ISAM Bulletin No: 39


ISAM Bulletin No: 39
c o nt e nt s
Prof. Dr. M. Âkif AYDIN
Publication Board
Abdullah Taha ORHAN
Muhammed Enes TOPGÜL
İcadiye - Bağlarbaşı St. 40
Üsküdar 34662 İstanbul / TURKEY
T. 0216. 474 08 50 (Pbx)
F. 0216. 474 08 74
In 2012, ISAM has not only completed some of on-going projects but
also launched new projects. Apart
from projects such as encyclopedia
projects and Electronic Publications
Project; 2012 has seen the launching
of new projects like ‘The History of
Istanbul Project’, ‘The Late Classical
Period Project’ and ‘Researcher Assistance and Training Project’ as well.
The TDV Encyclopedia of Islam
Two new volumes (41 and 42) of the TDV Encyclopedia
of Islam (TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi), sponsored by Turkish
Religious Foundation (TDV) have been prepared and
published by ISAM. In order to access all 42 volumes of the
encyclopedia online in PDF format, a tentative website has
also been launched. Once all 44 volumes of the encyclopedia
have been completed, it will be possible to access and browse
the encyclopedia online.
The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam
A new five-volume encyclopedia on the religion and culture
of Islam, prepared by ISAM, is to be published in Turkish in
the near future aiming to satisfy the need for religious education for not only the Muslim minorities in many regions but
also Turkish readers. The writing of the encyclopedia in Turkish and its translation into Russian continue now. It will also
be translated into Chinese and various Balkan languages.
Among the aims of the encyclopedia are to inform lay Turkish readers about Islamic knowledge, to provide accurate and
sufficient knowledge about the basics of Islam and its significant figures, especially the Prophets, and to provide an Islamic point of view on modern problems. The encyclopedia
also aims at being not only a qualified and practical source of
knowledge for the members of the Religious Affairs of Turkey
and Turkish Religious Foundation, but also a supplementary
resource for secondary education in Turkey as well. What
will be unique about the encyclopedia is that the articles will
be written in an easy language and with a style that encourages religious consciousness.
The Istanbul Qadi Registry Project
ISAM’s Ottoman Qadi Registry Archive currently contains
20,591 registers. Based on this archive and with the support
of the Commission of Istanbul - European Capital of Culture
2010, the Istanbul Qadi Registry Project was launched in 2008.
In this project, 40 samples from the Istanbul court registers,
selected from different periods, have been transcribed into the
Latin alphabet and published together with facsimiles of the
original texts. The final volumes (34-40) have been recently
published in 2012.
The History of Istanbul Project
This project, jointly managed by ISAM and Istanbul Culture
and Art Works Inc., aims to prepare an eight-volume work on
the history of Istanbul from its earliest times to the modern
ages. It will emphasize Istanbul’s character as a city as well
as its place among the other cities of the world, its topography, architecture, religious and social life, administration,
and economy. This work will be published in Turkish and
Electronic Database Project
To enable researchers/students working on both Islamic and
social studies to more easily access the main sources via internet, ISAM has launched several online databases.
Database for Articles about
Social and Religious Studies
The database currently contains 818,500 articles together
with the articles in the Türkiye Makaleler Bibliyografyası
1923-2003 (Turkey Bibliography of Articles).
Database for Articles in Islamic
The database currently contains 24,177 articles in full text,
21,223 of them also being available in PDF format.
Database for On-going Theses
in Islamic Studies
This database contains the bibliographic information of the
on-going master and doctoral theses in the various Theology
Faculties in Turkey between the years 2008 and 2012. Currently it contains 5,851 titles.
Database for Documents of the
Encyclopedia Articles
This database contains approximately 9,500 PDF files along
with digital images of the documents related to the encyclopedia articles. The documents are also available in print form
in the Documentation Desk at the ISAM Library.
Database for Articles in
Ottoman Turkish
This database contains 6,500 articles (in PDF format) on history, literature, and Islamic studies published in Ottoman
Database for Treatises in
Ottoman Turkish
This database contains 2,434 treatises (in PDF format) written
in Ottoman Turkish.
Researcher Assistance and Training
The fact that the number of universities in Turkey has doubled in a few years and is expected to continue in the years
to come has prompted ISAM to launch a new programme in
2012 which aims at not only training researchers who will
study Islam but also enhancing the quality of research in that
specific area.
