The TDV Encyclopedia of Islam


The TDV Encyclopedia of Islam
In memory of
Prof. Muhammed
c o nt e nt s
Prof. Dr. M. Âkif AYDIN
Publication Board
Abdullah Taha ORHAN
İbrahim KÖSE
İcadiye - Bağlarbaşı St. 40
Üsküdar 34662 İstanbul / TURKEY
T. 0216. 474 08 50 (Pbx)
F. 0216. 474 08 74
Apart from the projects that have
continued since its foundation, ISAM
has extended its academic activities
through its implementation of new
projects covering a much broader
area than before.
The TDV Encyclopedia of Islam
Final volumes (43 and 44) of the TDV Encyclopedia of Islam, an
important source for those wishing to perform research on both
Islamic and Social Sciences have been completed and are now ready for use. With its supplement volumes due to be published in
2014, this immense, 30 year-long project will finally reach completion.
All necessary work has been completed in order to publish the Encyclopedia online and all of the volumes have been converted into
PDF format. Moreover, both a word based search and a subject
based search have been put into service.
The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam
This encyclopedia will be published firstly in Russian, Chinese,
and Balkan languages in order both to inform the average reader
about Islamic subjects and to satisfy their educational needs in
friendly areas of the world containing Muslim minority populations. Upon completion, the encyclopedia is due to consist of five
volumes. Moreover, while its Russian translation is currently underway, with the first volume scheduled to be published in 2014,
preparations for the Chinese version have been launched.
Among the aims of the encyclopedia informing the average reader
about Islamic knowledge, providing accurate and sufficient knowledge about the basics of Islam and its significant figures, especially the Prophets, and providing an Islamic point of view to modern
problems find themselves at the forefront. The encyclopedia also
aims at being a qualified and practical source of knowledge for the
members of the Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Turkish
Religious Foundation, as well as acting as a supplementary resource for secondary education in Turkey. The editors of the encyclopedia will ensure that the entries are written in an easy language
with a style that encourages religious consciousness.
Upon completion of this project, 1,500 to 1,800 articles will have
been written with some adaptations, like including or removing
certain articles based on the region in which the work will be published. Thus far, approximately 650 articles have been written, and
of these, 250 have been translated into Russian.
History of the Istanbul Project
The aim of this project is to publish an eight-volume work concerning the history of Istanbul from its first settlements in ancient
times to the modern ages with regard to its place among the other cities of the world, its topography, its architecture, its religious
and social life, its administration, and its economy while placing a
special emphasis on its being a “city.” It is expected that this work
will both satisfy the needs of common readers and be a source for
those students in formal education.
In this project, ISAM is co-operating with Istanbul Culture and
Art Works Inc. and the Turkish version is near publication. Thus
far, more than 300 articles have been written and its English translation is currently underway.
Electronic Publications Project
The aim of this project is to ease the process of reaching the sources needed for researchers studying in the areas of Islamic studies,
humanities, and social studies via internet. Below are the databases that have been updated during 2013.
Database for Theses
This database has been formed in order to assist researchers by
collecting bibliographic information from theses concerning social sciences written in universities located within Turkey. In this
constantly updated database, there are 286,000 identified theses
at present and it is open to researchers on ISAM’s local network.
Database for Articles
The total sum of articles in the Database for Articles, which also
contains the articles in the Turkey Bibliography of Articles (19232003), has reached 845,000. Work to enrich the database continues
through the inclusion of articles related to social sciences and the
offprints in our library. While the database is open to researchers
on ISAM’s local network, it is also possible to make subject-based
search via email.
Database for Articles in Islamic
This database, which consists of academic periodicals and proceedings published primarily by theology faculties as well as other
institutions, includes the bibliographical records of articles along
with the full texts of 25,832 articles in PDF format. The total number of bibliographical records in the database has reached 26,819
including 2,642 bibliographical records uploaded in 2013. The database is also accessible via the internet.
Database for Theses in
Theology Faculties
This database is comprised of approximately 15,055 completed
or on-going master and doctoral theses conducted in theology
faculties since 1953. This database is regularly updated via our
correspondence with theology faculties and the Thesis Center of
YÖK (The Council of Higher Education). The database is accessible via the internet.
Documentation Database
This database, which shares the documentation files prepared for
the TDV Encyclopedia of Islam with researchers, was completed in
2013. The number of documentation files in PDF format in this
database has reached a total of 13,008. The process of adding new
sources to the database via new searches is scheduled to continue.
Database for Articles in
Ottoman Turkish
This database consists of articles from Ottoman magazines on history, literature, and Islamic studies, which, by year 2013 included
boards of more than 13,064 articles and their full texts in PDF
format. The database is continuously updated with new articles
constantly added.
Database for Ottoman Annuals
The database for Ottoman Annuals was put into service in 2013
in the ISAM Library. This database includes Ottoman state and
province annuals and currently has 532 works in PDF format.
Database for Articles in Arabic
Through an agreement with the firm ‘Dāru’l-manzūme,’ which
compiles Arabic articles, IslamicInfo, one of the four databases
of the mentioned firm, has been put into service for researchers
within the ISAM Library during the 2013-2014 academic term.
In the database are boards of approximately 150,000 articles concerning Islamic Studies, half of which are available as full-text
PDF. Furthermore, the database is continuously updated and is
accessible through ISAM’s local network.
Electronic Publication of the
TDV Encyclopedia of Islam
Now that the final volume of the TDV Encyclopedia of Islam has
been published, the entire encyclopedia can now be browsable for
free on the internet. After the completion of the technical process,
which includes the unification of different fonts used during 25
years with the re-addition of Arabic words and sentences to all of
the volumes, the encyclopedia is now accessible via the internet.
Database for Qadi Registers
In this database, there are at present 22,948 court registers and
bibliographical information of various registry books. While the
books can be examined digitally at ISAM’s library, the bibliographical information of the registry books in the database may be
accessed via ISAM’s website.
The number and name of the defter’s are as below:
Qadi Registers
Classified into three groups: Istanbul, Anatolia-Thrace,
and Outside Turkey
Qadi’asker Agendas of Anatolia and Rumelia
Masheehat Books
Naqibu’l-eşraf, Tariq, Muhur Tatbiq e.t.c.
Muhemma Books
Taken from the Archive of Prime Ministry.
Books of Marriage and Divorce
These belong to the Province of Egypt.
Cadastral Record Books
These books belong to the Rumelia Region. (Master copies of these books are at the Sarajevo Institute of Orientalist Studies and the National Library of Bulgaria.)
Consular Books
Motion books belonging to the Italian Consulate. (Master
copies of these are in the Archive of ISAM’s Library.)
Fiscal Books
Archive of the Prime Ministry, MAD, and Major Agendas.
