
Ozyegin University
Department of Psychology
Phone: +90 (216) 5649211
Fax: +90 (216) 564-9099
Ph.D. Developmental Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, December 2002
M.A. Developmental Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, December 1998
B.S. Psychology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, June 1991
Associate Professor. Department of Psychology, Özyeğin University, Turkey, 2011-present
Visiting Scholar. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, September-December, 2009
Chair of the Psychology Department. Abant Izzet Baysal U.,Turkey, June, 2009- May, 2010
Vice Dean. Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Abant Izzet Baysal Unv., 2006-June, 2009
Director of Developmental Psychology Program. Abant Izzet Baysal Unv., 2003-2011
Associate Professor. Department of Psychology, Abant Izzet Baysal Unv., 2006-2011
Assistant Professor. Department of Psychology, Abant Izzet Baysal Unv., 2003-2006
Teaching Assistant. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001-2002
Keller Plan Graduate Supervisor. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2002-20003
Guest Lecturer. University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2000-2001
Jacobs International Scholars Award, Society of Research in Child Development, 2009
Career Research Fellowship, Scientific &Technological Research Council of Turkey, 20052011
Johann Jacobs Foundation International Young Scholars Award, Society of Research on
Adolescent, 2004
Warden Research Grant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2002
Warden Travel Grant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001
Warden Research Grant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2000
National Academic Graduate Scholarship, Turkish Ministry of Education, 1995-2002
Publication in prep.
Kumru, A., Carlo, G., Pope Edwards, C., Sandman, D., and Hi Ha, Y. (submitted). Prosocial
Behavior toward Parents and Its Relations to Attachment, Empathy, and Perspective
Taking among Turkish and Korean Early Adolescents. Journal of Cross-Cultural
Kumru, A., de Guzman, M. R. T., Carlo, G., & Jung, E. (submitted).The Roles of Empathic
Concern, Perspective Taking and Prosocial Moral Reasoning in the Prosocial Behaviors
of Filipino and Turkish Adolescents. Asian Journal of Social Psychology.
Kındap, Y., Kumru, A., & Sayıl, M. (in prep).The Path of Maternal Peer Management to
Prosocial Behaviors through Self Disclosure, Deviant and Prosocial Friends among
Turkish Adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence.
Kumru, A., Kafescioglu, N., Eisenberg, N., Yagmurlu, B., & Sayıl, M. (in prep). Relations
between Maternal Child-Rearing and Childrens? Emotion Regulation: A 3-Wave
Longitudinal Study. Early Education & Development Special Issue.
Streit, C., Carlo, G., Kumru, A., Yağmurlu, B., Sayıl, M., & Davis, A. N. (in prep.).Longitudinal
Relations of Parental Discipline Practices on Turkish Children’s Prosocial Behaviors.
Child Development.
Kumru, A. & Yağmurlu, B. (2013). Prosocial behaviors toward multiple family members. In L.
Padilla-Walker and G. Carlo (Eds.), The complexities of raising prosocial children: An
examination of the multidimensionality of prosocial behaviors. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Yağmurlu, B. ve Kumru, A. (2012). Çocuklukta Sosyal Gelişim. Z. Cemalcılar (Eds.). Psikolojiye
Giriş. Eskişehir: T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Açık Öğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
Kumru, A. ve Öztürk, P. (2012). Çocuklukta olumlu sosyal davranış ve ahlak gelişiminde ana
baba davranışlarının etkileri. M. Sayıl ve B. Yağmurlu (Eds.). Ebeveynlik el kitabı:
Kuram ve araştırma. İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Kumru, A., Carlo, G., Mestre, M.V., & Samper, P.(2012). Prosocial Moral Reasoning and
Prosocial Behavior among Turkish and Spanish Adolescents. Social Behavior and
Personality: An International Journal, 40(2), 205-214.
Bayraktar, F., Kındap, Y., Kumru, A., & Sayıl, M. (2010). Olumlu sosyal ve saldırgan davranışlar
ölçeğinin ergen örnekleminde psikometrik açıdan incelenmesi [Testing the reliability and
validity of the prosocial and aggressive behaviors questionnaire in a Turkish adolescent
sample]. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları (Turkish Psychological Review), 13 (26), 1-13.