The announcement for the project was made in October
which stated that the applications were to be sent between
9 October and 13 November. Out of the 550 applicants, 340
were approved, and they were examined on 2 December in 5
languages (Arabic, English, Persian, German and French). 125
of the applicants who succeeded in the language exams went
forward to the science exam which was held on 22 December
2012. 94 of the applicants who succeeded in this examination,
prepared by an academic jury, were interviewed on 1-4 January at ISAM.
After considering the interviews, the aims of each project, the
language and science examination results, the abilities of each
applicant, and limits of the quota final decisions were made.
This year’s project will consist of 34 researchers divided into
two groups. In addition, another group of 12 researchers will
be added to the project as a whole.
Undergraduate Academic Assistance
As for the Undergraduate Academic Assistance Programme,
initiated by ISAM six years ago, it has produced its graduates
in 2012 for the sixth term. The selection of the students for the
seventh term (2012-2013) was made in October 2012 and 48
students were added to the programme which made the total
number of the students to be trained 83 in the 2012-2013 term.
The students which will be trained in two different groups attend various Islamic Sciences and Islamic Civilization classes
given by expert academics on weekdays, will also attend seminars, prepare homework, and benefit from the chance to do
research in the ISAM library.
The Late Classical Period Project
Up to the present day, academic studies regarding the religious
and scientific thought produced in the Islamic world have focused on the first six centuries (until the 12th century). The
intellectual heritage accumulated between the 12th and 19th
centuries, the period considered as “the Late Classical Period”
of Islamic civilization, however, have not received the scholarly attention it deserves. The Late Classical Period Project
aims to bring a broader understanding and perspective to the
cultural heritage of Islam by paving the way for new research
areas within Islamic studies. This will then lead to more productive works in the discipline which focus particularly on
the Muslim heritage of the Ottomans, Ayyubids, Abbasids,
Mamluks, Timurid, and Baburid dynasties.
A number of activities, including publishing catalogues, critical editions, translations, arranging scientific meetings, and
sponsoring dissertations will be within the scope of the project.
As a first step of the project, an international workshop on
critical editions was held on December 8-9, 2012 at ISAM.
Visiting Scholar Program
ISAM’s Visiting Scholar Program is designed for post-doctoral
research candidates working on Islamic and social studies.
Visiting scholars are entitled to utilize the library and other
research facilities at ISAM for a period of one to three months.
ISAM’s visiting scholars for the year 2012 were:
Dr. Mahmud Mısrî / University of Aleppo - Syria
Dr. Ayşe Deniz Temiz / Binghamton University – U.S.A.
Dr. İhsan Çolak / Binghamton University – U.S.A.
Dr. Reşad İlyasov / Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Dr. Fatıma b. Süleyman / University of Tunis
Dr. Elham Malekzadeh / Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies – Iran
Dr. Şirin Dakurî / Sorbonne University – France
Dr. Ahmed Kasım Kesar / University of Malaya – Malaysia
Dr. Mehmet Dirik / Independent Researcher
Dr. Gulsinay İssayeva / National Academy of Sciences - Kazakhistan
Dr. Osman Demir / Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Dr. Özlem Avcı / University of Uşak
Dr. Oleksandr Sereda / Odessa Mechnikov National University – Ukraine
Dr. Nadiye Yasin / University of Baghdad - Iraq
For more information, visit ISAM’s English website at
Conference on “Arab Awakening and
Peace in the Middle East”
(September 7-8, 2012)
A conference on the “Arab Awakening and Peace in the
Middle East” jointly organized by ISAM and the Institute of
Middle East Studies, Marmara University, was held in Istanbul. The conference brought together different religious and
political leaders and scholars from the Middle East, including ‘Ali Jum’ah, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Teophilos III, the
Greek Orthodox Patriarch of al-Quds, Amin Gemayel, the
former president of Lebanon and the leader of Kataeb Party,
as well as Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish Prime Minister,
and Mehmet Görmez, the President of the Religious Affairs of
The leaders and scholars discussed the role of religion and religious leaders in the establishment of permanent peace in the
region, especially in the wake of the Arab Awakening.