Ahkam Books
Archive of the Prime Ministry, Kamil Kepeci’s classification of books.
Miscellaneous Books
Books pertaining to a variety of content.
Database for Ottoman Heir
Yusuf Izzeddin Effendi’s Family
After the suspicious death in 1916 of heir to the throne, Yusuf Izzeddin Effendi, son of Sultan Abdelaziz, all financial affairs of his
family members were conducted by the trustee of the family, Mehmed Tevfik (Biren) Bey. This collection of documents composed
during Tevfik Bey’s mission consists of documents that shed light
on the lives of Yusuf Izzeddin Effendi’s wives and children.
Yusuf Izzeddin Effendi’s Family Documents, which have been
classified and brought into use by ISAM, span from 1916 to 1968
and include important documents and information for those pursuing studies on the history of the Ottoman dynasty and other
significant figures in recent history. These documents, totaling
4,048, have been classified into 1,330 records. Summaries of these
articles have also been written.
The aforementioned summaries are accessible from the database located on ISAM’s website. Researchers wishing to study this
collection are invited to apply to the Archive and Documentation
Service of ISAM’s Library.
Researcher Assistance and Training
The fact that the number of universities in Turkey has tripled, and
is expected to continue to do so in the years to come, has prompted ISAM to launch a new program in 2012 called the Researcher
Assistance and Training Project whose aim is not only to train
researchers who will study Islam, but also to enhance the quality
of research in this area. Services have been provided since 2013.
Activities Conducted within the
Scope of the Project
• Within the scope of the project, education seminars, workshops and foreign language courses have been held for two separate terms: Spring (1 February-15 June) and Fall (16 September-31
• During the project, in which Arabic and English proficiency is compulsory, those researchers who are proficient in both languages attended education seminars.
• Within the scope of the project, education seminars have
been planned and carried out, 622 hours overall.
• Workshops have been held and assignments given in order
to support the academic works of the researchers.
• An academic writing consultancy system was founded
and supervisors appointed in line with the requirements of the
researchers so as to enable them to fulfill their studies and works
wholesomely, effectively, and conveniently while at the same time
up to international standards.
Researchers according to departments
Arabic Language and Rhetoric
History of Islamic Science
History of Islamic Educa on
Islamic Law
History of Islam
Islamic Countries
History of Madhhabs
Undergraduate Academic Assistance
The Undergraduate Academic Assistance Program, which produced its first graduates in 2008, successfully completed its sixth
term with a certificate ceremony organized on September 27,
2013. Those participants who attained certification from this
program had attended seminars about the main Islamic sciences
and Islamic civilization for two academic years.
The program, whose number of seminars has increased through
a series of reorganization works beginning in 2012, conducts a
two-stage seminar program lasting three years. The participants
attend various Islamic Sciences and Islamic Civilization classes given by expert academics on weekdays. They also attend seminars,
prepare homework, and benefit from the chance to conduct research in ISAM’s library.
Visiting Scholar Program
ISAM’s Visiting Scholar Program is designed for post-doctoral researchers working in the areas of Islamic and social sciences so as
to provide them with a proper academic atmosphere along with
ISAM’s library and other research facilities.
Visiting scholars can apply to this program for a period of one to
three months. Those researchers who were accepted to the program in 2013 are listed below:
Dr. Abdurrahman Atçıl / City University of New York – USA
Dr. Irina Katkova / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Eastern Manuscripts – Russia
Dr. Mehmet Dirik / Research Fellow – Turkey
Dr. Abdulkerim Hamu / National Center for Anthropology,
Sociology, and Cultural Studies – Algeria
Dr. Abdulmācid Nedim / Punjab University – Pakistan
Dr. Shynar Kalieva / Al-Farabi Kazak National University –
Dr. Tomoki Okawara / Tohoku University – Japan
Dr. Abdullah Bayram / Bayburt University – Turkey
Dr. Burhan Sümertaş / Artvin Çoruh University – Turkey
Late Classical Period Project
The main goal of this project is to study the intellectual accumulation in the Late Classical Period of Islamic civilization.
One of the activities of the project is to organize critical edition
courses in order to form a culture and a notion in this area. For
this purpose, twenty candidates were trained in the theory and
practice of the field by 10 academicians during the first critical
edition course which took place between September 18 and October 11, 2013. The candidates attending the course continue to
work on preparing a separate manuscript, or a part of an extensive corpus to be published with the critical edition under the supervision of the course’s supervisors. Considering both the excessive demand and need, an international critical edition workshop
was organized on January 27, 2014 with the cooperation of the
London based Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, the Cairo
Institute of Manuscripts, and ISAM.
As a project comprising both a large time period and geography,
the Late Classical Period Project not only carries out the compilation, monography, and critical edition works, but also carries out
sub-projects proposed by research fellows. As a result, a number
of projects that have been offered are currently in the process of
being evaluated.
As a product of the monography works, the preparation of a compilation analyzing the thought of Fakhraddin ar-Razi, one of the
prominent figures of the beginning era of the Late Classical Period, has been published.
First International Symposium
on Ottoman Istanbul
May 29 – June 1, 2013
“The First International Symposium on Ottoman Istanbul’’, organized with the cooperation of ISAM, the Istanbul Metropolitan
Municipality, and Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, took place between May 29 and June 1, 2013.
In the opening panel, chaired by ISAM President Prof. M. Akif
Aydın and joined by İlber Ortaylı, İskender Pala, and Klaus Kreiser, the importance of a symposium themed Ottoman Istanbul was
stressed. As for the panels held on the Istanbul 29 Mayıs University Campus on May 30 and 31, 47 historians from many different
parts of the world came together at 14 thematic panels.
Many local and international guests, academicians, and students
found the opportunity to watch Bekir Ünlüataer’s concert, Melodies of Ottoman Istanbul, in the evening of May 30.
Between Theory and Practice,
The Publication of Manuscripts
February 5, 2013
Dr. Faisal al-Hafian / The Institute of Arabic
Manuscripts – Egypt
At the seminar, Dr. Faisal al-Hafian, the program coordinator of
the Ma’had al-Mahtutat al-Arabiyya (The Institute of Arabic Manuscripts) in Cairo, presented information on the science of critical edition in general and on the Ma’had al-Mahtutat al-Arabiyya
in particular.
A Criticism of Hadith with
Examples of Mawdu’ Hadiths
March 26, 2013
Prof. Ömer Hamdan / Tubingen University –
Prof. Ömer Hamdan, member of the Center for Islamic Studies at
Tubingen University, presented a summary of the article he wrote,
sharing his conclusions about hadith criticism by giving examples
from mawdu’ hadiths.