Bayraktar, F., Sayıl, M., & Kumru, A. (2009). Ergenlerde ebeveyn ve akrana bağlanma, empati
ve psikolojik uyum değişkenleriyle benlik saygısının yordanması [Self-Esteem among
High-School Adolescents and College Students: The Role of Parental and Peer
Attachment, Empathy and Psychological Adjustment Variables]. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi
(Turkish Journal of Psychology), 24, 48-63.
Kındap, Y., Sayıl, M., & Kumru, A. (2008). Anneden algılanan kontrolün niteliği ile ergenin
psikososyal uyumu ve arkadaşlıkları arasındaki ilişkiler: Benlik değerinin aracı rolü [The
Relationships Among Type of Perceived Maternal Control, Psychosocial Adjustment,
and Friendship in Adolescence: The Mediator Role of Self-Esteem]. Türk Psikoloji
Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Psychology), 23. 95-110.
Edwards, C. P., de Guzman, M. R., Brown, J., & Kumru, A. (2006). Children’s social behaviors
and peer interactions in diverse cultures. In X. Chen, D. French, & B. Schneider (Ed.),
Peer Relations in Cultural Context. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Edwards, C. P., Knoche, L., Aukrust, V., Kumru, A., & Kim, M. (2005). Parental ethnotheories of
child development: Looking beyond independence and individualism in American Belief
Systems. In U. Kim, K. Yang, & K. Hwang (Eds.), Indigenous and Cultural Psychology:
Understanding People in Context. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, Inc.
Kumru, A., Edwards, C. P., Aukrust, V., Knoche, L., Kim, M., & Sayıl, M. (2005). Parents'
perceptions of children's social needs and quality childcare in Turkey, Norway, USA, and
Korea. Proceedings of the OMEP World Council and Conference, Kuşadası, Turkey,
October 5-11, 2003. İstanbul: Ya-Pa Yayınları.
Kumru, A., Carlo, G., & Edwards, C. P. (2004). Olumlu sosyal davranışların ilişkisel, kültürel,
bilişsel ve duyuşsal bazı değişkenlerle ilişkisi [Relational, cultural, cognitive, and
affective correlates of prosocial behaviors]. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi (Turkish Journal of
Psychology), 19, 109-125.
Edwards, C. P., Knoche, L., & Kumru, A. (2004). Socialization of boys and girls in natural
contexts. In C. R. Ember & M. Ember (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender (pp. 3441). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Aukrust, V., Edwards, C.P., Kumru, A., Knoche, L., & Kim, M. (2003). Young children’s close
relationships outside of the family: Parental ethnotheories in four communities, in
Norway, United States, Turkey, and Korea. International Journal of Behavioral
Development, 27 (6), 481-494.
Kumru, A., & Thompson, R. (2003). Ego identity status and self-monitoring behavior in
adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Research, 18 (5), 481-495.
Kumru, A. (2001) Türkiye de psikoloji uygulama, araştırma ve yayınlarında etik ilkeler, tartışma
VII: Çocuklarla çalışan psikologlar için etik standartlar. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi (Turkish
Journal of Psychology), 16, 87-91.
Edwards, C. P., Knoche, L., & Kumru, A. (2001). Play patterns and gender. In Judith Worell
(Ed.) Encyclopedia of Women and Gender, (pp. 809-815). San Diego: Academic Press.
Edwards, C.P., & Kumru, A. (1999). Culturally sensitive assessment. In L. C. Mayes and W. S.
Gilliam (Eds.), Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America:
Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment of Young Children, (pp. 409-424). Philadelphia,
PA: W.B. Saunders Company.
Kumru, A., Yağmurlu, B., Sayil, M., Ozdemir, M., Crockett, L., & de Guzman, M. R.
(September, 2014). The relations of parental control and friendship quality with prosocial
behaviors among Turkish early adolescents. Symposium will be presented at the 14th
Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA),
Izmir, Turkey.