Seminar on “Islam and Islamic
Studies in China”
(October 2, 2012)
The President of the Islamic Studies Center in the Northwest
University for Nationalities of China, Prof. Dr. Ma Ming Liang
visited Turkey as a guest of ISAM and gave a lecture on the
history of Islam in China informing the listeners about the
developments in Islamic studies in China.
International Workshop on
Critical Editions
(December 8-9, 2012)
An International Workshop on Critical Editions was held at
ISAM. On the first day of the workshop, which was attended
by more than 40 participants, papers were presented on the
experience of critical edition in Turkey, the Arab world, Iran,
the Indian subcontinent, and the Central Asia. On the second
day, discussion sessions were held on the issues brought up in
the presentations.
Papers presented at the Workshop are as follows:
1. Dr. Mahmoud Mısri (al-Maktabatu’l-Waqfiyyah, Aleppo,
Syria): “Tahkīku’l-mahtûtâti’l-‘Arabiyye: Menâhij wa ishqâliyyât” (Approaches to and Problems of Critical Editions in
the Arab World.”
2. Prof. Razaullah Shah Arif Naushahi (Government Gordon
College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan): “The Tradition of Critical
Edition in Indo-Pak Subcontinent.”
3. Jawad Bashari (Tehran, Iran): “A Look at the Persian Critical
Editions in Iran.”
4. Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Boynukalın (ISAM, Turkey): “The
Methodology of Critical Edition in Turkey: The Example of
5. Prof. Murteza Bedir (Faculty of Theology, Istanbul University, Turkey): “The Problems of Selecting Manuscript Copies
in Critical Editions.”
Conference on “The Importance of
Persian Books Printed in the IndoPak Subcontinent for Islamic and
Turkic Studies”
(December 10, 2012)
Professor Arif Naushahi, a Pakistani expert on Persian Language and Literature, gave a lecture at ISAM on “The Importance of Persian Books Published in the Indo-Pak Subcontinent
for Islamic and Turkic Studies.” At the conference, jointly organized by ISAM and the Institute of Turkic Studies, Marmara
University, a catalogue entitled Ketab Shenasiye Athare Chap
Shode dar Shabeh Qarreh Hind (Tehran 2012), prepared by
Naushahi and which includes the bibliographies of more than
20,000 books printed in Persian in the Indo-Pak subcontinent,
was also introduced.
The 27th and 28th issues of the
Turkish Journal of Islamic
Studies have been Published
The 27th issue of Turkish Journal of Islamic Studies contains articles by İsmail Altun (Hz. Ebû Bekir ile Hz. Fâtıma Arasında
Yaşanan Fedek Meselesine Sünnî ve Şîi Yaklaşımların Analizi),
M.Cüneyt Kaya (Şukûk alâ ‘Uyûn: ‘Uyûnü’l-mesâil’in Fârâbî’ye
Âidiyeti Üzerine), Necmi Derin (Hikmetü’l-‘Ayn Geleneğine
Göre Varlık: İbn Mübârekşah Yorumu), Engin Erden - Necmettin Pehlivan (Varlığın ve Yokluğun Ötesi: Kemalpaşazâde’nin
‘Leys ve Eys’in Anlamının İncelenmesine Dair Risâle’si), and
İrfan Başkurt (Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Kürsü Şeyhliği), a review essay by Mahmud ez-Zewadi and book reviews by Murat
Yaşar, Hatice Toksöz and Nebile Özmen as well as an obituary
on the late John Hicke by Adnan Aslan.
The 28th issue contains articles by A.Cüneyd Köksal (İslâm Hukuk Felsefesinde Fiillerin Ahlâkîliği Meselesi -Mukaddimât-ı
Erbaa’ya Giriş), Yasin Meral (Yahudi Din Bilgini Şlomo İbn
Adret’in İbn Hazm’a Reddiyesi: Maamar ‘al Yişmael), M. Taha
Boyalık (Kādî Abdülcebbâr’ın “Sözün Hakikati Teorisi” ve
Abdülkāhir el-Cürcânî’nin “Sözdizimi Teorisi” Bağlamında Bir
Eleştirisi), İsrafil Balcı (İslâm’ın İlk Kıblesinin el-Mescidü’lAksâ Olduğu İddialarının Kritiği ve Kıble Değişikliğinin Tarihsel Arka Planı), and Fatih Yahya Aziz (Abbâsîler’den Mısır’da