Al-Fihrist of Ibn Nedim and
Notes on the Early History of
Usul al-Fiqh
July 25, 2013
Prof. Devin J. Stewart / Emory University – USA
Prof. Devin J. Stewart, academic fellow at the Center for the Study
of Law and Religion at Emory University, shared his readings
about the early history of fiqh methodology through the section
dedicated to fiqh in Ibn Nedim’s Al-Fihrist.
Islamic Studies in Sweden
From Past to Present
August 29, 2013
Dr. Zeyneb Hafsa Aström / Free Research Fellow – Sweden
Dr. Zeyneb Hafsa Aström, who lives in Sweden and whose works
concern Islamic finance, shared the name of the researchers who
work on Islamic studies in Sweden and their works from a historical perspective. Dr. Aström also mentioned the institutes in
Sweden carrying out studies on Islam.
Academic and Social Life in
September 5, 2013
Zeliha Öteleş / Marmara University – Turkey
Zeliha Öteleş, working in Egypt as a visiting scholar during the
2012-2013 academic year, shared her observations and experiences with researchers.
Istishhad with Poem in Abu
Ubaydah’s Majazu’l-Quran
September 12, 2013
Dr. Abdulmacid Nedim / Punjab University –
Dr. Abdulmācid Nedīm, who have studied at ISAM for three
months under the Visiting Scholar Program, shared the results of
his work with researchers during a seminar.
Dr. Nedim, who is a fellow of Punjab University’s Arabic Language
and Rhetoric Department, provided examples of how Abu Ubaydah used the istishad method with poems in his tafsir.
Islamic Studies in Germany,
from Past to Present
December 24, 2013
Prof. Bülent Uçar / Osnabruck University –
Prof. Bülent Uçar, president of the Institute of Islamic Studies at
Osnabruck University, discussed the historical process of Islamic
studies in Germany beginning from the first orientalist studies.
The 41st and 42nd Issues of the
Journal of Ottoman Studies
Have Been Published
The 41st issue of the Journal of Ottoman Studies, first published in
1980 and now published biannually, contains the articles of Seyfi
Kenan, Abdurrahman Atçıl, Ertuğrul Ökten, Şükrü Özen, B. Harun Küçük, Henning Sievert, Mykhaylo M. Yakubovych, Tadashi
Suzuki, Kiyohiko Hasebe, Nobuo Misawa- Göknür Akçadağ, Abdülkadir Dağlar, A. Mesud Küçükalay, the reviews of Mahmut
Adnan Gökçen, Selim Karahasanoğlu, Mehmet Hacısalihoğlu,
and Yunyan Zheng as well as the book reviews of Kemal Beydilli, Sherry Sayed Gadelrab, Işıl Hasekioğlu Turgut, and Zafer
In the 42nd issue contains articles by Shuruq Naguib, Mehmet Gel,
Hedda Reindl-Kiel, Arzu Meral, Yaşar Sarıkaya, Hatice Toksöz,
Cengiz Şeker, Aysel Yıldız, Özhan Kapıcı, Muharrem Varol, Efe
Murat Balıkçıoğlu and Vatan Özgül, a review by Gülten Yıldırım,
book reviews by Betül S. Nizam, Nicole Kançal Ferrari, Rümeysa
Şişman, Mustafa Birol Ülker, A. Teyfur Erdoğdu, İbrahim Aksu,
Hilal Kazan, and Seyfi Kenan as well as an obituary by Güneş
More detailed information on the journal is available on www. Contributions can be made to dergi.osmanli@isam.
The 29th and 30th issues of
the Turkish Journal of Islamic
Studies Have Been Published
As a biannual peer-reviewed journal, the 29th issue of
the Turkish Journal of Islamic Studies contains articles
by Mehmet Kalaycı, Mustafa Yıldız, Murteza Bedir, and Necmi
Derin, book reviews by Tahsin Görgün, Harun Kuşlu, Ümmügül
Betül Kanburoğlu, Tuba Erkoç, Selma Çakmak, Abdulkadir
Macit, and Burcu Bayer as well as an obituary by Abdurrahman
Özdemir for Salim Öğüt.
The 30th Issue contains articles by Muhittin Düzenli, Musa Duman, Eşref Altaş, and Ömer Ali Yıldırım, a research note by İrfan
Davut Çam, book reviews by M. Taha Boyalık, Davut Ağbal, Asif
Mohiuddin, Fikriye Karaman, Halil İbrahim Hançabay, Mehmet
Çelenk, and Tamer Yıldırım, and an obituary by Aydın Topaloğlu
and Ertuğrul Boynukalın in memory of Prof. Muhammed Aruçi.
More detailed information on the journal is available on www., and contributions can be made to
Mehmet Paçacı, Kur’an’a Giriş (Introduction to Quran), 2006; (7th Edition) 2013
Casim Avcı (editor), Son Peygamber Hz. Muhammed (Last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)),
2007; (6th Edition) 2013
Murteza Bedir, Sünnet (Sunnah), 2006; (6th Edition) 2013
Şinasi Gündüz, Hıristiyanlık (Christianity), 2006; (4th Edition) 2013
İlyas Üzüm, Tarihsel ve Kültürel Boyutlarıyla Alevīlik (Alawism: From the Aspect of History
and Culture), 2007; (6th Edition) 2013
Alparslan Açıkgenç, İslām Medeniyetinde Bilgi ve Bilim (Knowledge and Science in Islamic
Civilization), 2006; (revised 2nd Edition) 2013
İbrahim Kalın, İslām ve Batı (Islam and the West), 2007; (4th Edition) 2013
Selçuk Mülayim, İslām Sanatı (Islamic Art), 2010; (revised 2nd Edition) 2013
Muhsin Demirci, Tefsire Giriş (Introduction to Tafsir), 2009; (2nd Edition) 2013
Halil İnalcık, Kuruluş Dönemi Osmanlı Sultanları 1302-1481 (Ottoman Sultans During the
Foundation Era 1302-1481), 2010; (3rd Edition) 2013
Selçuk Mülayim, Sinan bin Abdülmennan (Sinan bin Abdulmannan), 2010; (extended 2nd Edition) 2013
U. Murat Kılavuz-A.S. Kılavuz, Kelāma Giriş ( Introduction to Kalām), 2010; (2nd Edition)
Ö. Faruk Akün, Divan Edebiyatı (Divan Literature), 2013
Mehmet Özdemir, Endülüs (Andulus), 2013
Mātürīdī, Kitābü’t-Tevhīd: Açıklamalı Tercüme (Kitabu’t-Tawhid: Annotated Translation)
(trans. Bekir Topaloğlu), 2002, (5th Edition) 2013
Vildan Serdaroğlu Coşkun, “Sergüzeştüm Güzel Hikāyetdür” Zaīfī’nin Sergüzeştnāme’si (‘‘Sergüzeşt is a Beautiful Story.’’ Zaīfī’s Sergüzeştnāme), 2011; (revised 2nd Edition) 2013
Osman Gazi Özgüdenli, Selçuklular, c. I - Büyük Selçuklu Devleti Tarihi (1040-1157) (Seljuks,
v. I – History of Great Seljuk Empire (1040-1157)), 2013
İslām Felsefesi: Tarih ve Problemler (Islamic Philosophy: History and Problems), ed. M. Cüneyt Kaya, 2013
Fatma Kızıl, Müşterek Rāvi Teorisi ve Tenkidi (Collective Rawi Theory and Its Criticism), 2013
İSAM Konuşmaları: Osmanlı Düşüncesi, Ahlak, Hukuk, Felsefe-Kelām / (ISAM Papers: Ottoman Thought, Ethics, Law, Philosophy-Kalam), ed. Seyfi Kenan, 2013
İslām Düşüncesinin Dönüşüm Çağında Fahreddin er-Rāzī (Fakhraddin ar-Razi in the Transformation Age of Islamic Thought) ed. Ömer Türker – Osman Demir, 2013
Bekir Topaloğlu-İlyas Çelebi, Kelām Terimleri Sözlüğü (Dictionary of Kalām Terms), 2010,
(3rd Edition) 2013
Andalus, Mehmet Özdemir
Istanbul: ISAM Publications, 2013, 370 pages,
ISBN 978-605-5586-10-1
Today, the name ‘‘Andalus’’ arouses an increasing amount of interest in the Islamic world just like it did in the past. Yet, this interest
stems more from sentiment than it does from knowledge about
Andalus. In any Muslim country, including Turkey, one can witness that whenever a person hears the name ‘Andalus,’ he or she is
suddenly overcome by both sadness and admiration. For the Muslim consciousness, the culture and civilization of the Andalusians
have been remembered with admiration whereas its complete loss
is remembered with grief.