Kumru, A., Kafescioğlu, N., Yağmurlu, B., & Sayıl, M. (April, 2014). Ebeveynlik davranışlarının
çocukluk döneminde gösterdiği değişim: Boylamsal bir inceleme. Paper symposia
presented at the XVIII. National Psychology Congress, Bursa, Turkey.
Streit, C., Carlo, G., Kumru, A., Yağmurlu, B., Sayıl, M., & Davis, N. A. (2013, April).
Longitudinal relations of parental discipline practices on Turkish children’s prosocial
behaviors. Poster presented at the SRCD Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Arıkan, G. & Kumru, A. (2013, June). Effects of Life Skills Training Program on Adolescent
Girls? Self-Esteem, Communication Skills, and Academic Success Poster presented at
the 10th International Association for Adolescent Health Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kumru, A. & Arıkan, G. (2013, April). Effects of Life Skills Training Program on Adolescent Girls’
Self-Esteem, Communication Skills, and Academic Success. Poster presented at the
SRCD Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Kumru, A., Yağmurlu, B., & Sayıl, M. (July, 2012). Examining the Developmental Change of
Emotion Regulation in Turkish Children and Its Relations with Maternal Child Rearing: A
3-wave Longitudinal Study. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of
Behavioral Development 2012 Biennial Meeting (ISSBD), Alberta, Canada.
Kumru, A., Öztürk, P. ve Gülseven, Z. (Nisan 2012). Okulöncesi dönemdeki çocukların olumlu
sosyal ve bilişsel sonuç davranışlarında annelerin sosyalleştirme hedefleri, gelişimsel
beklentileri ve psikolojik kontrol davranışlarının rolleri. Sözel bildiri olarak
sunulmuştur.17. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, İstanbul.
Yaban, H., Kumru, A., Kındap, Y., ve Sayıl, M. (Nisan 2012). Anne ve babanın ebeveynlik
uygulamaları ile ergenin olumlu sosyal ve saldırgan davranışları arasındaki ilişkiler:
duygusal benlik imgesinin aracı rolü. Panelde sözel bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.17. Ulusal
Psikoloji Kongresi, İstanbul.
Tığrak, A., Kındap, Y., Kumru, A. ve Sayıl, M. (Nisan 2012). Ebeveynin psikolojik ve davranışsal
kontrolünün olumlu sosyal ve saldırgan davranışlar ile ilişkisinde benlik saygısının aracı
rolü. Panelde sözel bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.17. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, İstanbul.
Bayar, Y., Kumru, A., Kındap, Y., ve Sayıl, M. (Nisan 2012). Ebeveyn akran yönetimi stratejileri
ile olumlu sosyal ve saldırgan davranışlar arasındaki ilişkilerde akran bağlılığı ve
arkadaş niteliğinin aracı rolü. Panelde sözel bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.17. Ulusal
Psikoloji Kongresi, İstanbul.
Kurt, D., Kındap, Y., Kumru, A. ve Sayıl, M. (Nisan 2012). Ebeveyn ve akrana duyulan güven
ile olumlu sosyal ve saldırgan davranışlar arasındaki ilişkide empatinin rolünün
incelenmesi. Panelde sözel bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.17. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi,
Kumru, A., Sayıl, M. & Yağmurlu, B. (July, 2011). The Role of Parenting Goals, Child Rearing
Practices, and Child Temperament in Prosocial Behavior among Turkish Preschool
Children. Invited symposium presented at the XII th European Congress of Psychology
(ECP), İstanbul, Turkey.
Kumru, A., Kındap, Y., Sayıl, M., Yağmurlu, B. (2011). The mediating role of parental control in
the relationship between parents’ sense of efficacy and the quality of their children’s
friendships: A two-wave longitudinal study. Symposium presented at the 2011
International Association for Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology Reginal
Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kumru, A., Sayıl, M. ve Yağmurlu, B. (Nisan, 2010). Annenin çocuk yetiştirme davranışı,
çocuğun kendlik algısı ve duygu düzenleme becerisi arasındaki dogrudan ve dolaylı
ilişkiler: Büyük ve küçük şehir karşılaştırma çalışması. 16. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi,
Kodalak, A., Yağmurlu, B., Kumru, A. Ve Sayıl, M. (Nisan, 2010). Annenin güç kullanımı
çocuğun sosyal bilgi işleme becerisini ve dışsallaştırma davranışını etkiliyor mu? 16.
Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, Mersin.
Kumru, A., Yamurlu, B., & Sayil, M. (April, 2009). Relations of conduct problems with child
rearing practices, behavior and emotion regulations in Turkish elementary school
children. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development (SRCD), Denver, CO.
Kumru, A., Sayıl, M., & Yağmurlu, B. (September, 2008).Yaşanılan şehrin büyüklüğü, annenin
sosyalleştirme hedefleri, yeterlik algısı, akran yönetimi ve çocukların olumlu sosyal
davranışları ve benlik algıları arasındaki ilişkiler. Paper symposia presented at the XV.
National Psychology Congress, İstanbul, Turkey.
Kumru, A., Yağmurlu, B., & Sayıl, M. (July, 2008). Relations between maternal child-rearing and
children’s emotion regulation: Findings from families residing in big vs. small cities in
Turkey. Paper symposia presented at the 20th meeting of the International Society for
the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Würzburg, Germany.
Kumru, A., Kındap, Y., & Sayıl, M. (July, 2008). Prosocial behaviors: The differential roles of
individual, interpersonal, and parental variables in Turkish early and middle adolescents.
Paper symposia presented at the XXIX. International Congress of Psychology (ICP),
Berlin, Germany.
Kındap, Y., Kumru, A., Sayıl, M. (July, 2008). Maternal peer management behavior & prosocial
behavior: The mediating role of self disclosure and deviant/prosocial friends among
Turkish adolescents. Paper symposia presented at the XXIX. International Congress of
Psychology (ICP), C.
Bayraktar, F., Sayıl, M., & Kumru, A. (July, 2008). Protective and risk factors of being bully and
victim in a Turkish adolescent sample. Poster presented at XXIX International Congress
of Psychology (ICP), Berlin, Germany.
Bayraktar, F., Kumru, A., & Sayıl, M. (July, 2008). Self-perception, attachment, peer relations,
and parental peer management as predictors of prosocial behavior sub-types among
Turkish female and male adolescents. Paper symposia presented at XXIX International
Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin, Germany.
Bayraktar, F., & Kumru, A. (May, 2008). The moderator role of peer attachment between
perceived marital conflict and bullying /victimization. Poster presented at 18th World
Congress of IACAPAP, İstanbul, Turkey.
Özdikmenli-Demir, G., Kındap, Y., Sayıl, M., & Kumru, A. (July, 2008). Examining the positive
and negative developmental outcomes among Turkish adolescents with high and low
trust beliefs. Paper symposia presented at the XXIX. International Congress of
Psychology (ICP), Berlin, Germany.
Kumru, A., Bayraktar, F., Kındap, Y., Özdikmenli-Demir, G., & Sayıl, M. (March, 2007). Selfesteem and gender differences in perceived relational contexts among Turkish early
adolescents. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in
Child Development (SRCD), Boston, MA.
Öztürk, A., Sayıl, M., & Kumru, A. (September, 2006). Ergenin arkadaşları ve ailesi: İki farklı
dünya mı? 11. Ergen Günleri: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
Kındap, Y., Sayıl, M., & Kumru, A. (September, 2006). Ergenlerin olumlu ve olumsuz
arkadaşlıklarında anneden algılanan kontrol, akran ilişkilerinin niteliği ve benlik değerinin
rolü. 11. Ergen Günleri: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
Bayraktar, F., Kumru, A., Sayıl, M., Pekel-Uludağlı, N., Kındap, Y., & Öztürk, A. (September,
2006). Olumlu ve olumsuz sosyal davranışlar, ebeveyn ve akran ilişkilerinin niteliği ve
sosyo-duygusal özellikler arasındaki ilişki örüntüsünün ergenlik dönemi boyunca
incelenmesi. Paper symposia presented at the XIV. National Psychology Congress,
Ankara, Turkey.
Kumru, A., Sayıl, M., & Yağmurlu, B. (September, 2006). Okulöncesi ve Okul Çağındaki
Çocukların Sosyalleşme Deneyimleri ile Duygusal ve Olumlu Sosyal Davranışları
Arasındaki İlişkiler. Paper symposia presented at the XIV. National Psychology
Congress, Ankara, Turkey.