Kurulan Hanedanlara Vezirlik Müessesesi), book reviews by
Necdet Tosun, Abdullah Yıldırım, Nebi Mehdiyev, and Rabia
Soyucak, and obituaries on of Gai Eaton and Sahban Halifat by
S. Leyla Gürkan and Cihad Şenel, respectively.
More detailed information on the journal is available on www. and contributions can be made to
The 39th and 40th Issues of The
Journal of Ottoman Studies
have been Published
The 39th issue of the Journal of Ottoman Studies contains articles
by Zekeriya Kurşun (Does the Qatar Map of the Tigris and
Euphrates belong to Evliya Çelebi?), Bill Hickman (Note on a
Nineteenth Century Painting of the Sacred Precinct in Mecca),
Mary Pedley (Enlightenment Cartography at the Sublime
Porte: François Kauffer and the Survey of Constantinople),
Giancarlo Casale (From Hungary to Southeast Asia: The Ali
Macar Reis Atlas in a Global Context), Karen Pinto (Searchin’
his eyes, lookin’ for traces: Piri Reis’ World Map of 1513 &
its Islamic Iconographic Connections (A Reading Through
Bağdat 334 and Proust), Luis A. Robles Macias (Zodiac on Earth:
The Ecliptic on two sixteenth-century Ottoman World Maps),
Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont & Edith G. Ambros, (Cem et la
Légende de la Princesse Française Selon Evliyâ Çelebi), Eric R.
Dursteler (Infidel Foods: Food and Identity in Early Modern
Ottoman Travel Literature), Pınar Emiralioğlu (Relocating
the Center of the Universe: China and the Ottoman Imperial
Project in the Sixteenth Century), Marinos Sariyannis (Images
of the Mediterranean in an Ottoman Pirate Novel From the
Late Seventeenth Century), and Uğur Demir (Evliyâ Çelebi
Seyâhatnâmesi’nin Topkapı Sarayı Kütüphanesi’ne İntikali
Meselesi). It also contains book reviews by Virginia Aksan,
Adnan Tsiligkir, Hikmet Nazlı Pişkin, Feyza Saçmalı, Elif
Kök, and Duan Chengyao.
The 40th issue contains articles by Baki Tezcan (The Many
Lives of the First Non-Western History of the Americas:
From the New Report to the History of the West Indies), E.
Natalie Rothman (Visualizing a Space of Encounter: Intimacy,
Alterity, and Trans-Imperial Perspective in an OttomanVenetian Miniature Album), Emine Fetvacı (Others and Other
Geographies in the Şehnāme-i Selīm Ĥān), Zeynep Aydoğan
(Creating an Ideal Self: Representations of Infidels in the Late
Medieval Anatolian Frontier Narratives), Jean-Louis BacquéGrammont (L’Afrique dans la cosmographie de Kâtib Çelebi),
Sonja Brentjes (On two manuscripts by Abū Bakr b. Bahrām
al-Dimashqī (d. 1102/1691) related to W. and J. Blaeu’s Atlas
Maior), John J. Curry (An Ottoman Geographer Engages the
Early Modern World: Katip Çelebi’s Vision of East Asia and the
Pacific Rim in the Cihânnümâ), John-Paul A. Ghobria (Stories
Never Told: The First Arabic History of the New World),
Gottfried Hagen (Kātip Çelebi’s Maps and the Visualization
of Space in Ottoman Culture), Bruce McGowan (On Mevlevi
Organization), Svatopluk Soucek (Five Famous Ottoman
Turks of the Sixteenth Century), Meltem Toksöz (The World
of Mehmed Murad: Writing Histoires Universelles in Ottoman
Turkish), Nicolas Vatin (Arabes et Turcs au Maghreb dans
les années 1513-1520 d’après les Ġazavât-ı Ĥayrü-d-dîn
Paşa), Alexis Wick (Self-Portrait of the Ottoman Red Sea,
20th of July 1777), and Bilgin Aydın (XVI. Yüzyıl Osmanlı
Seyahatnâmeleri Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme). It also cotains
book reviews by Hüseyin Al, Hüseyin Demir, Rahime Edibali,
Mehmet Edibali, A. Teyfur Erdoğdu, Kahraman Şakul, Ceren
Ünlü E., and Faruk Yaslıçimen.
