Cihan Tas, Ph.D., Computer Science, March 2010.
10. Grant Pfeiffer, M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, April 2010
11. Endri Mustafa, M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, August 2010
12. Jafar Razmi, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, October 2010
13. Girum Awokoe, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, April 2011
14. Enes Sunel, Ph.D., Economics, July 2011
Editorships, Editorial Boards, and Reviewing Activities
Editorial Board
Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
Editorial Board Member, Geosynthetics International, 2006-present.
Reviewer for journals in the area of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering,
environmental science and engineering, hazardous materials, recycling, air quality, water quality,
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
water treatment, solid waste, engineering geology, environmental management, geosynthetics,
pavement geotechnics,. Also served as a reviewer for numerous paper submitted to
international conferences.
Offices and Committee Memberships Held in Professional Organizations
Chair, Transportation Research Board (TRB) AFP40 Committee on Physicochemical and
Biological Processes in Soils, 2009-2012; Member, since 2003.
Chair, Session titled Advances in Recycled Materials Use in Geotechnical and
Transportation Applications, ASCE Civil Engineering Conference 2004.
Chair, Session titled Beneficial Reuse of Recycled Products and Waste Materials in
Geotechnical and Transportation Applications, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation
Research Board, 2004.
Chair, Session titled Geosynthetics in Drainage and Construction Site Run-Off, North
American Geosynthetics Society Conference, 2005.
Chair, Session titled Building Green Highways: Recycled and Waste Materials in
Transportation Applications, 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,
Chair, Session titled Recycled and Waste Materials in Geotechnical/Geoenvironmental
Applications, ASCE GeoCongress, 2008.
Chair, Session titled Bioimprovement of Soils for Transportation Infrastructure, 88th
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2009.
Chair, Session titled Quantifying the Benefits of Geosynthetics in Highway Applications,
88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2009.
Chair, Session titled Recycled Materials in Transportation Infrastructure, 89th Annual
Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2010.
Chair, Geosynthetics Student Competition, ASCE 2011 GeoCongress.
Member, Organizing Committee, Geosynthetics 2007 Conference, Washington, D.C.
Member, Organizing Committee, ASCE 2010 GeoCongress.
Member, Organizing Committee, ASCE 2011 GeoCongress.
Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geosynthetics Committee
Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geonvironmental
Engineering Committee 2005-present.
Member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) AFS70 Committee on
Geosynthetics, 2001-present.
Member of the American Society of Testing Materials Committee on Geosynthetics (D35), 2001-present.
Member of the American Society of Testing Materials Committee on Soil and Rock (D18), 2001-present.
Member of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Education Committee, 2005present.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
Organizer, Session titled Management of Petroleum Residuals in Transportation
Infrastructure, 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2006.
Other Unpaid Services to Local, State, and Federal Agencies
Evaluation of High Strength Geotextiles for their Use in the Woodrow Wilson Bridge
Rehabilitation Project, Maryland State Highway Administration, 2001.
Analysis of Soil Erosion on MD 6, Charles County, Maryland, Maryland State Highway
Administration, 2001.
NSF/ASCE International Research Workshop Participant, 2001.
NSF/UIC Geoenvironmental Engineering Research/Education Workshop Participant,
USUCGER Workshop, Participant, 2003.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for By-Products Utilization Workshop on the
Use of Fly Ash and other Coal Combustion, Participant, 2004.
Other non-University Committees, Commissions or Panels
Invited Panel Member, Panel discussion on “Recycled Materials in Transportation
Geotechnics”, Geo-Trans 2004, Los Angeles, California.
NSF Proposal Review Panel Member, 2004-present.
United States Geological Survey, Proposal Review Panel Member, 2005-present.
Invited Panel Member, Panel discussion on “Harnessing Bio-mediated Processes for
Geotechnical Applications”, GeoCongress 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana.
 Chair, Undergraduate Recruiting Committee, 2007-present
 Chair, Faculty Development Committee, 2009-present.
 Member, Faculty Performance Review Committee, 2003-2004.
 Member, Faculty Development Committee, 2003-present.
 Member, Workload Policy Ad hoc Committee, 2005.
 Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee, 2005-2007.
 Member, Awards Committee, 2007-2008.
 Member, ABET Committee, 2009-present.
 Member, Environmental Engineering Faculty Search Committee, 2010.
 Organizer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Seventh Annual Staff
Appreciation Event, October 2004.
 Primary presenter for geotechnical/geoenvironmental engineering program in Civil and
Environmental Engineering at the Academically Talented Open House and Visit
Maryland events (approximately 6 events per year), 2001-2006.
 Member, Student Poster Competition Organization Committee, University of Maryland
TRB Reception, 2002-2004.
 Member, Civil Engineering Laboratory Manager Search Committee, 2001.
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.
 Department Secretary, 2001-2002.
Member, Engineering Council, 2003-2008.
Member, University Senate, Educational Affairs Committee, 2003-2007
Ahmet H. Aydilek, Ph.D.

Benzer belgeler

ÖZGEÇMİŞ 1. Adı Soyadı: İrem Zeynep YILDIRIM 2. Doğum Tarihi

ÖZGEÇMİŞ 1. Adı Soyadı: İrem Zeynep YILDIRIM 2. Doğum Tarihi 7.3. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler



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