Kındap, Y., Kumru, A., Sayıl, M., Öztürk, A., Bayraktar, F., & Pekel-Uludağlı, N. (September,
2006). Ergenlerin sosyo-duygusal özellikleri, akran ve ebeveyn bağlılığı ile
yardımseverlik ve saldırgan davranışları arasındaki ilişki örüntüsünün incelenmesi.
Paper symposia presented at the XIV. National Psychology Congress, Ankara, Turkey.
Kındap, Y., Kumru, A., Sayıl, M., Öztürk, A., Bayraktar, F., & Pekel-Uludağlı, N. (September,
2006). Ergenlikte anneden algılanan kontrolün niteliği ile ergenin psikososyal uyumu ve
arkadaşlıkları arasındaki ilişkiler. Paper symposia presented at the XIV. National
Psychology Congress, Ankara, Turkey.
Sayıl, M., Pekel-Uludağlı, N., Kumru, A., Bayraktar, F., Öztürk, A., & Kındap, Y. (September,
2006). Ergenlik dönemindeki gençlerin risk alma davranışı ile ebeveyleri ve akranlarıyla
olan ilişkilerinin niteliğinin incelenmesi. Paper symposia presented at the XIV. National
Psychology Congress, Ankara, Turkey.
Öztürk, A., Sayıl, M., Kumru, A., Kındap, Y., Pekel-Uludağlı, N., & Bayraktar, F. (September,
2006). Ergenlerin olumlu ve olumsuz arkadaşlıkları ile anne-babalarının akran yönetimi,
yeterlik algısı ve akranlara yönelik düşünceleri arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Paper
symposia presented at the XIV. National Psychology Congress, Ankara, Turkey.
Pekel-Uludağlı, N., Sayıl, M., Kumru, A., Bayraktar, F., Öztürk, A., & Kındap, Y. (September,
2006). Ergenlik dönemindeki gençlerin risk alma davranışı ile ebeveyn leri ve
akranlarıyla olan ilişkilerinin niteliğinin incelenmesi. Paper symposia presented at the
XIV. National Psychology Congress, Ankara, Turkey.
Bayraktar, F., Sayıl, M., & Kumru, A. (August, 2007). Gender differences in a self-esteem model
among Turkish middle adolescents. Paper presented at the XIII. Conference on
Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Jena, Germany.
Bayraktar, F., Kumru, A., & Sayıl, M. (August, 2007). The predictors of prosocial behavior
among male and female college students in Turkey. Poster presented at the XIII.
Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Jena, Germany.
Kındap, Y., Kumru, A., & Bayraktar, F. (May, 2006). The association between perceived family
processes and academic achievement, self-esteem and peer attachment in Turkish early
adolescents. Paper symposia presented at the Xth European Association for Research
on Adolescence Conference, Antalya, Turkey.
Özdikmenli-Demir, G., Sayıl, M., & Kumru, A. (May, 2006). Interpersonal trust belief effect on
altruism, empathy, and perspective taking and gender differences in Turkish early
adolescent’s trust beliefs. Paper symposia presented at the Xth European Association
for Research on Adolescence Conference, Antalya, Turkey.
Kumru, A., Ha, Y., & Edwards, C. P. (March, 2004). Prosocial Behavior within the Family
Context among Turkish and Korean Adolescents. Poster presented at the SRA Biennial
Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Kumru, A., Edwards, C. P., Aukrust, V., Knoche, L., & Kim, M. (August, 2003). Mothers’ Ideas
about young children’s extended relationships in USA, Norway, Turkey, and Korea.
Paper symposia presented at the XI European Conference on Developmental
Psychology, Milano, Italy.
Kumru, A. & Edwards C.P. (April, 2003). Gender and adolescent prosocial behavior with the
Turkish family. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in
Child Development, Tampa, FL.
Kumru, A., Carlo, G., Mestre, V., & Samper, P. (April, 2003). Prosocial moral reasoning and
prosocial behavior among Turkish and Spanish adolescents. Poster presented at the
Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.