More detailed information on the journal is available on www. and contributions can be made to dergi.osmanli@
İsmail E. Erünsal – Mustafa Birol Ülker – Fatih Çardaklı,
İlahiyat Fakülteleri Tezler Kataloğu - 1953-2010 (Catalogue
of Theses in Theology Faculties of Turkey), İstanbul: İSAM
Yayınları, 2012. 1,060 pages. ISBN 978-605-588-684-3.
Rahmetullah el-Hindî, İzhârü’l-hak (trans. Ali Namlı –
Ramazan Muslu), I-II, İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2012, 480+394
pages, ISBN 978-605-5586-67-6 / 978-605-5586-68-3.
Doctoral Theses Series
Hilmi Demir, Delil ve İstidlâlin Mantıkî Yapısı-İlk Dönem
Sünnî Kelam Örneği (The Rational Structure of Evidence
and Deduction- The Example of Sunni Kalam in the Early
Period of Islam), İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2012, 298 pages,
ISBN 978-605-5586-89-8.
Mehmet Dağ, Geleneksel Kıraat Algısına Eleştirel Bir
Yaklaşım (A Critical Approach to the Traditional Perception of Qiraa), İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2011, 463 pages,
ISBN 978-605-5586-78-2.
Hacer Sibel Ünalan, Anadolu’daki Türk Kütüphaneleri (Turkish Libraries in Anatolia), İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2012, 538
pages, ISBN 978-605-5586-80-5.
Osman Aydınlı, Fethinden Sâmânîler’in Yıkılışına Kadar
Semerkant Tarihi (The History of Samarkand from the
Conquest till the Collapse of Samanids), İstanbul: İSAM
Yayınları, 2012, 596 pages, ISBN 978-605-5586-76-8.
Agil Şirinov, Nasîrüddin Tûsî’de Varlık ve Ulûhiyyet
(Existence and Uluhiyya in the Thought of Nasîrüddin
Tûsî), İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2012, 255 pages, ISBN 978605-5586-77-5.
Mehmet Eren, Hadis İlminde Rical Bilgisi ve Kaynakları
(The Knowledge of Rijal and its Sources in Hadith Discipline), İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2012, 727 pages,
ISBN 978-605-5586-79-9.
Adalet Çakır, Abdülkādir-i Geylânî ve Kādirîlik (Abdulkādir Geylânî and Qādirîs), İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2012,
I-II, 626+557 pages, ISBN 978-605-5586-94-2.
Islamic Culture Series
Hüseyin Sarıoğlu, İbn-i Rüşd (Averroes), İstanbul: İSAM
Yayınları, 2011, 195 pp, ISBN 978-605-5586-74-4.
Ramazan Şeşen, Eyyûbîler (Ayyubids) (1169-1260), İstanbul:
İSAM Yayınları, 2012, 253 pp, ISBN 978-605-5586-85-0.
Islam and the West by İbrahim Kalın, a book by ISAM
published in the Islamic Culture Series, was granted the
“Thought Award” by the Writers Union of Turkey. A Greek
translation of the book by Maria Ververidou has also been
published by Papazisi Publications in 2012.
For the year 2012, the details of the ISAM library collection are
as follows:
3,528 by sort
150,000 volumes)
Document Files
Ottoman Court Records
20,542 (registers)
Microfiche & Microfilm
The ISAM library is open throughout the week from 9AM to
11PM. Access to the library is available to graduate students
and researchers only. For more information, visit www.isam.
New Issues of the e-Journal “Yeni
Gelen Dergiler ve İçindekiler”
(Contents of Recently Arrived
Journals) have been Published
ISAM’s e-journal Yeni Gelen Dergiler ve İçindekiler (Contents
of Recently Arrived Journals) lists the contents of foreign academic journals regularly browsed at the Documentation Desk
of the ISAM Library. The latest issue of the journal (no 65) was
published in 2012. All the issues of the journal are available
in PDF format. For more information, contact the library at
Academic Publications and Papers of
ISAM Members
İsmail E. Erünsal, Mustafa Birol Ülker, Fatih Çardaklı, İlâhiyat Fakülteleri Tezler Kataloğu (1953-2010), Istanbul: ISAM
Press, 2012, 1060 pages, ISBN 978-605-588-684-3.