Since 1492, Andalus has been a “paradise lost” for Muslims. For
every Muslim land which faces foreign occupation, Muslims feel
the fear of “Andalusation.” Accordingly, there is no emotional
indifference towards Andalus. Yet, it is difficult to say that there
have been enough efforts to study, analyze, and understand the
history of Andalus. In other words, though there has been suffi-
cient mourning of Andalus, there have not been enough struggles
to reattain it.
For the Islamic world, making a persistent and effective move to
compete with other civilizations is only possible if Muslims form
a healthy connection with their past. This book, concentrating on
the history of Andalus, is written to pave the way for such an effort.
Islamic Philosophy – History
and Problems, ed. M. Cüneyt
Istanbul: ISAM Publications, 2013, 869 pages,
ISBN 978-605-4829-05-7
Philosophy, which was moribund around the beginning of the 7th
century AD throughout the regions of ancient civilizations, was
revived two centuries later in Baghdad by the translation movement that conveyed the philosophical accumulation of the Hellenistic world into Arabic. Works that were translated were reexamined by Muslims in line with the multitude of intellectual
needs and interests of the nascent multi-racial, multi-cultural, and
multi-creedal Islamic civilization. This event led to the birth of
Islamic philosophy becoming one of the philosophical traditions
in world history.
This book, which aims at gathering the noteworthy academic accumulation in Turkey concerning Islamic philosophy, examines
the classical period (7th-12th centuries AD) of Islamic philosophy
from its historical and problematical aspects. The historical section of the book deals with eleven prominent philosophers from
the classical period and four important thinkers who shaped the
post-classical period. The thematic section of the book deals in
detail with the main fields of philosophy (logic, psychology/epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and politics), the literature that leaked into Islamic philosophy and the consequential problems, and
finally the approaches of Islamic philosophy thinkers toward these
Fakhraddin ar-Razi in the
Transformation Age of Islamic
Thought, ed. Osman Demir,
Ömer Türker
Istanbul: ISAM Publications, 2013, 635 pages,
ISBN 978-605-4829-09-5
Fakhraddin ar-Razi (b. 606/1210) was both the first and most
influential figure of what is called the Late Classical Age. It was
during this “age” of Islamic Thought that the works and ideas of
the pre-Ghazali period were reinterpreted and transformed in
terms of their thought and content. Razi, writing a multitude of
works especially in the fields of kalām and philosophy, identified
the characteristics of the universal disciplines, thereby coming
to deserve the title ‘al-Imam’ due to his rearrangement of ‘ilm
al-kalām. This book, which aims at introducing Fakhraddin arRazi’s various aspects, is a compilation full of original articles
thoroughly discussing the scientific accumulation of Islamic
Studies in Turkey and thereby aiming to be a core resource for interested researchers. The work is composed of four main sections:
Razi’s life, his works, his place in the history of Islamic thought
and his contributions to this area, and finally the criticisms that
he received. All of these sections are examined in the book while
taking into consideration both the pre-Razi and post-Razi periods so that his originality, his methodological difference, and the
transformation which he started may be underlined.
Collective Rawi Theory and Its
Criticism, Fatma Kızıl
Istanbul: ISAM Publications, 2013, 543 Pages,
ISBN 978-605-5586-08-8
Dating methods, which are implemented in the West to determine the period when hadiths emerged, are developed based on
the orientalist premise that most of the hadith literature is fabricated. In this work, the effect of the aforementioned premise to
hadith dating is analyzed by providing examples and a discussion
of orientalist interpretations, which are themselves based on different presumptions from those that Muslims hold. In order to safeguard this work from base criticisms and in order to contribute
to hadith methodology, the feasibility of the collective-rawi-centered isnad (attribution) – text analysis is discussed over a selected
hadith group. Conclusions are analyzed by taking the history of
hadith narratives into consideration.
Zaîfî’s Sergüzeştnâme:
‘‘Sergüzeşt is a Beautiful
Story.’’ Vildan Serdaroğlu
Istanbul: ISAM Publications, 2013, 382 pages,
ISBN 978-605-5586-97-3
This book focuses on the 16th century poet Zaīfī’s autobiographical
work Sergüzeştnāme, including both critical review of the work
and surveys on a number of subjects pertaining to Old Turkish
Literature. In this book, Zaīfī’s Sergüzeştnāme is discussed in terms
of genre, form, and content in order to avoid the traditional way of
studying which focuses solely on the work and the author from a
single point of view. In addition to this, the work is also discussed
from the perspectives of disciplines like history and sufism. In this
book, the author has attempted to answer questions like, “Is the ‘I’
in sergüzeştnames and the ‘I’ in the autobiographies the same?”
