A Student of UB Gets the Runner Up from National Deaf Contest


A Student of UB Gets the Runner Up from National Deaf Contest
A Student of UB Gets the Runner Up from National
Deaf Contest
Submit by humas3 on March 28, 2014 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 4145
Arif Burhan Effendi (two from
right) with the Finalists of
Male-Female Deaf
Competition 2014
Physical limitations of this student do not make him pessimistic to get the achievement, but he is even able to show
the best mark and makes proud the academic community by achieving "runner up " of Deaf Contest which was
held by Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesia for six days (11-16/3) in Jakarta.
The student is Burhan Arif Effendi which is registered as a management student of Faculty of Economics and
Business Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang, East Java.
Gede Pradiva Adiningrat, as Arief’s interpreter said, Arief got the achievement after answered a question from the
jury regarding to his goal during the interview.
Arif Burhan Efendi
Moreover, in written test of general knowledge, Arief also able to achieved the best score. One of his ideals which
is written is to be a member of the United Nations so he can fight for the rights of disabled.
"I answer that I want to be a member of the United Nations so I can fight for the rights of disabled. Moreover, I
also want to promote Indonesia and encourage disabled children in order to go to school and college," he said.
A great ambition to fight for the rights of disabled persons in the world made him to get the best score, so he
becomes the runner up and gets a prize to go around Indonesia for a year to carry out social activities.
"Arief with “Rotary Club Indonesia" will go around Indonesia for a year to carry out social activities. One of the
activities that will be done is to motivate children who are less fortunate to go to school and college," Gede said.
During the contest, Arif said that he got a lot of knowledge about international sign language.
"Through this contest, I want to make friends to find an organization for physically disabled throughout Indonesia,"
Arif said as translated by Gede.
Previously, this activity was participated by UB to introduce to the community that UB provides the opportunities
for disabled persons to take higher education.
Arif is a deaf and disabled student in UB. He and three representatives from East Java went to Jakarta to compete
with participants from all over Indonesia.
Besides Arief, there is a representative of East Java who also successfully wins the Male Deaf Indonesian 2014,
Yoga Dirgantara (East Java).
The Contest of Male-Female Deaf of Indonesia was held to choose a youth who will represent Indonesia in the
Miss and Mister Deaf International 2014 in London, July 2014.
In that contest, the youth who participated must be able to show their intelligence, general knowledge, knowledge
about the potential of tourism in Indonesia, and the best physical appearance. [Oky/translated by Nea/Agung]
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