Suat Mertoğlu (ed.) İhsan et-Tercüman, Çekirge Yılı Kudüs
1915-1916, trc. Ali Benli, Arap Gözüyle Osmanlı 10, Istanbul:
Klasik Press, 2012, 328 pages, ISBN978-605-524-504-7.
Salime Leyla Gürkan, “Bir Yahudi Karşı-Geleneği Olarak
Yahudi Sekülerliği: Kökenleri ve Dinamikleri,” İnsan ve
Toplum, 2/4 (2012), pages 205-215; “Yahudilik’te Kadın
Algısı,” Bütün Yönleriyle Yahudilik, Dinler Tarihi Araştırmaları VIII, Ankara: Türkiye Dinler Tarihi Derneği Yayınları, 2012, pages 631-648.
Semih Ceyhan, “Osmanlı Mesnevî Şerhlerine Göre Ebü’lHasan Harakānî: İsmâil Rüsûhî Ankaravî ve Ahmed Avni
Konuk Örneği,” I. Uluslararası Harakānî Sempozyumu
(October 11-13, 2012, Kars Kafkas University).
Seyfi Kenan, “Behiç Efendi and the Role of His Lâyiha/
Report in the Transition from the Ancient Regime to the
New Order During the Selim III’s Rule,” Living Empire:
Ottoman Identities in Transition 1700-1850, Toronto 20-22
April 2012; “The Question of How to Know and Study Other
Cultures and Societies,” Zahle-University of Copenhagen,
Kopenhag September 21, 2012.
Ertuğrul Boynukalın, “Türkiye’de Tahkik Çalışmaları: ISAM
Tahkik Usulü,” ISAM Uluslararası Tahkik Çalıştayı, Istanbul
December 8-9, 2012.
Enis Karakaya, “Bizans Döneminde Bağdat Yolu (Üsküdarİzmit Arası),” Sanat Tarihi Yıllığı, XX (2012), pages 87-122.
Hüseyin Karaer, Malatya Bibliyografyası, Malatya: Malatya
Kitaplığı, 2012, 355 pages, 978-605-87068-1-1.
Ali Yücel Yürük, (project coordinator) Üsküdarlı Meşhurlar
Ansiklopedisi, ed. Âlim Kahraman, Istanbul: Üsküdar Belediyesi, 2012, 406 pages, 978-605-60594-3-8.
Abdullah Taha Orhan, (Introduction-Transcription) Hüseyin Vassâf, Vâkıât-Keşif Günlüğü, Istanbul: Büyüyenay
Yayınları, 2012, 267 pages, ISBN: 978-605-5166-01-4.
Muhammed Enes Topgül, “Bir Cerh Sebebi Olarak Teşeyyu‘
(Şiîlik Eğilimi) Kavramına Tarihsel Bir Bakış,” MÜİFD,
2012/1, edition 42, pages 47-76; “Hadis ve Bilim Adlı
Çalışma Üzerine Bazı Notlar,” Marife, 2012, XII, edition 1,
pages 189-203.
During 2012, ISAM hosted more
than fifty groups from outside
of Turkey and the projects and
activities of ISAM were introduced
to them along with Turkish Religious
Foundation and Istanbul 29 Mayıs
University. Below is a list of some of
the visiting groups.
Somalia Charitable Society for
Students of Science
(May 16, 2012)
Muhammed Muallim Yahyâ, the head of the Somalia Charitable Society for Students of Science, and a group of members from the society visited ISAM. The Somalian visitors expressed their pleasure with the activities of ISAM, as well as
the projects of the Turkish Religious Foundation in Somalia.
Grand Mufti of Ghana Osman
Nuhu Sharabutu
(May 21, 2012)
The Grand Mufti of Ghana, Osman Nuhu Sharabutu, was in
Turkey as a guest of Presidency of Religious Affairs of Turkey. In his visit to ISAM he expressed his thoughts on the importance of an Arabic translation of the TDV Encyclopedia of
Chaplains from the Lutheran
Church, Hamburg-Germany
(May 23, 2012)
A group of fifteen chaplains from Germany’s Lutheran
Church visited ISAM. In their meeting with Professor Tahsin
Görgün (İstanbul 29 Mayıs University), the group was given
information on the historical realities of the Qur’an, the relationship between religion and state in Turkey, and the place
of Alawism in Islam and Turkey.