Kumru, A. & de Guzman, M.R., Carlo, G. (2002). Examining the Prosocial Moral Reasoning
Measure for use with Brazilian, Filipino, and Turkish Collage Students. Poster presented
at the 17th ISSBD Biennial Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Kumru, A. & Edwards, C.P. (April, 2002). The development of a valid measure for prosocial
behavior within the family for use with Turkish adolescents. Poster presented at the SRA
Biennial Meeting, New Orleans.
Kumru, A., Carlo, G. & Edwards, C.P. (2001). Interpersonal relationships, values and emotion
correlates of prosocial behavior among early adolescent in Turkey. Paper presented at
the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis.
Kumru, A., de Guzman, M.R., & Carlo, G. (2001) The moderating roles of gender and culture on
prosocial behaviors. Poster presented at the Convention of APA, San Francisco,
Aukrust, V., Edwards, C.P., Kumru, A., & Knoche, L. Young children’s close relationships
outside of the family: Parental ethnotheories in four communities, in Norway, United
States, Turkey, and Korea. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for
Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, 2001, and the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, Seattle, 2001.
Kumru, A, Carlo, G. & Edwards, C.P. (2000). The differential relations of peer and parent
attachment to prosocial behavior among Turkish adolescents. Poster presented at the
Annual Convention of APS, Miami Beach, FL.
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Under review, Proposed Budget:
192410TL). Title: Improving Mother-child Attachment Relationship with Circle of
Security Parenting (COS-P) Training Program, 2014-2017, Role: Co-I (I: Gizem Arıkan).
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (SOBAG 113K538, 385.000TL). Title:
Factors Influencing the Marital Relationship in the First Years of Marriage, 2014-2017,
Role: Co-I (I: Nilüfer Kafescioğlu).
Carnegie Mellon University, BAA-AFOSR-2012-02 “Basic Research Initiative” TTA: Reliance
Optimization for Autonomous Systems ($45.000). Title: The Influence of Cultural Factors
on Trust in Automation. 2014-2017, Role: Co-PI.
Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Vakfı (5000TL). Title: Genç kızlar için yaşam becerileri eğitim programı
ölçme-değerlendirme projesi. Ocak 2012-Haziran 2012, Role PI.
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey ($110.000). Title: Longitudinal Study of
Children’s Cognitive, Emotional & Prosocial Development (SOBAG 104K068). 2005Present, Role: PI (Co-I: Melike Sayil & Bilge Yagmurlu).
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey ($55.000). Title: The Quality of Social
Relationships and Character Development in the Transition from Childhood to
Adolescence and Adulthood (SOBAG 105K029). 2005-2008, Role: Co-I (I: Melike Sayil).
Abant Izzet Baysal University Research Council ($8000). Title: The Effects of Parents’ and
Preschool Teachers’ Socialization Goals, Developmental Expectations, Timetables, and
Control Strategies on Child’s Social Competence, Socioemotional and Intellectual
Development (BAP 2005.03.06.213), 2005-2007, Role: PI.
Hacettepe University Research Council ($10.000). Title: The Effects Of Parents’ and Teachers’
Socialization Goals, Developmental Expectations, and Control Strategies on Child’s
Social and Cognitive Development among Preschool and Elementary School Children
(HAB 0401701003), 2005-2007, Role: Co-I (I: Melike Sayil).