Seljuks,– History of Great
Seljuk Empire (1040-1157),
Osman G. Özgüdenli
Istanbul: ISAM Publications, 2013, v. I, 382 pages,
ISBN 978-605-558-699-7
The Seljuks entered Khorasan by passing through the Amu Darya
River as a small nomadic group in 1035, establishing a strong state within Persian territories after having defeated Ghaznavids in
1040. This state soon turned into an enormous empire by conquering vast territories from the fronts of Istanbul in the west to the
borders of China in the east, from the Aral Sea and Caucasus in
the north to the Red Sea and Egypt in the south. The Seljuks, apart
from the significant political events of their era, played an important role in reshaping the ethnic, religious, and cultural structure
of the Near East. This work, based on both core sources of the
Seljuk era and on modern research, presents the rise, the growth,
and the decline of the Great Seljuk Empire to readers.
Divan Literature, Ömer Faruk
Istanbul: ISAM Publications, 2013, 184 pages,
ISBN 978-605-5586-90-4
Divan literature is an important branch of Turkish literature developing within Islamic civilization. In this work, the living master
of the classical Turkish literature, Ömer Faruk Akün examines this
unique form of literature which continued without interruption
for six centuries from the end of the Anatolian Seljuks to the Ottomans. The writer discusses the conditions that paved the way
for divan literature and its formation process, the verse forms that
founded divan poetry, the literary discipline that raised divan poets, and the context and aesthetics in divan poetry that defined the
An example of Akün’s interpretation of the verse forms of divan
literature may be gleaned from the following quotation: “This
literature is composed of odes by the court poets praising emperors, lyrics in each of which an unchanging and ideal beauty
is described and the pains of a platonic love are singed gently, demure terci’-bend and terkib-bends, rubāīs that squeeze emotions
and thoughts most densely into a small volume, and mathnavis
that tell of love affairs, the heroes and heroins of which are always
the same.”
The library is open every day from 9AM until 11PM. Both professors and graduate students may make use of the library.
The number of library members reached 14,596 in 2013, with a
total of 180,116 readers benefiting from the library.
In 2013, a total of 18,818 books were added to the library. Of these,
11,765 were purchased, 5,567 were donated, 549 books were obtained through exchange, and 237 by other means. Moreover, a total
of 8,028 journals were added, including 1,340 by purchase, 5,882
by donation, and 788 by exchange.
The library’s collection by the end of 2013:
3,599 by sort
167,000 volumes)
Document Files
Ottoman Court Records
22,948 (registers)
Microfiche & Microfilms
Donations from ISAM Library
As an institution which donates additional books to the libraries
of other institutions, ISAM donated books and journals to the institutions mentioned below in 2013.
Istanbul 29 Mayıs University
Waqf of AMH
Bingöl University Faculty of Science and Letters
Bozok University Faculty of Theology
Dicle University Faculty of Theology
Dumlupınar University Faculty of Theology
Edirne Provincial Public Library
Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Theology
Giresun University Faculty of Islamic Studies
Harran University Faculty of Science and Letters
Kadı Mahmut Waqf Library
DİB Van Directorate of Education
Erzincan University Dep. of Lib. & Doc.
Kafkas University Harakani Research Center
Malatya Inönü University Dep. of Lib. & Doc.
Waqf of Siyasal
Prison of Ümraniye
Yusuf Türksoy
New Issues of the e-Journal
“Yeni Gelen Dergiler ve
İçindekiler” (Contents of
Recently Arrived Journals)
Have Been Published
Contents of Recently Arrived Journals, a triannual
journal, which includes the ‘Contents’ of the periodicals in foreign languages followed by ISAM , continues to be published online on ISAM’s website since
its 63rd volume. The first volume was published in
February of 1994.
The 65th and 66th volumes of the journal were published in 2013. All volumes of the periodical are
available in PDF format. Researchers may obtain the
articles by sending an e-mail to: kutuphane@isam.
Baykan Sezer’s Collection is at ISAM
The book collection of the late Prof. Baykan Sezer, Head of the
Sociology Department at Faculty of Letters in Istanbul University,
has been donated to ISAM.
The collection, which was in the possession of Prof. Ertan Eğribel and Asst. Prof. M.Ufuk Özcan, has been donated to the ISAM
Library in order to enable researchers to reach works of high importance in this area.
Salim Öğüt’s Collection Has Been
Donated to ISAM
The book collection of the respected professor Salim Öğüt, member of Istanbul University’s Faculty of Theology who passed away
in 2012, has been donated by his family to ISAM’s library in 2013.
International Book Fairs in Egypt
and Morocco
The Purchasing Office of ISAM’s library joined the international
book fairs in Egypt and Morocco in 2013. After having participated in the fair, a total of 4,220 books, most of them in Arabic, were
added to ISAM’s collection.
Dr. Turgut Akpınar’s Book Collection
is at ISAM Library
Known for his works on the phenomenon of religion in Turkish
history, Dr. Turgut Akpınar’s valuable book collection, most of
which is in German with parts in Turkish and English, has been
added to ISAM Library.
Academic Works of ISAM Members
In charge of the Unit of Periodicals at ISAM Library, Abdurrahman Kaya completed his PhD at the Institute of Turkic Studies in
Marmara University. Hasan Diriarın, from the Purchasing Office
of the Library, and Esra Karayel Muhacir, from the Archives Unit,
completed their masters’ degrees at the Institute of Turkic Studies,
Department of Information and Document Management in Marmara University.
ISAM Research Fellows Have Started
to Work at Various Universities
Some of the academic staff at ISAM have started to work at various universities.
Assoc. Prof. Vildan S. Coşkun – Faculty of Education, Istanbul
Sabahattin Zaim University.
Assoc. Prof. Semih Ceyhan – Faculty of Theology, Marmara
M. Enes Topgül – Faculty of Theology, Marmara University
Assoc. Prof. Aydın Topaloğlu - Faculty of Arts and Letters,
Istanbul 29 Mayıs University
Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Boynukalın - Faculty of Theology, Marmara University
ISAM Research Fellow
Prof. Muhammed Aruçi Passed Away
Our dear member, Prof. Muhammed Aruçi, who had worked as a research fellow at ISAM between 1995 and 2012, passed away on November 15, 2013. For this occasion, the obituary written by
Aydın Topaloğlu and Ertuğrul Boynukalın for Muhammed Aruçi is cited below in his commemoration.
Muhammed Aruçi was born in the town of Vrapciste, Macedonia, the third child of the teacher and
poet Kemal Efendi (1920-1977). Completing primary school in 1970 at Filiposki Primary School,
he graduated from Gostivar Pance Poposki High School in 1974. After receiving education for
a year in Gazi Husrev Bey Madrasa of Sarajevo, he travelled to Egypt where he graduated from
Cairo’s al-Azhar University, Faculty of Theology in 1979. In 1986, he completed his MA with the
thesis “Nūreddin es-Sābūnī ve Ārāuhü’l-Kelāmiyye min kitābihi’l-Kifāye fi’l-hidāye” in the Islamic
Philosophy Department of al-Azhar University, Faculty of Sciences; and in 1994 he completed his
PhD in Kelam and the History of Religious Sects Department of Marmara University, Institute of
Social Sciences with the thesis “Abdülkahir el-Bağdādī ve el-Esmā ve’s-sıfāt”.