Institute of Albanology, SkopjeMacedonia
(May 24, 2012)
Members of the Macedonian Albanology Institute visited
ISAM. The group expressed praise for ISAM’s activities and
obtained a copy of the TDV Encyclopedia of Islam as well as
other ISAM’s publications.
Chaplains from the Lutheran
Church, Denmark
(June 6, 2012)
A group of fifteen clerics from Denmark’s Lutheran Church
visited ISAM. In their meeting with Salime Leyla Gürkan, ISAM
research fellow, the group listened to a brief talk on Islam and
the activities of ISAM.
Committee for Religious
Endowments and Religious
Affairs of the Northern Iraq
Kurdistan Parliament
(July 5, 2012)
Dr. Bashir Khalil el-Haddad, head of the Committee for
Religious Endowments and Religious Affairs of the Northern
Iraq Kurdistan Parliament, accompanied by five members of
the Parliament, visited ISAM. In their meeting with Tuncay
Başoğlu, vice president of ISAM, the group expressed their
deep interest in the TDV Encyclopedia of Islam and stressed
the importance of it being translated into Arabic.
Japan Muslim Association
(August 29, 2012)
Amin Tokumasu, president of the Japan Muslim Association
(JMA), accompanied by a group of senior members of the JMA,
visited ISAM. The group donated a copy of a Japanese translation of the Qur’an to the ISAM library and were presented, in
turn, with the Mushaf (the Qur’an) published by ISAM.
The President of the Cuban
Islamic Union,
Imam Yahya Pedro
(September 19, 2012)
Imam Yahyâ Pedro, the acting president of the Islamic Union
of Cuba, a country home to approximately 8,000 Muslims, visited ISAM. During his visit, Imam Pedro was informed about
the supplement volumes of the TDV Encyclopedia of Islam and
was consulted on additional information regarding Cuba and
Islam in Cuba for the future edition of the encyclopedia.
Islamic Institute of
(September 6, 2012)
The rector and a number of academics of the Abu Hanifa
Islamic Institute of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia, visited ISAM. The group expressed their desire for ISAM’s
cooperation in preparing course books for their community.
Founded in 1983, the Abu Hanifa Islamic Institute is currently
home to ninety-two students.
The Center of Islamic Studies,
Northwest University for
Nationalities, Gansu-China
(September 24, 2012)
Professor Ma Ming Liang, president of the Center of Islamic
Studies of China’s Northwest University for Nationalities in the
state of Gansu, visited ISAM. Professor M. Akif Aydın, president
of ISAM, and Professor Liang discussed the possibilities for
academic cooperation between the two organizations.
President of Azerbaijan’s State
Committee for Work with
Religious Organizations
(October 12, 2012)
Elshad Iskenderov, the new president of Azerbaijan’s State
Committee for Work with Religious Organizations (SCWRO),
visited Turkey as his first official visit outside of Azerbaijan.
In his visit to ISAM, Iskenderov presented ISAM with The
Short Encyclopedia of Islam published by Azerbaijan’s newly
established the Center for Religious Studies.
The Head of Islamic Culture and
Head Organization
of Islamic Culture
in Iran,
Dr. Mohammed
Bagherin Iran,
Mohammed Bagher Khorramshad
(December 6, 2012)
Dr. Mohammed Bagher Khorramshad, the head of the Islamic
Culture and Relations Organization in Iran, visited ISAM.
Dr. Khorramshad showed particular interest in ISAM’s
publications and invited ISAM to the Qur’an Fair, which takes
place every year in Iran. He was presented with a set of TDV
Encyclopedia of Islam.

Benzer belgeler

The TDV Encyclopedia of Islam

The TDV Encyclopedia of Islam In the opening panel, chaired by ISAM President Prof. M. Akif Aydın and joined by İlber Ortaylı, İskender Pala, and Klaus Kreiser, the importance of a symposium themed Ottoman Istanbul was stressed...