The influence of cognitive, emotional, and motivational factors on prosocial moral behaviors
Parenting and Parental ethnotheories of young children’s close relationships
Emotion regulation,
Gender socialization
Identity development
Editorial Board Member:
Turkish Journal of Psychology 2003-present
Psychological Studies, June, 2009-present
Ad Hoc Reviewer:
Journal of Research on Adolescence
International Journal of Behavioral Development,
Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal,
International Journal of Psychology,
Journal of Youth and Adolescence,
Turkish Psychological Articles,
Journal of Adolescence
Grant Reviewer:
Panel Member, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2007-present
Grant Reviewer, Abant Izzet Baysal University Research Council, Turkey, 2005-2011
Program Committee Chair/Reviewer
Reviewer for International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (2010 Biennial
Reviewer for International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (2008 Biennial
Reviewer for XIIV National Psychology Congress (2008 Biennial Meeting)
Reviewer for XIV National Psychology Congress (2006 Biennial Meeting)
Reviewer for XV National Psychology Congress (2004 Biennial Meeting)
Society for Research in Child Development
Society for Research on Adolescent
European Association for Research on Adolescence
Turkish Psychological Association
International Society for Research in Adolescence
International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development
Applied Developmental Psychology (PSY 513/408), Ozyegin University, Turkey
Social and Emotional Development (PSY 511), Ozyegin University, Turkey
Research Methods I and II (PSY 207/208), Ozyegin University, Turkey
Creativity, (PSY 310), Ozyegin University, Turkey
Social Psychology (PSY 205), Ozyegin University, Turkey
Prosocial and Moral Development, Graduate Seminar (PSY 763), Hacettepe University, Turkey
Developmental Psychology I and II (PSY203/204), Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Social and Personality Development (PSY 413), Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Child Psychopathology (PSY 411), Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Applied Developmental Psychology (PSY 406), Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Cognitive Development (PSY 326), Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Occupational English (PSY 337), Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Social & Personality Development (PSY 489), Teaching Assistant, University of NebraskaLincoln
Member of Supervisory Committee Students:
Doctoral Students:
Fatih Bayraktar, Hacettepe University, 2005-2009
Nilay Pekel, Hacettepe University, 2005-present
Masters’ Students
Melike Nacak (Koc University, 2009)
Yeliz Kindap (Hacettepe University, 2004)
Gozde Ozdikmenli-Demir (Hacettepe University, 2004)
Pinar Ozturk (Hacettepe University, 2004)
Applied Developmental Psychology Graduate Program Coordinator, Ozyegin University,
Erasmus Coordinator, Ozyegin University, 2013-present
Member, Curriculum Commission, Ozyegin University, 2013-present
Member of Executive Committee, Faculty of Law, Ozyegin University, 2013-present
Member of Executive Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ozyegin University, 2011present
Member of Executive Committee, Social Sciences Institute, Abant Izzet Baysal University,
June, 2009-2011
Strategic Planning Committee Member, Department of Psychology, Abant Izzet Baysal
University, 2006-2011
Member, Search Committee, Dean of Arts & Sciences, Abant Izzet Baysal University, 2006June 2009
Director of Student Affairs, Dean of Arts & Sciences, Abant Izzet Baysal University, 2006June 2009
Strategic Planning Committee Member, Dean of Arts & Sciences, Abant Izzet Baysal
University, 2006-June 2011
Member, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Committee, Abant Izzet Baysal University,
Advisor, Society of Psychology Students, Abant Izzet Baysal University, 2003-2008
Member, Department Executive Committee, Abant Izzet Baysal University 2003-2011
Member, Department Search Committee, Clinical Psychology Position, Abant Izzet Baysal
University, 2006-2007
Member, Department Search Committee, Experimental Psychology Position, Abant Izzet
Baysal University, 2004
Public Seminar, Adolescents’ problems & effective communication, Çekmeköy Municipally,
Public Seminar, Parenting and child development, Çekmeköy Municipally, 2012.
Invited Speaker, Parent-Child relationship during Adolescence, Bolu Press Association, 2009
Panel Speaker, University Entrance Exam and Youth, Bolu Press Association, 2009
Advisory Council Member, Prevention Program of Honor Killing and Violence within the
Family, The Governor of Bolu Province, 2007-2008
Planning Committee Member, Charity Organization for Providing School Supplies for Poor
Children, 2007
Guest Seminar, Adolescent Development, Various Middle and High Schools in Bolu, Duzce,
and İstanbul, 2005-present
Guest Seminar, Child Development and Parenting, Various Preschools in Bolu, Duzce, Ankara,
and İstanbbul 2004-present
Guest Lecturer, “Prosocial Moral Reasoning” (Seminars in Psychology Graduate Program
course) Koc University, Fall, 2005
Guest Lecturer, Prosocial Development, Hacettepe University, Fall 2003
Invited Speaker, What Do we Know about College Students? Society of Science Teacher
Students, 2003

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