He started to work in ISAM, Turkish Religious Foundation, Center for Islamic Studies in 1995 as
an editor, translator and redactor until 2012. In 2006, he became an associate professor in Sarajevo
University, Islamic Sciences Faculty, Kalam Department. Aside from his work in ISAM, he worked
as a visiting scholar in many universities, both in Turkey and abroad. Marmara University’s Theology Faculty (1996-2000), Sofia University’s Classic and Modern Philology Faculty (2001-2011),
Sarajevo University’s Faculty of Islamic Sciences (2005-2007), and Prishtina University’s Philology
Faculty (2007-2009) are among the universities he worked as a visiting professor.
He started to work as a faculty member in Istanbul University’s, Faculty of Theology, Kalam Department in 2012, becoming a professor the same year. Alongside his academic work, his articles
were published in various newspapers and magazines. In 2013, for a short time he hosted a television show named “Between the Lines” in TRT Arabic. He was married and was father to four
children when he passed away on November 15, 2013 while in the hospital receiving treatment.
In accordance with his last will, he was buried in Vrapciste, where he was born, next to his father
Kemal Effendi.
In his academic studies, apart from his specialities of kalam and the history of religious sects, he
studied Islamic philosophy, Islamic history, the history of arts, Arabic language and literature, as
well as the cultural and political state of the Balkans and the Middle East. Aruçi authored, translated, and inquired about many works, made presentations in national and international symposiums, and both engaged and debated in conferences particularly regarding the historical, cultural,
and socio-politic structure of Muslims in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Apart from his scholarly
works, he exerted great efforts to protect both the Muslim-Albanian identity and the values of Balkan Muslims who had once been Ottoman citizens in a region constantly subject to Islamphobia
and attacks on Muslims after the collapse of communist regimes in the Balkans and the disintegration of former Yugoslavia. He encouraged several charity organizations to protect both the education of Balkan Muslims and their historical and cultural values, by organizing the construction of
both mosques and schools in the region.
Apart from being fluent in Albanian, Turkish, Macedonian, Arabic and Bosnian (Serbian and
Croatian) languages, he spoke French and English. His works included “Şiirlerim (My Poems)
(Skopje: Logos-A, 1999)” which is a collection of his father’s poems, “Kitābü’t-Tevhīd’ (Book of
Oneness) (Ankara: TDV ISAM, 2003) of Ebū Mansūr el-Mātürīdī, which received an award by
the Iranian Cultural Ministry and which was co-prepared with Professor Bekir Topaloğlu. He also
published an enquiry of el-Kifāye fi’l-hidāye of Nūreddin es-Sābūnī (Istanbul: ISAM Publications,
2011). For the TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (DİA /Encyclopedia of Islam), Aruçi wrote the following
articles: “Fettah Efendi,” “Harābātī Baba Tekkesi,” “Kalkandelen,” “Kosova,” “Mostar,” “Ohri,” “Bekir
Sadak,” “Sancak,” “Saraybosna,” “Şabanoviç,” “Hāzim,” “Nūreddin es-Sābūnī,” “Taşköprü (Vardar),”
and “Yugoslavya.” He also redacted a large number of articles related to the religious, geographical, historical, and cultural values of Balkans in the encyclopedia. He wrote numerous articles in
various languages pertaining to Skopje (Macedonia) and the socio-cultural structure, historical
institutions, science and culture centers, and scholarly personalities of the Balkans. At the same
time, Aruçi took charge in the commission of enquiry for the publication of manuscripts and was
instrumental in the commission’s work by virtue of his competence, taking the initiative with Prof.
Topaloğlu to determine the principles of ISAM enquiry.
May Allah rest his soul and make heaven his eternal abode.
Assoc. Prof. Aydın Topaloğlu – İstanbul 29 Mayıs University
Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Boynukalın – Marmara University
med Aruçi
Academic Works of ISAM Members
Prof. İsmail E. Erünsal
(Book) Osmanlılarda Sahaflık ve Sahaflar (Bibliopoles in Ottomans and Their Work), Istanbul: TİMAŞ, 2013, 584 pages.
(Article) “Sosyal ve iktisadi tarihimize kaynak olarak sahhaf terekeleri” (Heritages of Bibliopoles As a Source for Our Social and
Economic History) Osmanlı Coğrafyası Kültürel Arşiv Mirasının
Yönetimi ve Tapu Arşivlerinin Rolü Uluslararası Kongresi, 21-23
Kasım 2012 İstanbul, Bildiriler, cilt I, (International Congress of
the Legacy Management of Cultural Archives of Ottoman Lands
and the Role of Title Archives, November 21-23, 2012 Istanbul,
Presentations, vol I) Ankara: Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre
Publications, 2013, pp. 253-258.
(Article) “Osmanlı sahhaflık tarihine dair notlar II: Osmanlılarda Sahhaflık Mesleği ve Sahaflar (Notes on the history of
bibliopoles II: Bibliopoles in Ottomans and Their Work)” Deutsch-türkische Begegnungen Alman Türk Tesadüfleri: Festschrift für
Kemal Beydilli/Kemal Beydilli’ye Armağan (German-Turkish Coincidences: A Gift for Kemal Beydilli), Hedda Reindl-Kiel – Seyfi
Kenan (Hg), Berlin: EBVERLAG, 2013, pp. 402-416.
(Article) ) “Osmanlılar’da Kütüphaneler ve Kütüphanecilik
Anlayışı (Libraries and Librarianship in Ottomans), Geçmişten
Günümüze Anadolu Kütüphaneleri (Anatolian Libraries from Past
till Today), prep. by Bülent Yılmaz, Ankara: Ministry of Culture
and Tourism, 2013, pp. 181-206.
(Article) “Osmanlı Sahhaflık Tarihine Dair Notlar I: Sahhaflık
Gediği (Notes on the History of Bibliopoles I: Bibliopoles’ Monopoly of Trade Right)” Osmanlı’nın İzinde: Prof. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli Armağanı (Following Ottomans: Prof. Mehmet İpşirli’s Gift),
prep. by Feridun M. Emecen, İshak Keskin, Ali Ahmetbeyoğlu. v.
2. Istanbul: Timaş, 2013, pp. 7-21.
(Paper) “İstanbul Sahafları (Bibliopoles of Istanbul)”, Osmanlı
İstanbulu Uluslararası Sempozyum-I / Ottoman Istanbul International Conference-I, 29 Mayıs University, Istanbul May 29 - June
1, 2013.
