Joint Vision for Oceans of Indonesia in 2025


Joint Vision for Oceans of Indonesia in 2025
Joint Vision for Oceans of Indonesia in 2025
Recovered, Healthy and Protected Oceans:
The oceans of Indonesia are 100% free from any illegal and destructive fishing
practices, and local fishermen and archipelagic communities have sovereignty,
wisdom and prosperity in sustainable management of oceans resources!
We have agreed and signed this joint vision, which fully supports sustainable development in
all regions of the coastal areas and oceans in Indonesia without environmental destruction
and human rights abuses. We call upon the Indonesian Government to achieve the target of
Indonesian oceans 100% free of any illegal and destructive fishing practices as well as free
from overfishing, and together ensure a healthy ocean for the future generations of Indonesia
1. Asserting that all stakeholders must commit to and implement the environmental and
social principles as well as best practices in fishing activities and fisheries management.
2. Implementing sustainable development through an open and equal process by engaging
coastal communities in all plans and decisions, ensuring that the vital ecosystems of
coastal areas and oceans are protected from destruction and pollution and ensuring that
living resources, local livelihoods, food availability, local rights, local culture and local
wisdom are not destroyed.
3. Ensuring that arrangments for the managment of marine and fishery resources are
robust, apply the ecosystem approach and precautionary principle, and integrate and
align with the consideration of the impacts of non-fisheries extractive activities (such as
mining) which have important implications for fisheries and threaten the sustainability of
marine fishery resources.
4. Strengthening Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) by considering the balance of
upland-lowland management, watersheds, and small islands in order to realise good
governance of landscape and seascape spatial plans.
5. Controlling and evaluating fishing licences and limiting the issuance of fishing licences
strictly and transparently in order to reduce overcapacity, by considering the advice and
recommendations from the results of scientific research and monitoring of the condition
of the fish resources (SDI) in Indonesia Waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone of
Indonesia and applying the precautionary approach.
6. Strengthening small scale fisheries as the principal platform in a fisheries system which is
just and sustainable within Indonesian fisheries governance and ensuring that all
Indonesian traditional and small scale fishermen are acknowledged for, and receive their
rights and obtain reasonable assurance of fair fish prices; and that all fisheries workers on
Indonesian fishing boats (KII) and foreign fishing vessels (KIA) fully earn decent wages,
enjoy an appropriate working environment, social security, wide access to education for
fishermen’s children, safety in fishing, life insurance and legal protection.
7. Strengthening monitoring, control and surveillance and regional coordination of fishing
activities. Ensure loopholes for illegal fishing such as transhipments at sea are closed.
8. Preventing the entrance of foreign fishing fleets (KIA) to Indonesian Waters and the
Exclusive Economic Zone of Indonesia.
9. Reforming, implementing and enforcing national law and regulations and ratifying
international law and taking active roles in the improvement of the formulation and
implementation of conventions of regional fisheries management organizations, as well as
multilateral and other international environmental and biodiversity agreements.
10. Ensuring clarity and harmony of the management regime between the Exclusive
Economic Zone of Indonesia and international waters around Indonesia by participating
in relevant regional fisheries management organisations to ensure sustainable
management of shared stocks and support, internationally, the strengthening of oceans
governance in international waters.
11. Building and strengthening spirit and solidarity in global oceans protection and
responsible fisheries management at local, national, regional and international levels,
including the establishment of marine reserves covering 40% of international waters.
Let us all unite hand in hand, to create responsible, sustainable and equitable
fisheries management for food sovereignty and prosperity for the people of
Indonesia and deliver the joint vision as part of the revitalisation efforts and
achievements of the Indonesia Vision 2025!
Supported by:
Greenpeace, WALHI Bali, HNSI Bali, Terangi, Wisnu Foundation, Conservation
International, KNTI, Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN), Bali Outbond
Community, Telapak, Sea Sanctuaries, The Marine Foundation, Kekal Bali, Padma
Nuswantara, Perwakilan Nelayan Larantuka, PPLH Bali, Sloka Institute, Frontier Bali,
Kelompok Nelayan Singaraja, Fishing & Living, Bali Organic Association, LSPDN NTB,
World Wildlife Foundation, Manta Trust, Coral Alliance, Bali Fokus, Sustainable Fisheries
Partnership, Plastic Detox, FMN, Packard Foundation, LINI, Pro Demokrasi Perjuangan,
Rakyat Bali, Coral Triangle Center, Komunitas Pecinta Alam Bali.