Assoc. Prof. M. Suat Mertoğlu
(Article) “Kaynaklara Dönüş Hareketi: Selefī Bir Talep mi,
Modern Bir Yöneliş mi? (The Movement of Returning to Source
Materials: A Salafist Demand or A Modern Drift?)”, Türkiye’de İslāmcılık Düşüncesi ve Hareketi Sempozyum Tebliğleri (Symposium
Papers of the Thought and Movement of Pan-Islamism in Turkey),
ed. İsmail Kara - Asım Öz, Istanbul: Municipality of Zeytinburnu,
2013, pp. 145-161.
Assoc. Prof. Tuncay Başoğlu
(Article) “Fıkıh Usūlünde Fahreddin er-Rāzi Mektebi (Fakhraddin ar-Razi’s School in the Methodology of Fiqh) ”, İslām Düşüncesinin Dönüşüm Çağında Fahreddin er-Rāzī (Fakhraddin ar-Razi
in the Transformation Age of Islamic Thought), ed. Ömer Türker,
Osman Demir, İstanbul: ISAM Publications, 2013, pp. 243- 263.
Assoc. Prof. Salime Leyla
(Review Article) “From the ‘Jew’ of the Ottoman Empire to the
‘Other’ of the Turkish Republic”, International Journal of Turkish
Studies, 19/1-2 (2013), pp. 115-126.
Assoc. Prof. Vildan Serdaroğlu
(Book) Zaīfī’s Sergüzeştnāme: “Sergüzeşt is a beautiful story.” Istanbul: ISAM Publications, 2013, 382 pages.
(Translation) Stetkevych, Suzanne Pinckney, “Geçiş ve İtaat:
Peygambere Övgü (Na’t) Ka’b bin Züheyr ve İslāmī Kasīde. (Rapture and Obedience: Praise to Prophet Ka’b bin Züheyr and Islamic Ode)” Kasīdeye Medhiye: Biçime, İşleve ve Muhtevaya Dair
Tespitler (A Praise to Ode: Remarks on Form, Function, and Content), prep. by Hatice Aynur, Istanbul: Klasik, 2013, p. 516-563.
(Paper) October 11, 2013 “How a Balkan Poet Promotes in Ottomans?”, International Balkan Annual Conference 2013, October
10-13, 2013, Sarajevo/Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Dr. Kenan Yıldız
(Paper) “Doğruluğu Tartışmalı Bir Tartışma: 1660 Yangını İstanbul’un İslāmlaşmasına Etki Etti mi? (A Controversial Discussion: Did the Conflagration of 1660 Affect the Islamization of Istanbul?)” Ottoman Istanbul International Conference-I, 29 Mayıs
University, Istanbul May 29 - June 1, 2013.
(Paper) “Özel Arşivlerin Kütüphane İçerisindeki Yeri ve
Hizmete Sunulması: İSAM Kütüphanesi Örneği (The Place and
Service of Private Archives at Libraries: The Example of ISAM
Library)”, Mustafa Birol Ülker, Kenan Yıldız, 49. Library Week,
Şehir University, Istanbul March 26, 2013.
(Translation) Arnold van Gennep, “Araştırma Konusu veya
Bitimsiz Folklor (The Subject of Research or Infinite Folklore)”,
Arşiv Emektarları Anı Kitabı (Archive Veterans Memorial Book),
prep. by Nizamettin Oğuz and İshak Keskin, Istanbul: Türk Edebiyatı Waqf Publications, 2013, p. 455-459.
(Presentation) “1660 İstanbul Yangınının Sosyo-Ekonomik
Tahlili (A Socio-Economic Analysis of 1660 Conflagration of
Istanbul)”, Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı Türkiye Araştırmaları Merkezi
(TAM) (Waqf of Science and Art, Center for Turkey Studies), Istanbul April 15, 2013.
(Presentation) “1660 İstanbul Yangınının Sosyo-Ekonomik
Tahlili (A Socio-Economic Analysis of the 1660 Conflagration of
Istanbul)”, Marmara University, Institute of Turkic Studies, Istanbul May 6, 2013.
(Presentation) ‘‘Osmanlı’da Şehir ve Yangın: Sosyo-Ekonomik
Açıdan 1660 İstanbul Yangını (City and Conflagration in the Ottoman State: A Socio-Economic Analysis of the 1660 Conflagration of Istanbul)”, Waqf of Istanbul Academy of Sciences, Istanbul
May 18, 2013.
Dr. Abdurrahman Kaya
(Thesis) “Cismī’nin Mevlid’i (Review-Critical Text-Index-Facsimile)”,
(Doctoral Thesis, Marmara University Institute of Turkic Studies–
Turkish Language and Literature Department), Istanbul, 2013,
651 p.
Mustafa Birol Ülker
(Article) “TDV İSAM Kütüphanesi İlāhiyat Makaleler Veri Tabanı Projesi (The Project of TDV ISAM Library Database for Articles in Islamic Studies)”, Marmara Üniversitesi İlāhiyat Fakültesi
Dergisi (Marmara University Journal of Theology Faculty), 41/2
(2011), v.3 11-316.
(Article) ‘‘TDV İslām Araştırmaları Merkezi (İSAM) ve Kütüphanesi (TDV Center for Islamic Studies and Its Library)”, ASIM:
Fikir, Kültür, Sanat Dergisi (ASIM: Journal for Thought, Culture,
Art),1/2 (2013), pp. 31-34.
(Article) “İslām Araştırmaları Merkezi Kütüphanesi Arşiv-Dokümantasyon Koleksiyonu ve Veri Tabanları (Library of the Center
for Islamic Studies, Its Collections and Databases of Archive-Documentation)”, Arşiv Emektarlarına Armağan (A Gift to Veterans of
Archive), prep. by Nizamettin Oğuz, İshak Keskin, Istanbul: Türk
Edebiyatı Waqf, 2013, pp. 429-438.
(Book) Osmanlı’dan Günümüze Afrika Bibliyografyası (African
Bibliography from the Ottomans until Today), prep. by Ahmet Kavas, Muhammed Tandoğan, M. Birol Ülker, editor: Zekeriya Kurşun, Istanbul: Association of Researchers on the Middle East and
Africa, 2013, pp. 355
(Book Review) [Nezaket Özdemir, Bursa Kaynakçası(Bibliography of Bursa), Bursa: Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, 2011.
1070 pages], Osmanlı Araştırmaları (Ottoman Studies), 42 (2013),
(Paper) “Özel Arşivlerin Kütüphane İçerisindeki Yeri ve Hizmete
Sunulması: İSAM Kütüphanesi Örneği (The Place and Service of
Private Archives at Libraries: The Example of ISAM Library)”,
Mustafa Birol Ülker, Kenan Yıldız, 49. Library Week, Şehir University, Istanbul 26 March 2013.
(Interview) ‘‘İlmin Menbaı İSAM (ISAM as the Source of
Knowledge)” (Interview), Seyyide, 4/19 (January-February 2012),
(Interview) “İSAM Hakkında Ne Biliyoruz? (What Do We
Know About ISAM?)”, Marmara University Faculty of Theology,
Istanbul, 8 May 2013.
Enis Karakaya
(Article) “Anastasios Surları (Walls of Anastasios)”, Works of
Conservation and Restoration, 13 (2013), pp. 73- 77.
(Article) “Marmara Denizi’nin Güney Kıyısındaki İki Bizans
Köyü Soreoi ve Limnai Üzerine (On Soreoi and Limnai, Two
Byzantine Villages on the Southern Shore of the Marmara Sea)”,
TAÇ, 1 (new series) 2013, pp. 20- 25.
Hasan Diriarın
(Thesis) “İstanbul’daki Özel Araştırma Kütüphanelerinde Elektronik Bilgi Hizmetleri: İslām Araştırmaları Merkezi (İSAM) Kütüphanesi Örneği (Electronic Data Services of Private Research
Libraries in Istanbul: Library of Center for Islamic Studies Example) ”, (Master Thesis, Marmara University Institute for Turkic
Studies – Department of Information and Document Management), Istanbul, 2013, 160 p.
Esra Karayel Muhacir
(Thesis) “XVII. Yüzyılda Üsküdar’da Kitap Kültürü (Book Culture in 17th Century Uskudar)”, (Master Thesis, Marmara University Institute for Turkic Studies – Department of Information and
Document Management), Istanbul, 2013, VII+106 p.
During 2013, ISAM hosted and presented its projects and activities
along with the Turkish Religious
Foundation and Istanbul 29 Mayıs
University to more than fifty groups
visiting from outside of Turkey.
Below is a list of selected visiting
Vice Rector of China’s
Northwest University for
January 8, 2013
The Vice Rector of China’s Northwest University for Nationalities,
Ma Jingquan and his accompanying delegation accompanying visited ISAM. The delegation was welcomed by our vice presidents
Assoc. Prof. Tuncay Başoğlu and Dr. Ali Hakan Çavuşoğlu, and
was informed about ISAM and its activities. The delegation, which
was particularly interested in the Encyclopedia of Islam, was informed in detail about the writing process of the encyclopedia.
Rais al-ulama of BosniaHerzegovina
January 24, 2013
Bosnia’s new rais al-ulama, Hussein Effendi Kavazovich,
and his delegation visited our center. The delegation was
welcomed by our president Prof. M. Akif Aydın and was
introduced to ISAM and Istanbul 29 Mayıs University.
Kavazovich, who stated that a Bosnian translation of the
Encyclopedia of Islam was vital, expressed his gratitude
with ISAM’s ongoing activities.
Minister of Religious Affairs of
March 7, 2013
As the guest of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, Mali’s Minister of Religious Affairs, Yacouba Traore, and his accompanying
delegation visited our center. The delegation, welcomed by ISAM
board member Prof. Ali Bardakoğlu, was informed about ISAM
and Istanbul 29 Mayıs University.
Minister Traore expressed his gratitude with Turkey’s aid to his
country, adding that the relationships between the two countries
should also improve in academic fields.
The President of the Muslim
Philippines National Council
May 22, 2013
As the guest of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, the President
of Muslim Philippines National Council, Hon. Mehal Sadain, and
his accompanying delegation visited our center and had a meeting
with our vice president, Dr. Ali Hakan Çavuşoğlu, and Istanbul
29 Mayıs University’s Vice Rector, Prof. Mustafa Sinanoğlu. Hon.
Mehal Sadain was informed about ISAM and Istanbul 29 Mayıs
University, stating that it would be useful if the university applied
a quota for students from the Philippines.
Sadain, who admired the encyclopedia projects of ISAM, added
that an English publication of the Concise Encyclopedia of Islam
would be very useful for Philippine Muslims.
Palestine-Gaza Minister
of Religious Affairs and
July 1, 2013
A delegation under the presidency of the Palestine-Gaza Minister
of Religious Affairs and Foundations, Ismail Ridwan, visited our
center. The delegation, welcomed by ISAM Vice President, Assoc.
Prof. Suat Mertoğlu, and the Rector of Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, Prof. İbrahim Kafi Dönmez, was introduced to our institution.
President of the Council of
Imams in Cameroon
July 5, 2013
Upon the invitation of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, a delegation consisting of clergy men and the President of the Council
of Imams in Cameroon, Ibrahim Moussa, visited our center. The
delegation, welcomed by vice presidents Assoc. Prof. Suat Mertoğlu and Dr. Ali Hakan Çavuşoğlu, was introduced to ISAM and
its library. An exchange of views was made on the education of
Islamic studies.
Consul General of Korea in
July 19, 2013
Jeon Tae-Dong, the newly appointed South Korea Chief Consul of Istanbul paid a courtesy visit to our center. Jeon, who was
informed about the activities of the institution, stated that they
planned to organize a conference on the cultural relations between
Turkey and Korea during the forthcoming period. Expressing his
gratitude with the visit, vice president Assoc. Prof. Tuncay Başoğlu pointed out that ISAM would like to contact those institutions
in Korea which deal with Islamic Studies and requested from the
Chief Consul to announce the Visiting Scholar Program of ISAM
to Korean researchers.
Sudan Minister of Religious
August 15, 2013
Sudan’s Minister of Religious Affairs and Foundations, Fatih Tajussir Abdullah and his accompanying delegation visited our center.
Grand Mufti of Tatarstan
August 21, 2013
As the guest of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, Tatarstan’s
Chief Mufti Kamil Samugullin and his accompanying delegation
visited our center. Chief Mufti Samugullin expressed his gratitude
with the academic activities of ISAM. He also expressed his wish
for the completion of the Concise Encyclopedia of Islam in Russian
as soon as possible.
Grand Mufti of Ghana
November 23, 2013
After his visit in 2012, Ghana’s Chief Mufti Osman Nuhu Sharabutu visited our center for the second time last year with other staff
members from his office.
China Islam Society
December 16, 2013
Vice President of China Islam Society, Adil Can and his delegation
consisting of China Islam Society’s provincial presidents visited
our center.
Adil Can stated that they came to Turkey with the goal to share
knowledge and experiences with institutions in Turkey. He also
expressed his gratitude about the activities of ISAM and the
planned Chinese translation of the Concise Encyclopedia of Islam.
Minister of Religious Affairs of
December 26, 2013
Libya’s Minister of Religious Affairs and Foundations, Ali al-Bashir Hamuda and his accompanying delegation, who were in Turkey to hold official talks, visited our Center.
Hamuda, who emphasized his wish for the Arabic translation of
The Encyclopedia of Islam, added that they would be pleased to be
of any assistance regarding court registers.